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// ## Antes de empezar
// El código y el diagrama
class Prenda {
class Guardarropa {
private String nombre;
flbulgarelli / headers.txt
Last active April 26, 2022 23:38
FPocket headers
HEADER 0 - Pocket Score
HEADER 10 - Charge Score
HEADER 10 -Pocket volume (convex hull)
HEADER 11 - Charge Score
HEADER 11 - Local hydrophobic density Score
HEADER 12 - Local hydrophobic density Score
HEADER 12 - Number of apolar alpha sphere
HEADER 13 - Number of apolar alpha sphere
HEADER 13 - Proportion of apolar alpha sphere
HEADER 14 - Proportion of apolar alpha sphere
(() => {
function humanize(gbb, hasHeader) {
function humanizeStone(color, count) {
if (count === 0) {
return '';
} else if (count === 1) {
return `una bolita ${color}`;
} else if (color === 'azul') {
return `${count} bolitas azules`;
} else {
from dask.distributed import Client, worker_client, get_client
def analyze_chain(chain):
print("Analyzing chain", chain)
with worker_client() as client:
fpocket_future = client.submit(run_fpocket, chain)
features_seq_future = client.submit(run_features_seq, chain)
dssp_future = client.submit(run_dssp, chain)
results = client.gather([fpocket_future, features_seq_future, dssp_future])
flbulgarelli / emojis.json
Last active June 9, 2021 19:31
Emoji aliases and characters, partially based on
"grinning_face": "😀",
"grinning": "😀",
"grinning_face_with_big_eyes": "😃",
"smiley": "😃",
"grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes": "😄",
"smile": "😄",
"beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes": "😁",
"grin": "😁",
"grinning_squinting_face": "😆",
//1 - Sugerencia diaria
//Asumamos que habíamos modelado
class Sugerencia{
List<Atuendo> atuendos
//Podemos hacer
// punto de partida
// problema creacional
// no quiero (hoy) centrarme en esto
unExamen = new Examen()
// de forma minimialista para lo que es el ejercicio a continuacion
// esto alcanza
unExamen.cargarRespuesta("Sofia", 1, "Berlin") // o cargarRespuesta
interactive program {
INIT -> { Iniciar() }
K_R -> { Reiniciar() }
K_C -> { TocarC() }
K_UP -> { MoverArriba() }
K_RIGHT -> { MoverDerecha() }
K_DOWN -> { MoverAbajo() }
flbulgarelli / avisos.js
Created September 3, 2018 22:44
function avisosConPrecio() {
.filter((_, it) => $(it).attr("title").indexOf("$") != -1)
.map((_, it) => $(it).attr("title"))
.forEach((it) => console.log(it))
function avisosCeroKilometro() {
flbulgarelli /
Created August 29, 2018 14:42
%% 0.1 Recapitulemos
lados(triangulo, 3).
lados(cuadrado, 4).
lados(rectangulo, 4).
lados(rombo, 4).
lados(romboide, 4).
lados(pentagono, 5).
%% 0.2 Y pensemos en buscar patrones