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Created August 18, 2012 15:19
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Simple node.js static file server.
http = require "http"
url = require "url"
path = require "path"
fs = require "fs"
http.createServer (request, response) ->
file = path.join process.cwd(), url.parse(request.url).pathname
fs.exists file, (exists) ->
unless exists
response.writeHead 404, "Content-Type":"text/plain"
response.write "404 Not Found"
response.end "\n"
file += "/index.html" if fs.statSync(file).isDirectory()
fs.readFile file, "binary", (err, file) ->
if err
response.writeHead 500, "Content-Type":"text/plain"
response.write err
response.end "\n"
response.writeHead 200
response.write file, "binary"
.listen process.env.PORT or 5000
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