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Created June 7, 2023 22:00
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// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/display_list/geometry/dl_region2.h"
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
namespace flutter {
DlRegion2::DlRegion2(const std::vector<SkIRect>& rects) {
std::vector<SkIRect> DlRegion2::getRects(bool deband) const {
std::vector<SkIRect> rects;
size_t previous_span_end = 0;
for (const auto& line : lines_) {
for (const Span& span : line.spans) {
SkIRect rect{span.left,, span.right, line.bottom};
if (deband) {
auto iter = rects.begin() + previous_span_end;
// If there is rectangle previously in rects on which this one is a
// vertical continuation, remove the previous rectangle and expand
// this one vertically to cover the area.
while (iter != rects.begin()) {
if (iter->bottom() < {
// Went all the way to previous span line.
} else if (iter->left() == rect.left() &&
iter->right() == rect.right()) {
FML_DCHECK(iter->bottom() ==;
rect.fTop = iter->fTop;
previous_span_end = rects.size();
return rects;
bool DlRegion2::spansEqual(const SpanVec& spans1, const SpanVec& spans2) {
size_t size = spans1.size();
if (spans2.size() != size) {
return false;
return 0 == memcmp(,,
size * sizeof(DlRegion2::Span));
void DlRegion2::addRects(const std::vector<SkIRect>& unsorted_rects) {
size_t count = unsorted_rects.size();
std::vector<const SkIRect*> rects(count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
rects[i] = &unsorted_rects[i];
std::sort(rects.begin(), rects.end(), [](const SkIRect* a, const SkIRect* b) {
if (a->top() < b->top()) {
return true;
if (a->top() > b->top()) {
return false;
return a->left() < b->left();
size_t active_end = 0;
size_t next_rect = 0;
int32_t cur_y = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
SpanVec working_spans;
size_t active_rect_count = 0;
size_t span_count = 0;
int pass_count = 0;
int line_count = 0;
while (next_rect < count || active_end > 0) {
// First prune passed rects out of the active list
size_t preserve_end = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < active_end; i++) {
const SkIRect* r = rects[i];
if (r->bottom() > cur_y) {
rects[preserve_end++] = r;
active_end = preserve_end;
// If we have no active rects any more, jump to the top of the
// next available input rect.
if (active_end == 0) {
if (next_rect >= count) {
// No active rects and no more rects to bring in. We are done.
cur_y = rects[next_rect]->top();
// Next, insert any new rects we've reached into the active list
while (next_rect < count) {
const SkIRect* r = rects[next_rect];
if (r->isEmpty()) {
if (r->top() > cur_y) {
// We now know that we will be inserting this rect into active list
size_t insert_at = active_end++;
while (insert_at > 0) {
const SkIRect* ir = rects[insert_at - 1];
if (ir->left() <= r->left()) {
rects[insert_at--] = ir;
rects[insert_at] = r;
// We either preserved some rects in the active list or added more from
// the remaining input rects, or we would have exited the loop above.
FML_DCHECK(active_end != 0);
active_rect_count += active_end;
// [start_x, end_x) always represents a valid span to be inserted
// [cur_y, end_y) is the intersecting range over which all spans are valid
int32_t start_x = rects[0]->left();
int32_t end_x = rects[0]->right();
int32_t end_y = rects[0]->bottom();
for (size_t i = 1; i < active_end; i++) {
const SkIRect* r = rects[i];
if (r->left() > end_x) {
working_spans.emplace_back(start_x, end_x);
start_x = r->left();
end_x = r->right();
} else if (end_x < r->right()) {
end_x = r->right();
if (end_y > r->bottom()) {
end_y = r->bottom();
working_spans.emplace_back(start_x, end_x);
// end_y must not pass by the top of the next input rect
if (next_rect < count && end_y > rects[next_rect]->top()) {
end_y = rects[next_rect]->top();
// If all of the rules above work out, we should never collapse the
// current range of Y coordinates to empty
FML_DCHECK(end_y > cur_y);
if (!lines_.empty() &&
lines_.back().bottom == cur_y &&
spansEqual(lines_.back().spans, working_spans)) {
lines_.back().bottom = end_y;
} else {
span_count += working_spans.size();
lines_.emplace_back(cur_y, end_y, working_spans);
cur_y = end_y;
double span_avg = ((double) span_count) / line_count;
double active_avg = ((double) active_rect_count) / pass_count;
FML_LOG(ERROR) << lines_.size() << " lines for "
<< count << " input rects, avg "
<< span_avg << " spans per line and avg "
<< active_avg << " active rects per loop";
} // namespace flutter
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