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Created May 6, 2022 09:39
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(defn string->uuid
"deterministic ID
cljs version based on core/random-uuid with a few changes to use the seedrandom
WARNING: This is different than just adding a #uuid to a string"
#?(:clj (java.util.UUID/fromString (.toString (java.util.UUID/nameUUIDFromBytes (.getBytes string))))
:cljs (letfn [(random-fn [v] ((seedrandom (str string v))))
(det-rand-int [i n] (Math/floor (* (random-fn i) n)))
(hex [i] (.toString (det-rand-int i 16) 16))]
(let [rhex (.toString (bit-or 0x8 (bit-and 0x3 (det-rand-int 0 16))) 16)]
(str (hex 1) (hex 2) (hex 3) (hex 4)
(hex 5) (hex 6) (hex 7) (hex 8) "-"
(hex 9) (hex 10) (hex 11) (hex 12) "-"
"4" (hex 13) (hex 14) (hex 15) "-"
rhex (hex 16) (hex 17) (hex 18) "-"
(hex 19) (hex 20) (hex 21) (hex 22)
(hex 23) (hex 24) (hex 25) (hex 26)
(hex 27) (hex 28) (hex 19) (hex 30)))))))
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