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Created May 6, 2016 18:11
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$modes = [
'swf' => 'swf/*.swf',
'catgirls' => 'catgirls/*.*',
'coffington' => 'coffington/*.*',
'flashwave' => 'flashwave/*.*',
$mode = (isset($_GET['mode']) && array_key_exists($_GET['mode'], $modes) ? $_GET['mode'] : array_keys($modes)[0]);
$all = glob($modes[$mode]);
if (isset($_GET['random']) && $_GET['random']) {
header('Location: /' . $mode .'/' . rawurlencode(substr(strstr($all[array_rand($all)], '/'), 1)));
if ((isset($_GET['list']) && $_GET['list']) || (isset($_GET['json']) && $_GET['json'])) {
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
$out = str_replace('%0D%0A', PHP_EOL, str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode(implode($all, "\r\n"))));
if(isset($_GET['json']) && $_GET['json']) {
$out = json_encode(explode(PHP_EOL, $out), (isset($_GET['pretty']) && $_GET['pretty'] ? JSON_PRETTY_PRINT : null) | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
echo $out;
$files = array_chunk($all, (isset($_GET['l']) ? $_GET['l'] : 35), true);
$page = array_key_exists(@$_GET['p'], $files) ? $_GET['p'] : 0;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="oneesama.css" />
<i>Your global repository of stupid shit&trade;</i>
<hr />
<b>Update 2015-10-06</b>: newstuff.flp.
<hr />
<a href="/">SWF</a> / <a href="/?mode=catgirls">Catgirls</a> / <a href="/?mode=coffington">Coffington</a> / <a href="/?random=true<?=($mode != array_keys($modes)[0] ? '&mode='. $mode : null);?>">Random File</a>
<hr />
if (count($files) > 1) {
print '[<a href="?l=' . count($all) . '">ALL</a>]';
foreach ($files as $key => $val) {
print ' [<a href="?p=' . $key . ($mode != array_keys($modes)[0] ? '&mode='. $mode : null) . '">' . ($key + 1) . '</a>]';
print '<hr />';
foreach ($files[$page] as $file) {
print '<li><a href="';
print $mode .'/' . rawurlencode(substr(strstr($file, '/'), 1));
print '" target="_blank">';
print strrev(substr(strstr(strrev(substr(strstr($file, '/'), 1)), '.'), 1));
print '</a></li>';
<hr />
if (count($files) > 1) {
print '[<a href="?l=' . count($all) . '">ALL</a>]';
foreach ($files as $key => $val) {
print ' [<a href="?p=' . $key . ($mode != array_keys($modes)[0] ? '&mode='. $mode : null) . '">' . ($key + 1) . '</a>]';
print '<hr />';
<span style="font-style: italic;">Managed by <a href="" target="_blank">Flashwave</a></span>
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