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Created June 12, 2023 07:02
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Replacement for `@angular/flex-layout`
import { Directive, HostBinding, Input, NgModule } from "@angular/core";
export type BsFlexDirectionType = "row" | "row-reverse" | "column" | "column-reverse";
export type BsFlexWrapType = "nowrap" | "wrap" | "wrap-reverse";
export type BsFlexDirectionWrapType = "" | `${BsFlexDirectionType}` | `${BsFlexDirectionType} ${BsFlexWrapType}`;
export type BsFlexJustifyContentType =
| ""
| "flex-start"
| "flex-end"
| "center"
| "space-between"
| "space-around"
| "space-evenly"
| "start"
| "end"
| "left"
| "right";
export type BsFlexAlignItemsType =
| "stretch"
| "flex-start"
| "flex-end"
| "center"
| "baseline"
| "first baseline"
| "last baseline"
| "start"
| "end"
| "self-start"
| "self-end";
export type BsFlexAlignJustifyContentAlignItemsType =
| `${BsFlexJustifyContentType}`
| `${BsFlexJustifyContentType} | ${BsFlexAlignItemsType}`;
export type BsFlexAlignContentType =
| ""
| "flex-start"
| "flex-end"
| "center"
| "space-between"
| "space-around"
| "space-evenly"
| "stretch"
| "start"
| "end"
| "baseline"
| "first baseline"
| "last baseline";
export type BsFlexAlignSelfType = "" | "auto" | "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "center" | "baseline" | "stretch";
standalone: true,
selector: "[bsFlexLayout]",
export class BsFlexLayoutDirective {
@Input() set bsFlexLayout(flexDirectionWrap: BsFlexDirectionWrapType) {
let flexDirection: BsFlexDirectionType | "" = "";
let flexWrap: BsFlexWrapType | "" = "";
const spaceIndex = flexDirectionWrap.indexOf(" ");
if (spaceIndex < 0) {
flexDirection = flexDirectionWrap.trim() as BsFlexDirectionType;
} else {
flexDirection = flexDirectionWrap.substring(0, spaceIndex).trim() as BsFlexDirectionType;
flexWrap = flexDirectionWrap.substring(spaceIndex + 1).trim() as BsFlexWrapType;
this.flexDirection = flexDirection;
this.flexWrap = flexWrap;
@Input() set bsFlexLayoutAlign(justifyContentAlignItems: BsFlexAlignJustifyContentAlignItemsType) {
let justifyContent: BsFlexJustifyContentType = "";
let alignItems: BsFlexAlignItemsType | "" = "";
const pipeIndex = justifyContentAlignItems.indexOf("|");
if (pipeIndex < 0) {
justifyContent = justifyContentAlignItems.trim() as BsFlexJustifyContentType;
} else {
justifyContent = justifyContentAlignItems.substring(0, pipeIndex).trim() as BsFlexJustifyContentType;
alignItems = justifyContentAlignItems.substring(pipeIndex + 1).trim() as BsFlexAlignItemsType;
this.justifyContent = justifyContent;
this.alignItems = alignItems;
@Input() set bsFlexLayoutAlignContent(alignContent: BsFlexAlignContentType) {
this.alignContent = alignContent;
@Input() set bsFlexLayoutGap(gap: string) { = gap;
@HostBinding("style.display") display = "flex";
@HostBinding("style.flex-direction") flexDirection: BsFlexDirectionType | "" = "";
@HostBinding("style.flex-wrap") flexWrap: BsFlexWrapType | "" = "";
@HostBinding("style.justify-content") justifyContent: BsFlexJustifyContentType = "";
@HostBinding("style.align-items") alignItems: BsFlexAlignItemsType | "" = "";
@HostBinding("style.align-content") alignContent: BsFlexAlignContentType = "";
@HostBinding("") gap = "";
standalone: true,
selector: "[bsFlex]",
export class BsFlexDirective {
@Input() set bsFlex(flex: string) {
this.flex = flex.trim();
@Input() set bsFlexAlign(alignSelf: BsFlexAlignSelfType) {
this.alignSelf = alignSelf;
@Input() set bsFlexOrder(order: number) {
this.order = order;
@HostBinding("style.flex") flex = "0 1 auto";
@HostBinding("style.align-self") alignSelf: BsFlexAlignSelfType = "";
@HostBinding("style.order") order: number | null = null;
export const BS_FLEX_LAYOUT_DIRECTIVES = [BsFlexDirective, BsFlexLayoutDirective];
export class BsFlexLayoutModule {}
import { Directive, HostBinding, Input, NgModule } from "@angular/core";
export type BsGridAlignItemsType = "start" | "end" | "center" | "stretch";
export type BsGridJustifyItemsType = "start" | "end" | "center" | "stretch";
export type BsGridPlaceItemsType = `${BsGridAlignItemsType}` | `${BsGridAlignItemsType} ${BsGridJustifyItemsType}`;
export type BsGridJustifyContentType = "start" | "end" | "center" | "stretch" | "space-around" | "space-between" | "space-evenly";
export type BsGridAlignContentType = "start" | "end" | "center" | "stretch" | "space-around" | "space-between" | "space-evenly";
export type BsGridJustifyAlignContentType = `${BsGridJustifyContentType}` | `${BsGridJustifyContentType} ${BsGridAlignContentType}`;
export type BsGridAlignSelfType = "start" | "end" | "center" | "stretch";
export type BsGridJustifySelfType = "start" | "end" | "center" | "stretch";
export type BsGridPlaceSelfType = `${BsGridAlignSelfType}` | `${BsGridAlignSelfType} ${BsGridJustifySelfType}`;
standalone: true,
selector: "[bsGridColumns]",
export class BsGridColumnsDirective {
@Input() set bsGridColumns(columns: string) {
this.columns = columns;
@Input() set bsGridRows(rows: string) {
this.rows = rows;
@Input() set bsGridAlignItems(alignItems: BsGridAlignItemsType | "") {
this.alignItems = alignItems;
@Input() set bsGridJustifyItems(justifyItems: BsGridJustifyItemsType | "") {
this.justifyItems = justifyItems;
@Input() set bsGridPlaceItems(placeItems: BsGridPlaceItemsType | "") {
let alignItems: BsGridAlignItemsType | "" = "";
let justifyItems: BsGridJustifyItemsType | "" = "";
if (placeItems !== "") {
const spaceIndex = placeItems.indexOf(" ");
if (spaceIndex < 0) {
alignItems = placeItems.trim() as BsGridJustifyItemsType;
justifyItems = alignItems;
} else {
alignItems = placeItems.substring(0, spaceIndex).trim() as BsGridJustifyItemsType;
justifyItems = placeItems.substring(spaceIndex + 1).trim() as BsGridAlignItemsType;
this.alignItems = alignItems;
this.justifyItems = justifyItems;
@Input() set bsGridAlignContent(alignContent: BsGridAlignContentType | "") {
this.alignContent = alignContent;
@Input() set bsGridJustifyContent(justifyContent: BsGridJustifyContentType | "") {
this.justifyContent = justifyContent;
@Input() set bsGridPlaceContent(placeContent: BsGridJustifyAlignContentType | "") {
let alignContent: BsGridAlignContentType | "" = "";
let justifyContent: BsGridJustifyContentType | "" = "";
if (placeContent !== "") {
const spaceIndex = placeContent.indexOf(" ");
if (spaceIndex < 0) {
alignContent = placeContent.trim() as BsGridJustifyContentType;
justifyContent = alignContent;
} else {
alignContent = placeContent.substring(0, spaceIndex).trim() as BsGridJustifyContentType;
justifyContent = placeContent.substring(spaceIndex + 1).trim() as BsGridAlignContentType;
this.alignContent = alignContent;
this.justifyContent = justifyContent;
@Input() set bsGridGap(gap: string) { = gap;
@HostBinding("style.display") display = "grid";
@HostBinding("style.grid-template-columns") columns = "";
@HostBinding("style.grid-template-rows") rows = "";
@HostBinding("style.align-items") alignItems: BsGridAlignItemsType | "" = "";
@HostBinding("style.justify-items") justifyItems: BsGridJustifyItemsType | "" = "";
@HostBinding("style.align-content") alignContent: BsGridAlignContentType | "" = "";
@HostBinding("style.justify-content") justifyContent: BsGridJustifyContentType | "" = "";
@HostBinding("") gap = "";
standalone: true,
selector: "[bsGridAreas]",
export class BsGridAreasDirective {
@Input() set bsGridAreas(areas: string | readonly string[]) {
areas = typeof areas === "string" ? areas.split("|").map(a => a.trim()) : areas;
this.areas = => `"${a}"`).join(" ");
@HostBinding("style.grid-template-areas") areas = "";
standalone: true,
selector: "[bsGridColumn]",
export class BsGridColumnDirective {
@Input() set bsGridColumn(column: string) {
this.column = column;
@Input() set bsGridRow(row: string) {
this.row = row;
@HostBinding("style.grid-column") column = "";
@HostBinding("style.grid-row") row = "";
standalone: true,
selector: "[bsGridArea]",
export class BsGridAreaDirective {
@Input() set bsGridArea(area: string) {
this.area = area;
@HostBinding("style.grid-area") area = "";
standalone: true,
selector: "[bsGridAlignSelf]",
export class BsGridAlignSelfDirective {
@Input() set bsGridAlignSelf(alignSelf: BsGridAlignSelfType | "") {
this.alignSelf = alignSelf;
@HostBinding("style.align-self") alignSelf: BsGridAlignSelfType | "" = "";
standalone: true,
selector: "[bsGridJustifySelf]",
export class BsGridJustifySelfDirective {
@Input() set bsGridJustifySelf(justifySelf: BsGridJustifySelfType | "") {
this.justifySelf = justifySelf;
@HostBinding("style.justify-self") justifySelf: BsGridJustifySelfType | "" = "";
standalone: true,
selector: "[bsGridPlaceSelf]",
export class BsGridPlaceSelfDirective {
@Input() set bsGridPlaceSelf(placeSelf: BsGridPlaceSelfType | "") {
let alignSelf: BsGridAlignSelfType | "" = "";
let justifySelf: BsGridJustifySelfType | "" = "";
if (placeSelf !== "") {
const spaceIndex = placeSelf.indexOf(" ");
if (spaceIndex < 0) {
alignSelf = placeSelf.trim() as BsGridJustifySelfType;
justifySelf = alignSelf;
} else {
alignSelf = placeSelf.substring(0, spaceIndex).trim() as BsGridJustifySelfType;
justifySelf = placeSelf.substring(spaceIndex + 1).trim() as BsGridAlignSelfType;
this.alignSelf = alignSelf;
this.justifySelf = justifySelf;
@HostBinding("style.align-self") alignSelf: BsGridAlignSelfType | "" = "";
@HostBinding("style.justify-self") justifySelf: BsGridJustifySelfType | "" = "";
export class BsGridLayoutModule {}
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