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Forked from rupl/drupal-test.js
Created October 13, 2016 11:10
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This sample accompanies a blog post series about CasperJS found at
* @file
* Testing a demo of Drupal. The script will log in and check for various
* features in Drupal core. This demo was inspired by a similar script for
* a Wordpress site. The original script was written by Henrique Vicente.
* @see
// Set up variables to visit a URL and log in.
var config = {
'host': '',
'form': {
'name': 'admin',
'pass': 'demo123'
// In one of the tests we want to set some content up, then test it in the
// following block of code. Setting this content up as a global variable helps
// keep the testing code DRY and reliable.
var nodeContents = {
'title': 'Hello, World!',
'body[und][0][value]': 'This content was added by CasperJS!'
// Define the suite of tests and give it the following properties:
// - Title, which shows up before any of the pass/fails.
// - Number of tests, must be changed as you add tests.
// - suite(), which contains all of your tests.
// @see
casper.test.begin('Testing Drupal demo site', 8, function suite(test) {
// casper.start() always wraps your first action. The first argument should
// be the URL of the page you want to test. Instead of being hard-coded, ours
// comes from the config object we defined above.
// @see
casper.start(, function() {
// casper.fill() allows you to populate and submit forms.
// The first argument is any selector that can uniquely identify your form.
// The second argument is an object containing the data you want to submit
// using this form. Our config.form variable was defined at the beginning of
// this file. Each property name of the object you supply should be identical
// to the `name` attr on the form you're filling out.
// The third argument is a boolean that tells Casper whether the form should
// be submitted automatically. There are other ways of submitting forms,
// such as finding the submit button and running the click() operation on it.
// @see
casper.fill('form#user-login-form', config.form, true);
// You can output comments at any point in your script. Sometimes it's good
// to add a message when you're attempting an operation that might take a
// few moments to respond, such as this login attempt.
test.comment('Logging in...');
// casper.then() allows us to wait until previous tests and actions are
// completed before moving on to the next steps. This is useful for many
// situations and authenticated sessions are a prime candidate, since we
// cannot perform any further actions if we failed to authenticate.
// @see
casper.then(function() {
// test.assertHttpStatus() determines which HTTP response code was sent from
// the server. All of the tests in this file are checking for 200, which is
// a normal, successful response. But there's nothing stopping someone from
// intentionally checking for 403, 404, or even 500 errors from the server.
// @see
test.assertHttpStatus(200, "Authentication successful");
// Now that we're logged in, check for the `logged-in` class that is appended
// to the <body> tag for all authenticated Drupal traffic.
// @see
test.assertExists('body.logged-in', 'Drupal class for logged-in users was found.');
// We want to browse the content list that is available to Drupal admins,
// so we are clicking the Content link in the admin toolbar. The next series
// of steps assumes that Overlay module is enabled, which is the default for
// the Standard installation profile in Drupal 7.
// @see'a[href="/drupal/admin/content"]');
// Log the click to the console so we know why it's pausing momentarily.
test.comment('Clicking the Content admin link...');
// Now that we've authenticated and loaded the content page, it's time to look
// for some content.
casper.then(function() {
// First we see if the Overlay updated the page title correctly. The first
// argument is a regex that is run against <title> tag. The second argument
// is optional and can be used to provide a more descriptive test result.
// @see
test.assertTitleMatch(/Content | Drupal Demo Install/, 'Overlay changed page title to contain the word "Content"');
// We also check that the URL is updated as expected. For science. Arguments
// are the same as test.assertTitleMatch()
// @see
test.assertUrlMatch(/drupal\/node#overlay=admin\/content/, 'Overlay updated the URL to drupal/node#overlay=admin/content');
// Instead of clicking another link, we want to load the node/add/page page
// without our dear friend, the Overlay. simply loads a new
// URL. We put this at the end of the code block and use casper.then() to
// ensure that the next tests are run after the page is finished opening.
// @see + '/node/add/page');
// Log this action to the console as an informational courtesy to the user.
test.comment('Adding Basic page...');
// With our fresh node/add page, we want to populate and submit another form.
casper.then(function() {
// Check that the page loaded properly.
test.assertHttpStatus(200, 'Opened the node/add/page page.');
// Look for the node form that we want to populate.
test.assertExists('form#page-node-form', 'Found the node/add/page form.');
// Populate the form with the content we prepared at the beginning of this
// file. As the notes above explain, we do not want to repeat the values we
// submit here in the next test, because if we update these values later and
// forget to change both simultaneously, then it will appear that the site
// broke when it is actually our test that is broken.
casper.fill('form#page-node-form', nodeContents, true);
// Once again, report that we're saving the node to keep the user informed.
test.comment('Saving new node...');
// Drupal automatically redirects to the published node on success. With the
// form submitted, we check to see what the published content looks like.
casper.then(function() {
// Check the page title of the published node. Since we don't want to hard-
// code any of the test values, we use the `new RegExp` syntax which allows
// the regex to contain variables.
test.assertTitleMatch(new RegExp(nodeContents.title), 'Our custom title was found on the published page.');
// Now we do some very light screen scraping to find the text that we added
// to the body field of this node. Since Drupal 7 has jQuery 1.4.4 out of
// the box, it is safe to rely on it to extract our text.
// test.assertEvalEquals() allows us to execute arbitrary code and compare
// the results with a pre-defined value. The first argument is a function
// containing our code that will be evaluated in the context of the testing
// environment. The second argument (which is sourced from our variable at
// the beginning of the file) is the expected result. The third argument is
// optional and allows us to provide a more descriptive test result.
// @see
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return jQuery('.node-page .content p').text();
}, nodeContents['body[und][0][value]'], 'Our custom text was found on the published page.');
// This code runs all the tests that we defined above. () {
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