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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Require Import Arith omega.Omega Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Fixpoint ble_nat (n m : nat) : bool :=
match n with
| 0 => true
| S n' =>
match m with
| 0 => false
| S m' => ble_nat n' m'
Theorem fold_ble_nat_S : forall n m,
ble_nat (S n) m = match m with | 0 => false| S m' => ble_nat n m' end.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem le_ble_nat_true : forall n m,
n <= m <-> ble_nat n m = true.
intros. split; generalize dependent m; induction n; intros.
inversion H; auto.
destruct m.
inversion H.
simpl. apply IHn. omega.
apply le_0_n.
destruct m; inversion H.
apply le_n_S. auto.
Theorem not_le_ble_nat_false : forall n m,
~ (n <= m) <-> ble_nat n m = false.
unfold not. intros. split; generalize dependent m; induction n; intros.
destruct m; auto.
simpl. apply IHn. omega.
inversion H.
destruct m.
inversion H0.
inversion H. apply IHn in H2; omega.
Tactic Notation "ble_omega" :=
intros; repeat (rewrite <- le_ble_nat_true in *);
repeat (rewrite <- not_le_ble_nat_false in *); omega.
Ltac destruct_ble_nat :=
repeat (rewrite <- fold_ble_nat_S);
repeat match goal with
| |- context [ble_nat ?n ?m] => let d := fresh "d" in destruct (ble_nat n m) eqn : d
simpl; try ble_omega; auto.
Definition max (n m : nat) :=
if ble_nat n m then m else n.
Theorem max_max : forall n m,
max n (max n m) = max n m.
Proof. unfold max. intros. destruct_ble_nat. Qed.
Theorem ble_nat_max : forall n m,
ble_nat n (max n m) = true.
Proof. unfold max. intros. destruct (ble_nat n m) eqn : d; ble_omega. Qed.
Fixpoint maximum (l : list nat) :=
match l with
| [] => 0
| x :: l' => max x (maximum l')
Fixpoint qsort' (l : list nat) (min_n max_n : nat) :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| x :: l' =>
if andb (ble_nat min_n x) (ble_nat (S x) max_n)
then qsort' l' min_n x ++ [x] ++ qsort' l' x max_n
else qsort' l' min_n max_n
Definition qsort (l : list nat) :=
qsort' l 0 (S (maximum l)).
Theorem qsort'_refl : forall l x,
qsort' l x x = [].
Proof. intros. induction l; simpl; destruct_ble_nat. Qed.
Inductive forall_list (P : nat -> Prop) : list nat -> Prop :=
| forall_list_nil : forall_list P []
| forall_list_step : forall l v, forall_list P l -> P v -> forall_list P (v :: l).
Definition le_all (n : nat) : list nat -> Prop :=
forall_list (le n).
Inductive sorted : list nat -> Prop :=
| sorted_nil : sorted []
| sorted_step : forall l v, sorted l -> le_all v l -> sorted (v :: l).
Definition all_le (n : nat) : list nat -> Prop :=
forall_list (fun m => le m n).
Hint Constructors forall_list.
Hint Unfold le_all.
Hint Constructors sorted.
Hint Unfold all_le.
Hint Extern 1 => simpl.
Hint Extern 2 => ble_omega.
Theorem forall_list_impl : forall l (P Q : nat -> Prop),
forall_list P l -> (forall n, P n -> Q n) -> forall_list Q l.
Proof. induction 1; auto. Qed.
Theorem forall_list_app : forall l1 l2 P,
forall_list P l1 ->
forall_list P l2 ->
forall_list P (l1 ++ l2).
Proof. induction 1; auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve forall_list_impl.
Hint Resolve forall_list_app.
Theorem sorted_app : forall l2 l1,
sorted l1 ->
sorted l2 ->
forall_list (fun n => le_all n l2) l1 ->
sorted (l1 ++ l2).
Proof. induction 1; auto. intuition. inversion H2. auto. Qed.
Theorem le_all_step : forall l v n,
le_all v l ->
n <= v ->
le_all n (v :: l).
Proof. eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve le_all_step.
Tactic Notation "qsort_intro" :=
intro l; induction l as [| v l']; intros; simpl; auto;
destruct_ble_nat; unfold le_all in *; unfold all_le in *.
Theorem le_all_qsort' : forall l n m,
le_all n (qsort' l n m).
Proof. qsort_intro. eauto. Qed.
Theorem all_le_qsort' : forall l n m,
all_le m (qsort' l n m).
Proof. qsort_intro. Hint Extern 2 => instantiate. apply forall_list_app; eauto. Qed.
Theorem sorted_after_qsort' : forall l n m,
sorted (qsort' l n m).
generalize le_all_qsort', all_le_qsort'. intros ? ?. qsort_intro. apply sorted_app; eauto.
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