TL;DR: Using an old Raspberry Pi hosted at home in conjunction with CloudFlare and DuckDNS as $1/yr web hosting.
After cPanel hiked its prices, the hosting company I've been using went out of business. I looked for some shared hosting options. They ranged from $30 to $60 a year. That's much more than I want to pay (especially coming from a much better deal with my previous host). My solution is to host them at home on a Raspberry Pi.
I chose a Pi as my hardware versus a spare laptop, since a laptop would cost me at least $30 in electricity in a year. The Pi on the other hand will cost about $1 in electricity. The problem with hosting at home is my IP address will change from time to time. So I had to get a little creative.
I setup DuckDNS to track my IP address. points to my home IP address and there's a cron job on my Pi that updates my DuckDNS account every 5 minutes. So when my IP address changes, gets updated automatically.
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