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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Example showing how to load 3D path from Piecemaker2
* Motion Bank research,
* Example of how to load a 3D path through Piecemaker2 API
import org.piecemaker2.api.*;
import org.piecemaker2.models.*;
PieceMakerApi api;
float[][] positions;
float[] boundingBox;
String s3_base_url = "";
String lab_data_base_url = "";
void setup ()
size( 360, 360 );
api = new PieceMakerApi( this, "", "0310XPC6JEeF0oCy" );
api.listAllGroups( api.createCallback( "groupsLoaded" ) );
void draw ()
background( 255 );
if ( positions != null && positions.length >= 0 )
stroke( 1 );
// center in window
translate( width/2, height/2 );
// center bbox
translate( - boundingBox[0] - (boundingBox[2]-boundingBox[0])/2.0,
- boundingBox[1] - (boundingBox[3]-boundingBox[1])/2.0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++ )
vertex( positions[i][0], positions[i][1] );
void groupsLoaded ( Group[] groups )
for ( Group g : groups )
// println( g.title );
if ( == 29 ) { // Deborah Hay group ID
api.getGroup(, api.createCallback("groupLoaded") );
void groupLoaded ( Group group )
// println( "Group '" + group.title + "' (#" + + ") loaded" );
api.listEventsOfType(, "data", api.createCallback( "groupEventsLoaded", group ) );
void groupEventsLoaded ( org.piecemaker2.models.Event[] groupEvents, Group group )
for ( org.piecemaker2.models.Event e : groupEvents )
//println( e.utc_timestamp + " " + e.type + " " + e.fields.get("type") + " " + e.fields.get("title") );
//println( lab_data_base_url + "/" + e.fields.get("data-file") );
if ( e.fields.get("data-file").toString().indexOf("D06T02") >= 0 )
loadData( e.fields.get("data-file").toString() );
// load data file, upscale and calc bouding box
void loadData ( String filename )
String path = lab_data_base_url + "/" + filename.replace( ".txt", "_com.txt" );
String[] values = loadStrings( path );
float[][] positionsTmp = new float[values.length/2][3];
float scale = 20;
float minx = 100000, miny = 100000, maxx = -100000, maxy = -100000;
for ( int i = 0, i2 = 0, vi = positionsTmp.length; i < vi; i++, i2+=2 )
String[] vs = values[i2].split( " " );
positionsTmp[i] = float( vs );
positionsTmp[i][0] = positionsTmp[i][0] * scale;
positionsTmp[i][1] = positionsTmp[i][1] * scale;
positionsTmp[i][2] = positionsTmp[i][2] * scale;
minx = min( minx, positionsTmp[i][0] );
miny = min( miny, positionsTmp[i][1] );
maxx = max( maxx, positionsTmp[i][0] );
maxy = max( maxy, positionsTmp[i][1] );
positions = positionsTmp;
boundingBox = new float[]{ minx, miny, maxx, maxy };
// println( boundingBox );
void piecemakerError ( int status, String err )
println( err );
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