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Last active March 1, 2022 14:37
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WIP: Quay podman/docker integration tests
* docker
* podman
* Quay up and running
* no tls verify
import subprocess
import os
import pytest
from app import app
from data.database import configure, Repository
from data.model.organization import create_organization
from data.model.proxy_cache import create_proxy_cache_config
from data.model.user import create_user
QUAY_API_ROOT = os.environ.get("QUAY_API_ROOT", "localhost:8080")
REPOSITORY = "library/hello-world:latest"
def setup():
username = "test-user-661"
password = "very-secret"
orgname = "teste-cache-661"
user = create_user(username, password, f"{username}@localhost.local", auto_verify=True)
org = create_organization(orgname, f"{orgname}", user)
cache_config = create_proxy_cache_config(org.username, "")
yield (username, password, cache_config, orgname)
def test_pull_thru_whole_registry(setup):
username = setup[0]
password = setup[1]
cache_config = setup[2]
orgname = setup[3]
cmd = ["docker", "login", "-u", username, "-p", password, QUAY_API_ROOT], check=True)
cmd = ["docker", "pull", f"{QUAY_API_ROOT}/{orgname}/{REPOSITORY}"], check=True)
cmd = ["docker", "run", "--rm", f"{QUAY_API_ROOT}/{orgname}/{REPOSITORY}"], check=True)
# disable proxy cache for org and pull image again, to assert that the image is
# saved locally in quay
cmd = ["docker", "rmi", f"{QUAY_API_ROOT}/{orgname}/{REPOSITORY}"], check=True)
cmd = ["docker", "run", "--rm", f"{QUAY_API_ROOT}/{orgname}/{REPOSITORY}"], check=True)
# NOTE: the below has not been tested
@docker run -d --name integration_test -v "${PWD}:/quay-registry" -w "/quay-registry" docker:20.10.12-dind-alpine3.15
@docker exec integration_test apk add curl
@docker exec integration_test curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
@docker exec integration_test chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
@docker exec -d integration_test docker-compose up
@docker stop integration_test
@docker rm integration_test
# 1. start a docker in docker container (
# 2. start Quay inside that container
# 3. run the integration tests
# 4. do the same for podman (
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