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Last active November 9, 2018 13:09
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  • Save flashwave/7649d389de7d71fa112c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save flashwave/7649d389de7d71fa112c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - Flashii Profile API Testing
// Check if "uid" GET request is set
if(isset($_GET['uid'])) {
// Get data from remote server and surpress errors
$apiData = @file_get_contents('' . $_GET['uid'] . '/api');
// If nothing was retrieved display the following error and die
if($apiData == FALSE) {
die('<h1>Failed to retrieve API data!</h1>Is down?');
// Decode the returned JSON
$userData = json_decode($apiData, true);
// If the "error" key is set to true return Invalid user!
if($userData['error']) {
print '<h1>Invalid user!</h1>';
} else { // Otherwise display most of the stuff the API can return.
print '<h1>' . $userData['userName'] . '</h1>';
print '<pre>';
print 'ID: ' . $userData['userID'] . '<br />';
print 'Title: ' . $userData['userTitle'] . '<br />';
print 'Group ID: ' . $userData['groupID'] . '<br />';
print 'Group Title: ' . $userData['groupName'] . '<br />';
print 'Group Colour: ' . $userData['groupColour'] . '<br />';
print 'Joined Timestamp: ' . $userData['joinTimeStamp'] . '<br />';
print 'Last Active Timestamp: ' . $userData['lastTimeStamp'] . '<br />';
print 'Markdown Base 64: ' . $userData['markdown'] . '<br />';
print 'Avatar: <img src="' . $userData['userAvatar'] . '" /><br />';
print 'Background: <img src="' . $userData['userBackground'] . '" /><br />';
print '</pre>';
} else { // If the "uid" GET request isn't set return a form to make the user set it
print '<h1>No UserID set!</h1>';
print '<form method="get">';
print '<input type="text" name="uid" />';
print '<input type="submit" />';
print '</form>';
// Print a link to this GIST
print '<br /><a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>';
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wokark10 commented Dec 9, 2014

Would be nice to have an authentication mechanism.
E.g. would like to verify UserY has an account on is called from
if successful, user_valid: true is returned along with the data from[uid]/api

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That'll be a thing soon, like tekuno said it's one step forward towards a full api.

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groupStyle is deprecated

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Added a thing that checks if the API/Server is down or doesn't return anything.

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This API is now deprecated because of the introduction of a proper API in Sakura

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