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Created April 25, 2012 15:00
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SetValidationResult helper function for updating a Knockout view model with validation errors from a simplified modelstate dictionary
SetValidationResult: function (viewModel, modelState) {
var trySetErrors = function (modelStateKey, modelStateErrors) {
var keySeparator = new RegExp("[.\\[\\]]+");
var propertyChain = modelStateKey.split(keySeparator);
var currentObject = viewModel;
var currentPropertyName = propertyChain.shift();
var targetObject = null;
while (currentObject && currentObject[currentPropertyName]) {
if (propertyChain.length === 0) {
targetObject = currentObject[currentPropertyName];
currentObject = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(currentObject[currentPropertyName]);
currentPropertyName = propertyChain.shift();
// If a property that matches the key is found, update the Errors observable
// array on that property and remove the key from the modelState object.
if (targetObject && targetObject.Errors && ko.isObservable(targetObject.Errors)) {
return true;
return false;
// For each key in the previous modelstate that is not included in the current one, try to reset the error collection
var lastModelState = viewModel._lastModelState;
if (lastModelState) {
for (var oldKey in lastModelState) {
if (!modelState[oldKey] || modelState[oldKey].length === 0) {
trySetErrors(oldKey, []);
// Save the current modelstate to be able to clear old errors on the next validation
viewModel._lastModelState = $.extend(true, { }, modelState); // Deep-clone with jQuery
// Set error collection for all keys in the current modelstate
for (var key in modelState) {
if (trySetErrors(key, modelState[key])) {
delete modelState[key];
// All remaining current modelstate errors are "global" - add them to the ValidationSummary
// observable array of the view model itself.
var globalErrors = [];
for (key in modelState) {
globalErrors = globalErrors.concat(modelState[key]);
if (!viewModel || !viewModel.ValidationSummary || !ko.isObservable(viewModel.ValidationSummary)) {
throw new Error("The view model does not have a 'ValidationSummary' property of type ko.observableArray, which is required to handle general validation errors.");
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