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Created May 16, 2009 02:10
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;; A simple orrery in clojure. Models a 2-dimensional,
;; orthogonal solar system, with the planets most definitely
;; not to scale.
(ns orrery
(:import [java.awt Color Dimension]
[java.awt.event ActionListener]
[javax.swing JFrame JPanel Timer]))
;Some constants you may want to play with
(def img-dims { :h 600, :w 600 })
(def frame-delay 20)
(def scale-factor 22)
(def home-planet "Earth") ;to view skymap from a different perspective
; Orbital calculations
(defn mean-anomaly
"t = time since perihelion; P = orbital period"
[t P]
(/ (* 2 Math/PI t) P))
(defn ecc-anomaly
"M = mean anomaly; e = eccentricity"
[M e]
;approximate iteratively
(loop [lastval M, newval (+ M (* e (Math/sin M)))]
(<= (Math/abs (- newval lastval)) 0.00001) newval
(recur newval (+ M (* e (Math/sin newval)))))))
(defn true-anomaly
"Calculates the true anomaly as an angle in radians.
E = eccentric anomaly, e = eccentricity of orbit"
[E e]
(* 2
(Math/atan (* (Math/sqrt (/ (+ 1 e) (- 1 e)))
(Math/tan (/ E 2))))))
(defn radial-distance
"ta - true anomaly; a - semimajor axis; e - eccentricity
Calculates the radial distance from the sun given the true anomaly in
[ta a e]
(* a (/ (- 1 (Math/pow e 2))
(+ 1 (* e (Math/cos ta))))))
(defn angle-from-sides
"law of cosines/determines angle C"
[a b c]
(if (or (= a 0) (= b 0) (= c 0)) 0
(Math/acos (/ ( - (+ (Math/pow a 2)
(Math/pow b 2))
(Math/pow c 2))
(* 2 a b)))))
(defn get-coords-radial
"t = time since perihelion, a = semimajor axis, P = orbital period,
e = eccentricity"
[t a e P]
(let [theta (true-anomaly (ecc-anomaly (mean-anomaly t P) e) e)
r (radial-distance theta a e)]
[r theta]))
(defn radial-to-rect
([m a] [ (* m (Math/cos a)) (* m (Math/sin a)) ])
([coords] (radial-to-rect (coords 0) (coords 1))))
; Planet definitions
;a = semi-major axis
;e = eccentricity
;P = orbital period; this is in days in the demo
;t = current time offset
;r = planet radius
;b = semi-minor axis; calculated.
;l = linear eccentricity; calculated.
;x = current-x position; calculated.
;y = current-y position; calculated.
(defstruct orbital-body :name :a :e :P :t :r :color :b :l :x :y)
(defn set-semiminor-axis! [planet] ;:a and :e must be set
(reset! planet (assoc @planet
(Math/sqrt (* (Math/pow (:a @planet) 2)
(- 1 (Math/pow (:e @planet) 2)))))))
(defn set-linear-ecc! [planet] ;:b must be set
(reset! planet (assoc @planet
(Math/sqrt (- (Math/pow (:a @planet) 2)
(Math/pow (:b @planet) 2))))))
(defn init-planets [planets]
(doseq [planet planets]
(set-semiminor-axis! planet)
(set-linear-ecc! planet)))
;loosely from
(defn make-planets []
(let [result
[(atom (struct orbital-body "Sol" 0 0 1 0 14 (Color. 255 255 0) 0 0 0 0))
(atom (struct orbital-body "Mercury" 0.77 0.20563069 86.704 0 3 (Color. 200 35 35) 0 0 0 0))
(atom (struct orbital-body "Earth" 2 0.01671022 360 0 8 (Color. 0 200 255) 0 0 0 0))
(atom (struct orbital-body "Venus" 1.44 0.00677323 221.47 0 7 (Color. 100 150 200) 0 0 0 0))
(atom (struct orbital-body "Mars" 3.04 0.09341233 677.11 0 5 (Color. 255 0 0) 0 0 0 0))
(atom (struct orbital-body "Jupiter" 10.4 0.04839266 4270.5 0 12 (Color. 200 150 50) 0 0 0 0))
(do (init-planets result)
; Display some planets in orbit
(defn draw-skymap-planet [g home target]
;determine the sky angle between the home and target planets
(let [c (- (:y home) (:y target))
b (- (:x home) (:x target))
a (Math/sqrt (+ (Math/pow c 2) (Math/pow b 2)))
phi (angle-from-sides a b c)
H (if (> c 0) phi ;0-PI degrees
(- (* Math/PI 2) phi))
(doto g
(.setColor (:color target))
(.fillOval (/ (* H (:w img-dims)) (* Math/PI 2))
( - 25 (/ (:r target) 2))
(:r target)
(:r target)))))
(defn draw-skymap [g planets]
(let [signs 12
unit-width (/ (:w img-dims) signs)
home (first (filter #(= (:name @%) home-planet) planets))]
;draw the constellation lines
(. g setColor (Color. 200 200 200))
(doseq [r (range 0 signs)]
(. g drawRect
(* r unit-width)
;plot each planet in the map based on the angle relative to home
(doseq [planet (filter #(not (identical? home %)) planets)]
(draw-skymap-planet g @home @planet)))))
(defn draw-orbit-planet [g {:keys [a b color r l x y] :as planet}]
(doto g
;draw the orbital path
(.setColor (Color. 50 50 50))
(.drawOval (- (/ (:w img-dims) 2)
(* a scale-factor)
(* l scale-factor)) ;x
(- (/ (:h img-dims) 2)
(* b scale-factor)) ;y
(* 2 a scale-factor) ;w
(* 2 b scale-factor)) ;h
;plot the planet
(.setColor (:color planet))
(.fillOval (- x (/ r 2)) (- y (/ r 2)) r r)
(defn draw-orbits [g planets]
(doseq [planet planets]
(draw-orbit-planet g @planet)))
(defn update-planets!
"planets - a collection of planet atoms
Increments the planets' time counter and x, y positions in the orbital
(doseq [planet planets]
(let [p @planet
new-time (if (>= (:t p) (:P p))
(- (:t p) (:P p)) ;0
(inc (:t p)))
new-pos (map #(+ (/ (:h img-dims) 2) (* scale-factor %))
(radial-to-rect (get-coords-radial (:t p)
(:a p)
(:e p)
(:P p))))
(reset! planet (assoc p
:t new-time
:x (nth new-pos 0)
:y (nth new-pos 1))))))
(defn make-canvas [frame planets]
(proxy [JPanel ActionListener] []
(paintComponent [g]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(doto g
(.setColor (Color. 0 20 20))
(.fillRect 0 0 (:w img-dims) (:h img-dims)))
;paint the planets
(draw-orbits g planets)
(draw-skymap g planets))
(actionPerformed [e]
(update-planets! planets)
(.repaint this))
(getPreferredSize []
(Dimension. (:w img-dims) (:h img-dims)))))
(defn main [& args]
;load and display the canvas
(let [frame (JFrame. "Orrery")
planets (make-planets)
canvas (make-canvas frame planets)
timer (Timer. frame-delay canvas)]
(. canvas setFocusable true)
(doto frame
(.setSize (:w img-dims) (:h img-dims))
(.add canvas)
(.setVisible true))
(.start timer)
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