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Created October 25, 2018 15:08
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Conversation with Dropbox dropping support for a number of filesystems, including anything but ext4 on Linux
Dropbox Chat about their dropping support for anything
other than ext4 for Linux.
Me: Hello. I just got a notice that I have to move my
Dropbox folder to an ext4-formatted drive. It is
currently on a ZFS drive, and I have no available space
available on any ext4 partitions. Why are you doing
this to me? Me
Myron: Hi there! Thanks for contacting Dropbox Support! My
name is Myron and I'll be happy to assist you today.
Me: Will you stop syncing? Or continue it? I am not
interested in any extra "features" other than what I am
using at current. Me
Myron: On Nov. 7, 2018, we’re ending support for Dropbox
syncing to drives with certain uncommon file systems.
On a Linux computer the Dropbox folder will only sync
to drive or partition with an ext4 file system Myron
Me: Why do you care? That should be more or less
transparent to you. Me
Myron: To ensure stability and a consistent experience, we
test the compatibility and behavior of Dropbox with the
most common filesystems. The supported file systems
are NTFS for Windows, HFS+ or APFS for Mac, and ext4
for Linux Myron
Me: It has not been a problem thus far. Do you understand
that I have no ext4 partitions big enough???? Me
Myron: I understand. I also understand it has not been a
problem thus far, as we are ending support as of
November 7, 2018 Myron
Me: Nor do I intend to reformat my drives with ext4 -- I
will loose the functionality I am using with ZFS Me
Myron: If you do not wish to or cannot update your file
system, all your files will still be available through
other compatible computers with supported file systems,
through supported mobile devices, and on the Dropbox
website. Myron
Me: What is the technical issues involved with syncing? ZFS
should support everything ext4 does. Syncing on my
main platform is kinda critical to me. Why not just
let it sync anyway, and I will deal with any technical
issues that might arise? Me
Myron: We are committed to providing the best cross-platform
experience to as many users as possible. We are ending
support for some configurations so we can focus on
delivering improvements and new features for customers’
most common system configurations. Myron
Me: This is not a good experience for me if I have to spend
a day or two moving my files around and reformatting
the drive -- just for Dropbox? Hello As I say, allow
it to continue to sync, and I will deal with any
technical issues that might arise. I have never
contacted tech support until now, anyway. Otherwise, I
might be inclined to drop Dropbox and seek some other
solution. Which will be a pain, but it seems I have
pain to endure either way. As a Linux user and
developer, I am used to solving my own technical issues
anyway. And to think I was just about to upgrade my
service. Glad I didn't. Hello? You still there? Me
Myron: I am still here, yes. I can definitely understand that
moving your files to a different file system is not at
all convenient. Myron
Me: Understatement of the century! Like I said, if I have
to do through that much pain, I will seek another
solution. So what will it be? And you still have not
said anything about the specific technical concerns
that ext4 has and ZFS does not. Me
Myron: There isn't a specific technical issue with ZFS. It's
just that our goal is to have a consistent experience
and we are testing Dropbox only on ext4 Myron
Me: I don't care. I am telling you that I will deal with
any technical issues arising from my use of ZFS. I pay
for this service, and I have become quite dependent on
how it works now. But I will seek another solution
just so I am free to use whatever filesystem I want.
Even if I have to write my own sync service. So let me
continue to sync on ZFS, and I will not bother you with
any support topics. I don't get your talk about
"experience" when my use case no longer fits. This is
not a good experience for me. Me
Myron: I understand. And I'm sorry to hear this isn't a good
experience for you Myron
Me: It was until this. So you are not going to relent?
Like I said, it's pain for me either way. Me
Myron: I'm not sure what you mean by relent. Myron
Me: Allow me to continue syncing to ZFS. That represents
the best user experience for me, and is what I have
been paying for. Me
Myron: The Dropbox application, just like any other piece of
software, has certain requirements in order to run. One
of those requirements is that the Dropbox folder will
be installed on a supported file system. Myron
Me: Don't tell me about "software requirements". I'm a
software engineer, and have more experience than
probably most of your development staff have been
alive!!!!! You actually have to put in the code to
disable if if it sees anything other than ext4. Me
Myron: That's correct.
This is true.
Me: As I am paying money for this service, I expect you to
allow my use case, not to shut me down because of it!
Myron: I understand this is your expectation. While I can
definitely sympathize with that, there are certain
things we can do and certain things we can do. One of
the things we can't do is re-code the software to allow
syncing on a Linux device running a file system that is
not ext4. We are not shutting you down, as Dropbox
will still be available on the web and other devices
running supported file systems. Myron
Me: I've already found a possible alternative: pCloud. Me
Myron: Okay Myron
Me: Last chance, or I'll just migrate to pCloud and cancel
my Dropbox account. They promise a migration with just
one click. Hmmm, they may have anticipated your
move!!!!!! And they cost less!!!! Me
Myron: I'm afraid that as of November 7, the application will
no longer sync to any Linux filesystem that isn't ext4.
You can review our system requirements here: Myron
Me: I've already looked at them. Well, you have made ,up
my mind for me. Me
Myron: If you wish to discuss this matter further, I can
forward your request to our engineering team who will
be happy to assist you further Myron
Me: No bother. I am switching to pCloud. Have a pleasent
day. Me
Myron: Okay, I'm sorry to hear that. If you don't wish for me
to escalate your case, do you have any further
questions for me today? Myron
Me: Unless you tell me they will deal with my use case?
Ok, esclate me. Me
Myron: They will certainly hear your case and discuss any
technical issues with you. Myron
Me: Ok Thank you. Me
Myron: You're welcome. Is there anything else I can help you
with today? Myron
Me: I guess not, aside from the escalation. Me
Myron: Okay, Thanks for chatting with us today. We would love
to hear how easy it was for you to receive the help you
needed via the following one-click rating, after I
close the chat. I will follow up with an email with a
ticket number for your reference. Have a great day!
And if you need anything else, don't hesitate to
contact us again. Bye! :) Thank you for your feedback!
Thank you for contacting us.
Chat session disconnected.
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