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Created March 5, 2023 22:24
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Patch Mastodon to allow more than 500 characters for toots
# Enable > 500 characters in the toot composer of the web interface
if [ -e $COMPOSEROOT/compose_form.js ]; then
# Sets the custom limit
cat <<EOF > $COMPOSEROOT/compose_max.js
export default $STATUS_MAX_CHARS;
# Show import
cat $COMPOSEROOT/compose_max.js
# Adds the import to compose_form
# replaces 'length(fulltext) > 500' & 'CharacterCounter max={500}' with COMPOSE_MAX
sed -i.default \
-e '1i\' \
-e "import COMPOSE_MAX from './compose_max';" \
-e 's/\(length(fulltext) > \)500/\1COMPOSE_MAX/' \
-e 's/\(CharacterCounter max={\)500\(}\)/\1COMPOSE_MAX\2/' \
# Show result
diff --color=always $COMPOSEROOT/compose_form.js.default $COMPOSEROOT/compose_form.js
# Enable > 500 characters in the serverside validator
# (will also update the instance configuration reported via the API)
if [ -e $VALIDATORROOT/status_length_validator.rb ]; then
# Updates MAX_CHARS in the validator
sed -i.default \
-e "s/\\(MAX_CHARS = \\)500/\1$STATUS_MAX_CHARS/" \
# Show result
diff --color=always $VALIDATORROOT/status_length_validator.rb.default $VALIDATORROOT/status_length_validator.rb
exit 0
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