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Last active September 14, 2020 13:23
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Ridge Plots
"title": "Ridge Plots",
"subtitle": "Global Surface Temperature",
"thumbnail": ""
/* Load and wrangle the data in this file */
import { line } from 'd3-shape';
import { REL_HEIGHT } from './styles';
const FROM_X = -1.5;
const TO_X = 1.5;
const NUM_STEPS = 50;
const TICK_HEIGHT = 3;
const MONTHS = [
const FILL_COLOR_RANGE = ['#3170ad', '#cccccc', '#c76526'];
const STROKE_COLOR_RANGE = ['#1d4266', '#333333', '#663413'];
const START_YEAR = 1880;
const NUM_YEARS_PER_STEP = 10;
// Derived
const ABS_HEIGHT = 100 * REL_HEIGHT;
const createSvgStart = () =>
`<svg viewBox="0 0 100 ${ABS_HEIGHT + TICK_HEIGHT}" xmlns="">`;
const createGradient = (name, startColor, midColor, endColor) => `<defs>
<linearGradient id="${name}" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="${startColor}"/>
<stop offset="50%" stop-color="${midColor}"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="${endColor}"/>
const createSvgEnd = () => '</svg>';
const createLine = (barWidth) => line()
.x((_, i) => (barWidth / 2) + barWidth * i)
.y((d) => ABS_HEIGHT - ABS_HEIGHT * d);
const createPath = (kde, barWidth) => {
const path = createLine(barWidth)(kde);
return `<path d="M${ABS_HEIGHT},0${path}L100,${ABS_HEIGHT}L" stroke="url(#linear-stroke)" stroke-size="1" fill="url(#linear-fill)"/>`;
const createTitle = (titleLeft, titleRight, avgTemp) =>
`<foreignObject x="1" y="${ABS_HEIGHT - 9}" width="100" height="12">
<div xmlns="" style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; font: 8px sans-serif; color: #999">
<span>${titleLeft} ${avgTemp > 0 ? titleRight : ''}</span>
<span>${avgTemp <= 0 ? titleRight : ''}</span>
const createAxis = (ticks) => {
const tickEls = => {
const x = ((tick - FROM_X) / DOMAIN_SIZE) * 100;
return `<line x1="${x}" y1="0" x2="${x}" y2="${TICK_HEIGHT}" stroke="black" opacity="0.33" />`;
return `<g transform="translate(0 ${ABS_HEIGHT})">${tickEls.join('')}</g>`;
const getAvgTemp = (hist) =>
FROM_X + (hist.findIndex((x) => x === 1) + 0.5) * STEP_SIZE;
const createLinePlot = (hist, years, month, barWidth) => [
createGradient('linear-fill', ...FILL_COLOR_RANGE),
createGradient('linear-stroke', ...STROKE_COLOR_RANGE),
createTitle(MONTHS[month], years, getAvgTemp(hist)),
createPath(hist, barWidth),
createAxis([-1, 0, 1]),
export default async function data() {
const response = await fetch('');
const data = await response.json();
const numBins = data[0][0].length;
const barWidth = 100 / numBins;
return data.flatMap((kdes, numMonth) => {
return, numDecade) => {
const years = `${START_YEAR + NUM_YEARS_PER_STEP * numDecade}s`;
return {
src: createLinePlot(kde, years, numMonth, barWidth),
decade: years,
month: MONTHS[numMonth],
import { createSvgRenderer } from 'piling.js';
import { COLUMNS, REL_HEIGHT } from './styles';
export default function renderers({ domElement }) {
const { width } = domElement.getBoundingClientRect();
const itemWidth = (width / COLUMNS) * 3;
const itemHeight = itemWidth * REL_HEIGHT;
const itemRenderer = createSvgRenderer({
width: itemWidth,
height: itemHeight,
color: '#ccc',
return {
export const REL_HEIGHT = 0.4; // Used by the renderer and data
export const COLUMNS = 12; // Used by the renderer
const styles = {
cellAspectRatio: 1 / REL_HEIGHT,
pileCellAlignment: 'center',
columns: COLUMNS,
pileItemOffset: [0, 8],
cellPadding: 4,
pileItemBrightness: (_, i, pile) =>
Math.min(0.5, 0.01 * (pile.items.length - i - 1)),
pileScale: (pile) => 1 + Math.min(0.5, (pile.items.length - 1) * 0.1),
pileOrderItems: (pile) => [...pile.items].sort((a, b) => a - b),
export default styles;
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