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Last active August 21, 2018 19:40
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Optimal F Simulation In R
# Optimal F Simulation In R
# Make random returns
# Adjust $ return output by varying fractional (f)
# Calculations
# Calculation 1 = Optimal F calculation Start calculation = 1 + fractional amount * trade gain/loss (-/+) / abs(worst.loss)
# Calculation 2 = Optimal F Calculation = prev equity * (1+fractional (f) amount * trade gain/loss (-/+) / abs(worst.loss)
# Required Packages
# Set (f) values
f <- c(0,0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4 ,0.45, 0.5 ,0.55, 0.6 ,0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9 ,0.95 ,1)
# Create emptry matrix's for each (f) iteration
f.0.00 <- matrix()
f.0.05 <- matrix()
f.0.10 <- matrix()
f.0.15 <- matrix()
f.0.05 <- matrix()
f.0.20 <- matrix()
f.0.25 <- matrix()
f.0.30 <- matrix()
f.0.35 <- matrix()
f.0.40 <- matrix()
f.0.45 <- matrix()
f.0.50 <- matrix()
f.0.55 <- matrix()
f.0.60 <- matrix()
f.0.65 <- matrix()
f.0.70 <- matrix()
f.0.75 <- matrix()
f.0.80 <- matrix()
f.0.85 <- matrix()
f.0.90 <- matrix()
f.0.95 <- matrix()
f.1 <- matrix()
# Create random $ amount gains and losses
random.rets <- ifelse(runif(252)<0.40,-1,1)*round(252*runif(252),2)
# Sample and replace original return stream (note this may be real life gains and losses from a strategy)
# One may wish to enter actual trade results here
# and sample with or without replacement
rets <- sample(random.rets,replace=TRUE) # Remove repace=TRUE for without replacement
rets <- random.rets
i=2# Start on second location (calculation 1 is fixed)
for (i in 2:length(rets)) {
f.0.00[1] = (1+0.00 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.00[i] = f.0.00[i-1] * ((1+0.00* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.05[1] = (1+0.05 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.05[i] = f.0.05[i-1] * ((1+0.05* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.10[1] = (1+0.10 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.10[i] = f.0.10[i-1] * ((1+0.10* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.15[1] = (1+0.15 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.15[i] = f.0.15[i-1] * ((1+0.15* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.20[1] = (1+0.20 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.20[i] = f.0.20[i-1] * ((1+0.20* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.25[1] = (1+0.25 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.25[i] = f.0.25[i-1] * ((1+0.25* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.30[1] = (1+0.30 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.30[i] = f.0.30[i-1] * ((1+0.30* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.35[1] = (1+0.35 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.35[i] = f.0.35[i-1] * ((1+0.35* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.40[1] = (1+0.40 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.40[i] = f.0.40[i-1] * ((1+0.40* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.45[1] = (1+0.45 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.45[i] = f.0.45[i-1] * ((1+0.45* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.50[1] = (1+0.50 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.50[i] = f.0.50[i-1] * ((1+0.50* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.55[1] = (1+0.55 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.55[i] = f.0.55[i-1] * ((1+0.55* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.60[1] = (1+0.60 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.60[i] = f.0.60[i-1] * ((1+0.60* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.65[1] = (1+0.65 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.65[i] = f.0.65[i-1] * ((1+0.65* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.70[1] = (1+0.70 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.70[i] = f.0.70[i-1] * ((1+0.70* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.75[1] = (1+0.75 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.75[i] = f.0.75[i-1] * ((1+0.75* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.80[1] = (1+0.80 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.80[i] = f.0.80[i-1] * ((1+0.80* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.85[1] = (1+0.85 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.85[i] = f.0.85[i-1] * ((1+0.85* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.90[1] = (1+0.90 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.90[i] = f.0.90[i-1] * ((1+0.90* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.0.95[1] = (1+0.95 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.0.95[i] = f.0.95[i-1] * ((1+0.95* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
f.1[1] = (1+1 * rets[1] / abs(min(rets)))
f.1[i] = f.1[i-1] * ((1+1* rets[i] / abs(min(rets))))
# Output
out <- cbind(f.0.00,f.0.05,f.0.10,f.0.15,f.0.20,f.0.25,f.0.30,f.0.35,f.0.40,f.0.45,f.0.50,f.0.55,f.0.60,f.0.65,f.0.70,f.0.75,f.0.80,f.0.85,f.0.90,f.0.95,f.1)
cnames <- f
colnames(out) <- cnames
# Find cumulative return for any given fractional (f)
cr.list <- list()
for (i in 1:21) {
cr.rets <- ROC(out[,i],type = "discrete",na.pad=TRUE)
cr.list[[i]] <- rbind(as.numeric(, Sys.Date()-length(cr.rets):1)))))
# cbind output
cr_out <-,cr.list)
cnames <- f
colnames(cr_out) <- cnames
# Plot cumulative return
cr_plot <- melt(cr_out)
cr_plot <- setDT(cr_plot, keep.rownames=TRUE)
cr_plot <- data.frame(cr_plot)
title("Cumulative Return Vs Fractional (f)",xlab="Fractional (f)", ylab="Cumulative Return (%)")
axis(side = 1, at = f, las=2)
# Plot for final $ equity
#plot.df <- out[nrow(out),] # Extract last row of simulation
#plots <- melt(plot.df)
#plots <- setDT(plots, keep.rownames=TRUE)
#plots <- data.frame(plots)
# Plot
#plot(plots$rn,plots$value,type="o",col="red", ann=FALSE)
#title("Final Equity Vs Fractional (f)",xlab="Fractional (f)", ylab="Final Equity ($)")
# Find maximum drawdown for any given fractioanl (f)
dd <- data.frame(out)
cnames <- f
colnames(dd) <- cnames
# loop to pull max dd
dd.list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(dd)) {
dd.rets <- ROC(dd[,i],type = "discrete",na.pad=TRUE)
dd.list[[i]] <- rbind(as.numeric(, Sys.Date()-length(dd.rets):1)))))
# Validation
#rets <- ROC(dd[,2],type = "discrete",na.pad=TRUE)
#maxDrawdown(xts(rets, Sys.Date()-length(rets):1))
#chart.Drawdown(xts(rets$rets, Sys.Date()-nrow(rets):1), legend.loc = NULL, colorset = (1:12))
# cbind output
dd_out <-,dd.list)
cnames <- f
colnames(dd_out) <- cnames
# Plot DD vs fractional (f)
dd.plot <- melt(dd_out)
# Plot
plot(dd.plot$Var2,dd.plot$value,type="o",col="red", ann=FALSE,xaxt="n")
title("Maximum Drawdown Vs Fractional (f)",xlab="Fractional (f)", ylab="Maximum Draw Down (%)")
axis(side = 1, at = f, las=2)
# Combine Plots
# Cumulative Return
plot(cr_plot$Var2,cr_plot$value,type="o",col="red", ann=FALSE, xaxt="n")
title("Cumulative Return Vs Fractional (f)",xlab="Fractional (f)", ylab="Cumulative Return (%)")
axis(side = 1, at = f, las=2)
# Maximum Draw down
plot(dd.plot$Var2,dd.plot$value,type="o",col="red", ann=FALSE,xaxt="n")
title("Maximum Drawdown Vs Fractional (f)",xlab="Fractional (f)", ylab="Maximum Draw Down (%)")
axis(side = 1, at = f, las=2)
# Find win / loss % of sample
pw <- sum(rets >0) / length(rets) # win
pl <- sum(rets <0)/ length(rets) # loss
# Find Risk of ruin for any given fractional (f)
# Calculate daily returns
rets.list <- list() <- list()
mean.loss.list <- list()
sd.ret.list <- list()
for (i in 1:21) {
rets.rets <- ROC(out[,i],type = "discrete",na.pad=TRUE)
rets.list[[i]] <- rets.rets[[i]] <- mean(rets.rets[rets.rets>0],na.rm=TRUE)
mean.loss.list[[i]] <- mean(rets.rets[rets.rets<0],na.rm=TRUE)
sd.ret.list[[i]] <- sd(rets.rets,na.rm=TRUE)
# cbind output
rets_out <-,rets.list)
cnames <- f
colnames(rets_out) <- cnames
mean_win_out <-,
cnames <- f
colnames(mean_win_out) <- cnames
mean_loss_out <-,mean.loss.list)
cnames <- f
colnames(mean_loss_out) <- cnames
sd_out <-,mean.ret.list)
cnames <- f
colnames(sd_out) <- cnames
# Fixed fractional risk of ruin
# Ralph Vince 1990 (Portfolio Management Formulas : Mathematical Trading Methods for the Futures, Options, and Stock Markets)
risk_ruin.list <- list()
g= 0.3 # Set maximum % loss willing to accept
for (i in 1:21) {
aw = mean_win_out[,i]
al = mean_loss_out[,i]
pw = pw
p = .5 * (1+(z/a))
z = (abs((aw/q)*pw)) - (abs(al/q)*(1-pw))
a = ((pw * (aw/q)^2) + ((1-pw) * (al/q)^2)) ^(1/2)
u = g/a
risk_ruin.list[[i]] = ((1-p)/p)^u *100
# cbind output
risk_ruin_out <-,risk_ruin.list)
cnames <- f
colnames(risk_ruin_out) <- cnames
# Plot risk of ruin vs fractional (f)
rr.plot <- melt(risk_ruin_out)
rr.plot <- replace(rr.plot,, 0)
#options(scipen = 0)
# Plot
plot(rr.plot$Var2,rr.plot$value,type="o",col="red", ann=FALSE,xaxt="n")
title("Risk Of Ruin Vs Fractional (f)",xlab="Fractional (f)", ylab="Risk of Ruin (%)")
axis(side = 1, at = f, las=2)
# Find sharpe ratio for any given fractional (f)
sr.list <- list()
for (i in 1:21) {
sr.rets <- ROC(out[,i],type = "discrete",na.pad=TRUE)
sr.list[[i]] <- rbind(as.numeric(, Sys.Date()-length(sr.rets):1)))))
# cbind output
sr_out <-,sr.list)
cnames <- f
colnames(sr_out) <- cnames
# Plot cumulative return
sr_plot <- melt(sr_out)
sr_plot <- setDT(sr_plot, keep.rownames=TRUE)
sr_plot <- data.frame(sr_plot)
title("Sharpe Ratio Vs Fractional (f)",xlab="Fractional (f)", ylab="Sharpe Ratio")
axis(side = 1, at = f, las=2)
# Find optimal F
find.max <- which(cr_plot$value==max(cr_plot$value))
optimal.f <- cr_plot$Var2[find.max]
cat("Optimal f = ", optimal.f)
# Highlight code and ctrl+r to run many iterations
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