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Created August 10, 2014 18:39
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Save flangofas/cd0c8e75ba4e10682fea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My .vimrc
syntax on
set number
set wrap
set laststatus=2 " Always show the statusline
set title " Set the title of the window in the terminal to the file
set history=500 " History
set backup
"Followin cmd must be configure with X11
set clipboard+=unnamed " Yank to system clipboard
set showcmd " Display an incomplete command in the lower right corner of the Vim window
colorscheme symfony
set encoding=utf-8
filetype plugin indent on " Automatically detect file types.
" -----------------------------
" " Short keys
" " -----------------------------
set pastetoggle=<F10> " toggle between paste and normal: for 'safer' pasting from keyboard
" -----------------------------
" " File Locations
" " -----------------------------
set backupdir=~/.vim/.backup "set Backup dir
set directory=~/.vim/.tmp "where swp files go tmp
if exists('+colorcolumn')
set colorcolumn=120 " Color the 80th column differently as a wrapping guide.
" ---------------
" Text Format
" ---------------
set tabstop=4
set backspace=indent,eol,start " Delete everything with backspace
set shiftwidth=4 " Tabs under smart indent
set shiftround
set cindent
set cinoptions=:s,ps,ts,cs
set cinwords=if,else,while,do,for,switch,case
set autoindent
set smarttab
set expandtab
" ---------------
" Searching
" ---------------
set ignorecase " Case insensitive search
set smartcase " Non-case sensitive search
set incsearch " Incremental search
set hlsearch " Highlight search results
" ---------------
" " Mouse
" " ---------------
set mousehide " Hide mouse after chars typed
set mouse=a " Mouse in all modes
"enable folding
"set foldmethod=syntax
"set foldlevelstart=1
"let javaScript_fold=1 " JavaScript
"let perl_fold=1 " Perl
"let php_folding=1 " PHP
"let r_syntax_folding=1 " R
"let ruby_fold=1 " Ruby
"let sh_fold_enabled=1 " sh
"let vimsyn_folding='af' " Vim script
"let xml_syntax_folding=1 " XML
" Auto commands
" Run checksyntax plugin when saving * files.
autocmd BufWritePost * :CheckSyntax
" I hate forgeting sudo when opening root files
command W w !sudo tee % >/dev/null
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