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Last active November 18, 2016 10:08
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data generator for oi
//Data Generator Template
//WTFPL License
//by zzq
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#define pb push_back
#define mp make_pair
typedef pair<int,int> pii;
typedef long long ll;
typedef double ld;
typedef vector<int> vi;
#define fi first
#define se second
#define fe first
#define range(v) v.begin(),v.end()
#define SZ 666666
namespace rnd
namespace rnd_
unsigned z1,z2,z3,z4,b;
void srand_(unsigned x)
{z1=x; z2=(~x)^0x233333333U; z3=x^0x1234598766U; z4=(~x)+51;}
unsigned rand_()
return (z1^z2^z3^z4);
struct ___ {___() {srand_(233333333);}}_____;
void srand(int seed) {rnd_::srand_(seed);}
int rand() {return rnd_::rand_()&32767;}
int br() {return (rand()<<15)+rand();}
double rd() {return rand()/32767.0;}
int randr(int r) {return br()%r;}
template<class T>
T randlr(T l,T r) {return l+br()%(r-l+1);}
template<class T>
void shuffle(T l,T r)
for(T g=l;g!=r;g++) swap(*g,*(br()%(r-g)+g));
struct Graph
int n,M,fst[SZ],vb[SZ],nxt[SZ];
Graph() {M=0;}
void ad_de(int a,int b)
++M; nxt[M]=fst[a]; fst[a]=M; vb[M]=b;
void adde(int a,int b)
{ad_de(a,b); ad_de(b,a);}
Graph* merge(Graph* a,Graph* b)
Graph* tar=new Graph();
for(int i=1;i<=a->n;i++)
for(int e=a->fst[i];e;e=a->nxt[e])
int x=a->vb[e]; tar->ad_de(i,x);
for(int i=1;i<=b->n;i++)
for(int e=b->fst[i];e;e=b->nxt[e])
int x=b->vb[e]; tar->ad_de(i+a->n,x+a->n);
return tar;
Graph* chain(int n)
Graph* tar=new Graph();
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) tar->adde(i-1,i);
return tar;
Graph* flower(int n)
Graph* tar=new Graph();
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) tar->adde(1,i);
return tar;
Graph* rndtree(int n)
Graph* tar=new Graph();
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) tar->adde(br()%(i-1)+1,i);
return tar;
//c1=1 c2=0 chain
//c1=0 c2=1 flower
//c1=0 c2=0 random
Graph* tree(int n,double c1=0.4,double c2=0.3)
Graph* tar=new Graph();
int a=(n-1)*c1,b=(n-1)*c2;
int c=n-1-a-b;
for(int i=2;i<=a+1;i++) tar->adde(i-1,i);
for(int i=a+2;i<=a+b+1;i++) tar->adde(1,i);
for(int i=n-c+1;i<=n;i++) tar->adde(br()%(i-1)+1,i);
return tar;
Graph* rndgraph(int n,int m)
Graph* tar=new Graph();
for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) tar->adde(br()%n+1,br()%n+1);
return tar;
namespace cactus_gen
Graph *tar,*g;
void rp(int a,int b) {tar->adde(a,b);}
int dfs(int x,int f=0)
vector<int> r,s;
for(int e=g->fst[x];e;e=g->nxt[e])
int b=g->vb[e]; if(b==f) continue;
int p=dfs(b,x);
if(!p) continue;
if(p==b) r.push_back(p);
else s.push_back(p);
if(rd()<0.3) return 0;
return x;
double cs=0.7;
if(s.empty()) cs=0;
if(r.empty()) cs=1;
int c; double ac;
if(rd()<=cs) c=s[rand()%s.size()], ac=0.6;
else c=r[rand()%r.size()], ac=0.3;
if(rd()<=ac) {rp(x,c); return 0;}
return c;
if(rd()<0.3) return 0;
return x;
//generate cactus from a given tree
Graph* cactus(Graph* baset)
using namespace cactus_gen;
tar=new Graph; *tar=*baset; g=baset;
dfs(1); return tar;
vector<pii> edges(Graph* g)
vector<pii> vec;
for(int i=1;i<=g->n;i++)
for(int j=g->fst[i];j;j=g->nxt[j]) vec.pb(pii(i,g->vb[j]));
return vec;
void ope(int a,int b)
{printf("%d %d\n",a,b);}
void ope_viz(int a,int b)
int gm(Graph* g,bool sg=0)
if(sg) return g->M;
return g->M/2;
template<class oper>
void op(Graph* g,oper t,bool sg=0)
for(int i=1;i<=g->n;i++)
for(int j=g->fst[i];j;j=g->nxt[j])
int b=g->vb[j]; if(sg||b>=i) t(i,b);
int __tmp__[SZ];
template<class oper>
void opr(Graph* g,oper t,bool sg=0)
for(int i=1;i<=g->n;i++) __tmp__[i]=i;
vector<pii> vs;
for(int i=1;i<=g->n;i++)
for(int j=g->fst[i];j;j=g->nxt[j])
int b=g->vb[j];
if((rand()&1)||sg) vs.pb(pii(__tmp__[i],__tmp__[b]));
else vs.pb(pii(__tmp__[b],__tmp__[i]));
for(int i=0;i<vs.size();i++) t(vs[i].fi,vs[i].se);
void opev(int a,int b,ll c)
{printf("%d %d %lld\n",a,b,c);}
void opev_viz(int a,int b,ll c)
struct Graphv: public Graph
ll vc[SZ];
void ad_de(int a,int b,ll c)
++M; nxt[M]=fst[a]; fst[a]=M; vb[M]=b; vc[M]=c;
void adde(int a,int b,ll c) {ad_de(a,b,c); ad_de(b,a,c);}
Graphv* cpyg(Graph* g)
Graphv* tar=new Graphv();
tar->n=g->n; tar->M=g->M;
return tar;
template<class rander>
Graphv* randv(Graph* g,rander rr)
Graphv* tar=cpyg(g);
for(int i=1;i<=g->M;i++) tar->vc[i]=rr();
return tar;
template<class oper>
void opv(Graphv* g,oper t,bool sg=0)
for(int i=1;i<=g->n;i++)
for(int j=g->fst[i];j;j=g->nxt[j])
int b=g->vb[j]; if(b>=i||sg) t(i,b,g->vc[j]);
template<class oper>
void oprv(Graphv* g,oper t,bool sg=0)
for(int i=1;i<=g->n;i++) __tmp__[i]=i;
vector<pair<pii,int> > vs;
for(int i=1;i<=g->n;i++)
for(int j=g->fst[i];j;j=g->nxt[j])
int b=g->vb[j];
if((rand()&1)||sg) vs.pb(mp(pii(__tmp__[i],__tmp__[b]),g->vc[j]));
else vs.pb(mp(pii(__tmp__[b],__tmp__[i]),g->vc[j]));
for(unsigned i=0;i<vs.size();i++) t(vs[i],vs[i],vs[i].se);
Graph* rgraph(int n,int m,bool sg=0)
Graph* tar=new Graph(); tar->n=n;
int a=br()%n+1,b=br()%n+1;
if(sg) tar->ad_de(a,b);
else tar->adde(a,b);
return tar;
//no self-cycle and multi-edge
Graph* rsgraph(int n,int m,bool sg=0)
set<pii> sp;
Graph* tar=new Graph(); tar->n=n;
int a=rand()%n+1,b=rand()%n+1;
if(a==b) continue;
if(a>b&&!sg) swap(a,b);
if(sp.find(pii(a,b))!=sp.end()) continue;
if(sg) tar->ad_de(a,b);
else tar->adde(a,b);
return tar;
Graph* stair(int n)
Graph* tar=new Graph(); tar->n=n+n;
for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) tar->adde(i,i+n);
return tar;
Graph* grid(int n,int m)
Graph* tar=new Graph(); tar->n=n*m;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
for(int j=0;j<m;j++)
if(j) tar->adde(i*m+j+1,i*m+j);
if(i) tar->adde(i*m+j+1,(i-1)*m+j+1);
return tar;
//hack spfa
Graph* kspfa(int n,int c=2)
Graph* p=stair(n/2);
for(int i=1;i<=c;i++)
return p;
It's recommended to write codes in this namespace.
Because it will override default rand/srand.
(If you only use 'using namespace rnd' outside,
you have to type rnd::rand & rnd::srand)
rand() random number in [0,32768)
br() random number in [0,1073741824)
rd() random double in [0,1]
randr(x) random number in [0,x)
randlr(l,r) random number(pointer/iterator?) in [l,r]
make a graph: Graph* s=new Graph(); s->n=n;
use ad_de or adde to add an edge in a graph.
print a graph:
op(s,ope) for non-directed graph
op(s,ope,1) for directed graph
use opr instead of op will randomize the graph (recommended):
opr(s,ope) for non-directed graph
opr(s,ope,1) for directed graph
make a tree: (non-directed)
rndtree(n) a random tree with n points
tree(n) a strong tree (better output with opr)
tree(n,0.7,0.1) a very strong tree: 70%chain, 10%flower
make a cactus:
it will add some edges from a tree to form a cactus
make a random graph:
make a non-directed random graph with n vertexes, m edges
make a random graph without parallel edges or self-cycle:
rsgraph(n,m,0/1) too lazy to explain again
make a directed random graph with n vertexes, m edges
also there are graphs with vals: Graphv
make a graphv: Graphv* s=new Graphv(); s->n=n;
create a graphv from a graph with random value:
you may use anything like rand(), br().
output a graphv:
opv/oprv (s,ope,0/1) see op/opr above
something (useless):
stair(n): a 2*n stair graph
grid(n,m): a n*m grid graph
a graph with <=n vertexes that may make spfa slow
//example below
namespace example
//#include <windows.h>
int myrand() {return br()%100000+1;}
void gen()
int n; cin>>n;
cout<<n<<" "<<n-1<<"\n";
int main()
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