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Created February 16, 2020 14:03
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QQ Bot
#pragma comment(lib, "E:/Windows Kits/10/Lib/10.0.18362.0/um/x86/ws2_32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "E:/Windows Kits/10/Lib/10.0.18362.0/um/x86/crypt32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "E:/Windows Kits/10/Lib/10.0.18362.0/um/x86/Wldap32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "E:/Windows Kits/10/Lib/10.0.18362.0/um/x86/Normaliz.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "D:/greensoft/curl-7.68.0/builds/libcurl-vc-x86-release-static-ipv6-sspi-winssl/lib/libcurl_a.lib")
#include <cqcppsdk/cqcppsdk.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
using namespace nlohmann;
using namespace cq;
using namespace std;
using Message = cq::message::Message;
using MessageSegment = cq::message::MessageSegment;
using cq::utils::base64_encode;
using cq::utils::base64_decode;
string path = "D:\\CFBot\\";
string to_lower(string s) {
for (auto& c : s) c = tolower(c);
return s;
typedef long long ll;
string to_str(ll u) {
char buf[100];
sprintf(buf, "%lld", u);
return buf;
bool possible_cf_handle(string u) {
int l = u.size();
if (l < 3 || l > 24) return 0;
for (auto c : u)
if (!(isdigit(c) || isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '.')) return 0;
return 1;
struct duel_info {
string winner, loser;
pair<int, string> problem;
int time;
int accept;
struct user_info {
string handle;
bool silent;
int point;
vector<duel_info> vec;
map<ll, user_info> user_list;
map<string, ll> handles;
void to_json(json& j, const duel_info& p) {
j = json{{"winner", p.winner}, {"loser", p.loser}, {"problem", p.problem}, {"time", p.time}};
void from_json(const json& j, duel_info& p) {"winner").get_to(p.winner);"loser").get_to(p.loser);"problem").get_to(p.problem);"time").get_to(p.time);
p.accept = 0;
void to_json(json& j, const user_info& p) {
j = json{{"handle", p.handle}, {"vec", p.vec}, {"silent", p.silent}, {"point", p.point}};
void from_json(const json& j, user_info& p) {"handle").get_to(p.handle);"vec").get_to(p.vec);"silent").get_to(p.silent);
if (!j.count("point"))
p.point = 1000;
void save_user(ll w) {
if (!user_list.count(w)) {
remove((path + to_str(w) + ".json").c_str());
throw invalid_argument("no such user!");
user_info s = user_list[w];
std::ofstream o(path + to_str(w) + ".json");
o << json(s);
vector<string> split_by_space(string u) {
vector<string> o;
string v;
u = u + " ";
for (auto c : u) {
if (c == ' ') {
if (v != "") o.push_back(v);
v = "";
} else
return o;
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
map<ll, string> pending_bind;
map<ll, ll> pending_bind_t;
static size_t WriteCallback(void* contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp) {
((std::string*)userp)->append((char*)contents, size * nmemb);
return size * nmemb;
string download_file(string url, int tl = 10) {
CURL* curl;
CURLcode res;
std::string readBuffer;
try {
curl = curl_easy_init();
if (curl) {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, tl);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &readBuffer);
res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
return readBuffer;
} catch (...) {
return "";
json problems;
map<int, vector<pair<int, string>>> problem_difficulty;
map<pair<int, string>, int> diff_pro;
void refresh_problems() {
ifstream t(path + "problemset.problems");
std::string u((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
string u = download_file("", 100);
if (u == "") {
logging::info("错误", "刷新题目失败");
problems = json::parse(u);
map<int, vector<pair<int, string>>> p2;
int cnt = 0;
for (auto t : problems["result"]["problems"]) {
if (!t.count("rating")) continue;
bool special = 0;
for (auto s : t["tags"])
if (s == "*special") special = 1;
if (special) continue;
diff_pro[make_pair((int)t["contestId"], (string)t["index"])] = t["rating"];
p2[t["rating"]].push_back(make_pair((int)t["contestId"], (string)t["index"]));
problem_difficulty = p2;
logging::info("成功", "刷新题目成功,获取了" + to_str(cnt) + "道题目");
int streak(ll qq) {
auto& w = user_list[qq];
int cw = 0;
for (auto t : w.vec)
if (t.winner == w.handle)
cw = 0;
return cw;
ll to_qq(string qq) {
if (qq.find("[CQ:at") == 0) qq = qq.substr(qq.find("qq=") + 3, qq.size() - 2);
qq = message::unescape(qq);
if (qq.size() >= 2 && qq[0] == '[' && qq.back() == ']') {
string u = qq.substr(1, qq.size() - 2);
if (handles.count(to_lower(u))) return handles[to_lower(u)];
return atoll(qq.c_str());
vector<duel_info> duels;
bool in_duel(string u) {
for (auto p : duels)
if (p.loser == u || p.winner == u) return 1;
return 0;
bool in_duel(ll t) {
return in_duel(user_list[t].handle);
string pe() {
string g = download_file("");
g = g.substr(g.find("<ul style="));
g = g.substr(0, g.find("</ul>"));
string w = "";
int ig = 0;
for (auto c : g) {
if (c == '<') {
ig = 1;
if (w.empty() || w[w.size() - 1] == '\n')
} else if (c == '>')
ig = 0;
else if (!ig) {
if (c == ' ' && (w.empty() || w[w.size() - 1] == ' '))
while (w.size() && (w.back() == ' ' || w.back() == '\n')) w.pop_back();
int j = -1, k1, k2;
while (1) {
k1 = w.find("am", j + 1);
k2 = w.find("pm", j + 1);
if (k1 == -1 && k2 == -1) break;
if (k1 == -1) k1 = 1e9;
if (k2 == -1) k2 = 1e9;
j = min(k1, k2);
int c = j;
while (c > 0 && w[c] != ',') --c;
while (c > 0 && w[c] != ',') --c;
c += 2;
string u = w.substr(c, j - c + 2);
u.erase(u.begin() + u.find(' ') - 1);
u.erase(u.begin() + u.find(' ') - 1);
while (u[u.find(' ') + 4] != ' ') u.erase(u.begin() + u.find(' ') + 4);
std::tm t = {};
std::istringstream ss(u);
ss >> std::get_time(&t, "%d %b %Y, %R %p");
auto uu = std::mktime(&t) + 8 * 3600;
std::tm* ptm = std::localtime(&uu);
char buffer[32];
std::strftime(buffer, 32, "%Y/%d/%m %H:%M:%S", ptm);
w.insert(j + 2, " [UTC+8: " + string(buffer) + "]");
return w;
string problem_desc(pair<int, string> pro) {
return to_str(pro.first)+pro.second+"{" + to_str(diff_pro[pro]) + "}";
std::mt19937 rng(time(0) + clock());
on_enable([] {
for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(path)) {
string u = entry.path().u8string();
string v = entry.path().filename().u8string();
if (v.size() < 5 || v.substr(v.size() - 5) != ".json") continue;
ifstream t(u);
std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
ll uid = atoll(v.substr(0, v.size() - 5).c_str());
user_info ui = json::parse(str);
user_list[uid] = ui;
handles[to_lower(ui.handle)] = uid;
logging::info("启用", "成功读取" + to_str(user_list.size()) + "条数据");
on_private_message([](const PrivateMessageEvent& e) {});
on_message([](const MessageEvent& e) {});
on_group_message([](const GroupMessageEvent& e) {
static const set<ll> admin_list = {1014768217};
static const set<ll> enabled_groups = {1053740640, 617894285};
if (!enabled_groups.count(e.group_id)) return;
if (e.message.substr(0, 1) != ";") return;
if (e.is_anonymous()) return;
bool is_admin = admin_list.count(e.user_id);
string msg = e.message.substr(1);
vector<string> msg_vec = split_by_space(msg);
try {
string op =;
if (op == "pe") {
send_group_message(e.group_id, pe());
} else if (op == "bind") {
if (user_list.count(e.user_id)) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "您已经绑定Codeforces账号");
} else if (pending_bind.count(e.user_id)) {
string hd = pending_bind[e.user_id];
if (handles.count(to_lower(hd))) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "该Codeforces账号已被绑定,请重新开始绑定");
throw invalid_argument("used handle");
if (user_list.count(e.user_id)) throw invalid_argument("already in user list");
string rt =
download_file("" + hd + "&from=1&count=10");
if (rt == "") {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "绑定失败,未知错误,请重新开始绑定");
throw invalid_argument("invalid");
json w = json::parse(rt);
if (w["status"] != "OK") {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "绑定失败,未知错误,请重新开始绑定");
throw invalid_argument("invalid");
bool success = 0;
for (auto t : w["result"]) {
if (t["problem"]["name"] == "Theatre Square") {
long long w = t["creationTimeSeconds"] - pending_bind_t[e.user_id];
if (w <= 65 && w >= 0) success = 1;
if (!success) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "绑定失败,未找到合法提交,请重新开始绑定");
throw invalid_argument("invalid");
user_info u;
u.handle = hd;
u.point = 1000;
u.silent = true;
user_list[e.user_id] = u;
handles[to_lower(hd)] = e.user_id;
send_group_message(e.group_id, "您已成功绑定Codeforces账号");
} else {
string ou =;
if (!possible_cf_handle(ou)) throw invalid_argument("should be valid codeforces handle");
if (handles.count(to_lower(ou))) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "该Codeforces账号已被绑定");
throw invalid_argument("used handle");
pending_bind[e.user_id] = ou;
pending_bind_t[e.user_id] = time(0);
"正在为 [CQ:at,qq=" + to_str(e.user_id) + "] 绑定账号 [" + ou
+ "],请注意一旦绑定成功后无法解绑。请在一分钟内提交一个Compile Error: ,并输入;bind");
} else if (op == "get") {
string qq =;
long long s = to_qq(qq);
if (!user_list.count(s))
send_group_message(e.group_id, "未找到 " + to_str(s) + " 所绑定的Codeforces账号");
else {
auto& r = user_list[s];
to_str(s) + " 绑定的Codeforces账号为 [" + r.handle
+ "]" + r.handle);
} else if (op == "duel") {
string op2 =;
if (op2 == "history") {
ll ppl = (msg_vec.size() >= 3) ? to_qq(msg_vec[2]) : e.user_id;
if (!user_list.count(ppl)) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "该qq号不存在或未绑定Codeforces账号");
throw invalid_argument("");
string hd = user_list[ppl].handle;
auto& t = user_list[ppl].vec;
int win = 0, lose = 0;
for (auto u : t)
if (u.winner == hd)
string msg = to_str(ppl) + " [" + hd + "] 胜" + to_str(win) + " 负" + to_str(lose) + "\n";
msg += "当前连胜" + to_str(streak(ppl)) + " 积分" + to_str(user_list[ppl].point);
if (t.size()) {
for (auto u = t.rbegin(); u != t.rend(); ++u)
msg = msg + "\n[" + u->winner + "] 打败了 [" + u->loser + "] " + problem_desc(u->problem)
+ " (" + to_str(u->time) + "s)";
send_group_message(e.group_id, msg);
throw invalid_argument("");
} else if (op2 == "ongoing") {
auto v = duels;
vector<duel_info> vt;
std::shuffle(v.begin(), v.end(), rng);
int t0 = 0, t1 = 0;
for (auto c : v) {
if (c.accept)
++t1, vt.push_back(c);
string ut = "当前有" + to_str(t0) + "个未接受的对战和" + to_str(t1) + "个进行中的对战。";
for (auto w : vt) {
ut += "\n进行中:[" + w.winner + "] vs [" + w.loser + "] " + to_str(time(0) - w.time) + "s";
send_group_message(e.group_id, ut);
throw invalid_argument("");
} else if (op2 == "list") {
vector<pair<ll, string>> vs;
for (auto t : user_list)
if (!t.second.silent) {
vs.push_back(make_pair(t.first, t.second.handle));
string ut = "当前有" + to_str(vs.size()) + "位接受对战的成员。";
for (auto t : vs) ut += "\n" + to_str(t.first) + " [" + t.second + "]";
send_group_message(e.group_id, ut);
throw invalid_argument("");
if (!user_list.count(e.user_id)) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "请先绑定Codeforces账号");
throw invalid_argument("");
ll cq = e.user_id;
if (op2 == "toggle") {
auto& t = user_list[e.user_id].silent;
if (!t)
send_group_message(e.group_id, "已为您暂时关闭迎战功能");
send_group_message(e.group_id, "已为您重新开启迎战功能");
t ^= 1;
} else if (op2 == "challenge") {
string op =;
ll opq = to_qq(op);
if (!user_list.count(opq)) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "未找到 " + to_str(opq) + " 绑定的Codeforces账号");
throw invalid_argument("");
if (opq == cq) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "无法自己挑战自己");
throw invalid_argument("");
if (in_duel(cq)) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "您已在对战中");
throw invalid_argument("");
if (in_duel(opq)) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "对方已在对战中");
throw invalid_argument("");
if (user_list[opq].silent) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "对方目前关闭了迎战功能");
throw invalid_argument("");
ll diff = atoll(;
auto& vec = problem_difficulty[diff];
if (vec.size() < 10) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "难度为" + to_str(diff) + "的题目不存在或过少");
} else {
pair<int, string> u = vec[uniform_int_distribution<>(0, vec.size() - 1)(rng)];
duel_info t;
t.accept = 0;
t.winner = user_list[cq].handle;
t.loser = user_list[opq].handle;
t.problem = u;
"[CQ:at,qq=" + to_str(cq) + "]向[CQ:at,qq=" + to_str(opq)
+ "]发起了挑战,题目难度为" + to_str(diff)
+ "!输入;duel accept以接受,;duel decline以退出。");
} else if (op2 == "decline") {
if (!in_duel(cq)) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "您不在对战中");
throw invalid_argument("");
string ch = user_list[cq].handle;
for (auto t = duels.begin(); t != duels.end(); ++t) {
if (t->loser == ch || t->winner == ch) {
"已为您退出当前对战[CQ:at,qq=" + to_str(handles[to_lower(t->loser)])
+ "][CQ:at,qq=" + to_str(handles[to_lower(t->winner)]) + "]");
} else if (op2 == "accept") {
if (!in_duel(cq)) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "您不在对战中");
throw invalid_argument("");
string ch = user_list[cq].handle;
for (auto t = duels.begin(); t != duels.end(); ++t) {
if (t->loser == ch || t->winner == ch) {
if (t->accept)
send_group_message(e.group_id, "当前对战已开始");
else if (t->loser == ch) {
t->accept = 1;
t->time = time(0);
"[CQ:at,qq=" + to_str(handles[to_lower(t->winner)])
+ "]与[CQ:at,qq=" + to_str(handles[to_lower(t->loser)])
+ "]的对战开始了!如果你见过这道题目,可以输入;duel decline");
+ to_str(t->problem.first) + "/" + t->problem.second);
} else
send_group_message(e.group_id, "您为当前对战发起者");
} else if (op2 == "check") {
if (!in_duel(cq)) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "您不在对战中");
throw invalid_argument("");
string ch = user_list[cq].handle;
for (auto t = duels.begin(); t != duels.end(); ++t) {
if (t->loser == ch || t->winner == ch) {
if (!t->accept) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "当前对战未开始");
throw invalid_argument("");
string p1 = t->winner, p2 = t->loser;
bool pend1 = false, pend2 = false;
ll inf = 1e18;
ll t1 = inf, t2 = inf;
ll tu1 = inf, tu2 = inf;
string o1 =
download_file("" + p1 + "&count=10");
if (o1 == "") {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "网络错误");
throw invalid_argument("");
string o2 =
download_file("" + p2 + "&count=10");
if (o2 == "") {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "网络错误");
throw invalid_argument("");
json w1 = json::parse(o1), w2 = json::parse(o2);
if (w1["status"] != "OK" || w2["status"] != "OK") {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "网络错误");
throw invalid_argument("");
auto cp = t->problem;
auto tm = t->time;
for (auto t : w1["result"]) {
auto pg = make_pair((int)t["problem"]["contestId"], (string)t["problem"]["index"]);
if (pg != cp) continue;
if (t["creationTimeSeconds"] < tm) continue;
if (t["verdict"] == "OK") t1 = min(t1, t["creationTimeSeconds"]);
if (t["verdict"] == "TESTING") pend1 = true, tu1 = min(tu1, t["creationTimeSeconds"]);
for (auto t : w2["result"]) {
auto pg = make_pair((int)t["problem"]["contestId"], (string)t["problem"]["index"]);
if (pg != cp) continue;
if (t["creationTimeSeconds"] < tm) continue;
if (t["verdict"] == "OK") t2 = min(t2, t["creationTimeSeconds"]);
if (t["verdict"] == "TESTING") pend2 = true, tu2 = min(tu2, t["creationTimeSeconds"]);
tu1 = min(tu1, t1);
tu2 = min(tu2, t2);
if (t1 == inf && t2 == inf) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "尚未有人通过");
throw invalid_argument("");
if (t1 < tu2) {
t->time = t1 - t->time;
} else if (t2 < tu1 || t1 == t2) {
t->time = t2 - t->time;
swap(t->winner, t->loser);
} else {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "仍有评测在进行中");
throw invalid_argument("");
string msg = "[" + t->winner + "]胜利了!用时" + to_str(t->time)
+ "s![CQ:at,qq=" + to_str(handles[to_lower(t->winner)])
+ "][CQ:at,qq=" + to_str(handles[to_lower(t->loser)]) + "]";
auto &u1 = user_list[handles[to_lower(t->winner)]],
&u2 = user_list[handles[to_lower(t->loser)]];
int pu1 = u1.point, pu2 = u2.point;
vector<pair<string, int>> d1, d2;
int diff = diff_pro[t->problem];
d1.push_back({"胜利", 50});
d2.push_back({"失败", -50});
if (diff / 100) d1.push_back({"难度奖励", diff / 100});
int rn = rand() % 5 + 1, tb = 0;
int tt = max(t->time, 1);
if (tt <= 600) tb = min(int(log(600.0 / tt) * 10 + 0.5), 30);
int s1 = streak(handles[to_lower(t->loser)]);
int s2 = streak(handles[to_lower(t->winner)]);
if (s2 >= 2) d1.push_back({"连胜奖励", (s2 - 1) * 10});
if (s1 >= 2) d1.push_back({"终结连胜", (s1 - 1) * 10});
if (tb) d1.push_back({"时间奖励", tb});
d1.push_back({"随机奖励", rn});
d2.push_back({"随机奖励", rn});
msg += "\n[" + t->winner + "]";
for (auto t : d1) u1.point += t.second;
u1.point = max(u1.point, 0);
msg += " " + to_str(pu1) + "->" + to_str(u1.point) + "\n ";
for (auto t : d1) {
if (!t.second) continue;
msg += " " + t.first;
if (t.second > 0)
msg += "+";
msg += "-";
msg += to_str(abs(t.second));
msg += "\n[" + t->loser + "]";
for (auto t : d2) u2.point += t.second;
u2.point = max(u2.point, 0);
msg += " " + to_str(pu2) + "->" + to_str(u2.point) + "\n ";
for (auto t : d2) {
if (!t.second) continue;
msg += " " + t.first;
if (t.second > 0)
msg += "+";
msg += "-";
msg += to_str(abs(t.second));
send_group_message(e.group_id, msg);
} else if (op == "help") {
string help =
"提示:输入qq号或@表示对应qq,codeforces账号需要用[]包围,如;get [xxx]\n"
";help - 显示帮助\n"
";bind [codeforces账号] - 绑定codeforces账号\n"
";get [qq号/codeforces账号] - 查询某个账号的对应信息\n"
";duel list - 查询接受对战的成员列表\n"
";duel toggle - 切换是否接受对战(默认为否)\n"
";duel challenge [qq号/codeforces账号] [难度] - 发起对战\n"
";duel accept - 接受对战\n"
";duel decline - 取消对战\n"
";duel check - 查看对战是否结束(建议在AC后执行)\n"
";duel ongoing - 查看当前进行中的对战\n"
";duel history [qq号/codeforces账号] - 查看某个账号的对战历史\n"
";pe - Project Euler 放题时间";
if (is_admin)
help +=
";refresh - 刷新题目列表(需要人工操作)\n"
";forcebind - 强制绑定\n"
";forceunbind - 强制解绑";
send_group_message(e.group_id, help);
} else if (is_admin) {
if (op == "refresh") {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "开始刷新题目列表");
} else if (op == "forcebind") {
ll q = to_qq(;
string hd =;
user_info u;
u.handle = hd;
u.silent = true;
user_list[q] = u;
handles[to_lower(hd)] = e.user_id;
send_group_message(e.group_id, "已成功为" + to_str(q) + " [" + hd + "]绑定Codeforces账号");
} else if (op == "forceunbind") {
ll q = to_qq(;
if (!user_list.count(q)) {
send_group_message(e.group_id, "该用户不存在或未绑定Codeforces号");
} else {
string hd = user_list[q].handle;
send_group_message(e.group_id, "已成功解绑 " + to_str(q) + " [" + hd + "]");
} catch (...) {
on_group_upload([](const auto& e) {});
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