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Created September 23, 2023 18:58
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LastKnownCandlesDictonary builder
const fromRowToDictonary = (rows: any[]) => {
const dictonary: LastKnownCandlesDictonary = {};
rows.forEach((row) => {
dictonary[row.symbol] = row.lastaction;
return dictonary;
const reformatRowToObj = (res: QueryCommandOutput) => {
return res.Rows?.map((row) => {
const lastTimeStamp = getSafeNull(
row.Data?.[1].ScalarValue, minutesBackInTime(60)
const symbol = row.Data?.[0].ScalarValue;
if (!symbol || !lastTimeStamp) {
return null;
return {
symbol: symbol,
lastaction: clapToNextMinute(new Date(lastTimeStamp).getTime()), // One-min shift
}).filter((row) => row !== null) ?? [];
async function getActualLastCandles(DatabaseName: string, TableName: string, desiredSymbols: string[]) {
// Get Batch Read all last candles for each desiredSymbol and group in a dictonary
const client = loadQueryTimeStreamClientBulk();
// This query gets last elements in the 3h window range
const query =
`select crypto,lastaction FROM (
SELECT crypto,time,first_value(time) over (partition by crypto order by time desc) lastaction
FROM "${DatabaseName}"."${TableName}"
WHERE time between ago(3h) and now()
) GROUP BY crypto,lastaction`;
console.log('Running query: ', query);
const input: QueryCommandInput = {
QueryString: query, // <-- Query here
MaxRows: desiredSymbols.length,
const command = new QueryCommand(input);
try {
return await execQuery(client, command);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
export async function getCurrentLastOHLCVForEachSymbolInTimeStream(
markets: Dictionary<Market>,
DatabaseName: string,
TableName: string,
): Promise<LastKnownCandlesDictonary> {
const desiredSymbols = getDesiredSymbols(markets);
// Default every crypto last 60min
const defaultLastKnownCandlesDictonary:LastKnownCandlesDictonary = {
...desiredSymbols.reduce((acc, symbol) => {
return {
[symbol]: minutesBackInTime(60).getTime(),
}, {}),
const res = await getActualLastCandles(DatabaseName, TableName, desiredSymbols);
const rows = reformatRowToObj(res);
const dictonary = fromRowToDictonary(rows ?? []);
// Default first then override
return {
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