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Last active December 17, 2015 16:19
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Save flibbertigibbet/5637627 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Helper functions to use the Google Visualization API in Django. Module stores queries to use and creates a JSon representation of a Google Visualization DataTable for each by inspecting the query's model. Looks up any choices defined for the columns.
import gviz_api
from django.db.models.query import ValuesQuerySet
# mapping of model field types to google vizualization column types (all not
# in list are 'string' type) valid google viz data types are: 'string'
# 'number' 'boolean' 'date' 'datetime' 'timeofday'
fieldmap = {'DateField':'date','DateTimeField':'datetime','BooleanField':'boolean',
# { 'queryname' : [query object, { field_name : (datatype, descriptive_name) },
# { name of field with choices : { choices } }] }
queries = {}
def add_query(qry, qryName, makeStr=set()):
"""Takes a Django QuerySet or ValuesQuerySet and an (arbitrary, unique) name for it,
and adds it to the collection of queries to use in Google Visualization DataTables. Also
takes an optional third argument of a set of column names to be put in the DataTable as
strings, ignoring their data type in the model."""
if type(qry) is ValuesQuerySet:
add_values_qry(qry, qryName, makeStr)
add_full_qry(qry, qryName, makeStr)
def get_viz_json(qryName):
"""Takes a previously added query name and returns JSon representation of a
Google Visualization DataTable."""
tbl = gviz_api.DataTable(queries[qryName][1])
if type(queries[qryName][0]) is ValuesQuerySet:
json = tbl.ToJSon()
return json
def add_values_qry(qry, qryName, makeStr):
model = qry.model
desc = {} # { field_name : (datatype, descriptive_name) }
choices = {}
flds = qry.field_names
for f in flds:
fld = model._meta.get_field(f)
t = fld.get_internal_type() # returns Django model field type as string
gt = 'string' # default to string type
if (not f in makeStr) and fieldmap.has_key(t):
gt = fieldmap[t]
if fld.choices:
choices[f] = dict(fld.choices)
desc[f] = ('string', fld.verbose_name)
desc[f] = (gt, fld.verbose_name)
if qry.aggregate_names:
flds_agg = qry.aggregate_names # if query has annotations, add them as 'number' type
for fa in flds_agg:
descriptive_name = fa.replace('_', ' ')
desc[fa] = ('number', descriptive_name)
queries[qryName] = [qry, desc, choices]
def add_full_qry(qry, qryName, makeStr):
model = qry.model
desc = {} # { field_name : (datatype, descriptive_name) }
choices = {}
model_name = model.__name__
flds = model._meta.get_all_field_names()
for f in flds:
fld = model._meta.get_field(f)
continue # in case of FK field
t = fld.get_internal_type() # returns Django model field type as string
if t == 'ForeignKey':
gt = 'string' # default to string
if (not f in makeStr) and fieldmap.has_key(t):
gt = fieldmap[t]
desc[f] = (gt, fld.verbose_name)
if fld.choices:
choices[f] = dict(fld.choices)
desc[f] = ('string', fld.verbose_name)
desc[f] = (gt, fld.verbose_name)
flds_agg = qry.query.aggregates.keys()
for fa in flds_agg:
descriptive_name = fa.replace('_', ' ')
desc[fa] = ('number', descriptive_name)
queries[qryName] = [qry, desc, choices]
def get_viz_data_full(qryName):
"""Takes a QuerySet name and returns a dataset to load into a Google Visualization DataTable."""
data = []
qry = queries[qryName][0]
qry.update() # force query to re-evaluate
flds = queries[qryName][1].keys()
choices = queries[qryName][2]
for itm in qry:
row = {}
for fld in flds:
if choices.has_key(fld):
row[fld] = choices[fld][itm.__getattribute__(fld)]
row[fld] = itm.__getattribute__(fld)
return data
def get_viz_data_values(qryName):
"""Takes a ValuesQuerySet name and returns a dataset to load into a Google Visualization DataTable."""
data = []
qry = queries[qryName][0]
qry.update() # force query to re-evaluate
flds = queries[qryName][1].keys()
choices = queries[qryName][2]
for itm in qry:
row = {}
for fld in flds:
if choices.has_key(fld):
row[fld] = choices[fld][itm[fld]]
row[fld] = itm[fld]
return data
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To use, define the queries to use with the Visualization API at the head of with:

add_query(queryset, 'query name')

then in view functions, get the JSon representation of a Google Visualization DataTable for the query with:

my_json = get_viz_json('query name')

Within the HTML template, pipe the JSon through safe:

var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable( {{ my_json|safe }} );

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Depends on Google Visualization Python API:

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