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Last active March 6, 2024 13:23
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Helper types and functions for mapping state etc. to "named state" for @ngrx/signalStore extensions like "withEntities". Example "withError" extension included.
* Prefix every property of the type with the given name.
* Ignores properties with non-string names.
export type NamedObject<Name extends string, T> = {
[K in keyof T as `${Name}${K extends string ? Capitalize<K> : never}`]: T[K];
type KeySuffix = 'Key';
* Helper type to extract all property names as keys into a new type.
* Every property gets a suffix of "Key" and its type is the original name of the property.
* @example
* type State = {
* prop: string;
* 0: number;
* };
* type StateKeys = ObjectKeys<State>;
* // = {
* // propKey: 'prop';
* //}
* @example
* // create a compile-time checked mapping
* const stateKeys: StateKeys = {
* propKey: 'prop',
* };
export type ObjectKeys<T> = {
readonly [K in keyof T as `${K extends string ? K : never}${KeySuffix}`]: K;
* Helper type to extract all property names as keys into a new type.
* Every property gets a suffix of "Key" and its type is the capitalized name of the property.
* This is an intermediate step towards named object keys.
* @see NamedObjectKeys
* @example
* type State = {
* prop: string;
* 0: number;
* };
* type StateKeysCapitalized = ObjectKeysCapitalized<State>;
* // = {
* // propKey: 'Prop';
* //}
* @example
* // create a compile-time checked mapping
* const stateKeysCapitalized: StateKeysCapitalized = {
* propKey: 'Prop',
* };
export type ObjectKeysCapitalized<T> = {
readonly [K in keyof T as `${K extends string
? K
: never}${KeySuffix}`]: K extends string ? Capitalize<K> : never;
* Helper type to extract all property names as keys into a new type.
* Every property gets a suffix of "Key" and its type is the capitalized name of the property prefixed with the given name.
* The keys matches those of {@type ObjectKeys} and {@type ObjectKeysCapitalized}.
* It's used as a return type of {@link createNamedObjectKeys} and {@link getObjectKeys}.
export type NamedObjectKeys<Name extends string, T> = {
readonly [K in keyof ObjectKeysCapitalized<T>]: `${Name}${ObjectKeysCapitalized<T>[K]}`;
* Creates an object with keys, which correspond to the keys of the given {@type T}.
* They get a suffix of "Key".
* Their type is the capitalized name of the original property prefixed with the given {@param name}.
* @param name The prefix for all property types.
* @param objectKeysCapitalized An object derived from the original type {@type T} with capitalized keytypes.
* @returns A map which maps a property name to its prefixed name.
* @example
* type State = {
* prop: string;
* };
* type StateKeysCapitalized = ObjectKeysCapitalized<State>;
* const stateKeysCapitalized: StateKeysCapitalized = {
* propKey: 'Prop',
* };
* const { propKey } = createNamedObjectKeys("dummy", stateKeysCapitalized);
* // propKey === "dummyProp"
export const createNamedObjectKeys = <Name extends string, T>(
name: Name,
objectKeysCapitalized: ObjectKeysCapitalized<T>
): NamedObjectKeys<Name, T> => {
return Object.keys(objectKeysCapitalized).reduce(
(obj, key) => ({
[key]: `${name}${
(objectKeysCapitalized as Record<string, unknown>)[key]
{} as Record<string, string>
) as NamedObjectKeys<Name, T>;
* Returns an object with named keys like {@link createNamedObjectKeys} if a name is given.
* Otherwise {@param objectKeys} is returned.
* Useful for typesafe conditional mapping of a type to an object with dynamic keys.
* @param name The prefix for all property types.
* @param objectKeys An object derived from the original type {@type T} with a property/name mapping.
* @param objectKeysCapitalized An object derived from the original type {@type T} with a property/capitalized-name mapping.
* @returns A map which maps a property name to its optional prefixed name.
* @example
* type State = {
* prop: string;
* };
* type NamedState<Name extends string> = NamedObject<Name, State>;
* type StateKeys = ObjectKeys<State>;
* type StateKeysCapitalized = ObjectKeysCapitalized<State>;
* const stateKeys: StateKeys = {
* propKey: 'prop',
* };
* const stateKeysCapitalized: StateKeysCapitalized = {
* propKey: 'Prop',
* };
* function setProp(state: State, prop: string): Partial<State<;
* function setProp<Name extends string>(state: NamedState<Name>, prop: string, name: Name): Partial<NamedState<Name>>;
* function setProp<Name extends string>(state: State | NamedState<Name>, prop: string, name?: Name): Partial<State | NamedState<Name>> {
* const { propKey } = getObjectKeys(name, stateKeys, stateKeysCapitalized);
* return {
* [propKey]: prop,
* };
* }
export const getObjectKeys = <Name extends string, T>(
name: Name | undefined,
objectKeys: ObjectKeys<T>,
objectKeysCapitalized: ObjectKeysCapitalized<T>
): ObjectKeys<T> | NamedObjectKeys<Name, T> => {
if (typeof name === 'string') {
return createNamedObjectKeys(name, objectKeysCapitalized);
return objectKeys;
import { Signal, computed } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@ngrx/signals';
import {
} from './object-keys';
// An example extension to @ngrx/signalStore which adds an "error" field and "hasError" signal to the store.
// const ExampleStore = signalStore(
// withState(...),
// withError(), // adds "error" and "hasError"
// ...
// );
// const NamedExampleStore = signalStore(
// withState(...),
// withError("foo"), // adds "fooError" and "fooHasError"
// withError("bar"), // adds "barError" and "barHasError"
// ...
// );
export type ErrorState = {
readonly error: string | null;
export type ErrorSignals = {
readonly hasError: Signal<boolean>;
export type NamedErrorState<Collection extends string> = NamedObject<
export type NamedErrorSignals<Collection extends string> = NamedObject<
type ErrorStateKeys = ObjectKeys<ErrorState>;
type ErrorStateKeysCapitalized = ObjectKeysCapitalized<ErrorState>;
type ErrorSignalsKeys = ObjectKeys<ErrorSignals>;
type ErrorSignalsKeysCapitalized = ObjectKeysCapitalized<ErrorSignals>;
const errorStateKeys: ErrorStateKeys = {
errorKey: 'error',
const errorStateKeysCapitalized: ErrorStateKeysCapitalized = {
errorKey: 'Error',
const errorSignalsKeys: ErrorSignalsKeys = {
hasErrorKey: 'hasError',
const errorSignalsKeysCapitalized: ErrorSignalsKeysCapitalized = {
hasErrorKey: 'HasError',
export function withError(): SignalStoreFeature<
state: NonNullable<unknown>;
signals: NonNullable<unknown>;
methods: NonNullable<unknown>;
state: ErrorState;
signals: ErrorSignals;
methods: NonNullable<unknown>;
export function withError<Collection extends string>(
collection: Collection
): SignalStoreFeature<
state: NonNullable<unknown>;
signals: NonNullable<unknown>;
methods: NonNullable<unknown>;
state: NamedErrorState<Collection>;
signals: NamedErrorSignals<Collection>;
methods: NonNullable<unknown>;
export function withError<Collection extends string>(
collection?: Collection
): SignalStoreFeature {
const { errorKey } = getObjectKeys(
const { hasErrorKey } = getObjectKeys(
return signalStoreFeature(
[errorKey]: null,
withComputed((store: Record<string, Signal<unknown>>) => {
const error = store[errorKey] as Signal<ErrorState['error']>;
return {
[hasErrorKey]: computed(() => error() != null),
export function setError(error: string): Partial<ErrorState>;
export function setError<Collection extends string>(
collection: Collection,
error: string
): Partial<NamedErrorState<Collection>>;
export function setError<Collection extends string>(
collectionOrError: Collection | string,
error?: string
): Partial<NamedErrorState<Collection> | ErrorState> {
const { errorKey } = getObjectKeys(
const realError =
typeof error === 'string'
? error.length === 0
? null
: error
: collectionOrError.length === 0
? null
: collectionOrError;
return {
[errorKey]: realError,
export function clearError(): Partial<ErrorState>;
export function clearError<Collection extends string>(
collection: Collection
): Partial<NamedErrorState<Collection>>;
export function clearError<Collection extends string>(
collection?: Collection
): Partial<NamedErrorState<Collection> | ErrorState> {
const { errorKey } = getObjectKeys(
return {
[errorKey]: null,
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Try to rename the error property on ErrorState. The compiler will lead you to all the places where you have to correct the code.

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