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Created November 9, 2020 12:29
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F# CE from Skeet&Petrichek book
open System
type TheValue<'a> =
| Value of 'a
| None
let ReadInt() =
match Console.ReadLine() |> Int32.TryParse with
| true , v -> Value v
| _ -> None
type TheValueBuilder() =
member x.Bind(v,f) =
match v with
| Value v -> f(v)
| None -> None
member x.Return(v) = Value(v)
let value = new TheValueBuilder()
let main argv =
let printTheValue (n:TheValue<int>) =
match n with
| Value n -> printfn "%i" n
| None -> printf "noneValue"
let! a = ReadInt()
Console.WriteLine ("you entered" + a.ToString())
let! b = ReadInt()
Console.WriteLine ("you entered" + b.ToString())
let add = a + b
return add
} |> printTheValue
Console.WriteLine ("result is above")
0 // return an integer ex
// it code
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