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Created August 14, 2022 04:09
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pentomino solver
import string
from copy import deepcopy
from random import shuffle
_ = None
# O to Z
piece_labels = string.ascii_uppercase[-12:]
piece_shape = {}
piece_shape["O"] = [["@", "@", "@", "@", "@"]]
piece_shape["P"] = [["@", "@", "@"],
["@", "@"]]
piece_shape["Q"] = [["@", "@", "@", "@"],
piece_shape["R"] = [["@", "@"],
[ _, "@", "@"],
[ _, "@"]]
piece_shape["S"] = [[ _, "@", "@", "@"],
["@", "@"]]
piece_shape["T"] = [["@"],
["@", "@", "@"],
piece_shape["U"] = [["@", "@", "@"],
["@", _, "@"]]
piece_shape["V"] = [["@", "@", "@"],
piece_shape["W"] = [[ _, "@", "@"],
["@", "@"],
piece_shape["X"] = [[ _, "@"],
["@", "@", "@"],
[ _, "@"]]
piece_shape["Y"] = [["@", "@", "@", "@"],
[ _, "@"]]
piece_shape["Z"] = [["@", "@"],
[ _, "@"],
[ _, "@", "@"]]
class Piece:
def __init__(self, label):
self.label = label
shape = piece_shape[label]
minos = []
for y, row in enumerate(shape):
for x, blk in enumerate(row):
if blk:
minos.append((y, x))
self.minos = minos
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.label == other.label
def __str__(self):
return self.label
def possible_positions(self, location, board):
yspan = len(board)
xspan = len(board[0])
# randomize piece direction
turn_factors = [i for i in range(0, 8)]
done = set()
for factor in turn_factors:
for center_cell in range(0, PENTO):
position = MinoPosition(self.minos)
position.move(center_cell, location)
# for deduplicating symmetry
key = tuple(position.minos)
if key in done:
if position.is_inside(yspan, xspan) and position.can_fit(board):
yield position
class MinoPosition:
def __init__(self, minos):
self.minos = minos
def turn_flip(self, factor):
if factor == 0:
elif factor == 1:
self.minos = [(x, -y) for y, x in self.minos]
elif factor == 2:
self.minos = [(-y, -x) for y, x in self.minos]
elif factor == 3:
self.minos = [(-x, y) for y, x in self.minos]
elif factor == 4:
self.minos = [(y, -x) for y, x in self.minos]
elif factor == 5:
self.minos = [(-x, -y) for y, x in self.minos]
elif factor == 6:
self.minos = [(-y, x) for y, x in self.minos]
elif factor == 7:
self.minos = [(x, y) for y, x in self.minos]
def move(self, basecell, center):
y0, x0 = self.minos[basecell]
self.minos = [(cy - y0 + center[0], cx - x0 + center[1]) for cy, cx in self.minos]
def is_inside(self, yspan, xspan):
return all([0 <= m[0] < yspan and 0 <= m[1] < xspan for m in self.minos])
def can_fit(self, board):
return all([board[m[0]][m[1]] is None for m in self.minos])
def __repr__(self):
return "MinoPosition(" + repr(self.minos) +")"
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.minos)
pieces = [Piece(s) for s in piece_labels]
class NoAnswer(Exception):
def __init__(self, board):
# board not a solition
self.board = board
trial = 0
def backtrack(pointer, remaining_pieces, board):
global trial
ny = len(board)
nx = len(board[0])
while pointer < nx * ny:
y = pointer // nx
x = pointer % nx
# find the next empty cell
if board[y][x] is not None:
pointer += 1
# try all pieces and positions
for piece in remaining_pieces:
for piece_position in piece.possible_positions([y, x], board):
board2 = deepcopy(board)
for my, mx in piece_position:
board2[my][mx] = piece.label
remaining_pieces2 = [p for p in remaining_pieces if p != piece]
return backtrack(pointer + 1, remaining_pieces2, board2)
except NoAnswer as e:
trial += 1
# print progress
if trial % 1000 == 0:
print("#trial:", trial)
raise NoAnswer(board)
return board
def print_board(board):
for row in board:
print(" ".join([c if c else "." for c in row]))
# should YSPAN >= XSPAN. it makes calc faster.
plain_board = [[None] * XSPAN for _ in range(YSPAN)]
if __name__ == "__main__":
board = deepcopy(plain_board)
for y, x in [(3,3), (3,4), (4,3), (4,4)]:
board[y][x] = "#"
answer = backtrack(0, pieces, board)
print("#trial:", trial)
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