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if (!CModule::IncludeModule('highloadblock'))
$rsData = \Bitrix\Highloadblock\HighloadBlockTable::getList(array('filter'=>array('TABLE_NAME'=>$arResult["PROPERTIES"]["BLOCK_PAY_5"]["USER_TYPE_SETTINGS"]["TABLE_NAME"])));
if ( ($hldata = $rsData->fetch()) ){
$hlentity = \Bitrix\Highloadblock\HighloadBlockTable::compileEntity($hldata);
$hlDataClass = $hldata['NAME'].'Table';
$res = $hlDataClass::getList(array(
'filter' => array(
'UF_XML_ID' => $arResult["PROPERTIES"]["BLOCK_PAY_5"]["VALUE"],
'select' => array("*"),
// 'order' => array(
// 'UF_NAME' => 'asc'
// ),
while ($row = $res->fetch()) {
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
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