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Created December 5, 2011 20:34
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Java Buttondemo translated from Java to Clojure
(ns buttondemo.core
(:import [javax.swing AbstractButton JButton JPanel JFrame ImageIcon]
[java.awt.event ActionEvent KeyEvent ActionListener])
(:use [clojure.contrib.swing-utils]))
(defn create-image-icon [path]
; (prn (. System getProperty "user.dir"))
; (prn (. System getProperty "java.class.path"))
(if-let [img-url ( path)]
(ImageIcon. img-url)
(.println System/err (str "File not found:" path))))
(defn enable-buttons [button-flags]
(doseq [[button flag] button-flags] (.setEnabled button flag)))
(defn initialize-buttons [b1 b2 b3]
(doto b1
(fn [_] (enable-buttons [[b1 false][b2 false][b3 true]])))
(.setVerticalTextPosition AbstractButton/CENTER)
(.setHorizontalTextPosition AbstractButton/LEADING)
(.setToolTipText "I can disable the middle button.")
(.setMnemonic KeyEvent/VK_D))
(doto b2
(add-action-listener (fn [_] (prn "I told you not to click me.")))
(.setVerticalTextPosition AbstractButton/BOTTOM)
(.setHorizontalTextPosition AbstractButton/CENTER)
(.setToolTipText "Don't click me.")
(.setMnemonic KeyEvent/VK_M))
(doto b3
(fn [_] (enable-buttons [[b1 true][b2 true][b3 false]])))
(.setMnemonic KeyEvent/VK_E)
(.setToolTipText "I can enable the middle button.")
(.setEnabled false))
(defn -main []
(let [[b1 b2 b3 :as buttons] (for [[title file]
; [["<html><center><b><u>D</u>isable</b><br><font color=#ffffdd>middle button</font>" "right.gif"]
[["Disable middle button" "right.gif"]
["Middle button" "middle.gif"]
["Enable middle button" "left.gif"]]]
(JButton. title (create-image-icon file)))
panel (doto (JPanel.) (.setOpaque true))]
(doseq [b buttons] (doto panel (.add b)))
(initialize-buttons b1 b2 b3)
(doto (JFrame. "Button Demo")
(.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
(.setContentPane panel)
(.setVisible true))))
defproject buttondemo "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Translation of the abysmal java button demo into clojure."
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]]
; :resources-path "resources/"
:main buttondemo.core
:license {:url ""
:comments "Derived in April 2011 from the above url."}
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flengyel commented Dec 6, 2011

The graphics files left.gif, middle.gif and right.gif, can be obtained from (cf. ButtonDemo) and go under the resources directory of the Leiningen project.

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