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Last active February 17, 2020 15:06
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  • Save fliedonion/e920d5284d884e569d68b31502ebc126 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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appveyor.yml for build library
# AppVeyor.yml for Zipped files to XCopy Deploy.
# - Require VS2013 ($env:MSBUILD_EXE)
# - Require 7Zip ($env:szip)
# - "C:\opt\nuget3.4\appveyor_nugetconfig\nuget.config"
# - C:\opt\nuget3.4\nget.exe
# version: 1.0.{build}
# 必要に応じてAssemblyInfoパッチなども行う。このymlを共通で使うならここでバージョンしない方が良いと思う。
configuration: Release
# なんか不要なスペースが末尾についてしまう。大したコマンドでもないので、after_buildはpowershellあたりでやるといいのかも。
# beforefilter.xmlで<DocumentationFile></DocumentationFile> も設定しようかと思ったがこのタイミングだと $(TargetName) とか取れないのでやめた
# BeforeTargetが CoreCompileの Targetを作ればいけるかもしれない。
# MsBuild v15 以降なら が参考に。
# 環境変数 `$env:FoEnvSLNTITLE` `$env:FoEnvSLN` はここで定義せずにUIでプロジェクトの環境変数かinitで定義しておけば使いまわせる。
# To see all predefined msbuild targets, see:
## Controlable Variables for this build setting.
# $env:FoEnvSLN
# specify relative path to target solution file.
# if multiple solution file found, first found one will be used.
# ex) ".\src\AppVeyorSimpleExeExpr.sln"
# default: "*.sln"
# $env:FoEnvRemoveDependencies
# "0" or "1". non zero integer means True. "0" means False.
# Remove dependency files from artifact. remove also project dependencies.
# default: "0"
# $env:FoEnvPROJECTS
# semi-colon separated Project names. comma also allowed as separated character.
# space will be trimmed. empty
# more correctly this is a build target.
# note: "Clean" always run as first build target, so you don't need specify Clean.
# note: Replace some sign to underscore. that is MsBuild Spec.
# ex) "ClassLibrary1; SecondApps, "
# default: Rebuild
# default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe"
# $env:FoEnvConfiguration
# "Release", "Debug" or "Default".
# if "Default" is specified, use solution or project default. (not override configuration setting)
# default: Release
# $env:FoEnvPlatform
# "Any CPU", "x64", "x86", ..., or "Default".
# if "Default" is specified, use solution or project default. (not override platform setting)
# default: Default
# $env:FoEnvMsBuildLogLevel
# default: m
# $env:FoEnvNuget_EXE
# set fullpath to nuget.exe. this will be used for restore packages.
# if you don't want to restore, please set empty string.
# default: "C:\opt\nuget3.4\nuget.exe"
# $env:FoEnvNugetConfig
# set fullpath to custom nuget.config if you want use that.
# this file will be copy to Solution File Directory.
# if you don't want to use any extra file, please set empty string.
# default: "C:\opt\nuget3.4\appveyor_nugetconfig"
# note: you may find nuget.config for your user account in `C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\NuGet`
## log level for this build setting.
# $env:FoLogInfo=1 : print info log
# $env:FoLogVerbose=1 : print info/verbose log
# $env:FoLogDebug=1 : print info/verbose/debug log
# $env:FoLogNone=1 : don't print log
- none.dll
- ps: >-
# variables for Testing
# $env:FoEnvPROJECTS="AppVeyorSimpleExeExpr ; SecondApps, "
# $env:FoEnvRemoveDependencies = "1"
# $env:FoEnvMsBuildLogLevel = "d"
# Setup logging
function folog($s, $prefix) { Write-Host $( [string]::Format('{1} {0}', $s, $prefix) ); }
function foilog($s) { if ($FoLogLevel -ge 1) { folog $s '[Info ]:'; } } # ilog stands for info log.
function fovlog($s) { if ($FoLogLevel -ge 2) { folog $s '[Verbose]:'; } } # vlog stands for verbose log.
function fodlog($s) { if ($FoLogLevel -ge 4) { folog $s '[Debug ]:'; } } # dlog stands for debug log.
if ($env:FoLogInfo) { $FoLogLevel += 1 };
if ($env:FoLogVerbose) { $FoLogLevel += 2 };
if ($env:FoLogDebug) { $FoLogLevel += 4 };
if ($env:FoLogNone) { $FoLogLevel = 0 };
fovlog "Log Level is $FoLogLevel"
# Remove Dependencies Value
[bool]$FoRemoveDependencies=[int]$("0" + $env:FoEnvRemoveDependencies)
# apply custom msbuild
$env:MSBUILD_EXE="C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe"
if ($env:FoEnvMSBUILD_EXE) { $env:MSBUILD_EXE=$env:FoEnvMSBUILD_EXE }
fovlog "MsBuild is $env:MSBUILD_EXE"
# apply nuget configuration
# apply configuration
if ($env:FoEnvConfiguration) {
$FoBuildConfigParam=[string]::Format('/p:Configuration="{0}"', $env:FoEnvConfiguration);
if ( "$env:FoEnvConfiguration" -eq "Default" ) {
fovlog "Configuration parameter is $FoBuildConfigParam"
# apply platform
if ($env:FoEnvPlatform) {
$FoBuildPlatformParam=[string]::Format('/p:Platform="{0}"', $env:FoEnvPlatform);
if ( "$env:FoEnvPlatform" -eq "Default" ) {
fovlog "Platform parameter is $FoBuildPlatformParam"
# apply msbuild log level
if ($env:FoEnvMsBuildLogLevel) {
$FoMsBuildLogLevel=[string]::Format('/v:{0}', $env:FoEnvMsBuildLogLevel);
fovlog "MsBuild Log verbosity is $FoMsBuildLogLevel"
# Find Solution file.
if ( ([string]$env:FoEnvSLN).Trim() -eq "" ) { $env:FoEnvSLN = '*.sln' }
if ( "$env:FoEnvSLN" -ne "" ) {
$FoSlnFile=( Get-Item "$env:FoEnvSLN" | Select -index 0 )
if ( ! $FoSlnFile ) { Write-Error "$env:FoEnvSLN not found." ; $host.SetShouldExit( 1 ) }
# raise error Solution not found.
foilog $( 'Found Solution is `' + $FoSlnFile + '`')
# Decide Buildtargets.
if ( ([string]$env:FoEnvPROJECTS).Trim() -eq "" ) {
# if project is not specified, fallback to Rebuild (all project)
$env:FoEnvPROJECTS = 'Rebuild';
fovlog $( 'Target(s) are `' + $env:FoEnvPROJECTS + '`')
## format Buildtargets
$FoProjects_tmp=$env:FoEnvPROJECTS.split( (";", ",") ).foreach({$_.Trim()}).where({$_ -ne ""})
$FoProjects=[string]::join(";", $FoProjects_tmp )
$FoProjectsTarget=$FoProjects_tmp.foreach({$_.replace("'", "_") -replace '[%$@;.()]','_'})
# replace some signs to underscore for -target switch.
if ( $FoProjects.Count -eq 0 ) { Write-Error 'Invalid $env:FoEnvPROJECTS value. maybe only semi-colon or comma.' ; $host.SetShouldExit( 1 ) }
fovlog $( 'Build Project(s) are `' + $FoProjects + '`')
$env:FoEnvProjectsToBuild=";$FoProjects;" # this value will be used in msbuild task.
fovlog $( '$env:FoEnvProjectsToBuild is `' + $env:FoEnvProjectsToBuild + '`')
if ($FoIsProjNameFallbacked) { $env:FoEnvProjectsToBuild="" }
### empty `$env:FoEnvProjectsToBuild` means no project will be excluded in msbuild task.
- ps: >-
echo '<Project xmlns="">
' > beforefilter.xml
- ps: >-
echo '<Project xmlns="">' > afterfilter.xml
if ( $FoRemoveDependencies ) {
echo ' <!-- Remove Dependencies -->
' >> afterfilter.xml
$env:FoEnvEmpty="" # to avoid double single-quote complex.
echo ' <!-- Copy Files. this make easily create artifact after build -->
<Target Name="GetAssmeblyVersion" AfterTargets="Build">
<Message Text="FoEnvProjectsToBuild = $(FoEnvProjectsToBuild)" />
<Message Text="MsBuildProjectName = $(MsBuildProjectName)" />
<Message Text="Contains? = $(FoEnvProjectsToBuild.Contains( $(MsBuildProjectName) ))" />
<Target Name="CopyToVersionedFolder" AfterTargets="GetAssmeblyVersion"
Condition="''$(FoEnvProjectsToBuild)'' == ''$(FoEnvEmpty)'' Or $(FoEnvProjectsToBuild.Contains( $(MsBuildProjectName) ))">
<BuiltFiles Include="$(TargetDir)\*.*" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(BuiltFiles)"
DestinationFolder="$(FoEnvSLNPATH)\$(FoEnvArtifactDirTitle)\$(TargetName)\%(FoPropAssemblyIdentities.Version)" />
' >> afterfilter.xml
echo '</Project>' >> afterfilter.xml
- ps: >-
[string] $cwd = Get-Location
if ( "$env:FoEnvNugetConfig" -ne "" ) {
cp "$env:FoEnvNugetConfig" $cwd ;
if ( "$env:FoEnvNuget_EXE" -ne "" ) {
& $env:FoEnvNuget_EXE restore "$env:FoEnvSLN"
& $env:MSBUILD_EXE "$env:FoEnvSLN" $FoMsBuildLogLevel /t:"Clean;$FoProjects"
$FoBuildConfigParam $FoBuildPlatformParam
$_builtsignfile=Get-Date -Format "BUILT_yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"
new-item -type file "$env:FoEnvSLNPATH\$env:FoEnvArtifactDirTitle\$_builtsignfile"
- ps: $env:szip="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
- ps: '& $env:szip a "$env:FoEnvArtifactFile" "$env:FoEnvSLNPATH\$env:FoEnvArtifactDirTitle"'
- path: "%FoEnvArtifactFile%"
name: test build
type: zip
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