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Created June 26, 2021 09:09
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Config for NeoMutt 20210205-544-3952e7
Config Variable One-line Description
abort_backspace Hitting backspace against an empty prompt aborts the prompt
abort_key String representation of key to abort prompts
abort_noattach Abort sending the email if attachments are missing
abort_noattach_regex Regex to match text indicating attachments are expected
abort_nosubject Abort creating the email if subject is missing
abort_unmodified Abort the sending if the message hasn't been edited
alias_file Save new aliases to this file
alias_format printf-like format string for the alias menu
allow_8bit Allow 8-bit messages, don't use quoted-printable or base64
allow_ansi Allow ANSI colour codes in rich text messages
arrow_cursor Use an arrow '->' instead of highlighting in the index
arrow_string Use an custom string for arrow_cursor
ascii_chars Use plain ASCII characters, when drawing email threads
ask_bcc Ask the user for the blind-carbon-copy recipients
ask_cc Ask the user for the carbon-copy recipients
ask_follow_up (nntp) Ask the user for follow-up groups before editing
ask_x_comment_to (nntp) Ask the user for the 'X-Comment-To' field before editing
assumed_charset If a message is missing a character set, assume this character set
attach_charset When attaching files, use one of these character sets
attach_format printf-like format string for the attachment menu
attach_save_dir Default directory where attachments are saved
attach_save_without_prompting If true, then don't prompt to save
attach_sep Separator to add between saved/printed/piped attachments
attach_split Save/print/pipe tagged messages individually
attribution Message to start a reply, 'On DATE, PERSON wrote:'
attribution_locale Locale for dates in the attribution message
autocrypt Enables the Autocrypt feature
autocrypt_acct_format Format of the autocrypt account menu
autocrypt_dir Location of autocrypt files, including the GPG keyring and SQLite database
autocrypt_reply Replying to an autocrypt email automatically enables autocrypt in the reply
auto_edit Skip the initial compose menu and edit the email
auto_subscribe Automatically check if the user is subscribed to a mailing list
auto_tag Automatically apply actions to all tagged messages
beep Make a noise when an error occurs
beep_new Make a noise when new mail arrives
bounce Confirm before bouncing a message
bounce_delivered Add 'Delivered-To' to bounced messages
braille_friendly Move the cursor to the beginning of the line
browser_abbreviate_mailboxes Abbreviate mailboxes using '~' and '=' in the browser
catchup_newsgroup (nntp) Mark all articles as read when leaving a newsgroup
certificate_file File containing trusted certificates
change_folder_next Suggest the next folder, rather than the first when using ''
charset Default character set for displaying text on screen
check_mbox_size (mbox,mmdf) Use mailbox size as an indicator of new mail
check_new (maildir,mh) Check for new mail while the mailbox is open
collapse_all Collapse all threads when entering a folder
collapse_flagged Prevent the collapse of threads with flagged emails
collapse_unread Prevent the collapse of threads with unread emails
compose_format printf-like format string for the Compose panel's status bar
compose_show_user_headers Controls whether or not custom headers are shown in the compose envelope
config_charset Character set that the config files are in
confirm_append Confirm before appending emails to a mailbox
confirm_create Confirm before creating a new mailbox
connect_timeout Timeout for making network connections (-1 to wait indefinitely)
content_type Default 'Content-Type' for newly composed messages
copy Save outgoing emails to $record
copy_decode_weed Controls whether to weed headers when copying or saving emails
count_alternatives Recurse inside multipart/alternatives while counting attachments
crypt_auto_encrypt Automatically PGP encrypt all outgoing mail
crypt_auto_pgp Allow automatic PGP functions
crypt_auto_sign Automatically PGP sign all outgoing mail
crypt_auto_smime Allow automatic SMIME functions
crypt_chars User-configurable crypto flags: signed, encrypted etc.
crypt_confirm_hook Prompt the user to confirm keys before use
crypt_opportunistic_encrypt Enable encryption when the recipient's key is available
crypt_opportunistic_encrypt_strong_keys Enable encryption only when strong a key is available
crypt_protected_headers_read Display protected headers (Memory Hole) in the pager
crypt_protected_headers_save Save the cleartext Subject with the headers
crypt_protected_headers_subject Use this as the subject for encrypted emails
crypt_protected_headers_write Generate protected header (Memory Hole) for signed and encrypted emails
crypt_reply_encrypt Encrypt replies to encrypted messages
crypt_reply_sign Sign replies to signed messages
crypt_reply_sign_encrypted Sign replies to encrypted messages
crypt_timestamp Add a timestamp to PGP or SMIME output to prevent spoofing
crypt_use_gpgme Use GPGME crypto backend
crypt_use_pka Use GPGME to use PKA (lookup PGP keys using DNS)
crypt_verify_sig Verify PGP or SMIME signatures
date_format strftime format string for the %d expando
debug_file File to save debug logs
debug_level Logging level for debug logs
default_hook Pattern to use for hooks that only have a simple regex
delete Really delete messages, when the mailbox is closed
delete_untag Untag messages when they are marked for deletion
digest_collapse Hide the subparts of a multipart/digest
display_filter External command to pre-process an email before display
dsn_notify Request notification for message delivery or delay
dsn_return What to send as a notification of message delivery or delay
duplicate_threads Highlight messages with duplicated message IDs
editor External command to use as an email editor
edit_headers Let the user edit the email headers whilst editing an email
empty_subject Subject to use when replying to an email with none
encode_from Encode 'From ' as 'quote-printable' at the beginning of lines
entropy_file (ssl) File/device containing random data to initialise SSL
envelope_from_address Manually set the sender for outgoing messages
external_search_command External search command
fast_reply Don't prompt for the recipients and subject when replying/forwarding
fcc_attach Save send message with all their attachments
fcc_before_send Save FCCs before sending the message
fcc_clear Save sent messages unencrypted and unsigned
flag_chars User-configurable index flags: tagged, new, etc
flag_safe Protect flagged messages from deletion
folder Base folder for a set of mailboxes
folder_format printf-like format string for the browser's display of folders
followup_to Add the 'Mail-Followup-To' header is generated when sending mail
followup_to_poster (nntp) Reply to the poster if 'poster' is in the 'Followup-To' header
force_name Save outgoing mail in a folder of their name
forward_attachments Forward attachments when forwarding a message
forward_attribution_intro Prefix message for forwarded messages
forward_attribution_trailer Suffix message for forwarded messages
forward_decode Decode the message when forwarding it
forward_decrypt Decrypt the message when forwarding it
forward_edit Automatically start the editor when forwarding a message
forward_format printf-like format string to control the subject when forwarding a message
forward_quote Automatically quote a forwarded message using $indent_string
forward_references Set the 'In-Reply-To' and 'References' headers when forwarding a message
from Default 'From' address to use, if isn't otherwise set
from_chars User-configurable index flags: to address, cc address, etc
gecos_mask Regex for parsing GECOS field of /etc/passwd
greeting Greeting string added to the top of all messages
group_index_format (nntp) printf-like format string for the browser's display of newsgroups
hdrs Add custom headers to outgoing mail
header Include the message headers in the reply email (Weed applies)
header_cache (hcache) Directory/file for the header cache database
header_cache_backend (hcache) Header cache backend to use
header_cache_compress_level (hcache) Level of compression for method
header_cache_compress_method (hcache) Enable generic hcache database compression
header_color_partial Only colour the part of the header matching the regex
help Display a help line with common key bindings
hidden_host Don't use the hostname, just the domain, when generating the message id
hidden_tags List of tags that shouldn't be displayed on screen (comma-separated)
hide_limited Don't indicate hidden messages, in the thread tree
hide_missing Don't indicate missing messages, in the thread tree
hide_thread_subject Hide subjects that are similar to that of the parent message
hide_top_limited Don't indicate hidden top message, in the thread tree
hide_top_missing Don't indicate missing top message, in the thread tree
history Number of history entries to keep in memory per category
history_file File to save history in
history_remove_dups Remove duplicate entries from the history
honor_disposition Don't display MIME parts inline if they have a disposition of 'attachment'
honor_followup_to Honour the 'Mail-Followup-To' header when group replying
hostname Fully-qualified domain name of this machine
idn_decode (idn) Decode international domain names
idn_encode (idn) Encode international domain names
ignore_list_reply_to Ignore the 'Reply-To' header when using <reply> on a mailing list
imap_authenticators (imap) List of allowed IMAP authentication methods (colon-separated)
imap_check_subscribed (imap) When opening a mailbox, ask the server for a list of subscribed folders
imap_condstore (imap) Enable the CONDSTORE extension
imap_deflate (imap) Compress network traffic
imap_delim_chars (imap) Characters that denote separators in IMAP folders
imap_fetch_chunk_size (imap) Download headers in blocks of this size
imap_headers (imap) Additional email headers to download when getting index
imap_idle (imap) Use the IMAP IDLE extension to check for new mail
imap_keepalive (imap) Time to wait before polling an open IMAP connection
imap_list_subscribed (imap) When browsing a mailbox, only display subscribed folders
imap_login (imap) Login name for the IMAP server (defaults to $imap_user)
imap_oauth_refresh_command (imap) External command to generate OAUTH refresh token
imap_pass (imap) Password for the IMAP server
imap_passive (imap) Reuse an existing IMAP connection to check for new mail
imap_peek (imap) Don't mark messages as read when fetching them from the server
imap_pipeline_depth (imap) Number of IMAP commands that may be queued up
imap_poll_timeout (imap) Maximum time to wait for a server response
imap_qresync (imap) Enable the QRESYNC extension
imap_rfc5161 (imap) Use the IMAP ENABLE extension to select capabilities
imap_server_noise (imap) Display server warnings as error messages
imap_user (imap) Username for the IMAP server
implicit_autoview Display MIME attachments inline if a 'copiousoutput' mailcap entry exists
include Include a copy of the email that's being replied to
include_encrypted Whether to include encrypted content when replying
include_only_first Only include the first attachment when replying
indent_string String used to indent 'reply' text
index_format printf-like format string for the index menu (emails)
inews (nntp) External command to post news articles
ispell External command to perform spell-checking
keep_flagged Don't move flagged messages from $spool_file to $mbox
local_date_header Convert the date in the Date header of sent emails into local timezone, UTC otherwise
mailcap_path List of mailcap files (colon-separated)
mailcap_sanitize Restrict the possible characters in mailcap expandos
maildir_check_cur Check both 'new' and 'cur' directories for new mail
maildir_header_cache_verify Check for maildir changes when opening mailbox
maildir_trash Use the maildir 'trashed' flag, rather than deleting
mail_check Number of seconds before NeoMutt checks for new mail
mail_check_recent Notify the user about new mail since the last time the mailbox was opened
mail_check_stats Periodically check for new mail
mail_check_stats_interval How often to check for new mail
markers Display a '+' at the beginning of wrapped lines in the pager
mark_macro_prefix Prefix for macros using ''
mark_old Mark new emails as old when leaving the mailbox
mask Only display files/dirs matching this regex in the browser
mbox Folder that receives read emails (see Move)
mbox_type Default type for creating new mailboxes
menu_context Number of lines of overlap when changing pages in the index
menu_move_off Allow the last menu item to move off the bottom of the screen
menu_scroll Scroll the menu/index by one line, rather than a page
message_cachedir (imap/pop) Directory for the message cache
message_cache_clean (imap/pop) Clean out obsolete entries from the message cache
message_format printf-like format string for listing attached messages
meta_key Interpret 'ALT-x' as 'ESC-x'
me_too Remove the user's address from the list of recipients
mh_purge Really delete files in MH mailboxes
mh_seq_flagged MH sequence for flagged message
mh_seq_replied MH sequence to tag replied messages
mh_seq_unseen MH sequence for unseen messages
mime_forward Forward a message as a 'message/RFC822' MIME part
mime_forward_decode Decode the forwarded message before attaching it
mime_forward_rest Forward all attachments, even if they can't be decoded
mime_type_query_command External command to determine the MIME type of an attachment
mime_type_query_first Run the $mime_type_query_command before the mime.types lookup
mixmaster (mixmaster) External command to route a mixmaster message
mix_entry_format (mixmaster) printf-like format string for the mixmaster chain
move Move emails from $spool_file to $mbox when read
narrow_tree Draw a narrower thread tree in the index
net_inc (socket) Update the progress bar after this many KB sent/received (0 to disable)
newsgroups_charset (nntp) Character set of newsgroups' descriptions
newsrc (nntp) File containing list of subscribed newsgroups
news_cache_dir (nntp) Directory for cached news articles
news_server (nntp) Url of the news server
new_mail_command External command to run when new mail arrives
nm_db_limit (notmuch) Default limit for Notmuch queries
nm_default_url (notmuch) Path to the Notmuch database
nm_exclude_tags (notmuch) Exclude messages with these tags
nm_flagged_tag (notmuch) Tag to use for flagged messages
nm_open_timeout (notmuch) Database timeout
nm_query_type (notmuch) Default query type: 'threads' or 'messages'
nm_query_window_current_position (notmuch) Position of current search window
nm_query_window_current_search (notmuch) Current search parameters
nm_query_window_duration (notmuch) Time duration of the current search window
nm_query_window_enable (notmuch) Enable query windows
nm_query_window_timebase (notmuch) Units for the time duration
nm_record (notmuch) If the 'record' mailbox (sent mail) should be indexed
nm_record_tags (notmuch) Tags to apply to the 'record' mailbox (sent mail)
nm_replied_tag (notmuch) Tag to use for replied messages
nm_unread_tag (notmuch) Tag to use for unread messages
nntp_authenticators (nntp) Allowed authentication methods
nntp_context (nntp) Maximum number of articles to list (0 for all articles)
nntp_listgroup (nntp) Check all articles when opening a newsgroup
nntp_load_description (nntp) Load descriptions for newsgroups when adding to the list
nntp_pass (nntp) Password for the news server
nntp_poll (nntp) Interval between checks for new posts
nntp_user (nntp) Username for the news server
pager External command for viewing messages, or 'builtin' to use NeoMutt's
pager_context Number of lines of overlap when changing pages in the pager
pager_format printf-like format string for the pager's status bar
pager_index_lines Number of index lines to display above the pager
pager_read_delay Number of seconds to wait before marking a message read
pager_skip_quoted_context Lines of context to show when skipping quoted text
pager_stop Don't automatically open the next message when at the end of a message
pattern_format printf-like format string for the pattern completion menu
pgp_auto_decode Automatically decrypt PGP messages
pgp_auto_inline Use old-style inline PGP messages (not recommended)
pgp_check_exit Check the exit code of PGP subprocess
pgp_check_gpg_decrypt_status_fd File descriptor used for status info
pgp_clear_sign_command (pgp) External command to inline-sign a message
pgp_decode_command (pgp) External command to decode a PGP attachment
pgp_decryption_okay Text indicating a successful decryption
pgp_decrypt_command (pgp) External command to decrypt a PGP message
pgp_default_key Default key to use for PGP operations
pgp_encrypt_only_command (pgp) External command to encrypt, but not sign a message
pgp_encrypt_sign_command (pgp) External command to encrypt and sign a message
pgp_entry_format printf-like format string for the PGP key selection menu
pgp_export_command (pgp) External command to export a public key from the user's keyring
pgp_get_keys_command (pgp) External command to download a key for an email address
pgp_good_sign Text indicating a good signature
pgp_ignore_subkeys Only use the principal PGP key
pgp_import_command (pgp) External command to import a key into the user's keyring
pgp_list_pubring_command (pgp) External command to list the public keys in a user's keyring
pgp_list_secring_command (pgp) External command to list the private keys in a user's keyring
pgp_long_ids Display long PGP key IDs to the user
pgp_mime_auto Prompt the user to use MIME if inline PGP fails
pgp_reply_inline Reply using old-style inline PGP messages (not recommended)
pgp_retainable_sigs Create nested multipart/signed or encrypted messages
pgp_self_encrypt Encrypted messages will also be encrypted to $pgp_default_key too
pgp_show_unusable Show non-usable keys in the key selection
pgp_sign_as Use this alternative key for signing messages
pgp_sign_command (pgp) External command to create a detached PGP signature
pgp_sort_keys Sort order for PGP keys
pgp_strict_enc Encode PGP signed messages with quoted-printable (don't unset)
pgp_timeout Time in seconds to cache a passphrase
pgp_use_gpg_agent Use a PGP agent for caching passwords
pgp_verify_command (pgp) External command to verify PGP signatures
pgp_verify_key_command (pgp) External command to verify key information
pipe_decode Decode the message when piping it
pipe_decode_weed Control whether to weed headers when piping an email
pipe_sep Separator to add between multiple piped messages
pipe_split Run the pipe command on each message separately
pop_authenticators (pop) List of allowed authentication methods (colon-separated)
pop_auth_try_all (pop) Try all available authentication methods
pop_check_interval (pop) Interval between checks for new mail
pop_delete (pop) After downloading POP messages, delete them on the server
pop_host (pop) Url of the POP server
pop_last (pop) Use the 'LAST' command to fetch new mail
pop_oauth_refresh_command (pop) External command to generate OAUTH refresh token
pop_pass (pop) Password of the POP server
pop_reconnect (pop) Reconnect to the server is the connection is lost
pop_user (pop) Username of the POP server
postpone Save messages to the $postponed folder
postponed Folder to store postponed messages
postpone_encrypt Self-encrypt postponed messages
postpone_encrypt_as Fallback encryption key for postponed messages
post_indent_string Suffix message to add after reply text
post_moderated (nntp) Allow posting to moderated newsgroups
preconnect (socket) External command to run prior to opening a socket
preferred_languages List of Preferred Languages for multilingual MIME (comma-separated)
print Confirm before printing a message
print_command External command to print a message
print_decode Decode message before printing it
print_decode_weed Control whether to weed headers when printing an email
print_split Print multiple messages separately
prompt_after Pause after running an external pager
query_command External command to query and external address book
query_format printf-like format string for the query menu (address book)
quit Prompt before exiting NeoMutt
quote_regex Regex to match quoted text in a reply
read_inc Update the progress bar after this many records read (0 to disable)
read_only Open folders in read-only mode
real_name Real name of the user
recall Recall postponed mesaages when asked to compose a message
record Folder to save 'sent' messages
reflow_space_quotes Insert spaces into reply quotes for 'format=flowed' messages
reflow_text Reformat paragraphs of 'format=flowed' text
reflow_wrap Maximum paragraph width for reformatting 'format=flowed' text
reply_regex Regex to match message reply subjects like 're: '
reply_self Really reply to yourself, when replying to your own email
reply_to Address to use as a 'Reply-To' header
reply_with_xorig Create 'From' header from 'X-Original-To' header
resolve Move to the next email whenever a command modifies an email
resume_draft_files Process draft files like postponed messages
resume_edited_draft_files Resume editing previously saved draft files
reverse_alias Display the alias in the index, rather than the message's sender
reverse_name Set the 'From' from the address the email was sent to
reverse_real_name Set the 'From' from the full 'To' address the email was sent to
rfc2047_parameters Decode RFC2047-encoded MIME parameters
save_address Use sender's full address as a default save folder
save_empty (mbox,mmdf) Preserve empty mailboxes
save_history Number of history entries to save per category
save_name Save outgoing message to mailbox of recipient's name if it exists
save_unsubscribed (nntp) Save a list of unsubscribed newsgroups to the 'newsrc'
score Use message scoring
score_threshold_delete Messages with a lower score will be automatically deleted
score_threshold_flag Messages with a greater score will be automatically flagged
score_threshold_read Messages with a lower score will be automatically marked read
search_context Context to display around search matches
sendmail External command to send email
sendmail_wait Time to wait for sendmail to finish
send_charset Character sets for outgoing mail
shell External command to run subshells in
show_multipart_alternative How to display 'multipart/alternative' MIME parts
show_new_news (nntp) Check for new newsgroups when entering the browser
show_only_unread (nntp) Only show subscribed newsgroups with unread articles
sidebar_component_depth (sidebar) Strip leading path components from sidebar folders
sidebar_delim_chars (sidebar) Characters that separate nested folders
sidebar_divider_char (sidebar) Character to draw between the sidebar and index
sidebar_folder_indent (sidebar) Indent nested folders
sidebar_format (sidebar) printf-like format string for the sidebar panel
sidebar_indent_string (sidebar) Indent nested folders using this string
sidebar_new_mail_only (sidebar) Only show folders with new/flagged mail
sidebar_next_new_wrap (sidebar) Wrap around when searching for the next mailbox with new mail
sidebar_non_empty_mailbox_only (sidebar) Only show folders with a non-zero number of mail
sidebar_on_right (sidebar) Display the sidebar on the right
sidebar_short_path (sidebar) Abbreviate the paths using the $folder variable
sidebar_sort_method (sidebar) Method to sort the sidebar
sidebar_visible (sidebar) Show the sidebar
sidebar_width (sidebar) Width of the sidebar
signature File containing a signature to append to all mail
sig_dashes Insert '-- ' before the signature
sig_on_top Insert the signature before the quoted text
simple_search Pattern to search for when search doesn't contain ~'s
size_show_bytes Show smaller sizes in bytes
size_show_fractions Show size fractions with a single decimal place
size_show_mb Show sizes in megabytes for sizes greater than 1 megabyte
size_units_on_left Show the units as a prefix to the size
sleep_time Time to pause after certain info messages
smart_wrap Wrap text at word boundaries
smileys Regex to match smileys to prevent mistakes when quoting text
smime_ask_cert_label Prompt the user for a label for SMIME certificates
smime_ca_location File containing trusted certificates
smime_certificates File containing user's public certificates
smime_decrypt_command (smime) External command to decrypt an SMIME message
smime_decrypt_use_default_key Use the default key for decryption
smime_default_key Default key for SMIME operations
smime_encrypt_command (smime) External command to encrypt a message
smime_encrypt_with Algorithm for encryption
smime_get_cert_command (smime) External command to extract a certificate from a message
smime_get_cert_email_command (smime) External command to get a certificate for an email
smime_get_signer_cert_command (smime) External command to extract a certificate from an email
smime_import_cert_command (smime) External command to import a certificate
smime_is_default Use SMIME rather than PGP by default
smime_keys File containing user's private certificates
smime_pk7out_command (smime) External command to extract a public certificate
smime_self_encrypt Encrypted messages will also be encrypt to $smime_default_key too
smime_sign_as Use this alternative key for signing messages
smime_sign_command (smime) External command to sign a message
smime_sign_digest_alg Digest algorithm
smime_timeout Time in seconds to cache a passphrase
smime_verify_command (smime) External command to verify a signed message
smime_verify_opaque_command (smime) External command to verify a signature
smtp_authenticators (smtp) List of allowed authentication methods (colon-separated)
smtp_oauth_refresh_command (smtp) External command to generate OAUTH refresh token
smtp_pass (smtp) Password for the SMTP server
smtp_url (smtp) Url of the SMTP server
smtp_user (smtp) Username for the SMTP server
sort Sort method for the index
sort_alias Sort method for the alias menu
sort_aux Secondary sort method for the index, within a thread
sort_browser Sort method for the browser
sort_re Sort method for the sidebar
sort_thread Secondary sort method for the index, between distinct threads
spam_separator Separator for multiple spam headers
spool_file Inbox
ssl_ca_certificates_file File containing trusted CA certificates
ssl_ciphers Ciphers to use when using SSL
ssl_client_cert File containing client certificates
ssl_force_tls (ssl) Require TLS encryption for all connections
ssl_min_dh_prime_bits Minimum keysize for Diffie-Hellman key exchange
ssl_starttls (ssl) Use STARTTLS on servers advertising the capability
ssl_use_sslv2 (ssl) INSECURE: Use SSLv2 for authentication
ssl_use_sslv3 (ssl) INSECURE: Use SSLv3 for authentication
ssl_use_system_certs (ssl) Use CA certificates in the system-wide store
ssl_use_tlsv1 (ssl) Use TLSv1 for authentication
ssl_use_tlsv1_1 (ssl) Use TLSv1.1 for authentication
ssl_use_tlsv1_2 (ssl) Use TLSv1.2 for authentication
ssl_use_tlsv1_3 (ssl) Use TLSv1.3 for authentication
ssl_verify_dates (ssl) Verify the dates on the server certificate
ssl_verify_host (ssl) Verify the server's hostname against the certificate
ssl_verify_partial_chains (ssl) Allow verification using partial certificate chains
status_chars Indicator characters for the status bar
status_format printf-like format string for the index's status line
status_on_top Display the status bar at the top
strict_threads Thread messages using 'In-Reply-To' and 'References' headers
suspend Allow the user to suspend NeoMutt using '^Z'
text_flowed Generate 'format=flowed' messages
thorough_search Decode headers and messages before searching them
thread_received Sort threaded messages by their received date
tilde Character to pad blank lines in the pager
timeout Time to wait for user input in menus
time_inc Frequency of progress bar updates (milliseconds)
tmpdir Directory for temporary files
toggle_quoted_show_levels Number of quote levels to show with toggle-quoted
to_chars Indicator characters for the 'To' field in the index
trash Folder to put deleted emails
ts_enabled Allow NeoMutt to set the terminal status line and icon
ts_icon_format printf-like format string for the terminal's icon title
ts_status_format printf-like format string for the terminal's status (window title)
tunnel Shell command to establish a tunnel
tunnel_is_secure Assume a tunneled connection is secure
uncollapse_jump When opening a thread, jump to the next unread message
uncollapse_new Open collapsed threads when new mail arrives
user_agent Add a 'User-Agent' head to outgoing mail
use_8bit_mime Use 8-bit messages and ESMTP to send messages
use_domain Qualify local addresses using this domain
use_envelope_from Set the envelope sender of the message
use_from Set the 'From' header for outgoing mail
use_ipv6 Lookup IPv6 addresses when making connections
vfolder_format (notmuch) printf-like format string for the browser's display of virtual folders
virtual_spool_file (notmuch) Use the first virtual mailbox as a spool file
wait_key Prompt to press a key after running external commands
weed Filter headers when displaying/forwarding/printing/replying
wrap Width to wrap text in the pager
wrap_headers Width to wrap headers in outgoing messages
wrap_search Wrap around when the search hits the end
write_bcc Write out the 'Bcc' field when preparing to send a mail
write_inc Update the progress bar after this many records written (0 to disable)
x_comment_to (nntp) Add 'X-Comment-To' header that contains article author
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