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Last active June 28, 2020 23:56
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* Tesla Powerwall Manager
* Copyright 2019, 2020
* This software was developed in the hopes that it will be useful to others, however,
* it is beta software and may have unforeseen side effects to your equipment and related accounts.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Access Token initialization code is derived from Trent Foley's excellent Tesla Connect SmartThings Smart App
def version() {
return "v0.2.7e.20200527"
* 27-May-2020 >>> v0.2.7e.20200527 - Handle extra null battery site info from Tesla. Handle no time zone set.
* 02-Mar-2020 >>> v0.2.6e.20200302 - Correct mobile notifications
* 29-Feb-2020 >>> v0.2.5e.20200229 - Additional http command and query error checks. Added option to pause automations.
* 19-Feb-2020 >>> v0.2.4e.20200219 - Added battery charge % triggers time and day restriction options.
* 31-Jan-2020 >>> v0.2.3e.20200131 - Added battery charge % triggers & TBC Strategy scheduling.
* 22-Jan-2020 >>> v0.2.2e.20200122 - Added Stormwatch on/off scheduling.
* 16-Jan-2020 >>> v0.2.1e.20200116 - Additional command retry/error checking logic. Hubitat battery% compatibility update.
* 10-Jan-2020 >>> v0.2.0e.20200110 - Push notification support for Hubitat
* 04-Jan-2020 >>> v0.1.8e.20200104 - Updated async http call for cross-platform support with Hubitat & SmartThings
* 03-Jan-2020 >>> v0.1.7e.20200103 - Added access token refresh & command post retry logic
* 30-Dec-2019 >>> v0.1.6e.20191230 - Increased reserve percentage value options
* 06-Sep-2019 >>> v0.1.5e.20190906 - Updated watchdog to only notify once when issue first occurs and when resolved
* 13-Aug-2019 >>> v0.1.4e.20190813 - Added grid/outage status display, notifications, and device on/off controls
* 09-Aug-2019 >>> v0.1.3e.20190809 - Added reserve% scheduling & polling interval preferences
* 29-Jul-2019 >>> v0.1.2e.20190729 - Set reserve percent to 100% in backup-only mode. Added mode scheduling.
* 23-Jul-2019 >>> v0.1.1e.20190723 - Initial beta release
name: "Tesla Powerwall Manager", namespace: "darwinsden", author: "Darwin", description: "Monitor and control your Tesla Powerwall",
category: "My Apps",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: ""
preferences {
page(name: "pageMain")
page(name: "pageConnections")
page(name: "pageConnectionMethod")
page(name: "teslaAccountInfo")
page(name: "gatewayAccountInfo")
page(name: "pageNotifications")
page(name: "pageSchedules")
page(name: "pageTriggers")
page(name: "aboveTriggerOptions")
page(name: "belowTriggerOptions")
page(name: "pageReserveSchedule")
page(name: "pageRemove")
page(name: "schedule1Options")
page(name: "schedule2Options")
page(name: "schedule3Options")
page(name: "schedule4Options")
page(name: "schedule5Options")
page(name: "schedule6Options")
page(name: "schedule7Options")
page(name: "pagePwPreferences")
page(name: "pageDevicesToControl")
page(name: "triggerRestrictions")
private pageMain() {
return dynamicPage(name: "pageMain", title: "", install: true) {
section() {
if (hubIsSt()) {
paragraph app.version(),
title: "PowerWall Manager", required: false, image:
} else {
def imgLink = "<img src='' height=100 width=75>"
paragraph "<div style='height: 75px; float: left; margin-top:-22px; padding:0; text-align:left; overflow: hidden'>${imgLink}</div>" +
"<div style='float: left; margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 16px'>Powerwall Manager\n ${app.version()}</div>"
section("Powerwall Connections") {
href "pageConnections", title: "Account Information..", description: "", required: false, image:
section("Preferences") {
href "pageNotifications", title: "Notification Preferences..", description: "", required: false,
image: ""
href "pageSchedules", title: "Schedule Powerwall setting changes..", description: "", required: false,
image: ""
href "pageTriggers", title: "Perform actions based on Powerwall battery charge level %..", description: "", required: false,
image: ""
href "pageDevicesToControl", title: "Turn off devices when a grid outage occurs..", description: "", required: false,
image: ""
href "pagePwPreferences", title: "Powerwall Manager Preferences..", description: "", required: false,
image: ""
section("For more information") {
if (hubIsSt()) {
href(name: "Site", title: "For more information, questions, or to provide feedback, please visit:",
description: "Tap to open the Powerwall Manager web page on",
required: false,
image: "",
url: "")
} else {
def tag=""
def imgLink="<img src= height=50 width=70>"
def msg="For more information, questions, or to provide feedback, please visit:\n" +
"Tap to open the Powerwall Manager web page on"
paragraph "<div style='float: left; margin-right: 8px; max-width: 200px><a href='${tag}'>${imgLink}</a></div><a href='${tag}'>${msg}</a>"
section("Remove this app") {
href "pageRemove", title: "Remove Powerwall Manager", description: "", required: false
def pageRemove() {
dynamicPage(name: "pageRemove", title: "", install: false, uninstall: true) {
section() {
paragraph parent ? "CAUTION: You are about to remove the '${app.label}'." : "If an error occurs during removal, " +
"you may need to first manually remove references to the Powerwall Manager child device from other smart apps if you have manually added them.",
required: true, state: null
private teslaAccountInfo() {
return dynamicPage(name: "teslaAccountInfo", title: "", install: false) {
section("Tesla Account Information: ") {
input "userEmail", "text", title: "Email", autoCorrect: false, required: false
input "userPw", "password", title: "Password", autoCorrect: false, required: false
private gatewayAccountInfo() {
return dynamicPage(name: "gatewayAccountInfo", title: "", install: false) {
section("Local Gateway Information. If provided, the Powerwall Manager will also (or only if no Tesla Account information is provided) " +
"obtain real-time meter and battery level data from the gateway itself. The Powerwall Manager does not currently support mode and state status " +
"or command capability directly from the local gateway.") {
input("gatewayAddress", "string", title: "Powerwall Gateway IP local address (eg.", required: false )
input "installerEmail", "text", title: "Gateway Unstaller Email", autoCorrect: false, required: false
input "installerPw", "password", title: "Gateway Installer Password", autoCorrect: false, required: false
def getConnectionMethodStatus() {
def statusStr
if (!connectionMethod) {
statusStr = "Use Remote Tesla Account Server Only"
} else {
if (connectionMethod == "Use Local Gateway Only") {
statusStr = connectionMethod.toString() + ".\n Note: A Tesla Server connection is also required for all Powerwall Manager capabilities."
} else {
statusStr = connectionMethod.toString()
return statusStr
def pageConnectionMethod() {
dynamicPage(name: "pageConnectionMethod", title:"Choose how to connect to the Powerwall.", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("Connection Method") {
input "connectionMethod", "enum", required: false, defaultValue: "Use Local Gateway Only", title: "Connection Method",
options: ["Use Remote Tesla Account Server Only", "Use Local Gateway Only", "Use Both Tesla Server and Local Gateway"]
def pageConnections() {
dynamicPage(name: "pageConnections", title:"Choose how to connect to the Powerwall.", install: false, uninstall: false) {
def statusString
if (!hubIsSt()) {
section("Connection Method") {
statusString = getConnectionMethodStatus()
href "pageConnectionMethod", title: "${statusString}", description: ""
if (!connectionMethod || connectionMethod != "Use Local Gateway Only") {
statusString = getTeslaServerStatus()
section("Tesla Server") {
href "teslaAccountInfo", title: "${statusString}", description: ""
if (connectionMethod && connectionMethod != "Use Remote Tesla Account Server Only") {
statusString = getLocalGwStatus()
section("Gateway Status") {
href "gatewayAccountInfo", title: "${statusString}", description: ""
def getTeslaServerStatus() {
try {
def messageStr
if (!userEmail || !userPw) {
messageStr = "Enter your Tesla Account credentials"
} else {
if (!state.accessTokenValid) {
messageStr = "Error Verifying Tesla/Powerwall Account\n" +
"Please verify your Tesla Account username and password."
} else if (state.foundPowerwalls) {
messageStr = "Tesla Account Verified:\n" +
"Connection to Tesla server established.\n" +
"Site Name: ${state.siteName}\n" +
"Id: ${state.pwId}\n" +
"Site Id: ${state.energySiteId}"
} else {
messageStr = "Error: No Powerwalls found\n" +
"Please verify your Tesla Account username and password."
return messageStr
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error e
return "Error accessing Powerwall account\n" +
"Please verify your Tesla account username and password."
def getLocalGwStatus() {
try {
def messageStr
if (gatewayAddress == null) {
messageStr = "Enter your local gateway IP address"
} else {
log.debug "Attempting to connect to local gateway"
messageStr = "Local Gateway Status:\nCould not connect to local gateway at ${gatewayAddress}"
def requestParameters = [
uri: "https://${gatewayAddress}",
path: "/api/site_info/site_name",
contentType: 'application/json',
ignoreSSLIssues: true
httpGet(requestParameters) {
resp ->
log.debug "response data was ${} "
//def data = resp.json
// log.debug "${data}"
// localConnectionValid = true
messageStr = "Local Gateway Verified:\n" +
"Connected at ${gatewayAddress}\n"+
"Site Name: ${}\n" +
"Gateway time zone: ${}"
state.foundGateway = true
log.debug "${messageStr}"
return messageStr
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error e
return "Unknown error accessing local gateway"
def pageNotifications() {
dynamicPage(name: "pageNotifications", title: "Notification Preferences", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("Powerwall Notification Triggers:") {
input "notifyWhenVersionChanges", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, title: "Notify when Powerwall software version changes"
input "notifyWhenModesChange", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, title:
"Notify when Powerwall configuration (modes/schedules) change"
input "notifyWhenGridStatusChanges", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, title: "Notify of grid status changes/power failures"
input "notifyWhenReserveApproached", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, title:
"Notify when Powerwall charge level % drops to reserve percentage"
input "notifyOfSchedules", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: true, title:
"Notify when schedules or battery charge level % actions are being executed by the Powerwall Manager"
input "notifyWhenAnomalies", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: true, title:
"Notify when anomalies are encountered in the Powerwall Manager SmartApp"
section("Notification method (push notifications are via mobile app)") {
if (hubIsSt()) {
input "notificationMethod", "enum", required: false, defaultValue: "push", title: "Notification Method", options: ["none", "text", "push", "text and push"]
input "phoneNumber", "phone", title: "Phone number for text messages", description: "Phone Number for text/SMS messages", required: false
} else {
input(name: "notifyDevices", type: "capability.notification", title: "Send to these notification devices", required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true)
def schedule1Options() {
dynamicPage(name: "schedule1Options", title: "Schedule 1", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("") {
input "schedule1Mode", "enum", required: false, title: "Mode to set", options: ["No Action", "Backup-Only", "Self-Powered",
"Time-Based Control"
input "schedule1Reserve", "enum", required: false, title: "Reserve % to set (Self-Powered & TBC modes)",
options: ["No Action": "No Action", "0": "0%", "5": "5%", "10": "10%", "15": "15%", "20": "20%", "25": "25%", "30": "30%", "35":
"35%", "40": "40%", "45": "45%", "50": "50%",
"55": "55%", "60": "60%", "65": "65%", "70": "70%", "75": "75%", "80": "80%", "85": "85%", "90": "90%", "95": "95%", "100":
input "schedule1Strategy", "enum", required: false, title: "Time-Based Control Strategy to set", options: ["No Action", "Cost Saving",
input "schedule1Stormwatch", "enum", required: false, title: "Stormwatch enable/disable", options: ["No Action", "Enable Stormwatch",
"Disable Stormwatch"
input "schedule1Days", "enum", required: false, title: "On which days...", multiple: true,
options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
input "schedule1Time", "time", required: false, title: "At what time?"
def schedule2Options() {
dynamicPage(name: "schedule2Options", title: "Schedule 2", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("Reserve % setting only applies when in Self-Powered and Time-Based Control modes") {
input "schedule2Mode", "enum", required: false, title: "Mode to set", options: ["No Action", "Backup-Only", "Self-Powered",
"Time-Based Control"
input "schedule2Reserve", "enum", required: false, title: "Reserve % to set",
options: ["No Action": "No Action", "0": "0%", "5": "5%", "10": "10%", "15": "15%", "20": "20%", "25": "25%", "30": "30%", "35":
"35%", "40": "40%", "45": "45%", "50": "50%",
"55": "55%", "60": "60%", "65": "65%", "70": "70%", "75": "75%", "80": "80%", "85": "85%", "90": "90%", "95": "95%", "100":
input "schedule2Stormwatch", "enum", required: false, title: "Stormwatch enable/disable", options: ["No Action", "Enable Stormwatch",
"Disable Stormwatch"
input "schedule2Strategy", "enum", required: false, title: "Time-Based Control Strategy", options: ["No Action", "Cost Saving",
input "schedule2Time", "time", required: false, title: "At what time?"
input "schedule2Days", "enum", required: false, title: "On which days...", multiple: true,
options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
def schedule3Options() {
dynamicPage(name: "schedule3Options", title: "Schedule 3", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("Reserve % setting only applies when in Self-Powered and Time-Based Control modes") {
input "schedule3Mode", "enum", required: false, title: "Mode to set", options: ["No Action", "Backup-Only", "Self-Powered",
"Time-Based Control"
input "schedule3Reserve", "enum", required: false, title: "Reserve % to set",
options: ["No Action": "No Action", "0": "0%", "5": "5%", "10": "10%", "15": "15%", "20": "20%", "25": "25%", "30": "30%", "35":
"35%", "40": "40%", "45": "45%", "50": "50%",
"55": "55%", "60": "60%", "65": "65%", "70": "70%", "75": "75%", "80": "80%", "85": "85%", "90": "90%", "95": "95%", "100":
input "schedule3Stormwatch", "enum", required: false, title: "Stormwatch enable/disable", options: ["No Action", "Enable Stormwatch",
"Disable Stormwatch"
input "schedule3Strategy", "enum", required: false, title: "Time-Based Control Strategy", options: ["No Action", "Cost Saving",
input "schedule3Time", "time", required: false, title: "At what time?"
input "schedule3Days", "enum", required: false, title: "On which days...", multiple: true,
options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
def schedule4Options() {
dynamicPage(name: "schedule4Options", title: "Schedule 4", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("Reserve % setting only applies when in Self-Powered and Time-Based Control modes") {
input "schedule4Mode", "enum", required: false, title: "Mode to set", options: ["No Action", "Backup-Only", "Self-Powered",
"Time-Based Control"
input "schedule4Reserve", "enum", required: false, title: "Reserve % to set",
options: ["No Action": "No Action", "0": "0%", "5": "5%", "10": "10%", "15": "15%", "20": "20%", "25": "25%", "30": "30%", "35":
"35%", "40": "40%", "45": "45%", "50": "50%",
"55": "55%", "60": "60%", "65": "65%", "70": "70%", "75": "75%", "80": "80%", "85": "85%", "90": "90%", "95": "95%", "100":
input "schedule4Stormwatch", "enum", required: false, title: "Stormwatch enable/disable", options: ["No Action", "Enable Stormwatch",
"Disable Stormwatch"
input "schedule4Time", "time", required: false, title: "At what time?"
input "schedule4Strategy", "enum", required: false, title: "Time-Based Control Strategy", options: ["No Action", "Cost Saving",
input "schedule4Days", "enum", required: false, title: "On which days...", multiple: true,
options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
def schedule5Options() {
dynamicPage(name: "schedule5Options", title: "Schedule 5", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("Reserve % setting only applies when in Self-Powered and Time-Based Control modes") {
input "schedule5Mode", "enum", required: false, title: "Mode to set", options: ["No Action", "Backup-Only", "Self-Powered",
"Time-Based Control"
input "schedule5Reserve", "enum", required: false, title: "Reserve % to set",
options: ["No Action": "No Action", "0": "0%", "5": "5%", "10": "10%", "15": "15%", "20": "20%", "25": "25%", "30": "30%", "35":
"35%", "40": "40%", "45": "45%", "50": "50%",
"55": "55%", "60": "60%", "65": "65%", "70": "70%", "75": "75%", "80": "80%", "85": "85%", "90": "90%", "95": "95%", "100":
input "schedule5Stormwatch", "enum", required: false, title: "Stormwatch enable/disable", options: ["No Action", "Enable Stormwatch",
"Disable Stormwatch"
input "schedule5Strategy", "enum", required: false, title: "Time-Based Control Strategy", options: ["No Action", "Cost Saving",
input "schedule5Time", "time", required: false, title: "At what time?"
input "schedule5Days", "enum", required: false, title: "On which days...", multiple: true,
options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
def schedule6Options() {
dynamicPage(name: "schedule6Options", title: "Schedule 6", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("Reserve % setting only applies when in Self-Powered and Time-Based Control modes") {
input "schedule6Mode", "enum", required: false, title: "Mode to set", options: ["No Action", "Backup-Only", "Self-Powered",
"Time-Based Control"
input "schedule6Reserve", "enum", required: false, title: "Reserve % to set",
options: ["No Action": "No Action", "0": "0%", "5": "5%", "10": "10%", "15": "15%", "20": "20%", "25": "25%", "30": "30%", "35":
"35%", "40": "40%", "45": "45%", "50": "50%",
"55": "55%", "60": "60%", "65": "65%", "70": "70%", "75": "75%", "80": "80%", "85": "85%", "90": "90%", "95": "95%", "100":
input "schedule6Stormwatch", "enum", required: false, title: "Stormwatch enable/disable", options: ["No Action", "Enable Stormwatch",
"Disable Stormwatch"
input "schedule6Strategy", "enum", required: false, title: "Time-Based Control Strategy", options: ["No Action", "Cost Saving",
input "schedule6Time", "time", required: false, title: "At what time?"
input "schedule6Days", "enum", required: false, title: "On which days...", multiple: true,
options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
def schedule7Options() {
dynamicPage(name: "schedule7Options", title: "Schedule 7", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("Reserve % setting only applies when in Self-Powered and Time-Based Control modes") {
input "schedule7Mode", "enum", required: false, title: "Mode to set", options: ["No Action", "Backup-Only", "Self-Powered",
"Time-Based Control"
input "schedule7Reserve", "enum", required: false, title: "Reserve % to set",
options: ["No Action": "No Action", "0": "0%", "5": "5%", "10": "10%", "15": "15%", "20": "20%", "25": "25%", "30": "30%", "35":
"35%", "40": "40%", "45": "45%", "50": "50%",
"55": "55%", "60": "60%", "65": "65%", "70": "70%", "75": "75%", "80": "80%", "85": "85%", "90": "90%", "95": "95%", "100":
input "schedule7Stormwatch", "enum", required: false, title: "Stormwatch enable/disable", options: ["No Action", "Enable Stormwatch",
"Disable Stormwatch"
input "schedule7Strategy", "enum", required: false, title: "Time-Based Control Strategy", options: ["No Action", "Cost Saving",
input "schedule7Time", "time", required: false, title: "At what time?"
input "schedule7Days", "enum", required: false, title: "On which days...", multiple: true,
options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
def pagePwPreferences() {
dynamicPage(name: "pagePwPreferences", title: "Powerwall Manager Preferences", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("") {
input "pollingPeriod", "enum", required: false, title: "Powerwall polling interval", defaultValue: "10 minutes",
options: ["Do not poll", "5 minutes", "10 minutes", "30 minutes", "1 hour"]
//if ((connectionMethod && connectionMethod != "Use Remote Tesla Account Server Only")) {
// input "gatewayPollingPeriod", "enum", required: false, title: "Local Gateway Powerwall polling interval", defaultValue: "10 minutes",
// options: ["Do not poll", "1 minute", "5 minutes", "10 minutes", "1 hour"]
section("") {
input "logLevel", "enum", required: false, title: "IDE Log Level (sets log level in web IDE live logging tab)", options: ["none",
"trace", "debug", "info", "warn"
section("") {
input "pauseAutomations", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, title: "Pause all schedules and automated actions"
def pageDevicesToControl() {
dynamicPage(name: "pageDevicesToControl", title: "Turn off devices when a grid outage is detected", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("") {
input "devicesToOffDuringOutage", "capability.switch", title: "Devices that should be turned off during a grid outage", required: false,
multiple: true
input "turnDevicesBackOnAfterOutage", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false,
title: "Turn the above selected devices back on after grid outage is over?"
def appendOnNewLine(message, textToAdd) {
def newMessage = ''
if (message != '') {
newMessage = message + "\n"
return newMessage + textToAdd
def pageTriggers() {
dynamicPage(name: "pageTriggers", title: "Powerwall battery charge % level above/below actions.", install: false, uninstall: false) {
def timeSetting = "N/A"
def enableTriggers = "N/A"
def triggerDaysNA = "N/A"
//state.timeOfLastBelowTrigger = null
//state.timeOfLastAboveTrigger = null
def message = ""
if (aboveTriggerValue && aboveTriggerEnabled?.toBoolean()) {
def optionsString = getOptionsString(aboveTriggerMode, aboveTriggerReserve, aboveTriggerStormwatch, aboveTriggerStrategy,
aboveTriggerDevicesToOn, timeSetting, triggerDaysNA)
message = "Execute these actions when Powerwall charge level rises above ${aboveTriggerValue?.toString()}%:\n" + optionsString
if (!actionsValid(aboveTriggerMode, aboveTriggerReserve, aboveTriggerStormwatch, aboveTriggerStrategy, aboveTriggerDevicesToOn,
enableTriggers)) {
message = message + "\nNotification will be sent if enabled in preferences."
} else {
message = "No charge level % upper trigger enabled.."
section("Choose actions to execute when the Powerwall battery charge % rises above a pre-defined level:") {
href "aboveTriggerOptions", title: "${message}", description: ""
if (belowTriggerValue && belowTriggerEnabled?.toBoolean()) {
def optionsString = getOptionsString(belowTriggerMode, belowTriggerReserve, belowTriggerStormwatch, belowTriggerStrategy,
belowTriggerDevicesToOff, timeSetting, triggerDaysNA)
message = "Execute these actions when Powerwall charge level drops below ${belowTriggerValue?.toString()}%:\n" + optionsString
if (!actionsValid(belowTriggerMode, belowTriggerReserve, belowTriggerStormwatch, belowTriggerStrategy, belowTriggerDevicesToOff,
enableTriggers)) {
message = message + "\nNotification will be sent if enabled in preferences."
} else {
message = "No charge level % lower trigger enabled.."
section("Choose actions to execute when the Powerwall battery charge % drops below a pre-defined level:") {
href "belowTriggerOptions", title: "${message}", description: ""
def restrictMessage = ''
if (triggerRestrictPeriod1?.toBoolean() && triggerStartTime1 && triggerStopTime1) {
restrictMessage = appendOnNewLine(restrictMessage, "Trigger Period 1: " + formatTimeString(triggerStartTime1) + " to " + formatTimeString(
if (triggerRestrictPeriod2?.toBoolean() && triggerStartTime2 && triggerStopTime2) {
restrictMessage = appendOnNewLine(restrictMessage, "Trigger Period 2: " + formatTimeString(triggerStartTime2) + " to " + formatTimeString(
if (triggerRestrictDays?.toBoolean() && triggerDays?.size() > 0) {
restrictMessage = appendOnNewLine(restrictMessage, triggerDays.toString())
if (restrictMessage == '') {
restrictMessage = "No optional schedule restrictions defined.."
section("Restrict these triggers to specific times/days (optional):") {
href "triggerRestrictions", title: "${restrictMessage}", description: ""
def triggerRestrictions() {
dynamicPage(name: "triggerRestrictions", title: "Battery Charge % Level Trigger period restrictions", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("") {
input "triggerRestrictDays", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, title: "Restrict % battery trigger actions to only occur on specified days"
input "triggerDays", "enum", required: false, title: "Only on these days...", multiple: true,
options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
section("Restrict % battery trigger actions to only occur during specified time periods:") {
input "triggerRestrictPeriod1", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, title: "Enable Time Period 1"
input "triggerStartTime1", "time", required: false, title: "Time Period 1 Start Time"
input "triggerStopTime1", "time", required: false, title: "Time Period 1 End Time"
input "triggerRestrictPeriod2", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, title: "Enable Time Period 2"
input "triggerStartTime2", "time", required: false, title: "Time Period 2 Start Time"
input "triggerStopTime2", "time", required: false, title: "Time Period 2 Stop Time"
def aboveTriggerOptions() {
dynamicPage(name: "aboveTriggerOptions", title: "Above Battery Charge % Level Trigger Options", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("") {
input "aboveTriggerEnabled", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, title: "Enable these actions"
input "aboveTriggerValue", "number", required: false, title: "Actions will trigger when charge level % rises above this value"
input "aboveTriggerMode", "enum", required: false, title: "Mode to set", options: ["No Action", "Backup-Only", "Self-Powered",
"Time-Based Control"
input "aboveTriggerReserve", "enum", required: false, title: "Reserve % to set",
options: ["No Action": "No Action", "0": "0%", "5": "5%", "10": "10%", "15": "15%", "20": "20%", "25": "25%", "30": "30%", "35":
"35%", "40": "40%", "45": "45%", "50": "50%",
"55": "55%", "60": "60%", "65": "65%", "70": "70%", "75": "75%", "80": "80%", "85": "85%", "90": "90%", "95": "95%", "100":
input "aboveTriggerStormwatch", "enum", required: false, title: "Stormwatch enable/disable", options: ["No Action", "Enable Stormwatch",
"Disable Stormwatch"
input "aboveTriggerStrategy", "enum", required: false, title: "Time-Based Control Strategy", options: ["No Action", "Cost Saving",
input "aboveTriggerDevicesToOn", "capability.switch", title:
"Devices that should be turned on when charge level % rises above defined trigger", required: false, multiple: true
def belowTriggerOptions() {
dynamicPage(name: "belowTriggerOptions", title: "Below Battery Charge % Level Trigger Options", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("") {
input "belowTriggerEnabled", "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, title: "Enable these actions"
input "belowTriggerValue", "number", required: false, title: "Actions will trigger when charge level % drops below this value"
input "belowTriggerMode", "enum", required: false, title: "Mode to set", options: ["No Action", "Backup-Only", "Self-Powered",
"Time-Based Control"
input "belowTriggerReserve", "enum", required: false, title: "Reserve % to set",
options: ["No Action": "No Action", "0": "0%", "5": "5%", "10": "10%", "15": "15%", "20": "20%", "25": "25%", "30": "30%", "35":
"35%", "40": "40%", "45": "45%", "50": "50%",
"55": "55%", "60": "60%", "65": "65%", "70": "70%", "75": "75%", "80": "80%", "85": "85%", "90": "90%", "95": "95%", "100":
input "belowTriggerStormwatch", "enum", required: false, title: "Stormwatch enable/disable", options: ["No Action", "Enable Stormwatch",
"Disable Stormwatch"
input "belowTriggerStrategy", "enum", required: false, title: "Time-Based Control Strategy", options: ["No Action", "Cost Saving",
input "belowTriggerDevicesToOff", "capability.switch", title:
"Devices that should be turned off when charge level % drops below defined trigger", required: false, multiple: true
Boolean hubIsSt() {
return (getHubType() == "SmartThings")
def getPwDevice() {
def deviceIdStr = null
if (state.childDeviceId) {
deviceIdStr = state.childDeviceId
} else {
def devices = getChildDevices()
if (devices.size() > 0) {
deviceIdStr = getChildDevices().first().getDeviceNetworkId()
state.childDeviceId = deviceIdStr
return getChildDevice(deviceIdStr)
private getHubType() {
def hubType = "SmartThings"
if (state.hubType == null) {
try {
include 'asynchttp_v1'
} catch (e) {
hubType = "Hubitat"
state.hubType = hubType
return state.hubType
def actionsValid(modeSetting, reserveSetting, stormwatchSetting, strategySetting, devicesToControl, enableTriggers, peakSwitch = null) {
return ((modeSetting && modeSetting.toString() != "No Action") ||
(reserveSetting && reserveSetting.toString() != "No Action") ||
(stormwatchSetting && stormwatchSetting.toString() != "No Action") ||
(strategySetting && strategySetting.toString() != "No Action") ||
(devicesToControl && devicesToControl.toString() != "N/A" && devicesToControl.size() > 0) ||
(enableTriggers && enableTriggers.toString() != "No Action") ||
(peakSwitch && peakSwitch.toString() != "No Action"))
def scheduleValid(timeSetting, daysSetting) {
return timeSetting != null && daysSetting != null && (daysSetting.size() > 0 || daysSetting.toString() == "N/A")
def formatTimeString(timeSetting) {
def timeFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a")
def isoDatePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"
def isoTime = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(isoDatePattern).parse(timeSetting.toString())
return timeFormat.format(isoTime).toString()
def getOptionsString(modeSetting, reserveSetting, stormwatchSetting, strategySetting, controlDevices, timeSetting, daysSetting) {
def optionsString = ''
if (actionsValid(modeSetting, reserveSetting, stormwatchSetting, strategySetting, controlDevices, enableTriggers)) {
if (scheduleValid(timeSetting, daysSetting)) {
if (modeSetting && modeSetting.toString() != "No Action") {
optionsString = "Mode: " + modeSetting.toString()
if (reserveSetting && reserveSetting.toString() != "No Action") {
optionsString = appendOnNewLine(optionsString, "Reserve: " + reserveSetting.toString() + '%')
if (stormwatchSetting && stormwatchSetting.toString() != "No Action") {
if (stormwatchSetting.toString() == "Enable Stormwatch") {
optionsString = appendOnNewLine(optionsString, "Stormwatch: Enable")
} else if (stormwatchSetting.toString() == "Disable Stormwatch") {
optionsString = appendOnNewLine(optionsString, "Stormwatch: Disable")
if (strategySetting && strategySetting.toString() != "No Action") {
optionsString = appendOnNewLine(optionsString, "Time-Based Control Strategy: " + strategySetting.toString())
if (controlDevices && controlDevices.size() > 0) {
optionsString = appendOnNewLine(optionsString, "Control Devices: ${controlDevices}")
if (enableTriggers && enableTriggers.toString() != "No Action") {
if (optionsString != '') {
optionsString = optionsString + ',\n'
optionsString = optionsString + "Battery Charge % actions: " + enableTriggers.toString()
def timeString = ''
if (timeSetting != "N/A") {
timeString = formatTimeString(timeSetting) + ' '
def dayString = ''
if (daysSetting != "N/A") {
dayString = daysSetting.toString()
if (timeString != '' || dayString != '') {
optionsString = optionsString + '\n' + timeString + dayString
} else {
optionsString = "No time or days scheduled"
} else {
optionsString = "No actions scheduled"
return optionsString
def pageSchedules() {
dynamicPage(name: "pageSchedules", title:
"Powerwall setting changes are subject to Powerwall processing rules and may not immediately take effect at the time they are commanded.",
install: false, uninstall: false) {
def optionsString
def devicesToControl = null
optionsString = getOptionsString(schedule1Mode, schedule1Reserve, schedule1Stormwatch, schedule1Strategy, devicesToControl, schedule1Time, schedule1Days)
section("Schedule 1") {
href "schedule1Options", title: "${optionsString}", description: ""
optionsString = getOptionsString(schedule2Mode, schedule2Reserve, schedule2Stormwatch, schedule2Strategy, devicesToControl, schedule2Time, schedule2Days)
section("Schedule 2") {
href "schedule2Options", title: "${optionsString}", description: ""
optionsString = getOptionsString(schedule3Mode, schedule3Reserve, schedule3Stormwatch, schedule3Strategy, devicesToControl, schedule3Time, schedule3Days)
section("Schedule 3") {
href "schedule3Options", title: "${optionsString}", description: ""
optionsString = getOptionsString(schedule4Mode, schedule4Reserve, schedule4Stormwatch, schedule4Strategy, devicesToControl, schedule4Time, schedule4Days)
section("Schedule 4") {
href "schedule4Options", title: "${optionsString}", description: ""
optionsString = getOptionsString(schedule5Mode, schedule5Reserve, schedule5Stormwatch, schedule5Strategy, devicesToControl, schedule5Time, schedule5Days)
section("Schedule 5") {
href "schedule5Options", title: "${optionsString}", description: ""
optionsString = getOptionsString(schedule6Mode, schedule6Reserve, schedule6Stormwatch, schedule6Strategy, devicesToControl, schedule6Time, schedule6Days)
section("Schedule 6") {
href "schedule6Options", title: "${optionsString}", description: ""
optionsString = getOptionsString(schedule7Mode, schedule7Reserve, schedule7Stormwatch, schedule7Strategy, devicesToControl, schedule7Time, schedule7Days)
section("Schedule 7") {
href "schedule7Options", title: "${optionsString}", description: ""
def instantiatSchedule(mode, reserve, stormwatch, strategy, peakSwitch, time, days, callback) {
def devices = "N/A"
if (actionsValid(mode, reserve, stormwatch, strategy, devices, enableTriggers, peakSwitch)) {
if (scheduleValid(time, days)) {
log.debug "scheduling ${callback.toString()}"
schedule(time.toString(), callback)
} else {
def message = "${callback.toString()} actions are enabled in preferences, but schedule time and/or days were not specified. Schedule could not be set."
sendNotificationMessage(message, "anomaly")
def setSchedules() {
instantiatSchedule(schedule1Mode, schedule1Reserve, schedule1Stormwatch, schedule1Strategy, schedule1PeakSwitch, schedule1Time, schedule1Days, processSchedule1)
instantiatSchedule(schedule2Mode, schedule2Reserve, schedule2Stormwatch, schedule2Strategy, schedule2PeakSwitch, schedule2Time, schedule2Days, processSchedule2)
instantiatSchedule(schedule3Mode, schedule3Reserve, schedule3Stormwatch, schedule3Strategy, schedule3PeakSwitch, schedule3Time, schedule3Days, processSchedule3)
instantiatSchedule(schedule4Mode, schedule4Reserve, schedule4Stormwatch, schedule4Strategy, schedule4PeakSwitch, schedule4Time, schedule4Days, processSchedule4)
instantiatSchedule(schedule5Mode, schedule5Reserve, schedule5Stormwatch, schedule5Strategy, schedule5PeakSwitch, schedule5Time, schedule5Days, processSchedule5)
instantiatSchedule(schedule6Mode, schedule6Reserve, schedule6Stormwatch, schedule6Strategy, schedule6PeakSwitch, schedule6Time, schedule6Days, processSchedule6)
instantiatSchedule(schedule7Mode, schedule7Reserve, schedule7Stormwatch, schedule7Strategy, schedule7PeakSwitch, schedule7Time, schedule7Days, processSchedule7)
def getTheDay() {
def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("EEEE")
// Ensure the new date object is set to local time zone
if (location.timeZone != null) {
} else { "no time zone found for schedule processing"
def day = df.format(new Date())
//log.debug "Today is: ${day}"
return day
def commandPwFromSchedule(mode, reserve, stormwatch, strategy, scheduledDays) {
def day = getTheDay()
if (!pauseAutomations && scheduledDays?.contains(day)) {
def message = commandPwActions(mode, reserve, stormwatch, strategy, chargeTriggers)
if (notifyOfSchedules?.toBoolean()) {
sendNotificationMessage("Performing scheduled Powerwall actions. " + message)
//Hubitat compatibility
private timeOfDayIsBetween(fromDate, toDate, checkDate, timeZone) {
return (!checkDate.before(toDateTime(fromDate)) && !checkDate.after(toDateTime(toDate)))
def triggerPeriodActive() {
def day = getTheDay()
def daysAreSet = triggerRestrictDays?.toBoolean() && triggerDays?.size() > 0
def dayIsActive = daysAreSet && triggerDays?.contains(day)
def aPeriodIsSet = (triggerRestrictPeriod1?.toBoolean() || triggerRestrictPeriod2?.toBoolean())
def aPeriodIsActive = (triggerRestrictPeriod1?.toBoolean() && timeOfDayIsBetween(triggerStartTime1, triggerStopTime1, new Date(), location
.timeZone)) ||
(triggerRestrictPeriod2?.toBoolean() && timeOfDayIsBetween(triggerStartTime2, triggerStopTime2, new Date(), location.timeZone))
//Valid conditions:
// 1) day matches & period active, 2) day matches & no periods declared, 3) no day is set & period active, 4) no day is set & no periods declared
return ((dayIsActive && (aPeriodIsActive || !aPeriodIsSet)) || (!daysAreSet && (aPeriodIsActive || !aPeriodIsSet)))
def commandPwActions(mode, reserve, stormwatch, strategy, enableChargeTriggers) {
def pwDevice = getPwDevice()
def message = ""
if (mode && mode.toString() != "No Action") {
message = message + " Mode: ${mode.toString()}."
if (mode.toString() == "Backup-Only") {
} else if (mode.toString() == "Self-Powered") {
} else if (mode.toString() == "Time-Based Control") {
} else {
def errMessage = "Unexpected condition processing scheduled mode change: ${mode.toString()}"
sendNotificationMessage(errMessage, "anomaly")
if (reserve && reserve.toString() != "No Action") {
message = message + " Reserve: ${reserve}%."
if (reserve.toInteger() >= 0 && reserve.toInteger() <= 100) {
runIn(10, commandBackupReservePercent, [data: [reservePercent: reserve.toInteger()]])
} else {
def errMessage = "Unexpected condition processing scheduled reserve % change: ${reserve}}"
sendNotificationMessage(errMessage, "anomaly")
if (stormwatch && stormwatch.toString() != "No Action") {
if (stormwatch.toString() == "Enable Stormwatch") {
runIn(15, commandStormwatchEnable)
message = message + " Stormwatch: Enabled."
} else if (stormwatch.toString() == "Disable Stormwatch") {
message = message + " Stormwatch: Disabled."
runIn(15, commandStormwatchDisable)
if (strategy && strategy.toString() != "No Action") {
message = message + " TBC Strategy: ${strategy.toString()}."
if (strategy.toString() == "Cost Saving") {
runIn(20, commandTouStrategy, [data: [strategy: "economics"]])
} else if (strategy.toString() == "Balanced") {
runIn(20, commandTouStrategy, [data: [strategy: "balanced"]])
} else {
def errMessage = "Unexpected condition processing scheduled strategy change: ${strategy.toString()}"
sendNotificationMessage(errMessage, "anomaly")
if (enableChargeTriggers && enableChargeTriggers.toString() != "No Action") {
if (enableChargeTriggers.toString() == "Turn On Peak") {
message = message + " Virtual Peak Switch: On."
} else if (stormwatch.toString() == "Disable Triggers") {
message = message + " Virtual Peak Switch: Off."
return message
def processSchedule1() {
commandPwFromSchedule(schedule1Mode, schedule1Reserve, schedule1Stormwatch, schedule1Strategy, schedule1Days)
def processSchedule2() {
commandPwFromSchedule(schedule2Mode, schedule2Reserve, schedule2Stormwatch, schedule2Strategy, schedule2Days)
def processSchedule3() {
commandPwFromSchedule(schedule3Mode, schedule3Reserve, schedule3Stormwatch, schedule3Strategy, schedule3Days)
def processSchedule4() {
commandPwFromSchedule(schedule4Mode, schedule4Reserve, schedule4Stormwatch, schedule4Strategy, schedule4Days)
def processSchedule5() {
commandPwFromSchedule(schedule5Mode, schedule5Reserve, schedule5Stormwatch, schedule5Strategy, schedule5Days)
def processSchedule6() {
commandPwFromSchedule(schedule6Mode, schedule6Reserve, schedule6Stormwatch, schedule6Strategy, schedule6Days)
def processSchedule7() {
commandPwFromSchedule(schedule7Mode, schedule7Reserve, schedule7Stormwatch, schedule7Strategy, schedule7Days)
private getUrl() {
private getId() {
private getSecret() {
private getAgent() {
def getToken() {
if (!state.access_token) {
def refreshToken() {
def tokenExpirationSeconds
try {
if (state.refresh_token) {
try {
uri: url,
path: "/api/login/Basic",
headers: ['User-Agent': agent],
body: {
'username' : 'installer',
'password' : installerPw,
'email' : installerEmail,
'force_sm_off' : false
]) {
resp ->
//log.debug "Refresh token data: created at ${} and expires in ${}"
state.access_token =
//state.refresh_token =
//def Long tokenExpiresOn = +
//state.token_expires_on = tokenExpiresOn
state.schedule_refresh_token = true
} catch ( e) {
log.warn e
state.access_token = null
if (e.response?.data?.status?.code == 14) {
state.refresh_token = null
if (!state.access_token) {
uri: url,
path: "/api/login/Basic",
headers: ['User-Agent': agent],
body: {
'username' : 'installer',
'password' : installerPw,
'email' : installerEmail,
'force_sm_off' : false
]) {
resp ->
//log.debug "Access token data: created at ${} and expires in ${}"
state.accessTokenValid = true
state.access_token =
//state.refresh_token =
//def Long tokenExpiresOn = +
//state.token_expires_on = tokenExpiresOn
state.schedule_refresh_token = true
} catch (Exception e) {
state.accessTokenValid = false
log.error "Unhandled exception getting token: $e"
private resetAccountAccess() {
log.debug "resetting account tokens"
state.refresh_token = null
state.access_token = null
state.accessTokenValid = false
private httpAuthAsyncGet(handlerMethod, String path, Integer attempt = 1) {
try {
if (logLevel == "debug" | logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "Async requesting: ${path}"
def requestParameters = [
uri: url,
path: path,
headers: ['User-Agent': agent, Authorization: "Bearer ${token}"]
if (hubIsSt()) {
include 'asynchttp_v1'
asynchttp_v1.get(handlerMethod, requestParameters, [attempt: attempt])
} else {
asynchttpGet(handlerMethod, requestParameters, [attempt: attempt])
} catch (e) {
log.error "Http Async Get failed: ${e}"
private httpAuthGet(String path, Closure closure) {
log.debug "requesting: ${path}"
try {
def requestParameters = [
uri: url,
path: path,
headers: [
'User-Agent': agent,
Authorization: "Bearer ${token}"
httpGet(requestParameters) {
resp -> closure(resp)
} catch (e) {
log.error "Http Get failed: ${e}"
private httpAuthGetL(String path, Closure closure) {
log.debug "requesting: ${path}"
try {
def requestParameters = [
uri: "https://${gatewayAddress}",
path: path,
headers: [
'User-Agent': agent,
Authorization: "Bearer ${token}"
httpGet(requestParameters) {
resp -> closure(resp)
} catch (e) {
log.error "Http Get failed: ${e}"
private httpAsyncGet(address, handlerMethod, String path, Integer attempt = 1) {
try {
if (logLevel == "debug" | logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "Async requesting: ${path}"
//log.debug "https://${gatewayAddress}"
def requestParameters = [
uri: "https://${address}",
path: path,
contentType: 'application/json',
ignoreSSLIssues: true
//headers: ['User-Agent': agent, Authorization: "Bearer ${token}"]
if (hubIsSt()) {
include 'asynchttp_v1'
asynchttp_v1.get(handlerMethod, requestParameters, [attempt: attempt])
} else {
asynchttpGet(handlerMethod, requestParameters, [attempt: attempt])
} catch (e) {
log.error "Http Async Get failed: ${e}"
private httpAuthPost(Map params = [: ], String cmdName, String path, Closure closure, Integer attempt = null) {
//cmdName is descriptive name for logging/notification
def tryCount = attempt ?: 1
def attemptStr = ""
if (tryCount > 1) {
attemptStr = ", Attempt: ${tryCount}"
log.debug "Command: ${cmdName} ${params?.body}" + attemptStr
try {
def requestParameters = [
uri: url,
path: path,
headers: [
'User-Agent': agent,
Authorization: "Bearer ${token}"
if (params.body) {
requestParameters["body"] = params.body
httpPostJson(requestParameters) {
resp -> closure(resp)
} else {
httpPost(requestParameters) {
resp -> closure(resp)
state.cmdFailedSent = false
} catch ( e) {
log.warn "Request failed attempt ${tryCount} for path: ${path}. HTTP status code: ${e?.response?.getStatus()}"
if (tryCount < 3) {
log.debug "retrying Post"
//debug notification message below. comment out for production
//sendNotificationMessage("Failed HTTP command: ${params} after ${tryCount} tries. Retrying..")
if (e.response.getStatus() == 401) {
log.debug "Refreshing token"
httpAuthPost(params, cmdName, path, closure, tryCount + 1)
} else {
if (!state.cmdFailedSent) {
sendNotificationMessage("Powerwall Manager: Failed HTTP command: ${cmdName} after ${tryCount} tries.")
state.cmdFailedSent = true
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn "Request failed attempt ${tryCount} for path: ${path}. General Exception: ${e}"
if (tryCount < 3) {
log.debug "retrying Post"
//debug notification message below. comment out for production
//sendNotificationMessage("Failed command: ${params} after ${tryCount} tries. Retrying..")
httpAuthPost(params, cmdName, path, closure, tryCount + 1)
} else {
if (!state.cmdFailedSent) {
sendNotificationMessage("Powerwall Manager: Failed command: ${cmdName} after ${tryCount} tries.")
state.cmdFailedSent = true
private sendNotificationMessage(message, msgType = null) {
log.debug "notification message: ${message}"
if (msgType == null || msgType != "anomaly" || notifyWhenAnomalies?.toBoolean()) {
if (hubIsSt()) {
def sendPushMessage = (!notificationMethod || (notificationMethod.toString() == "push" || notificationMethod.toString() == "text and push"))
def sendTextMessage = (notificationMethod?.toString() == "text" || notificationMethod?.toString() == "text and push")
if (sendTextMessage == true) {
if (phoneNumber) {
sendSmsMessage(phoneNumber.toString(), message)
if (sendPushMessage) {
} else {
// Hubitat
if (notifyDevices != null) {
notifyDevices.each {
private getPowerwalls() {
state.foundPowerwalls = false
def foundPowerwall = false
httpAuthGet("/api/1/products", {
resp ->
//log.debug "response data for products was ${} " {
product ->
if (product.resource_type == "battery") {
//do not consider battery site if its site_name is null and a battery has previously been found (possibly a bad second site in the database)
if (product.site_name != null || !foundPowerwall) {
foundPowerwall = true
log.debug "battery found: ${} site_name: ${product.site_name} energy_site_id: ${product.energy_site_id}"
state.energySiteId = product.energy_site_id
state.pwId =
state.siteName = product.site_name
state.foundPowerwalls = foundPowerwall
def installed() {
log.debug "Installed"
def updated() {
log.debug "Updated"
def uninstalled() {
private removeChildDevices(delete) {
delete.each {
def initialize() {
if (pollingPeriod == "5 minutes") {
} else if (pollingPeriod == "30 minutes") {
} else if (pollingPeriod == "1 hour") {
} else if (pollingPeriod != "Do not poll") {
runEvery10Minutes(processMain) //default
} else {
log.debug "not polling Powerwall"
runIn(5, processMain)
if (state.refresh_token != null && state.token_expires_on != null) {
state.schedule_refresh_token = true
private createDeviceForPowerwall() {
def pwDevice = getPwDevice()
if (!pwDevice) {
def device = addChildDevice("darwinsden", "Tesla Powerwall", "Powerwall" + now().toString(), null,
[name: "Tesla Powerwall", label: "Tesla Powerwall",
completedSetup: true
log.debug "created powerwall device"
} else {
log.debug "device for Powerwall exists"
def updateIfChanged(device, attr, value, delta = null) {
def currentValue = null
if (state.currentAttrValue == null) {
state.currentAttrValue = [: ]
if (state.currentAttrValue[attr] != null) {
currentValue = state.currentAttrValue[attr].toString()
//log.debug "new value: ${value} old value: ${currentValue} attribute: ${attr} delta: ${delta} "
def deltaMet = (currentValue == null || value != null && delta != null && Math.abs((value.toInteger() - currentValue.toInteger()).toInteger()) > delta
def changed = value != null && value != '' && currentValue != null && currentValue != '' && value != currentValue && (!delta || deltaMet)
state.currentAttrValue[attr] = value.toString()
def heartBeatUpdateDue = false
if (state.lastHeartbeatUpdateTime != null) {
if (state.lastHeartbeatUpdateTime[attr] != null) {
if ((now() - state.lastHeartbeatUpdateTime[attr]) > 60000) {
heartBeatUpdateDue = true
} else {
state.lastHeartbeatUpdateTime = [: ]
if (device) {
if (changed || heartBeatUpdateDue || (currentValue == null && (value != null && value != ''))) {
device.sendEvent(name: attr, value: value)
state.lastHeartbeatUpdateTime[attr] = now()
//if (changed) {log.debug "changed ${attr} from ${currentValue} to ${value}"}
} else {
log.debug("No Powerwall device to update ${attr} to ${value}")
return changed
def processAboveTriggerDeviceActions() {
if (aboveTriggerDevicesToOn?.size()) {
def processBelowTriggerDeviceActions() {
if (belowTriggerDevicesToOff?.size()) {
def checkBatteryNotifications(data) {
if (notifyWhenReserveApproached?.toBoolean() && data.reservePercent != null) {
if (data.batteryPercent - data.reservePercent < 5) {
def status
if (data.batteryPercent <= data.reservePercent) {
status = "is at or below"
} else {
status = "is approaching"
if (state.timeOfLastReserveNotification == null) {
state.timeOfLastReserveNotification = now()
"Powerwall battery level of ${Math.round(data.batteryPercent*10)/10}% ${status} ${data.reservePercent}% reserve level.")
} else if (state.timeOfLastReserveNotification != null && now() - state.timeOfLastReserveNotification >= 30 * 60 * 1000) {
//reset for new notification if alert condition no longer exists and it's been at least 30 minutes since last notification
state.timeOfLastReserveNotification = null
if (aboveTriggerValue) {
if (data.batteryPercent >= aboveTriggerValue.toFloat()) {
if (state.timeOfLastAboveTrigger == null) {
if (!pauseAutomations && triggerPeriodActive() && aboveTriggerEnabled) {
state.timeOfLastAboveTrigger = now()
def enableTriggers = "N/A"
def triggerMessage = "Powerwall ${Math.round(data.batteryPercent*10)/10}% battery level is at or above ${aboveTriggerValue}% trigger."
if (actionsValid(aboveTriggerMode, aboveTriggerReserve, aboveTriggerStormwatch, aboveTriggerStrategy, aboveTriggerDevicesToOn,
enableTriggers)) {
def message = commandPwActions(aboveTriggerMode, aboveTriggerReserve, aboveTriggerStormwatch, aboveTriggerStrategy, enableTriggers)
if (aboveTriggerDevicesToOn?.size() > 0) {
message = message + " Turning on devices."
runIn(1, processAboveTriggerDeviceActions)
triggerMessage = triggerMessage + " Performing actions. " + message
if (notifyOfSchedules?.toBoolean()) {
} else if (state.timeOfLastAboveTrigger != null && now() - state.timeOfLastAboveTrigger >= 30 * 60 * 1000) {
//reset for new trigger if condition no longer exists and it's been at least 30 minutes since last trigger
state.timeOfLastAboveTrigger = null
if (belowTriggerValue) {
if (data.batteryPercent <= belowTriggerValue.toFloat()) {
if (state.timeOfLastBelowTrigger == null) {
if (!pauseAutomations && triggerPeriodActive() && belowTriggerEnabled) {
state.timeOfLastBelowTrigger = now()
def enableTriggers = "N/A"
def triggerMessage = "Powerwall ${Math.round(data.batteryPercent*10)/10}% battery level is at or below ${belowTriggerValue}% trigger."
if (actionsValid(belowTriggerMode, belowTriggerReserve, belowTriggerStormwatch, belowTriggerStrategy, belowTriggerDevicesToOff,
enableTriggers)) {
def message = commandPwActions(belowTriggerMode, belowTriggerReserve, belowTriggerStormwatch, belowTriggerStrategy, enableTriggers)
if (belowTriggerDevicesToOff?.size() > 0) {
message = message + " Turning off devices."
runIn(1, processBelowTriggerDeviceActions)
triggerMessage = triggerMessage + " Performing actions. " + message
if (notifyOfSchedules?.toBoolean()) {
} else if (state.timeOfLastBelowTrigger != null && now() - state.timeOfLastBelowTrigger >= 30 * 60 * 1000) {
//reset for new trigger if condition no longer exists and it's been at least 30 minutes since last trigger
state.timeOfLastBelowTrigger = null
def processSiteResponse(response, callData) {
// log.debug "${callData}"
if (logLevel == "debug" | logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "processing site data response"
if (!response.hasError()) {
def data = response.json.response
if (logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "${data}"
def strategy = data.tou_settings.optimization_strategy
def strategyUi
if (strategy == "economics") {
strategyUi = "Cost-Saving"
} else if (strategy == "balanced") {
strategyUi = "Balanced"
} else {
strategyUi = strategy
state.strategy = strategyUi.toString()
def pwDevice = getPwDevice()
def changed = updateIfChanged(pwDevice, "currentStrategy", strategyUi)
if (changed && notifyWhenModesChange?.toBoolean()) {
sendNotificationMessage("Powerwall ATC optimization strategy changed to ${strategyUi}")
if (notifyWhenModesChange?.toBoolean() && state?.lastSchedule && data.tou_settings.schedule != state.lastSchedule) {
sendNotificationMessage("Powerwall Advanced Time Controls schedule has changed")
state.lastSchedule = data.tou_settings.schedule
//log.debug "sched: ${data.tou_settings.schedule}"
} else {
if (response.getStatus() == 401) {
log.warn "Site resp error: ${response.getErrorMessage()}. Refreshing token"
runIn (1, refreshToken)
if (callData?.attempt && callData.attempt < 2) {
log.warn "Site resp error: ${response.getErrorMessage()}. Retrying."
runIn(20, requestSiteData, [data: [attempt: callData.attempt + 1]])
} else {
log.error "Site resp error: ${response.getErrorMessage()} on attempt ${callData?.attempt}."
def processGwAggregatesResponse(response, callData) {
//log.debug "${callData}"
if (logLevel == "debug" | logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "processing gateway aggregates response"
if (!response.hasError()) {
def data = response.json
if (logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "${data}"
def child = getPwDevice()
updateIfChanged(child, "loadPower", data.load.instant_power.toInteger(), 100)
updateIfChanged(child, "gridPower",, 100)
updateIfChanged(child, "power",, 100)
updateIfChanged(child, "solarPower",, 100)
updateIfChanged(child, "powerwallPower", data.battery.instant_power.toInteger(), 100)
} else {
log.debug "error"
log.debug "${data}"
def processGwSoeResponse(response, callData) {
//log.debug "${callData}"
if (logLevel == "debug" | logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "processing gateway SOE response"
if (!response.hasError()) {
def data = response.json
if (logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "${data}"
def child = getPwDevice()
//def batteryPercent = (data.percentage.toFloat() - 5.0)/0.95 //adjust TEG to match Tesla Server API
def batteryPercent = (data.percentage.toFloat() - 6)/0.94 //adjust TEG to match Tesla Server API. Remove 5% and rescale 0 - 100%
float bpRounded = Math.round(batteryPercent * 10)/10 //rounded to one decimal place
//log.debug "percent: ${bpRounded}"
updateIfChanged(child, "battery", (bpRounded + 0.5).toInteger())
updateIfChanged(child, "batteryPercent", bpRounded)
//runIn(1, checkBatteryNotifications, [data: [batteryPercent: bpRounded, reservePercent: data.backup.backup_reserve_percent.toInteger()]])
runIn(1, checkBatteryNotifications, [data: [batteryPercent: bpRounded, reservePercent: null]])
} else {
log.debug "error"
log.debug "${data}"
def processGwOperationResponse(response, callData) {
//log.debug "${callData}"
log.debug "processing gateway operation response"
if (!response.hasError()) {
def data = response.json
log.debug "${data}"
def child = getPwDevice()
} else {
log.debug "error"
log.debug "${data}"
def processGwSiteNameResponse(response, callData) {
//log.debug "${callData}"
if (logLevel == "debug" | logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "processing gateway sitename response"
if (!response.hasError()) {
def data = response.json
//log.debug "${data}"
def child = getPwDevice()
//updateIfChanged(child, "sitenameAndVers", data.site_name.toString() + ' ' + versionString + '\n' + gridStatusString)
updateIfChanged(child, "siteName", data.site_name.toString())
} else {
log.debug "error"
log.debug "${data}"
def processPowerwallResponse(response, callData) {
// log.debug "${callData}"
if (logLevel == "debug" | logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "processing powerwall response"
if (!response.hasError()) {
def data = response.json.response
if (logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "${data}"
def child = getPwDevice()
def reservePercent
if (data.operation == "backup") {
reservePercent = 100
} else {
reservePercent = data.backup.backup_reserve_percent.toInteger()
updateIfChanged(child, "reservePercent", reservePercent.toInteger())
updateIfChanged(child, "reserve_pending", reservePercent.toInteger())
if (data.total_pack_energy > 1) //sometimes data appears invalid
def batteryPercent = data.energy_left.toFloat() / data.total_pack_energy.toFloat() * 100.0
def bpRounded = Math.round(batteryPercent * 10)/10 //rounded to one decimal place
//log.debug "percent: ${bpRounded}"
updateIfChanged(child, "battery", (bpRounded + 0.5).toInteger())
updateIfChanged(child, "batteryPercent", bpRounded)
//updateIfChanged(child, "battery", Math.round(batteryPercent * 10) / 10).toInteger()
//updateIfChanged(child, "batteryPercent", Math.round(batteryPercent * 10) / 10)
runIn(1, checkBatteryNotifications, [data: [batteryPercent: bpRounded, reservePercent: data.backup.backup_reserve_percent.toInteger()]])
updateIfChanged(child, "loadPower", data.power_reading.load_power[0].toInteger(), 100)
updateIfChanged(child, "gridPower", data.power_reading.grid_power[0].toInteger(), 100)
updateIfChanged(child, "power", data.power_reading.grid_power[0].toInteger(), 100)
updateIfChanged(child, "solarPower", data.power_reading.solar_power[0].toInteger(), 100)
updateIfChanged(child, "powerwallPower", data.power_reading.battery_power[0].toInteger(), 100)
def versionString = ''
if (data.version != null) {
versionString = 'V' + data.version.toString()
//Grid Status
def gridStatusString
def gridStatusEnum
if (data.grid_status == "Inactive") {
gridStatusString = "Status: Off-Grid"
gridStatusEnum = "offGrid"
} else {
gridStatusString = "Status: On-Grid"
gridStatusEnum = "onGrid"
def changed = updateIfChanged(child, "gridStatus", gridStatusEnum)
if (changed) {
if (gridStatusEnum == "offGrid") {
runIn(1, processOffGridActions)
} else {
runIn(1, processOnGridActions)
updateIfChanged(child, "sitenameAndVers", data.site_name.toString() + ' ' + versionString + '\n' + gridStatusString)
updateIfChanged(child, "siteName", data.site_name.toString())
changed = updateIfChanged(child, "pwVersion", versionString)
if (changed && notifyWhenVersionChanges?.toBoolean()) {
sendNotificationMessage("Powerwall software version changed to ${versionString}")
if (data.user_settings.storm_mode_enabled.toBoolean()) {
updateIfChanged(child, "stormwatch", "Stormwatch: Enabled")
} else {
updateIfChanged(child, "stormwatch", "Stormwatch: Disabled")
def opMode = "Unknown"
if (data.operation == "autonomous") {
opMode = "Time-Based Control"
} else if (data.operation == "self_consumption") {
opMode = "Self-Powered"
} else if (data.operation == "backup") {
opMode = "Backup-Only"
changed = updateIfChanged(child, "currentOpState", opMode)
if (changed && notifyWhenModesChange?.toBoolean()) {
sendNotificationMessage("Powerwall op mode changed to ${opMode}")
//log.debug "grid status is: ${data.grid_status}"
state.lastCompletedTime = now()
} else {
if (response.getStatus() == 401) {
log.warn "Powerwall resp error: ${response.getErrorMessage()}. Refreshing token"
if (callData?.attempt && callData.attempt < 2) {
log.warn "Powerwall resp error: ${response.getErrorMessage()}. Retrying."
runIn(30, requestPwData, [data: [attempt: callData.attempt + 1]])
} else {
log.error "Powerwall resp error: ${response.getErrorMessage()} on attempt ${callData?.attempt}."
def processOffGridActions() {
log.debug "processing off grid actions"
def child = getPwDevice()
updateIfChanged(child, "switch", "off")
if (notifyWhenGridStatusChanges?.toBoolean()) {
sendNotificationMessage("Powerwall status changed to: Off Grid")
if (devicesToOffDuringOutage?.size()) {
def processOnGridActions() {
log.debug "processing on grid actions"
def child = getPwDevice()
updateIfChanged(child, "switch", "on")
if (notifyWhenGridStatusChanges?.toBoolean()) {
sendNotificationMessage("Powerwall status changed to: On Grid")
if (devicesToOffDuringOutage?.size() && turnDevicesBackOnAfterOutage?.toBoolean()) {
def requestSiteData(data) {
if (!state?.lastSiteRequestTime || now() - state.lastSiteRequestTime > 1000) {
def tryCount = data?.attempt ?: 1
//log.debug "requesting site info"
if ((connectionMethod == null || connectionMethod != "Use Local Gateway Only") && state.foundPowerwalls) {
httpAuthAsyncGet('processSiteResponse', "/api/1/energy_sites/${state.energySiteId}/site_info", tryCount)
state.lastSiteRequestTime = now()
def requestPwData(data) {
if (!state?.lastPwRequestTime || now() - state.lastPwRequestTime > 1000) {
def tryCount = data?.attempt ?: 1
//log.debug "requesting powerwall data"
if ((connectionMethod == null || connectionMethod != "Use Local Gateway Only") && state.foundPowerwalls) {
httpAuthAsyncGet('processPowerwallResponse', "/api/1/powerwalls/${state.pwId}", tryCount)
if ((connectionMethod && connectionMethod != "Use Remote Tesla Account Server Only") && state.foundGateway && gatewayAddress) {
httpAsyncGet(gatewayAddress, 'processGwAggregatesResponse', "/api/meters/aggregates", tryCount)
httpAsyncGet(gatewayAddress, 'processGwSoeResponse', "/api/system_status/soe", tryCount)
httpAsyncGet(gatewayAddress, 'processGwSiteNameResponse', "/api/site_info/site_name", tryCount)
// Authenticate...
//httpAsyncGet(gatewayAddress, 'processGwOperationResponse', "/api/operation", tryCount)
// - version...
// api/system_status/grid_status
state.lastPwRequestTime = now()
def commandOpMode(data) {
//log.debug "commanding opMode to ${data.mode}"
httpAuthPost(body: [default_real_mode: data.mode], "${data.mode} mode", "/api/1/energy_sites/${state.energySiteId}/operation", {
resp ->
//log.debug "${}"
runIn(2, requestPwData)
runIn(30, processWatchdog)
def setSelfPoweredMode(child) {
if (child) {
child.sendEvent(name: "currentOpState", value: "Pending Self-Powered", displayed: false)
runIn(1, commandOpMode, [data: [mode: "self_consumption"]])
def setTimeBasedControlMode(child) {
if (child) {
child.sendEvent(name: "currentOpState", value: "Pending Time-Based", displayed: false)
runIn(1, commandOpMode, [data: [mode: "autonomous"]])
def setBackupOnlyMode(child) {
if (child) {
child.sendEvent(name: "currentOpState", value: "Pending Backup-Only", displayed: false)
runIn(1, commandOpMode, [data: [mode: "backup"]])
def commandTouStrategy(data) {
log.debug "commanding TOU strategy to ${data.strategy}"
//request Site Data to get a current tbc schedule. Schedule needs to be sent on tou strategy command or else schedule will be re-set to default
def latestSchedule
try {
httpAuthGet("/api/1/energy_sites/${state.energySiteId}/site_info", {
resp ->
//log.debug "${}"
if (resp?.data?.response?.tou_settings?.schedule) {
latestSchedule =
//log.debug "got schedule ${latestSchedule}"
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug "Exception ${e} getting latest schedule"
if (latestSchedule == null) {
//log.debug "setting latest schedule to last known state"
latestSchedule = state.lastSchedule
def commands = [tou_settings: [optimization_strategy: data.strategy, schedule: latestSchedule]]
httpAuthPost(body: commands, "${data.strategy}", "/api/1/energy_sites/${state.energySiteId}/time_of_use_settings", {
resp -> //log.debug "${}"
//log.debug "TOU strategy command sent"
runIn(2, requestSiteData)
runIn(30, processWatchdog)
def setTbcBalanced(child) {
//log.debug "commanding TBC Balanced"
if (child) {
child.sendEvent(name: "currentStrategy", value: "Pending Balanced", displayed: false)
runIn(2, commandTouStrategy, [data: [strategy: "balanced"]])
def setTbcCostSaving(child) {
//log.debug "commanding TBC CostSaving"
if (child) {
child.sendEvent(name: "currentStrategy", value: "Pending Cost-Saving", displayed: false)
runIn(2, commandTouStrategy, [data: [strategy: "economics"]])
def commandBackupReservePercent(data) {
//log.debug "commanding reserve to ${data.reservePercent}%"
httpAuthPost(body: [backup_reserve_percent: data.reservePercent], "reserve ${data.reservePercent}%",
"/api/1/energy_sites/${state.energySiteId}/backup", {
resp ->
runIn(2, requestPwData)
runIn(30, processWatchdog)
def setBackupReservePercent(child, value) {
//log.debug "commanding reserve to ${value}%"
if (value >= 0 && value <= 100) {
runIn(2, commandBackupReservePercent, [data: [reservePercent: value]])
} else {
log.debug "Backup reserve percent of: ${value} not sent. Must be between 0 and 100"
def commandStormwatchEnable() {
httpAuthPost(body: [enabled: true], "stormwatch mode enable", "/api/1/energy_sites/${state.energySiteId}/storm_mode", {
resp -> //log.debug "${}"
//log.debug "Stormwatch enable command sent"
runIn(3, requestPwData)
runIn(30, processWatchdog)
def commandStormwatchDisable() {
//log.debug "commanding stormwatch disable"
httpAuthPost(body: [enabled: false], "stormwatch mode enable", "/api/1/energy_sites/${state.energySiteId}/storm_mode", {
resp -> //log.debug "${}"
//log.debug "Stormwatch disable command sent"
runIn(2, requestPwData)
runIn(30, processWatchdog)
def enableStormwatch(child) {
log.debug "commanding stormwatch on"
runIn(2, commandStormwatchEnable)
def disableStormwatch(child) {
log.debug "commanding stormwatch off"
runIn(2, commandStormwatchDisable)
def refresh(child) {
if (logLevel == "debug" | logLevel == "trace") {
log.debug "refresh requested"
runIn(1, processMain)
runIn(30, processWatchdog)
def processWatchdog() {
def lastTimeProcessed
def lastTimeCompleted
if (!state.lastProcessedTime | !state.lastCompletedTime) {
lastTimeProcessed = now()
lastTimeCompleted = now()
} else {
lastTimeProcessed = state.lastProcessedTime
lastTimeCompleted = state.lastCompletedTime
def secondsSinceLastProcessed = (now() - lastTimeProcessed) / 1000
def secondsSinceLastProcessCompleted = (now() - lastTimeCompleted) / 1000
def maxDownTime = 1800
if (pollingPeriod) {
if (pollingPeriod == "30 minutes") {
maxDownTime = 6000
} else if (pollingPeriod == "1 hour") {
maxDownTime = 8000
} else if (pollingPeriod == "Do not poll") {
maxDownTime = 700000
if (secondsSinceLastProcessed > maxDownTime) {
if (!state?.processedWarningSent) {
sendNotificationMessage("Warning: Powerwall Manager has not executed in ${(secondsSinceLastProcessed/60).toInteger()} minutes. Reinitializing",
state.processedWarningSent = true
runIn(30, initialize)
} else {
if (secondsSinceLastProcessCompleted > maxDownTime) {
if (!state?.completedWarningSent) {
"Warning: Powerwall Manager has not successfully received and processed data in ${(secondsSinceLastProcessCompleted/60).toInteger()} minutes. Reinitializing",
state.completedWarningSent = true
runIn(30, initialize)
} else {
if (state?.completedWarningSent || state?.processedWarningSent) {
sendNotificationMessage("Info: Powerwall Manager has successfully resumed operation", "anomaly")
state.completedWarningSent = false
state.processedWarningSent = false
def processMain() {
state.lastProcessedTime = now()
def lastStateProcessTime
if (state.lastStateRunTime == null) {
lastStateProcessTime = 0
} else {
lastStateProcessTime = state.lastStateRunTime
def secondsSinceLastRun = (now() - lastStateProcessTime) / 1000
//log.debug "${location.timeZone}"
if (secondsSinceLastRun > 60) {
state.lastStateRunTime = now()
runIn(1, requestPwData)
runIn(10, requestSiteData)
if (state?.schedule_refresh_token && state.refresh_token != null && state.token_expires_on != null) {
Long refreshDateEpoch = state.token_expires_on.toLong() * 1000
//log.debug "Token refresh date is ${refreshDateEpoch}"
def refreshDate = new Date(refreshDateEpoch) - 2 // Two days before due
log.debug "Scheduling Token refresh on ${refreshDate}."
runOnce(refreshDate, refreshToken)
state.schedule_refresh_token = false
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