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Created November 29, 2014 15:31
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-- This is related to
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, DataKinds, PolyKinds, RankNTypes, TypeOperators #-}
import Data.Either
import Data.Functor
import Control.Monad
data Nat = Z | S Nat
data Natty :: Nat -> * where
Zy :: Natty Z
Sy :: Natty n -> Natty (S n)
data Finny :: Nat -> Nat -> * where
FZ :: Finny (S n) Z
FS :: Finny n m -> Finny (S n) (S m)
type Finny0 n = Finny (S n)
data Vec :: * -> Nat -> * where
VNil :: Vec a Z
VCons :: a -> Vec a n -> Vec a (S n)
fromIntNatty :: Int -> (forall n. Natty n -> b) -> b
fromIntNatty 0 f = f Zy
fromIntNatty n f = fromIntNatty (n - 1) (f . Sy)
fromNattyFinny0 :: Natty n -> (forall m. Finny0 n m -> b) -> b
fromNattyFinny0 Zy f = f FZ
fromNattyFinny0 (Sy n) f = fromNattyFinny0 n (f . FS)
fromIntNattyFinny0 :: Int -> (forall n m. Natty n -> Finny0 n m -> b) -> b
fromIntNattyFinny0 n f = fromIntNatty n $ \n'' -> fromNattyFinny0 n'' (f n'')
vfromList :: [a] -> (forall n. Vec a n -> b) -> b
vfromList [] f = f VNil
vfromList (x:xs) f = vfromList xs (f . VCons x)
vhead :: Vec a (S n) -> a
vhead (VCons x xs) = x
vtoList :: Vec a n -> [a]
vtoList VNil = []
vtoList (VCons x xs) = x : vtoList xs
vlength :: Vec a n -> Natty n
vlength VNil = Zy
vlength (VCons x xs) = Sy (vlength xs)
vlookup :: Finny n m -> Vec a n -> a
vlookup FZ (VCons x xs) = x
vlookup (FS i) (VCons x xs) = vlookup i xs
vtake :: Finny0 n m -> Vec a n -> Vec a m
vtake FZ _ = VNil
vtake (FS i) (VCons x xs) = VCons x (vtake i xs)
data (:<=) :: Nat -> Nat -> * where
Z_le_Z :: Z :<= m
S_le_S :: n :<= m -> S n :<= S m
type n :< m = S n :<= m
(<=?) :: Natty n -> Natty m -> Either (m :< n) (n :<= m)
Zy <=? m = Right Z_le_Z
Sy n <=? Zy = Left (S_le_S Z_le_Z)
Sy n <=? Sy m = either (Left . S_le_S) (Right . S_le_S) $ n <=? m
inject0Le :: Finny0 n p -> n :<= m -> Finny0 m p
inject0Le FZ _ = FZ
inject0Le (FS i) (S_le_S le) = FS (inject0Le i le)
main = do
xs <- readLn :: IO [Int]
ns <- readLn
forM_ ns $ \n -> putStrLn $
fromIntNattyFinny0 n $ \n' i' ->
vfromList xs $ \xs' ->
case n' <=? vlength xs' of
Left _ -> "What should I do with this input?"
Right le -> show $ vtoList $ vtake (inject0Le i' le) xs'
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