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Last active September 17, 2016 02:24
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Download a version of the "node-lambda-babel-template".
'use strict';
import { get } from 'gh-got';
// curl -o- | bash
export default async (event, context, callback) => {
const repo = 'node-lambda-babel-template';
const tarball = `${repo}/tarball`;
let { version = 'latest' } = event.params;
if (version === 'latest') {
let { body } = await get(`repos/flesch/${repo}/releases/latest`);
version = body.tag_name;
callback(null, `mkdir -p ${repo} && curl -L -o- ${tarball}/${version} | tar zxf - --directory ${repo} --strip-components=1 && cd ${repo}`);
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