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Created September 18, 2017 07:21
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JEB2 renaming script
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Sample client script for PNF Software's JEB2.
More samples are available on our website and within the scripts/ folder.
Refer to SCRIPTS.TXT for more information.
import string
import re,collections
from com.pnfsoftware.jeb.client.api import IScript
from com.pnfsoftware.jeb.client.api import IScript, IGraphicalClientContext
from com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core import RuntimeProjectUtil
from com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.actions import Actions, ActionContext, ActionXrefsData
from import JebEvent, J
from com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.output import AbstractUnitRepresentation, UnitRepresentationAdapter
from com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code import ICodeUnit, ICodeItem
from import IJavaSourceUnit, IJavaStaticField, IJavaNewArray, IJavaConstant, IJavaCall, IJavaField, IJavaMethod, IJavaClass
from com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.actions import ActionTypeHierarchyData
from com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.actions import ActionRenameData
from com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.util import DecompilerHelper
from com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.output.text import ITextDocument
from import IDexUnit
from java.lang import Runnable
class JEB2AutoRenameByTypeInfo(IScript):
def run(self, ctx):
ctx.executeAsync("Running name detection...", JEB2AutoRename(ctx))
class JEB2AutoRename(Runnable):
def __init__(self, ctx):
self.ctx = ctx
def run(self):
ctx = self.ctx
engctx = ctx.getEnginesContext()
if not engctx:
print('Back-end engines not initialized')
projects = engctx.getProjects()
if not projects:
print('There is no opened project')
# 逻辑开始
prj = projects[0]
self.codeUnit = RuntimeProjectUtil.findUnitsByType(prj, ICodeUnit, False)
self.curIdx = 0
bcUnits = []
for unit in self.codeUnit:
classes = unit.getClasses()
if classes and unit.getName().lower() == "bytecode":
targetUnit = bcUnits[0]
units = RuntimeProjectUtil.findUnitsByType(prj, IJavaSourceUnit, False)
self.targetUnit = targetUnit
#this is a single classes.dex item
fuckingClasses = []
cnt = 0
for clz in targetUnit.getClasses():
#the name maybe renamed
#print(clz.getSignature(False))#False is for original Name
if isFuckingName(clz.getName(False)):
determinedName = self.tryDetermineGoodName(clz)
if determinedName is None:
determinedName = genNameFromIdx(cnt)
determinedName = genNameFromIdx(cnt) + determinedName.split('/')[-1][:-1]
self.commenceRename(clz.getSignature(False), determinedName, 0)
print("cnt is " + str(cnt) + "determined name is " + str(determinedName))
cnt += 1
#rename all fields
cnt = 0
for field in targetUnit.getFields():
if isFuckingName(field.getName(False)):
#get field type(renamed Type)
fieldType = field.getFieldType().getName(True)
newName = genNameFromIdx(cnt) + fieldType
self.commenceRename(field.getAddress(), newName, 1)
print("cnt is " + str(cnt) + "determined name is " + str(newName))
cnt += 1
#rename all functions
cnt = 0
for mtd in targetUnit.getMethods():
if isFuckingName(mtd.getName(False)):
#get method arguments
#new mtd name is paramTypeJoin
newName = genNameFromIdx(cnt) + ''.join(map(lambda x: x.getName(True), mtd.getParameterTypes()))
self.commenceRename(mtd.getAddress(), newName, 2)
print("cnt is " + str(cnt) + "determined name is " + str(newName))
cnt += 1
def commenceRename(self, originName, newName, isClass):
if isClass == 0:
clz = self.targetUnit.getClass(originName)
elif isClass == 1:
clz = self.targetUnit.getField(originName)
clz = self.targetUnit.getMethod(originName)
actCntx = ActionContext(self.targetUnit, Actions.RENAME, clz.getItemId(), clz.getAddress())
actData = ActionRenameData()
if(self.targetUnit.prepareExecution(actCntx, actData)):
# 执行重命名动作
bRlt = self.targetUnit.executeAction(actCntx, actData)
if(not bRlt):
print(u'executeAction fail!')
except Exception,e:
print Exception,":",e
def tryDetermineGoodName(self, clzElement):
decomp = DecompilerHelper.getDecompiler(self.targetUnit)
javaunit = decomp.decompile(clzElement.getAddress())
clzElement = javaunit.getClassElement()
if not isFuckingName(clzElement.getName()):
return clzElement.getName()
ssupers = clzElement.getImplementedInterfaces()
supers = []
# do not directly append on returned list!
superSig = clzElement.getSupertype().getSignature()
for superItem in supers:
sig = superItem.getSignature()
if sig == "Ljava/lang/Object;":
if not isFuckingName(sig):
return sig
resolvedType = self.targetUnit.getClass(sig)
if resolvedType:
#this is a concret class
guessedName = self.tryDetermineGoodName(resolvedType)
if guessedName:
return guessedName
#this is a SDK class
return sig
return None
def isFuckingName(s):
if s.find('/') != -1:
s = s.split('/')[-1][:-1]
elif s[-1] == ';':
s = s[1:-1]
return set(list(s.lower())) == set(list('li'))
def genNameFromIdx(idx):
ret = ''
while idx / 26 != 0:
ret += chr(ord('a') + idx % 26)
idx = idx /26
ret += chr(ord('a') + idx % 26)
return ret
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hi , i use jeb3 , wantto find what diff betwenn jeb2 3 api,so i can change ur scripy to jeb3, but no search result , can u give some suggestions? thank u ....

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