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Created February 18, 2022 17:25
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param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)]
$ver = $false,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)]
$affinity = 0,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5)]
$del_outfile = $true,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=6)]
$pause = $true
function get-verbose {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)]
if( Test-Path -Path $output_file -PathType leaf )
if( $del_file )
rm $output_file
Copy-Item -Path $input_file -Destination ($output_file + "_full")
$data = Get-Content $input_file
[int]$current_line = 0
[int] $run
while ($current_line -lt $data.Length)
if($data[$current_line].Contains("run ") )
$run = $data[$current_line].Substring(0,$data[$current_line].Length-1).Split(" ")[1]
$current_line += 1
$values = $data[$current_line].Substring(0,$data[$current_line].Length-1).Split(",")
$current_line += 1
if( $run -eq 1 )
$values -join ';' >> $output_file
foreach( $n in $values ){ $table[ $n ] = 0 }
[int]$tick = 0
while($tick -lt $ticks)
$val = $data[$current_line].Substring(0,$data[$current_line].Length-1).Split(",")
for ( $i=1; $i -lt $val.Count; $i += 1)
$table[ $values[$i] ] += $val[$i]
$current_line += 1
$tick +=1
}#if($data[$current_line].Contains("run ") )
$current_line += 1
}#while ($current_line -lt $data.Length)
$temp = foreach( $n in $values ){ "{0,6:F6}" -f ($table[$n]/1000000/$ticks/$run) }
$temp[0] = $ticks
$temp -join ";" >> $output_file
Write-Output "$(Get-Date)"
[string]$platform = "Windows"
echo "--benchmark-verbose = $ver"
echo "Runs = $runs"
echo "Maps:"
echo "`nTicks: $ticks"
echo "----------------------" >> test_results.txt
foreach ($save in $saves)
#runs are indexed such that they are interleaved when testing, so no map has any substantial advantage to going first or last
$i = 0
#$argList = "--benchmark `"$save`" --benchmark-ticks $ticks --benchmark-runs $runs --benchmark-verbose `"wholeUpdate,gameUpdate,circuitNetworkUpdate,transportLinesUpdate,entityUpdate,electricNetworkUpdate,logisticManagerUpdate,constructionManagerUpdate,pathFinder,trains,trainPathFinder`" --disable-audio"
$argList = "--benchmark `"$save`" --benchmark-ticks $ticks --benchmark-runs $runs --benchmark-verbose `"all`" --disable-audio"
$platform = "WindowsVerbose"
$runs = 1
$argList = "--benchmark `"$save`" --benchmark-ticks $ticks --disable-audio"
#$argList = "--mod-directory null " + $argList
echo "`nCurrent map = `"$save`""
$Min_avg = 99999999999999999.0
while ($i -lt $runs)
$process = Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath "factorio.exe" -ArgumentList $argList -RedirectStandardOutput temp1
$process.PriorityClass = 128
if($affinity -gt 0)
$process.ProcessorAffinity = $affinity
$affinity = $process.ProcessorAffinity
#perform a cleanup pass on the data, since depending on the time to benchmark a number of spaces will be added to the lines
(cat temp1) -replace '\s+', ' ' > temp
$name = "$save.log" -replace '\\','-'
$name = "verbose\\" + $name
get-verbose -input_file temp1 -output_file $name -ticks $ticks -del_file $del_outfile
#rm temp1
$map_name = $save
$avg_current = ((cat temp | Select-String "avg:") -split " ")[2]
$avg_ms += ((cat temp | Select-String "avg:") -split " ")[2]
$min_ms += ((cat temp | Select-String "avg:") -split " ")[5]
$max_ms += ((cat temp | Select-String "avg:") -split " ")[8]
$factorio_version = ((cat temp -First 1) -split " ")[5]
$execution_time = ((cat temp | Select-String "Performed") -split " ")[5]
$startup_time = ((cat temp | Select-String "Loading script.dat") -split " ")[1]
$end_time = ((cat temp -last 1) -split " ")[1]
$run_index = $i + 1
# находим минимальное среднее
if($Min_avg -gt $avg_current)
$Min_avg = $avg_current
Write-Host "run - " ($i+1)`t$execution_time ms`tProcessorAffinity=$affinity -foreground Green
#echo "$map_name,$run_index,$startup_time,$end_time,$avg_ms,$min_ms,$max_ms,$ticks,$execution_time,$effective_UPS,$factorio_version,$platform" >> test_results.txt
#echo "$map_name`t`t$avg_ms`t$min_ms`t$max_ms`t$factorio_version`t$platform" >> test_results.txt
#if ( $i -eq $runs ){ Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to next" }
rm temp
$avg_ms /= $runs
$min_ms /= $runs
$max_ms /= $runs
Write-Host "`tavg - " ( [math]::Round( $avg_ms, 3 ) ) ms`tFPS = ( [math]::Round((1000 / $avg_ms), 2) ) -foreground Green
Write-Host "`tmin - " ( [math]::Round( $Min_avg, 3 ) ) ms`tFPS = ( [math]::Round((1000 / $Min_avg), 2) ) -foreground Green
'{0,-64} {1,-8} avg: {2,6:F3} ms min: {3,6:F3} ms max: {4,6:F3} ms {5,8} {6}' -f $map_name, $ticks, $avg_ms, $min_ms, $max_ms, $factorio_version, $platform >> test_results.txt
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
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