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Last active May 22, 2017 10:46
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Matplotlib installation using conda

Required software


This process is based on build_alllocal.cmd.

Create new conda environment:

conda create  -n "matplotlib_build" numpy python-dateutil pyparsing pytz tornado "cycler>=0.10" tk libpng zlib freetype
activate matplotlib_build
conda install -c conda-forge msinttypes

Update setuptools:

The setuptools package does not support Visual Studio 2017 prior to version 34.4.0. As of May 22 2017, conda does not provide a version that's new enough, so it needs to be updated manually using pip:

pip install --upgrade setuptools

As soon as anaconda releases a newer version of setuptools, using conda update setuptools to update setuptools should be preferred.

Install matplotlib:

build_alllocal.cmd develop
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