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Last active September 7, 2022 12:51
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Mastering emacs shortcuts and important stuff

Mastering emacs shortcuts and important stuff. Under frequent revision...

key Cmd
C-x d Open Dir
C-g Quit all the things
C-x C-f File Open
C-x C-s File Save
C-x k Kill Buffer
C-x <-/-> Previous/Next Buffer
C-x C-b List all buffers - ibuffer
C-x b Open/new buffer


  • M-x shell: Dumb terminal buffer
  • M-x term: proper ansi terminal emulator. C-c C-j line mode (to use it as a normal emacs buffer). C-c C-k char mode (normal terminal mode)
  • M-x eshell: elisp emulator


key Cmd
C-8 something Repeate
C-v Scroll down
M-v Scroll up
C-M-v Scroll down other window
C-M-- C-M-v Scroll up the other window
C-u M-| run shell command on selection (eg python -m json.tool)
C-x C-+ (-) increase buffer font size


key Cmd
C-a Move to the beggining of the line
M-m Move to first non white space in line
C-e Move to end of line
M-f Move forward one word
M-b Move backwards one word
C-f Move forward one character
C-b Move backwords one character
C-p Move to previous line
C-n Move to next line
M-</> (C-u C-SPC) Move to begining/end of buffer
C-SPC C-SPC Sets the mark but disables the region
C-x C-x Exchanges the point and the mark and reactivates the last region
M-g g Go to Line
M-i imenu (List functions in buffer)
C-r Scrolls buffer around line (cool for quick look ups)
M-@ mark word
C-x C-\ goto-last-change
C-x C-SPC move to where cursor was (useful if you made a mistake)


key Cmd
C-x c prefix
C-x c C-c g google completion
helm-for-files helm search file feature


key Cmd
M-( Wrap
C-right Forward slurp
C-M-left Backward slurp
C-left Forward barf
C-M-right Backward barf
C-M-k Kills the balanced exp
C-M-f/b Move between sexp
C-M-n/p Move forward to the next/pevious list
C-M-d/u Move down/up into a list
C-SPC Select sexp

Search and replace

key Cmd
C-s/C-r Regex search in buffer. C-s/C-r again to cycle (C-x C-x to go back)
C-w Adds word at point to search string
C-M-y/w Adds/removes char at point
M-s w Toggles word mode
M-x occur Isearch like nice feature
(M-g) M-n/p Cycle occurences
e switch to occur edit mode
C-c C-c Exists edit mode and applies changes
M-x multi-occur-in-matching-buffers multi occur
C-M-% query regexp search and replace (works from isearch)
M-% query search and replace (works from isearch)
y . , ! u confirm/replace and exit/replace and stay/all/undo

Selection / kill Ring

key Cmd
C-spc Create selection
backspace Delete selected region
C-w Kill region
M-w Copy Region - add to Ring
M-d Deletes word - adds to Kill Ring
C-y Yanks killed text
M-y Cycles next item on Kill Ring
C-k Kill Line from point
C-S-BKS Kill line
C-cy Yank menu
C-M-k Kill s-expression
C-M-w Apperd new kill to an old kill

Commands M-x

key Cmd
package-list-packages Handling Packages
replace-string replaces string in buffer or selected region
cider-jack-in fires cider repl
upcase-initials-region Capitalizes region
count-words Counts lines, words, and characters in buffer
flush(keep)-lines Flushes or deletes lines in a buffer (usefull for logs)
delete-trailing-whitespace Deletes all trailing whitespace
align-regex aligns region usig regex in the minibuffer
C-u M-c align-regex.  complex align command, aligns multiple columns. bit brainfuck


key Cmd
C-h s Syntax table
C-h k bindind get help for keybinding
C-h f get help for function
prefix C-h get help for any key prefix
C-h a apropos command (list commands that match a pattern). Also check M-x apropos-variable
M-x info or C-h i info manual
M-x info-appropos Search info manual for a string
C-h d Search doc strings of elisp code
C-h m Finds mode command


key Cmd
C-x o Switch to another window
C-x 1 Delete all other windows, leaving only the current one. Does not close buffers
C-x 2 Split frame above and below
C-x 3 Split horizontal
C-x 0 Delete current window
C-c left/rig Undo/redo window state (needs winner-mode on)
S-arrows Move around frames


key Cmd
C-c M-j cider jack in
C-h m Help in cider
C-x C-e Evaluate in repl
C-c M-n Set namespace in repl
C-c C-k Compile current buffer in the repl session
C-up/down repl history
C-c C-d C-d Docs in the repl, q to quit
M-./M-, Show source code in the repl, return to repl
C-c C-d C-a find arbitrary search across function names and docs
C-c M-p Load the form preceding point in the REPL buffer.
C-c C-b Interrupt repl evaluation
C-c C-o clean last repl output
C-c M-n n Select namespace
C-c C-u Kill input
C-p/n     navigate downwards/upwards (RET to past exp in input)
M-p/n after cider-repl-next-matching-input
C-M-r cider restart
C-c u cider user ns in repl
C-c C-t C-t runs test
C-c C-t C-n runs all tests in namespace
C-c C-u undefine symbols if you delete a test from the test namespace


key Cmd
C-M-q Reindents sexp
C-M-\ Indents region using major mode indent command
C-x TAB Hard indent
C-/ Undo
C-j New Line and Indent (now RET)
M-/ DAbbrev (configured as Hippie Expand) - expands word at the point, press again to cycle
C-M-/ DAbbrev (configured as Hippie Expand) - cycles through possible expansions of the text before point
M-\ Delete all spaces and tabs around point
C-d Deletes the caracter at point
M-d Kill word
C-M-k kill s-expression
C-t transpose characters
M-t transpose words (ignores symbols)
C-M-t transpose s-expressions
C-x C-t transpose lines
M-q Refill command (commands and stuff)
C-x C-; comments current line
M-j indent new line in comment
C-x C-u/l Upper(lower)cases the region
M-c Capitalizes next word, (M-- inverts)
M-u/l Upper(lower)cases next word, (M-- inverts)
C-o Inserts a blank line after point
C-x C-o Deletes all blank lines after the point
M-ˆ Joins the line the point is on with the one above
C-x C-t Transposes lines
C-t  Transposes char
M-q Refils Paragraph/comments (C-x f sets fill width)
M-z kills up to a given character


Key Cmd
C-x d Prompts for dir
C-d lists dir when for instance in open file mode
i appends sub-dir to buffer
q returns to parent dir
o visits file in another buffer
C-o opens file in another buffer
v opens file in same buffer in view mode


Key Cmd
C-c-p f projectile-find-file


key Cmd
C-x r m Set a bookmark
r l List bookmarks
r b Jump to bookmarks


key Cmd
C-x r s Store region in registry
C-x r j jump to register
C-x r i insert content of register


key Cmd
M-x rgrep recursive grep with a bunch of defaults
M-g M-n Next occurence
M-g M-p Previous occurence


key Cmd
C-u C-M-x evaluate function

Multiple cursors

key Cmd
C-S-c C-S-c Cursors in region
C-, mark-previous-like-this
C-. mark-next-like-this
C-c C-, mark-all-like-this
C-x r y pastes multiple cursor (rectangle kill ring)
C-x r k kills multiple cursor (rectangle kill ring)
set-rectangular-region-anchor Sublime way of selecting multiple lines
C-v / M-v scroll between your cursors

spell checking

key Cmd
M-$ spell check word
M-x flyspell-mode minor mode that highlights spelling errors
M-x flyspell-prog-mode spell checks comments and doc string
M-x ispell-buffer Runs spell check on buffer
M-x ispell-region
  • more useful stuff on how to use flyspell minor mode on Mastering Emacs


  • M-x ielm elisp repl
  • C-x C-e eval expression
  • M-C-x eval and reasigns new definition to var or function. just evaling it doesn't reasign it.


Buffer variables: doing a setq only sets the variable for the current buffer: ex:

  • show-trailing-whitspace
  • auto-complete-mode
  • describe-personal-keybindings (shows keybindgs defined in emacs config)

non-emacs (should rename the gist at some point)


key Cmd
cmd / shortcut list
cmd k slack - channels
cmd shift k slack - channels
alt shift arrow up/down navigate unread DM
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