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Last active December 21, 2015 14:32
type BaseScehduler interface {
// Create a new periodic job
Every(interval uint64) *Job
// Create a one time job
After(interval uint64) *Job
// Remove specific job j
Cancel(*Job) bool
// Run all the jobs that are scheduled to run.
// Start starts the scheduler
// IsRunning returns true if the job has started
IsRunning() bool
// Stop stops the scheduler from executing jobs
// Delete all scheduled jobs
type Scheduler interface {
// Location sets the default location of every job created with `Every`.
// The deefault location is `time.Local`
// NextRun returns the next next job to be run and the time in which it will be run
NextRun() (*Job, time.Time)
// RunAll runs all of the jobs regardless of wether or not they are pending
// RunAllWithDelay runs all of the jobs regardless of wether or not they are pending with a delay
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