Get on board our new online community on Matrix:
- Enter the free, open and secure Matrix, for instance with Element
- Join us at
More information and detailed instructions are available here.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
""" | |
Get the duration and bitrate of an Opus file.""" | |
import os | |
import sys | |
import struct |
Get on board our new online community on Matrix:
More information and detailed instructions are available here.
Matrix is a free standard and protocol for secure decentralised (real-time) communication. Think of it as the chat equivalent to email. As with email, decentralisation here means that there is no single provider/server who provides/owns the network (like with Slack for instance), but that there are multiple providers/servers on an open and interconnected network who can all talk to each other (just like you can send an email from your university email account to, for instance, a Google Gmail address). For more information have a look at the Matrix website.
The people who created Matrix also run the flagship implementationd of software to connect to the Matrix network, named Element (but there are many alternative implementations). Note that the Element website also provides professional/commercial hosting for Matrix servers (the equivalent to running your own email server), but this i
The following Python script allows to change the (overall) luminance of an image. This can be interesting when trying to match the luminance of several images (to their mean luminance for instance).
def change_image_luminance(image, luminance, precision=4):
"""Change the luminance of an image.
class TreeviewTooltip: | |
def __init__(self, treeview, texts=[]): | |
self._treeview = treeview | |
self._texts = texts | |
self._tooltip_window = None | |
self._tooltip_x = self.tooltip_y = 0 | |
self._last_idd = self._last_col = None | |
self._waittime = 500 | |
self._id = None |
Sorry I misunderstood before.
What you want to achieve is possible in two ways.
def custom_process_control_keys():
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
<SkinColors doc_version="12"> | |
<Main_Back>0,0,0</Main_Back> | |
<Main_Font>228,228,228</Main_Font> | |
<Alternate_Main_Back>121,156,199</Alternate_Main_Back> | |
<Alternate_Main_Font>217,217,217</Alternate_Main_Font> | |
<Body_Back>87,87,87</Body_Back> | |
<Body_Font>191,191,191</Body_Font> | |
<Strong_Body_Font>255,255,255</Strong_Body_Font> | |
<Button_Back>40,40,40</Button_Back> |
Script demonstrating differences in GLM modelling approaches between SPM and FSL:
import numpy as np
from nipy.modalities.fmri.glm import GeneralLinearModel
# Simulated data (20 'rest' volumes followed by 20 'task' volumes)
Y = np.hstack((np.random.normal(4200, 50, size=20),
np.random.normal(4300, 50, size=20)))