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Last active November 21, 2018 13:11
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uid is not used during the LDAP search to set/update the avatar via LDAP

Here is an example of user in database:

MariaDB [owncloud]> select * from oc_ldap_user_mapping where ldap_dn like 'uid=cle-jehan,%' limit 10\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       ldap_dn: uid=cle-jehan,ou=personnels en,ou=ac-versailles,ou=education,o=gouv,c=fr
 owncloud_name: 8891ce57-1dd211b2-80000000-00000000
directory_uuid: 8891ce57-1dd211b2-80000000-00000000
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

And here is the LDAP search seen in the log of LDAP server:

[20/Nov/2018:11:43:47 +0100] conn=154634333 op=25 msgId=26 -
    SRCH base="ou=ac-versailles,ou=education,o=gouv,c=fr"
    scope=2 filter="(uid=8891ce57-1dd211b2-80000000-00000000)" ### <===== Instead of uid=cle-jehan?!?
    attrs="dn uid samaccountname memberOf cloudQuotaVrs mail cn  jpegPhoto thumbnailphoto"

Why the uid is not used during the LDAP search?


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