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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Piecemeta API with Processing
Connecting to the Piecemeta API from Processing 3
2015 @ Motion Bank CCL-3 Melbourne
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Get them here:
import org.json.*;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.*;
import processing.core.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
class ApiRequest
PApplet papplet;
Method packageLoadedMethod = null,
userLoadedMethod = null,
channelsLoadedMethod = null,
streamsLoadedMethod = null,
oneStreamLoadedMethod = null;
String baseUrl;
String httpMethod = "GET";
ApiRequest( PApplet _papplet )
papplet = _papplet;
Method[] meths = papplet.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
for ( Method m : meths )
if ( m.getName().equals( "packageLoaded" ) ) packageLoadedMethod = m;
else if ( m.getName().equals( "userLoaded" ) ) userLoadedMethod = m;
else if ( m.getName().equals( "channelsLoaded" ) ) channelsLoadedMethod = m;
else if ( m.getName().equals( "streamsLoaded" ) ) streamsLoadedMethod = m;
else if ( m.getName().equals( "streamLoaded" ) ) oneStreamLoadedMethod = m;
void setBaseUrl ( String url )
baseUrl = new String(url);
void get ( String route )
httpMethod = "GET";
request( route );
void post ( String route )
httpMethod = "POST";
request( route );
void put ( String route )
httpMethod = "PUT";
request( route );
void delete ( String route )
httpMethod = "DELETE";
request( route );
void request ( String route )
System.out.println( route );
Method meth = null;
String [] routeParts = route.split("/");
if ( routeParts[0].equals("packages") ) {
if ( routeParts.length == 3 ) {
if ( routeParts[2].equals("channels") ) {
meth = channelsLoadedMethod;
else if ( routeParts.length == 2 ) meth = packageLoadedMethod;
else if ( routeParts[0].equals("users") ) meth = userLoadedMethod;
else if ( routeParts[0].equals("channels") ) {
if ( routeParts.length == 2 ) {
} else if ( routeParts[2].equals("streams") ) {
meth = streamsLoadedMethod;
else if ( routeParts[0].equals("streams") )
meth = oneStreamLoadedMethod;
new Thread(
new RequestImpl( baseUrl + "/" + route, papplet, meth )
class RequestImpl implements Runnable {
String url;
String method;
Object target;
Method callback;
RequestImpl ( String _url, Object _target, Method _callback ) {
url = new String (_url);
target = _target;
callback = _callback;
public void run ()
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
HttpMethodBase method = null;
if ( httpMethod.equals( "GET" ) ) {
GetMethod getMethod = new GetMethod( url );
method = getMethod;
} else if ( httpMethod.equals( "POST" ) ) {
} else if ( httpMethod.equals( "PUT" ) ) {
} else if ( httpMethod.equals( "DELETE" ) ) {
method.addRequestHeader( new Header( "Content-Type", "application/json" ) );
int statusCode = -1;
try {
statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// System.out.println( "Status code: " + statusCode );
if ( statusCode == 200 )
String response = null;
InputStream io = null;
try {
io = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();
} catch ( Exception e ) {
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String line = null;
try {
while ( (line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null )
stringBuilder.append(line + "\n");
} catch ( Exception e ) {
response = stringBuilder.toString();
//System.out.println( response );
Object jsonResponse = null;
try {
if ( response.startsWith("{") ) {
jsonResponse = new JSONObject( response );
} else if ( response.startsWith("[") ) {
jsonResponse = new JSONArray( response );
} catch (Exception e ) {
//System.out.println( jsonResponse );
try {
callback.invoke( target, new Object[]{ jsonResponse } );
} catch (Exception e) {
import oscP5.*;
import netP5.*;
String baseUrl = "";
String packageUrl = "packages/eb471dcb-af2f-45a9-870c-909e069bccbf";
ApiRequest api;
OscP5 oscP5;
int broadcastPort = 9090, listeningPort = 9091;
String broadcastHost = "localhost";
NetAddress broadcastLocation;
float[][] travelPath;
int atFrame = 0;
float[][] history = null;
ArrayList streamsToLoad;
void setup () {
size( 200, 200 );
oscP5 = new OscP5( this, listeningPort );
broadcastLocation = new NetAddress( broadcastHost, 9090 );
api = new ApiRequest( this );
api.setBaseUrl( baseUrl );
api.get( packageUrl );
frameRate( 25 );
void testSendOsc () {
OscMessage msg = new OscMessage("/test");
oscP5.send(msg, new NetAddress( broadcastHost, listeningPort ) );
void draw () {
background( 255 );
if ( travelPath != null )
translate( 20, height-20 );
float x = travelPath[0][atFrame] * 10,
y = travelPath[1][atFrame] * 10;
if ( history == null ) {
history = new float[2][20];
history[0][0] = x;
history[1][0] = y;
} else if ( dist(x,y,history[0][0],history[1][0]) > 5 ) {
float[][] tmp = new float[2][20];
history = tmp;
history[0][0] = x;
history[1][0] = y;
stroke( 0 );
vertex( x,-y );
for ( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
vertex( history[0][i], -history[1][i] );
fill( 255, 0, 0 );
ellipse( x, -y, 3, 3 );
fill( 0 );
text( atFrame, 2, 12 );
OscMessage msg = new OscMessage("/streams/3d-position/xy");
msg.add( x );
msg.add( y );
oscP5.send( msg, broadcastLocation );
atFrame %= travelPath[0].length;
// ----------
void oscEvent(OscMessage m)
println( m.addrPattern() );
// ----------
void packageLoaded ( org.json.JSONObject packageJson ) throws Exception
//println( packageJson );
String userUUID = packageJson.getString("user_uuid");
api.get( "users/" + userUUID );
String packageUUID = packageJson.getString("uuid");
api.get( "packages/" + packageUUID + "/channels" );
void userLoaded ( org.json.JSONObject userJson ) throws Exception
// println( userJson );
void channelsLoaded ( org.json.JSONArray channelsJson ) throws Exception
// println( channelsJson );
for ( int i = 0, n = channelsJson.length(); i < n; i++ )
org.json.JSONObject channelJson = channelsJson.getJSONObject(i);
String channelUUID = channelJson.getString("uuid");
String channelTitle = channelJson.getString("title");
if ( channelTitle.startsWith("D01T01") )
api.get("channels/" + channelUUID + "/streams");
void streamsLoaded ( org.json.JSONArray streamsJson ) throws Exception
streamsToLoad = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( int i = 0, n = streamsJson.length(); i < n; i++ ) {
org.json.JSONObject streamJson = streamsJson.getJSONObject(i);
String title = streamJson.getString( "title" );
streamsToLoad.add( streamJson.get("uuid") );
api.get("streams/" + streamsToLoad.remove(0) );
void streamLoaded ( org.json.JSONObject streamJson ) throws Exception
float[][] frames3D = null;
int totalFrames;
String title = streamJson.getString("title");
org.json.JSONArray frames = streamJson.getJSONArray( "frames" );
if ( travelPath != null )
frames3D = new float[3][travelPath[0].length];
System.arraycopy( travelPath, 0, frames3D, 0, travelPath.length );
if ( frames3D == null ) {
totalFrames = frames.length()/2; // 50 fps to 25 fps …
frames3D = new float[3][totalFrames];
int value = title.equals("x") ? 0 : ( title.equals("y") ? 1 : 2 );
for ( int ii = 0, k = 0, ni = frames3D[value].length; ii < ni; ii++, k+=2 )
frames3D[value][ii] = (float)(frames.getDouble(k));
if ( streamsToLoad.size() > 0 ) {
api.get("streams/" + streamsToLoad.remove(0) );
travelPath = frames3D;
mode=Java (2.0)
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