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Last active December 4, 2018 11:16
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Ceph-ansible basic test
~$ git branch 
* origin/stable-3.2

~$ cat ../hosts 


~$ cat group_vars/all.yml
ceph_origin: repository
ceph_repository: community
ceph_stable_release: mimic

osd_scenario: lvm
osd_objectstore: bluestore
  - '/dev/sdc'

But it doesn't work:

~$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
~$ ansible-playbook -i ../hosts site.yml
TASK [ceph-config : create ceph initial directories] ***************************************************************************
Tuesday 04 December 2018  12:08:19 +0100 (0:00:00.128)       0:02:08.046 ****** 
changed: [mon] => (item=/etc/ceph)
changed: [mon] => (item=/var/lib/ceph/)
ok: [mon] => (item=/var/lib/ceph/mon)
ok: [mon] => (item=/var/lib/ceph/osd)
ok: [mon] => (item=/var/lib/ceph/mds)
ok: [mon] => (item=/var/lib/ceph/tmp)
changed: [mon] => (item=/var/lib/ceph/radosgw)
ok: [mon] => (item=/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rgw)
ok: [mon] => (item=/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mds)
ok: [mon] => (item=/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd)
ok: [mon] => (item=/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rbd)
changed: [mon] => (item=/var/run/ceph)

TASK [ceph-config : create ceph conf directory] ********************************************************************************
Tuesday 04 December 2018  12:08:21 +0100 (0:00:01.491)       0:02:09.537 ****** 
ok: [mon]

TASK [ceph-config : count number of osds for ceph-disk scenarios] **************************************************************
Tuesday 04 December 2018  12:08:21 +0100 (0:00:00.233)       0:02:09.770 ****** 
skipping: [mon]

TASK [ceph-config : count number of osds for lvm scenario] *********************************************************************
Tuesday 04 December 2018  12:08:21 +0100 (0:00:00.079)       0:02:09.850 ****** 
skipping: [mon]

TASK [ceph-config : run 'ceph-volume lvm batch --report' to see how many osds are to be created] *******************************
Tuesday 04 December 2018  12:08:21 +0100 (0:00:00.065)       0:02:09.915 ****** 
changed: [mon]

# ====
# ====

TASK [ceph-config : set_fact num_osds from the output of 'ceph-volume lvm batch --report'] *************************************
Tuesday 04 December 2018  12:08:22 +0100 (0:00:00.669)       0:02:10.584 ****** 
fatal: [mon]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check '(lvm_batch_report.stdout | from_json).changed'
    failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional
    ((lvm_batch_report.stdout | from_json).changed): 'dict object' has no attribute 'changed'\n\n
    The error appears to have been in '/root/ceph-ansible/repo/roles/ceph-config/tasks/main.yml':
    line 47, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\n
    The offending line appears to be:\n\n\n    - name: set_fact num_osds from the output of
    'ceph-volume lvm batch --report'\n      ^ here\n"}

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************
mon                        : ok=67   changed=10   unreachable=0    failed=1   

INSTALLER STATUS ***************************************************************************************************************
Install Ceph Monitor        : In Progress (0:02:01)
	This phase can be restarted by running: roles/ceph-mon/tasks/main.yml

Tuesday 04 December 2018  12:08:22 +0100 (0:00:00.063)       0:02:10.648 ****** 
ceph-common : install ceph for debian ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88.01s
ceph-common : configure debian ceph stable community repository --------------------------------------------------------- 8.33s
ceph-common : update apt cache if a repo was added ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.23s
ceph-common : install dependencies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.81s
ceph-config : create ceph initial directories --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.49s
ceph-common : configure debian ceph community repository stable key ----------------------------------------------------- 0.93s
ceph-defaults : populate service facts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.90s
ceph-common : update apt cache if cache_valid_time has expired ---------------------------------------------------------- 0.88s
gather and delegate facts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.69s
ceph-config : run 'ceph-volume lvm batch --report' to see how many osds are to be created ------------------------------- 0.67s
ceph-defaults : populate service facts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.61s
check for python2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.57s
ceph-common : create rbd client directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.49s
ceph-common : get ceph version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.38s
ceph-common : configure cluster name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.35s
ceph-defaults : is ceph running already? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.31s
ceph-infra : command ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.28s
ceph-defaults : create a local fetch directory if it does not exist ----------------------------------------------------- 0.28s
ceph-common : check /etc/default/ceph exist ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.26s
ceph-defaults : check if it is atomic host ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.25s

What I have missed?

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