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Created September 10, 2009 19:42
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## Slightly more idiomatic and optimized Perl of from
use strict;
use warnings;
open( my $vocab_fh, '>', "vocab" ) or die "vocab: $!\n";
my %jmap;
my %i_file;
my $j_ctr = 0;
for my $infile ( @ARGV ) {
print STDERR "new file $infile\n";
open( my $in_fh, '<', $infile ) or die "$infile: $!\n";
open( my $out_fh, '>', "${infile}n" ) or die "${infile}n: $!\n";
my %imap;
my( $ival, $jval );
while( <$in_fh> ) {
my( $item, $feat, $val ) = split( / / );
$ival = ($imap{$item} ||= ++$i_file{ $infile });
print $vocab_fh qq{$feat\n} unless exists $jmap{ $feat };
$jval = ($jmap{$feat} ||= ++$j_ctr);
print $out_fh qq{$ival $jval $val};
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