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Created January 24, 2016 20:48
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"use strict";
(function() {
Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;
var $global, $module;
if (typeof window !== "undefined") { /* web page */
$global = window;
} else if (typeof self !== "undefined") { /* web worker */
$global = self;
} else if (typeof global !== "undefined") { /* Node.js */
$global = global;
$global.require = require;
} else { /* others (e.g. Nashorn) */
$global = this;
if ($global === undefined || $global.Array === undefined) {
throw new Error("no global object found");
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {
$module = module;
var $packages = {}, $idCounter = 0;
var $keys = function(m) { return m ? Object.keys(m) : []; };
var $flushConsole = function() {};
var $throwRuntimeError; /* set by package "runtime" */
var $throwNilPointerError = function() { $throwRuntimeError("invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference"); };
var $call = function(fn, rcvr, args) { return fn.apply(rcvr, args); };
var $makeFunc = function(fn) { return function() { return fn(new ($sliceType($jsObjectPtr))($, []))); } };
var $mapArray = function(array, f) {
var newArray = new array.constructor(array.length);
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
newArray[i] = f(array[i]);
return newArray;
var $methodVal = function(recv, name) {
var vals = recv.$methodVals || {};
recv.$methodVals = vals; /* noop for primitives */
var f = vals[name];
if (f !== undefined) {
return f;
var method = recv[name];
f = function() {
try {
return method.apply(recv, arguments);
} finally {
vals[name] = f;
return f;
var $methodExpr = function(typ, name) {
var method = typ.prototype[name];
if (method.$expr === undefined) {
method.$expr = function() {
try {
if (typ.wrapped) {
arguments[0] = new typ(arguments[0]);
return, arguments);
} finally {
return method.$expr;
var $ifaceMethodExprs = {};
var $ifaceMethodExpr = function(name) {
var expr = $ifaceMethodExprs["$" + name];
if (expr === undefined) {
expr = $ifaceMethodExprs["$" + name] = function() {
try {
return[0][name], arguments);
} finally {
return expr;
var $subslice = function(slice, low, high, max) {
if (low < 0 || high < low || max < high || high > slice.$capacity || max > slice.$capacity) {
$throwRuntimeError("slice bounds out of range");
var s = new slice.constructor(slice.$array);
s.$offset = slice.$offset + low;
s.$length = slice.$length - low;
s.$capacity = slice.$capacity - low;
if (high !== undefined) {
s.$length = high - low;
if (max !== undefined) {
s.$capacity = max - low;
return s;
var $sliceToArray = function(slice) {
if (slice.$length === 0) {
return [];
if (slice.$array.constructor !== Array) {
return slice.$array.subarray(slice.$offset, slice.$offset + slice.$length);
return slice.$array.slice(slice.$offset, slice.$offset + slice.$length);
var $decodeRune = function(str, pos) {
var c0 = str.charCodeAt(pos);
if (c0 < 0x80) {
return [c0, 1];
if (c0 !== c0 || c0 < 0xC0) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
var c1 = str.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
if (c1 !== c1 || c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
if (c0 < 0xE0) {
var r = (c0 & 0x1F) << 6 | (c1 & 0x3F);
if (r <= 0x7F) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
return [r, 2];
var c2 = str.charCodeAt(pos + 2);
if (c2 !== c2 || c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
if (c0 < 0xF0) {
var r = (c0 & 0x0F) << 12 | (c1 & 0x3F) << 6 | (c2 & 0x3F);
if (r <= 0x7FF) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
if (0xD800 <= r && r <= 0xDFFF) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
return [r, 3];
var c3 = str.charCodeAt(pos + 3);
if (c3 !== c3 || c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
if (c0 < 0xF8) {
var r = (c0 & 0x07) << 18 | (c1 & 0x3F) << 12 | (c2 & 0x3F) << 6 | (c3 & 0x3F);
if (r <= 0xFFFF || 0x10FFFF < r) {
return [0xFFFD, 1];
return [r, 4];
return [0xFFFD, 1];
var $encodeRune = function(r) {
if (r < 0 || r > 0x10FFFF || (0xD800 <= r && r <= 0xDFFF)) {
r = 0xFFFD;
if (r <= 0x7F) {
return String.fromCharCode(r);
if (r <= 0x7FF) {
return String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | r >> 6, 0x80 | (r & 0x3F));
if (r <= 0xFFFF) {
return String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | r >> 12, 0x80 | (r >> 6 & 0x3F), 0x80 | (r & 0x3F));
return String.fromCharCode(0xF0 | r >> 18, 0x80 | (r >> 12 & 0x3F), 0x80 | (r >> 6 & 0x3F), 0x80 | (r & 0x3F));
var $stringToBytes = function(str) {
var array = new Uint8Array(str.length);
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return array;
var $bytesToString = function(slice) {
if (slice.$length === 0) {
return "";
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < slice.$length; i += 10000) {
str += String.fromCharCode.apply(undefined, slice.$array.subarray(slice.$offset + i, slice.$offset + Math.min(slice.$length, i + 10000)));
return str;
var $stringToRunes = function(str) {
var array = new Int32Array(str.length);
var rune, j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i += rune[1], j++) {
rune = $decodeRune(str, i);
array[j] = rune[0];
return array.subarray(0, j);
var $runesToString = function(slice) {
if (slice.$length === 0) {
return "";
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < slice.$length; i++) {
str += $encodeRune(slice.$array[slice.$offset + i]);
return str;
var $copyString = function(dst, src) {
var n = Math.min(src.length, dst.$length);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
dst.$array[dst.$offset + i] = src.charCodeAt(i);
return n;
var $copySlice = function(dst, src) {
var n = Math.min(src.$length, dst.$length);
$copyArray(dst.$array, src.$array, dst.$offset, src.$offset, n, dst.constructor.elem);
return n;
var $copyArray = function(dst, src, dstOffset, srcOffset, n, elem) {
if (n === 0 || (dst === src && dstOffset === srcOffset)) {
if (src.subarray) {
dst.set(src.subarray(srcOffset, srcOffset + n), dstOffset);
switch (elem.kind) {
case $kindArray:
case $kindStruct:
if (dst === src && dstOffset > srcOffset) {
for (var i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
elem.copy(dst[dstOffset + i], src[srcOffset + i]);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
elem.copy(dst[dstOffset + i], src[srcOffset + i]);
if (dst === src && dstOffset > srcOffset) {
for (var i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
dst[dstOffset + i] = src[srcOffset + i];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
dst[dstOffset + i] = src[srcOffset + i];
var $clone = function(src, type) {
var clone =;
type.copy(clone, src);
return clone;
var $pointerOfStructConversion = function(obj, type) {
if(obj.$proxies === undefined) {
obj.$proxies = {};
obj.$proxies[obj.constructor.string] = obj;
var proxy = obj.$proxies[type.string];
if (proxy === undefined) {
var properties = {};
for (var i = 0; i < type.elem.fields.length; i++) {
(function(fieldProp) {
properties[fieldProp] = {
get: function() { return obj[fieldProp]; },
set: function(value) { obj[fieldProp] = value; }
proxy = Object.create(type.prototype, properties);
proxy.$val = proxy;
obj.$proxies[type.string] = proxy;
proxy.$proxies = obj.$proxies;
return proxy;
var $append = function(slice) {
return $internalAppend(slice, arguments, 1, arguments.length - 1);
var $appendSlice = function(slice, toAppend) {
if (toAppend.constructor === String) {
var bytes = $stringToBytes(toAppend);
return $internalAppend(slice, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
return $internalAppend(slice, toAppend.$array, toAppend.$offset, toAppend.$length);
var $internalAppend = function(slice, array, offset, length) {
if (length === 0) {
return slice;
var newArray = slice.$array;
var newOffset = slice.$offset;
var newLength = slice.$length + length;
var newCapacity = slice.$capacity;
if (newLength > newCapacity) {
newOffset = 0;
newCapacity = Math.max(newLength, slice.$capacity < 1024 ? slice.$capacity * 2 : Math.floor(slice.$capacity * 5 / 4));
if (slice.$array.constructor === Array) {
newArray = slice.$array.slice(slice.$offset, slice.$offset + slice.$length);
newArray.length = newCapacity;
var zero =;
for (var i = slice.$length; i < newCapacity; i++) {
newArray[i] = zero();
} else {
newArray = new slice.$array.constructor(newCapacity);
newArray.set(slice.$array.subarray(slice.$offset, slice.$offset + slice.$length));
$copyArray(newArray, array, newOffset + slice.$length, offset, length, slice.constructor.elem);
var newSlice = new slice.constructor(newArray);
newSlice.$offset = newOffset;
newSlice.$length = newLength;
newSlice.$capacity = newCapacity;
return newSlice;
var $equal = function(a, b, type) {
if (type === $jsObjectPtr) {
return a === b;
switch (type.kind) {
case $kindComplex64:
case $kindComplex128:
return a.$real === b.$real && a.$imag === b.$imag;
case $kindInt64:
case $kindUint64:
return a.$high === b.$high && a.$low === b.$low;
case $kindArray:
if (a.length !== b.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!$equal(a[i], b[i], type.elem)) {
return false;
return true;
case $kindStruct:
for (var i = 0; i < type.fields.length; i++) {
var f = type.fields[i];
if (!$equal(a[f.prop], b[f.prop], f.typ)) {
return false;
return true;
case $kindInterface:
return $interfaceIsEqual(a, b);
return a === b;
var $interfaceIsEqual = function(a, b) {
if (a === $ifaceNil || b === $ifaceNil) {
return a === b;
if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) {
return false;
if (a.constructor === $jsObjectPtr) {
return a.object === b.object;
if (!a.constructor.comparable) {
$throwRuntimeError("comparing uncomparable type " + a.constructor.string);
return $equal(a.$val, b.$val, a.constructor);
var $min = Math.min;
var $mod = function(x, y) { return x % y; };
var $parseInt = parseInt;
var $parseFloat = function(f) {
if (f !== undefined && f !== null && f.constructor === Number) {
return f;
return parseFloat(f);
var $froundBuf = new Float32Array(1);
var $fround = Math.fround || function(f) {
$froundBuf[0] = f;
return $froundBuf[0];
var $imul = Math.imul || function(a, b) {
var ah = (a >>> 16) & 0xffff;
var al = a & 0xffff;
var bh = (b >>> 16) & 0xffff;
var bl = b & 0xffff;
return ((al * bl) + (((ah * bl + al * bh) << 16) >>> 0) >> 0);
var $floatKey = function(f) {
if (f !== f) {
return "NaN$" + $idCounter;
return String(f);
var $flatten64 = function(x) {
return x.$high * 4294967296 + x.$low;
var $shiftLeft64 = function(x, y) {
if (y === 0) {
return x;
if (y < 32) {
return new x.constructor(x.$high << y | x.$low >>> (32 - y), (x.$low << y) >>> 0);
if (y < 64) {
return new x.constructor(x.$low << (y - 32), 0);
return new x.constructor(0, 0);
var $shiftRightInt64 = function(x, y) {
if (y === 0) {
return x;
if (y < 32) {
return new x.constructor(x.$high >> y, (x.$low >>> y | x.$high << (32 - y)) >>> 0);
if (y < 64) {
return new x.constructor(x.$high >> 31, (x.$high >> (y - 32)) >>> 0);
if (x.$high < 0) {
return new x.constructor(-1, 4294967295);
return new x.constructor(0, 0);
var $shiftRightUint64 = function(x, y) {
if (y === 0) {
return x;
if (y < 32) {
return new x.constructor(x.$high >>> y, (x.$low >>> y | x.$high << (32 - y)) >>> 0);
if (y < 64) {
return new x.constructor(0, x.$high >>> (y - 32));
return new x.constructor(0, 0);
var $mul64 = function(x, y) {
var high = 0, low = 0;
if ((y.$low & 1) !== 0) {
high = x.$high;
low = x.$low;
for (var i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
if ((y.$low & 1<<i) !== 0) {
high += x.$high << i | x.$low >>> (32 - i);
low += (x.$low << i) >>> 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if ((y.$high & 1<<i) !== 0) {
high += x.$low << i;
return new x.constructor(high, low);
var $div64 = function(x, y, returnRemainder) {
if (y.$high === 0 && y.$low === 0) {
$throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero");
var s = 1;
var rs = 1;
var xHigh = x.$high;
var xLow = x.$low;
if (xHigh < 0) {
s = -1;
rs = -1;
xHigh = -xHigh;
if (xLow !== 0) {
xLow = 4294967296 - xLow;
var yHigh = y.$high;
var yLow = y.$low;
if (y.$high < 0) {
s *= -1;
yHigh = -yHigh;
if (yLow !== 0) {
yLow = 4294967296 - yLow;
var high = 0, low = 0, n = 0;
while (yHigh < 2147483648 && ((xHigh > yHigh) || (xHigh === yHigh && xLow > yLow))) {
yHigh = (yHigh << 1 | yLow >>> 31) >>> 0;
yLow = (yLow << 1) >>> 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
high = high << 1 | low >>> 31;
low = (low << 1) >>> 0;
if ((xHigh > yHigh) || (xHigh === yHigh && xLow >= yLow)) {
xHigh = xHigh - yHigh;
xLow = xLow - yLow;
if (xLow < 0) {
xLow += 4294967296;
if (low === 4294967296) {
low = 0;
yLow = (yLow >>> 1 | yHigh << (32 - 1)) >>> 0;
yHigh = yHigh >>> 1;
if (returnRemainder) {
return new x.constructor(xHigh * rs, xLow * rs);
return new x.constructor(high * s, low * s);
var $divComplex = function(n, d) {
var ninf = n.$real === Infinity || n.$real === -Infinity || n.$imag === Infinity || n.$imag === -Infinity;
var dinf = d.$real === Infinity || d.$real === -Infinity || d.$imag === Infinity || d.$imag === -Infinity;
var nnan = !ninf && (n.$real !== n.$real || n.$imag !== n.$imag);
var dnan = !dinf && (d.$real !== d.$real || d.$imag !== d.$imag);
if(nnan || dnan) {
return new n.constructor(NaN, NaN);
if (ninf && !dinf) {
return new n.constructor(Infinity, Infinity);
if (!ninf && dinf) {
return new n.constructor(0, 0);
if (d.$real === 0 && d.$imag === 0) {
if (n.$real === 0 && n.$imag === 0) {
return new n.constructor(NaN, NaN);
return new n.constructor(Infinity, Infinity);
var a = Math.abs(d.$real);
var b = Math.abs(d.$imag);
if (a <= b) {
var ratio = d.$real / d.$imag;
var denom = d.$real * ratio + d.$imag;
return new n.constructor((n.$real * ratio + n.$imag) / denom, (n.$imag * ratio - n.$real) / denom);
var ratio = d.$imag / d.$real;
var denom = d.$imag * ratio + d.$real;
return new n.constructor((n.$imag * ratio + n.$real) / denom, (n.$imag - n.$real * ratio) / denom);
var $kindBool = 1;
var $kindInt = 2;
var $kindInt8 = 3;
var $kindInt16 = 4;
var $kindInt32 = 5;
var $kindInt64 = 6;
var $kindUint = 7;
var $kindUint8 = 8;
var $kindUint16 = 9;
var $kindUint32 = 10;
var $kindUint64 = 11;
var $kindUintptr = 12;
var $kindFloat32 = 13;
var $kindFloat64 = 14;
var $kindComplex64 = 15;
var $kindComplex128 = 16;
var $kindArray = 17;
var $kindChan = 18;
var $kindFunc = 19;
var $kindInterface = 20;
var $kindMap = 21;
var $kindPtr = 22;
var $kindSlice = 23;
var $kindString = 24;
var $kindStruct = 25;
var $kindUnsafePointer = 26;
var $methodSynthesizers = [];
var $addMethodSynthesizer = function(f) {
if ($methodSynthesizers === null) {
var $synthesizeMethods = function() {
$methodSynthesizers.forEach(function(f) { f(); });
$methodSynthesizers = null;
var $ifaceKeyFor = function(x) {
if (x === $ifaceNil) {
return 'nil';
var c = x.constructor;
return c.string + '$' + c.keyFor(x.$val);
var $identity = function(x) { return x; };
var $typeIDCounter = 0;
var $idKey = function(x) {
if (x.$id === undefined) {
x.$id = $idCounter;
return String(x.$id);
var $newType = function(size, kind, string, name, pkg, constructor) {
var typ;
switch(kind) {
case $kindBool:
case $kindInt:
case $kindInt8:
case $kindInt16:
case $kindInt32:
case $kindUint:
case $kindUint8:
case $kindUint16:
case $kindUint32:
case $kindUintptr:
case $kindUnsafePointer:
typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; };
typ.wrapped = true;
typ.keyFor = $identity;
case $kindString:
typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; };
typ.wrapped = true;
typ.keyFor = function(x) { return "$" + x; };
case $kindFloat32:
case $kindFloat64:
typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; };
typ.wrapped = true;
typ.keyFor = function(x) { return $floatKey(x); };
case $kindInt64:
typ = function(high, low) {
this.$high = (high + Math.floor(Math.ceil(low) / 4294967296)) >> 0;
this.$low = low >>> 0;
this.$val = this;
typ.keyFor = function(x) { return x.$high + "$" + x.$low; };
case $kindUint64:
typ = function(high, low) {
this.$high = (high + Math.floor(Math.ceil(low) / 4294967296)) >>> 0;
this.$low = low >>> 0;
this.$val = this;
typ.keyFor = function(x) { return x.$high + "$" + x.$low; };
case $kindComplex64:
typ = function(real, imag) {
this.$real = $fround(real);
this.$imag = $fround(imag);
this.$val = this;
typ.keyFor = function(x) { return x.$real + "$" + x.$imag; };
case $kindComplex128:
typ = function(real, imag) {
this.$real = real;
this.$imag = imag;
this.$val = this;
typ.keyFor = function(x) { return x.$real + "$" + x.$imag; };
case $kindArray:
typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; };
typ.wrapped = true;
typ.ptr = $newType(4, $kindPtr, "*" + string, "", "", function(array) {
this.$get = function() { return array; };
this.$set = function(v) { typ.copy(this, v); };
this.$val = array;
typ.init = function(elem, len) {
typ.elem = elem;
typ.len = len;
typ.comparable = elem.comparable;
typ.keyFor = function(x) {
return$mapArray(x, function(e) {
return String(elem.keyFor(e)).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\$/g, "\\$");
}), "$");
typ.copy = function(dst, src) {
$copyArray(dst, src, 0, 0, src.length, elem);
Object.defineProperty(typ.ptr.nil, "nilCheck", { get: $throwNilPointerError });
case $kindChan:
typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; };
typ.wrapped = true;
typ.keyFor = $idKey;
typ.init = function(elem, sendOnly, recvOnly) {
typ.elem = elem;
typ.sendOnly = sendOnly;
typ.recvOnly = recvOnly;
case $kindFunc:
typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; };
typ.wrapped = true;
typ.init = function(params, results, variadic) {
typ.params = params;
typ.results = results;
typ.variadic = variadic;
typ.comparable = false;
case $kindInterface:
typ = { implementedBy: {}, missingMethodFor: {} };
typ.keyFor = $ifaceKeyFor;
typ.init = function(methods) {
typ.methods = methods;
methods.forEach(function(m) {
$ifaceNil[m.prop] = $throwNilPointerError;
case $kindMap:
typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; };
typ.wrapped = true;
typ.init = function(key, elem) {
typ.key = key;
typ.elem = elem;
typ.comparable = false;
case $kindPtr:
typ = constructor || function(getter, setter, target) {
this.$get = getter;
this.$set = setter;
this.$target = target;
this.$val = this;
typ.keyFor = $idKey;
typ.init = function(elem) {
typ.elem = elem;
typ.wrapped = (elem.kind === $kindArray);
typ.nil = new typ($throwNilPointerError, $throwNilPointerError);
case $kindSlice:
typ = function(array) {
if (array.constructor !== typ.nativeArray) {
array = new typ.nativeArray(array);
this.$array = array;
this.$offset = 0;
this.$length = array.length;
this.$capacity = array.length;
this.$val = this;
typ.init = function(elem) {
typ.elem = elem;
typ.comparable = false;
typ.nativeArray = $nativeArray(elem.kind);
typ.nil = new typ([]);
case $kindStruct:
typ = function(v) { this.$val = v; };
typ.wrapped = true;
typ.ptr = $newType(4, $kindPtr, "*" + string, "", "", constructor);
typ.ptr.elem = typ;
typ.ptr.prototype.$get = function() { return this; };
typ.ptr.prototype.$set = function(v) { typ.copy(this, v); };
typ.init = function(fields) {
typ.fields = fields;
fields.forEach(function(f) {
if (!f.typ.comparable) {
typ.comparable = false;
typ.keyFor = function(x) {
var val = x.$val;
return $mapArray(fields, function(f) {
return String(f.typ.keyFor(val[f.prop])).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\$/g, "\\$");
typ.copy = function(dst, src) {
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var f = fields[i];
switch (f.typ.kind) {
case $kindArray:
case $kindStruct:
f.typ.copy(dst[f.prop], src[f.prop]);
dst[f.prop] = src[f.prop];
/* nil value */
var properties = {};
fields.forEach(function(f) {
properties[f.prop] = { get: $throwNilPointerError, set: $throwNilPointerError };
typ.ptr.nil = Object.create(constructor.prototype, properties);
typ.ptr.nil.$val = typ.ptr.nil;
/* methods for embedded fields */
$addMethodSynthesizer(function() {
var synthesizeMethod = function(target, m, f) {
if (target.prototype[m.prop] !== undefined) { return; }
target.prototype[m.prop] = function() {
var v = this.$val[f.prop];
if (f.typ === $jsObjectPtr) {
v = new $jsObjectPtr(v);
if (v.$val === undefined) {
v = new f.typ(v);
return v[m.prop].apply(v, arguments);
fields.forEach(function(f) {
if ( === "") {
$methodSet(f.typ).forEach(function(m) {
synthesizeMethod(typ, m, f);
synthesizeMethod(typ.ptr, m, f);
$methodSet($ptrType(f.typ)).forEach(function(m) {
synthesizeMethod(typ.ptr, m, f);
$panic(new $String("invalid kind: " + kind));
switch (kind) {
case $kindBool:
case $kindMap: = function() { return false; };
case $kindInt:
case $kindInt8:
case $kindInt16:
case $kindInt32:
case $kindUint:
case $kindUint8 :
case $kindUint16:
case $kindUint32:
case $kindUintptr:
case $kindUnsafePointer:
case $kindFloat32:
case $kindFloat64: = function() { return 0; };
case $kindString: = function() { return ""; };
case $kindInt64:
case $kindUint64:
case $kindComplex64:
case $kindComplex128:
var zero = new typ(0, 0); = function() { return zero; };
case $kindPtr:
case $kindSlice: = function() { return typ.nil; };
case $kindChan: = function() { return $chanNil; };
case $kindFunc: = function() { return $throwNilPointerError; };
case $kindInterface: = function() { return $ifaceNil; };
case $kindArray: = function() {
var arrayClass = $nativeArray(typ.elem.kind);
if (arrayClass !== Array) {
return new arrayClass(typ.len);
var array = new Array(typ.len);
for (var i = 0; i < typ.len; i++) {
array[i] =;
return array;
case $kindStruct: = function() { return new typ.ptr(); };
$panic(new $String("invalid kind: " + kind));
} = $typeIDCounter;
typ.size = size;
typ.kind = kind;
typ.string = string;
typ.typeName = name;
typ.pkg = pkg;
typ.methods = [];
typ.methodSetCache = null;
typ.comparable = true;
return typ;
var $methodSet = function(typ) {
if (typ.methodSetCache !== null) {
return typ.methodSetCache;
var base = {};
var isPtr = (typ.kind === $kindPtr);
if (isPtr && typ.elem.kind === $kindInterface) {
typ.methodSetCache = [];
return [];
var current = [{typ: isPtr ? typ.elem : typ, indirect: isPtr}];
var seen = {};
while (current.length > 0) {
var next = [];
var mset = [];
current.forEach(function(e) {
if (seen[e.typ.string]) {
seen[e.typ.string] = true;
if(e.typ.typeName !== "") {
mset = mset.concat(e.typ.methods);
if (e.indirect) {
mset = mset.concat($ptrType(e.typ).methods);
switch (e.typ.kind) {
case $kindStruct:
e.typ.fields.forEach(function(f) {
if ( === "") {
var fTyp = f.typ;
var fIsPtr = (fTyp.kind === $kindPtr);
next.push({typ: fIsPtr ? fTyp.elem : fTyp, indirect: e.indirect || fIsPtr});
case $kindInterface:
mset = mset.concat(e.typ.methods);
mset.forEach(function(m) {
if (base[] === undefined) {
base[] = m;
current = next;
typ.methodSetCache = [];
Object.keys(base).sort().forEach(function(name) {
return typ.methodSetCache;
var $Bool = $newType( 1, $kindBool, "bool", "bool", "", null);
var $Int = $newType( 4, $kindInt, "int", "int", "", null);
var $Int8 = $newType( 1, $kindInt8, "int8", "int8", "", null);
var $Int16 = $newType( 2, $kindInt16, "int16", "int16", "", null);
var $Int32 = $newType( 4, $kindInt32, "int32", "int32", "", null);
var $Int64 = $newType( 8, $kindInt64, "int64", "int64", "", null);
var $Uint = $newType( 4, $kindUint, "uint", "uint", "", null);
var $Uint8 = $newType( 1, $kindUint8, "uint8", "uint8", "", null);
var $Uint16 = $newType( 2, $kindUint16, "uint16", "uint16", "", null);
var $Uint32 = $newType( 4, $kindUint32, "uint32", "uint32", "", null);
var $Uint64 = $newType( 8, $kindUint64, "uint64", "uint64", "", null);
var $Uintptr = $newType( 4, $kindUintptr, "uintptr", "uintptr", "", null);
var $Float32 = $newType( 4, $kindFloat32, "float32", "float32", "", null);
var $Float64 = $newType( 8, $kindFloat64, "float64", "float64", "", null);
var $Complex64 = $newType( 8, $kindComplex64, "complex64", "complex64", "", null);
var $Complex128 = $newType(16, $kindComplex128, "complex128", "complex128", "", null);
var $String = $newType( 8, $kindString, "string", "string", "", null);
var $UnsafePointer = $newType( 4, $kindUnsafePointer, "unsafe.Pointer", "Pointer", "", null);
var $nativeArray = function(elemKind) {
switch (elemKind) {
case $kindInt:
return Int32Array;
case $kindInt8:
return Int8Array;
case $kindInt16:
return Int16Array;
case $kindInt32:
return Int32Array;
case $kindUint:
return Uint32Array;
case $kindUint8:
return Uint8Array;
case $kindUint16:
return Uint16Array;
case $kindUint32:
return Uint32Array;
case $kindUintptr:
return Uint32Array;
case $kindFloat32:
return Float32Array;
case $kindFloat64:
return Float64Array;
return Array;
var $toNativeArray = function(elemKind, array) {
var nativeArray = $nativeArray(elemKind);
if (nativeArray === Array) {
return array;
return new nativeArray(array);
var $arrayTypes = {};
var $arrayType = function(elem, len) {
var typeKey = + "$" + len;
var typ = $arrayTypes[typeKey];
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = $newType(12, $kindArray, "[" + len + "]" + elem.string, "", "", null);
$arrayTypes[typeKey] = typ;
typ.init(elem, len);
return typ;
var $chanType = function(elem, sendOnly, recvOnly) {
var string = (recvOnly ? "<-" : "") + "chan" + (sendOnly ? "<- " : " ") + elem.string;
var field = sendOnly ? "SendChan" : (recvOnly ? "RecvChan" : "Chan");
var typ = elem[field];
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = $newType(4, $kindChan, string, "", "", null);
elem[field] = typ;
typ.init(elem, sendOnly, recvOnly);
return typ;
var $Chan = function(elem, capacity) {
if (capacity < 0 || capacity > 2147483647) {
$throwRuntimeError("makechan: size out of range");
this.$elem = elem;
this.$capacity = capacity;
this.$buffer = [];
this.$sendQueue = [];
this.$recvQueue = [];
this.$closed = false;
var $chanNil = new $Chan(null, 0);
$chanNil.$sendQueue = $chanNil.$recvQueue = { length: 0, push: function() {}, shift: function() { return undefined; }, indexOf: function() { return -1; } };
var $funcTypes = {};
var $funcType = function(params, results, variadic) {
var typeKey = $mapArray(params, function(p) { return; }).join(",") + "$" + $mapArray(results, function(r) { return; }).join(",") + "$" + variadic;
var typ = $funcTypes[typeKey];
if (typ === undefined) {
var paramTypes = $mapArray(params, function(p) { return p.string; });
if (variadic) {
paramTypes[paramTypes.length - 1] = "..." + paramTypes[paramTypes.length - 1].substr(2);
var string = "func(" + paramTypes.join(", ") + ")";
if (results.length === 1) {
string += " " + results[0].string;
} else if (results.length > 1) {
string += " (" + $mapArray(results, function(r) { return r.string; }).join(", ") + ")";
typ = $newType(4, $kindFunc, string, "", "", null);
$funcTypes[typeKey] = typ;
typ.init(params, results, variadic);
return typ;
var $interfaceTypes = {};
var $interfaceType = function(methods) {
var typeKey = $mapArray(methods, function(m) { return m.pkg + "," + + "," +; }).join("$");
var typ = $interfaceTypes[typeKey];
if (typ === undefined) {
var string = "interface {}";
if (methods.length !== 0) {
string = "interface { " + $mapArray(methods, function(m) {
return (m.pkg !== "" ? m.pkg + "." : "") + + m.typ.string.substr(4);
}).join("; ") + " }";
typ = $newType(8, $kindInterface, string, "", "", null);
$interfaceTypes[typeKey] = typ;
return typ;
var $emptyInterface = $interfaceType([]);
var $ifaceNil = {};
var $error = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "error", "error", "", null);
$error.init([{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}]);
var $mapTypes = {};
var $mapType = function(key, elem) {
var typeKey = + "$" +;
var typ = $mapTypes[typeKey];
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = $newType(4, $kindMap, "map[" + key.string + "]" + elem.string, "", "", null);
$mapTypes[typeKey] = typ;
typ.init(key, elem);
return typ;
var $makeMap = function(keyForFunc, entries) {
var m = {};
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
var e = entries[i];
m[keyForFunc(e.k)] = e;
return m;
var $ptrType = function(elem) {
var typ = elem.ptr;
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = $newType(4, $kindPtr, "*" + elem.string, "", "", null);
elem.ptr = typ;
return typ;
var $newDataPointer = function(data, constructor) {
if (constructor.elem.kind === $kindStruct) {
return data;
return new constructor(function() { return data; }, function(v) { data = v; });
var $indexPtr = function(array, index, constructor) {
array.$ptr = array.$ptr || {};
return array.$ptr[index] || (array.$ptr[index] = new constructor(function() { return array[index]; }, function(v) { array[index] = v; }));
var $sliceType = function(elem) {
var typ = elem.slice;
if (typ === undefined) {
typ = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "[]" + elem.string, "", "", null);
elem.slice = typ;
return typ;
var $makeSlice = function(typ, length, capacity) {
capacity = capacity || length;
if (length < 0 || length > 2147483647) {
$throwRuntimeError("makeslice: len out of range");
if (capacity < 0 || capacity < length || capacity > 2147483647) {
$throwRuntimeError("makeslice: cap out of range");
var array = new typ.nativeArray(capacity);
if (typ.nativeArray === Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
array[i] =;
var slice = new typ(array);
slice.$length = length;
return slice;
var $structTypes = {};
var $structType = function(fields) {
var typeKey = $mapArray(fields, function(f) { return + "," + + "," + f.tag; }).join("$");
var typ = $structTypes[typeKey];
if (typ === undefined) {
var string = "struct { " + $mapArray(fields, function(f) {
return + " " + f.typ.string + (f.tag !== "" ? (" \"" + f.tag.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, "\\\"") + "\"") : "");
}).join("; ") + " }";
if (fields.length === 0) {
string = "struct {}";
typ = $newType(0, $kindStruct, string, "", "", function() {
this.$val = this;
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var f = fields[i];
var arg = arguments[i];
this[f.prop] = arg !== undefined ? arg :;
$structTypes[typeKey] = typ;
return typ;
var $assertType = function(value, type, returnTuple) {
var isInterface = (type.kind === $kindInterface), ok, missingMethod = "";
if (value === $ifaceNil) {
ok = false;
} else if (!isInterface) {
ok = value.constructor === type;
} else {
var valueTypeString = value.constructor.string;
ok = type.implementedBy[valueTypeString];
if (ok === undefined) {
ok = true;
var valueMethodSet = $methodSet(value.constructor);
var interfaceMethods = type.methods;
for (var i = 0; i < interfaceMethods.length; i++) {
var tm = interfaceMethods[i];
var found = false;
for (var j = 0; j < valueMethodSet.length; j++) {
var vm = valueMethodSet[j];
if ( === && vm.pkg === tm.pkg && vm.typ === tm.typ) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
ok = false;
type.missingMethodFor[valueTypeString] =;
type.implementedBy[valueTypeString] = ok;
if (!ok) {
missingMethod = type.missingMethodFor[valueTypeString];
if (!ok) {
if (returnTuple) {
return [, false];
$panic(new $packages["runtime"].TypeAssertionError.ptr("", (value === $ifaceNil ? "" : value.constructor.string), type.string, missingMethod));
if (!isInterface) {
value = value.$val;
if (type === $jsObjectPtr) {
value = value.object;
return returnTuple ? [value, true] : value;
var $stackDepthOffset = 0;
var $getStackDepth = function() {
var err = new Error();
if (err.stack === undefined) {
return undefined;
return $stackDepthOffset + err.stack.split("\n").length;
var $panicStackDepth = null, $panicValue;
var $callDeferred = function(deferred, jsErr, fromPanic) {
console.log("$callDeferred called: %s, %s", jsErr, fromPanic);
if (!fromPanic && deferred !== null && deferred.index >= $curGoroutine.deferStack.length) {
throw jsErr;
if (jsErr !== null) {
var newErr = null;
try {
$panic(new $jsErrorPtr(jsErr));
} catch (err) {
newErr = err;
$callDeferred(deferred, newErr);
if ($curGoroutine.asleep) {
var outerPanicStackDepth = $panicStackDepth;
var outerPanicValue = $panicValue;
var localPanicValue = $curGoroutine.panicStack.pop();
if (localPanicValue !== undefined) {
$panicStackDepth = $getStackDepth();
$panicValue = localPanicValue;
try {
while (true) {
if (deferred === null) {
deferred = $curGoroutine.deferStack[$curGoroutine.deferStack.length - 1];
if (deferred === undefined) {
/* The panic reached the top of the stack. Clear it and throw it as a JavaScript error. */
$panicStackDepth = null;
if (localPanicValue.Object instanceof Error) {
throw localPanicValue.Object;
var msg;
if (localPanicValue.constructor === $String) {
msg = localPanicValue.$val;
} else if (localPanicValue.Error !== undefined) {
msg = localPanicValue.Error();
} else if (localPanicValue.String !== undefined) {
msg = localPanicValue.String();
} else {
msg = localPanicValue;
throw new Error(msg);
var call = deferred.pop();
if (call === undefined) {
if (localPanicValue !== undefined) {
deferred = null;
var r = call[0].apply(call[2], call[1]);
if (r && r.$blk !== undefined) {
deferred.push([r.$blk, [], r]);
if (fromPanic) {
throw null;
if (localPanicValue !== undefined && $panicStackDepth === null) {
throw null; /* error was recovered */
} finally {
if (localPanicValue !== undefined) {
if ($panicStackDepth !== null) {
$panicStackDepth = outerPanicStackDepth;
$panicValue = outerPanicValue;
var $panic = function(value) {
$callDeferred(null, null, true);
var $recover = function() {
if ($panicStackDepth === null || ($panicStackDepth !== undefined && $panicStackDepth !== $getStackDepth() - 2)) {
return $ifaceNil;
$panicStackDepth = null;
return $panicValue;
var $throw = function(err) { throw err; };
var $dummyGoroutine = { asleep: false, exit: false, deferStack: [], panicStack: [], canBlock: false };
var $curGoroutine = $dummyGoroutine, $totalGoroutines = 0, $awakeGoroutines = 0, $checkForDeadlock = true;
var $go = function(fun, args, direct) {
var $goroutine = function() {
var rescheduled = false;
try {
$curGoroutine = $goroutine;
var r = fun.apply(undefined, args);
if (r && r.$blk !== undefined) {
fun = function() { return r.$blk(); };
args = [];
rescheduled = true;
$goroutine.exit = true;
} catch (err) {
$goroutine.exit = true;
throw err;
} finally {
$curGoroutine = $dummyGoroutine;
if ($goroutine.exit && !rescheduled) { /* also set by runtime.Goexit() */
$goroutine.asleep = true;
if ($goroutine.asleep && !rescheduled) {
if ($awakeGoroutines === 0 && $totalGoroutines !== 0 && $checkForDeadlock) {
console.error("fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!");
$goroutine.asleep = false;
$goroutine.exit = false;
$goroutine.deferStack = [];
$goroutine.panicStack = [];
$goroutine.canBlock = true;
$schedule($goroutine, direct);
var $scheduled = [], $schedulerActive = false;
var $runScheduled = function() {
try {
var r;
while ((r = $scheduled.shift()) !== undefined) {
$schedulerActive = false;
} finally {
if ($schedulerActive) {
setTimeout($runScheduled, 0);
var $schedule = function(goroutine, direct) {
if (goroutine.asleep) {
goroutine.asleep = false;
if (direct) {
if (!$schedulerActive) {
$schedulerActive = true;
setTimeout($runScheduled, 0);
var $block = function() {
if (!$curGoroutine.canBlock) {
$throwRuntimeError("cannot block in JavaScript callback, fix by wrapping code in goroutine");
$curGoroutine.asleep = true;
var $send = function(chan, value) {
if (chan.$closed) {
$throwRuntimeError("send on closed channel");
var queuedRecv = chan.$recvQueue.shift();
if (queuedRecv !== undefined) {
queuedRecv([value, true]);
if (chan.$buffer.length < chan.$capacity) {
var thisGoroutine = $curGoroutine;
chan.$sendQueue.push(function() {
return value;
return {
$blk: function() {
if (chan.$closed) {
$throwRuntimeError("send on closed channel");
var $recv = function(chan) {
console.log("$recv(%s)", chan);
var queuedSend = chan.$sendQueue.shift();
if (queuedSend !== undefined) {
var bufferedValue = chan.$buffer.shift();
if (bufferedValue !== undefined) {
return [bufferedValue, true];
if (chan.$closed) {
return [chan.$, false];
var thisGoroutine = $curGoroutine;
var f = { $blk: function() { return this.value; } };
var queueEntry = function(v) {
f.value = v;
return f;
var $close = function(chan) {
if (chan.$closed) {
$throwRuntimeError("close of closed channel");
chan.$closed = true;
while (true) {
var queuedSend = chan.$sendQueue.shift();
if (queuedSend === undefined) {
queuedSend(); /* will panic because of closed channel */
while (true) {
var queuedRecv = chan.$recvQueue.shift();
if (queuedRecv === undefined) {
queuedRecv([chan.$, false]);
var $select = function(comms) {
var ready = [];
var selection = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < comms.length; i++) {
var comm = comms[i];
var chan = comm[0];
switch (comm.length) {
case 0: /* default */
selection = i;
case 1: /* recv */
if (chan.$sendQueue.length !== 0 || chan.$buffer.length !== 0 || chan.$closed) {
case 2: /* send */
if (chan.$closed) {
$throwRuntimeError("send on closed channel");
if (chan.$recvQueue.length !== 0 || chan.$buffer.length < chan.$capacity) {
if (ready.length !== 0) {
selection = ready[Math.floor(Math.random() * ready.length)];
if (selection !== -1) {
var comm = comms[selection];
switch (comm.length) {
case 0: /* default */
return [selection];
case 1: /* recv */
return [selection, $recv(comm[0])];
case 2: /* send */
$send(comm[0], comm[1]);
return [selection];
var entries = [];
var thisGoroutine = $curGoroutine;
var f = { $blk: function() { return this.selection; } };
var removeFromQueues = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
var entry = entries[i];
var queue = entry[0];
var index = queue.indexOf(entry[1]);
if (index !== -1) {
queue.splice(index, 1);
for (var i = 0; i < comms.length; i++) {
(function(i) {
var comm = comms[i];
switch (comm.length) {
case 1: /* recv */
var queueEntry = function(value) {
f.selection = [i, value];
entries.push([comm[0].$recvQueue, queueEntry]);
case 2: /* send */
var queueEntry = function() {
if (comm[0].$closed) {
$throwRuntimeError("send on closed channel");
f.selection = [i];
return comm[1];
entries.push([comm[0].$sendQueue, queueEntry]);
return f;
var $jsObjectPtr, $jsErrorPtr;
var $needsExternalization = function(t) {
switch (t.kind) {
case $kindBool:
case $kindInt:
case $kindInt8:
case $kindInt16:
case $kindInt32:
case $kindUint:
case $kindUint8:
case $kindUint16:
case $kindUint32:
case $kindUintptr:
case $kindFloat32:
case $kindFloat64:
return false;
return t !== $jsObjectPtr;
var $externalize = function(v, t) {
if (t === $jsObjectPtr) {
return v;
switch (t.kind) {
case $kindBool:
case $kindInt:
case $kindInt8:
case $kindInt16:
case $kindInt32:
case $kindUint:
case $kindUint8:
case $kindUint16:
case $kindUint32:
case $kindUintptr:
case $kindFloat32:
case $kindFloat64:
return v;
case $kindInt64:
case $kindUint64:
return $flatten64(v);
case $kindArray:
if ($needsExternalization(t.elem)) {
return $mapArray(v, function(e) { return $externalize(e, t.elem); });
return v;
case $kindFunc:
return $externalizeFunction(v, t, false);
case $kindInterface:
if (v === $ifaceNil) {
return null;
if (v.constructor === $jsObjectPtr) {
return v.$val.object;
return $externalize(v.$val, v.constructor);
case $kindMap:
var m = {};
var keys = $keys(v);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var entry = v[keys[i]];
m[$externalize(entry.k, t.key)] = $externalize(entry.v, t.elem);
return m;
case $kindPtr:
if (v === t.nil) {
return null;
return $externalize(v.$get(), t.elem);
case $kindSlice:
if ($needsExternalization(t.elem)) {
return $mapArray($sliceToArray(v), function(e) { return $externalize(e, t.elem); });
return $sliceToArray(v);
case $kindString:
if (^[\x00-\x7F]*$/) !== -1) {
return v;
var s = "", r;
for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i += r[1]) {
r = $decodeRune(v, i);
var c = r[0];
if (c > 0xFFFF) {
var h = Math.floor((c - 0x10000) / 0x400) + 0xD800;
var l = (c - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00;
s += String.fromCharCode(h, l);
s += String.fromCharCode(c);
return s;
case $kindStruct:
var timePkg = $packages["time"];
if (timePkg !== undefined && v.constructor === timePkg.Time.ptr) {
var milli = $div64(v.UnixNano(), new $Int64(0, 1000000));
return new Date($flatten64(milli));
var noJsObject = {};
var searchJsObject = function(v, t) {
if (t === $jsObjectPtr) {
return v;
switch (t.kind) {
case $kindPtr:
if (v === t.nil) {
return noJsObject;
return searchJsObject(v.$get(), t.elem);
case $kindStruct:
var f = t.fields[0];
return searchJsObject(v[f.prop], f.typ);
case $kindInterface:
return searchJsObject(v.$val, v.constructor);
return noJsObject;
var o = searchJsObject(v, t);
if (o !== noJsObject) {
return o;
o = {};
for (var i = 0; i < t.fields.length; i++) {
var f = t.fields[i];
if (f.pkg !== "") { /* not exported */
o[] = $externalize(v[f.prop], f.typ);
return o;
$throwRuntimeError("cannot externalize " + t.string);
var $externalizeFunction = function(v, t, passThis) {
if (v === $throwNilPointerError) {
return null;
if (v.$externalizeWrapper === undefined) {
$checkForDeadlock = false;
v.$externalizeWrapper = function() {
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < t.params.length; i++) {
if (t.variadic && i === t.params.length - 1) {
var vt = t.params[i].elem, varargs = [];
for (var j = i; j < arguments.length; j++) {
varargs.push($internalize(arguments[j], vt));
args.push(new (t.params[i])(varargs));
args.push($internalize(arguments[i], t.params[i]));
var canBlock = $curGoroutine.canBlock;
$curGoroutine.canBlock = false;
try {
var result = v.apply(passThis ? this : undefined, args);
} finally {
$curGoroutine.canBlock = canBlock;
switch (t.results.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return $externalize(result, t.results[0]);
for (var i = 0; i < t.results.length; i++) {
result[i] = $externalize(result[i], t.results[i]);
return result;
return v.$externalizeWrapper;
var $internalize = function(v, t, recv) {
if (t === $jsObjectPtr) {
return v;
if (t === $jsObjectPtr.elem) {
$throwRuntimeError("cannot internalize js.Object, use *js.Object instead");
if (v && v.__internal_object__ !== undefined) {
return $assertType(v.__internal_object__, t, false);
var timePkg = $packages["time"];
if (timePkg !== undefined && t === timePkg.Time) {
if (!(v !== null && v !== undefined && v.constructor === Date)) {
$throwRuntimeError("cannot internalize time.Time from " + typeof v + ", must be Date");
return timePkg.Unix(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, v.getTime() * 1000000));
switch (t.kind) {
case $kindBool:
return !!v;
case $kindInt:
return parseInt(v);
case $kindInt8:
return parseInt(v) << 24 >> 24;
case $kindInt16:
return parseInt(v) << 16 >> 16;
case $kindInt32:
return parseInt(v) >> 0;
case $kindUint:
return parseInt(v);
case $kindUint8:
return parseInt(v) << 24 >>> 24;
case $kindUint16:
return parseInt(v) << 16 >>> 16;
case $kindUint32:
case $kindUintptr:
return parseInt(v) >>> 0;
case $kindInt64:
case $kindUint64:
return new t(0, v);
case $kindFloat32:
case $kindFloat64:
return parseFloat(v);
case $kindArray:
if (v.length !== t.len) {
$throwRuntimeError("got array with wrong size from JavaScript native");
return $mapArray(v, function(e) { return $internalize(e, t.elem); });
case $kindFunc:
return function() {
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < t.params.length; i++) {
if (t.variadic && i === t.params.length - 1) {
var vt = t.params[i].elem, varargs = arguments[i];
for (var j = 0; j < varargs.$length; j++) {
args.push($externalize(varargs.$array[varargs.$offset + j], vt));
args.push($externalize(arguments[i], t.params[i]));
var result = v.apply(recv, args);
switch (t.results.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return $internalize(result, t.results[0]);
for (var i = 0; i < t.results.length; i++) {
result[i] = $internalize(result[i], t.results[i]);
return result;
case $kindInterface:
if (t.methods.length !== 0) {
$throwRuntimeError("cannot internalize " + t.string);
if (v === null) {
return $ifaceNil;
if (v === undefined) {
return new $jsObjectPtr(undefined);
switch (v.constructor) {
case Int8Array:
return new ($sliceType($Int8))(v);
case Int16Array:
return new ($sliceType($Int16))(v);
case Int32Array:
return new ($sliceType($Int))(v);
case Uint8Array:
return new ($sliceType($Uint8))(v);
case Uint16Array:
return new ($sliceType($Uint16))(v);
case Uint32Array:
return new ($sliceType($Uint))(v);
case Float32Array:
return new ($sliceType($Float32))(v);
case Float64Array:
return new ($sliceType($Float64))(v);
case Array:
return $internalize(v, $sliceType($emptyInterface));
case Boolean:
return new $Bool(!!v);
case Date:
if (timePkg === undefined) {
/* time package is not present, internalize as &js.Object{Date} so it can be externalized into original Date. */
return new $jsObjectPtr(v);
return new timePkg.Time($internalize(v, timePkg.Time));
case Function:
var funcType = $funcType([$sliceType($emptyInterface)], [$jsObjectPtr], true);
return new funcType($internalize(v, funcType));
case Number:
return new $Float64(parseFloat(v));
case String:
return new $String($internalize(v, $String));
if ($global.Node && v instanceof $global.Node) {
return new $jsObjectPtr(v);
var mapType = $mapType($String, $emptyInterface);
return new mapType($internalize(v, mapType));
case $kindMap:
var m = {};
var keys = $keys(v);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var k = $internalize(keys[i], t.key);
m[t.key.keyFor(k)] = { k: k, v: $internalize(v[keys[i]], t.elem) };
return m;
case $kindPtr:
if (t.elem.kind === $kindStruct) {
return $internalize(v, t.elem);
case $kindSlice:
return new t($mapArray(v, function(e) { return $internalize(e, t.elem); }));
case $kindString:
v = String(v);
if (^[\x00-\x7F]*$/) !== -1) {
return v;
var s = "";
var i = 0;
while (i < v.length) {
var h = v.charCodeAt(i);
if (0xD800 <= h && h <= 0xDBFF) {
var l = v.charCodeAt(i + 1);
var c = (h - 0xD800) * 0x400 + l - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;
s += $encodeRune(c);
i += 2;
s += $encodeRune(h);
return s;
case $kindStruct:
var noJsObject = {};
var searchJsObject = function(t) {
if (t === $jsObjectPtr) {
return v;
if (t === $jsObjectPtr.elem) {
$throwRuntimeError("cannot internalize js.Object, use *js.Object instead");
switch (t.kind) {
case $kindPtr:
return searchJsObject(t.elem);
case $kindStruct:
var f = t.fields[0];
var o = searchJsObject(f.typ);
if (o !== noJsObject) {
var n = new t.ptr();
n[f.prop] = o;
return n;
return noJsObject;
return noJsObject;
var o = searchJsObject(t);
if (o !== noJsObject) {
return o;
$throwRuntimeError("cannot internalize " + t.string);
$packages[""] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, Object, Error, sliceType, ptrType, ptrType$1, init;
Object = $pkg.Object = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "js.Object", "Object", "", function(object_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.object = null;
this.object = object_;
Error = $pkg.Error = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "js.Error", "Error", "", function(Object_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Object = null;
this.Object = Object_;
sliceType = $sliceType($emptyInterface);
ptrType = $ptrType(Object);
ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Error);
Object.ptr.prototype.Get = function(key) {
var $ptr, key, o;
o = this;
return o.object[$externalize(key, $String)];
Object.prototype.Get = function(key) { return this.$val.Get(key); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Set = function(key, value) {
var $ptr, key, o, value;
o = this;
o.object[$externalize(key, $String)] = $externalize(value, $emptyInterface);
Object.prototype.Set = function(key, value) { return this.$val.Set(key, value); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Delete = function(key) {
var $ptr, key, o;
o = this;
delete o.object[$externalize(key, $String)];
Object.prototype.Delete = function(key) { return this.$val.Delete(key); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Length = function() {
var $ptr, o;
o = this;
return $parseInt(o.object.length);
Object.prototype.Length = function() { return this.$val.Length(); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Index = function(i) {
var $ptr, i, o;
o = this;
return o.object[i];
Object.prototype.Index = function(i) { return this.$val.Index(i); };
Object.ptr.prototype.SetIndex = function(i, value) {
var $ptr, i, o, value;
o = this;
o.object[i] = $externalize(value, $emptyInterface);
Object.prototype.SetIndex = function(i, value) { return this.$val.SetIndex(i, value); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Call = function(name, args) {
var $ptr, args, name, o, obj;
o = this;
return (obj = o.object, obj[$externalize(name, $String)].apply(obj, $externalize(args, sliceType)));
Object.prototype.Call = function(name, args) { return this.$val.Call(name, args); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Invoke = function(args) {
var $ptr, args, o;
o = this;
return o.object.apply(undefined, $externalize(args, sliceType));
Object.prototype.Invoke = function(args) { return this.$val.Invoke(args); };
Object.ptr.prototype.New = function(args) {
var $ptr, args, o;
o = this;
return new ($global.Function.prototype.bind.apply(o.object, [undefined].concat($externalize(args, sliceType))));
Object.prototype.New = function(args) { return this.$val.New(args); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Bool = function() {
var $ptr, o;
o = this;
return !!(o.object);
Object.prototype.Bool = function() { return this.$val.Bool(); };
Object.ptr.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, o;
o = this;
return $internalize(o.object, $String);
Object.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Int = function() {
var $ptr, o;
o = this;
return $parseInt(o.object) >> 0;
Object.prototype.Int = function() { return this.$val.Int(); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Int64 = function() {
var $ptr, o;
o = this;
return $internalize(o.object, $Int64);
Object.prototype.Int64 = function() { return this.$val.Int64(); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Uint64 = function() {
var $ptr, o;
o = this;
return $internalize(o.object, $Uint64);
Object.prototype.Uint64 = function() { return this.$val.Uint64(); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Float = function() {
var $ptr, o;
o = this;
return $parseFloat(o.object);
Object.prototype.Float = function() { return this.$val.Float(); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Interface = function() {
var $ptr, o;
o = this;
return $internalize(o.object, $emptyInterface);
Object.prototype.Interface = function() { return this.$val.Interface(); };
Object.ptr.prototype.Unsafe = function() {
var $ptr, o;
o = this;
return o.object;
Object.prototype.Unsafe = function() { return this.$val.Unsafe(); };
Error.ptr.prototype.Error = function() {
var $ptr, err;
err = this;
return "JavaScript error: " + $internalize(err.Object.message, $String);
Error.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); };
Error.ptr.prototype.Stack = function() {
var $ptr, err;
err = this;
return $internalize(err.Object.stack, $String);
Error.prototype.Stack = function() { return this.$val.Stack(); };
init = function() {
var $ptr, e;
e = new Error.ptr(null);
ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, $emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "Delete", name: "Delete", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "Length", name: "Length", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [ptrType], false)}, {prop: "SetIndex", name: "SetIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "Call", name: "Call", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType], [ptrType], true)}, {prop: "Invoke", name: "Invoke", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType], true)}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [ptrType], true)}, {prop: "Bool", name: "Bool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Int", name: "Int", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Int64", name: "Int64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Uint64", name: "Uint64", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Float", name: "Float", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "Unsafe", name: "Unsafe", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}];
ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Stack", name: "Stack", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
Object.init([{prop: "object", name: "object", pkg: "", typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]);
Error.init([{prop: "Object", name: "", pkg: "", typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["runtime"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, js, TypeAssertionError, errorString, ptrType$5, init, GOROOT, SetFinalizer;
js = $packages[""];
TypeAssertionError = $pkg.TypeAssertionError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "runtime.TypeAssertionError", "TypeAssertionError", "runtime", function(interfaceString_, concreteString_, assertedString_, missingMethod_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.interfaceString = "";
this.concreteString = "";
this.assertedString = "";
this.missingMethod = "";
this.interfaceString = interfaceString_;
this.concreteString = concreteString_;
this.assertedString = assertedString_;
this.missingMethod = missingMethod_;
errorString = $pkg.errorString = $newType(8, $kindString, "runtime.errorString", "errorString", "runtime", null);
ptrType$5 = $ptrType(TypeAssertionError);
init = function() {
var $ptr, e, jsPkg;
jsPkg = $packages[$externalize("", $String)];
$jsObjectPtr = jsPkg.Object.ptr;
$jsErrorPtr = jsPkg.Error.ptr;
$throwRuntimeError = (function(msg) {
var $ptr, msg;
$panic(new errorString(msg));
e = $ifaceNil;
e = new TypeAssertionError.ptr("", "", "", "");
GOROOT = function() {
var $ptr, goroot, process;
process = $global.process;
if (process === undefined) {
return "/";
goroot = process.env.GOROOT;
if (!(goroot === undefined)) {
return $internalize(goroot, $String);
return "/usr/local/go";
SetFinalizer = function(x, f) {
var $ptr, f, x;
$pkg.SetFinalizer = SetFinalizer;
TypeAssertionError.ptr.prototype.RuntimeError = function() {
var $ptr;
TypeAssertionError.prototype.RuntimeError = function() { return this.$val.RuntimeError(); };
TypeAssertionError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() {
var $ptr, e, inter;
e = this;
inter = e.interfaceString;
if (inter === "") {
inter = "interface";
if (e.concreteString === "") {
return "interface conversion: " + inter + " is nil, not " + e.assertedString;
if (e.missingMethod === "") {
return "interface conversion: " + inter + " is " + e.concreteString + ", not " + e.assertedString;
return "interface conversion: " + e.concreteString + " is not " + e.assertedString + ": missing method " + e.missingMethod;
TypeAssertionError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); };
errorString.prototype.RuntimeError = function() {
var $ptr, e;
e = this.$val;
$ptrType(errorString).prototype.RuntimeError = function() { return new errorString(this.$get()).RuntimeError(); };
errorString.prototype.Error = function() {
var $ptr, e;
e = this.$val;
return "runtime error: " + e;
$ptrType(errorString).prototype.Error = function() { return new errorString(this.$get()).Error(); };
ptrType$5.methods = [{prop: "RuntimeError", name: "RuntimeError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
errorString.methods = [{prop: "RuntimeError", name: "RuntimeError", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
TypeAssertionError.init([{prop: "interfaceString", name: "interfaceString", pkg: "runtime", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "concreteString", name: "concreteString", pkg: "runtime", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "assertedString", name: "assertedString", pkg: "runtime", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "missingMethod", name: "missingMethod", pkg: "runtime", typ: $String, tag: ""}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = js.$init(); /* map[0xc8203768c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["errors"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, errorString, ptrType, New;
errorString = $pkg.errorString = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "errors.errorString", "errorString", "errors", function(s_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.s = "";
this.s = s_;
ptrType = $ptrType(errorString);
New = function(text) {
var $ptr, text;
return new errorString.ptr(text);
$pkg.New = New;
errorString.ptr.prototype.Error = function() {
var $ptr, e;
e = this;
return e.s;
errorString.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); };
ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
errorString.init([{prop: "s", name: "s", pkg: "errors", typ: $String, tag: ""}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["sync/atomic"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, js, CompareAndSwapInt32, AddInt32, LoadUint32, StoreInt32, StoreUint32;
js = $packages[""];
CompareAndSwapInt32 = function(addr, old, new$1) {
var $ptr, addr, new$1, old;
if (addr.$get() === old) {
return true;
return false;
$pkg.CompareAndSwapInt32 = CompareAndSwapInt32;
AddInt32 = function(addr, delta) {
var $ptr, addr, delta, new$1;
new$1 = addr.$get() + delta >> 0;
return new$1;
$pkg.AddInt32 = AddInt32;
LoadUint32 = function(addr) {
var $ptr, addr;
return addr.$get();
$pkg.LoadUint32 = LoadUint32;
StoreInt32 = function(addr, val) {
var $ptr, addr, val;
$pkg.StoreInt32 = StoreInt32;
StoreUint32 = function(addr, val) {
var $ptr, addr, val;
$pkg.StoreUint32 = StoreUint32;
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = js.$init(); /* map[0xc8204af0c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["sync"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, runtime, atomic, Pool, Mutex, Locker, Once, poolLocal, syncSema, RWMutex, rlocker, ptrType, sliceType, ptrType$1, chanType, sliceType$1, ptrType$4, ptrType$6, sliceType$3, ptrType$7, ptrType$8, funcType, ptrType$12, funcType$1, ptrType$13, arrayType$1, semWaiters, allPools, runtime_Syncsemcheck, runtime_registerPoolCleanup, runtime_Semacquire, runtime_Semrelease, runtime_canSpin, poolCleanup, init, indexLocal, raceEnable, init$1, runtime_doSpin;
runtime = $packages["runtime"];
atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"];
Pool = $pkg.Pool = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.Pool", "Pool", "sync", function(local_, localSize_, store_, New_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.local = 0;
this.localSize = 0; = sliceType$3.nil;
this.New = $throwNilPointerError;
this.local = local_;
this.localSize = localSize_; = store_;
this.New = New_;
Mutex = $pkg.Mutex = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.Mutex", "Mutex", "sync", function(state_, sema_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.state = 0;
this.sema = 0;
this.state = state_;
this.sema = sema_;
Locker = $pkg.Locker = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "sync.Locker", "Locker", "sync", null);
Once = $pkg.Once = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.Once", "Once", "sync", function(m_, done_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.m = new Mutex.ptr(0, 0);
this.done = 0;
this.m = m_;
this.done = done_;
poolLocal = $pkg.poolLocal = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.poolLocal", "poolLocal", "sync", function(private$0_, shared_, Mutex_, pad_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.private$0 = $ifaceNil;
this.shared = sliceType$3.nil;
this.Mutex = new Mutex.ptr(0, 0);
this.pad = arrayType$;
this.private$0 = private$0_;
this.shared = shared_;
this.Mutex = Mutex_;
this.pad = pad_;
syncSema = $pkg.syncSema = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.syncSema", "syncSema", "sync", function(lock_, head_, tail_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.lock = 0;
this.head = 0;
this.tail = 0;
this.lock = lock_;
this.head = head_;
this.tail = tail_;
RWMutex = $pkg.RWMutex = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.RWMutex", "RWMutex", "sync", function(w_, writerSem_, readerSem_, readerCount_, readerWait_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.w = new Mutex.ptr(0, 0);
this.writerSem = 0;
this.readerSem = 0;
this.readerCount = 0;
this.readerWait = 0;
this.w = w_;
this.writerSem = writerSem_;
this.readerSem = readerSem_;
this.readerCount = readerCount_;
this.readerWait = readerWait_;
rlocker = $pkg.rlocker = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "sync.rlocker", "rlocker", "sync", function(w_, writerSem_, readerSem_, readerCount_, readerWait_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.w = new Mutex.ptr(0, 0);
this.writerSem = 0;
this.readerSem = 0;
this.readerCount = 0;
this.readerWait = 0;
this.w = w_;
this.writerSem = writerSem_;
this.readerSem = readerSem_;
this.readerCount = readerCount_;
this.readerWait = readerWait_;
ptrType = $ptrType(Pool);
sliceType = $sliceType(ptrType);
ptrType$1 = $ptrType($Uint32);
chanType = $chanType($Bool, false, false);
sliceType$1 = $sliceType(chanType);
ptrType$4 = $ptrType($Int32);
ptrType$6 = $ptrType(poolLocal);
sliceType$3 = $sliceType($emptyInterface);
ptrType$7 = $ptrType(rlocker);
ptrType$8 = $ptrType(RWMutex);
funcType = $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false);
ptrType$12 = $ptrType(Mutex);
funcType$1 = $funcType([], [], false);
ptrType$13 = $ptrType(Once);
arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 128);
runtime_Syncsemcheck = function(size) {
var $ptr, size;
Pool.ptr.prototype.Get = function() {
var $ptr, _r, p, x, x$1, x$2, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; p = $f.p; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; x$2 = $f.x$2; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
/* */ if ($length === 0) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if ($length === 0) { */ case 1:
/* */ if (!(p.New === $throwNilPointerError)) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (!(p.New === $throwNilPointerError)) { */ case 3:
_r = p.New(); /* map[0xc8200533c0:true 0xc820265980:true 0xc820274a20:true 0xc820053380:true 0xc820265aa0:true 0xc820053440:true 0xc8202659b0:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 6; case 6:
return _r;
/* } */ case 4:
return $ifaceNil;
/* } */ case 2:
x$2 = (x =, x$1 =$length - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])); = $subslice(, 0, ($length - 1 >> 0));
return x$2;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Pool.ptr.prototype.Get }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.p = p; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.x$2 = x$2; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Pool.prototype.Get = function() { return this.$val.Get(); };
Pool.ptr.prototype.Put = function(x) {
var $ptr, p, x;
p = this;
if ($interfaceIsEqual(x, $ifaceNil)) {
} = $append(, x);
Pool.prototype.Put = function(x) { return this.$val.Put(x); };
runtime_registerPoolCleanup = function(cleanup) {
var $ptr, cleanup;
runtime_Semacquire = function(s) {
var $ptr, _entry, _key, _r, ch, s, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _entry = $f._entry; _key = $f._key; _r = $f._r; ch = $; s = $f.s; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
/* */ if (s.$get() === 0) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (s.$get() === 0) { */ case 1:
ch = new $Chan($Bool, 0);
_key = s; (semWaiters || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$1.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: $append((_entry = semWaiters[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$1.nil), ch) };
_r = $recv(ch); /* map[0xc8202754e0:true 0xc820184e40:true 0xc8202322d0:true 0xc820053a00:true 0xc820232270:true 0xc8202c7ca0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 2:
s.$set(s.$get() - (1) >>> 0);
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: runtime_Semacquire }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._entry = _entry; $f._key = _key; $f._r = _r; $ = ch; $f.s = s; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
runtime_Semrelease = function(s) {
var $ptr, _entry, _key, ch, s, w, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _entry = $f._entry; _key = $f._key; ch = $; s = $f.s; w = $f.w; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
s.$set(s.$get() + (1) >>> 0);
w = (_entry = semWaiters[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType$1.nil);
if (w.$length === 0) {
ch = (0 >= w.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : w.$array[w.$offset + 0]);
w = $subslice(w, 1);
_key = s; (semWaiters || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$1.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: w };
if (w.$length === 0) {
delete semWaiters[ptrType$1.keyFor(s)];
$r = $send(ch, true); /* map[0xc820232720:true 0xc8202326f0:true 0xc820185200:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: runtime_Semrelease }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._entry = _entry; $f._key = _key; $ = ch; $f.s = s; $f.w = w; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
runtime_canSpin = function(i) {
var $ptr, i;
return false;
Mutex.ptr.prototype.Lock = function() {
var $ptr, awoke, iter, m, new$1, old, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; awoke = $f.awoke; iter = $f.iter; m = $f.m; new$1 = $$1; old = $f.old; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
m = this;
if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), 0, 1)) {
awoke = false;
iter = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 1:
old = m.state;
new$1 = old | 1;
/* */ if (!(((old & 1) === 0))) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (!(((old & 1) === 0))) { */ case 3:
if (runtime_canSpin(iter)) {
if (!awoke && ((old & 2) === 0) && !(((old >> 2 >> 0) === 0)) && atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, old | 2)) {
awoke = true;
iter = iter + (1) >> 0;
/* continue; */ $s = 1; continue;
new$1 = old + 4 >> 0;
/* } */ case 4:
if (awoke) {
if ((new$1 & 2) === 0) {
$panic(new $String("sync: inconsistent mutex state"));
new$1 = (new$1 & ~(2)) >> 0;
/* */ if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, new$1)) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ $s = 6; continue;
/* if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, new$1)) { */ case 5:
if ((old & 1) === 0) {
/* break; */ $s = 2; continue;
$r = runtime_Semacquire((m.$ptr_sema || (m.$ptr_sema = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.sema; }, function($v) { this.$target.sema = $v; }, m)))); /* map[0xc82022b830:true 0xc82020a9e0:true 0xc82020c5c0:true 0xc82022b9b0:true 0xc82020c700:true 0xc82022b890:true 0xc82020c380:true 0xc82020c6c0:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
awoke = true;
iter = 0;
/* } */ case 6:
/* } */ $s = 1; continue; case 2:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=8) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Mutex.ptr.prototype.Lock }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.awoke = awoke; $f.iter = iter; $f.m = m; $$1 = new$1; $f.old = old; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Mutex.prototype.Lock = function() { return this.$val.Lock(); };
Mutex.ptr.prototype.Unlock = function() {
var $ptr, m, new$1, old, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; m = $f.m; new$1 = $$1; old = $f.old; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
m = this;
new$1 = atomic.AddInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), -1);
if ((((new$1 + 1 >> 0)) & 1) === 0) {
$panic(new $String("sync: unlock of unlocked mutex"));
old = new$1;
/* while (true) { */ case 1:
if (((old >> 2 >> 0) === 0) || !(((old & 3) === 0))) {
new$1 = ((old - 4 >> 0)) | 2;
/* */ if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, new$1)) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((m.$ptr_state || (m.$ptr_state = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.state; }, function($v) { this.$target.state = $v; }, m))), old, new$1)) { */ case 3:
$r = runtime_Semrelease((m.$ptr_sema || (m.$ptr_sema = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.sema; }, function($v) { this.$target.sema = $v; }, m)))); /* map[0xc8202222a0:true 0xc82020cd80:true 0xc820222240:true 0xc82020b180:true 0xc82020cd40:true 0xc8202222d0:true 0xc82020ce40:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 4:
old = m.state;
/* } */ $s = 1; continue; case 2:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Mutex.ptr.prototype.Unlock }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.m = m; $$1 = new$1; $f.old = old; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Mutex.prototype.Unlock = function() { return this.$val.Unlock(); };
Once.ptr.prototype.Do = function(f) {
var $ptr, f, o, $s, $deferred, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; f = $f.f; o = $f.o; $s = $f.$s; $deferred = $f.$deferred; $r = $f.$r; } var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $deferred.index = $curGoroutine.deferStack.length; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);
o = this;
if (atomic.LoadUint32((o.$ptr_done || (o.$ptr_done = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.done; }, function($v) { this.$target.done = $v; }, o)))) === 1) {
$r = o.m.Lock(); /* map[0xc820222870:true 0xc82020d400:true 0xc820222840:true 0xc82020b640:true 0xc82020d300:true 0xc82020b770:true 0xc82020d3c0:true 0xc82020b5e0:true 0xc82020d2c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$deferred.push([$methodVal(o.m, "Unlock"), []]);
/* */ if (o.done === 0) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (o.done === 0) { */ case 2:
$deferred.push([atomic.StoreUint32, [(o.$ptr_done || (o.$ptr_done = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.done; }, function($v) { this.$target.done = $v; }, o))), 1]]);
$r = f(); /* map[0xc820222840:true 0xc82020b640:true 0xc82020d300:true 0xc820222870:true 0xc82020d400:true 0xc82020b5e0:true 0xc82020d2c0:true 0xc82020b770:true 0xc82020d3c0:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 3:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) {/* FOO: %!s(int=9) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Once.ptr.prototype.Do }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.f = f; $f.o = o; $f.$s = $s; $f.$deferred = $deferred; $f.$r = $r; return $f; } }
Once.prototype.Do = function(f) { return this.$val.Do(f); };
poolCleanup = function() {
var $ptr, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, i, i$1, j, l, p, x;
_ref = allPools;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
i = _i;
p = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]);
((i < 0 || i >= allPools.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : allPools.$array[allPools.$offset + i] = ptrType.nil);
i$1 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i$1 < (p.localSize >> 0))) { break; }
l = indexLocal(p.local, i$1);
l.private$0 = $ifaceNil;
_ref$1 = l.shared;
_i$1 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; }
j = _i$1;
(x = l.shared, ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + j] = $ifaceNil));
l.shared = sliceType$3.nil;
i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0;
p.local = 0;
p.localSize = 0;
allPools = new sliceType([]);
init = function() {
var $ptr;
indexLocal = function(l, i) {
var $ptr, i, l, x;
return (x = l, (x.nilCheck, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x[i])));
raceEnable = function() {
var $ptr;
init$1 = function() {
var $ptr, s;
s = new syncSema.ptr(0, 0, 0);
runtime_doSpin = function() {
$panic("Native function not implemented: sync.runtime_doSpin");
RWMutex.ptr.prototype.RLock = function() {
var $ptr, rw, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; rw = $; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
rw = this;
/* */ if (atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), 1) < 0) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), 1) < 0) { */ case 1:
$r = runtime_Semacquire((rw.$ptr_readerSem || (rw.$ptr_readerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.readerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerSem = $v; }, rw)))); /* map[0xc820215620:true 0xc82038ecc0:true 0xc820215500:true 0xc820387180:true 0xc82038ec80:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 2:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: RWMutex.ptr.prototype.RLock }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $ = rw; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
RWMutex.prototype.RLock = function() { return this.$val.RLock(); };
RWMutex.ptr.prototype.RUnlock = function() {
var $ptr, r, rw, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; r = $f.r; rw = $; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
rw = this;
r = atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), -1);
/* */ if (r < 0) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (r < 0) { */ case 1:
if (((r + 1 >> 0) === 0) || ((r + 1 >> 0) === -1073741824)) {
$panic(new $String("sync: RUnlock of unlocked RWMutex"));
/* */ if (atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerWait || (rw.$ptr_readerWait = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readerWait; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerWait = $v; }, rw))), -1) === 0) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerWait || (rw.$ptr_readerWait = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readerWait; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerWait = $v; }, rw))), -1) === 0) { */ case 3:
$r = runtime_Semrelease((rw.$ptr_writerSem || (rw.$ptr_writerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.writerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.writerSem = $v; }, rw)))); /* map[0xc820387800:true 0xc82038f200:true 0xc820215e30:true 0xc82038f280:true 0xc820215cb0:true 0xc82038f240:true 0xc820215c80:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 4:
/* } */ case 2:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: RWMutex.ptr.prototype.RUnlock }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.r = r; $ = rw; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
RWMutex.prototype.RUnlock = function() { return this.$val.RUnlock(); };
RWMutex.ptr.prototype.Lock = function() {
var $ptr, r, rw, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; r = $f.r; rw = $; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
rw = this;
$r = rw.w.Lock(); /* map[0xc820387c50:true 0xc82038f740:true 0xc8201fc2a0:true 0xc820387aa0:true 0xc82038f5c0:true 0xc82038f780:true 0xc8201fc1e0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
r = atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), -1073741824) + 1073741824 >> 0;
/* */ if (!((r === 0)) && !((atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerWait || (rw.$ptr_readerWait = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readerWait; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerWait = $v; }, rw))), r) === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (!((r === 0)) && !((atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerWait || (rw.$ptr_readerWait = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readerWait; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerWait = $v; }, rw))), r) === 0))) { */ case 2:
$r = runtime_Semacquire((rw.$ptr_writerSem || (rw.$ptr_writerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.writerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.writerSem = $v; }, rw)))); /* map[0xc82038f5c0:true 0xc82038f780:true 0xc8201fc1e0:true 0xc820387c50:true 0xc82038f740:true 0xc8201fc2a0:true 0xc820387aa0:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 3:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: RWMutex.ptr.prototype.Lock }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.r = r; $ = rw; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
RWMutex.prototype.Lock = function() { return this.$val.Lock(); };
RWMutex.ptr.prototype.Unlock = function() {
var $ptr, i, r, rw, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; i = $f.i; r = $f.r; rw = $; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
rw = this;
r = atomic.AddInt32((rw.$ptr_readerCount || (rw.$ptr_readerCount = new ptrType$4(function() { return this.$target.readerCount; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerCount = $v; }, rw))), 1073741824);
if (r >= 1073741824) {
$panic(new $String("sync: Unlock of unlocked RWMutex"));
i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 1:
/* if (!(i < (r >> 0))) { break; } */ if(!(i < (r >> 0))) { $s = 2; continue; }
$r = runtime_Semrelease((rw.$ptr_readerSem || (rw.$ptr_readerSem = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.readerSem; }, function($v) { this.$target.readerSem = $v; }, rw)))); /* map[0xc82038ff00:true 0xc8201fc7b0:true 0xc82038fec0:true 0xc8201fc6c0:true 0xc820336380:true 0xc82038fe80:true 0xc8203363e0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
i = i + (1) >> 0;
/* } */ $s = 1; continue; case 2:
$r = rw.w.Unlock(); /* map[0xc820336380:true 0xc82038fe80:true 0xc8203363e0:true 0xc82038ff00:true 0xc8201fc7b0:true 0xc82038fec0:true 0xc8201fc6c0:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: RWMutex.ptr.prototype.Unlock }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.i = i; $f.r = r; $ = rw; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
RWMutex.prototype.Unlock = function() { return this.$val.Unlock(); };
RWMutex.ptr.prototype.RLocker = function() {
var $ptr, rw;
rw = this;
return $pointerOfStructConversion(rw, ptrType$7);
RWMutex.prototype.RLocker = function() { return this.$val.RLocker(); };
rlocker.ptr.prototype.Lock = function() {
var $ptr, r, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; r = $f.r; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
r = this;
$r = $pointerOfStructConversion(r, ptrType$8).RLock(); /* map[0xc8201fca50:true 0xc820336680:true 0xc820338180:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: rlocker.ptr.prototype.Lock }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.r = r; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
rlocker.prototype.Lock = function() { return this.$val.Lock(); };
rlocker.ptr.prototype.Unlock = function() {
var $ptr, r, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; r = $f.r; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
r = this;
$r = $pointerOfStructConversion(r, ptrType$8).RUnlock(); /* map[0xc820336760:true 0xc820338240:true 0xc8201fcb70:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: rlocker.ptr.prototype.Unlock }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.r = r; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
rlocker.prototype.Unlock = function() { return this.$val.Unlock(); };
ptrType.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "Put", name: "Put", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$emptyInterface], [], false)}, {prop: "getSlow", name: "getSlow", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "pin", name: "pin", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$6], false)}, {prop: "pinSlow", name: "pinSlow", pkg: "sync", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$6], false)}];
ptrType$12.methods = [{prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}];
ptrType$13.methods = [{prop: "Do", name: "Do", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$1], [], false)}];
ptrType$8.methods = [{prop: "RLock", name: "RLock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "RUnlock", name: "RUnlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "RLocker", name: "RLocker", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Locker], false)}];
ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}];
Pool.init([{prop: "local", name: "local", pkg: "sync", typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "localSize", name: "localSize", pkg: "sync", typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "store", name: "store", pkg: "sync", typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: funcType, tag: ""}]);
Mutex.init([{prop: "state", name: "state", pkg: "sync", typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "sema", name: "sema", pkg: "sync", typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]);
Locker.init([{prop: "Lock", name: "Lock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "Unlock", name: "Unlock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}]);
Once.init([{prop: "m", name: "m", pkg: "sync", typ: Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", pkg: "sync", typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}]);
poolLocal.init([{prop: "private$0", name: "private", pkg: "sync", typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}, {prop: "shared", name: "shared", pkg: "sync", typ: sliceType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "Mutex", name: "", pkg: "", typ: Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "pad", name: "pad", pkg: "sync", typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}]);
syncSema.init([{prop: "lock", name: "lock", pkg: "sync", typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "head", name: "head", pkg: "sync", typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "tail", name: "tail", pkg: "sync", typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}]);
RWMutex.init([{prop: "w", name: "w", pkg: "sync", typ: Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "writerSem", name: "writerSem", pkg: "sync", typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerSem", name: "readerSem", pkg: "sync", typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerCount", name: "readerCount", pkg: "sync", typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerWait", name: "readerWait", pkg: "sync", typ: $Int32, tag: ""}]);
rlocker.init([{prop: "w", name: "w", pkg: "sync", typ: Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "writerSem", name: "writerSem", pkg: "sync", typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerSem", name: "readerSem", pkg: "sync", typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerCount", name: "readerCount", pkg: "sync", typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "readerWait", name: "readerWait", pkg: "sync", typ: $Int32, tag: ""}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = runtime.$init(); /* map[0xc820053880:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = atomic.$init(); /* map[0xc820053880:true 0xc820053dc0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
allPools = sliceType.nil;
semWaiters = {};
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["io"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, sync, RuneReader, errWhence, errOffset;
errors = $packages["errors"];
sync = $packages["sync"];
RuneReader = $pkg.RuneReader = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "io.RuneReader", "RuneReader", "io", null);
RuneReader.init([{prop: "ReadRune", name: "ReadRune", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int32, $Int, $error], false)}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = errors.$init(); /* map[0xc820494fc0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = sync.$init(); /* map[0xc820494fc0:true 0xc820495040:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$pkg.ErrShortWrite = errors.New("short write");
$pkg.ErrShortBuffer = errors.New("short buffer");
$pkg.EOF = errors.New("EOF");
$pkg.ErrUnexpectedEOF = errors.New("unexpected EOF");
$pkg.ErrNoProgress = errors.New("multiple Read calls return no data or error");
errWhence = errors.New("Seek: invalid whence");
errOffset = errors.New("Seek: invalid offset");
$pkg.ErrClosedPipe = errors.New("io: read/write on closed pipe");
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["math"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, js, arrayType, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, structType, arrayType$3, math, zero, posInf, negInf, buf, pow10tab, IsInf, init, Float32bits, Float64bits, init$1;
js = $packages[""];
arrayType = $arrayType($Uint32, 2);
arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Float32, 2);
arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Float64, 1);
structType = $structType([{prop: "uint32array", name: "uint32array", pkg: "math", typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "float32array", name: "float32array", pkg: "math", typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "float64array", name: "float64array", pkg: "math", typ: arrayType$2, tag: ""}]);
arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Float64, 70);
IsInf = function(f, sign) {
var $ptr, f, sign;
if (f === posInf) {
return sign >= 0;
if (f === negInf) {
return sign <= 0;
return false;
$pkg.IsInf = IsInf;
init = function() {
var $ptr, ab;
ab = new ($global.ArrayBuffer)(8);
buf.uint32array = new ($global.Uint32Array)(ab);
buf.float32array = new ($global.Float32Array)(ab);
buf.float64array = new ($global.Float64Array)(ab);
Float32bits = function(f) {
var $ptr, f;
buf.float32array[0] = f;
return buf.uint32array[0];
$pkg.Float32bits = Float32bits;
Float64bits = function(f) {
var $ptr, f, x, x$1;
buf.float64array[0] = f;
return (x = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, buf.uint32array[1]), 32), x$1 = new $Uint64(0, buf.uint32array[0]), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low));
$pkg.Float64bits = Float64bits;
init$1 = function() {
var $ptr, _q, i, m, x;
pow10tab[0] = 1;
pow10tab[1] = 10;
i = 2;
while (true) {
if (!(i < 70)) { break; }
m = (_q = i / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
((i < 0 || i >= pow10tab.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : pow10tab[i] = ((m < 0 || m >= pow10tab.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : pow10tab[m]) * (x = i - m >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= pow10tab.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : pow10tab[x])));
i = i + (1) >> 0;
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = js.$init(); /* map[0xc82084e400:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
buf = new structType.ptr(, arrayType$, arrayType$;
pow10tab = arrayType$;
math = $global.Math;
zero = 0;
posInf = 1 / zero;
negInf = -1 / zero;
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["unicode"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init;
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["unicode/utf8"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, decodeRuneInternal, decodeRuneInStringInternal, DecodeRune, DecodeRuneInString, RuneLen, EncodeRune, RuneCount, RuneCountInString;
decodeRuneInternal = function(p) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c0, c1, c2, c3, n, p, r, short$1, size;
r = 0;
size = 0;
short$1 = false;
n = p.$length;
if (n < 1) {
_tmp = 65533;
_tmp$1 = 0;
_tmp$2 = true;
r = _tmp;
size = _tmp$1;
short$1 = _tmp$2;
return [r, size, short$1];
c0 = (0 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 0]);
if (c0 < 128) {
_tmp$3 = (c0 >> 0);
_tmp$4 = 1;
_tmp$5 = false;
r = _tmp$3;
size = _tmp$4;
short$1 = _tmp$5;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (c0 < 192) {
_tmp$6 = 65533;
_tmp$7 = 1;
_tmp$8 = false;
r = _tmp$6;
size = _tmp$7;
short$1 = _tmp$8;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (n < 2) {
_tmp$9 = 65533;
_tmp$10 = 1;
_tmp$11 = true;
r = _tmp$9;
size = _tmp$10;
short$1 = _tmp$11;
return [r, size, short$1];
c1 = (1 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 1]);
if (c1 < 128 || 192 <= c1) {
_tmp$12 = 65533;
_tmp$13 = 1;
_tmp$14 = false;
r = _tmp$12;
size = _tmp$13;
short$1 = _tmp$14;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (c0 < 224) {
r = ((((c0 & 31) >>> 0) >> 0) << 6 >> 0) | (((c1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0);
if (r <= 127) {
_tmp$15 = 65533;
_tmp$16 = 1;
_tmp$17 = false;
r = _tmp$15;
size = _tmp$16;
short$1 = _tmp$17;
return [r, size, short$1];
_tmp$18 = r;
_tmp$19 = 2;
_tmp$20 = false;
r = _tmp$18;
size = _tmp$19;
short$1 = _tmp$20;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (n < 3) {
_tmp$21 = 65533;
_tmp$22 = 1;
_tmp$23 = true;
r = _tmp$21;
size = _tmp$22;
short$1 = _tmp$23;
return [r, size, short$1];
c2 = (2 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 2]);
if (c2 < 128 || 192 <= c2) {
_tmp$24 = 65533;
_tmp$25 = 1;
_tmp$26 = false;
r = _tmp$24;
size = _tmp$25;
short$1 = _tmp$26;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (c0 < 240) {
r = (((((c0 & 15) >>> 0) >> 0) << 12 >> 0) | ((((c1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0) << 6 >> 0)) | (((c2 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0);
if (r <= 2047) {
_tmp$27 = 65533;
_tmp$28 = 1;
_tmp$29 = false;
r = _tmp$27;
size = _tmp$28;
short$1 = _tmp$29;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (55296 <= r && r <= 57343) {
_tmp$30 = 65533;
_tmp$31 = 1;
_tmp$32 = false;
r = _tmp$30;
size = _tmp$31;
short$1 = _tmp$32;
return [r, size, short$1];
_tmp$33 = r;
_tmp$34 = 3;
_tmp$35 = false;
r = _tmp$33;
size = _tmp$34;
short$1 = _tmp$35;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (n < 4) {
_tmp$36 = 65533;
_tmp$37 = 1;
_tmp$38 = true;
r = _tmp$36;
size = _tmp$37;
short$1 = _tmp$38;
return [r, size, short$1];
c3 = (3 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 3]);
if (c3 < 128 || 192 <= c3) {
_tmp$39 = 65533;
_tmp$40 = 1;
_tmp$41 = false;
r = _tmp$39;
size = _tmp$40;
short$1 = _tmp$41;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (c0 < 248) {
r = ((((((c0 & 7) >>> 0) >> 0) << 18 >> 0) | ((((c1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0) << 12 >> 0)) | ((((c2 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0) << 6 >> 0)) | (((c3 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0);
if (r <= 65535 || 1114111 < r) {
_tmp$42 = 65533;
_tmp$43 = 1;
_tmp$44 = false;
r = _tmp$42;
size = _tmp$43;
short$1 = _tmp$44;
return [r, size, short$1];
_tmp$45 = r;
_tmp$46 = 4;
_tmp$47 = false;
r = _tmp$45;
size = _tmp$46;
short$1 = _tmp$47;
return [r, size, short$1];
_tmp$48 = 65533;
_tmp$49 = 1;
_tmp$50 = false;
r = _tmp$48;
size = _tmp$49;
short$1 = _tmp$50;
return [r, size, short$1];
decodeRuneInStringInternal = function(s) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c0, c1, c2, c3, n, r, s, short$1, size;
r = 0;
size = 0;
short$1 = false;
n = s.length;
if (n < 1) {
_tmp = 65533;
_tmp$1 = 0;
_tmp$2 = true;
r = _tmp;
size = _tmp$1;
short$1 = _tmp$2;
return [r, size, short$1];
c0 = s.charCodeAt(0);
if (c0 < 128) {
_tmp$3 = (c0 >> 0);
_tmp$4 = 1;
_tmp$5 = false;
r = _tmp$3;
size = _tmp$4;
short$1 = _tmp$5;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (c0 < 192) {
_tmp$6 = 65533;
_tmp$7 = 1;
_tmp$8 = false;
r = _tmp$6;
size = _tmp$7;
short$1 = _tmp$8;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (n < 2) {
_tmp$9 = 65533;
_tmp$10 = 1;
_tmp$11 = true;
r = _tmp$9;
size = _tmp$10;
short$1 = _tmp$11;
return [r, size, short$1];
c1 = s.charCodeAt(1);
if (c1 < 128 || 192 <= c1) {
_tmp$12 = 65533;
_tmp$13 = 1;
_tmp$14 = false;
r = _tmp$12;
size = _tmp$13;
short$1 = _tmp$14;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (c0 < 224) {
r = ((((c0 & 31) >>> 0) >> 0) << 6 >> 0) | (((c1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0);
if (r <= 127) {
_tmp$15 = 65533;
_tmp$16 = 1;
_tmp$17 = false;
r = _tmp$15;
size = _tmp$16;
short$1 = _tmp$17;
return [r, size, short$1];
_tmp$18 = r;
_tmp$19 = 2;
_tmp$20 = false;
r = _tmp$18;
size = _tmp$19;
short$1 = _tmp$20;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (n < 3) {
_tmp$21 = 65533;
_tmp$22 = 1;
_tmp$23 = true;
r = _tmp$21;
size = _tmp$22;
short$1 = _tmp$23;
return [r, size, short$1];
c2 = s.charCodeAt(2);
if (c2 < 128 || 192 <= c2) {
_tmp$24 = 65533;
_tmp$25 = 1;
_tmp$26 = false;
r = _tmp$24;
size = _tmp$25;
short$1 = _tmp$26;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (c0 < 240) {
r = (((((c0 & 15) >>> 0) >> 0) << 12 >> 0) | ((((c1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0) << 6 >> 0)) | (((c2 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0);
if (r <= 2047) {
_tmp$27 = 65533;
_tmp$28 = 1;
_tmp$29 = false;
r = _tmp$27;
size = _tmp$28;
short$1 = _tmp$29;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (55296 <= r && r <= 57343) {
_tmp$30 = 65533;
_tmp$31 = 1;
_tmp$32 = false;
r = _tmp$30;
size = _tmp$31;
short$1 = _tmp$32;
return [r, size, short$1];
_tmp$33 = r;
_tmp$34 = 3;
_tmp$35 = false;
r = _tmp$33;
size = _tmp$34;
short$1 = _tmp$35;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (n < 4) {
_tmp$36 = 65533;
_tmp$37 = 1;
_tmp$38 = true;
r = _tmp$36;
size = _tmp$37;
short$1 = _tmp$38;
return [r, size, short$1];
c3 = s.charCodeAt(3);
if (c3 < 128 || 192 <= c3) {
_tmp$39 = 65533;
_tmp$40 = 1;
_tmp$41 = false;
r = _tmp$39;
size = _tmp$40;
short$1 = _tmp$41;
return [r, size, short$1];
if (c0 < 248) {
r = ((((((c0 & 7) >>> 0) >> 0) << 18 >> 0) | ((((c1 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0) << 12 >> 0)) | ((((c2 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0) << 6 >> 0)) | (((c3 & 63) >>> 0) >> 0);
if (r <= 65535 || 1114111 < r) {
_tmp$42 = 65533;
_tmp$43 = 1;
_tmp$44 = false;
r = _tmp$42;
size = _tmp$43;
short$1 = _tmp$44;
return [r, size, short$1];
_tmp$45 = r;
_tmp$46 = 4;
_tmp$47 = false;
r = _tmp$45;
size = _tmp$46;
short$1 = _tmp$47;
return [r, size, short$1];
_tmp$48 = 65533;
_tmp$49 = 1;
_tmp$50 = false;
r = _tmp$48;
size = _tmp$49;
short$1 = _tmp$50;
return [r, size, short$1];
DecodeRune = function(p) {
var $ptr, _tuple, p, r, size;
r = 0;
size = 0;
_tuple = decodeRuneInternal(p);
r = _tuple[0];
size = _tuple[1];
return [r, size];
$pkg.DecodeRune = DecodeRune;
DecodeRuneInString = function(s) {
var $ptr, _tuple, r, s, size;
r = 0;
size = 0;
_tuple = decodeRuneInStringInternal(s);
r = _tuple[0];
size = _tuple[1];
return [r, size];
$pkg.DecodeRuneInString = DecodeRuneInString;
RuneLen = function(r) {
var $ptr, r;
if (r < 0) {
return -1;
} else if (r <= 127) {
return 1;
} else if (r <= 2047) {
return 2;
} else if (55296 <= r && r <= 57343) {
return -1;
} else if (r <= 65535) {
return 3;
} else if (r <= 1114111) {
return 4;
return -1;
$pkg.RuneLen = RuneLen;
EncodeRune = function(p, r) {
var $ptr, i, p, r;
i = (r >>> 0);
if (i <= 127) {
(0 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = (r << 24 >>> 24));
return 1;
} else if (i <= 2047) {
(0 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = ((192 | ((r >> 6 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) >>> 0));
(1 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 1] = ((128 | (((r << 24 >>> 24) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0));
return 2;
} else if (i > 1114111 || 55296 <= i && i <= 57343) {
r = 65533;
(0 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = ((224 | ((r >> 12 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) >>> 0));
(1 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 1] = ((128 | ((((r >> 6 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0));
(2 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 2] = ((128 | (((r << 24 >>> 24) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0));
return 3;
} else if (i <= 65535) {
(0 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = ((224 | ((r >> 12 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) >>> 0));
(1 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 1] = ((128 | ((((r >> 6 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0));
(2 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 2] = ((128 | (((r << 24 >>> 24) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0));
return 3;
} else {
(0 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 0] = ((240 | ((r >> 18 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)) >>> 0));
(1 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 1] = ((128 | ((((r >> 12 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0));
(2 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 2] = ((128 | ((((r >> 6 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0));
(3 >= p.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + 3] = ((128 | (((r << 24 >>> 24) & 63) >>> 0)) >>> 0));
return 4;
$pkg.EncodeRune = EncodeRune;
RuneCount = function(p) {
var $ptr, _tuple, i, n, p, size;
i = 0;
n = 0;
n = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < p.$length)) { break; }
if (((i < 0 || i >= p.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : p.$array[p.$offset + i]) < 128) {
i = i + (1) >> 0;
} else {
_tuple = DecodeRune($subslice(p, i));
size = _tuple[1];
i = i + (size) >> 0;
n = n + (1) >> 0;
return n;
$pkg.RuneCount = RuneCount;
RuneCountInString = function(s) {
var $ptr, _i, _ref, _rune, n, s;
n = 0;
_ref = s;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; }
_rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i);
n = n + (1) >> 0;
_i += _rune[1];
return n;
$pkg.RuneCountInString = RuneCountInString;
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["bytes"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, io, unicode, utf8, IndexByte;
errors = $packages["errors"];
io = $packages["io"];
unicode = $packages["unicode"];
utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"];
IndexByte = function(s, c) {
var $ptr, _i, _ref, b, c, i, s;
_ref = s;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
i = _i;
b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]);
if (b === c) {
return i;
return -1;
$pkg.IndexByte = IndexByte;
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = errors.$init(); /* map[0xc821a41e00:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = io.$init(); /* map[0xc821a41e00:true 0xc821a41e80:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = unicode.$init(); /* map[0xc821a41e00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a41ec0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = utf8.$init(); /* map[0xc821a41e00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a41ec0:true 0xc821a41f00:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$pkg.ErrTooLarge = errors.New("bytes.Buffer: too large");
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["syscall"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, bytes, js, runtime, sync, mmapper, Errno, Timespec, Stat_t, Dirent, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType$2, arrayType$5, arrayType$13, arrayType$14, structType, ptrType$24, mapType, funcType, funcType$1, ptrType$28, arrayType$18, warningPrinted, lineBuffer, syscallModule, alreadyTriedToLoad, minusOne, envOnce, envLock, env, envs, mapper, errEAGAIN, errEINVAL, errENOENT, errors, init, printWarning, printToConsole, use, runtime_envs, syscall, Syscall, Syscall6, BytePtrFromString, copyenv, Getenv, itoa, uitoa, clen, ReadDirent, ParseDirent, errnoErr, Read, Write, Close, Fchdir, Fchmod, Fsync, Getdents, read, write, munmap, Fchown, Fstat, Ftruncate, Lstat, Pread, Pwrite, Seek, mmap;
bytes = $packages["bytes"];
js = $packages[""];
runtime = $packages["runtime"];
sync = $packages["sync"];
mmapper = $pkg.mmapper = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.mmapper", "mmapper", "syscall", function(Mutex_, active_, mmap_, munmap_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Mutex = new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0); = false;
this.mmap = $throwNilPointerError;
this.munmap = $throwNilPointerError;
this.Mutex = Mutex_; = active_;
this.mmap = mmap_;
this.munmap = munmap_;
Errno = $pkg.Errno = $newType(4, $kindUintptr, "syscall.Errno", "Errno", "syscall", null);
Timespec = $pkg.Timespec = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.Timespec", "Timespec", "syscall", function(Sec_, Nsec_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Sec = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.Nsec = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.Sec = Sec_;
this.Nsec = Nsec_;
Stat_t = $pkg.Stat_t = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.Stat_t", "Stat_t", "syscall", function(Dev_, Ino_, Nlink_, Mode_, Uid_, Gid_, X__pad0_, Rdev_, Size_, Blksize_, Blocks_, Atim_, Mtim_, Ctim_, X__unused_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Dev = new $Uint64(0, 0);
this.Ino = new $Uint64(0, 0);
this.Nlink = new $Uint64(0, 0);
this.Mode = 0;
this.Uid = 0;
this.Gid = 0;
this.X__pad0 = 0;
this.Rdev = new $Uint64(0, 0);
this.Size = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.Blksize = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.Blocks = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.Atim = new Timespec.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0));
this.Mtim = new Timespec.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0));
this.Ctim = new Timespec.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0));
this.X__unused = arrayType$;
this.Dev = Dev_;
this.Ino = Ino_;
this.Nlink = Nlink_;
this.Mode = Mode_;
this.Uid = Uid_;
this.Gid = Gid_;
this.X__pad0 = X__pad0_;
this.Rdev = Rdev_;
this.Size = Size_;
this.Blksize = Blksize_;
this.Blocks = Blocks_;
this.Atim = Atim_;
this.Mtim = Mtim_;
this.Ctim = Ctim_;
this.X__unused = X__unused_;
Dirent = $pkg.Dirent = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "syscall.Dirent", "Dirent", "syscall", function(Ino_, Off_, Reclen_, Type_, Name_, Pad_cgo_0_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Ino = new $Uint64(0, 0);
this.Off = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.Reclen = 0;
this.Type = 0;
this.Name = arrayType$;
this.Pad_cgo_0 = arrayType$;
this.Ino = Ino_;
this.Off = Off_;
this.Reclen = Reclen_;
this.Type = Type_;
this.Name = Name_;
this.Pad_cgo_0 = Pad_cgo_0_;
sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8);
sliceType$1 = $sliceType($String);
ptrType$2 = $ptrType($Uint8);
arrayType$5 = $arrayType($Uint8, 32);
arrayType$13 = $arrayType($Int8, 256);
arrayType$14 = $arrayType($Uint8, 5);
structType = $structType([{prop: "addr", name: "addr", pkg: "syscall", typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", pkg: "syscall", typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "cap", name: "cap", pkg: "syscall", typ: $Int, tag: ""}]);
ptrType$24 = $ptrType(mmapper);
mapType = $mapType(ptrType$2, sliceType);
funcType = $funcType([$Uintptr, $Uintptr, $Int, $Int, $Int, $Int64], [$Uintptr, $error], false);
funcType$1 = $funcType([$Uintptr, $Uintptr], [$error], false);
ptrType$28 = $ptrType(Timespec);
arrayType$18 = $arrayType($Int64, 3);
init = function() {
var $ptr;
$flushConsole = (function() {
var $ptr;
if (!((lineBuffer.$length === 0))) {
$global.console.log($externalize($bytesToString(lineBuffer), $String));
lineBuffer = sliceType.nil;
printWarning = function() {
var $ptr;
if (!warningPrinted) {
$global.console.error($externalize("warning: system calls not available, see", $String));
warningPrinted = true;
printToConsole = function(b) {
var $ptr, b, goPrintToConsole, i;
goPrintToConsole = $global.goPrintToConsole;
if (!(goPrintToConsole === undefined)) {
lineBuffer = $appendSlice(lineBuffer, b);
while (true) {
i = bytes.IndexByte(lineBuffer, 10);
if (i === -1) {
$global.console.log($externalize($bytesToString($subslice(lineBuffer, 0, i)), $String));
lineBuffer = $subslice(lineBuffer, (i + 1 >> 0));
use = function(p) {
var $ptr, p;
runtime_envs = function() {
var $ptr, envkeys, envs$1, i, jsEnv, key, process;
process = $global.process;
if (process === undefined) {
return sliceType$1.nil;
jsEnv = process.env;
envkeys = $global.Object.keys(jsEnv);
envs$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, $parseInt(envkeys.length));
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < $parseInt(envkeys.length))) { break; }
key = $internalize(envkeys[i], $String);
((i < 0 || i >= envs$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : envs$1.$array[envs$1.$offset + i] = key + "=" + $internalize(jsEnv[$externalize(key, $String)], $String));
i = i + (1) >> 0;
return envs$1;
syscall = function(name) {
var $ptr, name, require, $deferred;
/* */ var $err = null; try { $deferred = []; $deferred.index = $curGoroutine.deferStack.length; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);
$deferred.push([(function() {
var $ptr;
}), []]);
if (syscallModule === null) {
if (alreadyTriedToLoad) {
return null;
alreadyTriedToLoad = true;
require = $global.require;
if (require === undefined) {
$panic(new $String(""));
syscallModule = require($externalize("syscall", $String));
return syscallModule[$externalize(name, $String)];
/* */ } catch(err) { $err = err; return null; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); }
Syscall = function(trap, a1, a2, a3) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, a1, a2, a3, array, err, f, r, r1, r2, slice, trap;
r1 = 0;
r2 = 0;
err = 0;
f = syscall("Syscall");
if (!(f === null)) {
r = f(trap, a1, a2, a3);
_tmp = (($parseInt(r[0]) >> 0) >>> 0);
_tmp$1 = (($parseInt(r[1]) >> 0) >>> 0);
_tmp$2 = (($parseInt(r[2]) >> 0) >>> 0);
r1 = _tmp;
r2 = _tmp$1;
err = _tmp$2;
return [r1, r2, err];
if ((trap === 1) && ((a1 === 1) || (a1 === 2))) {
array = a2;
slice = $makeSlice(sliceType, $parseInt(array.length));
slice.$array = array;
_tmp$3 = ($parseInt(array.length) >>> 0);
_tmp$4 = 0;
_tmp$5 = 0;
r1 = _tmp$3;
r2 = _tmp$4;
err = _tmp$5;
return [r1, r2, err];
_tmp$6 = (minusOne >>> 0);
_tmp$7 = 0;
_tmp$8 = 13;
r1 = _tmp$6;
r2 = _tmp$7;
err = _tmp$8;
return [r1, r2, err];
$pkg.Syscall = Syscall;
Syscall6 = function(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, err, f, r, r1, r2, trap;
r1 = 0;
r2 = 0;
err = 0;
f = syscall("Syscall6");
if (!(f === null)) {
r = f(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
_tmp = (($parseInt(r[0]) >> 0) >>> 0);
_tmp$1 = (($parseInt(r[1]) >> 0) >>> 0);
_tmp$2 = (($parseInt(r[2]) >> 0) >>> 0);
r1 = _tmp;
r2 = _tmp$1;
err = _tmp$2;
return [r1, r2, err];
if (!((trap === 202))) {
_tmp$3 = (minusOne >>> 0);
_tmp$4 = 0;
_tmp$5 = 13;
r1 = _tmp$3;
r2 = _tmp$4;
err = _tmp$5;
return [r1, r2, err];
$pkg.Syscall6 = Syscall6;
BytePtrFromString = function(s) {
var $ptr, _i, _ref, array, b, i, s;
array = new ($global.Uint8Array)(s.length + 1 >> 0);
_ref = new sliceType($stringToBytes(s));
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
i = _i;
b = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]);
if (b === 0) {
return [ptrType$2.nil, new Errno(22)];
array[i] = b;
array[s.length] = 0;
return [array, $ifaceNil];
$pkg.BytePtrFromString = BytePtrFromString;
copyenv = function() {
var $ptr, _entry, _i, _key, _ref, _tuple, i, j, key, ok, s;
env = {};
_ref = envs;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
i = _i;
s = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]);
j = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(j < s.length)) { break; }
if (s.charCodeAt(j) === 61) {
key = s.substring(0, j);
_tuple = (_entry = env[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]);
ok = _tuple[1];
if (!ok) {
_key = key; (env || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: i };
} else {
((i < 0 || i >= envs.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : envs.$array[envs.$offset + i] = "");
j = j + (1) >> 0;
Getenv = function(key) {
var $ptr, _entry, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, found, i, i$1, key, ok, s, value, $s, $deferred, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _entry = $f._entry; _tmp = $f._tmp; _tmp$1 = $f._tmp$1; _tmp$2 = $f._tmp$2; _tmp$3 = $f._tmp$3; _tmp$4 = $f._tmp$4; _tmp$5 = $f._tmp$5; _tmp$6 = $f._tmp$6; _tmp$7 = $f._tmp$7; _tuple = $f._tuple; found = $f.found; i = $f.i; i$1 = $f.i$1; key = $f.key; ok = $f.ok; s = $f.s; value = $f.value; $s = $f.$s; $deferred = $f.$deferred; $r = $f.$r; } var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $deferred.index = $curGoroutine.deferStack.length; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);
value = "";
found = false;
$r = envOnce.Do(copyenv); /* map[0xc820550ae0:true 0xc82020bae0:true 0xc82021ec00:true 0xc820372450:true 0xc82020c040:true 0xc820372710:true 0xc82020c180:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
if (key.length === 0) {
_tmp = "";
_tmp$1 = false;
value = _tmp;
found = _tmp$1;
return [value, found];
$r = envLock.RLock(); /* map[0xc82020bae0:true 0xc82021ec00:true 0xc820372450:true 0xc82020c040:true 0xc820372710:true 0xc82020c180:true 0xc820550ae0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$deferred.push([$methodVal(envLock, "RUnlock"), []]);
_tuple = (_entry = env[$String.keyFor(key)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [0, false]);
i = _tuple[0];
ok = _tuple[1];
if (!ok) {
_tmp$2 = "";
_tmp$3 = false;
value = _tmp$2;
found = _tmp$3;
return [value, found];
s = ((i < 0 || i >= envs.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : envs.$array[envs.$offset + i]);
i$1 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i$1 < s.length)) { break; }
if (s.charCodeAt(i$1) === 61) {
_tmp$4 = s.substring((i$1 + 1 >> 0));
_tmp$5 = true;
value = _tmp$4;
found = _tmp$5;
return [value, found];
i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0;
_tmp$6 = "";
_tmp$7 = false;
value = _tmp$6;
found = _tmp$7;
return [value, found];
/* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [value, found]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) {/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Getenv }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._entry = _entry; $f._tmp = _tmp; $f._tmp$1 = _tmp$1; $f._tmp$2 = _tmp$2; $f._tmp$3 = _tmp$3; $f._tmp$4 = _tmp$4; $f._tmp$5 = _tmp$5; $f._tmp$6 = _tmp$6; $f._tmp$7 = _tmp$7; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.found = found; $f.i = i; $f.i$1 = i$1; $f.key = key; $f.ok = ok; $f.s = s; $f.value = value; $f.$s = $s; $f.$deferred = $deferred; $f.$r = $r; return $f; } }
$pkg.Getenv = Getenv;
itoa = function(val) {
var $ptr, val;
if (val < 0) {
return "-" + uitoa((-val >>> 0));
return uitoa((val >>> 0));
uitoa = function(val) {
var $ptr, _q, _r, buf, i, val;
buf = arrayType$;
i = 31;
while (true) {
if (!(val >= 10)) { break; }
((i < 0 || i >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[i] = (((_r = val % 10, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24));
i = i - (1) >> 0;
val = (_q = val / (10), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
((i < 0 || i >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[i] = ((val + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24));
return $bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType(buf), i));
Timespec.ptr.prototype.Unix = function() {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, nsec, sec, ts;
sec = new $Int64(0, 0);
nsec = new $Int64(0, 0);
ts = this;
_tmp = ts.Sec;
_tmp$1 = ts.Nsec;
sec = _tmp;
nsec = _tmp$1;
return [sec, nsec];
Timespec.prototype.Unix = function() { return this.$val.Unix(); };
Timespec.ptr.prototype.Nano = function() {
var $ptr, ts, x, x$1;
ts = this;
return (x = $mul64(ts.Sec, new $Int64(0, 1000000000)), x$1 = ts.Nsec, new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low));
Timespec.prototype.Nano = function() { return this.$val.Nano(); };
clen = function(n) {
var $ptr, i, n;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < n.$length)) { break; }
if (((i < 0 || i >= n.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : n.$array[n.$offset + i]) === 0) {
return i;
i = i + (1) >> 0;
return n.$length;
ReadDirent = function(fd, buf) {
var $ptr, _tuple, buf, err, fd, n;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = Getdents(fd, buf);
n = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
return [n, err];
$pkg.ReadDirent = ReadDirent;
ParseDirent = function(buf, max, names) {
var $ptr, _array, _struct, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _view, buf, bytes$1, consumed, count, dirent, max, name, names, newnames, origlen, x;
consumed = 0;
count = 0;
newnames = sliceType$1.nil;
origlen = buf.$length;
count = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(!((max === 0)) && buf.$length > 0)) { break; }
dirent = (_array = $sliceToArray(buf), _struct = new Dirent.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), 0, 0, arrayType$, arrayType$, _view = new DataView(_array.buffer, _array.byteOffset), _struct.Ino = new $Uint64(_view.getUint32(4, true), _view.getUint32(0, true)), _struct.Off = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(12, true), _view.getUint32(8, true)), _struct.Reclen = _view.getUint16(16, true), _struct.Type = _view.getUint8(18, true), _struct.Name = new ($nativeArray($kindInt8))(_array.buffer, $min(_array.byteOffset + 19, _array.buffer.byteLength)), _struct.Pad_cgo_0 = new ($nativeArray($kindUint8))(_array.buffer, $min(_array.byteOffset + 275, _array.buffer.byteLength)), _struct);
buf = $subslice(buf, dirent.Reclen);
if ((x = dirent.Ino, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) {
bytes$1 = $sliceToArray(new sliceType(dirent.Name));
name = $bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType(bytes$1), 0, clen(new sliceType(bytes$1))));
if (name === "." || name === "..") {
max = max - (1) >> 0;
count = count + (1) >> 0;
names = $append(names, name);
_tmp = origlen - buf.$length >> 0;
_tmp$1 = count;
_tmp$2 = names;
consumed = _tmp;
count = _tmp$1;
newnames = _tmp$2;
return [consumed, count, newnames];
$pkg.ParseDirent = ParseDirent;
mmapper.ptr.prototype.Mmap = function(fd, offset, length, prot, flags) {
var $ptr, _key, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, addr, b, data, err, errno, fd, flags, length, m, offset, p, prot, sl, $s, $deferred, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _key = $f._key; _r = $f._r; _tmp = $f._tmp; _tmp$1 = $f._tmp$1; _tmp$2 = $f._tmp$2; _tmp$3 = $f._tmp$3; _tmp$4 = $f._tmp$4; _tmp$5 = $f._tmp$5; _tuple = $f._tuple; addr = $f.addr; b = $f.b; data = $; err = $f.err; errno = $f.errno; fd = $f.fd; flags = $f.flags; length = $f.length; m = $f.m; offset = $f.offset; p = $f.p; prot = $f.prot; sl = $; $s = $f.$s; $deferred = $f.$deferred; $r = $f.$r; } var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $deferred.index = $curGoroutine.deferStack.length; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);
sl = [sl];
data = sliceType.nil;
err = $ifaceNil;
m = this;
if (length <= 0) {
_tmp = sliceType.nil;
_tmp$1 = new Errno(22);
data = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [data, err];
_r = m.mmap(0, (length >>> 0), prot, flags, fd, offset); /* map[0xc820685bf0:true 0xc82048c540:true 0xc820685c40:true 0xc82048c580:true 0xc820151d40:true 0xc82048c1c0:true 0xc82048c180:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple = _r;
addr = _tuple[0];
errno = _tuple[1];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(errno, $ifaceNil))) {
_tmp$2 = sliceType.nil;
_tmp$3 = errno;
data = _tmp$2;
err = _tmp$3;
return [data, err];
sl[0] = new structType.ptr(addr, length, length);
b = sl[0];
p = $indexPtr(b.$array, b.$offset + (b.$capacity - 1 >> 0), ptrType$2);
$r = m.Mutex.Lock(); /* map[0xc820685bf0:true 0xc82048c540:true 0xc820685c40:true 0xc82048c580:true 0xc820151d40:true 0xc82048c1c0:true 0xc82048c180:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$deferred.push([$methodVal(m.Mutex, "Unlock"), []]);
_key = p; ( || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$2.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: b };
_tmp$4 = b;
_tmp$5 = $ifaceNil;
data = _tmp$4;
err = _tmp$5;
return [data, err];
/* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return [data, err]; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) {/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: mmapper.ptr.prototype.Mmap }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._key = _key; $f._r = _r; $f._tmp = _tmp; $f._tmp$1 = _tmp$1; $f._tmp$2 = _tmp$2; $f._tmp$3 = _tmp$3; $f._tmp$4 = _tmp$4; $f._tmp$5 = _tmp$5; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.addr = addr; $f.b = b; $ = data; $f.err = err; $f.errno = errno; $f.fd = fd; $f.flags = flags; $f.length = length; $f.m = m; $f.offset = offset; $f.p = p; $f.prot = prot; $ = sl; $f.$s = $s; $f.$deferred = $deferred; $f.$r = $r; return $f; } }
mmapper.prototype.Mmap = function(fd, offset, length, prot, flags) { return this.$val.Mmap(fd, offset, length, prot, flags); };
mmapper.ptr.prototype.Munmap = function(data) {
var $ptr, _entry, _r, b, data, err, errno, m, p, $s, $deferred, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _entry = $f._entry; _r = $f._r; b = $f.b; data = $; err = $f.err; errno = $f.errno; m = $f.m; p = $f.p; $s = $f.$s; $deferred = $f.$deferred; $r = $f.$r; } var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $deferred.index = $curGoroutine.deferStack.length; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);
err = $ifaceNil;
m = this;
if ((data.$length === 0) || !((data.$length === data.$capacity))) {
err = new Errno(22);
return err;
p = $indexPtr(data.$array, data.$offset + (data.$capacity - 1 >> 0), ptrType$2);
$r = m.Mutex.Lock(); /* map[0xc82048c940:true 0xc82048cb80:true 0xc82048cb40:true 0xc82048cb00:true 0xc8200da330:true 0xc820685fa0:true 0xc82048c8c0:true 0xc820685ff0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$deferred.push([$methodVal(m.Mutex, "Unlock"), []]);
b = (_entry =[ptrType$2.keyFor(p)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : sliceType.nil);
if (b === sliceType.nil || !($indexPtr(b.$array, b.$offset + 0, ptrType$2) === $indexPtr(data.$array, data.$offset + 0, ptrType$2))) {
err = new Errno(22);
return err;
_r = m.munmap($sliceToArray(b), (b.$length >>> 0)); /* map[0xc820685fa0:true 0xc82048c8c0:true 0xc820685ff0:true 0xc82048c940:true 0xc82048cb80:true 0xc82048cb40:true 0xc82048cb00:true 0xc8200da330:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
errno = _r;
/* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(errno, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(errno, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 3:
err = errno;
return err;
/* } */ case 4:
err = $ifaceNil;
return err;
/* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return err; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) {/* FOO: %!s(int=8) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: mmapper.ptr.prototype.Munmap }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._entry = _entry; $f._r = _r; $f.b = b; $ = data; $f.err = err; $f.errno = errno; $f.m = m; $f.p = p; $f.$s = $s; $f.$deferred = $deferred; $f.$r = $r; return $f; } }
mmapper.prototype.Munmap = function(data) { return this.$val.Munmap(data); };
Errno.prototype.Error = function() {
var $ptr, e, s;
e = this.$val;
if (0 <= (e >> 0) && (e >> 0) < 133) {
s = ((e < 0 || e >= errors.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : errors[e]);
if (!(s === "")) {
return s;
return "errno " + itoa((e >> 0));
$ptrType(Errno).prototype.Error = function() { return new Errno(this.$get()).Error(); };
Errno.prototype.Temporary = function() {
var $ptr, e;
e = this.$val;
return (e === 4) || (e === 24) || (e === 104) || (e === 103) || new Errno(e).Timeout();
$ptrType(Errno).prototype.Temporary = function() { return new Errno(this.$get()).Temporary(); };
Errno.prototype.Timeout = function() {
var $ptr, e;
e = this.$val;
return (e === 11) || (e === 11) || (e === 110);
$ptrType(Errno).prototype.Timeout = function() { return new Errno(this.$get()).Timeout(); };
errnoErr = function(e) {
var $ptr, _ref, e;
_ref = e;
if (_ref === 0) {
return $ifaceNil;
} else if (_ref === 11) {
return errEAGAIN;
} else if (_ref === 22) {
return errEINVAL;
} else if (_ref === 2) {
return errENOENT;
return new Errno(e);
Read = function(fd, p) {
var $ptr, _tuple, err, fd, n, p;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = read(fd, p);
n = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
return [n, err];
$pkg.Read = Read;
Write = function(fd, p) {
var $ptr, _tuple, err, fd, n, p;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = write(fd, p);
n = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
return [n, err];
$pkg.Write = Write;
Close = function(fd) {
var $ptr, _tuple, e1, err, fd;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = Syscall(3, (fd >>> 0), 0, 0);
e1 = _tuple[2];
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return err;
$pkg.Close = Close;
Fchdir = function(fd) {
var $ptr, _tuple, e1, err, fd;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = Syscall(81, (fd >>> 0), 0, 0);
e1 = _tuple[2];
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return err;
$pkg.Fchdir = Fchdir;
Fchmod = function(fd, mode) {
var $ptr, _tuple, e1, err, fd, mode;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = Syscall(91, (fd >>> 0), (mode >>> 0), 0);
e1 = _tuple[2];
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return err;
$pkg.Fchmod = Fchmod;
Fsync = function(fd) {
var $ptr, _tuple, e1, err, fd;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = Syscall(74, (fd >>> 0), 0, 0);
e1 = _tuple[2];
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return err;
$pkg.Fsync = Fsync;
Getdents = function(fd, buf) {
var $ptr, _p0, _tuple, buf, e1, err, fd, n, r0;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_p0 = 0;
if (buf.$length > 0) {
_p0 = $sliceToArray(buf);
} else {
_p0 = new Uint8Array(0);
_tuple = Syscall(217, (fd >>> 0), _p0, (buf.$length >>> 0));
r0 = _tuple[0];
e1 = _tuple[2];
n = (r0 >> 0);
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return [n, err];
$pkg.Getdents = Getdents;
read = function(fd, p) {
var $ptr, _p0, _tuple, e1, err, fd, n, p, r0;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_p0 = 0;
if (p.$length > 0) {
_p0 = $sliceToArray(p);
} else {
_p0 = new Uint8Array(0);
_tuple = Syscall(0, (fd >>> 0), _p0, (p.$length >>> 0));
r0 = _tuple[0];
e1 = _tuple[2];
n = (r0 >> 0);
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return [n, err];
write = function(fd, p) {
var $ptr, _p0, _tuple, e1, err, fd, n, p, r0;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_p0 = 0;
if (p.$length > 0) {
_p0 = $sliceToArray(p);
} else {
_p0 = new Uint8Array(0);
_tuple = Syscall(1, (fd >>> 0), _p0, (p.$length >>> 0));
r0 = _tuple[0];
e1 = _tuple[2];
n = (r0 >> 0);
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return [n, err];
munmap = function(addr, length) {
var $ptr, _tuple, addr, e1, err, length;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = Syscall(11, addr, length, 0);
e1 = _tuple[2];
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return err;
Fchown = function(fd, uid, gid) {
var $ptr, _tuple, e1, err, fd, gid, uid;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = Syscall(93, (fd >>> 0), (uid >>> 0), (gid >>> 0));
e1 = _tuple[2];
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return err;
$pkg.Fchown = Fchown;
Fstat = function(fd, stat) {
var $ptr, _array, _struct, _tuple, _view, e1, err, fd, stat;
err = $ifaceNil;
_array = new Uint8Array(144);
_tuple = Syscall(5, (fd >>> 0), _array, 0);
_struct = stat, _view = new DataView(_array.buffer, _array.byteOffset), _struct.Dev = new $Uint64(_view.getUint32(4, true), _view.getUint32(0, true)), _struct.Ino = new $Uint64(_view.getUint32(12, true), _view.getUint32(8, true)), _struct.Nlink = new $Uint64(_view.getUint32(20, true), _view.getUint32(16, true)), _struct.Mode = _view.getUint32(24, true), _struct.Uid = _view.getUint32(28, true), _struct.Gid = _view.getUint32(32, true), _struct.X__pad0 = _view.getInt32(36, true), _struct.Rdev = new $Uint64(_view.getUint32(44, true), _view.getUint32(40, true)), _struct.Size = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(52, true), _view.getUint32(48, true)), _struct.Blksize = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(60, true), _view.getUint32(56, true)), _struct.Blocks = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(68, true), _view.getUint32(64, true)), _struct.Atim.Sec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(76, true), _view.getUint32(72, true)), _struct.Atim.Nsec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(84, true), _view.getUint32(80, true)), _struct.Mtim.Sec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(92, true), _view.getUint32(88, true)), _struct.Mtim.Nsec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(100, true), _view.getUint32(96, true)), _struct.Ctim.Sec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(108, true), _view.getUint32(104, true)), _struct.Ctim.Nsec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(116, true), _view.getUint32(112, true)), _struct.X__unused = new ($nativeArray($kindInt64))(_array.buffer, $min(_array.byteOffset + 120, _array.buffer.byteLength));
e1 = _tuple[2];
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return err;
$pkg.Fstat = Fstat;
Ftruncate = function(fd, length) {
var $ptr, _tuple, e1, err, fd, length;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = Syscall(77, (fd >>> 0), (length.$low >>> 0), 0);
e1 = _tuple[2];
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return err;
$pkg.Ftruncate = Ftruncate;
Lstat = function(path, stat) {
var $ptr, _array, _p0, _struct, _tuple, _tuple$1, _view, e1, err, path, stat;
err = $ifaceNil;
_p0 = ptrType$2.nil;
_tuple = BytePtrFromString(path);
_p0 = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) {
return err;
_array = new Uint8Array(144);
_tuple$1 = Syscall(6, _p0, _array, 0);
_struct = stat, _view = new DataView(_array.buffer, _array.byteOffset), _struct.Dev = new $Uint64(_view.getUint32(4, true), _view.getUint32(0, true)), _struct.Ino = new $Uint64(_view.getUint32(12, true), _view.getUint32(8, true)), _struct.Nlink = new $Uint64(_view.getUint32(20, true), _view.getUint32(16, true)), _struct.Mode = _view.getUint32(24, true), _struct.Uid = _view.getUint32(28, true), _struct.Gid = _view.getUint32(32, true), _struct.X__pad0 = _view.getInt32(36, true), _struct.Rdev = new $Uint64(_view.getUint32(44, true), _view.getUint32(40, true)), _struct.Size = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(52, true), _view.getUint32(48, true)), _struct.Blksize = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(60, true), _view.getUint32(56, true)), _struct.Blocks = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(68, true), _view.getUint32(64, true)), _struct.Atim.Sec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(76, true), _view.getUint32(72, true)), _struct.Atim.Nsec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(84, true), _view.getUint32(80, true)), _struct.Mtim.Sec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(92, true), _view.getUint32(88, true)), _struct.Mtim.Nsec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(100, true), _view.getUint32(96, true)), _struct.Ctim.Sec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(108, true), _view.getUint32(104, true)), _struct.Ctim.Nsec = new $Int64(_view.getUint32(116, true), _view.getUint32(112, true)), _struct.X__unused = new ($nativeArray($kindInt64))(_array.buffer, $min(_array.byteOffset + 120, _array.buffer.byteLength));
e1 = _tuple$1[2];
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return err;
$pkg.Lstat = Lstat;
Pread = function(fd, p, offset) {
var $ptr, _p0, _tuple, e1, err, fd, n, offset, p, r0;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_p0 = 0;
if (p.$length > 0) {
_p0 = $sliceToArray(p);
} else {
_p0 = new Uint8Array(0);
_tuple = Syscall6(17, (fd >>> 0), _p0, (p.$length >>> 0), (offset.$low >>> 0), 0, 0);
r0 = _tuple[0];
e1 = _tuple[2];
n = (r0 >> 0);
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return [n, err];
$pkg.Pread = Pread;
Pwrite = function(fd, p, offset) {
var $ptr, _p0, _tuple, e1, err, fd, n, offset, p, r0;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_p0 = 0;
if (p.$length > 0) {
_p0 = $sliceToArray(p);
} else {
_p0 = new Uint8Array(0);
_tuple = Syscall6(18, (fd >>> 0), _p0, (p.$length >>> 0), (offset.$low >>> 0), 0, 0);
r0 = _tuple[0];
e1 = _tuple[2];
n = (r0 >> 0);
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return [n, err];
$pkg.Pwrite = Pwrite;
Seek = function(fd, offset, whence) {
var $ptr, _tuple, e1, err, fd, off, offset, r0, whence;
off = new $Int64(0, 0);
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = Syscall(8, (fd >>> 0), (offset.$low >>> 0), (whence >>> 0));
r0 = _tuple[0];
e1 = _tuple[2];
off = new $Int64(0, r0.constructor === Number ? r0 : 1);
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return [off, err];
$pkg.Seek = Seek;
mmap = function(addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset) {
var $ptr, _tuple, addr, e1, err, fd, flags, length, offset, prot, r0, xaddr;
xaddr = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple = Syscall6(9, addr, length, (prot >>> 0), (flags >>> 0), (fd >>> 0), (offset.$low >>> 0));
r0 = _tuple[0];
e1 = _tuple[2];
xaddr = r0;
if (!((e1 === 0))) {
err = errnoErr(e1);
return [xaddr, err];
ptrType$24.methods = [{prop: "Mmap", name: "Mmap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int64, $Int, $Int, $Int], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "Munmap", name: "Munmap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType], [$error], false)}];
Errno.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Temporary", name: "Temporary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Timeout", name: "Timeout", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}];
ptrType$28.methods = [{prop: "Unix", name: "Unix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64, $Int64], false)}, {prop: "Nano", name: "Nano", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}];
mmapper.init([{prop: "Mutex", name: "", pkg: "", typ: sync.Mutex, tag: ""}, {prop: "active", name: "active", pkg: "syscall", typ: mapType, tag: ""}, {prop: "mmap", name: "mmap", pkg: "syscall", typ: funcType, tag: ""}, {prop: "munmap", name: "munmap", pkg: "syscall", typ: funcType$1, tag: ""}]);
Timespec.init([{prop: "Sec", name: "Sec", pkg: "", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Nsec", name: "Nsec", pkg: "", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}]);
Stat_t.init([{prop: "Dev", name: "Dev", pkg: "", typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Ino", name: "Ino", pkg: "", typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Nlink", name: "Nlink", pkg: "", typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Mode", name: "Mode", pkg: "", typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Uid", name: "Uid", pkg: "", typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Gid", name: "Gid", pkg: "", typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "X__pad0", name: "X__pad0", pkg: "", typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "Rdev", name: "Rdev", pkg: "", typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Blksize", name: "Blksize", pkg: "", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Blocks", name: "Blocks", pkg: "", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Atim", name: "Atim", pkg: "", typ: Timespec, tag: ""}, {prop: "Mtim", name: "Mtim", pkg: "", typ: Timespec, tag: ""}, {prop: "Ctim", name: "Ctim", pkg: "", typ: Timespec, tag: ""}, {prop: "X__unused", name: "X__unused", pkg: "", typ: arrayType$18, tag: ""}]);
Dirent.init([{prop: "Ino", name: "Ino", pkg: "", typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Off", name: "Off", pkg: "", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "Reclen", name: "Reclen", pkg: "", typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: arrayType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "Pad_cgo_0", name: "Pad_cgo_0", pkg: "", typ: arrayType$14, tag: ""}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = bytes.$init(); /* map[0xc820131940:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = js.$init(); /* map[0xc820131940:true 0xc8201319c0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = runtime.$init(); /* map[0xc820131940:true 0xc8201319c0:true 0xc820131a80:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = sync.$init(); /* map[0xc820131940:true 0xc8201319c0:true 0xc820131a80:true 0xc820131ac0:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
lineBuffer = sliceType.nil;
syscallModule = null;
envOnce = new sync.Once.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0);
envLock = new sync.RWMutex.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0);
env = false;
warningPrinted = false;
alreadyTriedToLoad = false;
minusOne = -1;
envs = runtime_envs();
$pkg.Stdin = 0;
$pkg.Stdout = 1;
$pkg.Stderr = 2;
errEAGAIN = new Errno(11);
errEINVAL = new Errno(22);
errENOENT = new Errno(2);
errors = $toNativeArray($kindString, ["", "operation not permitted", "no such file or directory", "no such process", "interrupted system call", "input/output error", "no such device or address", "argument list too long", "exec format error", "bad file descriptor", "no child processes", "resource temporarily unavailable", "cannot allocate memory", "permission denied", "bad address", "block device required", "device or resource busy", "file exists", "invalid cross-device link", "no such device", "not a directory", "is a directory", "invalid argument", "too many open files in system", "too many open files", "inappropriate ioctl for device", "text file busy", "file too large", "no space left on device", "illegal seek", "read-only file system", "too many links", "broken pipe", "numerical argument out of domain", "numerical result out of range", "resource deadlock avoided", "file name too long", "no locks available", "function not implemented", "directory not empty", "too many levels of symbolic links", "", "no message of desired type", "identifier removed", "channel number out of range", "level 2 not synchronized", "level 3 halted", "level 3 reset", "link number out of range", "protocol driver not attached", "no CSI structure available", "level 2 halted", "invalid exchange", "invalid request descriptor", "exchange full", "no anode", "invalid request code", "invalid slot", "", "bad font file format", "device not a stream", "no data available", "timer expired", "out of streams resources", "machine is not on the network", "package not installed", "object is remote", "link has been severed", "advertise error", "srmount error", "communication error on send", "protocol error", "multihop attempted", "RFS specific error", "bad message", "value too large for defined data type", "name not unique on network", "file descriptor in bad state", "remote address changed", "can not access a needed shared library", "accessing a corrupted shared library", ".lib section in a.out corrupted", "attempting to link in too many shared libraries", "cannot exec a shared library directly", "invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character", "interrupted system call should be restarted", "streams pipe error", "too many users", "socket operation on non-socket", "destination address required", "message too long", "protocol wrong type for socket", "protocol not available", "protocol not supported", "socket type not supported", "operation not supported", "protocol family not supported", "address family not supported by protocol", "address already in use", "cannot assign requested address", "network is down", "network is unreachable", "network dropped connection on reset", "software caused connection abort", "connection reset by peer", "no buffer space available", "transport endpoint is already connected", "transport endpoint is not connected", "cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown", "too many references: cannot splice", "connection timed out", "connection refused", "host is down", "no route to host", "operation already in progress", "operation now in progress", "stale NFS file handle", "structure needs cleaning", "not a XENIX named type file", "no XENIX semaphores available", "is a named type file", "remote I/O error", "disk quota exceeded", "no medium found", "wrong medium type", "operation canceled", "required key not available", "key has expired", "key has been revoked", "key was rejected by service", "owner died", "state not recoverable", "operation not possible due to RF-kill"]);
mapper = new mmapper.ptr(new sync.Mutex.ptr(0, 0), {}, mmap, munmap);
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages[""] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, Once, funcType, ptrType$3;
Once = $pkg.Once = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "nosync.Once", "Once", "", function(doing_, done_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.doing = false;
this.done = false;
this.doing = doing_;
this.done = done_;
funcType = $funcType([], [], false);
ptrType$3 = $ptrType(Once);
Once.ptr.prototype.Do = function(f) {
var $ptr, f, o, $s, $deferred, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; f = $f.f; o = $f.o; $s = $f.$s; $deferred = $f.$deferred; $r = $f.$r; } var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $deferred.index = $curGoroutine.deferStack.length; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);
o = [o];
o[0] = this;
if (o[0].done) {
if (o[0].doing) {
$panic(new $String("nosync: Do called within f"));
o[0].doing = true;
$deferred.push([(function(o) { return function() {
var $ptr;
o[0].doing = false;
o[0].done = true;
}; })(o), []]);
$r = f(); /* map[0xc820354840:true 0xc8210182a0:true 0xc8207aba80:true 0xc8210182c0:true 0xc8207abac0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if($curGoroutine.asleep) {/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Once.ptr.prototype.Do }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.f = f; $f.o = o; $f.$s = $s; $f.$deferred = $deferred; $f.$r = $r; return $f; } }
Once.prototype.Do = function(f) { return this.$val.Do(f); };
ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Do", name: "Do", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType], [], false)}];
Once.init([{prop: "doing", name: "doing", pkg: "", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "done", name: "done", pkg: "", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["strings"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, js, io, unicode, utf8, IndexByte;
errors = $packages["errors"];
js = $packages[""];
io = $packages["io"];
unicode = $packages["unicode"];
utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"];
IndexByte = function(s, c) {
var $ptr, c, s;
return $parseInt(s.indexOf($global.String.fromCharCode(c))) >> 0;
$pkg.IndexByte = IndexByte;
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = errors.$init(); /* map[0xc82185ec80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = js.$init(); /* map[0xc82185ec80:true 0xc82185f0c0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = io.$init(); /* map[0xc82185ec80:true 0xc82185f0c0:true 0xc82185ffc0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = unicode.$init(); /* map[0xc82185f0c0:true 0xc82185ffc0:true 0xc821842000:true 0xc82185ec80:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = utf8.$init(); /* map[0xc82185ffc0:true 0xc821842000:true 0xc821842080:true 0xc82185ec80:true 0xc82185f0c0:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["time"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, js, nosync, runtime, strings, syscall, ParseError, Time, Month, Weekday, Duration, Location, zone, zoneTrans, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType, sliceType$2, arrayType, sliceType$3, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, ptrType$1, arrayType$4, ptrType$3, ptrType$6, std0x, longDayNames, shortDayNames, shortMonthNames, longMonthNames, atoiError, errBad, errLeadingInt, months, days, daysBefore, utcLoc, utcLoc$24ptr, localLoc, localLoc$24ptr, localOnce, zoneinfo, badData, zoneDirs, _tuple, _r, init, initLocal, startsWithLowerCase, nextStdChunk, match, lookup, appendInt, atoi, formatNano, quote, isDigit, getnum, cutspace, skip, Parse, parse, parseTimeZone, parseGMT, parseNanoseconds, leadingInt, absWeekday, absClock, fmtFrac, fmtInt, absDate, Unix, isLeap, norm, Date, div, FixedZone;
errors = $packages["errors"];
js = $packages[""];
nosync = $packages[""];
runtime = $packages["runtime"];
strings = $packages["strings"];
syscall = $packages["syscall"];
ParseError = $pkg.ParseError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.ParseError", "ParseError", "time", function(Layout_, Value_, LayoutElem_, ValueElem_, Message_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Layout = "";
this.Value = "";
this.LayoutElem = "";
this.ValueElem = "";
this.Message = "";
this.Layout = Layout_;
this.Value = Value_;
this.LayoutElem = LayoutElem_;
this.ValueElem = ValueElem_;
this.Message = Message_;
Time = $pkg.Time = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.Time", "Time", "time", function(sec_, nsec_, loc_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.sec = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.nsec = 0;
this.loc = ptrType$1.nil;
this.sec = sec_;
this.nsec = nsec_;
this.loc = loc_;
Month = $pkg.Month = $newType(4, $kindInt, "time.Month", "Month", "time", null);
Weekday = $pkg.Weekday = $newType(4, $kindInt, "time.Weekday", "Weekday", "time", null);
Duration = $pkg.Duration = $newType(8, $kindInt64, "time.Duration", "Duration", "time", null);
Location = $pkg.Location = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.Location", "Location", "time", function(name_, zone_, tx_, cacheStart_, cacheEnd_, cacheZone_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) { = ""; = sliceType.nil;
this.tx = sliceType$1.nil;
this.cacheStart = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.cacheEnd = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.cacheZone = ptrType.nil;
} = name_; = zone_;
this.tx = tx_;
this.cacheStart = cacheStart_;
this.cacheEnd = cacheEnd_;
this.cacheZone = cacheZone_;
zone = $ = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "", "zone", "time", function(name_, offset_, isDST_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) { = "";
this.offset = 0;
this.isDST = false;
} = name_;
this.offset = offset_;
this.isDST = isDST_;
zoneTrans = $pkg.zoneTrans = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "time.zoneTrans", "zoneTrans", "time", function(when_, index_, isstd_, isutc_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.when = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.index = 0;
this.isstd = false;
this.isutc = false;
this.when = when_;
this.index = index_;
this.isstd = isstd_;
this.isutc = isutc_;
sliceType = $sliceType(zone);
sliceType$1 = $sliceType(zoneTrans);
ptrType = $ptrType(zone);
sliceType$2 = $sliceType($String);
arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 20);
sliceType$3 = $sliceType($Uint8);
arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 9);
arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 64);
ptrType$1 = $ptrType(Location);
arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 32);
ptrType$3 = $ptrType(ParseError);
ptrType$6 = $ptrType(Time);
init = function() {
var $ptr;
Unix(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0));
initLocal = function() {
var $ptr, d, i, j, s;
d = new ($global.Date)();
s = $internalize(d, $String);
i = strings.IndexByte(s, 40);
j = strings.IndexByte(s, 41);
if ((i === -1) || (j === -1)) { = "UTC";
} = s.substring((i + 1 >> 0), j); = new sliceType([new zone.ptr(, $imul(($parseInt(d.getTimezoneOffset()) >> 0), -60), false)]);
startsWithLowerCase = function(str) {
var $ptr, c, str;
if (str.length === 0) {
return false;
c = str.charCodeAt(0);
return 97 <= c && c <= 122;
nextStdChunk = function(layout) {
var $ptr, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$44, _tmp$45, _tmp$46, _tmp$47, _tmp$48, _tmp$49, _tmp$5, _tmp$50, _tmp$51, _tmp$52, _tmp$53, _tmp$54, _tmp$55, _tmp$56, _tmp$57, _tmp$58, _tmp$59, _tmp$6, _tmp$60, _tmp$61, _tmp$62, _tmp$63, _tmp$64, _tmp$65, _tmp$66, _tmp$67, _tmp$68, _tmp$69, _tmp$7, _tmp$70, _tmp$71, _tmp$72, _tmp$73, _tmp$74, _tmp$75, _tmp$76, _tmp$77, _tmp$78, _tmp$79, _tmp$8, _tmp$80, _tmp$9, c, ch, i, j, layout, prefix, std, std$1, suffix, x;
prefix = "";
std = 0;
suffix = "";
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < layout.length)) { break; }
c = (layout.charCodeAt(i) >> 0);
_ref = c;
if (_ref === 74) {
if (layout.length >= (i + 3 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "Jan") {
if (layout.length >= (i + 7 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 7 >> 0)) === "January") {
_tmp = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$1 = 257;
_tmp$2 = layout.substring((i + 7 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp;
std = _tmp$1;
suffix = _tmp$2;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
if (!startsWithLowerCase(layout.substring((i + 3 >> 0)))) {
_tmp$3 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$4 = 258;
_tmp$5 = layout.substring((i + 3 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$3;
std = _tmp$4;
suffix = _tmp$5;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 77) {
if (layout.length >= (i + 3 >> 0)) {
if (layout.substring(i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "Mon") {
if (layout.length >= (i + 6 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 6 >> 0)) === "Monday") {
_tmp$6 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$7 = 261;
_tmp$8 = layout.substring((i + 6 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$6;
std = _tmp$7;
suffix = _tmp$8;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
if (!startsWithLowerCase(layout.substring((i + 3 >> 0)))) {
_tmp$9 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$10 = 262;
_tmp$11 = layout.substring((i + 3 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$9;
std = _tmp$10;
suffix = _tmp$11;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
if (layout.substring(i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "MST") {
_tmp$12 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$13 = 21;
_tmp$14 = layout.substring((i + 3 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$12;
std = _tmp$13;
suffix = _tmp$14;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 48) {
if (layout.length >= (i + 2 >> 0) && 49 <= layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) && layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) <= 54) {
_tmp$15 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$16 = (x = layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) - 49 << 24 >>> 24, ((x < 0 || x >= std0x.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : std0x[x]));
_tmp$17 = layout.substring((i + 2 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$15;
std = _tmp$16;
suffix = _tmp$17;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 49) {
if (layout.length >= (i + 2 >> 0) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 53)) {
_tmp$18 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$19 = 522;
_tmp$20 = layout.substring((i + 2 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$18;
std = _tmp$19;
suffix = _tmp$20;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
_tmp$21 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$22 = 259;
_tmp$23 = layout.substring((i + 1 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$21;
std = _tmp$22;
suffix = _tmp$23;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 50) {
if (layout.length >= (i + 4 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 4 >> 0)) === "2006") {
_tmp$24 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$25 = 273;
_tmp$26 = layout.substring((i + 4 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$24;
std = _tmp$25;
suffix = _tmp$26;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
_tmp$27 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$28 = 263;
_tmp$29 = layout.substring((i + 1 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$27;
std = _tmp$28;
suffix = _tmp$29;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 95) {
if (layout.length >= (i + 2 >> 0) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 50)) {
_tmp$30 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$31 = 264;
_tmp$32 = layout.substring((i + 2 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$30;
std = _tmp$31;
suffix = _tmp$32;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 51) {
_tmp$33 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$34 = 523;
_tmp$35 = layout.substring((i + 1 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$33;
std = _tmp$34;
suffix = _tmp$35;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 52) {
_tmp$36 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$37 = 525;
_tmp$38 = layout.substring((i + 1 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$36;
std = _tmp$37;
suffix = _tmp$38;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 53) {
_tmp$39 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$40 = 527;
_tmp$41 = layout.substring((i + 1 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$39;
std = _tmp$40;
suffix = _tmp$41;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 80) {
if (layout.length >= (i + 2 >> 0) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 77)) {
_tmp$42 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$43 = 531;
_tmp$44 = layout.substring((i + 2 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$42;
std = _tmp$43;
suffix = _tmp$44;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 112) {
if (layout.length >= (i + 2 >> 0) && (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 109)) {
_tmp$45 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$46 = 532;
_tmp$47 = layout.substring((i + 2 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$45;
std = _tmp$46;
suffix = _tmp$47;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 45) {
if (layout.length >= (i + 7 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 7 >> 0)) === "-070000") {
_tmp$48 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$49 = 27;
_tmp$50 = layout.substring((i + 7 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$48;
std = _tmp$49;
suffix = _tmp$50;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
if (layout.length >= (i + 9 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 9 >> 0)) === "-07:00:00") {
_tmp$51 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$52 = 30;
_tmp$53 = layout.substring((i + 9 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$51;
std = _tmp$52;
suffix = _tmp$53;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
if (layout.length >= (i + 5 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 5 >> 0)) === "-0700") {
_tmp$54 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$55 = 26;
_tmp$56 = layout.substring((i + 5 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$54;
std = _tmp$55;
suffix = _tmp$56;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
if (layout.length >= (i + 6 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 6 >> 0)) === "-07:00") {
_tmp$57 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$58 = 29;
_tmp$59 = layout.substring((i + 6 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$57;
std = _tmp$58;
suffix = _tmp$59;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
if (layout.length >= (i + 3 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 3 >> 0)) === "-07") {
_tmp$60 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$61 = 28;
_tmp$62 = layout.substring((i + 3 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$60;
std = _tmp$61;
suffix = _tmp$62;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 90) {
if (layout.length >= (i + 7 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 7 >> 0)) === "Z070000") {
_tmp$63 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$64 = 23;
_tmp$65 = layout.substring((i + 7 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$63;
std = _tmp$64;
suffix = _tmp$65;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
if (layout.length >= (i + 9 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 9 >> 0)) === "Z07:00:00") {
_tmp$66 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$67 = 25;
_tmp$68 = layout.substring((i + 9 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$66;
std = _tmp$67;
suffix = _tmp$68;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
if (layout.length >= (i + 5 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 5 >> 0)) === "Z0700") {
_tmp$69 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$70 = 22;
_tmp$71 = layout.substring((i + 5 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$69;
std = _tmp$70;
suffix = _tmp$71;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
if (layout.length >= (i + 6 >> 0) && layout.substring(i, (i + 6 >> 0)) === "Z07:00") {
_tmp$72 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$73 = 24;
_tmp$74 = layout.substring((i + 6 >> 0));
prefix = _tmp$72;
std = _tmp$73;
suffix = _tmp$74;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
} else if (_ref === 46) {
if ((i + 1 >> 0) < layout.length && ((layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 48) || (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 57))) {
ch = layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0));
j = i + 1 >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(j < layout.length && (layout.charCodeAt(j) === ch))) { break; }
j = j + (1) >> 0;
if (!isDigit(layout, j)) {
std$1 = 31;
if (layout.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 57) {
std$1 = 32;
std$1 = std$1 | ((((j - ((i + 1 >> 0)) >> 0)) << 16 >> 0));
_tmp$75 = layout.substring(0, i);
_tmp$76 = std$1;
_tmp$77 = layout.substring(j);
prefix = _tmp$75;
std = _tmp$76;
suffix = _tmp$77;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
i = i + (1) >> 0;
_tmp$78 = layout;
_tmp$79 = 0;
_tmp$80 = "";
prefix = _tmp$78;
std = _tmp$79;
suffix = _tmp$80;
return [prefix, std, suffix];
match = function(s1, s2) {
var $ptr, c1, c2, i, s1, s2;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < s1.length)) { break; }
c1 = s1.charCodeAt(i);
c2 = s2.charCodeAt(i);
if (!((c1 === c2))) {
c1 = (c1 | (32)) >>> 0;
c2 = (c2 | (32)) >>> 0;
if (!((c1 === c2)) || c1 < 97 || c1 > 122) {
return false;
i = i + (1) >> 0;
return true;
lookup = function(tab, val) {
var $ptr, _i, _ref, i, tab, v, val;
_ref = tab;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
i = _i;
v = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]);
if (val.length >= v.length && match(val.substring(0, v.length), v)) {
return [i, val.substring(v.length), $ifaceNil];
return [-1, val, errBad];
appendInt = function(b, x, width) {
var $ptr, _q, b, buf, i, q, u, w, width, x;
u = (x >>> 0);
if (x < 0) {
b = $append(b, 45);
u = (-x >>> 0);
buf =;
i = 20;
while (true) {
if (!(u >= 10)) { break; }
i = i - (1) >> 0;
q = (_q = u / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
((i < 0 || i >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[i] = (((48 + u >>> 0) - (q * 10 >>> 0) >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24));
u = q;
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[i] = ((48 + u >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24));
w = 20 - i >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(w < width)) { break; }
b = $append(b, 48);
w = w + (1) >> 0;
return $appendSlice(b, $subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), i));
atoi = function(s) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple$1, err, neg, q, rem, s, x;
x = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
neg = false;
if (!(s === "") && ((s.charCodeAt(0) === 45) || (s.charCodeAt(0) === 43))) {
neg = s.charCodeAt(0) === 45;
s = s.substring(1);
_tuple$1 = leadingInt(s);
q = _tuple$1[0];
rem = _tuple$1[1];
err = _tuple$1[2];
x = ((q.$low + ((q.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0);
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) || !(rem === "")) {
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = atoiError;
x = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [x, err];
if (neg) {
x = -x;
_tmp$2 = x;
_tmp$3 = $ifaceNil;
x = _tmp$2;
err = _tmp$3;
return [x, err];
formatNano = function(b, nanosec, n, trim) {
var $ptr, _q, _r$1, b, buf, n, nanosec, start, trim, u, x;
u = nanosec;
buf = arrayType$;
start = 9;
while (true) {
if (!(start > 0)) { break; }
start = start - (1) >> 0;
((start < 0 || start >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[start] = (((_r$1 = u % 10, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24));
u = (_q = u / (10), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
if (n > 9) {
n = 9;
if (trim) {
while (true) {
if (!(n > 0 && ((x = n - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[x])) === 48))) { break; }
n = n - (1) >> 0;
if (n === 0) {
return b;
b = $append(b, 46);
return $appendSlice(b, $subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, n));
Time.ptr.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST"); /* map[0xc821a28ea0:true 0xc821a22380:true 0xc821a40780:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r$1;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.String }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Format = function(layout) {
var $ptr, _r$1, b, buf, layout, max, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; b = $f.b; buf = $f.buf; layout = $f.layout; max = $f.max; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
b = sliceType$3.nil;
max = layout.length + 10 >> 0;
if (max < 64) {
buf = arrayType$;
b = $subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, 0);
} else {
b = $makeSlice(sliceType$3, 0, max);
_r$1 = t.AppendFormat(b, layout); /* map[0xc821a292c0:true 0xc821a40d80:true 0xc821a40d40:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
b = _r$1;
return $bytesToString(b);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Format }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.b = b; $f.buf = buf; $f.layout = layout; $f.max = max; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Format = function(layout) { return this.$val.Format(layout); };
Time.ptr.prototype.AppendFormat = function(b, layout) {
var $ptr, _q, _q$1, _q$2, _q$3, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, abs, absoffset, b, day, hour, hr, hr$1, layout, m, min, month, name, offset, prefix, s, sec, std, suffix, t, y, year, zone$1, zone$2, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _q = $f._q; _q$1 = $f._q$1; _q$2 = $f._q$2; _q$3 = $f._q$3; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _r$7 = $f._r$7; _ref = $f._ref; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; _tuple$2 = $f._tuple$2; _tuple$3 = $f._tuple$3; _tuple$4 = $f._tuple$4; abs = $f.abs; absoffset = $f.absoffset; b = $f.b; day = $; hour = $f.hour; hr = $; hr$1 = $$1; layout = $f.layout; m = $f.m; min = $f.min; month = $f.month; name = $; offset = $f.offset; prefix = $f.prefix; s = $f.s; sec = $f.sec; std = $f.std; suffix = $f.suffix; t = $f.t; y = $f.y; year = $f.year; zone$1 = $$1; zone$2 = $$2; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.locabs(); /* map[0xc821a06eb0:true 0xc821a40fc0:true 0xc821a08e70:true 0xc821a1e570:true 0xc821a41040:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
name = _tuple$1[0];
offset = _tuple$1[1];
abs = _tuple$1[2];
year = -1;
month = 0;
day = 0;
hour = -1;
min = 0;
sec = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(!(layout === ""))) { break; }
_tuple$2 = nextStdChunk(layout);
prefix = _tuple$2[0];
std = _tuple$2[1];
suffix = _tuple$2[2];
if (!(prefix === "")) {
b = $appendSlice(b, prefix);
if (std === 0) {
layout = suffix;
if (year < 0 && !(((std & 256) === 0))) {
_tuple$3 = absDate(abs, true);
year = _tuple$3[0];
month = _tuple$3[1];
day = _tuple$3[2];
if (hour < 0 && !(((std & 512) === 0))) {
_tuple$4 = absClock(abs);
hour = _tuple$4[0];
min = _tuple$4[1];
sec = _tuple$4[2];
_ref = std & 65535;
switch (0) { default: if (_ref === 274) {
y = year;
if (y < 0) {
y = -y;
b = appendInt(b, (_r$2 = y % 100, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2);
} else if (_ref === 273) {
b = appendInt(b, year, 4);
} else if (_ref === 258) {
b = $appendSlice(b, new Month(month).String().substring(0, 3));
} else if (_ref === 257) {
m = new Month(month).String();
b = $appendSlice(b, m);
} else if (_ref === 259) {
b = appendInt(b, (month >> 0), 0);
} else if (_ref === 260) {
b = appendInt(b, (month >> 0), 2);
} else if (_ref === 262) {
b = $appendSlice(b, new Weekday(absWeekday(abs)).String().substring(0, 3));
} else if (_ref === 261) {
s = new Weekday(absWeekday(abs)).String();
b = $appendSlice(b, s);
} else if (_ref === 263) {
b = appendInt(b, day, 0);
} else if (_ref === 264) {
if (day < 10) {
b = $append(b, 32);
b = appendInt(b, day, 0);
} else if (_ref === 265) {
b = appendInt(b, day, 2);
} else if (_ref === 522) {
b = appendInt(b, hour, 2);
} else if (_ref === 523) {
hr = (_r$3 = hour % 12, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
if (hr === 0) {
hr = 12;
b = appendInt(b, hr, 0);
} else if (_ref === 524) {
hr$1 = (_r$4 = hour % 12, _r$4 === _r$4 ? _r$4 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
if (hr$1 === 0) {
hr$1 = 12;
b = appendInt(b, hr$1, 2);
} else if (_ref === 525) {
b = appendInt(b, min, 0);
} else if (_ref === 526) {
b = appendInt(b, min, 2);
} else if (_ref === 527) {
b = appendInt(b, sec, 2);
} else if (_ref === 528) {
b = appendInt(b, sec, 2);
} else if (_ref === 531) {
if (hour >= 12) {
b = $appendSlice(b, "PM");
} else {
b = $appendSlice(b, "AM");
} else if (_ref === 532) {
if (hour >= 12) {
b = $appendSlice(b, "pm");
} else {
b = $appendSlice(b, "am");
} else if (_ref === 22 || _ref === 24 || _ref === 23 || _ref === 25 || _ref === 26 || _ref === 29 || _ref === 27 || _ref === 30) {
if ((offset === 0) && ((std === 22) || (std === 24) || (std === 23) || (std === 25))) {
b = $append(b, 90);
zone$1 = (_q = offset / 60, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
absoffset = offset;
if (zone$1 < 0) {
b = $append(b, 45);
zone$1 = -zone$1;
absoffset = -absoffset;
} else {
b = $append(b, 43);
b = appendInt(b, (_q$1 = zone$1 / 60, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2);
if ((std === 24) || (std === 29) || (std === 25) || (std === 30)) {
b = $append(b, 58);
b = appendInt(b, (_r$5 = zone$1 % 60, _r$5 === _r$5 ? _r$5 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2);
if ((std === 23) || (std === 27) || (std === 30) || (std === 25)) {
if ((std === 30) || (std === 25)) {
b = $append(b, 58);
b = appendInt(b, (_r$6 = absoffset % 60, _r$6 === _r$6 ? _r$6 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2);
} else if (_ref === 21) {
if (!(name === "")) {
b = $appendSlice(b, name);
zone$2 = (_q$2 = offset / 60, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
if (zone$2 < 0) {
b = $append(b, 45);
zone$2 = -zone$2;
} else {
b = $append(b, 43);
b = appendInt(b, (_q$3 = zone$2 / 60, (_q$3 === _q$3 && _q$3 !== 1/0 && _q$3 !== -1/0) ? _q$3 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2);
b = appendInt(b, (_r$7 = zone$2 % 60, _r$7 === _r$7 ? _r$7 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")), 2);
} else if (_ref === 31 || _ref === 32) {
b = formatNano(b, (t.Nanosecond() >>> 0), std >> 16 >> 0, (std & 65535) === 32);
} }
return b;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.AppendFormat }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._q = _q; $f._q$1 = _q$1; $f._q$2 = _q$2; $f._q$3 = _q$3; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._r$6 = _r$6; $f._r$7 = _r$7; $f._ref = _ref; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f._tuple$2 = _tuple$2; $f._tuple$3 = _tuple$3; $f._tuple$4 = _tuple$4; $f.abs = abs; $f.absoffset = absoffset; $f.b = b; $ = day; $f.hour = hour; $ = hr; $$1 = hr$1; $f.layout = layout; $f.m = m; $f.min = min; $f.month = month; $ = name; $f.offset = offset; $f.prefix = prefix; $f.s = s; $f.sec = sec; $f.std = std; $f.suffix = suffix; $f.t = t; $f.y = y; $f.year = year; $$1 = zone$1; $$2 = zone$2; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.AppendFormat = function(b, layout) { return this.$val.AppendFormat(b, layout); };
quote = function(s) {
var $ptr, s;
return "\"" + s + "\"";
ParseError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() {
var $ptr, e;
e = this;
if (e.Message === "") {
return "parsing time " + quote(e.Value) + " as " + quote(e.Layout) + ": cannot parse " + quote(e.ValueElem) + " as " + quote(e.LayoutElem);
return "parsing time " + quote(e.Value) + e.Message;
ParseError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); };
isDigit = function(s, i) {
var $ptr, c, i, s;
if (s.length <= i) {
return false;
c = s.charCodeAt(i);
return 48 <= c && c <= 57;
getnum = function(s, fixed) {
var $ptr, fixed, s;
if (!isDigit(s, 0)) {
return [0, s, errBad];
if (!isDigit(s, 1)) {
if (fixed) {
return [0, s, errBad];
return [((s.charCodeAt(0) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0), s.substring(1), $ifaceNil];
return [($imul(((s.charCodeAt(0) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0), 10)) + ((s.charCodeAt(1) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0) >> 0, s.substring(2), $ifaceNil];
cutspace = function(s) {
var $ptr, s;
while (true) {
if (!(s.length > 0 && (s.charCodeAt(0) === 32))) { break; }
s = s.substring(1);
return s;
skip = function(value, prefix) {
var $ptr, prefix, value;
while (true) {
if (!(prefix.length > 0)) { break; }
if (prefix.charCodeAt(0) === 32) {
if (value.length > 0 && !((value.charCodeAt(0) === 32))) {
return [value, errBad];
prefix = cutspace(prefix);
value = cutspace(value);
if ((value.length === 0) || !((value.charCodeAt(0) === prefix.charCodeAt(0)))) {
return [value, errBad];
prefix = prefix.substring(1);
value = value.substring(1);
return [value, $ifaceNil];
Parse = function(layout, value) {
var $ptr, _r$1, layout, value, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; layout = $f.layout; value = $f.value; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r$1 = parse(layout, value, $pkg.UTC, $pkg.Local); /* map[0xc8219be320:true 0xc8219e5ac0:true 0xc8219fc5a0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r$1;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Parse }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.layout = layout; $f.value = value; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.Parse = Parse;
parse = function(layout, value, defaultLocation, local) {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$22, _tmp$23, _tmp$24, _tmp$25, _tmp$26, _tmp$27, _tmp$28, _tmp$29, _tmp$3, _tmp$30, _tmp$31, _tmp$32, _tmp$33, _tmp$34, _tmp$35, _tmp$36, _tmp$37, _tmp$38, _tmp$39, _tmp$4, _tmp$40, _tmp$41, _tmp$42, _tmp$43, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple$1, _tuple$10, _tuple$11, _tuple$12, _tuple$13, _tuple$14, _tuple$15, _tuple$16, _tuple$17, _tuple$18, _tuple$19, _tuple$2, _tuple$20, _tuple$21, _tuple$22, _tuple$23, _tuple$24, _tuple$25, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, _tuple$9, alayout, amSet, avalue, day, defaultLocation, err, hour, hour$1, hr, i, layout, local, min, min$1, mm, month, n, n$1, name, ndigit, nsec, offset, offset$1, ok, ok$1, p, pmSet, prefix, rangeErrString, sec, seconds, sign, ss, std, stdstr, suffix, t, t$1, value, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, year, z, zoneName, zoneOffset, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _ref = $f._ref; _ref$1 = $f._ref$1; _ref$2 = $f._ref$2; _ref$3 = $f._ref$3; _tmp = $f._tmp; _tmp$1 = $f._tmp$1; _tmp$10 = $f._tmp$10; _tmp$11 = $f._tmp$11; _tmp$12 = $f._tmp$12; _tmp$13 = $f._tmp$13; _tmp$14 = $f._tmp$14; _tmp$15 = $f._tmp$15; _tmp$16 = $f._tmp$16; _tmp$17 = $f._tmp$17; _tmp$18 = $f._tmp$18; _tmp$19 = $f._tmp$19; _tmp$2 = $f._tmp$2; _tmp$20 = $f._tmp$20; _tmp$21 = $f._tmp$21; _tmp$22 = $f._tmp$22; _tmp$23 = $f._tmp$23; _tmp$24 = $f._tmp$24; _tmp$25 = $f._tmp$25; _tmp$26 = $f._tmp$26; _tmp$27 = $f._tmp$27; _tmp$28 = $f._tmp$28; _tmp$29 = $f._tmp$29; _tmp$3 = $f._tmp$3; _tmp$30 = $f._tmp$30; _tmp$31 = $f._tmp$31; _tmp$32 = $f._tmp$32; _tmp$33 = $f._tmp$33; _tmp$34 = $f._tmp$34; _tmp$35 = $f._tmp$35; _tmp$36 = $f._tmp$36; _tmp$37 = $f._tmp$37; _tmp$38 = $f._tmp$38; _tmp$39 = $f._tmp$39; _tmp$4 = $f._tmp$4; _tmp$40 = $f._tmp$40; _tmp$41 = $f._tmp$41; _tmp$42 = $f._tmp$42; _tmp$43 = $f._tmp$43; _tmp$5 = $f._tmp$5; _tmp$6 = $f._tmp$6; _tmp$7 = $f._tmp$7; _tmp$8 = $f._tmp$8; _tmp$9 = $f._tmp$9; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; _tuple$10 = $f._tuple$10; _tuple$11 = $f._tuple$11; _tuple$12 = $f._tuple$12; _tuple$13 = $f._tuple$13; _tuple$14 = $f._tuple$14; _tuple$15 = $f._tuple$15; _tuple$16 = $f._tuple$16; _tuple$17 = $f._tuple$17; _tuple$18 = $f._tuple$18; _tuple$19 = $f._tuple$19; _tuple$2 = $f._tuple$2; _tuple$20 = $f._tuple$20; _tuple$21 = $f._tuple$21; _tuple$22 = $f._tuple$22; _tuple$23 = $f._tuple$23; _tuple$24 = $f._tuple$24; _tuple$25 = $f._tuple$25; _tuple$3 = $f._tuple$3; _tuple$4 = $f._tuple$4; _tuple$5 = $f._tuple$5; _tuple$6 = $f._tuple$6; _tuple$7 = $f._tuple$7; _tuple$8 = $f._tuple$8; _tuple$9 = $f._tuple$9; alayout = $f.alayout; amSet = $f.amSet; avalue = $f.avalue; day = $; defaultLocation = $f.defaultLocation; err = $f.err; hour = $f.hour; hour$1 = $f.hour$1; hr = $; i = $f.i; layout = $f.layout; local = $f.local; min = $f.min; min$1 = $f.min$1; mm = $; month = $f.month; n = $f.n; n$1 = $f.n$1; name = $; ndigit = $f.ndigit; nsec = $f.nsec; offset = $f.offset; offset$1 = $f.offset$1; ok = $f.ok; ok$1 = $f.ok$1; p = $f.p; pmSet = $f.pmSet; prefix = $f.prefix; rangeErrString = $f.rangeErrString; sec = $f.sec; seconds = $f.seconds; sign = $f.sign; ss = $; std = $f.std; stdstr = $f.stdstr; suffix = $f.suffix; t = $f.t; t$1 = $f.t$1; value = $f.value; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; x$2 = $f.x$2; x$3 = $f.x$3; x$4 = $f.x$4; x$5 = $f.x$5; year = $f.year; z = $f.z; zoneName = $f.zoneName; zoneOffset = $f.zoneOffset; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_tmp = layout;
_tmp$1 = value;
alayout = _tmp;
avalue = _tmp$1;
rangeErrString = "";
amSet = false;
pmSet = false;
year = 0;
month = 1;
day = 1;
hour = 0;
min = 0;
sec = 0;
nsec = 0;
z = ptrType$1.nil;
zoneOffset = -1;
zoneName = "";
while (true) {
err = $ifaceNil;
_tuple$1 = nextStdChunk(layout);
prefix = _tuple$1[0];
std = _tuple$1[1];
suffix = _tuple$1[2];
stdstr = layout.substring(prefix.length, (layout.length - suffix.length >> 0));
_tuple$2 = skip(value, prefix);
value = _tuple$2[0];
err = _tuple$2[1];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) {
return [new Time.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), 0, ptrType$1.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, prefix, value, "")];
if (std === 0) {
if (!((value.length === 0))) {
return [new Time.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), 0, ptrType$1.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": extra text: " + value)];
layout = suffix;
p = "";
_ref = std & 65535;
switch (0) { default: if (_ref === 274) {
if (value.length < 2) {
err = errBad;
_tmp$2 = value.substring(0, 2);
_tmp$3 = value.substring(2);
p = _tmp$2;
value = _tmp$3;
_tuple$3 = atoi(p);
year = _tuple$3[0];
err = _tuple$3[1];
if (year >= 69) {
year = year + (1900) >> 0;
} else {
year = year + (2000) >> 0;
} else if (_ref === 273) {
if (value.length < 4 || !isDigit(value, 0)) {
err = errBad;
_tmp$4 = value.substring(0, 4);
_tmp$5 = value.substring(4);
p = _tmp$4;
value = _tmp$5;
_tuple$4 = atoi(p);
year = _tuple$4[0];
err = _tuple$4[1];
} else if (_ref === 258) {
_tuple$5 = lookup(shortMonthNames, value);
month = _tuple$5[0];
value = _tuple$5[1];
err = _tuple$5[2];
} else if (_ref === 257) {
_tuple$6 = lookup(longMonthNames, value);
month = _tuple$6[0];
value = _tuple$6[1];
err = _tuple$6[2];
} else if (_ref === 259 || _ref === 260) {
_tuple$7 = getnum(value, std === 260);
month = _tuple$7[0];
value = _tuple$7[1];
err = _tuple$7[2];
if (month <= 0 || 12 < month) {
rangeErrString = "month";
} else if (_ref === 262) {
_tuple$8 = lookup(shortDayNames, value);
value = _tuple$8[1];
err = _tuple$8[2];
} else if (_ref === 261) {
_tuple$9 = lookup(longDayNames, value);
value = _tuple$9[1];
err = _tuple$9[2];
} else if (_ref === 263 || _ref === 264 || _ref === 265) {
if ((std === 264) && value.length > 0 && (value.charCodeAt(0) === 32)) {
value = value.substring(1);
_tuple$10 = getnum(value, std === 265);
day = _tuple$10[0];
value = _tuple$10[1];
err = _tuple$10[2];
if (day < 0 || 31 < day) {
rangeErrString = "day";
} else if (_ref === 522) {
_tuple$11 = getnum(value, false);
hour = _tuple$11[0];
value = _tuple$11[1];
err = _tuple$11[2];
if (hour < 0 || 24 <= hour) {
rangeErrString = "hour";
} else if (_ref === 523 || _ref === 524) {
_tuple$12 = getnum(value, std === 524);
hour = _tuple$12[0];
value = _tuple$12[1];
err = _tuple$12[2];
if (hour < 0 || 12 < hour) {
rangeErrString = "hour";
} else if (_ref === 525 || _ref === 526) {
_tuple$13 = getnum(value, std === 526);
min = _tuple$13[0];
value = _tuple$13[1];
err = _tuple$13[2];
if (min < 0 || 60 <= min) {
rangeErrString = "minute";
} else if (_ref === 527 || _ref === 528) {
_tuple$14 = getnum(value, std === 528);
sec = _tuple$14[0];
value = _tuple$14[1];
err = _tuple$14[2];
if (sec < 0 || 60 <= sec) {
rangeErrString = "second";
if (value.length >= 2 && (value.charCodeAt(0) === 46) && isDigit(value, 1)) {
_tuple$15 = nextStdChunk(layout);
std = _tuple$15[1];
std = std & (65535);
if ((std === 31) || (std === 32)) {
n = 2;
while (true) {
if (!(n < value.length && isDigit(value, n))) { break; }
n = n + (1) >> 0;
_tuple$16 = parseNanoseconds(value, n);
nsec = _tuple$16[0];
rangeErrString = _tuple$16[1];
err = _tuple$16[2];
value = value.substring(n);
} else if (_ref === 531) {
if (value.length < 2) {
err = errBad;
_tmp$6 = value.substring(0, 2);
_tmp$7 = value.substring(2);
p = _tmp$6;
value = _tmp$7;
_ref$1 = p;
if (_ref$1 === "PM") {
pmSet = true;
} else if (_ref$1 === "AM") {
amSet = true;
} else {
err = errBad;
} else if (_ref === 532) {
if (value.length < 2) {
err = errBad;
_tmp$8 = value.substring(0, 2);
_tmp$9 = value.substring(2);
p = _tmp$8;
value = _tmp$9;
_ref$2 = p;
if (_ref$2 === "pm") {
pmSet = true;
} else if (_ref$2 === "am") {
amSet = true;
} else {
err = errBad;
} else if (_ref === 22 || _ref === 24 || _ref === 23 || _ref === 25 || _ref === 26 || _ref === 28 || _ref === 29 || _ref === 27 || _ref === 30) {
if (((std === 22) || (std === 24)) && value.length >= 1 && (value.charCodeAt(0) === 90)) {
value = value.substring(1);
z = $pkg.UTC;
_tmp$10 = "";
_tmp$11 = "";
_tmp$12 = "";
_tmp$13 = "";
sign = _tmp$10;
hour$1 = _tmp$11;
min$1 = _tmp$12;
seconds = _tmp$13;
if ((std === 24) || (std === 29)) {
if (value.length < 6) {
err = errBad;
if (!((value.charCodeAt(3) === 58))) {
err = errBad;
_tmp$14 = value.substring(0, 1);
_tmp$15 = value.substring(1, 3);
_tmp$16 = value.substring(4, 6);
_tmp$17 = "00";
_tmp$18 = value.substring(6);
sign = _tmp$14;
hour$1 = _tmp$15;
min$1 = _tmp$16;
seconds = _tmp$17;
value = _tmp$18;
} else if (std === 28) {
if (value.length < 3) {
err = errBad;
_tmp$19 = value.substring(0, 1);
_tmp$20 = value.substring(1, 3);
_tmp$21 = "00";
_tmp$22 = "00";
_tmp$23 = value.substring(3);
sign = _tmp$19;
hour$1 = _tmp$20;
min$1 = _tmp$21;
seconds = _tmp$22;
value = _tmp$23;
} else if ((std === 25) || (std === 30)) {
if (value.length < 9) {
err = errBad;
if (!((value.charCodeAt(3) === 58)) || !((value.charCodeAt(6) === 58))) {
err = errBad;
_tmp$24 = value.substring(0, 1);
_tmp$25 = value.substring(1, 3);
_tmp$26 = value.substring(4, 6);
_tmp$27 = value.substring(7, 9);
_tmp$28 = value.substring(9);
sign = _tmp$24;
hour$1 = _tmp$25;
min$1 = _tmp$26;
seconds = _tmp$27;
value = _tmp$28;
} else if ((std === 23) || (std === 27)) {
if (value.length < 7) {
err = errBad;
_tmp$29 = value.substring(0, 1);
_tmp$30 = value.substring(1, 3);
_tmp$31 = value.substring(3, 5);
_tmp$32 = value.substring(5, 7);
_tmp$33 = value.substring(7);
sign = _tmp$29;
hour$1 = _tmp$30;
min$1 = _tmp$31;
seconds = _tmp$32;
value = _tmp$33;
} else {
if (value.length < 5) {
err = errBad;
_tmp$34 = value.substring(0, 1);
_tmp$35 = value.substring(1, 3);
_tmp$36 = value.substring(3, 5);
_tmp$37 = "00";
_tmp$38 = value.substring(5);
sign = _tmp$34;
hour$1 = _tmp$35;
min$1 = _tmp$36;
seconds = _tmp$37;
value = _tmp$38;
_tmp$39 = 0;
_tmp$40 = 0;
_tmp$41 = 0;
hr = _tmp$39;
mm = _tmp$40;
ss = _tmp$41;
_tuple$17 = atoi(hour$1);
hr = _tuple$17[0];
err = _tuple$17[1];
if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) {
_tuple$18 = atoi(min$1);
mm = _tuple$18[0];
err = _tuple$18[1];
if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) {
_tuple$19 = atoi(seconds);
ss = _tuple$19[0];
err = _tuple$19[1];
zoneOffset = ($imul(((($imul(hr, 60)) + mm >> 0)), 60)) + ss >> 0;
_ref$3 = sign.charCodeAt(0);
if (_ref$3 === 43) {
} else if (_ref$3 === 45) {
zoneOffset = -zoneOffset;
} else {
err = errBad;
} else if (_ref === 21) {
if (value.length >= 3 && value.substring(0, 3) === "UTC") {
z = $pkg.UTC;
value = value.substring(3);
_tuple$20 = parseTimeZone(value);
n$1 = _tuple$20[0];
ok = _tuple$20[1];
if (!ok) {
err = errBad;
_tmp$42 = value.substring(0, n$1);
_tmp$43 = value.substring(n$1);
zoneName = _tmp$42;
value = _tmp$43;
} else if (_ref === 31) {
ndigit = 1 + ((std >> 16 >> 0)) >> 0;
if (value.length < ndigit) {
err = errBad;
_tuple$21 = parseNanoseconds(value, ndigit);
nsec = _tuple$21[0];
rangeErrString = _tuple$21[1];
err = _tuple$21[2];
value = value.substring(ndigit);
} else if (_ref === 32) {
if (value.length < 2 || !((value.charCodeAt(0) === 46)) || value.charCodeAt(1) < 48 || 57 < value.charCodeAt(1)) {
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < 9 && (i + 1 >> 0) < value.length && 48 <= value.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) && value.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) <= 57)) { break; }
i = i + (1) >> 0;
_tuple$22 = parseNanoseconds(value, 1 + i >> 0);
nsec = _tuple$22[0];
rangeErrString = _tuple$22[1];
err = _tuple$22[2];
value = value.substring((1 + i >> 0));
} }
if (!(rangeErrString === "")) {
return [new Time.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), 0, ptrType$1.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, stdstr, value, ": " + rangeErrString + " out of range")];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) {
return [new Time.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), 0, ptrType$1.nil), new ParseError.ptr(alayout, avalue, stdstr, value, "")];
if (pmSet && hour < 12) {
hour = hour + (12) >> 0;
} else if (amSet && (hour === 12)) {
hour = 0;
/* */ if (!(z === ptrType$1.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!(z === ptrType$1.nil)) { */ case 1:
_r$1 = Date(year, (month >> 0), day, hour, min, sec, nsec, z); /* map[0xc8218f7b80:true 0xc8218f6f00:true 0xc8218f7480:true 0xc8219e0600:true 0xc8218f7240:true 0xc8219e0330:true 0xc8219e0930:true 0xc8219e08d0:true 0xc82191fbc0:true 0xc8218f70c0:true 0xc8218f7080:true 0xc8218f7580:true 0xc8218f72c0:true 0xc8218f7700:true 0xc8218f76c0:true 0xc8218f6fc0:true 0xc8218f7540:true 0xc82190d260:true 0xc8218f7c80:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 4; case 4:
return [_r$1, $ifaceNil];
/* } */ case 2:
/* */ if (!((zoneOffset === -1))) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ $s = 6; continue;
/* if (!((zoneOffset === -1))) { */ case 5:
_r$2 = Date(year, (month >> 0), day, hour, min, sec, nsec, $pkg.UTC); /* map[0xc8218f7b80:true 0xc8219e0330:true 0xc8218f6f00:true 0xc8218f7480:true 0xc8219e0600:true 0xc8218f7240:true 0xc8219e0930:true 0xc8219e08d0:true 0xc8218f6fc0:true 0xc82191fbc0:true 0xc8218f70c0:true 0xc8218f7080:true 0xc8218f7580:true 0xc8218f72c0:true 0xc8218f7700:true 0xc8218f76c0:true 0xc8218f7540:true 0xc82190d260:true 0xc8218f7c80:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
t = $clone(_r$2, Time);
t.sec = (x = t.sec, x$1 = new $Int64(0, zoneOffset), new $Int64(x.$high - x$1.$high, x.$low - x$1.$low));
_r$3 = local.lookup((x$2 = t.sec, new $Int64(x$2.$high + -15, x$2.$low + 2288912640))); /* map[0xc8218f7480:true 0xc8219e0600:true 0xc8218f7240:true 0xc8219e0330:true 0xc8218f6f00:true 0xc8219e0930:true 0xc8219e08d0:true 0xc8218f7080:true 0xc8218f7580:true 0xc8218f72c0:true 0xc8218f7700:true 0xc8218f76c0:true 0xc8218f6fc0:true 0xc82191fbc0:true 0xc8218f70c0:true 0xc8218f7540:true 0xc82190d260:true 0xc8218f7c80:true 0xc8218f7b80:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$23 = _r$3;
name = _tuple$23[0];
offset = _tuple$23[1];
if ((offset === zoneOffset) && (zoneName === "" || name === zoneName)) {
t.loc = local;
return [t, $ifaceNil];
t.loc = FixedZone(zoneName, zoneOffset);
return [t, $ifaceNil];
/* } */ case 6:
/* */ if (!(zoneName === "")) { $s = 9; continue; }
/* */ $s = 10; continue;
/* if (!(zoneName === "")) { */ case 9:
_r$4 = Date(year, (month >> 0), day, hour, min, sec, nsec, $pkg.UTC); /* map[0xc8219e0930:true 0xc8219e08d0:true 0xc8218f7080:true 0xc8218f7580:true 0xc8218f72c0:true 0xc8218f7700:true 0xc8218f76c0:true 0xc8218f6fc0:true 0xc82191fbc0:true 0xc8218f70c0:true 0xc8218f7540:true 0xc82190d260:true 0xc8218f7c80:true 0xc8218f7b80:true 0xc8218f7480:true 0xc8219e0600:true 0xc8218f7240:true 0xc8219e0330:true 0xc8218f6f00:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
t$1 = $clone(_r$4, Time);
_r$5 = local.lookupName(zoneName, (x$3 = t$1.sec, new $Int64(x$3.$high + -15, x$3.$low + 2288912640))); /* map[0xc8218f7480:true 0xc8219e0600:true 0xc8218f7240:true 0xc8219e0330:true 0xc8218f6f00:true 0xc8219e0930:true 0xc8219e08d0:true 0xc8218f70c0:true 0xc8218f7080:true 0xc8218f7580:true 0xc8218f72c0:true 0xc8218f7700:true 0xc8218f76c0:true 0xc8218f6fc0:true 0xc82191fbc0:true 0xc8218f7540:true 0xc82190d260:true 0xc8218f7c80:true 0xc8218f7b80:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$24 = _r$5;
offset$1 = _tuple$24[0];
ok$1 = _tuple$24[2];
if (ok$1) {
t$1.sec = (x$4 = t$1.sec, x$5 = new $Int64(0, offset$1), new $Int64(x$4.$high - x$5.$high, x$4.$low - x$5.$low));
t$1.loc = local;
return [t$1, $ifaceNil];
if (zoneName.length > 3 && zoneName.substring(0, 3) === "GMT") {
_tuple$25 = atoi(zoneName.substring(3));
offset$1 = _tuple$25[0];
offset$1 = $imul(offset$1, (3600));
t$1.loc = FixedZone(zoneName, offset$1);
return [t$1, $ifaceNil];
/* } */ case 10:
_r$6 = Date(year, (month >> 0), day, hour, min, sec, nsec, defaultLocation); /* map[0xc8219e0930:true 0xc8219e08d0:true 0xc8218f72c0:true 0xc8218f7700:true 0xc8218f76c0:true 0xc8218f6fc0:true 0xc82191fbc0:true 0xc8218f70c0:true 0xc8218f7080:true 0xc8218f7580:true 0xc8218f7540:true 0xc82190d260:true 0xc8218f7c80:true 0xc8218f7b80:true 0xc8218f7480:true 0xc8219e0600:true 0xc8218f7240:true 0xc8219e0330:true 0xc8218f6f00:true] */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 14; case 14:
return [_r$6, $ifaceNil];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=19) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: parse }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._r$6 = _r$6; $f._ref = _ref; $f._ref$1 = _ref$1; $f._ref$2 = _ref$2; $f._ref$3 = _ref$3; $f._tmp = _tmp; $f._tmp$1 = _tmp$1; $f._tmp$10 = _tmp$10; $f._tmp$11 = _tmp$11; $f._tmp$12 = _tmp$12; $f._tmp$13 = _tmp$13; $f._tmp$14 = _tmp$14; $f._tmp$15 = _tmp$15; $f._tmp$16 = _tmp$16; $f._tmp$17 = _tmp$17; $f._tmp$18 = _tmp$18; $f._tmp$19 = _tmp$19; $f._tmp$2 = _tmp$2; $f._tmp$20 = _tmp$20; $f._tmp$21 = _tmp$21; $f._tmp$22 = _tmp$22; $f._tmp$23 = _tmp$23; $f._tmp$24 = _tmp$24; $f._tmp$25 = _tmp$25; $f._tmp$26 = _tmp$26; $f._tmp$27 = _tmp$27; $f._tmp$28 = _tmp$28; $f._tmp$29 = _tmp$29; $f._tmp$3 = _tmp$3; $f._tmp$30 = _tmp$30; $f._tmp$31 = _tmp$31; $f._tmp$32 = _tmp$32; $f._tmp$33 = _tmp$33; $f._tmp$34 = _tmp$34; $f._tmp$35 = _tmp$35; $f._tmp$36 = _tmp$36; $f._tmp$37 = _tmp$37; $f._tmp$38 = _tmp$38; $f._tmp$39 = _tmp$39; $f._tmp$4 = _tmp$4; $f._tmp$40 = _tmp$40; $f._tmp$41 = _tmp$41; $f._tmp$42 = _tmp$42; $f._tmp$43 = _tmp$43; $f._tmp$5 = _tmp$5; $f._tmp$6 = _tmp$6; $f._tmp$7 = _tmp$7; $f._tmp$8 = _tmp$8; $f._tmp$9 = _tmp$9; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f._tuple$10 = _tuple$10; $f._tuple$11 = _tuple$11; $f._tuple$12 = _tuple$12; $f._tuple$13 = _tuple$13; $f._tuple$14 = _tuple$14; $f._tuple$15 = _tuple$15; $f._tuple$16 = _tuple$16; $f._tuple$17 = _tuple$17; $f._tuple$18 = _tuple$18; $f._tuple$19 = _tuple$19; $f._tuple$2 = _tuple$2; $f._tuple$20 = _tuple$20; $f._tuple$21 = _tuple$21; $f._tuple$22 = _tuple$22; $f._tuple$23 = _tuple$23; $f._tuple$24 = _tuple$24; $f._tuple$25 = _tuple$25; $f._tuple$3 = _tuple$3; $f._tuple$4 = _tuple$4; $f._tuple$5 = _tuple$5; $f._tuple$6 = _tuple$6; $f._tuple$7 = _tuple$7; $f._tuple$8 = _tuple$8; $f._tuple$9 = _tuple$9; $f.alayout = alayout; $f.amSet = amSet; $f.avalue = avalue; $ = day; $f.defaultLocation = defaultLocation; $f.err = err; $f.hour = hour; $f.hour$1 = hour$1; $ = hr; $f.i = i; $f.layout = layout; $f.local = local; $f.min = min; $f.min$1 = min$1; $ = mm; $f.month = month; $f.n = n; $f.n$1 = n$1; $ = name; $f.ndigit = ndigit; $f.nsec = nsec; $f.offset = offset; $f.offset$1 = offset$1; $f.ok = ok; $f.ok$1 = ok$1; $f.p = p; $f.pmSet = pmSet; $f.prefix = prefix; $f.rangeErrString = rangeErrString; $f.sec = sec; $f.seconds = seconds; $f.sign = sign; $ = ss; $f.std = std; $f.stdstr = stdstr; $f.suffix = suffix; $f.t = t; $f.t$1 = t$1; $f.value = value; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.x$2 = x$2; $f.x$3 = x$3; $f.x$4 = x$4; $f.x$5 = x$5; $f.year = year; $f.z = z; $f.zoneName = zoneName; $f.zoneOffset = zoneOffset; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
parseTimeZone = function(value) {
var $ptr, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, c, length, nUpper, ok, value;
length = 0;
ok = false;
if (value.length < 3) {
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = false;
length = _tmp;
ok = _tmp$1;
return [length, ok];
if (value.length >= 4 && (value.substring(0, 4) === "ChST" || value.substring(0, 4) === "MeST")) {
_tmp$2 = 4;
_tmp$3 = true;
length = _tmp$2;
ok = _tmp$3;
return [length, ok];
if (value.substring(0, 3) === "GMT") {
length = parseGMT(value);
_tmp$4 = length;
_tmp$5 = true;
length = _tmp$4;
ok = _tmp$5;
return [length, ok];
nUpper = 0;
nUpper = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(nUpper < 6)) { break; }
if (nUpper >= value.length) {
c = value.charCodeAt(nUpper);
if (c < 65 || 90 < c) {
nUpper = nUpper + (1) >> 0;
_ref = nUpper;
if (_ref === 0 || _ref === 1 || _ref === 2 || _ref === 6) {
_tmp$6 = 0;
_tmp$7 = false;
length = _tmp$6;
ok = _tmp$7;
return [length, ok];
} else if (_ref === 5) {
if (value.charCodeAt(4) === 84) {
_tmp$8 = 5;
_tmp$9 = true;
length = _tmp$8;
ok = _tmp$9;
return [length, ok];
} else if (_ref === 4) {
if (value.charCodeAt(3) === 84) {
_tmp$10 = 4;
_tmp$11 = true;
length = _tmp$10;
ok = _tmp$11;
return [length, ok];
} else if (_ref === 3) {
_tmp$12 = 3;
_tmp$13 = true;
length = _tmp$12;
ok = _tmp$13;
return [length, ok];
_tmp$14 = 0;
_tmp$15 = false;
length = _tmp$14;
ok = _tmp$15;
return [length, ok];
parseGMT = function(value) {
var $ptr, _tuple$1, err, rem, sign, value, x;
value = value.substring(3);
if (value.length === 0) {
return 3;
sign = value.charCodeAt(0);
if (!((sign === 45)) && !((sign === 43))) {
return 3;
_tuple$1 = leadingInt(value.substring(1));
x = _tuple$1[0];
rem = _tuple$1[1];
err = _tuple$1[2];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) {
return 3;
if (sign === 45) {
x = new $Int64(-x.$high, -x.$low);
if ((x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0) || (x.$high < -1 || (x.$high === -1 && x.$low < 4294967282)) || (0 < x.$high || (0 === x.$high && 12 < x.$low))) {
return 3;
return (3 + value.length >> 0) - rem.length >> 0;
parseNanoseconds = function(value, nbytes) {
var $ptr, _tuple$1, err, i, nbytes, ns, rangeErrString, scaleDigits, value;
ns = 0;
rangeErrString = "";
err = $ifaceNil;
if (!((value.charCodeAt(0) === 46))) {
err = errBad;
return [ns, rangeErrString, err];
_tuple$1 = atoi(value.substring(1, nbytes));
ns = _tuple$1[0];
err = _tuple$1[1];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) {
return [ns, rangeErrString, err];
if (ns < 0 || 1000000000 <= ns) {
rangeErrString = "fractional second";
return [ns, rangeErrString, err];
scaleDigits = 10 - nbytes >> 0;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < scaleDigits)) { break; }
ns = $imul(ns, (10));
i = i + (1) >> 0;
return [ns, rangeErrString, err];
leadingInt = function(s) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, c, err, i, rem, s, x, x$1, x$2, x$3;
x = new $Int64(0, 0);
rem = "";
err = $ifaceNil;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < s.length)) { break; }
c = s.charCodeAt(i);
if (c < 48 || c > 57) {
if ((x.$high > 214748364 || (x.$high === 214748364 && x.$low > 3435973836))) {
_tmp = new $Int64(0, 0);
_tmp$1 = "";
_tmp$2 = errLeadingInt;
x = _tmp;
rem = _tmp$1;
err = _tmp$2;
return [x, rem, err];
x = (x$1 = (x$2 = $mul64(x, new $Int64(0, 10)), x$3 = new $Int64(0, c), new $Int64(x$2.$high + x$3.$high, x$2.$low + x$3.$low)), new $Int64(x$1.$high - 0, x$1.$low - 48));
if ((x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low < 0))) {
_tmp$3 = new $Int64(0, 0);
_tmp$4 = "";
_tmp$5 = errLeadingInt;
x = _tmp$3;
rem = _tmp$4;
err = _tmp$5;
return [x, rem, err];
i = i + (1) >> 0;
_tmp$6 = x;
_tmp$7 = s.substring(i);
_tmp$8 = $ifaceNil;
x = _tmp$6;
rem = _tmp$7;
err = _tmp$8;
return [x, rem, err];
Time.ptr.prototype.After = function(u) {
var $ptr, t, u, x, x$1, x$2, x$3;
u = $clone(u, Time);
t = $clone(this, Time);
return (x = t.sec, x$1 = u.sec, (x.$high > x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low > x$1.$low))) || (x$2 = t.sec, x$3 = u.sec, (x$2.$high === x$3.$high && x$2.$low === x$3.$low)) && t.nsec > u.nsec;
Time.prototype.After = function(u) { return this.$val.After(u); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Before = function(u) {
var $ptr, t, u, x, x$1, x$2, x$3;
u = $clone(u, Time);
t = $clone(this, Time);
return (x = t.sec, x$1 = u.sec, (x.$high < x$1.$high || (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low < x$1.$low))) || (x$2 = t.sec, x$3 = u.sec, (x$2.$high === x$3.$high && x$2.$low === x$3.$low)) && t.nsec < u.nsec;
Time.prototype.Before = function(u) { return this.$val.Before(u); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Equal = function(u) {
var $ptr, t, u, x, x$1;
u = $clone(u, Time);
t = $clone(this, Time);
return (x = t.sec, x$1 = u.sec, (x.$high === x$1.$high && x.$low === x$1.$low)) && (t.nsec === u.nsec);
Time.prototype.Equal = function(u) { return this.$val.Equal(u); };
Month.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, m, x;
m = this.$val;
return (x = m - 1 >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= months.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : months[x]));
$ptrType(Month).prototype.String = function() { return new Month(this.$get()).String(); };
Weekday.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, d;
d = this.$val;
return ((d < 0 || d >= days.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : days[d]);
$ptrType(Weekday).prototype.String = function() { return new Weekday(this.$get()).String(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.IsZero = function() {
var $ptr, t, x;
t = $clone(this, Time);
return (x = t.sec, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)) && (t.nsec === 0);
Time.prototype.IsZero = function() { return this.$val.IsZero(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.abs = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple$1, l, offset, sec, t, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; l = $f.l; offset = $f.offset; sec = $f.sec; t = $f.t; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; x$2 = $f.x$2; x$3 = $f.x$3; x$4 = $f.x$4; x$5 = $f.x$5; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
l = t.loc;
/* */ if (l === ptrType$1.nil || l === localLoc) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (l === ptrType$1.nil || l === localLoc) { */ case 1:
_r$1 = l.get(); /* map[0xc820155b00:true 0xc820155a80:true 0xc8215e1770:true 0xc820155d80:true 0xc8215e16e0:true 0xc820155cc0:true 0xc820155c80:true 0xc8215e1860:true 0xc820155ac0:true 0xc820155dc0:true 0xc8215e1380:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
l = _r$1;
/* } */ case 2:
sec = (x = t.sec, new $Int64(x.$high + -15, x.$low + 2288912640));
/* */ if (!(l === utcLoc)) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ $s = 5; continue;
/* if (!(l === utcLoc)) { */ case 4:
/* */ if (!(l.cacheZone === ptrType.nil) && (x$1 = l.cacheStart, (x$1.$high < sec.$high || (x$1.$high === sec.$high && x$1.$low <= sec.$low))) && (x$2 = l.cacheEnd, (sec.$high < x$2.$high || (sec.$high === x$2.$high && sec.$low < x$2.$low)))) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ $s = 7; continue;
/* if (!(l.cacheZone === ptrType.nil) && (x$1 = l.cacheStart, (x$1.$high < sec.$high || (x$1.$high === sec.$high && x$1.$low <= sec.$low))) && (x$2 = l.cacheEnd, (sec.$high < x$2.$high || (sec.$high === x$2.$high && sec.$low < x$2.$low)))) { */ case 6:
sec = (x$3 = new $Int64(0, l.cacheZone.offset), new $Int64(sec.$high + x$3.$high, sec.$low + x$3.$low));
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else { */ case 7:
_r$2 = l.lookup(sec); /* map[0xc8215e1380:true 0xc820155ac0:true 0xc820155dc0:true 0xc8215e1770:true 0xc820155d80:true 0xc8215e16e0:true 0xc820155cc0:true 0xc820155c80:true 0xc8215e1860:true 0xc820155b00:true 0xc820155a80:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$2;
offset = _tuple$1[1];
sec = (x$4 = new $Int64(0, offset), new $Int64(sec.$high + x$4.$high, sec.$low + x$4.$low));
/* } */ case 8:
/* } */ case 5:
return (x$5 = new $Int64(sec.$high + 2147483646, sec.$low + 450480384), new $Uint64(x$5.$high, x$5.$low));
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=11) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.abs }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f.l = l; $f.offset = offset; $f.sec = sec; $f.t = t; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.x$2 = x$2; $f.x$3 = x$3; $f.x$4 = x$4; $f.x$5 = x$5; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.abs = function() { return this.$val.abs(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.locabs = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple$1, abs, l, name, offset, sec, t, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; abs = $f.abs; l = $f.l; name = $; offset = $f.offset; sec = $f.sec; t = $f.t; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; x$2 = $f.x$2; x$3 = $f.x$3; x$4 = $f.x$4; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
name = "";
offset = 0;
abs = new $Uint64(0, 0);
t = $clone(this, Time);
l = t.loc;
/* */ if (l === ptrType$1.nil || l === localLoc) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (l === ptrType$1.nil || l === localLoc) { */ case 1:
_r$1 = l.get(); /* map[0xc8200ea040:true 0xc8215e1fb0:true 0xc8209ce0f0:true 0xc8200ea0c0:true 0xc8215e1c80:true 0xc8200ea000:true 0xc8200ea3c0:true 0xc8209ce000:true 0xc8200ea2c0:true 0xc8200ea280:true 0xc8200ea240:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
l = _r$1;
/* } */ case 2:
sec = (x = t.sec, new $Int64(x.$high + -15, x.$low + 2288912640));
/* */ if (!(l === utcLoc)) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ $s = 5; continue;
/* if (!(l === utcLoc)) { */ case 4:
/* */ if (!(l.cacheZone === ptrType.nil) && (x$1 = l.cacheStart, (x$1.$high < sec.$high || (x$1.$high === sec.$high && x$1.$low <= sec.$low))) && (x$2 = l.cacheEnd, (sec.$high < x$2.$high || (sec.$high === x$2.$high && sec.$low < x$2.$low)))) { $s = 7; continue; }
/* */ $s = 8; continue;
/* if (!(l.cacheZone === ptrType.nil) && (x$1 = l.cacheStart, (x$1.$high < sec.$high || (x$1.$high === sec.$high && x$1.$low <= sec.$low))) && (x$2 = l.cacheEnd, (sec.$high < x$2.$high || (sec.$high === x$2.$high && sec.$low < x$2.$low)))) { */ case 7:
name =;
offset = l.cacheZone.offset;
$s = 9; continue;
/* } else { */ case 8:
_r$2 = l.lookup(sec); /* map[0xc8200ea280:true 0xc8209ce0f0:true 0xc8200ea0c0:true 0xc8215e1c80:true 0xc8200ea000:true 0xc8200ea3c0:true 0xc8209ce000:true 0xc8200ea2c0:true 0xc8200ea240:true 0xc8200ea040:true 0xc8215e1fb0:true] */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$2;
name = _tuple$1[0];
offset = _tuple$1[1];
/* } */ case 9:
sec = (x$3 = new $Int64(0, offset), new $Int64(sec.$high + x$3.$high, sec.$low + x$3.$low));
$s = 6; continue;
/* } else { */ case 5:
name = "UTC";
/* } */ case 6:
abs = (x$4 = new $Int64(sec.$high + 2147483646, sec.$low + 450480384), new $Uint64(x$4.$high, x$4.$low));
return [name, offset, abs];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=11) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.locabs }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f.abs = abs; $f.l = l; $ = name; $f.offset = offset; $f.sec = sec; $f.t = t; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.x$2 = x$2; $f.x$3 = x$3; $f.x$4 = x$4; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.locabs = function() { return this.$val.locabs(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Date = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _tuple$1, day, month, t, year, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; day = $; month = $f.month; t = $f.t; year = $f.year; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
year = 0;
month = 0;
day = 0;
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 =; /* map[0xc8209ce240:true 0xc8200ea640:true 0xc8200ea600:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
year = _tuple$1[0];
month = _tuple$1[1];
day = _tuple$1[2];
return [year, month, day];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Date }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $ = day; $f.month = month; $f.t = t; $f.year = year; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Date = function() { return this.$val.Date(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Year = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _tuple$1, t, year, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; t = $f.t; year = $f.year; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 =; /* map[0xc8209ce3c0:true 0xc8200ea780:true 0xc8200ea740:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
year = _tuple$1[0];
return year;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Year }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f.t = t; $f.year = year; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Year = function() { return this.$val.Year(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Month = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _tuple$1, month, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; month = $f.month; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 =; /* map[0xc8209ce510:true 0xc8200ea900:true 0xc8200ea8c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
month = _tuple$1[1];
return month;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Month }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f.month = month; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Month = function() { return this.$val.Month(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Day = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _tuple$1, day, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; day = $; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 =; /* map[0xc8209ce660:true 0xc8200eaa80:true 0xc8200eaa40:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
day = _tuple$1[2];
return day;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Day }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $ = day; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Day = function() { return this.$val.Day(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Weekday = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.abs(); /* map[0xc8209ce7b0:true 0xc8215e3fc0:true 0xc8200eabc0:true 0xc8200eab80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$2 = absWeekday(_r$1); /* map[0xc8209ce7b0:true 0xc8215e3fc0:true 0xc8200eabc0:true 0xc8200eab80:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 3; case 3:
return _r$2;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Weekday }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Weekday = function() { return this.$val.Weekday(); };
absWeekday = function(abs) {
var $ptr, _q, abs, sec;
sec = $div64((new $Uint64(abs.$high + 0, abs.$low + 86400)), new $Uint64(0, 604800), true);
return ((_q = (sec.$low >> 0) / 86400, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0);
Time.ptr.prototype.ISOWeek = function() {
var $ptr, _q, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _tuple$1, day, dec31wday, jan1wday, month, t, wday, week, yday, year, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _q = $f._q; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; day = $; dec31wday = $f.dec31wday; jan1wday = $f.jan1wday; month = $f.month; t = $f.t; wday = $f.wday; week = $f.week; yday = $f.yday; year = $f.year; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
year = 0;
week = 0;
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 =; /* map[0xc8200eaf00:true 0xc8200eaec0:true 0xc8209cf320:true 0xc8200eafc0:true 0xc8209ceb10:true 0xc8200eaf80:true 0xc8209ceae0:true 0xc8200eaf40:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
year = _tuple$1[0];
month = _tuple$1[1];
day = _tuple$1[2];
yday = _tuple$1[3];
_r$3 = t.Weekday(); /* map[0xc8200eaf80:true 0xc8209ceae0:true 0xc8200eaf40:true 0xc8200eaf00:true 0xc8200eaec0:true 0xc8209cf320:true 0xc8200eafc0:true 0xc8209ceb10:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
wday = (_r$2 = ((_r$3 + 6 >> 0) >> 0) % 7, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
week = (_q = (((yday - wday >> 0) + 7 >> 0)) / 7, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
jan1wday = (_r$4 = (((wday - yday >> 0) + 371 >> 0)) % 7, _r$4 === _r$4 ? _r$4 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
if (1 <= jan1wday && jan1wday <= 3) {
week = week + (1) >> 0;
if (week === 0) {
year = year - (1) >> 0;
week = 52;
if ((jan1wday === 4) || ((jan1wday === 5) && isLeap(year))) {
week = week + (1) >> 0;
if ((month === 12) && day >= 29 && wday < 3) {
dec31wday = (_r$5 = (((wday + 31 >> 0) - day >> 0)) % 7, _r$5 === _r$5 ? _r$5 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
if (0 <= dec31wday && dec31wday <= 2) {
year = year + (1) >> 0;
week = 1;
return [year, week];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=8) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.ISOWeek }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._q = _q; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $ = day; $f.dec31wday = dec31wday; $f.jan1wday = jan1wday; $f.month = month; $f.t = t; $f.wday = wday; $f.week = week; $f.yday = yday; $f.year = year; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.ISOWeek = function() { return this.$val.ISOWeek(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Clock = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple$1, hour, min, sec, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; hour = $f.hour; min = $f.min; sec = $f.sec; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
hour = 0;
min = 0;
sec = 0;
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.abs(); /* map[0xc8209cf470:true 0xc8215c77c0:true 0xc8200eb800:true 0xc8200eb7c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$2 = absClock(_r$1); /* map[0xc8215c77c0:true 0xc8200eb800:true 0xc8200eb7c0:true 0xc8209cf470:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$2;
hour = _tuple$1[0];
min = _tuple$1[1];
sec = _tuple$1[2];
/* */ $s = 3; case 3:
return [hour, min, sec];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Clock }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f.hour = hour; $f.min = min; $f.sec = sec; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Clock = function() { return this.$val.Clock(); };
absClock = function(abs) {
var $ptr, _q, _q$1, abs, hour, min, sec;
hour = 0;
min = 0;
sec = 0;
sec = ($div64(abs, new $Uint64(0, 86400), true).$low >> 0);
hour = (_q = sec / 3600, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
sec = sec - (($imul(hour, 3600))) >> 0;
min = (_q$1 = sec / 60, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
sec = sec - (($imul(min, 60))) >> 0;
return [hour, min, sec];
Time.ptr.prototype.Hour = function() {
var $ptr, _q, _r$1, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _q = $f._q; _r$1 = $f._r$1; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.abs(); /* map[0xc8200ebb80:true 0xc8209cf830:true 0xc8215c7e80:true 0xc8209cf800:true 0xc8200ebbc0:true 0xc8209cf7d0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return (_q = ($div64(_r$1, new $Uint64(0, 86400), true).$low >> 0) / 3600, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Hour }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._q = _q; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Hour = function() { return this.$val.Hour(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Minute = function() {
var $ptr, _q, _r$1, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _q = $f._q; _r$1 = $f._r$1; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.abs(); /* map[0xc8209cf9e0:true 0xc8200ebcc0:true 0xc8209cf9b0:true 0xc8200ebc80:true 0xc8209cfa10:true 0xc8215ae060:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return (_q = ($div64(_r$1, new $Uint64(0, 3600), true).$low >> 0) / 60, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Minute }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._q = _q; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Minute = function() { return this.$val.Minute(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Second = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.abs(); /* map[0xc8209cfb90:true 0xc8215ae200:true 0xc8200ebdc0:true 0xc8209cfb60:true 0xc8200ebd80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return ($div64(_r$1, new $Uint64(0, 60), true).$low >> 0);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Second }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Second = function() { return this.$val.Second(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Nanosecond = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = $clone(this, Time);
return (t.nsec >> 0);
Time.prototype.Nanosecond = function() { return this.$val.Nanosecond(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.YearDay = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _tuple$1, t, yday, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; t = $f.t; yday = $f.yday; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 =; /* map[0xc8209cfe60:true 0xc8200ebfc0:true 0xc8200ebf80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
yday = _tuple$1[3];
return yday + 1 >> 0;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.YearDay }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f.t = t; $f.yday = yday; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.YearDay = function() { return this.$val.YearDay(); };
Duration.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, buf, d, neg, prec, u, w;
d = this;
buf = arrayType$;
w = 32;
u = new $Uint64(d.$high, d.$low);
neg = (d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low < 0));
if (neg) {
u = new $Uint64(-u.$high, -u.$low);
if ((u.$high < 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low < 1000000000))) {
prec = 0;
w = w - (1) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = 115);
w = w - (1) >> 0;
if ((u.$high === 0 && u.$low === 0)) {
return "0";
} else if ((u.$high < 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low < 1000))) {
prec = 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = 110);
} else if ((u.$high < 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low < 1000000))) {
prec = 3;
w = w - (1) >> 0;
$copyString($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), w), "\xC2\xB5");
} else {
prec = 6;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = 109);
_tuple$1 = fmtFrac($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), u, prec);
w = _tuple$1[0];
u = _tuple$1[1];
w = fmtInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), u);
} else {
w = w - (1) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = 115);
_tuple$2 = fmtFrac($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), u, 9);
w = _tuple$2[0];
u = _tuple$2[1];
w = fmtInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), $div64(u, new $Uint64(0, 60), true));
u = $div64(u, (new $Uint64(0, 60)), false);
if ((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low > 0))) {
w = w - (1) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = 109);
w = fmtInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), $div64(u, new $Uint64(0, 60), true));
u = $div64(u, (new $Uint64(0, 60)), false);
if ((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low > 0))) {
w = w - (1) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = 104);
w = fmtInt($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), 0, w), u);
if (neg) {
w = w - (1) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = 45);
return $bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType$3(buf), w));
$ptrType(Duration).prototype.String = function() { return this.$get().String(); };
fmtFrac = function(buf, v, prec) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, buf, digit, i, nv, nw, prec, print, v, w;
nw = 0;
nv = new $Uint64(0, 0);
w = buf.$length;
print = false;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < prec)) { break; }
digit = $div64(v, new $Uint64(0, 10), true);
print = print || !((digit.$high === 0 && digit.$low === 0));
if (print) {
w = w - (1) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = ((digit.$low << 24 >>> 24) + 48 << 24 >>> 24));
v = $div64(v, (new $Uint64(0, 10)), false);
i = i + (1) >> 0;
if (print) {
w = w - (1) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = 46);
_tmp = w;
_tmp$1 = v;
nw = _tmp;
nv = _tmp$1;
return [nw, nv];
fmtInt = function(buf, v) {
var $ptr, buf, v, w;
w = buf.$length;
if ((v.$high === 0 && v.$low === 0)) {
w = w - (1) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = 48);
} else {
while (true) {
if (!((v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low > 0)))) { break; }
w = w - (1) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = (($div64(v, new $Uint64(0, 10), true).$low << 24 >>> 24) + 48 << 24 >>> 24));
v = $div64(v, (new $Uint64(0, 10)), false);
return w;
Duration.prototype.Nanoseconds = function() {
var $ptr, d;
d = this;
return new $Int64(d.$high, d.$low);
$ptrType(Duration).prototype.Nanoseconds = function() { return this.$get().Nanoseconds(); };
Duration.prototype.Seconds = function() {
var $ptr, d, nsec, sec;
d = this;
sec = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), false);
nsec = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), true);
return $flatten64(sec) + $flatten64(nsec) * 1e-09;
$ptrType(Duration).prototype.Seconds = function() { return this.$get().Seconds(); };
Duration.prototype.Minutes = function() {
var $ptr, d, min, nsec;
d = this;
min = $div64(d, new Duration(13, 4165425152), false);
nsec = $div64(d, new Duration(13, 4165425152), true);
return $flatten64(min) + $flatten64(nsec) * 1.6666666666666667e-11;
$ptrType(Duration).prototype.Minutes = function() { return this.$get().Minutes(); };
Duration.prototype.Hours = function() {
var $ptr, d, hour, nsec;
d = this;
hour = $div64(d, new Duration(838, 817405952), false);
nsec = $div64(d, new Duration(838, 817405952), true);
return $flatten64(hour) + $flatten64(nsec) * 2.777777777777778e-13;
$ptrType(Duration).prototype.Hours = function() { return this.$get().Hours(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Add = function(d) {
var $ptr, d, nsec, t, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7;
t = $clone(this, Time);
t.sec = (x = t.sec, x$1 = (x$2 = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), false), new $Int64(x$2.$high, x$2.$low)), new $Int64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low));
nsec = t.nsec + ((x$3 = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), true), x$3.$low + ((x$3.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0) >> 0;
if (nsec >= 1000000000) {
t.sec = (x$4 = t.sec, x$5 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$4.$high + x$5.$high, x$4.$low + x$5.$low));
nsec = nsec - (1000000000) >> 0;
} else if (nsec < 0) {
t.sec = (x$6 = t.sec, x$7 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$6.$high - x$7.$high, x$6.$low - x$7.$low));
nsec = nsec + (1000000000) >> 0;
t.nsec = nsec;
return t;
Time.prototype.Add = function(d) { return this.$val.Add(d); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Sub = function(u) {
var $ptr, d, t, u, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4;
u = $clone(u, Time);
t = $clone(this, Time);
d = (x = $mul64((x$1 = (x$2 = t.sec, x$3 = u.sec, new $Int64(x$2.$high - x$3.$high, x$2.$low - x$3.$low)), new Duration(x$1.$high, x$1.$low)), new Duration(0, 1000000000)), x$4 = new Duration(0, (t.nsec - u.nsec >> 0)), new Duration(x.$high + x$4.$high, x.$low + x$4.$low));
if (u.Add(d).Equal(t)) {
return d;
} else if (t.Before(u)) {
return new Duration(-2147483648, 0);
} else {
return new Duration(2147483647, 4294967295);
Time.prototype.Sub = function(u) { return this.$val.Sub(u); };
Time.ptr.prototype.AddDate = function(years, months$1, days$1) {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, day, days$1, hour, min, month, months$1, sec, t, year, years, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; _tuple$2 = $f._tuple$2; day = $; days$1 = $f.days$1; hour = $f.hour; min = $f.min; month = $f.month; months$1 = $f.months$1; sec = $f.sec; t = $f.t; year = $f.year; years = $f.years; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.Date(); /* map[0xc8204773c0:true 0xc8207138c0:true 0xc8204775c0:true 0xc82016ecf0:true 0xc8204774c0:true 0xc820477480:true 0xc820477400:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
year = _tuple$1[0];
month = _tuple$1[1];
day = _tuple$1[2];
_r$2 = t.Clock(); /* map[0xc82016ecf0:true 0xc8204774c0:true 0xc820477480:true 0xc820477400:true 0xc8204773c0:true 0xc8207138c0:true 0xc8204775c0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$2 = _r$2;
hour = _tuple$2[0];
min = _tuple$2[1];
sec = _tuple$2[2];
_r$3 = Date(year + years >> 0, month + (months$1 >> 0) >> 0, day + days$1 >> 0, hour, min, sec, (t.nsec >> 0), t.loc); /* map[0xc82016ecf0:true 0xc8204774c0:true 0xc820477480:true 0xc820477400:true 0xc8204773c0:true 0xc8207138c0:true 0xc8204775c0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 4; case 4:
return _r$3;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.AddDate }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f._tuple$2 = _tuple$2; $ = day; $f.days$1 = days$1; $f.hour = hour; $f.min = min; $f.month = month; $f.months$1 = months$1; $f.sec = sec; $f.t = t; $f.year = year; $f.years = years; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.AddDate = function(years, months$1, days$1) { return this.$val.AddDate(years, months$1, days$1); }; = function(full) {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple$1, day, full, month, t, yday, year, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; day = $; full = $f.full; month = $f.month; t = $f.t; yday = $f.yday; year = $f.year; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
year = 0;
month = 0;
day = 0;
yday = 0;
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.abs(); /* map[0xc82016f110:true 0xc820713fc0:true 0xc8204778c0:true 0xc820477880:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$2 = absDate(_r$1, full); /* map[0xc82016f110:true 0xc820713fc0:true 0xc8204778c0:true 0xc820477880:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$2;
year = _tuple$1[0];
month = _tuple$1[1];
day = _tuple$1[2];
yday = _tuple$1[3];
/* */ $s = 3; case 3:
return [year, month, day, yday];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $ = day; $f.full = full; $f.month = month; $f.t = t; $f.yday = yday; $f.year = year; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
}; = function(full) { return this.$; };
absDate = function(abs, full) {
var $ptr, _q, abs, begin, d, day, end, full, month, n, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, yday, year;
year = 0;
month = 0;
day = 0;
yday = 0;
d = $div64(abs, new $Uint64(0, 86400), false);
n = $div64(d, new $Uint64(0, 146097), false);
y = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 400), n);
d = (x = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 146097), n), new $Uint64(d.$high - x.$high, d.$low - x.$low));
n = $div64(d, new $Uint64(0, 36524), false);
n = (x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(n, 2), new $Uint64(n.$high - x$1.$high, n.$low - x$1.$low));
y = (x$2 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 100), n), new $Uint64(y.$high + x$2.$high, y.$low + x$2.$low));
d = (x$3 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 36524), n), new $Uint64(d.$high - x$3.$high, d.$low - x$3.$low));
n = $div64(d, new $Uint64(0, 1461), false);
y = (x$4 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4), n), new $Uint64(y.$high + x$4.$high, y.$low + x$4.$low));
d = (x$5 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 1461), n), new $Uint64(d.$high - x$5.$high, d.$low - x$5.$low));
n = $div64(d, new $Uint64(0, 365), false);
n = (x$6 = $shiftRightUint64(n, 2), new $Uint64(n.$high - x$6.$high, n.$low - x$6.$low));
y = (x$7 = n, new $Uint64(y.$high + x$7.$high, y.$low + x$7.$low));
d = (x$8 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 365), n), new $Uint64(d.$high - x$8.$high, d.$low - x$8.$low));
year = ((x$9 = (x$10 = new $Int64(y.$high, y.$low), new $Int64(x$10.$high + -69, x$10.$low + 4075721025)), x$9.$low + ((x$9.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0);
yday = (d.$low >> 0);
if (!full) {
return [year, month, day, yday];
day = yday;
if (isLeap(year)) {
if (day > 59) {
day = day - (1) >> 0;
} else if (day === 59) {
month = 2;
day = 29;
return [year, month, day, yday];
month = ((_q = day / 31, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0);
end = ((x$11 = month + 1 >> 0, ((x$11 < 0 || x$11 >= daysBefore.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : daysBefore[x$11])) >> 0);
begin = 0;
if (day >= end) {
month = month + (1) >> 0;
begin = end;
} else {
begin = (((month < 0 || month >= daysBefore.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : daysBefore[month]) >> 0);
month = month + (1) >> 0;
day = (day - begin >> 0) + 1 >> 0;
return [year, month, day, yday];
Time.ptr.prototype.UTC = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = $clone(this, Time);
t.loc = $pkg.UTC;
return t;
Time.prototype.UTC = function() { return this.$val.UTC(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Local = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = $clone(this, Time);
t.loc = $pkg.Local;
return t;
Time.prototype.Local = function() { return this.$val.Local(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.In = function(loc) {
var $ptr, loc, t;
t = $clone(this, Time);
if (loc === ptrType$1.nil) {
$panic(new $String("time: missing Location in call to Time.In"));
t.loc = loc;
return t;
Time.prototype.In = function(loc) { return this.$val.In(loc); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Location = function() {
var $ptr, l, t;
t = $clone(this, Time);
l = t.loc;
if (l === ptrType$1.nil) {
l = $pkg.UTC;
return l;
Time.prototype.Location = function() { return this.$val.Location(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Zone = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _tuple$1, name, offset, t, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; name = $; offset = $f.offset; t = $f.t; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
name = "";
offset = 0;
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.loc.lookup((x = t.sec, new $Int64(x.$high + -15, x.$low + 2288912640))); /* map[0xc82046be80:true 0xc82046be00:true 0xc82016dce0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
name = _tuple$1[0];
offset = _tuple$1[1];
return [name, offset];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.Zone }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $ = name; $f.offset = offset; $f.t = t; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.Zone = function() { return this.$val.Zone(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Unix = function() {
var $ptr, t, x;
t = $clone(this, Time);
return (x = t.sec, new $Int64(x.$high + -15, x.$low + 2288912640));
Time.prototype.Unix = function() { return this.$val.Unix(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.UnixNano = function() {
var $ptr, t, x, x$1, x$2;
t = $clone(this, Time);
return (x = $mul64(((x$1 = t.sec, new $Int64(x$1.$high + -15, x$1.$low + 2288912640))), new $Int64(0, 1000000000)), x$2 = new $Int64(0, t.nsec), new $Int64(x.$high + x$2.$high, x.$low + x$2.$low));
Time.prototype.UnixNano = function() { return this.$val.UnixNano(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() {
var $ptr, _q, _r$1, _r$2, _tuple$1, enc, offset, offsetMin, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _q = $f._q; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; enc = $f.enc; offset = $f.offset; offsetMin = $f.offsetMin; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
offsetMin = 0;
/* */ if (t.Location() === utcLoc) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (t.Location() === utcLoc) { */ case 1:
offsetMin = -1;
$s = 3; continue;
/* } else { */ case 2:
_r$1 = t.Zone(); /* map[0xc8203c2280:true 0xc820156990:true 0xc8203c2580:true 0xc820156660:true 0xc8203c22c0:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
offset = _tuple$1[1];
if (!(((_r$2 = offset % 60, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0))) {
return [sliceType$3.nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalBinary: zone offset has fractional minute")];
offset = (_q = offset / (60), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
if (offset < -32768 || (offset === -1) || offset > 32767) {
return [sliceType$3.nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalBinary: unexpected zone offset")];
offsetMin = (offset << 16 >> 16);
/* } */ case 3:
enc = new sliceType$3([1, ($shiftRightInt64(t.sec, 56).$low << 24 >>> 24), ($shiftRightInt64(t.sec, 48).$low << 24 >>> 24), ($shiftRightInt64(t.sec, 40).$low << 24 >>> 24), ($shiftRightInt64(t.sec, 32).$low << 24 >>> 24), ($shiftRightInt64(t.sec, 24).$low << 24 >>> 24), ($shiftRightInt64(t.sec, 16).$low << 24 >>> 24), ($shiftRightInt64(t.sec, 8).$low << 24 >>> 24), (t.sec.$low << 24 >>> 24), ((t.nsec >> 24 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24), ((t.nsec >> 16 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24), ((t.nsec >> 8 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24), (t.nsec << 24 >>> 24), ((offsetMin >> 8 << 16 >> 16) << 24 >>> 24), (offsetMin << 24 >>> 24)]);
return [enc, $ifaceNil];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalBinary }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._q = _q; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f.enc = enc; $f.offset = offset; $f.offsetMin = offsetMin; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.MarshalBinary = function() { return this.$val.MarshalBinary(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(data$1) {
var $ptr, _r$1, _tuple$1, buf, data$1, localoff, offset, t, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; buf = $f.buf; data$1 = $$1; localoff = $f.localoff; offset = $f.offset; t = $f.t; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; x$10 = $f.x$10; x$11 = $f.x$11; x$12 = $f.x$12; x$13 = $f.x$13; x$14 = $f.x$14; x$2 = $f.x$2; x$3 = $f.x$3; x$4 = $f.x$4; x$5 = $f.x$5; x$6 = $f.x$6; x$7 = $f.x$7; x$8 = $f.x$8; x$9 = $f.x$9; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = this;
buf = data$1;
if (buf.$length === 0) {
return errors.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: no data");
if (!(((0 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]) === 1))) {
return errors.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: unsupported version");
if (!((buf.$length === 15))) {
return errors.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: invalid length");
buf = $subslice(buf, 1);
t.sec = (x = (x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = (x$4 = (x$5 = (x$6 = new $Int64(0, (7 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 7])), x$7 = $shiftLeft64(new $Int64(0, (6 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 6])), 8), new $Int64(x$6.$high | x$7.$high, (x$6.$low | x$7.$low) >>> 0)), x$8 = $shiftLeft64(new $Int64(0, (5 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 5])), 16), new $Int64(x$5.$high | x$8.$high, (x$5.$low | x$8.$low) >>> 0)), x$9 = $shiftLeft64(new $Int64(0, (4 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 4])), 24), new $Int64(x$4.$high | x$9.$high, (x$4.$low | x$9.$low) >>> 0)), x$10 = $shiftLeft64(new $Int64(0, (3 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 3])), 32), new $Int64(x$3.$high | x$10.$high, (x$3.$low | x$10.$low) >>> 0)), x$11 = $shiftLeft64(new $Int64(0, (2 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 2])), 40), new $Int64(x$2.$high | x$11.$high, (x$2.$low | x$11.$low) >>> 0)), x$12 = $shiftLeft64(new $Int64(0, (1 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 1])), 48), new $Int64(x$1.$high | x$12.$high, (x$1.$low | x$12.$low) >>> 0)), x$13 = $shiftLeft64(new $Int64(0, (0 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0])), 56), new $Int64(x.$high | x$13.$high, (x.$low | x$13.$low) >>> 0));
buf = $subslice(buf, 8);
t.nsec = ((((3 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 3]) >> 0) | (((2 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 2]) >> 0) << 8 >> 0)) | (((1 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 1]) >> 0) << 16 >> 0)) | (((0 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]) >> 0) << 24 >> 0);
buf = $subslice(buf, 4);
offset = $imul(((((1 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 1]) << 16 >> 16) | (((0 >= buf.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + 0]) << 16 >> 16) << 8 << 16 >> 16)) >> 0), 60);
/* */ if (offset === -60) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (offset === -60) { */ case 1:
t.loc = utcLoc;
$s = 3; continue;
/* } else { */ case 2:
_r$1 = $pkg.Local.lookup((x$14 = t.sec, new $Int64(x$14.$high + -15, x$14.$low + 2288912640))); /* map[0xc8203c3340:true 0xc820157890:true 0xc8203c34c0:true 0xc8203c3480:true 0xc8203c3380:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
localoff = _tuple$1[1];
/* */ if (offset === localoff) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ $s = 6; continue;
/* if (offset === localoff) { */ case 5:
t.loc = $pkg.Local;
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else { */ case 6:
t.loc = FixedZone("", offset);
/* } */ case 7:
/* } */ case 3:
return $ifaceNil;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalBinary }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f.buf = buf; $$1 = data$1; $f.localoff = localoff; $f.offset = offset; $f.t = t; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.x$10 = x$10; $f.x$11 = x$11; $f.x$12 = x$12; $f.x$13 = x$13; $f.x$14 = x$14; $f.x$2 = x$2; $f.x$3 = x$3; $f.x$4 = x$4; $f.x$5 = x$5; $f.x$6 = x$6; $f.x$7 = x$7; $f.x$8 = x$8; $f.x$9 = x$9; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.UnmarshalBinary = function(data$1) { return this.$val.UnmarshalBinary(data$1); };
Time.ptr.prototype.GobEncode = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.MarshalBinary(); /* map[0xc820157b00:true 0xc820f22740:true 0xc8203c3600:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r$1;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.GobEncode }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.GobEncode = function() { return this.$val.GobEncode(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.GobDecode = function(data$1) {
var $ptr, _r$1, data$1, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; data$1 = $$1; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = this;
_r$1 = t.UnmarshalBinary(data$1); /* map[0xc820157ce0:true 0xc820f22920:true 0xc8203c3740:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r$1;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.GobDecode }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $$1 = data$1; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.GobDecode = function(data$1) { return this.$val.GobDecode(data$1); };
Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalJSON = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, t, y, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; t = $f.t; y = $f.y; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.Year(); /* map[0xc8203c3a40:true 0xc8201521b0:true 0xc8203c3a00:true 0xc8203c38c0:true 0xc8203c3880:true 0xc820f22ec0:true 0xc8203c3a80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
y = _r$1;
/* */ if (y < 0 || y >= 10000) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (y < 0 || y >= 10000) { */ case 2:
return [sliceType$3.nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalJSON: year outside of range [0,9999]")];
/* } */ case 3:
_r$2 = t.Format("\"2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00\""); /* map[0xc8203c3880:true 0xc820f22ec0:true 0xc8203c3a80:true 0xc8203c3a40:true 0xc8201521b0:true 0xc8203c3a00:true 0xc8203c38c0:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 5; case 5:
return [new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(_r$2)), $ifaceNil];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalJSON }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f.t = t; $f.y = y; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.MarshalJSON = function() { return this.$val.MarshalJSON(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSON = function(data$1) {
var $ptr, _r$1, _tuple$1, data$1, err, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; data$1 = $$1; err = $f.err; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
err = $ifaceNil;
t = this;
_r$1 = Parse("\"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00\"", $bytesToString(data$1)); /* map[0xc8203c3c80:true 0xc8203c3c40:true 0xc8201523f0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
Time.copy(t, _tuple$1[0]);
err = _tuple$1[1];
return err;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalJSON }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $$1 = data$1; $f.err = err; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.UnmarshalJSON = function(data$1) { return this.$val.UnmarshalJSON(data$1); };
Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalText = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, t, y, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; t = $f.t; y = $f.y; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = $clone(this, Time);
_r$1 = t.Year(); /* map[0xc82049e0c0:true 0xc82049e080:true 0xc8201527b0:true 0xc82049e040:true 0xc8203c3e80:true 0xc8203c3e00:true 0xc820f23660:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
y = _r$1;
/* */ if (y < 0 || y >= 10000) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (y < 0 || y >= 10000) { */ case 2:
return [sliceType$3.nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalText: year outside of range [0,9999]")];
/* } */ case 3:
_r$2 = t.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"); /* map[0xc8203c3e80:true 0xc8203c3e00:true 0xc820f23660:true 0xc82049e0c0:true 0xc82049e080:true 0xc8201527b0:true 0xc82049e040:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 5; case 5:
return [new sliceType$3($stringToBytes(_r$2)), $ifaceNil];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.MarshalText }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f.t = t; $f.y = y; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.MarshalText = function() { return this.$val.MarshalText(); };
Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(data$1) {
var $ptr, _r$1, _tuple$1, data$1, err, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; data$1 = $$1; err = $f.err; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
err = $ifaceNil;
t = this;
_r$1 = Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00", $bytesToString(data$1)); /* map[0xc820152990:true 0xc82049e400:true 0xc82049e380:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$1;
Time.copy(t, _tuple$1[0]);
err = _tuple$1[1];
return err;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Time.ptr.prototype.UnmarshalText }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $$1 = data$1; $f.err = err; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Time.prototype.UnmarshalText = function(data$1) { return this.$val.UnmarshalText(data$1); };
Unix = function(sec, nsec) {
var $ptr, n, nsec, sec, x, x$1, x$2, x$3;
if ((nsec.$high < 0 || (nsec.$high === 0 && nsec.$low < 0)) || (nsec.$high > 0 || (nsec.$high === 0 && nsec.$low >= 1000000000))) {
n = $div64(nsec, new $Int64(0, 1000000000), false);
sec = (x = n, new $Int64(sec.$high + x.$high, sec.$low + x.$low));
nsec = (x$1 = $mul64(n, new $Int64(0, 1000000000)), new $Int64(nsec.$high - x$1.$high, nsec.$low - x$1.$low));
if ((nsec.$high < 0 || (nsec.$high === 0 && nsec.$low < 0))) {
nsec = (x$2 = new $Int64(0, 1000000000), new $Int64(nsec.$high + x$2.$high, nsec.$low + x$2.$low));
sec = (x$3 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(sec.$high - x$3.$high, sec.$low - x$3.$low));
return new Time.ptr(new $Int64(sec.$high + 14, sec.$low + 2006054656), ((nsec.$low + ((nsec.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0), $pkg.Local);
$pkg.Unix = Unix;
isLeap = function(year) {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, year;
return ((_r$1 = year % 4, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0) && (!(((_r$2 = year % 100, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0)) || ((_r$3 = year % 400, _r$3 === _r$3 ? _r$3 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0));
norm = function(hi, lo, base) {
var $ptr, _q, _q$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, base, hi, lo, n, n$1, nhi, nlo;
nhi = 0;
nlo = 0;
if (lo < 0) {
n = (_q = ((-lo - 1 >> 0)) / base, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 1 >> 0;
hi = hi - (n) >> 0;
lo = lo + (($imul(n, base))) >> 0;
if (lo >= base) {
n$1 = (_q$1 = lo / base, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
hi = hi + (n$1) >> 0;
lo = lo - (($imul(n$1, base))) >> 0;
_tmp = hi;
_tmp$1 = lo;
nhi = _tmp;
nlo = _tmp$1;
return [nhi, nlo];
Date = function(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec, loc) {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, _tuple$3, _tuple$4, _tuple$5, _tuple$6, _tuple$7, _tuple$8, abs, d, day, end, hour, loc, m, min, month, n, nsec, offset, sec, start, unix, utc, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y, year, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; _tuple$2 = $f._tuple$2; _tuple$3 = $f._tuple$3; _tuple$4 = $f._tuple$4; _tuple$5 = $f._tuple$5; _tuple$6 = $f._tuple$6; _tuple$7 = $f._tuple$7; _tuple$8 = $f._tuple$8; abs = $f.abs; d = $f.d; day = $; end = $f.end; hour = $f.hour; loc = $f.loc; m = $f.m; min = $f.min; month = $f.month; n = $f.n; nsec = $f.nsec; offset = $f.offset; sec = $f.sec; start = $f.start; unix = $f.unix; utc = $f.utc; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; x$10 = $f.x$10; x$11 = $f.x$11; x$12 = $f.x$12; x$13 = $f.x$13; x$14 = $f.x$14; x$15 = $f.x$15; x$2 = $f.x$2; x$3 = $f.x$3; x$4 = $f.x$4; x$5 = $f.x$5; x$6 = $f.x$6; x$7 = $f.x$7; x$8 = $f.x$8; x$9 = $f.x$9; y = $f.y; year = $f.year; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
if (loc === ptrType$1.nil) {
$panic(new $String("time: missing Location in call to Date"));
m = (month >> 0) - 1 >> 0;
_tuple$1 = norm(year, m, 12);
year = _tuple$1[0];
m = _tuple$1[1];
month = (m >> 0) + 1 >> 0;
_tuple$2 = norm(sec, nsec, 1000000000);
sec = _tuple$2[0];
nsec = _tuple$2[1];
_tuple$3 = norm(min, sec, 60);
min = _tuple$3[0];
sec = _tuple$3[1];
_tuple$4 = norm(hour, min, 60);
hour = _tuple$4[0];
min = _tuple$4[1];
_tuple$5 = norm(day, hour, 24);
day = _tuple$5[0];
hour = _tuple$5[1];
y = (x = (x$1 = new $Int64(0, year), new $Int64(x$1.$high - -69, x$1.$low - 4075721025)), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low));
n = $div64(y, new $Uint64(0, 400), false);
y = (x$2 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 400), n), new $Uint64(y.$high - x$2.$high, y.$low - x$2.$low));
d = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 146097), n);
n = $div64(y, new $Uint64(0, 100), false);
y = (x$3 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 100), n), new $Uint64(y.$high - x$3.$high, y.$low - x$3.$low));
d = (x$4 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 36524), n), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$4.$high, d.$low + x$4.$low));
n = $div64(y, new $Uint64(0, 4), false);
y = (x$5 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4), n), new $Uint64(y.$high - x$5.$high, y.$low - x$5.$low));
d = (x$6 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 1461), n), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$6.$high, d.$low + x$6.$low));
n = y;
d = (x$7 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 365), n), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$7.$high, d.$low + x$7.$low));
d = (x$8 = new $Uint64(0, (x$9 = month - 1 >> 0, ((x$9 < 0 || x$9 >= daysBefore.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : daysBefore[x$9]))), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$8.$high, d.$low + x$8.$low));
if (isLeap(year) && month >= 3) {
d = (x$10 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$10.$high, d.$low + x$10.$low));
d = (x$11 = new $Uint64(0, (day - 1 >> 0)), new $Uint64(d.$high + x$11.$high, d.$low + x$11.$low));
abs = $mul64(d, new $Uint64(0, 86400));
abs = (x$12 = new $Uint64(0, ((($imul(hour, 3600)) + ($imul(min, 60)) >> 0) + sec >> 0)), new $Uint64(abs.$high + x$12.$high, abs.$low + x$12.$low));
unix = (x$13 = new $Int64(abs.$high, abs.$low), new $Int64(x$13.$high + -2147483647, x$13.$low + 3844486912));
_r$1 = loc.lookup(unix); /* map[0xc820184c80:true 0xc820150330:true 0xc820150300:true 0xc820184ac0:true 0xc820184a40:true 0xc820184b40:true 0xc820184900:true 0xc8201848c0:true 0xc8201502d0:true 0xc820184a80:true 0xc820184bc0:true 0xc820184b80:true 0xc8201503c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$6 = _r$1;
offset = _tuple$6[1];
start = _tuple$6[3];
end = _tuple$6[4];
/* */ if (!((offset === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (!((offset === 0))) { */ case 2:
utc = (x$14 = new $Int64(0, offset), new $Int64(unix.$high - x$14.$high, unix.$low - x$14.$low));
/* */ if ((utc.$high < start.$high || (utc.$high === start.$high && utc.$low < start.$low))) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ if ((utc.$high > end.$high || (utc.$high === end.$high && utc.$low >= end.$low))) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ $s = 6; continue;
/* if ((utc.$high < start.$high || (utc.$high === start.$high && utc.$low < start.$low))) { */ case 4:
_r$2 = loc.lookup(new $Int64(start.$high - 0, start.$low - 1)); /* map[0xc820184a80:true 0xc820184bc0:true 0xc820184b80:true 0xc8201503c0:true 0xc8201848c0:true 0xc8201502d0:true 0xc820150300:true 0xc820184ac0:true 0xc820184a40:true 0xc820184b40:true 0xc820184900:true 0xc820184c80:true 0xc820150330:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$7 = _r$2;
offset = _tuple$7[1];
$s = 6; continue;
/* } else if ((utc.$high > end.$high || (utc.$high === end.$high && utc.$low >= end.$low))) { */ case 5:
_r$3 = loc.lookup(end); /* map[0xc820184c80:true 0xc820150330:true 0xc820150300:true 0xc820184ac0:true 0xc820184a40:true 0xc820184b40:true 0xc820184900:true 0xc8201848c0:true 0xc8201502d0:true 0xc820184a80:true 0xc820184bc0:true 0xc820184b80:true 0xc8201503c0:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$8 = _r$3;
offset = _tuple$8[1];
/* } */ case 6:
unix = (x$15 = new $Int64(0, offset), new $Int64(unix.$high - x$15.$high, unix.$low - x$15.$low));
/* } */ case 3:
return new Time.ptr(new $Int64(unix.$high + 14, unix.$low + 2006054656), (nsec >> 0), loc);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=13) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Date }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f._tuple$2 = _tuple$2; $f._tuple$3 = _tuple$3; $f._tuple$4 = _tuple$4; $f._tuple$5 = _tuple$5; $f._tuple$6 = _tuple$6; $f._tuple$7 = _tuple$7; $f._tuple$8 = _tuple$8; $f.abs = abs; $f.d = d; $ = day; $f.end = end; $f.hour = hour; $f.loc = loc; $f.m = m; $f.min = min; $f.month = month; $f.n = n; $f.nsec = nsec; $f.offset = offset; $f.sec = sec; $f.start = start; $f.unix = unix; $f.utc = utc; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.x$10 = x$10; $f.x$11 = x$11; $f.x$12 = x$12; $f.x$13 = x$13; $f.x$14 = x$14; $f.x$15 = x$15; $f.x$2 = x$2; $f.x$3 = x$3; $f.x$4 = x$4; $f.x$5 = x$5; $f.x$6 = x$6; $f.x$7 = x$7; $f.x$8 = x$8; $f.x$9 = x$9; $f.y = y; $f.year = year; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.Date = Date;
Time.ptr.prototype.Truncate = function(d) {
var $ptr, _tuple$1, d, r, t;
t = $clone(this, Time);
if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low <= 0))) {
return t;
_tuple$1 = div(t, d);
r = _tuple$1[1];
return t.Add(new Duration(-r.$high, -r.$low));
Time.prototype.Truncate = function(d) { return this.$val.Truncate(d); };
Time.ptr.prototype.Round = function(d) {
var $ptr, _tuple$1, d, r, t, x;
t = $clone(this, Time);
if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low <= 0))) {
return t;
_tuple$1 = div(t, d);
r = _tuple$1[1];
if ((x = new Duration(r.$high + r.$high, r.$low + r.$low), (x.$high < d.$high || (x.$high === d.$high && x.$low < d.$low)))) {
return t.Add(new Duration(-r.$high, -r.$low));
return t.Add(new Duration(d.$high - r.$high, d.$low - r.$low));
Time.prototype.Round = function(d) { return this.$val.Round(d); };
div = function(t, d) {
var $ptr, _q, _r$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, d, d0, d1, d1$1, neg, nsec, qmod2, r, sec, t, tmp, u0, u0x, u1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9;
qmod2 = 0;
r = new Duration(0, 0);
t = $clone(t, Time);
neg = false;
nsec = t.nsec;
if ((x = t.sec, (x.$high < 0 || (x.$high === 0 && x.$low < 0)))) {
neg = true;
t.sec = (x$1 = t.sec, new $Int64(-x$1.$high, -x$1.$low));
nsec = -nsec;
if (nsec < 0) {
nsec = nsec + (1000000000) >> 0;
t.sec = (x$2 = t.sec, x$3 = new $Int64(0, 1), new $Int64(x$2.$high - x$3.$high, x$2.$low - x$3.$low));
if ((d.$high < 0 || (d.$high === 0 && d.$low < 1000000000)) && (x$4 = $div64(new Duration(0, 1000000000), (new Duration(d.$high + d.$high, d.$low + d.$low)), true), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0))) {
qmod2 = ((_q = nsec / ((d.$low + ((d.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0) & 1;
r = new Duration(0, (_r$1 = nsec % ((d.$low + ((d.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0), _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));
} else if ((x$5 = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), true), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))) {
d1 = (x$6 = $div64(d, new Duration(0, 1000000000), false), new $Int64(x$6.$high, x$6.$low));
qmod2 = ((x$7 = $div64(t.sec, d1, false), x$7.$low + ((x$7.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0) & 1;
r = (x$8 = $mul64((x$9 = $div64(t.sec, d1, true), new Duration(x$9.$high, x$9.$low)), new Duration(0, 1000000000)), x$10 = new Duration(0, nsec), new Duration(x$8.$high + x$10.$high, x$8.$low + x$10.$low));
} else {
sec = (x$11 = t.sec, new $Uint64(x$11.$high, x$11.$low));
tmp = $mul64(($shiftRightUint64(sec, 32)), new $Uint64(0, 1000000000));
u1 = $shiftRightUint64(tmp, 32);
u0 = $shiftLeft64(tmp, 32);
tmp = $mul64(new $Uint64(sec.$high & 0, (sec.$low & 4294967295) >>> 0), new $Uint64(0, 1000000000));
_tmp = u0;
_tmp$1 = new $Uint64(u0.$high + tmp.$high, u0.$low + tmp.$low);
u0x = _tmp;
u0 = _tmp$1;
if ((u0.$high < u0x.$high || (u0.$high === u0x.$high && u0.$low < u0x.$low))) {
u1 = (x$12 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(u1.$high + x$12.$high, u1.$low + x$12.$low));
_tmp$2 = u0;
_tmp$3 = (x$13 = new $Uint64(0, nsec), new $Uint64(u0.$high + x$13.$high, u0.$low + x$13.$low));
u0x = _tmp$2;
u0 = _tmp$3;
if ((u0.$high < u0x.$high || (u0.$high === u0x.$high && u0.$low < u0x.$low))) {
u1 = (x$14 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(u1.$high + x$14.$high, u1.$low + x$14.$low));
d1$1 = new $Uint64(d.$high, d.$low);
while (true) {
if (!(!((x$15 = $shiftRightUint64(d1$1, 63), (x$15.$high === 0 && x$15.$low === 1))))) { break; }
d1$1 = $shiftLeft64(d1$1, (1));
d0 = new $Uint64(0, 0);
while (true) {
qmod2 = 0;
if ((u1.$high > d1$1.$high || (u1.$high === d1$1.$high && u1.$low > d1$1.$low)) || (u1.$high === d1$1.$high && u1.$low === d1$1.$low) && (u0.$high > d0.$high || (u0.$high === d0.$high && u0.$low >= d0.$low))) {
qmod2 = 1;
_tmp$4 = u0;
_tmp$5 = new $Uint64(u0.$high - d0.$high, u0.$low - d0.$low);
u0x = _tmp$4;
u0 = _tmp$5;
if ((u0.$high > u0x.$high || (u0.$high === u0x.$high && u0.$low > u0x.$low))) {
u1 = (x$16 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(u1.$high - x$16.$high, u1.$low - x$16.$low));
u1 = (x$17 = d1$1, new $Uint64(u1.$high - x$17.$high, u1.$low - x$17.$low));
if ((d1$1.$high === 0 && d1$1.$low === 0) && (x$18 = new $Uint64(d.$high, d.$low), (d0.$high === x$18.$high && d0.$low === x$18.$low))) {
d0 = $shiftRightUint64(d0, (1));
d0 = (x$19 = $shiftLeft64((new $Uint64(d1$1.$high & 0, (d1$1.$low & 1) >>> 0)), 63), new $Uint64(d0.$high | x$19.$high, (d0.$low | x$19.$low) >>> 0));
d1$1 = $shiftRightUint64(d1$1, (1));
r = new Duration(u0.$high, u0.$low);
if (neg && !((r.$high === 0 && r.$low === 0))) {
qmod2 = (qmod2 ^ (1)) >> 0;
r = new Duration(d.$high - r.$high, d.$low - r.$low);
return [qmod2, r];
Location.ptr.prototype.get = function() {
var $ptr, l, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; l = $f.l; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
l = this;
if (l === ptrType$1.nil) {
return utcLoc;
/* */ if (l === localLoc) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (l === localLoc) { */ case 1:
$r = localOnce.Do(initLocal); /* map[0xc8200de7b0:true 0xc82048d4c0:true 0xc8200de780:true 0xc8215dad60:true 0xc82048d480:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 2:
return l;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Location.ptr.prototype.get }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.l = l; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Location.prototype.get = function() { return this.$val.get(); };
Location.ptr.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, _r$1, l, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; l = $f.l; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
l = this;
_r$1 = l.get(); /* map[0xc82048d640:true 0xc8200de930:true 0xc820e94d20:true 0xc820e94d00:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r$;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Location.ptr.prototype.String }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.l = l; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Location.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); };
FixedZone = function(name, offset) {
var $ptr, l, name, offset, x;
l = new Location.ptr(name, new sliceType([new zone.ptr(name, offset, false)]), new sliceType$1([new zoneTrans.ptr(new $Int64(-2147483648, 0), 0, false, false)]), new $Int64(-2147483648, 0), new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295), ptrType.nil);
l.cacheZone = (x =, (0 >= x.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]));
return l;
$pkg.FixedZone = FixedZone;
Location.ptr.prototype.lookup = function(sec) {
var $ptr, _q, _r$1, end, hi, isDST, l, lim, lo, m, name, offset, sec, start, tx, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, zone$1, zone$2, zone$3, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _q = $f._q; _r$1 = $f._r$1; end = $f.end; hi = $f.hi; isDST = $f.isDST; l = $f.l; lim = $f.lim; lo = $f.lo; m = $f.m; name = $; offset = $f.offset; sec = $f.sec; start = $f.start; tx = $f.tx; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; x$2 = $f.x$2; x$3 = $f.x$3; x$4 = $f.x$4; x$5 = $f.x$5; x$6 = $f.x$6; x$7 = $f.x$7; x$8 = $f.x$8; zone$1 = $$1; zone$2 = $$2; zone$3 = $$3; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
name = "";
offset = 0;
isDST = false;
start = new $Int64(0, 0);
end = new $Int64(0, 0);
l = this;
_r$1 = l.get(); /* map[0xc8200df7d0:true 0xc82048dd00:true 0xc82048dcc0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
l = _r$1;
if ($length === 0) {
name = "UTC";
offset = 0;
isDST = false;
start = new $Int64(-2147483648, 0);
end = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295);
return [name, offset, isDST, start, end];
zone$1 = l.cacheZone;
if (!(zone$1 === ptrType.nil) && (x = l.cacheStart, (x.$high < sec.$high || (x.$high === sec.$high && x.$low <= sec.$low))) && (x$1 = l.cacheEnd, (sec.$high < x$1.$high || (sec.$high === x$1.$high && sec.$low < x$1.$low)))) {
name = zone$;
offset = zone$1.offset;
isDST = zone$1.isDST;
start = l.cacheStart;
end = l.cacheEnd;
return [name, offset, isDST, start, end];
if ((l.tx.$length === 0) || (x$2 = (x$3 = l.tx, (0 >= x$3.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0])).when, (sec.$high < x$2.$high || (sec.$high === x$2.$high && sec.$low < x$2.$low)))) {
zone$2 = (x$4 =, x$5 = l.lookupFirstZone(), ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5]));
name = zone$;
offset = zone$2.offset;
isDST = zone$2.isDST;
start = new $Int64(-2147483648, 0);
if (l.tx.$length > 0) {
end = (x$6 = l.tx, (0 >= x$6.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$6.$array[x$6.$offset + 0])).when;
} else {
end = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295);
return [name, offset, isDST, start, end];
tx = l.tx;
end = new $Int64(2147483647, 4294967295);
lo = 0;
hi = tx.$length;
while (true) {
if (!((hi - lo >> 0) > 1)) { break; }
m = lo + (_q = ((hi - lo >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0;
lim = ((m < 0 || m >= tx.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : tx.$array[tx.$offset + m]).when;
if ((sec.$high < lim.$high || (sec.$high === lim.$high && sec.$low < lim.$low))) {
end = lim;
hi = m;
} else {
lo = m;
zone$3 = (x$7 =, x$8 = ((lo < 0 || lo >= tx.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : tx.$array[tx.$offset + lo]).index, ((x$8 < 0 || x$8 >= x$7.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + x$8]));
name = zone$;
offset = zone$3.offset;
isDST = zone$3.isDST;
start = ((lo < 0 || lo >= tx.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : tx.$array[tx.$offset + lo]).when;
return [name, offset, isDST, start, end];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Location.ptr.prototype.lookup }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._q = _q; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.end = end; $f.hi = hi; $f.isDST = isDST; $f.l = l; $f.lim = lim; $f.lo = lo; $f.m = m; $ = name; $f.offset = offset; $f.sec = sec; $f.start = start; $f.tx = tx; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.x$2 = x$2; $f.x$3 = x$3; $f.x$4 = x$4; $f.x$5 = x$5; $f.x$6 = x$6; $f.x$7 = x$7; $f.x$8 = x$8; $$1 = zone$1; $$2 = zone$2; $$3 = zone$3; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Location.prototype.lookup = function(sec) { return this.$val.lookup(sec); };
Location.ptr.prototype.lookupFirstZone = function() {
var $ptr, _i, _ref, l, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, zi, zi$1;
l = this;
if (!l.firstZoneUsed()) {
return 0;
if (l.tx.$length > 0 && (x =, x$1 = (x$2 = l.tx, (0 >= x$2.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + 0])).index, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + x$1])).isDST) {
zi = ((x$3 = l.tx, (0 >= x$3.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + 0])).index >> 0) - 1 >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(zi >= 0)) { break; }
if (!(x$4 =, ((zi < 0 || zi >= x$4.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + zi])).isDST) {
return zi;
zi = zi - (1) >> 0;
_ref =;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
zi$1 = _i;
if (!(x$5 =, ((zi$1 < 0 || zi$1 >= x$5.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + zi$1])).isDST) {
return zi$1;
return 0;
Location.prototype.lookupFirstZone = function() { return this.$val.lookupFirstZone(); };
Location.ptr.prototype.firstZoneUsed = function() {
var $ptr, _i, _ref, l, tx;
l = this;
_ref = l.tx;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
tx = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), zoneTrans);
if (tx.index === 0) {
return true;
return false;
Location.prototype.firstZoneUsed = function() { return this.$val.firstZoneUsed(); };
Location.ptr.prototype.lookupName = function(name, unix) {
var $ptr, _i, _i$1, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple$1, i, i$1, isDST, isDST$1, l, nam, name, offset, offset$1, ok, unix, x, x$1, x$2, zone$1, zone$2, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _i = $f._i; _i$1 = $f._i$1; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _ref = $f._ref; _ref$1 = $f._ref$1; _tmp = $f._tmp; _tmp$1 = $f._tmp$1; _tmp$2 = $f._tmp$2; _tmp$3 = $f._tmp$3; _tmp$4 = $f._tmp$4; _tmp$5 = $f._tmp$5; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; i = $f.i; i$1 = $f.i$1; isDST = $f.isDST; isDST$1 = $f.isDST$1; l = $f.l; nam = $f.nam; name = $; offset = $f.offset; offset$1 = $f.offset$1; ok = $f.ok; unix = $f.unix; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; x$2 = $f.x$2; zone$1 = $$1; zone$2 = $$2; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
offset = 0;
isDST = false;
ok = false;
l = this;
_r$1 = l.get(); /* map[0xc8206d6cd0:true 0xc8204af700:true 0xc8204af640:true 0xc8204af340:true 0xc8204af300:true 0xc8200da570:true 0xc8200da540:true 0xc8204af5c0:true 0xc8200da780:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
l = _r$1;
_ref =;
_i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 2:
/* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 3; continue; }
i = _i;
zone$1 = (x =, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
/* */ if (zone$ === name) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ $s = 5; continue;
/* if (zone$ === name) { */ case 4:
_r$2 = l.lookup((x$1 = new $Int64(0, zone$1.offset), new $Int64(unix.$high - x$1.$high, unix.$low - x$1.$low))); /* map[0xc8204af340:true 0xc8206d6cd0:true 0xc8204af700:true 0xc8204af640:true 0xc8200da780:true 0xc8204af300:true 0xc8200da570:true 0xc8200da540:true 0xc8204af5c0:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r$2;
nam = _tuple$1[0];
offset$1 = _tuple$1[1];
isDST$1 = _tuple$1[2];
if (nam === zone$ {
_tmp = offset$1;
_tmp$1 = isDST$1;
_tmp$2 = true;
offset = _tmp;
isDST = _tmp$1;
ok = _tmp$2;
return [offset, isDST, ok];
/* } */ case 5:
/* } */ $s = 2; continue; case 3:
_ref$1 =;
_i$1 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; }
i$1 = _i$1;
zone$2 = (x$2 =, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1]));
if (zone$ === name) {
_tmp$3 = zone$2.offset;
_tmp$4 = zone$2.isDST;
_tmp$5 = true;
offset = _tmp$3;
isDST = _tmp$4;
ok = _tmp$5;
return [offset, isDST, ok];
return [offset, isDST, ok];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=9) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Location.ptr.prototype.lookupName }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._i = _i; $f._i$1 = _i$1; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._ref = _ref; $f._ref$1 = _ref$1; $f._tmp = _tmp; $f._tmp$1 = _tmp$1; $f._tmp$2 = _tmp$2; $f._tmp$3 = _tmp$3; $f._tmp$4 = _tmp$4; $f._tmp$5 = _tmp$5; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f.i = i; $f.i$1 = i$1; $f.isDST = isDST; $f.isDST$1 = isDST$1; $f.l = l; $f.nam = nam; $ = name; $f.offset = offset; $f.offset$1 = offset$1; $f.ok = ok; $f.unix = unix; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.x$2 = x$2; $$1 = zone$1; $$2 = zone$2; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Location.prototype.lookupName = function(name, unix) { return this.$val.lookupName(name, unix); };
ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
Time.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Format", name: "Format", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}, {prop: "AppendFormat", name: "AppendFormat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3, $String], [sliceType$3], false)}, {prop: "After", name: "After", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Time], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Before", name: "Before", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Time], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Equal", name: "Equal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Time], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsZero", name: "IsZero", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "abs", name: "abs", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "locabs", name: "locabs", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $Int, $Uint64], false)}, {prop: "Date", name: "Date", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, Month, $Int], false)}, {prop: "Year", name: "Year", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Month", name: "Month", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Month], false)}, {prop: "Day", name: "Day", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Weekday", name: "Weekday", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Weekday], false)}, {prop: "ISOWeek", name: "ISOWeek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "Clock", name: "Clock", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "Hour", name: "Hour", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Minute", name: "Minute", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Second", name: "Second", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Nanosecond", name: "Nanosecond", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "YearDay", name: "YearDay", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Add", name: "Add", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Duration], [Time], false)}, {prop: "Sub", name: "Sub", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Time], [Duration], false)}, {prop: "AddDate", name: "AddDate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int, $Int], [Time], false)}, {prop: "date", name: "date", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [$Int, Month, $Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "UTC", name: "UTC", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Time], false)}, {prop: "Local", name: "Local", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Time], false)}, {prop: "In", name: "In", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [Time], false)}, {prop: "Location", name: "Location", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "Zone", name: "Zone", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String, $Int], false)}, {prop: "Unix", name: "Unix", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "UnixNano", name: "UnixNano", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "MarshalBinary", name: "MarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "GobEncode", name: "GobEncode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalJSON", name: "MarshalJSON", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "MarshalText", name: "MarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$3, $error], false)}, {prop: "Truncate", name: "Truncate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Duration], [Time], false)}, {prop: "Round", name: "Round", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Duration], [Time], false)}];
ptrType$6.methods = [{prop: "UnmarshalBinary", name: "UnmarshalBinary", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "GobDecode", name: "GobDecode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalJSON", name: "UnmarshalJSON", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}, {prop: "UnmarshalText", name: "UnmarshalText", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$3], [$error], false)}];
Month.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
Weekday.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
Duration.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Nanoseconds", name: "Nanoseconds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Seconds", name: "Seconds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Minutes", name: "Minutes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Hours", name: "Hours", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}];
ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "get", name: "get", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "lookup", name: "lookup", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$String, $Int, $Bool, $Int64, $Int64], false)}, {prop: "lookupFirstZone", name: "lookupFirstZone", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "firstZoneUsed", name: "firstZoneUsed", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "lookupName", name: "lookupName", pkg: "time", typ: $funcType([$String, $Int64], [$Int, $Bool, $Bool], false)}];
ParseError.init([{prop: "Layout", name: "Layout", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Value", name: "Value", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "LayoutElem", name: "LayoutElem", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "ValueElem", name: "ValueElem", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Message", name: "Message", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}]);
Time.init([{prop: "sec", name: "sec", pkg: "time", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "nsec", name: "nsec", pkg: "time", typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "loc", name: "loc", pkg: "time", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]);
Location.init([{prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "time", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "zone", name: "zone", pkg: "time", typ: sliceType, tag: ""}, {prop: "tx", name: "tx", pkg: "time", typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "cacheStart", name: "cacheStart", pkg: "time", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "cacheEnd", name: "cacheEnd", pkg: "time", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "cacheZone", name: "cacheZone", pkg: "time", typ: ptrType, tag: ""}]);
zone.init([{prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "time", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "offset", name: "offset", pkg: "time", typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "isDST", name: "isDST", pkg: "time", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]);
zoneTrans.init([{prop: "when", name: "when", pkg: "time", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "index", name: "index", pkg: "time", typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "isstd", name: "isstd", pkg: "time", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "isutc", name: "isutc", pkg: "time", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = errors.$init(); /* map[0xc8219a8b10:true 0xc8218e63c0:true 0xc8209cf890:true 0xc8209d3860:true 0xc8219e09c0:true 0xc821a28cf0:true 0xc8219d5b80:true 0xc8201560c0:true 0xc8219d4f80:true 0xc821a090e0:true 0xc820157b60:true 0xc821a08ea0:true 0xc8215e0c00:true 0xc8204fdc20:true 0xc8218b2080:true 0xc8200da210:true 0xc8219fc4b0:true 0xc8201521e0:true 0xc820150a20:true 0xc8204afc40:true 0xc8209d2f00:true 0xc8204fcf60:true 0xc82016d6b0:true 0xc8219a9f20:true 0xc8209ce7e0:true 0xc8204fd980:true 0xc821a285a0:true 0xc8219e1b60:true 0xc8219b6ae0:true 0xc8219b7ad0:true 0xc8209cfbc0:true 0xc82016d260:true 0xc82016d950:true 0xc8209e1da0:true 0xc8219d5300:true 0xc8219b6930:true 0xc8209ce9c0:true 0xc821a09740:true 0xc8219fc5d0:true 0xc8219a83f0:true 0xc82016fef0:true 0xc821a09e60:true 0xc8219b7dd0:true 0xc82016e9c0:true 0xc8218af500:true 0xc8200dec90:true 0xc8209d2360:true 0xc821a094a0:true 0xc8219b6270:true 0xc8219a9620:true 0xc8209cfa40:true 0xc8201529f0:true 0xc821820f90:true 0xc82016de90:true 0xc820150690:true 0xc82016d560:true 0xc8219d0690:true 0xc8209ce3f0:true 0xc8209cfd10:true 0xc8209ce540:true 0xc8209cf6b0:true 0xc82016db60:true 0xc8200da7b0:true 0xc821a292f0:true 0xc8219b6fc0:true 0xc8219b7260:true 0xc82016f140:true 0xc8207d6c00:true 0xc8209d24e0:true 0xc8209ce2a0:true 0xc8201569c0:true 0xc8200dff20:true 0xc821990c60:true 0xc8219a8ea0:true 0xc8209ce690:true 0xc8200de810:true 0xc8200de990:true 0xc8219a8d80:true 0xc8209cf350:true 0xc8201531a0:true 0xc82016e2d0:true 0xc82016e7b0:true 0xc820152810:true 0xc820152e70:true 0xc8209d2210:true 0xc8219fc6f0:true 0xc8204fd3e0:true 0xc8200df830:true 0xc8209d2ff0:true 0xc8219b78f0:true 0xc8209cf4a0:true 0xc8204af9c0:true 0xc8215e0540:true 0xc8215e0960:true 0xc820153680:true 0xc8209cfe90:true 0xc820150420:true 0xc820130ac0:true 0xc8215e10e0:true 0xc8209ce120:true 0xc8204fca80:true 0xc8204fd590:true 0xc82016d140:true 0xc8209d2780:true 0xc8219914a0:true 0xc8219b7500:true 0xc820157d10:true 0xc82016d410:true 0xc82016dd10:true 0xc820152420:true 0xc8209d2c90:true 0xc8209d2db0:true 0xc8219e14a0:true 0xc8219918c0:true 0xc8219d00c0:true 0xc8208f9900:true 0xc821a28f00:true 0xc8215e1890:true 0xc8204fdf20:true 0xc8219d5880:true 0xc8206d7540:true 0xc821a09b90:true 0xc8219b6330:true 0xc8219b6870:true 0xc821a28060:true 0xc82016ed50:true 0xc820157950:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = js.$init(); /* map[0xc8215e0540:true 0xc8215e0960:true 0xc820153680:true 0xc8204af9c0:true 0xc8209cfe90:true 0xc820150420:true 0xc820130ac0:true 0xc8209d2780:true 0xc8219914a0:true 0xc8219b7500:true 0xc8215e10e0:true 0xc8209ce120:true 0xc8204fca80:true 0xc8204fd590:true 0xc82016d140:true 0xc820157d10:true 0xc8209d2c90:true 0xc8209d2db0:true 0xc8219e14a0:true 0xc82016d410:true 0xc82016dd10:true 0xc820152420:true 0xc8219918c0:true 0xc8219d00c0:true 0xc8208f9900:true 0xc821a28f00:true 0xc8215e1890:true 0xc8204fdf20:true 0xc821a09b90:true 0xc8219b6330:true 0xc8219b6870:true 0xc8219d5880:true 0xc8206d7540:true 0xc821a28060:true 0xc82016ed50:true 0xc820157950:true 0xc8219a8b10:true 0xc8218e63c0:true 0xc8209cf890:true 0xc8209d3860:true 0xc8219e09c0:true 0xc821a28cf0:true 0xc8219d5b80:true 0xc8201560c0:true 0xc8219d4f80:true 0xc821a090e0:true 0xc820157b60:true 0xc821a08ea0:true 0xc8215e0c00:true 0xc8204fdc20:true 0xc8219fc4b0:true 0xc8201521e0:true 0xc820150a20:true 0xc8218b2080:true 0xc8200da210:true 0xc8209d2f00:true 0xc8204fcf60:true 0xc82016d6b0:true 0xc8204afc40:true 0xc821a285a0:true 0xc8219e1b60:true 0xc8219b6ae0:true 0xc8219a9f20:true 0xc8209ce7e0:true 0xc8204fd980:true 0xc8209e1da0:true 0xc8219d5300:true 0xc8219b6930:true 0xc8219b7ad0:true 0xc8209cfbc0:true 0xc82016d260:true 0xc82016d950:true 0xc821a09740:true 0xc8219fc5d0:true 0xc8219a83f0:true 0xc8209ce9c0:true 0xc821a09e60:true 0xc8219b7dd0:true 0xc82016e9c0:true 0xc82016fef0:true 0xc8209d2360:true 0xc821a094a0:true 0xc8219b6270:true 0xc8218af500:true 0xc8200dec90:true 0xc8219a9620:true 0xc8209cfa40:true 0xc8201529f0:true 0xc821820f90:true 0xc82016de90:true 0xc820150690:true 0xc8219d0690:true 0xc8209ce3f0:true 0xc8209cfd10:true 0xc82016d560:true 0xc821a292f0:true 0xc8219b6fc0:true 0xc8219b7260:true 0xc8209ce540:true 0xc8209cf6b0:true 0xc82016db60:true 0xc8200da7b0:true 0xc8207d6c00:true 0xc8209d24e0:true 0xc8209ce2a0:true 0xc82016f140:true 0xc821990c60:true 0xc8219a8ea0:true 0xc8209ce690:true 0xc8201569c0:true 0xc8200dff20:true 0xc8219a8d80:true 0xc8209cf350:true 0xc8201531a0:true 0xc8200de810:true 0xc8200de990:true 0xc820130b80:true 0xc8209d2210:true 0xc8219fc6f0:true 0xc8204fd3e0:true 0xc82016e2d0:true 0xc82016e7b0:true 0xc820152810:true 0xc820152e70:true 0xc8209d2ff0:true 0xc8219b78f0:true 0xc8209cf4a0:true 0xc8200df830:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = nosync.$init(); /* map[0xc821a09e60:true 0xc8219b7dd0:true 0xc82016e9c0:true 0xc82016fef0:true 0xc8209d2360:true 0xc821a094a0:true 0xc8219b6270:true 0xc8218af500:true 0xc8200dec90:true 0xc8219a9620:true 0xc8209cfa40:true 0xc8201529f0:true 0xc821820f90:true 0xc82016de90:true 0xc820150690:true 0xc8219d0690:true 0xc8209ce3f0:true 0xc8209cfd10:true 0xc82016d560:true 0xc820130cc0:true 0xc821a292f0:true 0xc8219b6fc0:true 0xc8219b7260:true 0xc8209ce540:true 0xc8209cf6b0:true 0xc82016db60:true 0xc8200da7b0:true 0xc8207d6c00:true 0xc8209d24e0:true 0xc8209ce2a0:true 0xc82016f140:true 0xc821990c60:true 0xc8219a8ea0:true 0xc8209ce690:true 0xc8201569c0:true 0xc8200dff20:true 0xc8219a8d80:true 0xc8209cf350:true 0xc8201531a0:true 0xc8200de810:true 0xc8200de990:true 0xc820130b80:true 0xc8209d2210:true 0xc8219fc6f0:true 0xc8204fd3e0:true 0xc82016e2d0:true 0xc82016e7b0:true 0xc820152810:true 0xc820152e70:true 0xc8209d2ff0:true 0xc8219b78f0:true 0xc8209cf4a0:true 0xc8200df830:true 0xc8215e0540:true 0xc8215e0960:true 0xc820153680:true 0xc8204af9c0:true 0xc8209cfe90:true 0xc820150420:true 0xc820130ac0:true 0xc82016d140:true 0xc8209d2780:true 0xc8219914a0:true 0xc8219b7500:true 0xc8215e10e0:true 0xc8209ce120:true 0xc8204fca80:true 0xc8204fd590:true 0xc820157d10:true 0xc8209d2c90:true 0xc8209d2db0:true 0xc8219e14a0:true 0xc82016d410:true 0xc82016dd10:true 0xc820152420:true 0xc8219918c0:true 0xc8219d00c0:true 0xc8208f9900:true 0xc821a28f00:true 0xc8215e1890:true 0xc8204fdf20:true 0xc821a09b90:true 0xc8219b6330:true 0xc8219b6870:true 0xc8219d5880:true 0xc8206d7540:true 0xc821a28060:true 0xc82016ed50:true 0xc820157950:true 0xc8219a8b10:true 0xc8218e63c0:true 0xc8209cf890:true 0xc8209d3860:true 0xc8219e09c0:true 0xc821a28cf0:true 0xc8219d5b80:true 0xc8201560c0:true 0xc8219d4f80:true 0xc821a090e0:true 0xc820157b60:true 0xc821a08ea0:true 0xc8215e0c00:true 0xc8204fdc20:true 0xc8219fc4b0:true 0xc8201521e0:true 0xc820150a20:true 0xc8218b2080:true 0xc8200da210:true 0xc8209d2f00:true 0xc8204fcf60:true 0xc82016d6b0:true 0xc8204afc40:true 0xc821a285a0:true 0xc8219e1b60:true 0xc8219b6ae0:true 0xc8219a9f20:true 0xc8209ce7e0:true 0xc8204fd980:true 0xc8209e1da0:true 0xc8219d5300:true 0xc8219b6930:true 0xc8219b7ad0:true 0xc8209cfbc0:true 0xc82016d260:true 0xc82016d950:true 0xc821a09740:true 0xc8219fc5d0:true 0xc8219a83f0:true 0xc8209ce9c0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = runtime.$init(); /* map[0xc821a285a0:true 0xc8219e1b60:true 0xc8219b6ae0:true 0xc8219a9f20:true 0xc8209ce7e0:true 0xc8204fd980:true 0xc8209e1da0:true 0xc8219d5300:true 0xc8219b6930:true 0xc8219b7ad0:true 0xc8209cfbc0:true 0xc82016d260:true 0xc82016d950:true 0xc821a09740:true 0xc8219fc5d0:true 0xc8219a83f0:true 0xc8209ce9c0:true 0xc821a09e60:true 0xc8219b7dd0:true 0xc82016e9c0:true 0xc82016fef0:true 0xc8209d2360:true 0xc821a094a0:true 0xc8219b6270:true 0xc8218af500:true 0xc8200dec90:true 0xc8219a9620:true 0xc8209cfa40:true 0xc8201529f0:true 0xc821820f90:true 0xc82016de90:true 0xc820150690:true 0xc8219d0690:true 0xc8209ce3f0:true 0xc8209cfd10:true 0xc82016d560:true 0xc820130cc0:true 0xc821a292f0:true 0xc8219b6fc0:true 0xc8219b7260:true 0xc8209ce540:true 0xc8209cf6b0:true 0xc82016db60:true 0xc8200da7b0:true 0xc8207d6c00:true 0xc8209d24e0:true 0xc8209ce2a0:true 0xc82016f140:true 0xc821990c60:true 0xc8219a8ea0:true 0xc8209ce690:true 0xc8201569c0:true 0xc8200dff20:true 0xc8219a8d80:true 0xc8209cf350:true 0xc8201531a0:true 0xc8200de810:true 0xc8200de990:true 0xc820130b80:true 0xc8209d2210:true 0xc8219fc6f0:true 0xc8204fd3e0:true 0xc82016e2d0:true 0xc82016e7b0:true 0xc820152810:true 0xc820152e70:true 0xc8209d2ff0:true 0xc8219b78f0:true 0xc8209cf4a0:true 0xc8200df830:true 0xc8215e0540:true 0xc8215e0960:true 0xc820153680:true 0xc8204af9c0:true 0xc8209cfe90:true 0xc820150420:true 0xc820130ac0:true 0xc82016d140:true 0xc8209d2780:true 0xc8219914a0:true 0xc8219b7500:true 0xc8215e10e0:true 0xc8209ce120:true 0xc8204fca80:true 0xc8204fd590:true 0xc820157d10:true 0xc8209d2c90:true 0xc8209d2db0:true 0xc8219e14a0:true 0xc82016d410:true 0xc82016dd10:true 0xc820152420:true 0xc8219918c0:true 0xc8219d00c0:true 0xc8208f9900:true 0xc820130e40:true 0xc821a28f00:true 0xc8215e1890:true 0xc8204fdf20:true 0xc821a09b90:true 0xc8219b6330:true 0xc8219b6870:true 0xc8219d5880:true 0xc8206d7540:true 0xc821a28060:true 0xc82016ed50:true 0xc820157950:true 0xc8219a8b10:true 0xc8218e63c0:true 0xc8209cf890:true 0xc8209d3860:true 0xc8219e09c0:true 0xc821a28cf0:true 0xc8219d5b80:true 0xc8201560c0:true 0xc8219d4f80:true 0xc821a090e0:true 0xc820157b60:true 0xc821a08ea0:true 0xc8215e0c00:true 0xc8204fdc20:true 0xc8219fc4b0:true 0xc8201521e0:true 0xc820150a20:true 0xc8218b2080:true 0xc8200da210:true 0xc8209d2f00:true 0xc8204fcf60:true 0xc82016d6b0:true 0xc8204afc40:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = strings.$init(); /* map[0xc8209d3860:true 0xc8219e09c0:true 0xc821a28cf0:true 0xc8219d5b80:true 0xc8201560c0:true 0xc8219d4f80:true 0xc821a090e0:true 0xc820157b60:true 0xc821a08ea0:true 0xc8215e0c00:true 0xc8204fdc20:true 0xc8219fc4b0:true 0xc8201521e0:true 0xc820150a20:true 0xc8218b2080:true 0xc8200da210:true 0xc8209d2f00:true 0xc8204fcf60:true 0xc82016d6b0:true 0xc8204afc40:true 0xc821a285a0:true 0xc8219e1b60:true 0xc8219b6ae0:true 0xc8219a9f20:true 0xc8209ce7e0:true 0xc8204fd980:true 0xc8209e1da0:true 0xc8219d5300:true 0xc8219b6930:true 0xc8219b7ad0:true 0xc8209cfbc0:true 0xc82016d260:true 0xc82016d950:true 0xc821a09740:true 0xc8219fc5d0:true 0xc8219a83f0:true 0xc8209ce9c0:true 0xc821a09e60:true 0xc8219b7dd0:true 0xc82016e9c0:true 0xc82016fef0:true 0xc8209d2360:true 0xc821a094a0:true 0xc8219b6270:true 0xc8218af500:true 0xc8200dec90:true 0xc8219a9620:true 0xc8209cfa40:true 0xc8201529f0:true 0xc821820f90:true 0xc82016de90:true 0xc820150690:true 0xc8219d0690:true 0xc8209ce3f0:true 0xc8209cfd10:true 0xc82016d560:true 0xc820130cc0:true 0xc821a292f0:true 0xc8219b6fc0:true 0xc8219b7260:true 0xc8209ce540:true 0xc8209cf6b0:true 0xc82016db60:true 0xc8200da7b0:true 0xc8207d6c00:true 0xc8209d24e0:true 0xc8209ce2a0:true 0xc82016f140:true 0xc821990c60:true 0xc8219a8ea0:true 0xc8209ce690:true 0xc8201569c0:true 0xc8200dff20:true 0xc820130f00:true 0xc8219a8d80:true 0xc8209cf350:true 0xc8201531a0:true 0xc8200de810:true 0xc8200de990:true 0xc820130b80:true 0xc8209d2210:true 0xc8219fc6f0:true 0xc8204fd3e0:true 0xc82016e2d0:true 0xc82016e7b0:true 0xc820152810:true 0xc820152e70:true 0xc8209d2ff0:true 0xc8219b78f0:true 0xc8209cf4a0:true 0xc8200df830:true 0xc8215e0540:true 0xc8215e0960:true 0xc820153680:true 0xc8204af9c0:true 0xc8209cfe90:true 0xc820150420:true 0xc820130ac0:true 0xc82016d140:true 0xc8209d2780:true 0xc8219914a0:true 0xc8219b7500:true 0xc8215e10e0:true 0xc8209ce120:true 0xc8204fca80:true 0xc8204fd590:true 0xc820157d10:true 0xc8209d2c90:true 0xc8209d2db0:true 0xc8219e14a0:true 0xc82016d410:true 0xc82016dd10:true 0xc820152420:true 0xc8219918c0:true 0xc8219d00c0:true 0xc8208f9900:true 0xc820130e40:true 0xc821a28f00:true 0xc8215e1890:true 0xc8204fdf20:true 0xc821a09b90:true 0xc8219b6330:true 0xc8219b6870:true 0xc8219d5880:true 0xc8206d7540:true 0xc821a28060:true 0xc82016ed50:true 0xc820157950:true 0xc8219a8b10:true 0xc8218e63c0:true 0xc8209cf890:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = syscall.$init(); /* map[0xc8209d2ff0:true 0xc8219b78f0:true 0xc8209cf4a0:true 0xc8200df830:true 0xc8215e0540:true 0xc8215e0960:true 0xc820153680:true 0xc8204af9c0:true 0xc8209cfe90:true 0xc820150420:true 0xc820130ac0:true 0xc82016d140:true 0xc8209d2780:true 0xc8219914a0:true 0xc8219b7500:true 0xc8215e10e0:true 0xc8209ce120:true 0xc8204fca80:true 0xc8204fd590:true 0xc820157d10:true 0xc8209d2c90:true 0xc8209d2db0:true 0xc8219e14a0:true 0xc82016d410:true 0xc82016dd10:true 0xc820152420:true 0xc8219918c0:true 0xc8219d00c0:true 0xc8208f9900:true 0xc820130e40:true 0xc821a28f00:true 0xc8215e1890:true 0xc8204fdf20:true 0xc821a09b90:true 0xc8219b6330:true 0xc8219b6870:true 0xc8219d5880:true 0xc8206d7540:true 0xc821a28060:true 0xc82016ed50:true 0xc820157950:true 0xc8219a8b10:true 0xc8218e63c0:true 0xc8209cf890:true 0xc8209d3860:true 0xc8219e09c0:true 0xc821a28cf0:true 0xc8219d5b80:true 0xc8201560c0:true 0xc8219d4f80:true 0xc821a090e0:true 0xc820157b60:true 0xc821a08ea0:true 0xc8215e0c00:true 0xc8204fdc20:true 0xc8219fc4b0:true 0xc8201521e0:true 0xc820150a20:true 0xc8218b2080:true 0xc8200da210:true 0xc8209d2f00:true 0xc8204fcf60:true 0xc82016d6b0:true 0xc8204afc40:true 0xc821a285a0:true 0xc8219e1b60:true 0xc8219b6ae0:true 0xc8219a9f20:true 0xc8209ce7e0:true 0xc8204fd980:true 0xc8209e1da0:true 0xc8219d5300:true 0xc8219b6930:true 0xc8219b7ad0:true 0xc8209cfbc0:true 0xc82016d260:true 0xc82016d950:true 0xc821a09740:true 0xc8219fc5d0:true 0xc8219a83f0:true 0xc8209ce9c0:true 0xc821a09e60:true 0xc8219b7dd0:true 0xc82016e9c0:true 0xc82016fef0:true 0xc8209d2360:true 0xc821a094a0:true 0xc8219b6270:true 0xc8218af500:true 0xc8200dec90:true 0xc8219a9620:true 0xc8209cfa40:true 0xc8201529f0:true 0xc821820f90:true 0xc82016de90:true 0xc820150690:true 0xc820130fc0:true 0xc8219d0690:true 0xc8209ce3f0:true 0xc8209cfd10:true 0xc82016d560:true 0xc820130cc0:true 0xc821a292f0:true 0xc8219b6fc0:true 0xc8219b7260:true 0xc8209ce540:true 0xc8209cf6b0:true 0xc82016db60:true 0xc8200da7b0:true 0xc8207d6c00:true 0xc8209d24e0:true 0xc8209ce2a0:true 0xc82016f140:true 0xc821990c60:true 0xc8219a8ea0:true 0xc8209ce690:true 0xc8201569c0:true 0xc8200dff20:true 0xc820130f00:true 0xc8219a8d80:true 0xc8209cf350:true 0xc8201531a0:true 0xc8200de810:true 0xc8200de990:true 0xc820130b80:true 0xc8209d2210:true 0xc8219fc6f0:true 0xc8204fd3e0:true 0xc82016e2d0:true 0xc82016e7b0:true 0xc820152810:true 0xc820152e70:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
localLoc = new Location.ptr("", sliceType.nil, sliceType$1.nil, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil);
localOnce = new nosync.Once.ptr(false, false);
std0x = $toNativeArray($kindInt, [260, 265, 524, 526, 528, 274]);
longDayNames = new sliceType$2(["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]);
shortDayNames = new sliceType$2(["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]);
shortMonthNames = new sliceType$2(["---", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]);
longMonthNames = new sliceType$2(["---", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]);
atoiError = errors.New("time: invalid number");
errBad = errors.New("bad value for field");
errLeadingInt = errors.New("time: bad [0-9]*");
months = $toNativeArray($kindString, ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]);
days = $toNativeArray($kindString, ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]);
daysBefore = $toNativeArray($kindInt32, [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365]);
utcLoc = new Location.ptr("UTC", sliceType.nil, sliceType$1.nil, new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), ptrType.nil);
$pkg.UTC = utcLoc;
$pkg.Local = localLoc;
_r = syscall.Getenv("ZONEINFO"); /* map[0xc8215e0960:true 0xc820153680:true 0xc8204af9c0:true 0xc8215e0540:true 0xc820150420:true 0xc820130ac0:true 0xc8209cfe90:true 0xc8219914a0:true 0xc8219b7500:true 0xc8215e10e0:true 0xc8209ce120:true 0xc8204fca80:true 0xc8204fd590:true 0xc82016d140:true 0xc8209d2780:true 0xc820157d10:true 0xc8209d2db0:true 0xc8219e14a0:true 0xc82016d410:true 0xc82016dd10:true 0xc820152420:true 0xc8209d2c90:true 0xc8219d00c0:true 0xc8219918c0:true 0xc820130e40:true 0xc8208f9900:true 0xc8215e1890:true 0xc8204fdf20:true 0xc821a28f00:true 0xc8219b6330:true 0xc8219b6870:true 0xc8219d5880:true 0xc8206d7540:true 0xc821a09b90:true 0xc82016ed50:true 0xc820157950:true 0xc821a28060:true 0xc8218e63c0:true 0xc8209cf890:true 0xc8219a8b10:true 0xc8219e09c0:true 0xc8209d3860:true 0xc8219d5b80:true 0xc8201560c0:true 0xc821a28cf0:true 0xc821a090e0:true 0xc820157b60:true 0xc8219d4f80:true 0xc8215e0c00:true 0xc8204fdc20:true 0xc821a08ea0:true 0xc8201521e0:true 0xc820150a20:true 0xc8218b2080:true 0xc8200da210:true 0xc8219fc4b0:true 0xc8204fcf60:true 0xc82016d6b0:true 0xc8204afc40:true 0xc8209d2f00:true 0xc8219e1b60:true 0xc8219b6ae0:true 0xc8219a9f20:true 0xc8209ce7e0:true 0xc8204fd980:true 0xc821a285a0:true 0xc8219d5300:true 0xc8219b6930:true 0xc8219b7ad0:true 0xc8209cfbc0:true 0xc82016d260:true 0xc82016d950:true 0xc8209e1da0:true 0xc8219fc5d0:true 0xc8219a83f0:true 0xc8209ce9c0:true 0xc821a09740:true 0xc8219b7dd0:true 0xc82016e9c0:true 0xc82016fef0:true 0xc821a09e60:true 0xc821a094a0:true 0xc8219b6270:true 0xc8218af500:true 0xc8200dec90:true 0xc8209d2360:true 0xc8209cfa40:true 0xc8201529f0:true 0xc8219a9620:true 0xc82016de90:true 0xc820150690:true 0xc820130fc0:true 0xc821820f90:true 0xc8209ce3f0:true 0xc8209cfd10:true 0xc82016d560:true 0xc8219d0690:true 0xc8219b6fc0:true 0xc8219b7260:true 0xc8209ce540:true 0xc8209cf6b0:true 0xc82016db60:true 0xc8200da7b0:true 0xc820130cc0:true 0xc821a292f0:true 0xc8209d24e0:true 0xc8209ce2a0:true 0xc82016f140:true 0xc8207d6c00:true 0xc8219a8ea0:true 0xc8209ce690:true 0xc8201569c0:true 0xc8200dff20:true 0xc820130f00:true 0xc821990c60:true 0xc8209cf350:true 0xc8201531a0:true 0xc8200de810:true 0xc8200de990:true 0xc820130b80:true 0xc8219a8d80:true 0xc8219fc6f0:true 0xc8204fd3e0:true 0xc82016e2d0:true 0xc82016e7b0:true 0xc820152810:true 0xc820152e70:true 0xc8209d2210:true 0xc8219b78f0:true 0xc8209cf4a0:true 0xc8200df830:true 0xc8209d2ff0:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple = _r;
zoneinfo = _tuple[0];
badData = errors.New("malformed time zone information");
zoneDirs = new sliceType$2(["/usr/share/zoneinfo/", "/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/", "/usr/lib/locale/TZ/", runtime.GOROOT() + "/lib/time/"]);
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["os"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, js, io, runtime, sync, atomic, syscall, time, PathError, SyscallError, LinkError, File, file, dirInfo, FileInfo, FileMode, fileStat, sliceType, ptrType, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$11, funcType$1, ptrType$12, arrayType$1, ptrType$14, arrayType$5, ptrType$15, ptrType$16, errFinished, lstat, runtime_args, init, NewSyscallError, IsNotExist, isNotExist, fixCount, sigpipe, syscallMode, NewFile, epipecheck, Lstat, basename, init$1, fileInfoFromStat, timespecToTime;
errors = $packages["errors"];
js = $packages[""];
io = $packages["io"];
runtime = $packages["runtime"];
sync = $packages["sync"];
atomic = $packages["sync/atomic"];
syscall = $packages["syscall"];
time = $packages["time"];
PathError = $pkg.PathError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.PathError", "PathError", "os", function(Op_, Path_, Err_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Op = "";
this.Path = "";
this.Err = $ifaceNil;
this.Op = Op_;
this.Path = Path_;
this.Err = Err_;
SyscallError = $pkg.SyscallError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.SyscallError", "SyscallError", "os", function(Syscall_, Err_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Syscall = "";
this.Err = $ifaceNil;
this.Syscall = Syscall_;
this.Err = Err_;
LinkError = $pkg.LinkError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.LinkError", "LinkError", "os", function(Op_, Old_, New_, Err_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Op = "";
this.Old = "";
this.New = "";
this.Err = $ifaceNil;
this.Op = Op_;
this.Old = Old_;
this.New = New_;
this.Err = Err_;
File = $pkg.File = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.File", "File", "os", function(file_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.file = ptrType$11.nil;
this.file = file_;
file = $pkg.file = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.file", "file", "os", function(fd_, name_, dirinfo_, nepipe_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.fd = 0; = "";
this.dirinfo = ptrType.nil;
this.nepipe = 0;
this.fd = fd_; = name_;
this.dirinfo = dirinfo_;
this.nepipe = nepipe_;
dirInfo = $pkg.dirInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.dirInfo", "dirInfo", "os", function(buf_, nbuf_, bufp_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.buf = sliceType$1.nil;
this.nbuf = 0;
this.bufp = 0;
this.buf = buf_;
this.nbuf = nbuf_;
this.bufp = bufp_;
FileInfo = $pkg.FileInfo = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "os.FileInfo", "FileInfo", "os", null);
FileMode = $pkg.FileMode = $newType(4, $kindUint32, "os.FileMode", "FileMode", "os", null);
fileStat = $pkg.fileStat = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "os.fileStat", "fileStat", "os", function(name_, size_, mode_, modTime_, sys_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) { = "";
this.size = new $Int64(0, 0);
this.mode = 0;
this.modTime = new time.Time.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), 0, ptrType$14.nil);
this.sys = $ifaceNil;
} = name_;
this.size = size_;
this.mode = mode_;
this.modTime = modTime_;
this.sys = sys_;
sliceType = $sliceType($String);
ptrType = $ptrType(dirInfo);
sliceType$1 = $sliceType($Uint8);
sliceType$2 = $sliceType(FileInfo);
ptrType$2 = $ptrType(File);
ptrType$3 = $ptrType(PathError);
ptrType$4 = $ptrType(LinkError);
ptrType$11 = $ptrType(file);
funcType$1 = $funcType([ptrType$11], [$error], false);
ptrType$12 = $ptrType($Int32);
arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Int64, 3);
ptrType$14 = $ptrType(time.Location);
arrayType$5 = $arrayType($Uint8, 32);
ptrType$15 = $ptrType(fileStat);
ptrType$16 = $ptrType(SyscallError);
runtime_args = function() {
var $ptr;
return $pkg.Args;
init = function() {
var $ptr, argv, i, process;
process = $global.process;
if (!(process === undefined)) {
argv = process.argv;
$pkg.Args = $makeSlice(sliceType, ($parseInt(argv.length) - 1 >> 0));
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < ($parseInt(argv.length) - 1 >> 0))) { break; }
((i < 0 || i >= $pkg.Args.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : $pkg.Args.$array[$pkg.Args.$offset + i] = $internalize(argv[(i + 1 >> 0)], $String));
i = i + (1) >> 0;
if ($pkg.Args.$length === 0) {
$pkg.Args = new sliceType(["?"]);
File.ptr.prototype.readdirnames = function(n) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, d, err, errno, f, n, names, nb, nc, size;
names = sliceType.nil;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
if (f.file.dirinfo === ptrType.nil) {
f.file.dirinfo = new dirInfo.ptr(sliceType$1.nil, 0, 0);
f.file.dirinfo.buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, 4096);
d = f.file.dirinfo;
size = n;
if (size <= 0) {
size = 100;
n = -1;
names = $makeSlice(sliceType, 0, size);
while (true) {
if (!(!((n === 0)))) { break; }
if (d.bufp >= d.nbuf) {
d.bufp = 0;
errno = $ifaceNil;
_tuple$1 = syscall.ReadDirent(f.file.fd, d.buf);
_tuple = fixCount(_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1]);
d.nbuf = _tuple[0];
errno = _tuple[1];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(errno, $ifaceNil))) {
_tmp = names;
_tmp$1 = NewSyscallError("readdirent", errno);
names = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [names, err];
if (d.nbuf <= 0) {
_tmp$2 = 0;
_tmp$3 = 0;
nb = _tmp$2;
nc = _tmp$3;
_tuple$2 = syscall.ParseDirent($subslice(d.buf, d.bufp, d.nbuf), n, names);
nb = _tuple$2[0];
nc = _tuple$2[1];
names = _tuple$2[2];
d.bufp = d.bufp + (nb) >> 0;
n = n - (nc) >> 0;
if (n >= 0 && (names.$length === 0)) {
_tmp$4 = names;
_tmp$5 = io.EOF;
names = _tmp$4;
err = _tmp$5;
return [names, err];
_tmp$6 = names;
_tmp$7 = $ifaceNil;
names = _tmp$6;
err = _tmp$7;
return [names, err];
File.prototype.readdirnames = function(n) { return this.$val.readdirnames(n); };
File.ptr.prototype.Readdir = function(n) {
var $ptr, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, f, fi, n, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _tmp = $f._tmp; _tmp$1 = $f._tmp$1; _tuple = $f._tuple; err = $f.err; f = $f.f; fi = $; n = $f.n; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
fi = sliceType$2.nil;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
_tmp = sliceType$2.nil;
_tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrInvalid;
fi = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [fi, err];
_r = f.readdir(n); /* map[0xc8215c1f80:true 0xc8200dfe60:true 0xc820b1f9c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple = _r;
fi = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return [fi, err];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: File.ptr.prototype.Readdir }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._tmp = _tmp; $f._tmp$1 = _tmp$1; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.err = err; $f.f = f; $ = fi; $f.n = n; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
File.prototype.Readdir = function(n) { return this.$val.Readdir(n); };
File.ptr.prototype.Readdirnames = function(n) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, f, n, names;
names = sliceType.nil;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
_tmp = sliceType.nil;
_tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrInvalid;
names = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [names, err];
_tuple = f.readdirnames(n);
names = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
return [names, err];
File.prototype.Readdirnames = function(n) { return this.$val.Readdirnames(n); };
PathError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() {
var $ptr, _r, e, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; e = $f.e; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
e = this;
_r = e.Err.Error(); /* map[0xc82054c0c0:true 0xc820783da0:true 0xc82054c090:true 0xc820dd8080:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return e.Op + " " + e.Path + ": " + _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: PathError.ptr.prototype.Error }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.e = e; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
PathError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); };
SyscallError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() {
var $ptr, _r, e, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; e = $f.e; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
e = this;
_r = e.Err.Error(); /* map[0xc82054c360:true 0xc821558140:true 0xc82054c330:true 0xc820dd8280:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return e.Syscall + ": " + _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: SyscallError.ptr.prototype.Error }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.e = e; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
SyscallError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); };
NewSyscallError = function(syscall$1, err) {
var $ptr, err, syscall$1;
if ($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil)) {
return $ifaceNil;
return new SyscallError.ptr(syscall$1, err);
$pkg.NewSyscallError = NewSyscallError;
IsNotExist = function(err) {
var $ptr, err;
return isNotExist(err);
$pkg.IsNotExist = IsNotExist;
isNotExist = function(err) {
var $ptr, _ref, err, pe, pe$1, pe$2;
_ref = err;
if (_ref === $ifaceNil) {
pe = _ref;
return false;
} else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$3, true)[1]) {
pe$1 = _ref.$val;
err = pe$1.Err;
} else if ($assertType(_ref, ptrType$4, true)[1]) {
pe$2 = _ref.$val;
err = pe$2.Err;
return $interfaceIsEqual(err, new syscall.Errno(2)) || $interfaceIsEqual(err, $pkg.ErrNotExist);
File.ptr.prototype.Name = function() {
var $ptr, f;
f = this;
File.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); };
LinkError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() {
var $ptr, _r, e, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; e = $f.e; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
e = this;
_r = e.Err.Error(); /* map[0xc82111f640:true 0xc820440960:true 0xc820af69c0:true 0xc820440930:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return e.Op + " " + e.Old + " " + e.New + ": " + _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: LinkError.ptr.prototype.Error }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.e = e; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
LinkError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); };
File.ptr.prototype.Read = function(b) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, b, e, err, f, n;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrInvalid;
n = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [n, err];
_tuple =;
n = _tuple[0];
e = _tuple[1];
if (n < 0) {
n = 0;
if ((n === 0) && b.$length > 0 && $interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil)) {
_tmp$2 = 0;
_tmp$3 = io.EOF;
n = _tmp$2;
err = _tmp$3;
return [n, err];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
err = new PathError.ptr("read",, e);
_tmp$4 = n;
_tmp$5 = err;
n = _tmp$4;
err = _tmp$5;
return [n, err];
File.prototype.Read = function(b) { return this.$val.Read(b); };
File.ptr.prototype.ReadAt = function(b, off) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, e, err, f, m, n, off, x;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrInvalid;
n = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [n, err];
while (true) {
if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; }
_tuple = f.pread(b, off);
m = _tuple[0];
e = _tuple[1];
if ((m === 0) && $interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil)) {
_tmp$2 = n;
_tmp$3 = io.EOF;
n = _tmp$2;
err = _tmp$3;
return [n, err];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
err = new PathError.ptr("read",, e);
n = n + (m) >> 0;
b = $subslice(b, m);
off = (x = new $Int64(0, m), new $Int64(off.$high + x.$high, off.$low + x.$low));
return [n, err];
File.prototype.ReadAt = function(b, off) { return this.$val.ReadAt(b, off); };
File.ptr.prototype.Write = function(b) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, b, e, err, f, n;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrInvalid;
n = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [n, err];
_tuple = f.write(b);
n = _tuple[0];
e = _tuple[1];
if (n < 0) {
n = 0;
if (!((n === b.$length))) {
err = io.ErrShortWrite;
epipecheck(f, e);
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
err = new PathError.ptr("write",, e);
_tmp$2 = n;
_tmp$3 = err;
n = _tmp$2;
err = _tmp$3;
return [n, err];
File.prototype.Write = function(b) { return this.$val.Write(b); };
File.ptr.prototype.WriteAt = function(b, off) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, b, e, err, f, m, n, off, x;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrInvalid;
n = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [n, err];
while (true) {
if (!(b.$length > 0)) { break; }
_tuple = f.pwrite(b, off);
m = _tuple[0];
e = _tuple[1];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
err = new PathError.ptr("write",, e);
n = n + (m) >> 0;
b = $subslice(b, m);
off = (x = new $Int64(0, m), new $Int64(off.$high + x.$high, off.$low + x.$low));
return [n, err];
File.prototype.WriteAt = function(b, off) { return this.$val.WriteAt(b, off); };
File.ptr.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tuple, e, err, f, offset, r, ret, whence;
ret = new $Int64(0, 0);
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
_tmp = new $Int64(0, 0);
_tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrInvalid;
ret = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [ret, err];
_tuple =, whence);
r = _tuple[0];
e = _tuple[1];
if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil) && !(f.file.dirinfo === ptrType.nil) && !((r.$high === 0 && r.$low === 0))) {
e = new syscall.Errno(21);
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
_tmp$2 = new $Int64(0, 0);
_tmp$3 = new PathError.ptr("seek",, e);
ret = _tmp$2;
err = _tmp$3;
return [ret, err];
_tmp$4 = r;
_tmp$5 = $ifaceNil;
ret = _tmp$4;
err = _tmp$5;
return [ret, err];
File.prototype.Seek = function(offset, whence) { return this.$val.Seek(offset, whence); };
File.ptr.prototype.WriteString = function(s) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, err, f, n, s;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrInvalid;
n = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [n, err];
_tuple = f.Write(new sliceType$1($stringToBytes(s)));
n = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
return [n, err];
File.prototype.WriteString = function(s) { return this.$val.WriteString(s); };
File.ptr.prototype.Chdir = function() {
var $ptr, e, f;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
return $pkg.ErrInvalid;
e = syscall.Fchdir(f.file.fd);
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
return new PathError.ptr("chdir",, e);
return $ifaceNil;
File.prototype.Chdir = function() { return this.$val.Chdir(); };
fixCount = function(n, err) {
var $ptr, err, n;
if (n < 0) {
n = 0;
return [n, err];
sigpipe = function() {
$panic("Native function not implemented: os.sigpipe");
syscallMode = function(i) {
var $ptr, i, o;
o = 0;
o = (o | ((new FileMode(i).Perm() >>> 0))) >>> 0;
if (!((((i & 8388608) >>> 0) === 0))) {
o = (o | (2048)) >>> 0;
if (!((((i & 4194304) >>> 0) === 0))) {
o = (o | (1024)) >>> 0;
if (!((((i & 1048576) >>> 0) === 0))) {
o = (o | (512)) >>> 0;
return o;
File.ptr.prototype.Chmod = function(mode) {
var $ptr, e, f, mode;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
return $pkg.ErrInvalid;
e = syscall.Fchmod(f.file.fd, syscallMode(mode));
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
return new PathError.ptr("chmod",, e);
return $ifaceNil;
File.prototype.Chmod = function(mode) { return this.$val.Chmod(mode); };
File.ptr.prototype.Chown = function(uid, gid) {
var $ptr, e, f, gid, uid;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
return $pkg.ErrInvalid;
e = syscall.Fchown(f.file.fd, uid, gid);
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
return new PathError.ptr("chown",, e);
return $ifaceNil;
File.prototype.Chown = function(uid, gid) { return this.$val.Chown(uid, gid); };
File.ptr.prototype.Truncate = function(size) {
var $ptr, e, f, size;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
return $pkg.ErrInvalid;
e = syscall.Ftruncate(f.file.fd, size);
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
return new PathError.ptr("truncate",, e);
return $ifaceNil;
File.prototype.Truncate = function(size) { return this.$val.Truncate(size); };
File.ptr.prototype.Sync = function() {
var $ptr, e, f;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
return $pkg.ErrInvalid;
e = syscall.Fsync(f.file.fd);
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
return NewSyscallError("fsync", e);
return $ifaceNil;
File.prototype.Sync = function() { return this.$val.Sync(); };
File.ptr.prototype.Fd = function() {
var $ptr, f;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
return 4294967295;
return (f.file.fd >>> 0);
File.prototype.Fd = function() { return this.$val.Fd(); };
NewFile = function(fd, name) {
var $ptr, f, fd, fdi, name;
fdi = (fd >> 0);
if (fdi < 0) {
return ptrType$2.nil;
f = new File.ptr(new file.ptr(fdi, name, ptrType.nil, 0));
runtime.SetFinalizer(f.file, new funcType$1($methodExpr(ptrType$11, "close")));
return f;
$pkg.NewFile = NewFile;
epipecheck = function(file$1, e) {
var $ptr, e, file$1;
if ($interfaceIsEqual(e, new syscall.Errno(32))) {
if (atomic.AddInt32((file$1.$ptr_nepipe || (file$1.$ptr_nepipe = new ptrType$12(function() { return this.$target.file.nepipe; }, function($v) { this.$target.file.nepipe = $v; }, file$1))), 1) >= 10) {
} else {
atomic.StoreInt32((file$1.$ptr_nepipe || (file$1.$ptr_nepipe = new ptrType$12(function() { return this.$target.file.nepipe; }, function($v) { this.$target.file.nepipe = $v; }, file$1))), 0);
File.ptr.prototype.Close = function() {
var $ptr, f;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
return $pkg.ErrInvalid;
return f.file.close();
File.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); };
file.ptr.prototype.close = function() {
var $ptr, e, err, file$1;
file$1 = this;
if (file$1 === ptrType$11.nil || file$1.fd < 0) {
return new syscall.Errno(22);
err = $ifaceNil;
e = syscall.Close(file$1.fd);
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(e, $ifaceNil))) {
err = new PathError.ptr("close", file$, e);
file$1.fd = -1;
runtime.SetFinalizer(file$1, $ifaceNil);
return err;
file.prototype.close = function() { return this.$val.close(); };
File.ptr.prototype.Stat = function() {
var $ptr, err, f, stat;
f = this;
if (f === ptrType$2.nil) {
return [$ifaceNil, $pkg.ErrInvalid];
stat = new syscall.Stat_t.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new syscall.Timespec.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0)), new syscall.Timespec.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0)), new syscall.Timespec.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0)), arrayType$;
err = syscall.Fstat(f.file.fd, stat);
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) {
return [$ifaceNil, new PathError.ptr("stat",, err)];
return [fileInfoFromStat(stat,, $ifaceNil];
File.prototype.Stat = function() { return this.$val.Stat(); };
Lstat = function(name) {
var $ptr, err, name, stat;
stat = new syscall.Stat_t.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, new $Uint64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0), new syscall.Timespec.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0)), new syscall.Timespec.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0)), new syscall.Timespec.ptr(new $Int64(0, 0), new $Int64(0, 0)), arrayType$;
err = syscall.Lstat(name, stat);
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) {
return [$ifaceNil, new PathError.ptr("lstat", name, err)];
return [fileInfoFromStat(stat, name), $ifaceNil];
$pkg.Lstat = Lstat;
File.ptr.prototype.readdir = function(n) {
var $ptr, _i, _r, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tuple, _tuple$1, dirname, err, f, fi, filename, fip, lerr, n, names, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _i = $f._i; _r = $f._r; _ref = $f._ref; _tmp = $f._tmp; _tmp$1 = $f._tmp$1; _tmp$2 = $f._tmp$2; _tmp$3 = $f._tmp$3; _tuple = $f._tuple; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; dirname = $f.dirname; err = $f.err; f = $f.f; fi = $; filename = $f.filename; fip = $f.fip; lerr = $f.lerr; n = $f.n; names = $f.names; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
fi = sliceType$2.nil;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
dirname =;
if (dirname === "") {
dirname = ".";
_tuple = f.Readdirnames(n);
names = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
fi = $makeSlice(sliceType$2, 0, names.$length);
_ref = names;
_i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 1:
/* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; }
filename = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]);
_r = lstat(dirname + "/" + filename); /* map[0xc820404cc0:true 0xc8207abe00:true 0xc8207abdc0:true 0xc820404cf0:true 0xc82192e000:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple$1 = _r;
fip = _tuple$1[0];
lerr = _tuple$1[1];
if (IsNotExist(lerr)) {
/* continue; */ $s = 1; continue;
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(lerr, $ifaceNil))) {
_tmp = fi;
_tmp$1 = lerr;
fi = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [fi, err];
fi = $append(fi, fip);
/* } */ $s = 1; continue; case 2:
_tmp$2 = fi;
_tmp$3 = err;
fi = _tmp$2;
err = _tmp$3;
return [fi, err];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: File.ptr.prototype.readdir }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._i = _i; $f._r = _r; $f._ref = _ref; $f._tmp = _tmp; $f._tmp$1 = _tmp$1; $f._tmp$2 = _tmp$2; $f._tmp$3 = _tmp$3; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f.dirname = dirname; $f.err = err; $f.f = f; $ = fi; $f.filename = filename; $f.fip = fip; $f.lerr = lerr; $f.n = n; $f.names = names; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
File.prototype.readdir = function(n) { return this.$val.readdir(n); }; = function(b) {
var $ptr, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, f, n;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
_tuple$1 = syscall.Read(f.file.fd, b);
_tuple = fixCount(_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1]);
n = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
return [n, err];
}; = function(b) { return this.$; };
File.ptr.prototype.pread = function(b, off) {
var $ptr, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, f, n, off;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
_tuple$1 = syscall.Pread(f.file.fd, b, off);
_tuple = fixCount(_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1]);
n = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
return [n, err];
File.prototype.pread = function(b, off) { return this.$val.pread(b, off); };
File.ptr.prototype.write = function(b) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, bcap, err, err$1, f, m, n;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
while (true) {
bcap = b;
_tuple$1 = syscall.Write(f.file.fd, bcap);
_tuple = fixCount(_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1]);
m = _tuple[0];
err$1 = _tuple[1];
n = n + (m) >> 0;
if (0 < m && m < bcap.$length || $interfaceIsEqual(err$1, new syscall.Errno(4))) {
b = $subslice(b, m);
_tmp = n;
_tmp$1 = err$1;
n = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [n, err];
File.prototype.write = function(b) { return this.$val.write(b); };
File.ptr.prototype.pwrite = function(b, off) {
var $ptr, _tuple, _tuple$1, b, err, f, n, off;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
_tuple$1 = syscall.Pwrite(f.file.fd, b, off);
_tuple = fixCount(_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1]);
n = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
return [n, err];
File.prototype.pwrite = function(b, off) { return this.$val.pwrite(b, off); }; = function(offset, whence) {
var $ptr, _tuple, err, f, offset, ret, whence;
ret = new $Int64(0, 0);
err = $ifaceNil;
f = this;
_tuple = syscall.Seek(f.file.fd, offset, whence);
ret = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
return [ret, err];
}; = function(offset, whence) { return this.$, whence); };
basename = function(name) {
var $ptr, i, name;
i = name.length - 1 >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i > 0 && (name.charCodeAt(i) === 47))) { break; }
name = name.substring(0, i);
i = i - (1) >> 0;
i = i - (1) >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i >= 0)) { break; }
if (name.charCodeAt(i) === 47) {
name = name.substring((i + 1 >> 0));
i = i - (1) >> 0;
return name;
init$1 = function() {
var $ptr;
$pkg.Args = runtime_args();
fileInfoFromStat = function(st, name) {
var $ptr, _ref, fs, name, st;
fs = new fileStat.ptr(basename(name), st.Size, 0, $clone(timespecToTime(st.Mtim), time.Time), st);
fs.mode = (((st.Mode & 511) >>> 0) >>> 0);
_ref = (st.Mode & 61440) >>> 0;
if (_ref === 24576) {
fs.mode = (fs.mode | (67108864)) >>> 0;
} else if (_ref === 8192) {
fs.mode = (fs.mode | (69206016)) >>> 0;
} else if (_ref === 16384) {
fs.mode = (fs.mode | (2147483648)) >>> 0;
} else if (_ref === 4096) {
fs.mode = (fs.mode | (33554432)) >>> 0;
} else if (_ref === 40960) {
fs.mode = (fs.mode | (134217728)) >>> 0;
} else if (_ref === 32768) {
} else if (_ref === 49152) {
fs.mode = (fs.mode | (16777216)) >>> 0;
if (!((((st.Mode & 1024) >>> 0) === 0))) {
fs.mode = (fs.mode | (4194304)) >>> 0;
if (!((((st.Mode & 2048) >>> 0) === 0))) {
fs.mode = (fs.mode | (8388608)) >>> 0;
if (!((((st.Mode & 512) >>> 0) === 0))) {
fs.mode = (fs.mode | (1048576)) >>> 0;
return fs;
timespecToTime = function(ts) {
var $ptr, ts;
ts = $clone(ts, syscall.Timespec);
return time.Unix(ts.Sec, ts.Nsec);
FileMode.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, _i, _i$1, _ref, _ref$1, _rune, _rune$1, buf, c, c$1, i, i$1, m, w, y, y$1;
m = this.$val;
buf = arrayType$;
w = 0;
_ref = "dalTLDpSugct";
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; }
_rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i);
i = _i;
c = _rune[0];
if (!((((m & (((y = ((31 - i >> 0) >>> 0), y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0) === 0))) {
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = (c << 24 >>> 24));
w = w + (1) >> 0;
_i += _rune[1];
if (w === 0) {
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = 45);
w = w + (1) >> 0;
_ref$1 = "rwxrwxrwx";
_i$1 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.length)) { break; }
_rune$1 = $decodeRune(_ref$1, _i$1);
i$1 = _i$1;
c$1 = _rune$1[0];
if (!((((m & (((y$1 = ((8 - i$1 >> 0) >>> 0), y$1 < 32 ? (1 << y$1) : 0) >>> 0))) >>> 0) === 0))) {
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = (c$1 << 24 >>> 24));
} else {
((w < 0 || w >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[w] = 45);
w = w + (1) >> 0;
_i$1 += _rune$1[1];
return $bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType$1(buf), 0, w));
$ptrType(FileMode).prototype.String = function() { return new FileMode(this.$get()).String(); };
FileMode.prototype.IsDir = function() {
var $ptr, m;
m = this.$val;
return !((((m & 2147483648) >>> 0) === 0));
$ptrType(FileMode).prototype.IsDir = function() { return new FileMode(this.$get()).IsDir(); };
FileMode.prototype.IsRegular = function() {
var $ptr, m;
m = this.$val;
return ((m & 2399141888) >>> 0) === 0;
$ptrType(FileMode).prototype.IsRegular = function() { return new FileMode(this.$get()).IsRegular(); };
FileMode.prototype.Perm = function() {
var $ptr, m;
m = this.$val;
return (m & 511) >>> 0;
$ptrType(FileMode).prototype.Perm = function() { return new FileMode(this.$get()).Perm(); };
fileStat.ptr.prototype.Name = function() {
var $ptr, fs;
fs = this;
fileStat.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); };
fileStat.ptr.prototype.IsDir = function() {
var $ptr, fs;
fs = this;
return new FileMode(fs.Mode()).IsDir();
fileStat.prototype.IsDir = function() { return this.$val.IsDir(); };
fileStat.ptr.prototype.Size = function() {
var $ptr, fs;
fs = this;
return fs.size;
fileStat.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); };
fileStat.ptr.prototype.Mode = function() {
var $ptr, fs;
fs = this;
return fs.mode;
fileStat.prototype.Mode = function() { return this.$val.Mode(); };
fileStat.ptr.prototype.ModTime = function() {
var $ptr, fs;
fs = this;
return fs.modTime;
fileStat.prototype.ModTime = function() { return this.$val.ModTime(); };
fileStat.ptr.prototype.Sys = function() {
var $ptr, fs;
fs = this;
return fs.sys;
fileStat.prototype.Sys = function() { return this.$val.Sys(); };
ptrType$3.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
ptrType$16.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "readdirnames", name: "readdirnames", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "Readdir", name: "Readdir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType$2, $error], false)}, {prop: "Readdirnames", name: "Readdirnames", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType, $error], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Read", name: "Read", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "ReadAt", name: "ReadAt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Write", name: "Write", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteAt", name: "WriteAt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Seek", name: "Seek", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int], [$Int64, $error], false)}, {prop: "WriteString", name: "WriteString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "Chdir", name: "Chdir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Chmod", name: "Chmod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([FileMode], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Chown", name: "Chown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Truncate", name: "Truncate", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Sync", name: "Sync", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Fd", name: "Fd", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}, {prop: "Stat", name: "Stat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileInfo, $error], false)}, {prop: "readdir", name: "readdir", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([$Int], [sliceType$2, $error], false)}, {prop: "read", name: "read", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "pread", name: "pread", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "write", name: "write", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "pwrite", name: "pwrite", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([sliceType$1, $Int64], [$Int, $error], false)}, {prop: "seek", name: "seek", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([$Int64, $Int], [$Int64, $error], false)}];
ptrType$11.methods = [{prop: "close", name: "close", pkg: "os", typ: $funcType([], [$error], false)}];
FileMode.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "IsDir", name: "IsDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "IsRegular", name: "IsRegular", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Perm", name: "Perm", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileMode], false)}];
ptrType$15.methods = [{prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "IsDir", name: "IsDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Mode", name: "Mode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileMode], false)}, {prop: "ModTime", name: "ModTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [time.Time], false)}, {prop: "Sys", name: "Sys", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}];
PathError.init([{prop: "Op", name: "Op", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Path", name: "Path", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", pkg: "", typ: $error, tag: ""}]);
SyscallError.init([{prop: "Syscall", name: "Syscall", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", pkg: "", typ: $error, tag: ""}]);
LinkError.init([{prop: "Op", name: "Op", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Old", name: "Old", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "New", name: "New", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Err", name: "Err", pkg: "", typ: $error, tag: ""}]);
File.init([{prop: "file", name: "", pkg: "os", typ: ptrType$11, tag: ""}]);
file.init([{prop: "fd", name: "fd", pkg: "os", typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "os", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "dirinfo", name: "dirinfo", pkg: "os", typ: ptrType, tag: ""}, {prop: "nepipe", name: "nepipe", pkg: "os", typ: $Int32, tag: ""}]);
dirInfo.init([{prop: "buf", name: "buf", pkg: "os", typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "nbuf", name: "nbuf", pkg: "os", typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "bufp", name: "bufp", pkg: "os", typ: $Int, tag: ""}]);
FileInfo.init([{prop: "IsDir", name: "IsDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ModTime", name: "ModTime", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [time.Time], false)}, {prop: "Mode", name: "Mode", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [FileMode], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "Sys", name: "Sys", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}]);
fileStat.init([{prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "os", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "size", name: "size", pkg: "os", typ: $Int64, tag: ""}, {prop: "mode", name: "mode", pkg: "os", typ: FileMode, tag: ""}, {prop: "modTime", name: "modTime", pkg: "os", typ: time.Time, tag: ""}, {prop: "sys", name: "sys", pkg: "os", typ: $emptyInterface, tag: ""}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = errors.$init(); /* map[0xc82030ef40:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = js.$init(); /* map[0xc82030ef40:true 0xc82030ef80:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = io.$init(); /* map[0xc82030ef80:true 0xc82030f040:true 0xc82030ef40:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = runtime.$init(); /* map[0xc82030ef40:true 0xc82030ef80:true 0xc82030f040:true 0xc82030f080:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = sync.$init(); /* map[0xc82030ef40:true 0xc82030ef80:true 0xc82030f040:true 0xc82030f080:true 0xc82030f0c0:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = atomic.$init(); /* map[0xc82030f040:true 0xc82030f080:true 0xc82030f0c0:true 0xc82030f140:true 0xc82030ef40:true 0xc82030ef80:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = syscall.$init(); /* map[0xc82030f080:true 0xc82030f0c0:true 0xc82030f140:true 0xc82030f180:true 0xc82030ef40:true 0xc82030ef80:true 0xc82030f040:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = time.$init(); /* map[0xc82030f180:true 0xc82030f1c0:true 0xc82030ef40:true 0xc82030ef80:true 0xc82030f040:true 0xc82030f080:true 0xc82030f0c0:true 0xc82030f140:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$pkg.Args = sliceType.nil;
$pkg.ErrInvalid = errors.New("invalid argument");
$pkg.ErrPermission = errors.New("permission denied");
$pkg.ErrExist = errors.New("file already exists");
$pkg.ErrNotExist = errors.New("file does not exist");
errFinished = errors.New("os: process already finished");
$pkg.Stdin = NewFile((syscall.Stdin >>> 0), "/dev/stdin");
$pkg.Stdout = NewFile((syscall.Stdout >>> 0), "/dev/stdout");
$pkg.Stderr = NewFile((syscall.Stderr >>> 0), "/dev/stderr");
lstat = Lstat;
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["strconv"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, math, utf8, decimal, leftCheat, extFloat, floatInfo, decimalSlice, sliceType$3, sliceType$4, sliceType$5, arrayType, sliceType$6, arrayType$1, arrayType$2, ptrType$1, arrayType$3, arrayType$4, ptrType$2, ptrType$3, ptrType$4, optimize, leftcheats, smallPowersOfTen, powersOfTen, uint64pow10, float32info, float32info$24ptr, float64info, float64info$24ptr, isPrint16, isNotPrint16, isPrint32, isNotPrint32, shifts, digitZero, trim, rightShift, prefixIsLessThan, leftShift, shouldRoundUp, frexp10Many, adjustLastDigitFixed, adjustLastDigit, AppendFloat, genericFtoa, bigFtoa, formatDigits, roundShortest, fmtE, fmtF, fmtB, min, max, FormatInt, Itoa, formatBits, quoteWith, Quote, QuoteToASCII, QuoteRune, AppendQuoteRune, QuoteRuneToASCII, AppendQuoteRuneToASCII, CanBackquote, unhex, UnquoteChar, Unquote, contains, bsearch16, bsearch32, IsPrint;
errors = $packages["errors"];
math = $packages["math"];
utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"];
decimal = $pkg.decimal = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strconv.decimal", "decimal", "strconv", function(d_, nd_, dp_, neg_, trunc_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.d =;
this.nd = 0;
this.dp = 0;
this.neg = false;
this.trunc = false;
this.d = d_;
this.nd = nd_;
this.dp = dp_;
this.neg = neg_;
this.trunc = trunc_;
leftCheat = $pkg.leftCheat = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strconv.leftCheat", "leftCheat", "strconv", function(delta_, cutoff_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) { = 0;
this.cutoff = "";
} = delta_;
this.cutoff = cutoff_;
extFloat = $pkg.extFloat = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strconv.extFloat", "extFloat", "strconv", function(mant_, exp_, neg_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.mant = new $Uint64(0, 0);
this.exp = 0;
this.neg = false;
this.mant = mant_;
this.exp = exp_;
this.neg = neg_;
floatInfo = $pkg.floatInfo = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strconv.floatInfo", "floatInfo", "strconv", function(mantbits_, expbits_, bias_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.mantbits = 0;
this.expbits = 0;
this.bias = 0;
this.mantbits = mantbits_;
this.expbits = expbits_;
this.bias = bias_;
decimalSlice = $pkg.decimalSlice = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "strconv.decimalSlice", "decimalSlice", "strconv", function(d_, nd_, dp_, neg_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.d = sliceType$6.nil;
this.nd = 0;
this.dp = 0;
this.neg = false;
this.d = d_;
this.nd = nd_;
this.dp = dp_;
this.neg = neg_;
sliceType$3 = $sliceType(leftCheat);
sliceType$4 = $sliceType($Uint16);
sliceType$5 = $sliceType($Uint32);
arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 800);
sliceType$6 = $sliceType($Uint8);
arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 24);
arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint8, 32);
ptrType$1 = $ptrType(floatInfo);
arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uint8, 65);
arrayType$4 = $arrayType($Uint8, 4);
ptrType$2 = $ptrType(decimal);
ptrType$3 = $ptrType(decimalSlice);
ptrType$4 = $ptrType(extFloat);
decimal.ptr.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, a, buf, n, w;
a = this;
n = 10 + a.nd >> 0;
if (a.dp > 0) {
n = n + (a.dp) >> 0;
if (a.dp < 0) {
n = n + (-a.dp) >> 0;
buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, n);
w = 0;
if (a.nd === 0) {
return "0";
} else if (a.dp <= 0) {
((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = 48);
w = w + (1) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = 46);
w = w + (1) >> 0;
w = w + (digitZero($subslice(buf, w, (w + -a.dp >> 0)))) >> 0;
w = w + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, w), $subslice(new sliceType$6(a.d), 0, a.nd))) >> 0;
} else if (a.dp < a.nd) {
w = w + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, w), $subslice(new sliceType$6(a.d), 0, a.dp))) >> 0;
((w < 0 || w >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + w] = 46);
w = w + (1) >> 0;
w = w + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, w), $subslice(new sliceType$6(a.d), a.dp, a.nd))) >> 0;
} else {
w = w + ($copySlice($subslice(buf, w), $subslice(new sliceType$6(a.d), 0, a.nd))) >> 0;
w = w + (digitZero($subslice(buf, w, ((w + a.dp >> 0) - a.nd >> 0)))) >> 0;
return $bytesToString($subslice(buf, 0, w));
decimal.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); };
digitZero = function(dst) {
var $ptr, _i, _ref, dst, i;
_ref = dst;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
i = _i;
((i < 0 || i >= dst.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : dst.$array[dst.$offset + i] = 48);
return dst.$length;
trim = function(a) {
var $ptr, a, x, x$1;
while (true) {
if (!(a.nd > 0 && ((x = a.d, x$1 = a.nd - 1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= x.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x[x$1])) === 48))) { break; }
a.nd = a.nd - (1) >> 0;
if (a.nd === 0) {
a.dp = 0;
decimal.ptr.prototype.Assign = function(v) {
var $ptr, a, buf, n, v, v1, x, x$1, x$2;
a = this;
buf = arrayType$;
n = 0;
while (true) {
if (!((v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low > 0)))) { break; }
v1 = $div64(v, new $Uint64(0, 10), false);
v = (x = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 10), v1), new $Uint64(v.$high - x.$high, v.$low - x.$low));
((n < 0 || n >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[n] = (new $Uint64(v.$high + 0, v.$low + 48).$low << 24 >>> 24));
n = n + (1) >> 0;
v = v1;
a.nd = 0;
n = n - (1) >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(n >= 0)) { break; }
(x$1 = a.d, x$2 = a.nd, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$1[x$2] = ((n < 0 || n >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[n])));
a.nd = a.nd + (1) >> 0;
n = n - (1) >> 0;
a.dp = a.nd;
decimal.prototype.Assign = function(v) { return this.$val.Assign(v); };
rightShift = function(a, k) {
var $ptr, a, c, c$1, dig, dig$1, k, n, r, w, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, y, y$1, y$2, y$3, y$4, y$5;
r = 0;
w = 0;
n = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(((y = k, y < 32 ? (n >>> y) : 0) >>> 0) === 0)) { break; }
if (r >= a.nd) {
if (n === 0) {
a.nd = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(((y$1 = k, y$1 < 32 ? (n >>> y$1) : 0) >>> 0) === 0)) { break; }
n = n * 10 >>> 0;
r = r + (1) >> 0;
c = ((x = a.d, ((r < 0 || r >= x.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x[r])) >>> 0);
n = ((n * 10 >>> 0) + c >>> 0) - 48 >>> 0;
r = r + (1) >> 0;
a.dp = a.dp - ((r - 1 >> 0)) >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(r < a.nd)) { break; }
c$1 = ((x$1 = a.d, ((r < 0 || r >= x$1.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$1[r])) >>> 0);
dig = (y$2 = k, y$2 < 32 ? (n >>> y$2) : 0) >>> 0;
n = n - (((y$3 = k, y$3 < 32 ? (dig << y$3) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0;
(x$2 = a.d, ((w < 0 || w >= x$2.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$2[w] = ((dig + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)));
w = w + (1) >> 0;
n = ((n * 10 >>> 0) + c$1 >>> 0) - 48 >>> 0;
r = r + (1) >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(n > 0)) { break; }
dig$1 = (y$4 = k, y$4 < 32 ? (n >>> y$4) : 0) >>> 0;
n = n - (((y$5 = k, y$5 < 32 ? (dig$1 << y$5) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0;
if (w < 800) {
(x$3 = a.d, ((w < 0 || w >= x$3.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$3[w] = ((dig$1 + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)));
w = w + (1) >> 0;
} else if (dig$1 > 0) {
a.trunc = true;
n = n * 10 >>> 0;
a.nd = w;
prefixIsLessThan = function(b, s) {
var $ptr, b, i, s;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < s.length)) { break; }
if (i >= b.$length) {
return true;
if (!((((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : b.$array[b.$offset + i]) === s.charCodeAt(i)))) {
return ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : b.$array[b.$offset + i]) < s.charCodeAt(i);
i = i + (1) >> 0;
return false;
leftShift = function(a, k) {
var $ptr, _q, _q$1, a, delta, k, n, quo, quo$1, r, rem, rem$1, w, x, x$1, x$2, y;
delta = ((k < 0 || k >= leftcheats.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : leftcheats.$array[leftcheats.$offset + k]).delta;
if (prefixIsLessThan($subslice(new sliceType$6(a.d), 0, a.nd), ((k < 0 || k >= leftcheats.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : leftcheats.$array[leftcheats.$offset + k]).cutoff)) {
delta = delta - (1) >> 0;
r = a.nd;
w = a.nd + delta >> 0;
n = 0;
r = r - (1) >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(r >= 0)) { break; }
n = n + (((y = k, y < 32 ? (((((x = a.d, ((r < 0 || r >= x.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x[r])) >>> 0) - 48 >>> 0)) << y) : 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0;
quo = (_q = n / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
rem = n - (10 * quo >>> 0) >>> 0;
w = w - (1) >> 0;
if (w < 800) {
(x$1 = a.d, ((w < 0 || w >= x$1.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$1[w] = ((rem + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)));
} else if (!((rem === 0))) {
a.trunc = true;
n = quo;
r = r - (1) >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(n > 0)) { break; }
quo$1 = (_q$1 = n / 10, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
rem$1 = n - (10 * quo$1 >>> 0) >>> 0;
w = w - (1) >> 0;
if (w < 800) {
(x$2 = a.d, ((w < 0 || w >= x$2.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$2[w] = ((rem$1 + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)));
} else if (!((rem$1 === 0))) {
a.trunc = true;
n = quo$1;
a.nd = a.nd + (delta) >> 0;
if (a.nd >= 800) {
a.nd = 800;
a.dp = a.dp + (delta) >> 0;
decimal.ptr.prototype.Shift = function(k) {
var $ptr, a, k;
a = this;
if (a.nd === 0) {
} else if (k > 0) {
while (true) {
if (!(k > 28)) { break; }
leftShift(a, 28);
k = k - (28) >> 0;
leftShift(a, (k >>> 0));
} else if (k < 0) {
while (true) {
if (!(k < -28)) { break; }
rightShift(a, 28);
k = k + (28) >> 0;
rightShift(a, (-k >>> 0));
decimal.prototype.Shift = function(k) { return this.$val.Shift(k); };
shouldRoundUp = function(a, nd) {
var $ptr, _r, a, nd, x, x$1, x$2, x$3;
if (nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd) {
return false;
if (((x = a.d, ((nd < 0 || nd >= x.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x[nd])) === 53) && ((nd + 1 >> 0) === a.nd)) {
if (a.trunc) {
return true;
return nd > 0 && !(((_r = (((x$1 = a.d, x$2 = nd - 1 >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= x$1.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$1[x$2])) - 48 << 24 >>> 24)) % 2, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) === 0));
return (x$3 = a.d, ((nd < 0 || nd >= x$3.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$3[nd])) >= 53;
decimal.ptr.prototype.Round = function(nd) {
var $ptr, a, nd;
a = this;
if (nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd) {
if (shouldRoundUp(a, nd)) {
} else {
decimal.prototype.Round = function(nd) { return this.$val.Round(nd); };
decimal.ptr.prototype.RoundDown = function(nd) {
var $ptr, a, nd;
a = this;
if (nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd) {
a.nd = nd;
decimal.prototype.RoundDown = function(nd) { return this.$val.RoundDown(nd); };
decimal.ptr.prototype.RoundUp = function(nd) {
var $ptr, a, c, i, nd, x, x$1, x$2;
a = this;
if (nd < 0 || nd >= a.nd) {
i = nd - 1 >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i >= 0)) { break; }
c = (x = a.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x[i]));
if (c < 57) {
(x$2 = a.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$2[i] = ((x$1 = a.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$1[i])) + (1) << 24 >>> 24)));
a.nd = i + 1 >> 0;
i = i - (1) >> 0;
a.d[0] = 49;
a.nd = 1;
a.dp = a.dp + (1) >> 0;
decimal.prototype.RoundUp = function(nd) { return this.$val.RoundUp(nd); };
decimal.ptr.prototype.RoundedInteger = function() {
var $ptr, a, i, n, x, x$1, x$2, x$3;
a = this;
if (a.dp > 20) {
return new $Uint64(4294967295, 4294967295);
i = 0;
n = new $Uint64(0, 0);
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < a.dp && i < a.nd)) { break; }
n = (x = $mul64(n, new $Uint64(0, 10)), x$1 = new $Uint64(0, ((x$2 = a.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$2.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$2[i])) - 48 << 24 >>> 24)), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$1.$high, x.$low + x$1.$low));
i = i + (1) >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < a.dp)) { break; }
n = $mul64(n, (new $Uint64(0, 10)));
i = i + (1) >> 0;
if (shouldRoundUp(a, a.dp)) {
n = (x$3 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(n.$high + x$3.$high, n.$low + x$3.$low));
return n;
decimal.prototype.RoundedInteger = function() { return this.$val.RoundedInteger(); };
extFloat.ptr.prototype.AssignComputeBounds = function(mant, exp, neg, flt) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, exp, expBiased, f, flt, lower, mant, neg, upper, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4;
lower = new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, false);
upper = new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, false);
f = this;
f.mant = mant;
f.exp = exp - (flt.mantbits >> 0) >> 0;
f.neg = neg;
if (f.exp <= 0 && (x = $shiftLeft64(($shiftRightUint64(mant, (-f.exp >>> 0))), (-f.exp >>> 0)), (mant.$high === x.$high && mant.$low === x.$low))) {
f.mant = $shiftRightUint64(f.mant, ((-f.exp >>> 0)));
f.exp = 0;
_tmp = $clone(f, extFloat);
_tmp$1 = $clone(f, extFloat);
extFloat.copy(lower, _tmp);
extFloat.copy(upper, _tmp$1);
return [lower, upper];
expBiased = exp - flt.bias >> 0;
extFloat.copy(upper, new extFloat.ptr((x$1 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), f.mant), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + 0, x$1.$low + 1)), f.exp - 1 >> 0, f.neg));
if (!((x$2 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), (mant.$high === x$2.$high && mant.$low === x$2.$low))) || (expBiased === 1)) {
extFloat.copy(lower, new extFloat.ptr((x$3 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), f.mant), new $Uint64(x$3.$high - 0, x$3.$low - 1)), f.exp - 1 >> 0, f.neg));
} else {
extFloat.copy(lower, new extFloat.ptr((x$4 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 4), f.mant), new $Uint64(x$4.$high - 0, x$4.$low - 1)), f.exp - 2 >> 0, f.neg));
return [lower, upper];
extFloat.prototype.AssignComputeBounds = function(mant, exp, neg, flt) { return this.$val.AssignComputeBounds(mant, exp, neg, flt); };
extFloat.ptr.prototype.Normalize = function() {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, exp, f, mant, shift, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5;
shift = 0;
f = this;
_tmp = f.mant;
_tmp$1 = f.exp;
mant = _tmp;
exp = _tmp$1;
if ((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0)) {
shift = 0;
return shift;
if ((x = $shiftRightUint64(mant, 32), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) {
mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (32));
exp = exp - (32) >> 0;
if ((x$1 = $shiftRightUint64(mant, 48), (x$1.$high === 0 && x$1.$low === 0))) {
mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (16));
exp = exp - (16) >> 0;
if ((x$2 = $shiftRightUint64(mant, 56), (x$2.$high === 0 && x$2.$low === 0))) {
mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (8));
exp = exp - (8) >> 0;
if ((x$3 = $shiftRightUint64(mant, 60), (x$3.$high === 0 && x$3.$low === 0))) {
mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (4));
exp = exp - (4) >> 0;
if ((x$4 = $shiftRightUint64(mant, 62), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0))) {
mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (2));
exp = exp - (2) >> 0;
if ((x$5 = $shiftRightUint64(mant, 63), (x$5.$high === 0 && x$5.$low === 0))) {
mant = $shiftLeft64(mant, (1));
exp = exp - (1) >> 0;
shift = ((f.exp - exp >> 0) >>> 0);
_tmp$2 = mant;
_tmp$3 = exp;
f.mant = _tmp$2;
f.exp = _tmp$3;
return shift;
extFloat.prototype.Normalize = function() { return this.$val.Normalize(); };
extFloat.ptr.prototype.Multiply = function(g) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, cross1, cross2, f, fhi, flo, g, ghi, glo, rem, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9;
g = $clone(g, extFloat);
f = this;
_tmp = $shiftRightUint64(f.mant, 32);
_tmp$1 = new $Uint64(0, (f.mant.$low >>> 0));
fhi = _tmp;
flo = _tmp$1;
_tmp$2 = $shiftRightUint64(g.mant, 32);
_tmp$3 = new $Uint64(0, (g.mant.$low >>> 0));
ghi = _tmp$2;
glo = _tmp$3;
cross1 = $mul64(fhi, glo);
cross2 = $mul64(flo, ghi);
f.mant = (x = (x$1 = $mul64(fhi, ghi), x$2 = $shiftRightUint64(cross1, 32), new $Uint64(x$1.$high + x$2.$high, x$1.$low + x$2.$low)), x$3 = $shiftRightUint64(cross2, 32), new $Uint64(x.$high + x$3.$high, x.$low + x$3.$low));
rem = (x$4 = (x$5 = new $Uint64(0, (cross1.$low >>> 0)), x$6 = new $Uint64(0, (cross2.$low >>> 0)), new $Uint64(x$5.$high + x$6.$high, x$5.$low + x$6.$low)), x$7 = $shiftRightUint64(($mul64(flo, glo)), 32), new $Uint64(x$4.$high + x$7.$high, x$4.$low + x$7.$low));
rem = (x$8 = new $Uint64(0, 2147483648), new $Uint64(rem.$high + x$8.$high, rem.$low + x$8.$low));
f.mant = (x$9 = f.mant, x$10 = ($shiftRightUint64(rem, 32)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + x$10.$high, x$9.$low + x$10.$low));
f.exp = (f.exp + g.exp >> 0) + 64 >> 0;
extFloat.prototype.Multiply = function(g) { return this.$val.Multiply(g); };
extFloat.ptr.prototype.AssignDecimal = function(mantissa, exp10, neg, trunc, flt) {
var $ptr, _q, _r, adjExp, denormalExp, errors$1, exp10, extrabits, f, flt, halfway, i, mant_extra, mantissa, neg, ok, shift, trunc, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, y;
ok = false;
f = this;
errors$1 = 0;
if (trunc) {
errors$1 = errors$1 + (4) >> 0;
f.mant = mantissa;
f.exp = 0;
f.neg = neg;
i = (_q = ((exp10 - -348 >> 0)) / 8, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
if (exp10 < -348 || i >= 87) {
ok = false;
return ok;
adjExp = (_r = ((exp10 - -348 >> 0)) % 8, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
if (adjExp < 19 && (x = (x$1 = 19 - adjExp >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= uint64pow10.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : uint64pow10[x$1])), (mantissa.$high < x.$high || (mantissa.$high === x.$high && mantissa.$low < x.$low)))) {
f.mant = $mul64(f.mant, (((adjExp < 0 || adjExp >= uint64pow10.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : uint64pow10[adjExp])));
} else {
f.Multiply(((adjExp < 0 || adjExp >= smallPowersOfTen.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : smallPowersOfTen[adjExp]));
errors$1 = errors$1 + (4) >> 0;
f.Multiply(((i < 0 || i >= powersOfTen.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : powersOfTen[i]));
if (errors$1 > 0) {
errors$1 = errors$1 + (1) >> 0;
errors$1 = errors$1 + (4) >> 0;
shift = f.Normalize();
errors$1 = (y = (shift), y < 32 ? (errors$1 << y) : 0) >> 0;
denormalExp = flt.bias - 63 >> 0;
extrabits = 0;
if (f.exp <= denormalExp) {
extrabits = (((63 - flt.mantbits >>> 0) + 1 >>> 0) + ((denormalExp - f.exp >> 0) >>> 0) >>> 0);
} else {
extrabits = (63 - flt.mantbits >>> 0);
halfway = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), ((extrabits - 1 >>> 0)));
mant_extra = (x$2 = f.mant, x$3 = (x$4 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), extrabits), new $Uint64(x$4.$high - 0, x$4.$low - 1)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high & x$3.$high, (x$2.$low & x$3.$low) >>> 0));
if ((x$5 = (x$6 = new $Int64(halfway.$high, halfway.$low), x$7 = new $Int64(0, errors$1), new $Int64(x$6.$high - x$7.$high, x$6.$low - x$7.$low)), x$8 = new $Int64(mant_extra.$high, mant_extra.$low), (x$5.$high < x$8.$high || (x$5.$high === x$8.$high && x$5.$low < x$8.$low))) && (x$9 = new $Int64(mant_extra.$high, mant_extra.$low), x$10 = (x$11 = new $Int64(halfway.$high, halfway.$low), x$12 = new $Int64(0, errors$1), new $Int64(x$11.$high + x$12.$high, x$11.$low + x$12.$low)), (x$9.$high < x$10.$high || (x$9.$high === x$10.$high && x$9.$low < x$10.$low)))) {
ok = false;
return ok;
ok = true;
return ok;
extFloat.prototype.AssignDecimal = function(mantissa, exp10, neg, trunc, flt) { return this.$val.AssignDecimal(mantissa, exp10, neg, trunc, flt); };
extFloat.ptr.prototype.frexp10 = function() {
var $ptr, _q, _q$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, approxExp10, exp, exp10, f, i, index;
exp10 = 0;
index = 0;
f = this;
approxExp10 = (_q = ($imul(((-46 - f.exp >> 0)), 28)) / 93, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
i = (_q$1 = ((approxExp10 - -348 >> 0)) / 8, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
while (true) {
exp = (f.exp + ((i < 0 || i >= powersOfTen.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : powersOfTen[i]).exp >> 0) + 64 >> 0;
if (exp < -60) {
i = i + (1) >> 0;
} else if (exp > -32) {
i = i - (1) >> 0;
} else {
break Loop;
f.Multiply(((i < 0 || i >= powersOfTen.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : powersOfTen[i]));
_tmp = -((-348 + ($imul(i, 8)) >> 0));
_tmp$1 = i;
exp10 = _tmp;
index = _tmp$1;
return [exp10, index];
extFloat.prototype.frexp10 = function() { return this.$val.frexp10(); };
frexp10Many = function(a, b, c) {
var $ptr, _tuple, a, b, c, exp10, i;
exp10 = 0;
_tuple = c.frexp10();
exp10 = _tuple[0];
i = _tuple[1];
a.Multiply(((i < 0 || i >= powersOfTen.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : powersOfTen[i]));
b.Multiply(((i < 0 || i >= powersOfTen.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : powersOfTen[i]));
return exp10;
extFloat.ptr.prototype.FixedDecimal = function(d, n) {
var $CE$B5, $ptr, _q, _q$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, buf, d, digit, exp10, f, fraction, i, i$1, i$2, integer, integerDigits, n, nd, needed, ok, pos, pow, pow10, rest, shift, v, v1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9;
f = this;
if ((x = f.mant, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) {
d.nd = 0;
d.dp = 0;
d.neg = f.neg;
return true;
if (n === 0) {
$panic(new $String("strconv: internal error: extFloat.FixedDecimal called with n == 0"));
_tuple = f.frexp10();
exp10 = _tuple[0];
shift = (-f.exp >>> 0);
integer = ($shiftRightUint64(f.mant, shift).$low >>> 0);
fraction = (x$1 = f.mant, x$2 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, integer), shift), new $Uint64(x$1.$high - x$2.$high, x$1.$low - x$2.$low));
$CE$B5 = new $Uint64(0, 1);
needed = n;
integerDigits = 0;
pow10 = new $Uint64(0, 1);
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = new $Uint64(0, 1);
i = _tmp;
pow = _tmp$1;
while (true) {
if (!(i < 20)) { break; }
if ((x$3 = new $Uint64(0, integer), (pow.$high > x$3.$high || (pow.$high === x$3.$high && pow.$low > x$3.$low)))) {
integerDigits = i;
pow = $mul64(pow, (new $Uint64(0, 10)));
i = i + (1) >> 0;
rest = integer;
if (integerDigits > needed) {
pow10 = (x$4 = integerDigits - needed >> 0, ((x$4 < 0 || x$4 >= uint64pow10.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : uint64pow10[x$4]));
integer = (_q = integer / ((pow10.$low >>> 0)), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
rest = rest - (($imul(integer, (pow10.$low >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0;
} else {
rest = 0;
buf = arrayType$;
pos = 32;
v = integer;
while (true) {
if (!(v > 0)) { break; }
v1 = (_q$1 = v / 10, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
v = v - (($imul(10, v1) >>> 0)) >>> 0;
pos = pos - (1) >> 0;
((pos < 0 || pos >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[pos] = ((v + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24));
v = v1;
i$1 = pos;
while (true) {
if (!(i$1 < 32)) { break; }
(x$5 = d.d, x$6 = i$1 - pos >> 0, ((x$6 < 0 || x$6 >= x$5.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + x$6] = ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[i$1])));
i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0;
nd = 32 - pos >> 0;
d.nd = nd;
d.dp = integerDigits + exp10 >> 0;
needed = needed - (nd) >> 0;
if (needed > 0) {
if (!((rest === 0)) || !((pow10.$high === 0 && pow10.$low === 1))) {
$panic(new $String("strconv: internal error, rest != 0 but needed > 0"));
while (true) {
if (!(needed > 0)) { break; }
fraction = $mul64(fraction, (new $Uint64(0, 10)));
$CE$B5 = $mul64($CE$B5, (new $Uint64(0, 10)));
if ((x$7 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), $CE$B5), x$8 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), shift), (x$7.$high > x$8.$high || (x$7.$high === x$8.$high && x$7.$low > x$8.$low)))) {
return false;
digit = $shiftRightUint64(fraction, shift);
(x$9 = d.d, ((nd < 0 || nd >= x$9.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$9.$array[x$9.$offset + nd] = (new $Uint64(digit.$high + 0, digit.$low + 48).$low << 24 >>> 24)));
fraction = (x$10 = $shiftLeft64(digit, shift), new $Uint64(fraction.$high - x$10.$high, fraction.$low - x$10.$low));
nd = nd + (1) >> 0;
needed = needed - (1) >> 0;
d.nd = nd;
ok = adjustLastDigitFixed(d, (x$11 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, rest), shift), new $Uint64(x$11.$high | fraction.$high, (x$11.$low | fraction.$low) >>> 0)), pow10, shift, $CE$B5);
if (!ok) {
return false;
i$2 = d.nd - 1 >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i$2 >= 0)) { break; }
if (!(((x$12 = d.d, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$12.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$12.$array[x$12.$offset + i$2])) === 48))) {
d.nd = i$2 + 1 >> 0;
i$2 = i$2 - (1) >> 0;
return true;
extFloat.prototype.FixedDecimal = function(d, n) { return this.$val.FixedDecimal(d, n); };
adjustLastDigitFixed = function(d, num, den, shift, $CE$B5) {
var $CE$B5, $ptr, d, den, i, num, shift, x, x$1, x$10, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9;
if ((x = $shiftLeft64(den, shift), (num.$high > x.$high || (num.$high === x.$high && num.$low > x.$low)))) {
$panic(new $String("strconv: num > den<<shift in adjustLastDigitFixed"));
if ((x$1 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), $CE$B5), x$2 = $shiftLeft64(den, shift), (x$1.$high > x$2.$high || (x$1.$high === x$2.$high && x$1.$low > x$2.$low)))) {
$panic(new $String("strconv: \xCE\xB5 > (den<<shift)/2"));
if ((x$3 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), (new $Uint64(num.$high + $CE$B5.$high, num.$low + $CE$B5.$low))), x$4 = $shiftLeft64(den, shift), (x$3.$high < x$4.$high || (x$3.$high === x$4.$high && x$3.$low < x$4.$low)))) {
return true;
if ((x$5 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), (new $Uint64(num.$high - $CE$B5.$high, num.$low - $CE$B5.$low))), x$6 = $shiftLeft64(den, shift), (x$5.$high > x$6.$high || (x$5.$high === x$6.$high && x$5.$low > x$6.$low)))) {
i = d.nd - 1 >> 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i >= 0)) { break; }
if ((x$7 = d.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$7.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$7.$array[x$7.$offset + i])) === 57) {
d.nd = d.nd - (1) >> 0;
} else {
i = i - (1) >> 0;
if (i < 0) {
(x$8 = d.d, (0 >= x$8.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$8.$array[x$8.$offset + 0] = 49));
d.nd = 1;
d.dp = d.dp + (1) >> 0;
} else {
(x$10 = d.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$10.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$10.$array[x$10.$offset + i] = ((x$9 = d.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$9.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$9.$array[x$9.$offset + i])) + (1) << 24 >>> 24)));
return true;
return false;
extFloat.ptr.prototype.ShortestDecimal = function(d, lower, upper) {
var $ptr, _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, allowance, buf, currentDiff, d, digit, digit$1, exp10, f, fraction, i, i$1, i$2, integer, integerDigits, lower, multiplier, n, nd, pow, pow$1, shift, targetDiff, upper, v, v1, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$13, x$14, x$15, x$16, x$17, x$18, x$19, x$2, x$20, x$21, x$22, x$23, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9;
f = this;
if ((x = f.mant, (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0))) {
d.nd = 0;
d.dp = 0;
d.neg = f.neg;
return true;
if ((f.exp === 0) && $equal(lower, f, extFloat) && $equal(lower, upper, extFloat)) {
buf = arrayType$;
n = 23;
v = f.mant;
while (true) {
if (!((v.$high > 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low > 0)))) { break; }
v1 = $div64(v, new $Uint64(0, 10), false);
v = (x$1 = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 10), v1), new $Uint64(v.$high - x$1.$high, v.$low - x$1.$low));
((n < 0 || n >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[n] = (new $Uint64(v.$high + 0, v.$low + 48).$low << 24 >>> 24));
n = n - (1) >> 0;
v = v1;
nd = (24 - n >> 0) - 1 >> 0;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < nd)) { break; }
(x$3 = d.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$3.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i] = (x$2 = (n + 1 >> 0) + i >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= buf.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf[x$2]))));
i = i + (1) >> 0;
_tmp = nd;
_tmp$1 = nd;
d.nd = _tmp;
d.dp = _tmp$1;
while (true) {
if (!(d.nd > 0 && ((x$4 = d.d, x$5 = d.nd - 1 >> 0, ((x$5 < 0 || x$5 >= x$4.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + x$5])) === 48))) { break; }
d.nd = d.nd - (1) >> 0;
if (d.nd === 0) {
d.dp = 0;
d.neg = f.neg;
return true;
if (f.exp > upper.exp) {
f.mant = $shiftLeft64(f.mant, (((f.exp - upper.exp >> 0) >>> 0)));
f.exp = upper.exp;
if (lower.exp > upper.exp) {
lower.mant = $shiftLeft64(lower.mant, (((lower.exp - upper.exp >> 0) >>> 0)));
lower.exp = upper.exp;
exp10 = frexp10Many(lower, f, upper);
upper.mant = (x$6 = upper.mant, x$7 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(x$6.$high + x$7.$high, x$6.$low + x$7.$low));
lower.mant = (x$8 = lower.mant, x$9 = new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(x$8.$high - x$9.$high, x$8.$low - x$9.$low));
shift = (-upper.exp >>> 0);
integer = ($shiftRightUint64(upper.mant, shift).$low >>> 0);
fraction = (x$10 = upper.mant, x$11 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, integer), shift), new $Uint64(x$10.$high - x$11.$high, x$10.$low - x$11.$low));
allowance = (x$12 = upper.mant, x$13 = lower.mant, new $Uint64(x$12.$high - x$13.$high, x$12.$low - x$13.$low));
targetDiff = (x$14 = upper.mant, x$15 = f.mant, new $Uint64(x$14.$high - x$15.$high, x$14.$low - x$15.$low));
integerDigits = 0;
_tmp$2 = 0;
_tmp$3 = new $Uint64(0, 1);
i$1 = _tmp$2;
pow = _tmp$3;
while (true) {
if (!(i$1 < 20)) { break; }
if ((x$16 = new $Uint64(0, integer), (pow.$high > x$16.$high || (pow.$high === x$16.$high && pow.$low > x$16.$low)))) {
integerDigits = i$1;
pow = $mul64(pow, (new $Uint64(0, 10)));
i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0;
i$2 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i$2 < integerDigits)) { break; }
pow$1 = (x$17 = (integerDigits - i$2 >> 0) - 1 >> 0, ((x$17 < 0 || x$17 >= uint64pow10.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : uint64pow10[x$17]));
digit = (_q = integer / (pow$1.$low >>> 0), (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
(x$18 = d.d, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$18.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$18.$array[x$18.$offset + i$2] = ((digit + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24)));
integer = integer - (($imul(digit, (pow$1.$low >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0;
currentDiff = (x$19 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, integer), shift), new $Uint64(x$19.$high + fraction.$high, x$19.$low + fraction.$low));
if ((currentDiff.$high < allowance.$high || (currentDiff.$high === allowance.$high && currentDiff.$low < allowance.$low))) {
d.nd = i$2 + 1 >> 0;
d.dp = integerDigits + exp10 >> 0;
d.neg = f.neg;
return adjustLastDigit(d, currentDiff, targetDiff, allowance, $shiftLeft64(pow$1, shift), new $Uint64(0, 2));
i$2 = i$2 + (1) >> 0;
d.nd = integerDigits;
d.dp = d.nd + exp10 >> 0;
d.neg = f.neg;
digit$1 = 0;
multiplier = new $Uint64(0, 1);
while (true) {
fraction = $mul64(fraction, (new $Uint64(0, 10)));
multiplier = $mul64(multiplier, (new $Uint64(0, 10)));
digit$1 = ($shiftRightUint64(fraction, shift).$low >> 0);
(x$20 = d.d, x$21 = d.nd, ((x$21 < 0 || x$21 >= x$20.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$20.$array[x$20.$offset + x$21] = ((digit$1 + 48 >> 0) << 24 >>> 24)));
d.nd = d.nd + (1) >> 0;
fraction = (x$22 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, digit$1), shift), new $Uint64(fraction.$high - x$22.$high, fraction.$low - x$22.$low));
if ((x$23 = $mul64(allowance, multiplier), (fraction.$high < x$23.$high || (fraction.$high === x$23.$high && fraction.$low < x$23.$low)))) {
return adjustLastDigit(d, fraction, $mul64(targetDiff, multiplier), $mul64(allowance, multiplier), $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), shift), $mul64(multiplier, new $Uint64(0, 2)));
extFloat.prototype.ShortestDecimal = function(d, lower, upper) { return this.$val.ShortestDecimal(d, lower, upper); };
adjustLastDigit = function(d, currentDiff, targetDiff, maxDiff, ulpDecimal, ulpBinary) {
var $ptr, _index, currentDiff, d, maxDiff, targetDiff, ulpBinary, ulpDecimal, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9;
if ((x = $mul64(new $Uint64(0, 2), ulpBinary), (ulpDecimal.$high < x.$high || (ulpDecimal.$high === x.$high && ulpDecimal.$low < x.$low)))) {
return false;
while (true) {
if (!((x$1 = (x$2 = (x$3 = $div64(ulpDecimal, new $Uint64(0, 2), false), new $Uint64(currentDiff.$high + x$3.$high, currentDiff.$low + x$3.$low)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high + ulpBinary.$high, x$2.$low + ulpBinary.$low)), (x$1.$high < targetDiff.$high || (x$1.$high === targetDiff.$high && x$1.$low < targetDiff.$low))))) { break; }
_index = d.nd - 1 >> 0;
(x$5 = d.d, ((_index < 0 || _index >= x$5.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$5.$array[x$5.$offset + _index] = ((x$4 = d.d, ((_index < 0 || _index >= x$4.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$4.$array[x$4.$offset + _index])) - (1) << 24 >>> 24)));
currentDiff = (x$6 = ulpDecimal, new $Uint64(currentDiff.$high + x$6.$high, currentDiff.$low + x$6.$low));
if ((x$7 = new $Uint64(currentDiff.$high + ulpDecimal.$high, currentDiff.$low + ulpDecimal.$low), x$8 = (x$9 = (x$10 = $div64(ulpDecimal, new $Uint64(0, 2), false), new $Uint64(targetDiff.$high + x$10.$high, targetDiff.$low + x$10.$low)), new $Uint64(x$9.$high + ulpBinary.$high, x$9.$low + ulpBinary.$low)), (x$7.$high < x$8.$high || (x$7.$high === x$8.$high && x$7.$low <= x$8.$low)))) {
return false;
if ((currentDiff.$high < ulpBinary.$high || (currentDiff.$high === ulpBinary.$high && currentDiff.$low < ulpBinary.$low)) || (x$11 = new $Uint64(maxDiff.$high - ulpBinary.$high, maxDiff.$low - ulpBinary.$low), (currentDiff.$high > x$11.$high || (currentDiff.$high === x$11.$high && currentDiff.$low > x$11.$low)))) {
return false;
if ((d.nd === 1) && ((x$12 = d.d, (0 >= x$12.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$12.$array[x$12.$offset + 0])) === 48)) {
d.nd = 0;
d.dp = 0;
return true;
AppendFloat = function(dst, f, fmt, prec, bitSize) {
var $ptr, bitSize, dst, f, fmt, prec;
return genericFtoa(dst, f, fmt, prec, bitSize);
$pkg.AppendFloat = AppendFloat;
genericFtoa = function(dst, val, fmt, prec, bitSize) {
var $ptr, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tuple, bitSize, bits, buf, buf$1, digits, digs, dst, exp, f, f$1, flt, fmt, lower, mant, neg, ok, prec, s, shortest, upper, val, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, y, y$1;
bits = new $Uint64(0, 0);
flt = ptrType$1.nil;
_ref = bitSize;
if (_ref === 32) {
bits = new $Uint64(0, math.Float32bits($fround(val)));
flt = float32info;
} else if (_ref === 64) {
bits = math.Float64bits(val);
flt = float64info;
} else {
$panic(new $String("strconv: illegal AppendFloat/FormatFloat bitSize"));
neg = !((x = $shiftRightUint64(bits, ((flt.expbits + flt.mantbits >>> 0))), (x.$high === 0 && x.$low === 0)));
exp = ($shiftRightUint64(bits, flt.mantbits).$low >> 0) & ((((y = flt.expbits, y < 32 ? (1 << y) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0));
mant = (x$1 = (x$2 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), new $Uint64(x$2.$high - 0, x$2.$low - 1)), new $Uint64(bits.$high & x$1.$high, (bits.$low & x$1.$low) >>> 0));
_ref$1 = exp;
if (_ref$1 === (((y$1 = flt.expbits, y$1 < 32 ? (1 << y$1) : 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0)) {
s = "";
if (!((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0))) {
s = "NaN";
} else if (neg) {
s = "-Inf";
} else {
s = "+Inf";
return $appendSlice(dst, s);
} else if (_ref$1 === 0) {
exp = exp + (1) >> 0;
} else {
mant = (x$3 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), new $Uint64(mant.$high | x$3.$high, (mant.$low | x$3.$low) >>> 0));
exp = exp + (flt.bias) >> 0;
if (fmt === 98) {
return fmtB(dst, neg, mant, exp, flt);
if (!optimize) {
return bigFtoa(dst, prec, fmt, neg, mant, exp, flt);
digs = new decimalSlice.ptr(sliceType$6.nil, 0, 0, false);
ok = false;
shortest = prec < 0;
if (shortest) {
f = new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(0, 0), 0, false);
_tuple = f.AssignComputeBounds(mant, exp, neg, flt);
lower = $clone(_tuple[0], extFloat);
upper = $clone(_tuple[1], extFloat);
buf = arrayType$;
digs.d = new sliceType$6(buf);
ok = f.ShortestDecimal(digs, lower, upper);
if (!ok) {
return bigFtoa(dst, prec, fmt, neg, mant, exp, flt);
_ref$2 = fmt;
if (_ref$2 === 101 || _ref$2 === 69) {
prec = max(digs.nd - 1 >> 0, 0);
} else if (_ref$2 === 102) {
prec = max(digs.nd - digs.dp >> 0, 0);
} else if (_ref$2 === 103 || _ref$2 === 71) {
prec = digs.nd;
} else if (!((fmt === 102))) {
digits = prec;
_ref$3 = fmt;
if (_ref$3 === 101 || _ref$3 === 69) {
digits = digits + (1) >> 0;
} else if (_ref$3 === 103 || _ref$3 === 71) {
if (prec === 0) {
prec = 1;
digits = prec;
if (digits <= 15) {
buf$1 = arrayType$;
digs.d = new sliceType$6(buf$1);
f$1 = new extFloat.ptr(mant, exp - (flt.mantbits >> 0) >> 0, neg);
ok = f$1.FixedDecimal(digs, digits);
if (!ok) {
return bigFtoa(dst, prec, fmt, neg, mant, exp, flt);
return formatDigits(dst, shortest, neg, digs, prec, fmt);
bigFtoa = function(dst, prec, fmt, neg, mant, exp, flt) {
var $ptr, _ref, _ref$1, d, digs, dst, exp, flt, fmt, mant, neg, prec, shortest;
d = new decimal.ptr(, 0, 0, false, false);
d.Shift(exp - (flt.mantbits >> 0) >> 0);
digs = new decimalSlice.ptr(sliceType$6.nil, 0, 0, false);
shortest = prec < 0;
if (shortest) {
roundShortest(d, mant, exp, flt);
decimalSlice.copy(digs, new decimalSlice.ptr(new sliceType$6(d.d), d.nd, d.dp, false));
_ref = fmt;
if (_ref === 101 || _ref === 69) {
prec = digs.nd - 1 >> 0;
} else if (_ref === 102) {
prec = max(digs.nd - digs.dp >> 0, 0);
} else if (_ref === 103 || _ref === 71) {
prec = digs.nd;
} else {
_ref$1 = fmt;
if (_ref$1 === 101 || _ref$1 === 69) {
d.Round(prec + 1 >> 0);
} else if (_ref$1 === 102) {
d.Round(d.dp + prec >> 0);
} else if (_ref$1 === 103 || _ref$1 === 71) {
if (prec === 0) {
prec = 1;
decimalSlice.copy(digs, new decimalSlice.ptr(new sliceType$6(d.d), d.nd, d.dp, false));
return formatDigits(dst, shortest, neg, digs, prec, fmt);
formatDigits = function(dst, shortest, neg, digs, prec, fmt) {
var $ptr, _ref, digs, dst, eprec, exp, fmt, neg, prec, shortest;
digs = $clone(digs, decimalSlice);
_ref = fmt;
if (_ref === 101 || _ref === 69) {
return fmtE(dst, neg, digs, prec, fmt);
} else if (_ref === 102) {
return fmtF(dst, neg, digs, prec);
} else if (_ref === 103 || _ref === 71) {
eprec = prec;
if (eprec > digs.nd && digs.nd >= digs.dp) {
eprec = digs.nd;
if (shortest) {
eprec = 6;
exp = digs.dp - 1 >> 0;
if (exp < -4 || exp >= eprec) {
if (prec > digs.nd) {
prec = digs.nd;
return fmtE(dst, neg, digs, prec - 1 >> 0, (fmt + 101 << 24 >>> 24) - 103 << 24 >>> 24);
if (prec > digs.dp) {
prec = digs.nd;
return fmtF(dst, neg, digs, max(prec - digs.dp >> 0, 0));
return $append(dst, 37, fmt);
roundShortest = function(d, mant, exp, flt) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, d, exp, explo, flt, i, inclusive, l, lower, m, mant, mantlo, minexp, okdown, okup, u, upper, x, x$1, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7;
if ((mant.$high === 0 && mant.$low === 0)) {
d.nd = 0;
minexp = flt.bias + 1 >> 0;
if (exp > minexp && ($imul(332, ((d.dp - d.nd >> 0)))) >= ($imul(100, ((exp - (flt.mantbits >> 0) >> 0))))) {
upper = new decimal.ptr(, 0, 0, false, false);
upper.Assign((x = $mul64(mant, new $Uint64(0, 2)), new $Uint64(x.$high + 0, x.$low + 1)));
upper.Shift((exp - (flt.mantbits >> 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0);
mantlo = new $Uint64(0, 0);
explo = 0;
if ((x$1 = $shiftLeft64(new $Uint64(0, 1), flt.mantbits), (mant.$high > x$1.$high || (mant.$high === x$1.$high && mant.$low > x$1.$low))) || (exp === minexp)) {
mantlo = new $Uint64(mant.$high - 0, mant.$low - 1);
explo = exp;
} else {
mantlo = (x$2 = $mul64(mant, new $Uint64(0, 2)), new $Uint64(x$2.$high - 0, x$2.$low - 1));
explo = exp - 1 >> 0;
lower = new decimal.ptr(, 0, 0, false, false);
lower.Assign((x$3 = $mul64(mantlo, new $Uint64(0, 2)), new $Uint64(x$3.$high + 0, x$3.$low + 1)));
lower.Shift((explo - (flt.mantbits >> 0) >> 0) - 1 >> 0);
inclusive = (x$4 = $div64(mant, new $Uint64(0, 2), true), (x$4.$high === 0 && x$4.$low === 0));
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < d.nd)) { break; }
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = 0;
_tmp$2 = 0;
l = _tmp;
m = _tmp$1;
u = _tmp$2;
if (i < lower.nd) {
l = (x$5 = lower.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$5.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$5[i]));
} else {
l = 48;
m = (x$6 = d.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$6.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$6[i]));
if (i < upper.nd) {
u = (x$7 = upper.d, ((i < 0 || i >= x$7.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$7[i]));
} else {
u = 48;
okdown = !((l === m)) || (inclusive && (l === m) && ((i + 1 >> 0) === lower.nd));
okup = !((m === u)) && (inclusive || (m + 1 << 24 >>> 24) < u || (i + 1 >> 0) < upper.nd);
if (okdown && okup) {
d.Round(i + 1 >> 0);
} else if (okdown) {
d.RoundDown(i + 1 >> 0);
} else if (okup) {
d.RoundUp(i + 1 >> 0);
i = i + (1) >> 0;
fmtE = function(dst, neg, d, prec, fmt) {
var $ptr, _q, _q$1, _q$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, ch, d, dst, exp, fmt, i, m, neg, prec, x;
d = $clone(d, decimalSlice);
if (neg) {
dst = $append(dst, 45);
ch = 48;
if (!((d.nd === 0))) {
ch = (x = d.d, (0 >= x.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + 0]));
dst = $append(dst, ch);
if (prec > 0) {
dst = $append(dst, 46);
i = 1;
m = min(d.nd, prec + 1 >> 0);
if (i < m) {
dst = $appendSlice(dst, $subslice(d.d, i, m));
i = m;
while (true) {
if (!(i <= prec)) { break; }
dst = $append(dst, 48);
i = i + (1) >> 0;
dst = $append(dst, fmt);
exp = d.dp - 1 >> 0;
if (d.nd === 0) {
exp = 0;
if (exp < 0) {
ch = 45;
exp = -exp;
} else {
ch = 43;
dst = $append(dst, ch);
if (exp < 10) {
dst = $append(dst, 48, (exp << 24 >>> 24) + 48 << 24 >>> 24);
} else if (exp < 100) {
dst = $append(dst, ((_q = exp / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, ((_r = exp % 10, _r === _r ? _r : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24) + 48 << 24 >>> 24);
} else {
dst = $append(dst, ((_q$1 = exp / 100, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, (_r$1 = ((_q$2 = exp / 10, (_q$2 === _q$2 && _q$2 !== 1/0 && _q$2 !== -1/0) ? _q$2 >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24) % 10, _r$1 === _r$1 ? _r$1 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) + 48 << 24 >>> 24, ((_r$2 = exp % 10, _r$2 === _r$2 ? _r$2 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) << 24 >>> 24) + 48 << 24 >>> 24);
return dst;
fmtF = function(dst, neg, d, prec) {
var $ptr, ch, d, dst, i, j, m, neg, prec, x;
d = $clone(d, decimalSlice);
if (neg) {
dst = $append(dst, 45);
if (d.dp > 0) {
m = min(d.nd, d.dp);
dst = $appendSlice(dst, $subslice(d.d, 0, m));
while (true) {
if (!(m < d.dp)) { break; }
dst = $append(dst, 48);
m = m + (1) >> 0;
} else {
dst = $append(dst, 48);
if (prec > 0) {
dst = $append(dst, 46);
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < prec)) { break; }
ch = 48;
j = d.dp + i >> 0;
if (0 <= j && j < d.nd) {
ch = (x = d.d, ((j < 0 || j >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + j]));
dst = $append(dst, ch);
i = i + (1) >> 0;
return dst;
fmtB = function(dst, neg, mant, exp, flt) {
var $ptr, _tuple, _tuple$1, dst, exp, flt, mant, neg;
if (neg) {
dst = $append(dst, 45);
_tuple = formatBits(dst, mant, 10, false, true);
dst = _tuple[0];
dst = $append(dst, 112);
exp = exp - ((flt.mantbits >> 0)) >> 0;
if (exp >= 0) {
dst = $append(dst, 43);
_tuple$1 = formatBits(dst, new $Uint64(0, exp), 10, exp < 0, true);
dst = _tuple$1[0];
return dst;
min = function(a, b) {
var $ptr, a, b;
if (a < b) {
return a;
return b;
max = function(a, b) {
var $ptr, a, b;
if (a > b) {
return a;
return b;
FormatInt = function(i, base) {
var $ptr, _tuple, base, i, s;
_tuple = formatBits(sliceType$6.nil, new $Uint64(i.$high, i.$low), base, (i.$high < 0 || (i.$high === 0 && i.$low < 0)), false);
s = _tuple[1];
return s;
$pkg.FormatInt = FormatInt;
Itoa = function(i) {
var $ptr, i;
return FormatInt(new $Int64(0, i), 10);
$pkg.Itoa = Itoa;
formatBits = function(dst, u, base, neg, append_) {
var $ptr, _q, _q$1, a, append_, b, b$1, base, d, dst, i, j, m, neg, q, q$1, q$2, qs, s, s$1, u, us, us$1, x, x$1;
d = sliceType$6.nil;
s = "";
if (base < 2 || base > 36) {
$panic(new $String("strconv: illegal AppendInt/FormatInt base"));
a = arrayType$;
i = 65;
if (neg) {
u = new $Uint64(-u.$high, -u.$low);
if (base === 10) {
while (true) {
if (!((u.$high > 0 || (u.$high === 0 && u.$low > 4294967295)))) { break; }
q = $div64(u, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000), false);
us = ((x = $mul64(q, new $Uint64(0, 1000000000)), new $Uint64(u.$high - x.$high, u.$low - x.$low)).$low >>> 0);
j = 9;
while (true) {
if (!(j > 0)) { break; }
i = i - (1) >> 0;
qs = (_q = us / 10, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a[i] = (((us - ($imul(qs, 10) >>> 0) >>> 0) + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24));
us = qs;
j = j - (1) >> 0;
u = q;
us$1 = (u.$low >>> 0);
while (true) {
if (!(us$1 >= 10)) { break; }
i = i - (1) >> 0;
q$1 = (_q$1 = us$1 / 10, (_q$1 === _q$1 && _q$1 !== 1/0 && _q$1 !== -1/0) ? _q$1 >>> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero"));
((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a[i] = (((us$1 - ($imul(q$1, 10) >>> 0) >>> 0) + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24));
us$1 = q$1;
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a[i] = ((us$1 + 48 >>> 0) << 24 >>> 24));
} else {
s$1 = ((base < 0 || base >= shifts.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : shifts[base]);
if (s$1 > 0) {
b = new $Uint64(0, base);
m = (b.$low >>> 0) - 1 >>> 0;
while (true) {
if (!((u.$high > b.$high || (u.$high === b.$high && u.$low >= b.$low)))) { break; }
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a[i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charCodeAt((((u.$low >>> 0) & m) >>> 0)));
u = $shiftRightUint64(u, (s$1));
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a[i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charCodeAt((u.$low >>> 0)));
} else {
b$1 = new $Uint64(0, base);
while (true) {
if (!((u.$high > b$1.$high || (u.$high === b$1.$high && u.$low >= b$1.$low)))) { break; }
i = i - (1) >> 0;
q$2 = $div64(u, b$1, false);
((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a[i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charCodeAt(((x$1 = $mul64(q$2, b$1), new $Uint64(u.$high - x$1.$high, u.$low - x$1.$low)).$low >>> 0)));
u = q$2;
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a[i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charCodeAt((u.$low >>> 0)));
if (neg) {
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= a.length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a[i] = 45);
if (append_) {
d = $appendSlice(dst, $subslice(new sliceType$6(a), i));
return [d, s];
s = $bytesToString($subslice(new sliceType$6(a), i));
return [d, s];
quoteWith = function(s, quote, ASCIIonly) {
var $ptr, ASCIIonly, _q, _ref, _tuple, buf, n, quote, r, runeTmp, s, s$1, s$2, width;
runeTmp = arrayType$;
buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, 0, (_q = ($imul(3, s.length)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));
buf = $append(buf, quote);
width = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; }
r = (s.charCodeAt(0) >> 0);
width = 1;
if (r >= 128) {
_tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s);
r = _tuple[0];
width = _tuple[1];
if ((width === 1) && (r === 65533)) {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\x");
buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((s.charCodeAt(0) >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24)));
buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((s.charCodeAt(0) & 15) >>> 0)));
s = s.substring(width);
if ((r === (quote >> 0)) || (r === 92)) {
buf = $append(buf, 92);
buf = $append(buf, (r << 24 >>> 24));
s = s.substring(width);
if (ASCIIonly) {
if (r < 128 && IsPrint(r)) {
buf = $append(buf, (r << 24 >>> 24));
s = s.substring(width);
} else if (IsPrint(r)) {
n = utf8.EncodeRune(new sliceType$6(runeTmp), r);
buf = $appendSlice(buf, $subslice(new sliceType$6(runeTmp), 0, n));
s = s.substring(width);
_ref = r;
if (_ref === 7) {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\a");
} else if (_ref === 8) {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\b");
} else if (_ref === 12) {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\f");
} else if (_ref === 10) {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\n");
} else if (_ref === 13) {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\r");
} else if (_ref === 9) {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\t");
} else if (_ref === 11) {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\v");
} else {
if (r < 32) {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\x");
buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((s.charCodeAt(0) >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24)));
buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt(((s.charCodeAt(0) & 15) >>> 0)));
} else if (r > 1114111) {
r = 65533;
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\u");
s$1 = 12;
while (true) {
if (!(s$1 >= 0)) { break; }
buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((r >> $min((s$1 >>> 0), 31)) >> 0) & 15)));
s$1 = s$1 - (4) >> 0;
} else if (r < 65536) {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\u");
s$1 = 12;
while (true) {
if (!(s$1 >= 0)) { break; }
buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((r >> $min((s$1 >>> 0), 31)) >> 0) & 15)));
s$1 = s$1 - (4) >> 0;
} else {
buf = $appendSlice(buf, "\\U");
s$2 = 28;
while (true) {
if (!(s$2 >= 0)) { break; }
buf = $append(buf, "0123456789abcdef".charCodeAt((((r >> $min((s$2 >>> 0), 31)) >> 0) & 15)));
s$2 = s$2 - (4) >> 0;
s = s.substring(width);
buf = $append(buf, quote);
return $bytesToString(buf);
Quote = function(s) {
var $ptr, s;
return quoteWith(s, 34, false);
$pkg.Quote = Quote;
QuoteToASCII = function(s) {
var $ptr, s;
return quoteWith(s, 34, true);
$pkg.QuoteToASCII = QuoteToASCII;
QuoteRune = function(r) {
var $ptr, r;
return quoteWith($encodeRune(r), 39, false);
$pkg.QuoteRune = QuoteRune;
AppendQuoteRune = function(dst, r) {
var $ptr, dst, r;
return $appendSlice(dst, QuoteRune(r));
$pkg.AppendQuoteRune = AppendQuoteRune;
QuoteRuneToASCII = function(r) {
var $ptr, r;
return quoteWith($encodeRune(r), 39, true);
$pkg.QuoteRuneToASCII = QuoteRuneToASCII;
AppendQuoteRuneToASCII = function(dst, r) {
var $ptr, dst, r;
return $appendSlice(dst, QuoteRuneToASCII(r));
$pkg.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII = AppendQuoteRuneToASCII;
CanBackquote = function(s) {
var $ptr, _tuple, r, s, wid;
while (true) {
if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; }
_tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s);
r = _tuple[0];
wid = _tuple[1];
s = s.substring(wid);
if (wid > 1) {
if (r === 65279) {
return false;
if (r === 65533) {
return false;
if ((r < 32 && !((r === 9))) || (r === 96) || (r === 127)) {
return false;
return true;
$pkg.CanBackquote = CanBackquote;
unhex = function(b) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, b, c, ok, v;
v = 0;
ok = false;
c = (b >> 0);
if (48 <= c && c <= 57) {
_tmp = c - 48 >> 0;
_tmp$1 = true;
v = _tmp;
ok = _tmp$1;
return [v, ok];
} else if (97 <= c && c <= 102) {
_tmp$2 = (c - 97 >> 0) + 10 >> 0;
_tmp$3 = true;
v = _tmp$2;
ok = _tmp$3;
return [v, ok];
} else if (65 <= c && c <= 70) {
_tmp$4 = (c - 65 >> 0) + 10 >> 0;
_tmp$5 = true;
v = _tmp$4;
ok = _tmp$5;
return [v, ok];
return [v, ok];
UnquoteChar = function(s, quote) {
var $ptr, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tuple, _tuple$1, c, c$1, err, j, j$1, multibyte, n, ok, quote, r, s, size, tail, v, v$1, value, x, x$1;
value = 0;
multibyte = false;
tail = "";
err = $ifaceNil;
c = s.charCodeAt(0);
if ((c === quote) && ((quote === 39) || (quote === 34))) {
err = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
} else if (c >= 128) {
_tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s);
r = _tuple[0];
size = _tuple[1];
_tmp = r;
_tmp$1 = true;
_tmp$2 = s.substring(size);
_tmp$3 = $ifaceNil;
value = _tmp;
multibyte = _tmp$1;
tail = _tmp$2;
err = _tmp$3;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
} else if (!((c === 92))) {
_tmp$4 = (s.charCodeAt(0) >> 0);
_tmp$5 = false;
_tmp$6 = s.substring(1);
_tmp$7 = $ifaceNil;
value = _tmp$4;
multibyte = _tmp$5;
tail = _tmp$6;
err = _tmp$7;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
if (s.length <= 1) {
err = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
c$1 = s.charCodeAt(1);
s = s.substring(2);
_ref = c$1;
switch (0) { default: if (_ref === 97) {
value = 7;
} else if (_ref === 98) {
value = 8;
} else if (_ref === 102) {
value = 12;
} else if (_ref === 110) {
value = 10;
} else if (_ref === 114) {
value = 13;
} else if (_ref === 116) {
value = 9;
} else if (_ref === 118) {
value = 11;
} else if (_ref === 120 || _ref === 117 || _ref === 85) {
n = 0;
_ref$1 = c$1;
if (_ref$1 === 120) {
n = 2;
} else if (_ref$1 === 117) {
n = 4;
} else if (_ref$1 === 85) {
n = 8;
v = 0;
if (s.length < n) {
err = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
j = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(j < n)) { break; }
_tuple$1 = unhex(s.charCodeAt(j));
x = _tuple$1[0];
ok = _tuple$1[1];
if (!ok) {
err = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
v = (v << 4 >> 0) | x;
j = j + (1) >> 0;
s = s.substring(n);
if (c$1 === 120) {
value = v;
if (v > 1114111) {
err = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
value = v;
multibyte = true;
} else if (_ref === 48 || _ref === 49 || _ref === 50 || _ref === 51 || _ref === 52 || _ref === 53 || _ref === 54 || _ref === 55) {
v$1 = (c$1 >> 0) - 48 >> 0;
if (s.length < 2) {
err = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
j$1 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(j$1 < 2)) { break; }
x$1 = (s.charCodeAt(j$1) >> 0) - 48 >> 0;
if (x$1 < 0 || x$1 > 7) {
err = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
v$1 = ((v$1 << 3 >> 0)) | x$1;
j$1 = j$1 + (1) >> 0;
s = s.substring(2);
if (v$1 > 255) {
err = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
value = v$1;
} else if (_ref === 92) {
value = 92;
} else if (_ref === 39 || _ref === 34) {
if (!((c$1 === quote))) {
err = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
value = (c$1 >> 0);
} else {
err = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
} }
tail = s;
return [value, multibyte, tail, err];
$pkg.UnquoteChar = UnquoteChar;
Unquote = function(s) {
var $ptr, _q, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$10, _tmp$11, _tmp$12, _tmp$13, _tmp$14, _tmp$15, _tmp$16, _tmp$17, _tmp$18, _tmp$19, _tmp$2, _tmp$20, _tmp$21, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, _tmp$9, _tuple, _tuple$1, buf, c, err, err$1, multibyte, n, n$1, quote, r, runeTmp, s, size, ss, t;
t = "";
err = $ifaceNil;
n = s.length;
if (n < 2) {
_tmp = "";
_tmp$1 = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
t = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [t, err];
quote = s.charCodeAt(0);
if (!((quote === s.charCodeAt((n - 1 >> 0))))) {
_tmp$2 = "";
_tmp$3 = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
t = _tmp$2;
err = _tmp$3;
return [t, err];
s = s.substring(1, (n - 1 >> 0));
if (quote === 96) {
if (contains(s, 96)) {
_tmp$4 = "";
_tmp$5 = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
t = _tmp$4;
err = _tmp$5;
return [t, err];
_tmp$6 = s;
_tmp$7 = $ifaceNil;
t = _tmp$6;
err = _tmp$7;
return [t, err];
if (!((quote === 34)) && !((quote === 39))) {
_tmp$8 = "";
_tmp$9 = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
t = _tmp$8;
err = _tmp$9;
return [t, err];
if (contains(s, 10)) {
_tmp$10 = "";
_tmp$11 = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
t = _tmp$10;
err = _tmp$11;
return [t, err];
if (!contains(s, 92) && !contains(s, quote)) {
_ref = quote;
if (_ref === 34) {
_tmp$12 = s;
_tmp$13 = $ifaceNil;
t = _tmp$12;
err = _tmp$13;
return [t, err];
} else if (_ref === 39) {
_tuple = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s);
r = _tuple[0];
size = _tuple[1];
if ((size === s.length) && (!((r === 65533)) || !((size === 1)))) {
_tmp$14 = s;
_tmp$15 = $ifaceNil;
t = _tmp$14;
err = _tmp$15;
return [t, err];
runeTmp = arrayType$;
buf = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, 0, (_q = ($imul(3, s.length)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")));
while (true) {
if (!(s.length > 0)) { break; }
_tuple$1 = UnquoteChar(s, quote);
c = _tuple$1[0];
multibyte = _tuple$1[1];
ss = _tuple$1[2];
err$1 = _tuple$1[3];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err$1, $ifaceNil))) {
_tmp$16 = "";
_tmp$17 = err$1;
t = _tmp$16;
err = _tmp$17;
return [t, err];
s = ss;
if (c < 128 || !multibyte) {
buf = $append(buf, (c << 24 >>> 24));
} else {
n$1 = utf8.EncodeRune(new sliceType$6(runeTmp), c);
buf = $appendSlice(buf, $subslice(new sliceType$6(runeTmp), 0, n$1));
if ((quote === 39) && !((s.length === 0))) {
_tmp$18 = "";
_tmp$19 = $pkg.ErrSyntax;
t = _tmp$18;
err = _tmp$19;
return [t, err];
_tmp$20 = $bytesToString(buf);
_tmp$21 = $ifaceNil;
t = _tmp$20;
err = _tmp$21;
return [t, err];
$pkg.Unquote = Unquote;
contains = function(s, c) {
var $ptr, c, i, s;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < s.length)) { break; }
if (s.charCodeAt(i) === c) {
return true;
i = i + (1) >> 0;
return false;
bsearch16 = function(a, x) {
var $ptr, _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, a, h, i, j, x;
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = a.$length;
i = _tmp;
j = _tmp$1;
while (true) {
if (!(i < j)) { break; }
h = i + (_q = ((j - i >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0;
if (((h < 0 || h >= a.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a.$array[a.$offset + h]) < x) {
i = h + 1 >> 0;
} else {
j = h;
return i;
bsearch32 = function(a, x) {
var $ptr, _q, _tmp, _tmp$1, a, h, i, j, x;
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = a.$length;
i = _tmp;
j = _tmp$1;
while (true) {
if (!(i < j)) { break; }
h = i + (_q = ((j - i >> 0)) / 2, (_q === _q && _q !== 1/0 && _q !== -1/0) ? _q >> 0 : $throwRuntimeError("integer divide by zero")) >> 0;
if (((h < 0 || h >= a.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a.$array[a.$offset + h]) < x) {
i = h + 1 >> 0;
} else {
j = h;
return i;
IsPrint = function(r) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, i, i$1, isNotPrint, isNotPrint$1, isPrint, isPrint$1, j, j$1, r, rr, rr$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3;
if (r <= 255) {
if (32 <= r && r <= 126) {
return true;
if (161 <= r && r <= 255) {
return !((r === 173));
return false;
if (0 <= r && r < 65536) {
_tmp = (r << 16 >>> 16);
_tmp$1 = isPrint16;
_tmp$2 = isNotPrint16;
rr = _tmp;
isPrint = _tmp$1;
isNotPrint = _tmp$2;
i = bsearch16(isPrint, rr);
if (i >= isPrint.$length || rr < (x = (i & ~1) >> 0, ((x < 0 || x >= isPrint.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : isPrint.$array[isPrint.$offset + x])) || (x$1 = i | 1, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= isPrint.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : isPrint.$array[isPrint.$offset + x$1])) < rr) {
return false;
j = bsearch16(isNotPrint, rr);
return j >= isNotPrint.$length || !((((j < 0 || j >= isNotPrint.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : isNotPrint.$array[isNotPrint.$offset + j]) === rr));
_tmp$3 = (r >>> 0);
_tmp$4 = isPrint32;
_tmp$5 = isNotPrint32;
rr$1 = _tmp$3;
isPrint$1 = _tmp$4;
isNotPrint$1 = _tmp$5;
i$1 = bsearch32(isPrint$1, rr$1);
if (i$1 >= isPrint$1.$length || rr$1 < (x$2 = (i$1 & ~1) >> 0, ((x$2 < 0 || x$2 >= isPrint$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : isPrint$1.$array[isPrint$1.$offset + x$2])) || (x$3 = i$1 | 1, ((x$3 < 0 || x$3 >= isPrint$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : isPrint$1.$array[isPrint$1.$offset + x$3])) < rr$1) {
return false;
if (r >= 131072) {
return true;
r = r - (65536) >> 0;
j$1 = bsearch16(isNotPrint$1, (r << 16 >>> 16));
return j$1 >= isNotPrint$1.$length || !((((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= isNotPrint$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : isNotPrint$1.$array[isNotPrint$1.$offset + j$1]) === (r << 16 >>> 16)));
$pkg.IsPrint = IsPrint;
ptrType$2.methods = [{prop: "set", name: "set", pkg: "strconv", typ: $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "floatBits", name: "floatBits", pkg: "strconv", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [$Uint64, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Assign", name: "Assign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "Shift", name: "Shift", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Round", name: "Round", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "RoundDown", name: "RoundDown", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "RoundUp", name: "RoundUp", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "RoundedInteger", name: "RoundedInteger", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}];
ptrType$4.methods = [{prop: "floatBits", name: "floatBits", pkg: "strconv", typ: $funcType([ptrType$1], [$Uint64, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "AssignComputeBounds", name: "AssignComputeBounds", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64, $Int, $Bool, ptrType$1], [extFloat, extFloat], false)}, {prop: "Normalize", name: "Normalize", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint], false)}, {prop: "Multiply", name: "Multiply", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([extFloat], [], false)}, {prop: "AssignDecimal", name: "AssignDecimal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64, $Int, $Bool, $Bool, ptrType$1], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "frexp10", name: "frexp10", pkg: "strconv", typ: $funcType([], [$Int, $Int], false)}, {prop: "FixedDecimal", name: "FixedDecimal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, $Int], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ShortestDecimal", name: "ShortestDecimal", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([ptrType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$4], [$Bool], false)}];
decimal.init([{prop: "d", name: "d", pkg: "strconv", typ: arrayType, tag: ""}, {prop: "nd", name: "nd", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "dp", name: "dp", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "neg", name: "neg", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "trunc", name: "trunc", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]);
leftCheat.init([{prop: "delta", name: "delta", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "cutoff", name: "cutoff", pkg: "strconv", typ: $String, tag: ""}]);
extFloat.init([{prop: "mant", name: "mant", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Uint64, tag: ""}, {prop: "exp", name: "exp", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "neg", name: "neg", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]);
floatInfo.init([{prop: "mantbits", name: "mantbits", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Uint, tag: ""}, {prop: "expbits", name: "expbits", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Uint, tag: ""}, {prop: "bias", name: "bias", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Int, tag: ""}]);
decimalSlice.init([{prop: "d", name: "d", pkg: "strconv", typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "nd", name: "nd", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "dp", name: "dp", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Int, tag: ""}, {prop: "neg", name: "neg", pkg: "strconv", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = errors.$init(); /* map[0xc820dd8540:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = math.$init(); /* map[0xc820dd8540:true 0xc820dd85c0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = utf8.$init(); /* map[0xc820dd8540:true 0xc820dd85c0:true 0xc820dd8600:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
optimize = true;
$pkg.ErrRange = errors.New("value out of range");
$pkg.ErrSyntax = errors.New("invalid syntax");
leftcheats = new sliceType$3([new leftCheat.ptr(0, ""), new leftCheat.ptr(1, "5"), new leftCheat.ptr(1, "25"), new leftCheat.ptr(1, "125"), new leftCheat.ptr(2, "625"), new leftCheat.ptr(2, "3125"), new leftCheat.ptr(2, "15625"), new leftCheat.ptr(3, "78125"), new leftCheat.ptr(3, "390625"), new leftCheat.ptr(3, "1953125"), new leftCheat.ptr(4, "9765625"), new leftCheat.ptr(4, "48828125"), new leftCheat.ptr(4, "244140625"), new leftCheat.ptr(4, "1220703125"), new leftCheat.ptr(5, "6103515625"), new leftCheat.ptr(5, "30517578125"), new leftCheat.ptr(5, "152587890625"), new leftCheat.ptr(6, "762939453125"), new leftCheat.ptr(6, "3814697265625"), new leftCheat.ptr(6, "19073486328125"), new leftCheat.ptr(7, "95367431640625"), new leftCheat.ptr(7, "476837158203125"), new leftCheat.ptr(7, "2384185791015625"), new leftCheat.ptr(7, "11920928955078125"), new leftCheat.ptr(8, "59604644775390625"), new leftCheat.ptr(8, "298023223876953125"), new leftCheat.ptr(8, "1490116119384765625"), new leftCheat.ptr(9, "7450580596923828125"), new leftCheat.ptr(9, "37252902984619140625"), new leftCheat.ptr(9, "186264514923095703125"), new leftCheat.ptr(10, "931322574615478515625"), new leftCheat.ptr(10, "4656612873077392578125"), new leftCheat.ptr(10, "23283064365386962890625"), new leftCheat.ptr(10, "116415321826934814453125"), new leftCheat.ptr(11, "582076609134674072265625"), new leftCheat.ptr(11, "2910383045673370361328125"), new leftCheat.ptr(11, "14551915228366851806640625"), new leftCheat.ptr(12, "72759576141834259033203125"), new leftCheat.ptr(12, "363797880709171295166015625"), new leftCheat.ptr(12, "1818989403545856475830078125"), new leftCheat.ptr(13, "9094947017729282379150390625"), new leftCheat.ptr(13, "45474735088646411895751953125"), new leftCheat.ptr(13, "227373675443232059478759765625"), new leftCheat.ptr(13, "1136868377216160297393798828125"), new leftCheat.ptr(14, "5684341886080801486968994140625"), new leftCheat.ptr(14, "28421709430404007434844970703125"), new leftCheat.ptr(14, "142108547152020037174224853515625"), new leftCheat.ptr(15, "710542735760100185871124267578125"), new leftCheat.ptr(15, "3552713678800500929355621337890625"), new leftCheat.ptr(15, "17763568394002504646778106689453125"), new leftCheat.ptr(16, "88817841970012523233890533447265625"), new leftCheat.ptr(16, "444089209850062616169452667236328125"), new leftCheat.ptr(16, "2220446049250313080847263336181640625"), new leftCheat.ptr(16, "11102230246251565404236316680908203125"), new leftCheat.ptr(17, "55511151231257827021181583404541015625"), new leftCheat.ptr(17, "277555756156289135105907917022705078125"), new leftCheat.ptr(17, "1387778780781445675529539585113525390625"), new leftCheat.ptr(18, "6938893903907228377647697925567626953125"), new leftCheat.ptr(18, "34694469519536141888238489627838134765625"), new leftCheat.ptr(18, "173472347597680709441192448139190673828125"), new leftCheat.ptr(19, "867361737988403547205962240695953369140625")]);
smallPowersOfTen = $toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2147483648, 0), -63, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2684354560, 0), -60, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3355443200, 0), -57, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4194304000, 0), -54, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2621440000, 0), -50, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3276800000, 0), -47, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4096000000, 0), -44, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2560000000, 0), -40, false)]);
powersOfTen = $toNativeArray($kindStruct, [new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4203730336, 136053384), -1220, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3132023167, 2722021238), -1193, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2333539104, 810921078), -1166, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3477244234, 1573795306), -1140, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2590748842, 1432697645), -1113, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3860516611, 1025131999), -1087, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2876309015, 3348809418), -1060, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4286034428, 3200048207), -1034, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3193344495, 1097586188), -1007, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2379227053, 2424306748), -980, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3545324584, 827693699), -954, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2641472655, 2913388981), -927, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3936100983, 602835915), -901, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2932623761, 1081627501), -874, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2184974969, 1572261463), -847, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3255866422, 1308317239), -821, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2425809519, 944281679), -794, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3614737867, 629291719), -768, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2693189581, 2545915892), -741, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4013165208, 388672741), -715, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2990041083, 708162190), -688, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2227754207, 3536207675), -661, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3319612455, 450088378), -635, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2473304014, 3139815830), -608, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3685510180, 2103616900), -582, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2745919064, 224385782), -555, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4091738259, 3737383206), -529, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3048582568, 2868871352), -502, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2271371013, 1820084875), -475, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3384606560, 885076051), -449, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2521728396, 2444895829), -422, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3757668132, 1881767613), -396, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2799680927, 3102062735), -369, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4171849679, 2289335700), -343, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3108270227, 2410191823), -316, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2315841784, 3205436779), -289, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3450873173, 1697722806), -263, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2571100870, 3497754540), -236, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3831238852, 707476230), -210, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2854495385, 1769181907), -183, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4253529586, 2197867022), -157, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3169126500, 2450594539), -130, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2361183241, 1867548876), -103, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3518437208, 3793315116), -77, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2621440000, 0), -50, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3906250000, 0), -24, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2910383045, 2892103680), 3, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2168404344, 4170451332), 30, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3231174267, 3372684723), 56, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2407412430, 2078956656), 83, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3587324068, 2884206696), 109, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2672764710, 395977285), 136, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3982729777, 3569679143), 162, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2967364920, 2361961896), 189, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2210859150, 447440347), 216, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3294436857, 1114709402), 242, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2454546732, 2786846552), 269, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3657559652, 443583978), 295, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2725094297, 2599384906), 322, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4060706939, 3028118405), 348, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3025462433, 2044532855), 375, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2254145170, 1536935362), 402, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3358938053, 3365297469), 428, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2502603868, 4204241075), 455, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3729170365, 2577424355), 481, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2778448436, 3677981733), 508, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4140210802, 2744688476), 534, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3084697427, 1424604878), 561, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2298278679, 4062331362), 588, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3424702107, 3546052773), 614, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2551601907, 2065781727), 641, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3802183132, 2535403578), 667, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2832847187, 1558426518), 694, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(4221271257, 2762425404), 720, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3145092172, 2812560400), 747, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2343276271, 3057687578), 774, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3491753744, 2790753324), 800, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2601559269, 3918606633), 827, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3876625403, 2711358621), 853, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2888311001, 1648096297), 880, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2151959390, 2057817989), 907, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3206669376, 61660461), 933, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2389154863, 1581580175), 960, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3560118173, 2626467905), 986, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2652494738, 3034782633), 1013, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(3952525166, 3135207385), 1039, false), new extFloat.ptr(new $Uint64(2944860731, 2616258155), 1066, false)]);
uint64pow10 = $toNativeArray($kindUint64, [new $Uint64(0, 1), new $Uint64(0, 10), new $Uint64(0, 100), new $Uint64(0, 1000), new $Uint64(0, 10000), new $Uint64(0, 100000), new $Uint64(0, 1000000), new $Uint64(0, 10000000), new $Uint64(0, 100000000), new $Uint64(0, 1000000000), new $Uint64(2, 1410065408), new $Uint64(23, 1215752192), new $Uint64(232, 3567587328), new $Uint64(2328, 1316134912), new $Uint64(23283, 276447232), new $Uint64(232830, 2764472320), new $Uint64(2328306, 1874919424), new $Uint64(23283064, 1569325056), new $Uint64(232830643, 2808348672), new $Uint64(2328306436, 2313682944)]);
float32info = new floatInfo.ptr(23, 8, -127);
float64info = new floatInfo.ptr(52, 11, -1023);
isPrint16 = new sliceType$4([32, 126, 161, 887, 890, 895, 900, 1366, 1369, 1418, 1421, 1479, 1488, 1514, 1520, 1524, 1542, 1563, 1566, 1805, 1808, 1866, 1869, 1969, 1984, 2042, 2048, 2093, 2096, 2139, 2142, 2142, 2208, 2228, 2275, 2444, 2447, 2448, 2451, 2482, 2486, 2489, 2492, 2500, 2503, 2504, 2507, 2510, 2519, 2519, 2524, 2531, 2534, 2555, 2561, 2570, 2575, 2576, 2579, 2617, 2620, 2626, 2631, 2632, 2635, 2637, 2641, 2641, 2649, 2654, 2662, 2677, 2689, 2745, 2748, 2765, 2768, 2768, 2784, 2787, 2790, 2801, 2809, 2809, 2817, 2828, 2831, 2832, 2835, 2873, 2876, 2884, 2887, 2888, 2891, 2893, 2902, 2903, 2908, 2915, 2918, 2935, 2946, 2954, 2958, 2965, 2969, 2975, 2979, 2980, 2984, 2986, 2990, 3001, 3006, 3010, 3014, 3021, 3024, 3024, 3031, 3031, 3046, 3066, 3072, 3129, 3133, 3149, 3157, 3162, 3168, 3171, 3174, 3183, 3192, 3257, 3260, 3277, 3285, 3286, 3294, 3299, 3302, 3314, 3329, 3386, 3389, 3406, 3415, 3415, 3423, 3427, 3430, 3445, 3449, 3455, 3458, 3478, 3482, 3517, 3520, 3526, 3530, 3530, 3535, 3551, 3558, 3567, 3570, 3572, 3585, 3642, 3647, 3675, 3713, 3716, 3719, 3722, 3725, 3725, 3732, 3751, 3754, 3773, 3776, 3789, 3792, 3801, 3804, 3807, 3840, 3948, 3953, 4058, 4096, 4295, 4301, 4301, 4304, 4685, 4688, 4701, 4704, 4749, 4752, 4789, 4792, 4805, 4808, 4885, 4888, 4954, 4957, 4988, 4992, 5017, 5024, 5109, 5112, 5117, 5120, 5788, 5792, 5880, 5888, 5908, 5920, 5942, 5952, 5971, 5984, 6003, 6016, 6109, 6112, 6121, 6128, 6137, 6144, 6157, 6160, 6169, 6176, 6263, 6272, 6314, 6320, 6389, 6400, 6443, 6448, 6459, 6464, 6464, 6468, 6509, 6512, 6516, 6528, 6571, 6576, 6601, 6608, 6618, 6622, 6683, 6686, 6780, 6783, 6793, 6800, 6809, 6816, 6829, 6832, 6846, 6912, 6987, 6992, 7036, 7040, 7155, 7164, 7223, 7227, 7241, 7245, 7295, 7360, 7367, 7376, 7417, 7424, 7669, 7676, 7957, 7960, 7965, 7968, 8005, 8008, 8013, 8016, 8061, 8064, 8147, 8150, 8175, 8178, 8190, 8208, 8231, 8240, 8286, 8304, 8305, 8308, 8348, 8352, 8382, 8400, 8432, 8448, 8587, 8592, 9210, 9216, 9254, 9280, 9290, 9312, 11123, 11126, 11157, 11160, 11193, 11197, 11217, 11244, 11247, 11264, 11507, 11513, 11559, 11565, 11565, 11568, 11623, 11631, 11632, 11647, 11670, 11680, 11842, 11904, 12019, 12032, 12245, 12272, 12283, 12289, 12438, 12441, 12543, 12549, 12589, 12593, 12730, 12736, 12771, 12784, 19893, 19904, 40917, 40960, 42124, 42128, 42182, 42192, 42539, 42560, 42743, 42752, 42925, 42928, 42935, 42999, 43051, 43056, 43065, 43072, 43127, 43136, 43204, 43214, 43225, 43232, 43261, 43264, 43347, 43359, 43388, 43392, 43481, 43486, 43574, 43584, 43597, 43600, 43609, 43612, 43714, 43739, 43766, 43777, 43782, 43785, 43790, 43793, 43798, 43808, 43877, 43888, 44013, 44016, 44025, 44032, 55203, 55216, 55238, 55243, 55291, 63744, 64109, 64112, 64217, 64256, 64262, 64275, 64279, 64285, 64449, 64467, 64831, 64848, 64911, 64914, 64967, 65008, 65021, 65024, 65049, 65056, 65131, 65136, 65276, 65281, 65470, 65474, 65479, 65482, 65487, 65490, 65495, 65498, 65500, 65504, 65518, 65532, 65533]);
isNotPrint16 = new sliceType$4([173, 907, 909, 930, 1328, 1376, 1416, 1424, 1757, 2111, 2436, 2473, 2481, 2526, 2564, 2601, 2609, 2612, 2615, 2621, 2653, 2692, 2702, 2706, 2729, 2737, 2740, 2758, 2762, 2820, 2857, 2865, 2868, 2910, 2948, 2961, 2971, 2973, 3017, 3076, 3085, 3089, 3113, 3141, 3145, 3159, 3200, 3204, 3213, 3217, 3241, 3252, 3269, 3273, 3295, 3312, 3332, 3341, 3345, 3397, 3401, 3460, 3506, 3516, 3541, 3543, 3715, 3721, 3736, 3744, 3748, 3750, 3756, 3770, 3781, 3783, 3912, 3992, 4029, 4045, 4294, 4681, 4695, 4697, 4745, 4785, 4799, 4801, 4823, 4881, 5760, 5901, 5997, 6001, 6431, 6751, 7415, 8024, 8026, 8028, 8030, 8117, 8133, 8156, 8181, 8335, 11209, 11311, 11359, 11558, 11687, 11695, 11703, 11711, 11719, 11727, 11735, 11743, 11930, 12352, 12687, 12831, 13055, 43470, 43519, 43815, 43823, 64311, 64317, 64319, 64322, 64325, 65107, 65127, 65141, 65511]);
isPrint32 = new sliceType$5([65536, 65613, 65616, 65629, 65664, 65786, 65792, 65794, 65799, 65843, 65847, 65932, 65936, 65947, 65952, 65952, 66000, 66045, 66176, 66204, 66208, 66256, 66272, 66299, 66304, 66339, 66352, 66378, 66384, 66426, 66432, 66499, 66504, 66517, 66560, 66717, 66720, 66729, 66816, 66855, 66864, 66915, 66927, 66927, 67072, 67382, 67392, 67413, 67424, 67431, 67584, 67589, 67592, 67640, 67644, 67644, 67647, 67742, 67751, 67759, 67808, 67829, 67835, 67867, 67871, 67897, 67903, 67903, 67968, 68023, 68028, 68047, 68050, 68102, 68108, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68159, 68167, 68176, 68184, 68192, 68255, 68288, 68326, 68331, 68342, 68352, 68405, 68409, 68437, 68440, 68466, 68472, 68497, 68505, 68508, 68521, 68527, 68608, 68680, 68736, 68786, 68800, 68850, 68858, 68863, 69216, 69246, 69632, 69709, 69714, 69743, 69759, 69825, 69840, 69864, 69872, 69881, 69888, 69955, 69968, 70006, 70016, 70093, 70096, 70132, 70144, 70205, 70272, 70313, 70320, 70378, 70384, 70393, 70400, 70412, 70415, 70416, 70419, 70457, 70460, 70468, 70471, 70472, 70475, 70477, 70480, 70480, 70487, 70487, 70493, 70499, 70502, 70508, 70512, 70516, 70784, 70855, 70864, 70873, 71040, 71093, 71096, 71133, 71168, 71236, 71248, 71257, 71296, 71351, 71360, 71369, 71424, 71449, 71453, 71467, 71472, 71487, 71840, 71922, 71935, 71935, 72384, 72440, 73728, 74649, 74752, 74868, 74880, 75075, 77824, 78894, 82944, 83526, 92160, 92728, 92736, 92777, 92782, 92783, 92880, 92909, 92912, 92917, 92928, 92997, 93008, 93047, 93053, 93071, 93952, 94020, 94032, 94078, 94095, 94111, 110592, 110593, 113664, 113770, 113776, 113788, 113792, 113800, 113808, 113817, 113820, 113823, 118784, 119029, 119040, 119078, 119081, 119154, 119163, 119272, 119296, 119365, 119552, 119638, 119648, 119665, 119808, 119967, 119970, 119970, 119973, 119974, 119977, 120074, 120077, 120134, 120138, 120485, 120488, 120779, 120782, 121483, 121499, 121519, 124928, 125124, 125127, 125142, 126464, 126500, 126503, 126523, 126530, 126530, 126535, 126548, 126551, 126564, 126567, 126619, 126625, 126651, 126704, 126705, 126976, 127019, 127024, 127123, 127136, 127150, 127153, 127221, 127232, 127244, 127248, 127339, 127344, 127386, 127462, 127490, 127504, 127546, 127552, 127560, 127568, 127569, 127744, 128720, 128736, 128748, 128752, 128755, 128768, 128883, 128896, 128980, 129024, 129035, 129040, 129095, 129104, 129113, 129120, 129159, 129168, 129197, 129296, 129304, 129408, 129412, 129472, 129472, 131072, 173782, 173824, 177972, 177984, 178205, 178208, 183969, 194560, 195101, 917760, 917999]);
isNotPrint32 = new sliceType$4([12, 39, 59, 62, 926, 2057, 2102, 2134, 2291, 2564, 2580, 2584, 4285, 4405, 4576, 4626, 4743, 4745, 4750, 4766, 4868, 4905, 4913, 4916, 9327, 27231, 27482, 27490, 54357, 54429, 54445, 54458, 54460, 54468, 54534, 54549, 54557, 54586, 54591, 54597, 54609, 55968, 60932, 60960, 60963, 60968, 60979, 60984, 60986, 61000, 61002, 61004, 61008, 61011, 61016, 61018, 61020, 61022, 61024, 61027, 61035, 61043, 61048, 61053, 61055, 61066, 61092, 61098, 61632, 61648, 61743, 62842, 62884]);
shifts = $toNativeArray($kindUint, [0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["reflect"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, js, math, runtime, strconv, sync, mapIter, Type, Kind, rtype, typeAlg, method, uncommonType, ChanDir, arrayType, chanType, funcType, imethod, interfaceType, mapType, ptrType, sliceType, structField, structType, Method, StructField, StructTag, fieldScan, Value, flag, ValueError, nonEmptyInterface, ptrType$1, sliceType$1, sliceType$2, ptrType$3, funcType$1, sliceType$3, ptrType$4, ptrType$5, ptrType$6, ptrType$7, sliceType$4, sliceType$5, sliceType$6, structType$6, sliceType$7, sliceType$8, ptrType$8, arrayType$1, structType$7, ptrType$9, sliceType$9, ptrType$10, ptrType$11, ptrType$12, sliceType$11, sliceType$12, ptrType$13, sliceType$13, ptrType$18, sliceType$15, funcType$3, funcType$4, funcType$5, arrayType$3, ptrType$20, initialized, stringPtrMap, callHelper, jsObjectPtr, selectHelper, kindNames, uint8Type, init, jsType, reflectType, setKindType, newStringPtr, isWrapped, copyStruct, makeValue, MakeSlice, TypeOf, ValueOf, SliceOf, Zero, unsafe_New, makeInt, typedmemmove, keyFor, mapaccess, mapassign, mapdelete, mapiterinit, mapiterkey, mapiternext, maplen, cvtDirect, methodReceiver, valueInterface, ifaceE2I, methodName, makeMethodValue, wrapJsObject, unwrapJsObject, getJsTag, chanrecv, chansend, PtrTo, implements$1, directlyAssignable, haveIdenticalUnderlyingType, toType, ifaceIndir, overflowFloat32, New, convertOp, makeFloat, makeComplex, makeString, makeBytes, makeRunes, cvtInt, cvtUint, cvtFloatInt, cvtFloatUint, cvtIntFloat, cvtUintFloat, cvtFloat, cvtComplex, cvtIntString, cvtUintString, cvtBytesString, cvtStringBytes, cvtRunesString, cvtStringRunes, cvtT2I, cvtI2I;
errors = $packages["errors"];
js = $packages[""];
math = $packages["math"];
runtime = $packages["runtime"];
strconv = $packages["strconv"];
sync = $packages["sync"];
mapIter = $pkg.mapIter = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.mapIter", "mapIter", "reflect", function(t_, m_, keys_, i_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.t = $ifaceNil;
this.m = null;
this.keys = null;
this.i = 0;
this.t = t_;
this.m = m_;
this.keys = keys_;
this.i = i_;
Type = $pkg.Type = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "reflect.Type", "Type", "reflect", null);
Kind = $pkg.Kind = $newType(4, $kindUint, "reflect.Kind", "Kind", "reflect", null);
rtype = $pkg.rtype = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.rtype", "rtype", "reflect", function(size_, ptrdata_, hash_, _$3_, align_, fieldAlign_, kind_, alg_, gcdata_, string_, uncommonType_, ptrToThis_, zero_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.size = 0;
this.ptrdata = 0;
this.hash = 0;
this._$3 = 0;
this.align = 0;
this.fieldAlign = 0;
this.kind = 0;
this.alg = ptrType$4.nil;
this.gcdata = ptrType$5.nil;
this.string = ptrType$6.nil;
this.uncommonType = ptrType$7.nil;
this.ptrToThis = ptrType$1.nil; = 0;
this.size = size_;
this.ptrdata = ptrdata_;
this.hash = hash_;
this._$3 = _$3_;
this.align = align_;
this.fieldAlign = fieldAlign_;
this.kind = kind_;
this.alg = alg_;
this.gcdata = gcdata_;
this.string = string_;
this.uncommonType = uncommonType_;
this.ptrToThis = ptrToThis_; = zero_;
typeAlg = $pkg.typeAlg = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.typeAlg", "typeAlg", "reflect", function(hash_, equal_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.hash = $throwNilPointerError;
this.equal = $throwNilPointerError;
this.hash = hash_;
this.equal = equal_;
method = $pkg.method = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.method", "method", "reflect", function(name_, pkgPath_, mtyp_, typ_, ifn_, tfn_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) { = ptrType$6.nil;
this.pkgPath = ptrType$6.nil;
this.mtyp = ptrType$1.nil;
this.typ = ptrType$1.nil;
this.ifn = 0;
this.tfn = 0;
} = name_;
this.pkgPath = pkgPath_;
this.mtyp = mtyp_;
this.typ = typ_;
this.ifn = ifn_;
this.tfn = tfn_;
uncommonType = $pkg.uncommonType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.uncommonType", "uncommonType", "reflect", function(name_, pkgPath_, methods_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) { = ptrType$6.nil;
this.pkgPath = ptrType$6.nil;
this.methods = sliceType$4.nil;
} = name_;
this.pkgPath = pkgPath_;
this.methods = methods_;
ChanDir = $pkg.ChanDir = $newType(4, $kindInt, "reflect.ChanDir", "ChanDir", "reflect", null);
arrayType = $pkg.arrayType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.arrayType", "arrayType", "reflect", function(rtype_, elem_, slice_, len_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0);
this.elem = ptrType$1.nil;
this.slice = ptrType$1.nil;
this.len = 0;
this.rtype = rtype_;
this.elem = elem_;
this.slice = slice_;
this.len = len_;
chanType = $pkg.chanType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.chanType", "chanType", "reflect", function(rtype_, elem_, dir_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0);
this.elem = ptrType$1.nil;
this.dir = 0;
this.rtype = rtype_;
this.elem = elem_;
this.dir = dir_;
funcType = $pkg.funcType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.funcType", "funcType", "reflect", function(rtype_, dotdotdot_, in$2_, out_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0);
this.dotdotdot = false;$2 = sliceType$1.nil;
this.out = sliceType$1.nil;
this.rtype = rtype_;
this.dotdotdot = dotdotdot_;$2 = in$2_;
this.out = out_;
imethod = $pkg.imethod = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.imethod", "imethod", "reflect", function(name_, pkgPath_, typ_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) { = ptrType$6.nil;
this.pkgPath = ptrType$6.nil;
this.typ = ptrType$1.nil;
} = name_;
this.pkgPath = pkgPath_;
this.typ = typ_;
interfaceType = $pkg.interfaceType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.interfaceType", "interfaceType", "reflect", function(rtype_, methods_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0);
this.methods = sliceType$5.nil;
this.rtype = rtype_;
this.methods = methods_;
mapType = $pkg.mapType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.mapType", "mapType", "reflect", function(rtype_, key_, elem_, bucket_, hmap_, keysize_, indirectkey_, valuesize_, indirectvalue_, bucketsize_, reflexivekey_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0);
this.key = ptrType$1.nil;
this.elem = ptrType$1.nil;
this.bucket = ptrType$1.nil;
this.hmap = ptrType$1.nil;
this.keysize = 0;
this.indirectkey = 0;
this.valuesize = 0;
this.indirectvalue = 0;
this.bucketsize = 0;
this.reflexivekey = false;
this.rtype = rtype_;
this.key = key_;
this.elem = elem_;
this.bucket = bucket_;
this.hmap = hmap_;
this.keysize = keysize_;
this.indirectkey = indirectkey_;
this.valuesize = valuesize_;
this.indirectvalue = indirectvalue_;
this.bucketsize = bucketsize_;
this.reflexivekey = reflexivekey_;
ptrType = $pkg.ptrType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.ptrType", "ptrType", "reflect", function(rtype_, elem_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0);
this.elem = ptrType$1.nil;
this.rtype = rtype_;
this.elem = elem_;
sliceType = $pkg.sliceType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.sliceType", "sliceType", "reflect", function(rtype_, elem_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0);
this.elem = ptrType$1.nil;
this.rtype = rtype_;
this.elem = elem_;
structField = $pkg.structField = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.structField", "structField", "reflect", function(name_, pkgPath_, typ_, tag_, offset_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) { = ptrType$6.nil;
this.pkgPath = ptrType$6.nil;
this.typ = ptrType$1.nil;
this.tag = ptrType$6.nil;
this.offset = 0;
} = name_;
this.pkgPath = pkgPath_;
this.typ = typ_;
this.tag = tag_;
this.offset = offset_;
structType = $pkg.structType = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.structType", "structType", "reflect", function(rtype_, fields_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.rtype = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0);
this.fields = sliceType$6.nil;
this.rtype = rtype_;
this.fields = fields_;
Method = $pkg.Method = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.Method", "Method", "reflect", function(Name_, PkgPath_, Type_, Func_, Index_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Name = "";
this.PkgPath = "";
this.Type = $ifaceNil;
this.Func = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
this.Index = 0;
this.Name = Name_;
this.PkgPath = PkgPath_;
this.Type = Type_;
this.Func = Func_;
this.Index = Index_;
StructField = $pkg.StructField = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.StructField", "StructField", "reflect", function(Name_, PkgPath_, Type_, Tag_, Offset_, Index_, Anonymous_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Name = "";
this.PkgPath = "";
this.Type = $ifaceNil;
this.Tag = "";
this.Offset = 0;
this.Index = sliceType$11.nil;
this.Anonymous = false;
this.Name = Name_;
this.PkgPath = PkgPath_;
this.Type = Type_;
this.Tag = Tag_;
this.Offset = Offset_;
this.Index = Index_;
this.Anonymous = Anonymous_;
StructTag = $pkg.StructTag = $newType(8, $kindString, "reflect.StructTag", "StructTag", "reflect", null);
fieldScan = $pkg.fieldScan = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.fieldScan", "fieldScan", "reflect", function(typ_, index_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.typ = ptrType$13.nil;
this.index = sliceType$11.nil;
this.typ = typ_;
this.index = index_;
Value = $pkg.Value = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.Value", "Value", "reflect", function(typ_, ptr_, flag_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.typ = ptrType$1.nil;
this.ptr = 0;
this.flag = 0;
this.typ = typ_;
this.ptr = ptr_;
this.flag = flag_;
flag = $pkg.flag = $newType(4, $kindUintptr, "reflect.flag", "flag", "reflect", null);
ValueError = $pkg.ValueError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.ValueError", "ValueError", "reflect", function(Method_, Kind_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.Method = "";
this.Kind = 0;
this.Method = Method_;
this.Kind = Kind_;
nonEmptyInterface = $pkg.nonEmptyInterface = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "reflect.nonEmptyInterface", "nonEmptyInterface", "reflect", function(itab_, word_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.itab = ptrType$9.nil;
this.word = 0;
this.itab = itab_;
this.word = word_;
ptrType$1 = $ptrType(rtype);
sliceType$1 = $sliceType(ptrType$1);
sliceType$2 = $sliceType($emptyInterface);
ptrType$3 = $ptrType(js.Object);
funcType$1 = $funcType([sliceType$2], [ptrType$3], true);
sliceType$3 = $sliceType($String);
ptrType$4 = $ptrType(typeAlg);
ptrType$5 = $ptrType($Uint8);
ptrType$6 = $ptrType($String);
ptrType$7 = $ptrType(uncommonType);
sliceType$4 = $sliceType(method);
sliceType$5 = $sliceType(imethod);
sliceType$6 = $sliceType(structField);
structType$6 = $structType([{prop: "str", name: "str", pkg: "reflect", typ: $String, tag: ""}]);
sliceType$7 = $sliceType(ptrType$3);
sliceType$8 = $sliceType(Value);
ptrType$8 = $ptrType(nonEmptyInterface);
arrayType$1 = $arrayType($UnsafePointer, 100000);
structType$7 = $structType([{prop: "ityp", name: "ityp", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "link", name: "link", pkg: "reflect", typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "bad", name: "bad", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "unused", name: "unused", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Int32, tag: ""}, {prop: "fun", name: "fun", pkg: "reflect", typ: arrayType$1, tag: ""}]);
ptrType$9 = $ptrType(structType$7);
sliceType$9 = $sliceType(sliceType$2);
ptrType$10 = $ptrType(method);
ptrType$11 = $ptrType(interfaceType);
ptrType$12 = $ptrType(imethod);
sliceType$11 = $sliceType($Int);
sliceType$12 = $sliceType(fieldScan);
ptrType$13 = $ptrType(structType);
sliceType$13 = $sliceType($Uint8);
ptrType$18 = $ptrType($UnsafePointer);
sliceType$15 = $sliceType($Int32);
funcType$3 = $funcType([$String], [$Bool], false);
funcType$4 = $funcType([$UnsafePointer, $Uintptr], [$Uintptr], false);
funcType$5 = $funcType([$UnsafePointer, $UnsafePointer], [$Bool], false);
arrayType$3 = $arrayType($Uintptr, 2);
ptrType$20 = $ptrType(ValueError);
init = function() {
var $ptr, used, x, x$1, x$10, x$11, x$12, x$2, x$3, x$4, x$5, x$6, x$7, x$8, x$9, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; used = $f.used; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; x$10 = $f.x$10; x$11 = $f.x$11; x$12 = $f.x$12; x$2 = $f.x$2; x$3 = $f.x$3; x$4 = $f.x$4; x$5 = $f.x$5; x$6 = $f.x$6; x$7 = $f.x$7; x$8 = $f.x$8; x$9 = $f.x$9; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
used = (function(i) {
var $ptr, i;
$r = used((x = new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), new x.constructor.elem(x))); /* map[0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$1 = new uncommonType.ptr(ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$6.nil, sliceType$4.nil), new x$1.constructor.elem(x$1))); /* map[0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$2 = new method.ptr(ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), new x$2.constructor.elem(x$2))); /* map[0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$3 = new arrayType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), new x$3.constructor.elem(x$3))); /* map[0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a0e140:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$4 = new chanType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), ptrType$1.nil, 0), new x$4.constructor.elem(x$4))); /* map[0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$5 = new funcType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), false, sliceType$1.nil, sliceType$1.nil), new x$5.constructor.elem(x$5))); /* map[0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a0e140:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$6 = new interfaceType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), sliceType$5.nil), new x$6.constructor.elem(x$6))); /* map[0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$7 = new mapType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false), new x$7.constructor.elem(x$7))); /* map[0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$8 = new ptrType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), ptrType$1.nil), new x$8.constructor.elem(x$8))); /* map[0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc8215ee410:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$9 = new sliceType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), ptrType$1.nil), new x$9.constructor.elem(x$9))); /* map[0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true] */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$10 = new structType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), sliceType$6.nil), new x$10.constructor.elem(x$10))); /* map[0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$11 = new imethod.ptr(ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$1.nil), new x$11.constructor.elem(x$11))); /* map[0xc8215ee770:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = used((x$12 = new structField.ptr(ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$6.nil, 0), new x$12.constructor.elem(x$12))); /* map[0xc821a41e80:true 0xc821a0e1c0:true 0xc821a41d00:true 0xc8215ee370:true 0xc8215ee3c0:true 0xc8215ee580:true 0xc821a0e140:true 0xc821a41840:true 0xc821a41e00:true 0xc8215ee5e0:true 0xc821a41c00:true 0xc821a419c0:true 0xc8215ee630:true 0xc8219b6510:true 0xc821a0e000:true 0xc8215ee4e0:true 0xc821a41f00:true 0xc8215ee720:true 0xc8215ee470:true 0xc821a0e0c0:true 0xc8215ee410:true 0xc821a418c0:true 0xc821a41ac0:true 0xc8215ee530:true 0xc821a41f80:true 0xc8215ee6a0:true 0xc8215ee770:true 0xc8215ee2e0:true] */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
initialized = true;
uint8Type = $assertType(TypeOf(new $Uint8(0)), ptrType$1);
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=28) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: init }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f.used = used; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.x$10 = x$10; $f.x$11 = x$11; $f.x$12 = x$12; $f.x$2 = x$2; $f.x$3 = x$3; $f.x$4 = x$4; $f.x$5 = x$5; $f.x$6 = x$6; $f.x$7 = x$7; $f.x$8 = x$8; $f.x$9 = x$9; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
jsType = function(typ) {
var $ptr, typ;
return typ.jsType;
reflectType = function(typ) {
var $ptr, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _i$3, _i$4, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _ref$5, dir, f, fields, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, i$4, imethods, in$1, m, m$1, methodSet, methods, out, params, reflectFields, reflectMethods, results, rt, t, typ;
if (typ.reflectType === undefined) {
rt = new rtype.ptr((($parseInt(typ.size) >> 0) >>> 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (($parseInt(typ.kind) >> 0) << 24 >>> 24), ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, newStringPtr(typ.string), ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0);
rt.jsType = typ;
typ.reflectType = rt;
methodSet = $methodSet(typ);
if (!($internalize(typ.typeName, $String) === "") || !(($parseInt(methodSet.length) === 0))) {
reflectMethods = $makeSlice(sliceType$4, $parseInt(methodSet.length));
_ref = reflectMethods;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
i = _i;
m = methodSet[i];
t = m.typ;
method.copy(((i < 0 || i >= reflectMethods.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : reflectMethods.$array[reflectMethods.$offset + i]), new method.ptr(newStringPtr(, newStringPtr(m.pkg), reflectType(t), reflectType($funcType(new ($global.Array)(typ).concat(t.params), t.results, t.variadic)), 0, 0));
rt.uncommonType = new uncommonType.ptr(newStringPtr(typ.typeName), newStringPtr(typ.pkg), reflectMethods);
rt.uncommonType.jsType = typ;
_ref$1 = rt.Kind();
if (_ref$1 === 17) {
setKindType(rt, new arrayType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), reflectType(typ.elem), ptrType$1.nil, (($parseInt(typ.len) >> 0) >>> 0)));
} else if (_ref$1 === 18) {
dir = 3;
if (!!(typ.sendOnly)) {
dir = 2;
if (!!(typ.recvOnly)) {
dir = 1;
setKindType(rt, new chanType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), reflectType(typ.elem), (dir >>> 0)));
} else if (_ref$1 === 19) {
params = typ.params;
in$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, $parseInt(params.length));
_ref$2 = in$1;
_i$1 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i$1 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; }
i$1 = _i$1;
((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= in$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + i$1] = reflectType(params[i$1]));
results = typ.results;
out = $makeSlice(sliceType$1, $parseInt(results.length));
_ref$3 = out;
_i$2 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i$2 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; }
i$2 = _i$2;
((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= out.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : out.$array[out.$offset + i$2] = reflectType(results[i$2]));
setKindType(rt, new funcType.ptr($clone(rt, rtype), !!(typ.variadic), in$1, out));
} else if (_ref$1 === 20) {
methods = typ.methods;
imethods = $makeSlice(sliceType$5, $parseInt(methods.length));
_ref$4 = imethods;
_i$3 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i$3 < _ref$4.$length)) { break; }
i$3 = _i$3;
m$1 = methods[i$3];
imethod.copy(((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= imethods.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : imethods.$array[imethods.$offset + i$3]), new imethod.ptr(newStringPtr(m$, newStringPtr(m$1.pkg), reflectType(m$1.typ)));
setKindType(rt, new interfaceType.ptr($clone(rt, rtype), imethods));
} else if (_ref$1 === 21) {
setKindType(rt, new mapType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), reflectType(typ.key), reflectType(typ.elem), ptrType$1.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false));
} else if (_ref$1 === 22) {
setKindType(rt, new ptrType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), reflectType(typ.elem)));
} else if (_ref$1 === 23) {
setKindType(rt, new sliceType.ptr(new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0), reflectType(typ.elem)));
} else if (_ref$1 === 25) {
fields = typ.fields;
reflectFields = $makeSlice(sliceType$6, $parseInt(fields.length));
_ref$5 = reflectFields;
_i$4 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i$4 < _ref$5.$length)) { break; }
i$4 = _i$4;
f = fields[i$4];
structField.copy(((i$4 < 0 || i$4 >= reflectFields.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : reflectFields.$array[reflectFields.$offset + i$4]), new structField.ptr(newStringPtr(, newStringPtr(f.pkg), reflectType(f.typ), newStringPtr(f.tag), (i$4 >>> 0)));
setKindType(rt, new structType.ptr($clone(rt, rtype), reflectFields));
return typ.reflectType;
setKindType = function(rt, kindType) {
var $ptr, kindType, rt;
rt.kindType = kindType;
kindType.rtype = rt;
newStringPtr = function(strObj) {
var $ptr, _entry, _key, _tuple, c, ok, ptr, str, str$24ptr, strObj;
c = new structType$6.ptr("");
c.str = strObj;
str = c.str;
if (str === "") {
return ptrType$6.nil;
_tuple = (_entry = stringPtrMap[$String.keyFor(str)], _entry !== undefined ? [_entry.v, true] : [ptrType$6.nil, false]);
ptr = _tuple[0];
ok = _tuple[1];
if (!ok) {
ptr = (str$24ptr || (str$24ptr = new ptrType$6(function() { return str; }, function($v) { str = $v; })));
_key = str; (stringPtrMap || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[$String.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: ptr };
return ptr;
isWrapped = function(typ) {
var $ptr, typ;
return !!(jsType(typ).wrapped);
copyStruct = function(dst, src, typ) {
var $ptr, dst, fields, i, prop, src, typ;
fields = jsType(typ).fields;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < $parseInt(fields.length))) { break; }
prop = $internalize(fields[i].prop, $String);
dst[$externalize(prop, $String)] = src[$externalize(prop, $String)];
i = i + (1) >> 0;
makeValue = function(t, v, fl) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _v, _v$1, fl, rt, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _v = $f._v; _v$1 = $f._v$1; fl = $f.fl; rt = $f.rt; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r = t.common(); /* map[0xc8219b8a80:true 0xc8219a9800:true 0xc8219b8800:true 0xc8219a9860:true 0xc8219b8980:true 0xc8219b8dc0:true 0xc8219a99e0:true 0xc8219a98c0:true 0xc8219a9770:true 0xc8219a97d0:true 0xc8219b88c0:true 0xc8215ff6a0:true 0xc8219b8d00:true 0xc8219b8cc0:true 0xc8219a9a40:true 0xc8219b87c0:true 0xc8219b8840:true 0xc8219b8a40:true 0xc8219b89c0:true 0xc8219a99b0:true 0xc8219b8780:true 0xc8219a9980:true 0xc8215ff300:true 0xc8219a9920:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
rt = _r;
_r$1 = t.Kind(); /* map[0xc8219b87c0:true 0xc8219b8840:true 0xc8219b8a40:true 0xc8215ff6a0:true 0xc8219b8d00:true 0xc8219b8cc0:true 0xc8219a9a40:true 0xc8219a9980:true 0xc8215ff300:true 0xc8219a9920:true 0xc8219b89c0:true 0xc8219a99b0:true 0xc8219b8780:true 0xc8219a9800:true 0xc8219b8800:true 0xc8219a9860:true 0xc8219b8a80:true 0xc8219a9770:true 0xc8219a97d0:true 0xc8219b88c0:true 0xc8219b8980:true 0xc8219b8dc0:true 0xc8219a99e0:true 0xc8219a98c0:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
if (_r$1 === 17) { _v$1 = true; $s = 5; continue s; }
_r$2 = t.Kind(); /* map[0xc8219b8840:true 0xc8219b8a40:true 0xc8215ff6a0:true 0xc8219b8d00:true 0xc8219b8cc0:true 0xc8219a9a40:true 0xc8219b87c0:true 0xc8215ff300:true 0xc8219a9920:true 0xc8219b89c0:true 0xc8219a99b0:true 0xc8219b8780:true 0xc8219a9980:true 0xc8219b8800:true 0xc8219a9860:true 0xc8219b8a80:true 0xc8219a9800:true 0xc8219a97d0:true 0xc8219b88c0:true 0xc8219b8980:true 0xc8219b8dc0:true 0xc8219a99e0:true 0xc8219a98c0:true 0xc8219a9770:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_v$1 = _r$2 === 25; case 5:
if (_v$1) { _v = true; $s = 4; continue s; }
_r$3 = t.Kind(); /* map[0xc8215ff6a0:true 0xc8219b8d00:true 0xc8219b8cc0:true 0xc8219a9a40:true 0xc8219b87c0:true 0xc8219b8840:true 0xc8219b8a40:true 0xc8219b89c0:true 0xc8219a99b0:true 0xc8219b8780:true 0xc8219a9980:true 0xc8215ff300:true 0xc8219a9920:true 0xc8219b8a80:true 0xc8219a9800:true 0xc8219b8800:true 0xc8219a9860:true 0xc8219b8980:true 0xc8219b8dc0:true 0xc8219a99e0:true 0xc8219a98c0:true 0xc8219a9770:true 0xc8219a97d0:true 0xc8219b88c0:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_v = _r$3 === 22; case 4:
/* */ if (_v) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (_v) { */ case 2:
_r$4 = t.Kind(); /* map[0xc8219b88c0:true 0xc8219b8980:true 0xc8219b8dc0:true 0xc8219a99e0:true 0xc8219a98c0:true 0xc8219a9770:true 0xc8219a97d0:true 0xc8219b8a40:true 0xc8215ff6a0:true 0xc8219b8d00:true 0xc8219b8cc0:true 0xc8219a9a40:true 0xc8219b87c0:true 0xc8219b8840:true 0xc8219a9920:true 0xc8219b89c0:true 0xc8219a99b0:true 0xc8219b8780:true 0xc8219a9980:true 0xc8215ff300:true 0xc8219a9860:true 0xc8219b8a80:true 0xc8219a9800:true 0xc8219b8800:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 10; case 10:
return new Value.ptr(rt, v, (fl | (_r$4 >>> 0)) >>> 0);
/* } */ case 3:
_r$5 = t.Kind(); /* map[0xc8219b89c0:true 0xc8219a99b0:true 0xc8219b8780:true 0xc8219a9980:true 0xc8215ff300:true 0xc8219a9920:true 0xc8219b8a80:true 0xc8219a9800:true 0xc8219b8800:true 0xc8219a9860:true 0xc8219b8980:true 0xc8219b8dc0:true 0xc8219a99e0:true 0xc8219a98c0:true 0xc8219a9770:true 0xc8219a97d0:true 0xc8219b88c0:true 0xc8215ff6a0:true 0xc8219b8d00:true 0xc8219b8cc0:true 0xc8219a9a40:true 0xc8219b87c0:true 0xc8219b8840:true 0xc8219b8a40:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 12; case 12:
return new Value.ptr(rt, $newDataPointer(v, jsType(rt.ptrTo())), (((fl | (_r$5 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 64) >>> 0);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=24) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: makeValue }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._v = _v; $f._v$1 = _v$1; $f.fl = fl; $f.rt = rt; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
MakeSlice = function(typ, len, cap) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, cap, len, typ, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; cap = $f.cap; len = $f.len; typ = $f.typ; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
typ = [typ];
_r = typ[0].Kind(); /* map[0xc8219b8f00:true 0xc8215ffea0:true 0xc8219b9540:true 0xc8219904e0:true 0xc8219b8fc0:true 0xc8219a9bc0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (!((_r === 23))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!((_r === 23))) { */ case 1:
$panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice of non-slice type"));
/* } */ case 2:
if (len < 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice: negative len"));
if (cap < 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice: negative cap"));
if (len > cap) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.MakeSlice: len > cap"));
_r$1 = makeValue(typ[0], $makeSlice(jsType(typ[0]), len, cap, (function(typ) { return function $b() {
var $ptr, _r$1, _r$2, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r$1 = typ[0].Elem(); /* map[0xc8219904b0:true 0xc8215ffe40:true 0xc8219b9400:true 0xc8215ffe00:true 0xc8219b93c0:true 0xc8219b9340:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$2 = jsType(_r$1); /* map[0xc8215ffe40:true 0xc8219b9400:true 0xc8215ffe00:true 0xc8219b93c0:true 0xc8219b9340:true 0xc8219904b0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 3; case 3:
return _r$;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $b }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
}; })(typ)), 0); /* map[0xc8219a9bc0:true 0xc8219b8f00:true 0xc8215ffea0:true 0xc8219b9540:true 0xc8219904e0:true 0xc8219b8fc0:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 5; case 5:
return _r$1;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: MakeSlice }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.cap = cap; $f.len = len; $f.typ = typ; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.MakeSlice = MakeSlice;
TypeOf = function(i) {
var $ptr, i;
if (!initialized) {
return new rtype.ptr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ptrType$4.nil, ptrType$5.nil, ptrType$6.nil, ptrType$7.nil, ptrType$1.nil, 0);
if ($interfaceIsEqual(i, $ifaceNil)) {
return $ifaceNil;
return reflectType(i.constructor);
$pkg.TypeOf = TypeOf;
ValueOf = function(i) {
var $ptr, _r, i, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; i = $f.i; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
if ($interfaceIsEqual(i, $ifaceNil)) {
return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
_r = makeValue(reflectType(i.constructor), i.$val, 0); /* map[0xc8219910b0:true 0xc8215e26c0:true 0xc8219b9b80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: ValueOf }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.i = i; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.ValueOf = ValueOf;
rtype.ptr.prototype.ptrTo = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return reflectType($ptrType(jsType(t)));
rtype.prototype.ptrTo = function() { return this.$val.ptrTo(); };
SliceOf = function(t) {
var $ptr, t;
return reflectType($sliceType(jsType(t)));
$pkg.SliceOf = SliceOf;
Zero = function(typ) {
var $ptr, _r, typ, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; typ = $f.typ; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r = makeValue(typ, jsType(typ).zero(), 0); /* map[0xc8218e75f0:true 0xc8215c6280:true 0xc821924e80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Zero }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.typ = typ; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.Zero = Zero;
unsafe_New = function(typ) {
var $ptr, _ref, typ;
_ref = typ.Kind();
if (_ref === 25) {
return new (jsType(typ).ptr)();
} else if (_ref === 17) {
return jsType(typ).zero();
} else {
return $newDataPointer(jsType(typ).zero(), jsType(typ.ptrTo()));
makeInt = function(f, bits, t) {
var $ptr, _r, _ref, bits, f, ptr, t, typ, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _ref = $f._ref; bits = $f.bits; f = $f.f; ptr = $f.ptr; t = $f.t; typ = $f.typ; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r = t.common(); /* map[0xc821820f90:true 0xc82150fb40:true 0xc82150f440:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
typ = _r;
ptr = unsafe_New(typ);
_ref = typ.Kind();
if (_ref === 3) {
ptr.$set((bits.$low << 24 >> 24));
} else if (_ref === 4) {
ptr.$set((bits.$low << 16 >> 16));
} else if (_ref === 2 || _ref === 5) {
ptr.$set((bits.$low >> 0));
} else if (_ref === 6) {
ptr.$set(new $Int64(bits.$high, bits.$low));
} else if (_ref === 8) {
ptr.$set((bits.$low << 24 >>> 24));
} else if (_ref === 9) {
ptr.$set((bits.$low << 16 >>> 16));
} else if (_ref === 7 || _ref === 10 || _ref === 12) {
ptr.$set((bits.$low >>> 0));
} else if (_ref === 11) {
return new Value.ptr(typ, ptr, (((f | 64) >>> 0) | (typ.Kind() >>> 0)) >>> 0);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: makeInt }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._ref = _ref; $f.bits = bits; $f.f = f; $f.ptr = ptr; $f.t = t; $f.typ = typ; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
typedmemmove = function(t, dst, src) {
var $ptr, dst, src, t;
keyFor = function(t, key) {
var $ptr, k, key, kv, t;
kv = key;
if (!(kv.$get === undefined)) {
kv = kv.$get();
k = $internalize(jsType(t.Key()).keyFor(kv), $String);
return [kv, k];
mapaccess = function(t, m, key) {
var $ptr, _tuple, entry, k, key, m, t;
_tuple = keyFor(t, key);
k = _tuple[1];
entry = m[$externalize(k, $String)];
if (entry === undefined) {
return 0;
return $newDataPointer(entry.v, jsType(PtrTo(t.Elem())));
mapassign = function(t, m, key, val) {
var $ptr, _r, _tuple, entry, et, jsVal, k, key, kv, m, newVal, t, val, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _tuple = $f._tuple; entry = $f.entry; et = $; jsVal = $f.jsVal; k = $f.k; key = $f.key; kv = $f.kv; m = $f.m; newVal = $f.newVal; t = $f.t; val = $f.val; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_tuple = keyFor(t, key);
kv = _tuple[0];
k = _tuple[1];
jsVal = val.$get();
et = t.Elem();
_r = et.Kind(); /* map[0xc8215e06f0:true 0xc8215c1bc0:true 0xc8215e09f0:true 0xc8215c1e00:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (_r === 25) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (_r === 25) { */ case 1:
newVal = jsType(et).zero();
copyStruct(newVal, jsVal, et);
jsVal = newVal;
/* } */ case 2:
entry = new ($global.Object)();
entry.k = kv;
entry.v = jsVal;
m[$externalize(k, $String)] = entry;
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: mapassign }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.entry = entry; $ = et; $f.jsVal = jsVal; $f.k = k; $f.key = key; $f.kv = kv; $f.m = m; $f.newVal = newVal; $f.t = t; $f.val = val; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
mapdelete = function(t, m, key) {
var $ptr, _tuple, k, key, m, t;
_tuple = keyFor(t, key);
k = _tuple[1];
delete m[$externalize(k, $String)];
mapiterinit = function(t, m) {
var $ptr, m, t;
return new mapIter.ptr(t, m, $keys(m), 0);
mapiterkey = function(it) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _r$2, it, iter, k, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; it = $; iter = $f.iter; k = $f.k; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
iter = it;
k = iter.keys[iter.i];
_r = iter.t.Key(); /* map[0xc820ef6e00:true 0xc820ef6dc0:true 0xc820ef6cc0:true 0xc820ef6c40:true 0xc820ef6c00:true 0xc8215e1800:true 0xc821581580:true 0xc820ef6e40:true 0xc821581560:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$1 = PtrTo(_r); /* map[0xc821581560:true 0xc8215e1800:true 0xc821581580:true 0xc820ef6e40:true 0xc820ef6c40:true 0xc820ef6c00:true 0xc820ef6e00:true 0xc820ef6dc0:true 0xc820ef6cc0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$2 = jsType(_r$1); /* map[0xc8215e1800:true 0xc821581580:true 0xc820ef6e40:true 0xc821581560:true 0xc820ef6e00:true 0xc820ef6dc0:true 0xc820ef6cc0:true 0xc820ef6c40:true 0xc820ef6c00:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 4; case 4:
return $newDataPointer(iter.m[$externalize($internalize(k, $String), $String)].k, _r$2);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=9) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: mapiterkey }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $ = it; $f.iter = iter; $f.k = k; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
mapiternext = function(it) {
var $ptr, it, iter;
iter = it;
iter.i = iter.i + (1) >> 0;
maplen = function(m) {
var $ptr, m;
return $parseInt($keys(m).length);
cvtDirect = function(v, typ) {
var $ptr, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _ref, k, slice, srcVal, typ, v, val, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _arg = $f._arg; _arg$1 = $f._arg$1; _arg$2 = $f._arg$2; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _r$7 = $f._r$7; _ref = $f._ref; k = $f.k; slice = $f.slice; srcVal = $f.srcVal; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; val = $f.val; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
srcVal = v.object();
/* */ if (srcVal === jsType(v.typ).nil) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (srcVal === jsType(v.typ).nil) { */ case 1:
_r = makeValue(typ, jsType(typ).nil, v.flag); /* map[0xc820ef7640:true 0xc820e6a180:true 0xc820e6aac0:true 0xc820ef7fc0:true 0xc8207100f0:true 0xc820713a40:true 0xc8204fc330:true 0xc820ef74c0:true 0xc8204fc750:true 0xc820e6a500:true 0xc8204fc480:true 0xc820ef7e40:true 0xc8204fc510:true 0xc820ef7500:true 0xc820ef7e80:true 0xc820712b80:true 0xc8204fc7e0:true 0xc8204fc840:true 0xc820e6a9c0:true 0xc820e6a2c0:true 0xc820ef7ec0:true 0xc820e6a240:true 0xc820e6ab00:true 0xc820ef75c0:true 0xc8204fc720:true 0xc820e6abc0:true 0xc821581fc0:true 0xc8204fc600:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 4; case 4:
return _r;
/* } */ case 2:
val = null;
_r$1 = typ.Kind(); /* map[0xc820ef7e80:true 0xc820712b80:true 0xc8204fc7e0:true 0xc8204fc840:true 0xc820e6a9c0:true 0xc820e6a2c0:true 0xc820ef7ec0:true 0xc820e6a240:true 0xc820e6ab00:true 0xc820ef75c0:true 0xc8204fc720:true 0xc820e6abc0:true 0xc821581fc0:true 0xc8204fc600:true 0xc820ef7640:true 0xc820e6a180:true 0xc820e6aac0:true 0xc820ef7fc0:true 0xc8207100f0:true 0xc820713a40:true 0xc8204fc330:true 0xc820ef74c0:true 0xc8204fc750:true 0xc820e6a500:true 0xc8204fc480:true 0xc820ef7e40:true 0xc8204fc510:true 0xc820ef7500:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
k = _r$1;
_ref = k;
/* */ if (_ref === 18) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 23) { $s = 7; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 22) { $s = 8; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 25) { $s = 9; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 17 || _ref === 1 || _ref === 19 || _ref === 20 || _ref === 21 || _ref === 24) { $s = 10; continue; }
/* */ $s = 11; continue;
/* switch (0) { default: if (_ref === 18) { */ case 6:
val = new (jsType(typ))();
$s = 12; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 23) { */ case 7:
slice = new (jsType(typ))(srcVal.$array);
slice.$offset = srcVal.$offset;
slice.$length = srcVal.$length;
slice.$capacity = srcVal.$capacity;
val = $newDataPointer(slice, jsType(PtrTo(typ)));
$s = 12; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 22) { */ case 8:
_r$2 = typ.Elem(); /* map[0xc820e6ab00:true 0xc820e6a2c0:true 0xc820ef7ec0:true 0xc820e6a240:true 0xc821581fc0:true 0xc820ef75c0:true 0xc8204fc720:true 0xc820e6abc0:true 0xc8204fc600:true 0xc820e6aac0:true 0xc820ef7640:true 0xc820e6a180:true 0xc8204fc330:true 0xc820ef74c0:true 0xc820ef7fc0:true 0xc8207100f0:true 0xc820713a40:true 0xc820ef7e40:true 0xc8204fc510:true 0xc820ef7500:true 0xc8204fc750:true 0xc820e6a500:true 0xc8204fc480:true 0xc8204fc7e0:true 0xc820ef7e80:true 0xc820712b80:true 0xc820e6a9c0:true 0xc8204fc840:true] */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$3 = _r$2.Kind(); /* map[0xc820e6a9c0:true 0xc8204fc840:true 0xc820e6ab00:true 0xc820e6a2c0:true 0xc820ef7ec0:true 0xc820e6a240:true 0xc821581fc0:true 0xc820ef75c0:true 0xc8204fc720:true 0xc820e6abc0:true 0xc8204fc600:true 0xc820e6aac0:true 0xc820ef7640:true 0xc820e6a180:true 0xc8204fc330:true 0xc820ef74c0:true 0xc820ef7fc0:true 0xc8207100f0:true 0xc820713a40:true 0xc820ef7e40:true 0xc8204fc510:true 0xc820ef7500:true 0xc8204fc750:true 0xc820e6a500:true 0xc8204fc480:true 0xc8204fc7e0:true 0xc820ef7e80:true 0xc820712b80:true] */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (_r$3 === 25) { $s = 13; continue; }
/* */ $s = 14; continue;
/* if (_r$3 === 25) { */ case 13:
_r$4 = typ.Elem(); /* map[0xc820e6abc0:true 0xc821581fc0:true 0xc820ef75c0:true 0xc8204fc720:true 0xc8204fc600:true 0xc820e6a180:true 0xc820e6aac0:true 0xc820ef7640:true 0xc820713a40:true 0xc8204fc330:true 0xc820ef74c0:true 0xc820ef7fc0:true 0xc8207100f0:true 0xc8204fc480:true 0xc820ef7e40:true 0xc8204fc510:true 0xc820ef7500:true 0xc8204fc750:true 0xc820e6a500:true 0xc8204fc7e0:true 0xc820ef7e80:true 0xc820712b80:true 0xc820e6a9c0:true 0xc8204fc840:true 0xc820e6a240:true 0xc820e6ab00:true 0xc820e6a2c0:true 0xc820ef7ec0:true] */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$4, v.typ.Elem())) { $s = 17; continue; }
/* */ $s = 18; continue;
/* if ($interfaceIsEqual(_r$4, v.typ.Elem())) { */ case 17:
val = srcVal;
/* break; */ $s = 12; continue;
/* } */ case 18:
val = new (jsType(typ))();
_arg = val;
_arg$1 = srcVal;
_r$5 = typ.Elem(); /* map[0xc820e6a500:true 0xc8204fc480:true 0xc820ef7e40:true 0xc8204fc510:true 0xc820ef7500:true 0xc8204fc750:true 0xc820712b80:true 0xc8204fc7e0:true 0xc820ef7e80:true 0xc820e6a9c0:true 0xc8204fc840:true 0xc820ef7ec0:true 0xc820e6a240:true 0xc820e6ab00:true 0xc820e6a2c0:true 0xc8204fc720:true 0xc820e6abc0:true 0xc821581fc0:true 0xc820ef75c0:true 0xc8204fc600:true 0xc820ef7640:true 0xc820e6a180:true 0xc820e6aac0:true 0xc8207100f0:true 0xc820713a40:true 0xc8204fc330:true 0xc820ef74c0:true 0xc820ef7fc0:true] */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_arg$2 = _r$5;
$r = copyStruct(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* map[0xc8204fc600:true 0xc820e6aac0:true 0xc820ef7640:true 0xc820e6a180:true 0xc8204fc330:true 0xc820ef74c0:true 0xc820ef7fc0:true 0xc8207100f0:true 0xc820713a40:true 0xc820ef7e40:true 0xc8204fc510:true 0xc820ef7500:true 0xc8204fc750:true 0xc820e6a500:true 0xc8204fc480:true 0xc8204fc7e0:true 0xc820ef7e80:true 0xc820712b80:true 0xc820e6a9c0:true 0xc8204fc840:true 0xc820e6ab00:true 0xc820e6a2c0:true 0xc820ef7ec0:true 0xc820e6a240:true 0xc821581fc0:true 0xc820ef75c0:true 0xc8204fc720:true 0xc820e6abc0:true] */ $s = 21; case 21: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* break; */ $s = 12; continue;
/* } */ case 14:
val = new (jsType(typ))(srcVal.$get, srcVal.$set);
$s = 12; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 25) { */ case 9:
val = new (jsType(typ).ptr)();
copyStruct(val, srcVal, typ);
$s = 12; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 17 || _ref === 1 || _ref === 19 || _ref === 20 || _ref === 21 || _ref === 24) { */ case 10:
val = v.ptr;
$s = 12; continue;
/* } else { */ case 11:
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Convert", k));
/* } } */ case 12:
_r$6 = typ.common(); /* map[0xc820e6aac0:true 0xc820ef7640:true 0xc820e6a180:true 0xc8204fc330:true 0xc820ef74c0:true 0xc820ef7fc0:true 0xc8207100f0:true 0xc820713a40:true 0xc820ef7e40:true 0xc8204fc510:true 0xc820ef7500:true 0xc8204fc750:true 0xc820e6a500:true 0xc8204fc480:true 0xc8204fc7e0:true 0xc820ef7e80:true 0xc820712b80:true 0xc820e6a9c0:true 0xc8204fc840:true 0xc820e6ab00:true 0xc820e6a2c0:true 0xc820ef7ec0:true 0xc820e6a240:true 0xc821581fc0:true 0xc820ef75c0:true 0xc8204fc720:true 0xc820e6abc0:true 0xc8204fc600:true] */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$7 = typ.Kind(); /* map[0xc821581fc0:true 0xc820ef75c0:true 0xc8204fc720:true 0xc820e6abc0:true 0xc8204fc600:true 0xc820e6aac0:true 0xc820ef7640:true 0xc820e6a180:true 0xc8204fc330:true 0xc820ef74c0:true 0xc820ef7fc0:true 0xc8207100f0:true 0xc820713a40:true 0xc820ef7e40:true 0xc8204fc510:true 0xc820ef7500:true 0xc8204fc750:true 0xc820e6a500:true 0xc8204fc480:true 0xc8204fc7e0:true 0xc820ef7e80:true 0xc820712b80:true 0xc820e6a9c0:true 0xc8204fc840:true 0xc820e6ab00:true 0xc820e6a2c0:true 0xc820ef7ec0:true 0xc820e6a240:true] */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 24; case 24:
return new Value.ptr(_r$6, val, (((v.flag & 96) >>> 0) | (_r$7 >>> 0)) >>> 0);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=28) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtDirect }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._arg = _arg; $f._arg$1 = _arg$1; $f._arg$2 = _arg$2; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._r$6 = _r$6; $f._r$7 = _r$7; $f._ref = _ref; $f.k = k; $f.slice = slice; $f.srcVal = srcVal; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.val = val; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
methodReceiver = function(op, v, i) {
var $ptr, fn, i, iface, m, m$1, op, prop, rcvr, rcvrtype, t, tt, ut, v, x, x$1;
rcvrtype = ptrType$1.nil;
t = ptrType$1.nil;
fn = 0;
v = v;
prop = "";
if (v.typ.Kind() === 20) {
tt = v.typ.kindType;
if (i < 0 || i >= tt.methods.$length) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index"));
m = (x = tt.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
if (!(m.pkgPath === ptrType$6.nil)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " of unexported method"));
iface = $pointerOfStructConversion(v.ptr, ptrType$8);
if (iface.itab === ptrType$9.nil) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " of method on nil interface value"));
t = m.typ;
prop =$get();
} else {
ut = v.typ.uncommonType.uncommon();
if (ut === ptrType$7.nil || i < 0 || i >= ut.methods.$length) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index"));
m$1 = (x$1 = ut.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i]));
if (!(m$1.pkgPath === ptrType$6.nil)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " of unexported method"));
t = m$1.mtyp;
prop = $internalize($methodSet(jsType(v.typ))[i].prop, $String);
rcvr = v.object();
if (isWrapped(v.typ)) {
rcvr = new (jsType(v.typ))(rcvr);
fn = rcvr[$externalize(prop, $String)];
return [rcvrtype, t, fn];
valueInterface = function(v, safe) {
var $ptr, _r, safe, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; safe = $; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
if (v.flag === 0) {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Interface", 0));
if (safe && !((((v.flag & 32) >>> 0) === 0))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Interface: cannot return value obtained from unexported field or method"));
/* */ if (!((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 1:
_r = makeMethodValue("Interface", v); /* map[0xc820dd8e80:true 0xc82016e300:true 0xc820dd8e40:true 0xc820dd8e00:true 0xc82016e6c0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
v = _r;
/* } */ case 2:
if (isWrapped(v.typ)) {
return new (jsType(v.typ))(v.object());
return v.object();
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: valueInterface }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $ = safe; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
ifaceE2I = function(t, src, dst) {
var $ptr, dst, src, t;
methodName = function() {
var $ptr;
return "?FIXME?";
makeMethodValue = function(op, v) {
var $ptr, _r, _tuple, fn, fv, op, rcvr, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _tuple = $f._tuple; fn = $f.fn; fv = $f.fv; op = $f.op; rcvr = $f.rcvr; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
fn = [fn];
rcvr = [rcvr];
v = v;
if (((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid use of makePartialFunc"));
_tuple = methodReceiver(op, v, (v.flag >> 0) >> 9 >> 0);
fn[0] = _tuple[2];
rcvr[0] = v.object();
if (isWrapped(v.typ)) {
rcvr[0] = new (jsType(v.typ))(rcvr[0]);
fv = $makeFunc((function(fn, rcvr) { return function(arguments$1) {
var $ptr, arguments$1;
return fn[0].apply(rcvr[0], $externalize(arguments$1, sliceType$7));
}; })(fn, rcvr));
_r = v.Type().common(); /* map[0xc82016c240:true 0xc820dd9c00:true 0xc820e05b40:true 0xc820dd9e40:true 0xc820dd9c80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return new Value.ptr(_r, fv, (((v.flag & 32) >>> 0) | 19) >>> 0);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: makeMethodValue }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.fn = fn; $f.fv = fv; $f.op = op; $f.rcvr = rcvr; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
rtype.ptr.prototype.pointers = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, t;
t = this;
_ref = t.Kind();
if (_ref === 22 || _ref === 21 || _ref === 18 || _ref === 19 || _ref === 25 || _ref === 17) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
rtype.prototype.pointers = function() { return this.$val.pointers(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Comparable = function() {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, i, t, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _ref = $f._ref; i = $f.i; t = $f.t; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = this;
_ref = t.Kind();
/* */ if (_ref === 19 || _ref === 23 || _ref === 21) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 17) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 25) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (_ref === 19 || _ref === 23 || _ref === 21) { */ case 1:
return false;
/* } else if (_ref === 17) { */ case 2:
_r = t.Elem().Comparable(); /* map[0xc82111e3c0:true 0xc82111e380:true 0xc820dde6e0:true 0xc820de5760:true 0xc82111e300:true 0xc820df0060:true 0xc82111e200:true 0xc82111e400:true 0xc820de4ba0:true 0xc82016d650:true 0xc82016d620:true 0xc82016d500:true 0xc82016d560:true 0xc82111e240:true 0xc82111e340:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 6; case 6:
return _r;
/* } else if (_ref === 25) { */ case 3:
i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 7:
/* if (!(i < t.NumField())) { break; } */ if(!(i < t.NumField())) { $s = 8; continue; }
_r$1 = t.Field(i); /* map[0xc82016d560:true 0xc82111e240:true 0xc82111e340:true 0xc820de5760:true 0xc82111e3c0:true 0xc82111e380:true 0xc820dde6e0:true 0xc820de4ba0:true 0xc82111e300:true 0xc820df0060:true 0xc82111e200:true 0xc82111e400:true 0xc82016d650:true 0xc82016d620:true 0xc82016d500:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$2 = _r$1.Type.Comparable(); /* map[0xc82016d650:true 0xc82016d620:true 0xc82016d500:true 0xc82016d560:true 0xc82111e240:true 0xc82111e340:true 0xc82111e3c0:true 0xc82111e380:true 0xc820dde6e0:true 0xc820de5760:true 0xc820df0060:true 0xc82111e200:true 0xc82111e400:true 0xc820de4ba0:true 0xc82111e300:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (!_r$2) { $s = 9; continue; }
/* */ $s = 10; continue;
/* if (!_r$2) { */ case 9:
return false;
/* } */ case 10:
i = i + (1) >> 0;
/* } */ $s = 7; continue; case 8:
/* } */ case 4:
return true;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=15) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.Comparable }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._ref = _ref; $f.i = i; $f.t = t; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
rtype.prototype.Comparable = function() { return this.$val.Comparable(); };
uncommonType.ptr.prototype.Method = function(i) {
var $ptr, fl, fn, i, m, mt, p, prop, t, x;
m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0);
t = this;
if (t === ptrType$7.nil || i < 0 || i >= t.methods.$length) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Method index out of range"));
p = (x = t.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
if (!( === ptrType$6.nil)) {
m.Name =$get();
fl = 19;
if (!(p.pkgPath === ptrType$6.nil)) {
m.PkgPath = p.pkgPath.$get();
fl = (fl | (32)) >>> 0;
mt = p.typ;
m.Type = mt;
prop = $internalize($methodSet(t.jsType)[i].prop, $String);
fn = $makeFunc((function(arguments$1) {
var $ptr, arguments$1, rcvr;
rcvr = (0 >= arguments$1.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : arguments$1.$array[arguments$1.$offset + 0]);
return rcvr[$externalize(prop, $String)].apply(rcvr, $externalize($subslice(arguments$1, 1), sliceType$7));
m.Func = new Value.ptr(mt, fn, fl);
m.Index = i;
return m;
uncommonType.prototype.Method = function(i) { return this.$val.Method(i); };
Value.ptr.prototype.object = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, newVal, v, val;
v = this;
if ((v.typ.Kind() === 17) || (v.typ.Kind() === 25)) {
return v.ptr;
if (!((((v.flag & 64) >>> 0) === 0))) {
val = v.ptr.$get();
if (!(val === $ifaceNil) && !(val.constructor === jsType(v.typ))) {
_ref = v.typ.Kind();
switch (0) { default: if (_ref === 11 || _ref === 6) {
val = new (jsType(v.typ))(val.$high, val.$low);
} else if (_ref === 15 || _ref === 16) {
val = new (jsType(v.typ))(val.$real, val.$imag);
} else if (_ref === 23) {
if (val === val.constructor.nil) {
val = jsType(v.typ).nil;
newVal = new (jsType(v.typ))(val.$array);
newVal.$offset = val.$offset;
newVal.$length = val.$length;
newVal.$capacity = val.$capacity;
val = newVal;
} }
return val;
return v.ptr;
Value.prototype.object = function() { return this.$val.object(); }; = function(op, in$1) {
var $ptr, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _arg$3, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _r, _r$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, arg, argsArray, elem, fn, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, in$1, isSlice, m, n, nin, nout, op, origIn, rcvr, results, ret, slice, t, targ, v, x, x$1, x$2, xt, xt$1, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _arg = $f._arg; _arg$1 = $f._arg$1; _arg$2 = $f._arg$2; _arg$3 = $f._arg$3; _i = $f._i; _i$1 = $f._i$1; _i$2 = $f._i$2; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$10 = $f._r$10; _r$11 = $f._r$11; _r$12 = $f._r$12; _r$13 = $f._r$13; _r$14 = $f._r$14; _r$15 = $f._r$15; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _r$7 = $f._r$7; _r$8 = $f._r$8; _r$9 = $f._r$9; _ref = $f._ref; _ref$1 = $f._ref$1; _ref$2 = $f._ref$2; _ref$3 = $f._ref$3; _tmp = $f._tmp; _tmp$1 = $f._tmp$1; _tuple = $f._tuple; arg = $f.arg; argsArray = $f.argsArray; elem = $f.elem; fn = $f.fn; i = $f.i; i$1 = $f.i$1; i$2 = $f.i$2; i$3 = $f.i$3; in$1 = $$1; isSlice = $f.isSlice; m = $f.m; n = $f.n; nin = $f.nin; nout = $f.nout; op = $f.op; origIn = $f.origIn; rcvr = $f.rcvr; results = $f.results; ret = $f.ret; slice = $f.slice; t = $f.t; targ = $f.targ; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; x$2 = $f.x$2; xt = $f.xt; xt$1 = $f.xt$1; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
t = v.typ;
fn = 0;
rcvr = null;
if (!((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0))) {
_tuple = methodReceiver(op, v, (v.flag >> 0) >> 9 >> 0);
t = _tuple[1];
fn = _tuple[2];
rcvr = v.object();
if (isWrapped(v.typ)) {
rcvr = new (jsType(v.typ))(rcvr);
} else {
fn = v.object();
rcvr = undefined;
if (fn === 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Call: call of nil function"));
isSlice = op === "CallSlice";
n = t.NumIn();
if (isSlice) {
if (!t.IsVariadic()) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: CallSlice of non-variadic function"));
if (in$1.$length < n) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: CallSlice with too few input arguments"));
if (in$1.$length > n) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: CallSlice with too many input arguments"));
} else {
if (t.IsVariadic()) {
n = n - (1) >> 0;
if (in$1.$length < n) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Call with too few input arguments"));
if (!t.IsVariadic() && in$1.$length > n) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Call with too many input arguments"));
_ref = in$1;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
x = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]);
if (x.Kind() === 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " using zero Value argument"));
i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 1:
/* if (!(i < n)) { break; } */ if(!(i < n)) { $s = 2; continue; }
_tmp = ((i < 0 || i >= in$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + i]).Type();
_tmp$1 = t.In(i);
xt = _tmp;
targ = _tmp$1;
_r = xt.AssignableTo(targ); /* map[0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (!_r) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (!_r) { */ case 3:
_r$1 = xt.String(); /* map[0xc821154a40:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$2 = targ.String(); /* map[0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$panic(new $String("reflect: " + op + " using " + _r$1 + " as type " + _r$2));
/* } */ case 4:
i = i + (1) >> 0;
/* } */ $s = 1; continue; case 2:
/* */ if (!isSlice && t.IsVariadic()) { $s = 8; continue; }
/* */ $s = 9; continue;
/* if (!isSlice && t.IsVariadic()) { */ case 8:
m = in$1.$length - n >> 0;
_r$3 = MakeSlice(t.In(n), m, m); /* map[0xc821528300:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true] */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
slice = _r$3;
_r$4 = t.In(n).Elem(); /* map[0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
elem = _r$4;
i$1 = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 12:
/* if (!(i$1 < m)) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < m)) { $s = 13; continue; }
x$2 = (x$1 = n + i$1 >> 0, ((x$1 < 0 || x$1 >= in$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + x$1]));
xt$1 = x$2.Type();
_r$5 = xt$1.AssignableTo(elem); /* map[0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820ab3800:true] */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (!_r$5) { $s = 14; continue; }
/* */ $s = 15; continue;
/* if (!_r$5) { */ case 14:
_r$6 = xt$1.String(); /* map[0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true] */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$7 = elem.String(); /* map[0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc821154a40:true] */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$panic(new $String("reflect: cannot use " + _r$6 + " as type " + _r$7 + " in " + op));
/* } */ case 15:
_r$8 = slice.Index(i$1); /* map[0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true] */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = _r$8.Set(x$2); /* map[0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true] */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0;
/* } */ $s = 12; continue; case 13:
origIn = in$1;
in$1 = $makeSlice(sliceType$8, (n + 1 >> 0));
$copySlice($subslice(in$1, 0, n), origIn);
((n < 0 || n >= in$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : in$1.$array[in$1.$offset + n] = slice);
/* } */ case 9:
nin = in$1.$length;
if (!((nin === t.NumIn()))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Call: wrong argument count"));
nout = t.NumOut();
argsArray = new ($global.Array)(t.NumIn());
_ref$1 = in$1;
_i$1 = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 21:
/* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 22; continue; }
i$2 = _i$1;
arg = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i$1]);
_arg = t.In(i$2);
_r$9 = t.In(i$2).common(); /* map[0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true] */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_arg$1 = _r$9;
_arg$2 = 0;
_r$10 = arg.assignTo("reflect.Value.Call", _arg$1, _arg$2); /* map[0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true] */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$11 = _r$10.object(); /* map[0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true] */ $s = 25; case 25: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_arg$3 = _r$11;
_r$12 = unwrapJsObject(_arg, _arg$3); /* map[0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true] */ $s = 26; case 26: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
argsArray[i$2] = _r$12;
/* } */ $s = 21; continue; case 22:
_r$13 = callHelper(new sliceType$2([new $jsObjectPtr(fn), new $jsObjectPtr(rcvr), new $jsObjectPtr(argsArray)])); /* map[0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true] */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
results = _r$13;
_ref$2 = nout;
/* */ if (_ref$2 === 0) { $s = 28; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref$2 === 1) { $s = 29; continue; }
/* */ $s = 30; continue;
/* if (_ref$2 === 0) { */ case 28:
return sliceType$8.nil;
/* } else if (_ref$2 === 1) { */ case 29:
_r$14 = makeValue(t.Out(0), wrapJsObject(t.Out(0), results), 0); /* map[0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc821154a40:true] */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; _r$14 = _r$14.$blk(); } if (_r$14 && _r$14.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 33; case 33:
return new sliceType$8([$clone(_r$14, Value)]);
/* } else { */ case 30:
ret = $makeSlice(sliceType$8, nout);
_ref$3 = ret;
_i$2 = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 34:
/* if (!(_i$2 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$2 < _ref$3.$length)) { $s = 35; continue; }
i$3 = _i$2;
_r$15 = makeValue(t.Out(i$3), wrapJsObject(t.Out(i$3), results[i$3]), 0); /* map[0xc820ab3680:true 0xc820150c60:true 0xc820150900:true 0xc820f57d80:true 0xc820ab2e80:true 0xc820ab3000:true 0xc820ab2f40:true 0xc820150c00:true 0xc820ab3800:true 0xc820ab3300:true 0xc820150ba0:true 0xc820ab3e80:true 0xc820150150:true 0xc821528040:true 0xc8211556a0:true 0xc820ab3480:true 0xc820ab3c40:true 0xc820151890:true 0xc820151830:true 0xc820ab2f00:true 0xc820150e10:true 0xc820ab3200:true 0xc820151a40:true 0xc820ab2f80:true 0xc8201501e0:true 0xc821528080:true 0xc820150240:true 0xc820ab2ec0:true 0xc821155380:true 0xc820150ab0:true 0xc820ab34c0:true 0xc820f26500:true 0xc820ab3d80:true 0xc820150120:true 0xc820ab3cc0:true 0xc821528300:true 0xc820ab3500:true 0xc8201512c0:true 0xc820ab3e40:true 0xc8201518c0:true 0xc820ab32c0:true 0xc820ab3540:true 0xc8215c8fa0:true 0xc820b1e780:true 0xc820f576f0:true 0xc8201509c0:true 0xc820ab3d00:true 0xc821528000:true 0xc820ab3600:true 0xc820ab35c0:true 0xc820f57cb0:true 0xc820150b10:true 0xc8215283c0:true 0xc8215c9180:true 0xc821528340:true 0xc821154a40:true 0xc8201501b0:true 0xc820ab3580:true 0xc820ab3d40:true 0xc820b1e200:true 0xc820ab3240:true] */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$15 = _r$15.$blk(); } if (_r$15 && _r$15.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
((i$3 < 0 || i$3 >= ret.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : ret.$array[ret.$offset + i$3] = _r$15);
/* } */ $s = 34; continue; case 35:
return ret;
/* } */ case 31:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=61) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._arg = _arg; $f._arg$1 = _arg$1; $f._arg$2 = _arg$2; $f._arg$3 = _arg$3; $f._i = _i; $f._i$1 = _i$1; $f._i$2 = _i$2; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$10 = _r$10; $f._r$11 = _r$11; $f._r$12 = _r$12; $f._r$13 = _r$13; $f._r$14 = _r$14; $f._r$15 = _r$15; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._r$6 = _r$6; $f._r$7 = _r$7; $f._r$8 = _r$8; $f._r$9 = _r$9; $f._ref = _ref; $f._ref$1 = _ref$1; $f._ref$2 = _ref$2; $f._ref$3 = _ref$3; $f._tmp = _tmp; $f._tmp$1 = _tmp$1; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.arg = arg; $f.argsArray = argsArray; $f.elem = elem; $f.fn = fn; $f.i = i; $f.i$1 = i$1; $f.i$2 = i$2; $f.i$3 = i$3; $$1 = in$1; $f.isSlice = isSlice; $f.m = m; $f.n = n; $f.nin = nin; $f.nout = nout; $f.op = op; $f.origIn = origIn; $f.rcvr = rcvr; $f.results = results; $f.ret = ret; $f.slice = slice; $f.t = t; $f.targ = targ; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.x$2 = x$2; $f.xt = xt; $f.xt$1 = xt$1; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
}; = function(op, in$1) { return this.$, in$1); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Cap = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 17) {
return v.typ.Len();
} else if (_ref === 18 || _ref === 23) {
return $parseInt(v.object().$capacity) >> 0;
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Cap", k));
Value.prototype.Cap = function() { return this.$val.Cap(); };
wrapJsObject = function(typ, val) {
var $ptr, typ, val;
if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, jsObjectPtr)) {
return new (jsType(jsObjectPtr))(val);
return val;
unwrapJsObject = function(typ, val) {
var $ptr, typ, val;
if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, jsObjectPtr)) {
return val.object;
return val;
Value.ptr.prototype.Elem = function() {
var $ptr, _r, _ref, fl, k, tt, typ, v, val, val$1, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _ref = $f._ref; fl = $f.fl; k = $f.k; tt = $; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; val = $f.val; val$1 = $f.val$1; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
/* */ if (_ref === 20) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 22) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (_ref === 20) { */ case 1:
val = v.object();
if (val === $ifaceNil) {
return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
typ = reflectType(val.constructor);
_r = makeValue(typ, val.$val, (v.flag & 32) >>> 0); /* map[0xc8200df740:true 0xc8200df680:true 0xc821529240:true 0xc820afe260:true 0xc821529200:true 0xc8200df770:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 6; case 6:
return _r;
/* } else if (_ref === 22) { */ case 2:
if (v.IsNil()) {
return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
val$1 = v.object();
tt = v.typ.kindType;
fl = (((((v.flag & 32) >>> 0) | 64) >>> 0) | 128) >>> 0;
fl = (fl | ((tt.elem.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0;
return new Value.ptr(tt.elem, wrapJsObject(tt.elem, val$1), fl);
/* } else { */ case 3:
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Elem", k));
/* } */ case 4:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Elem }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._ref = _ref; $f.fl = fl; $f.k = k; $ = tt; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.val = val; $f.val$1 = val$1; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Elem = function() { return this.$val.Elem(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Field = function(i) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _r$2, field, fl, i, jsTag, o, prop, s, tag, tt, typ, v, x, x$1, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; field = $f.field; fl = $f.fl; i = $f.i; jsTag = $f.jsTag; o = $f.o; prop = $f.prop; s = $f.s; tag = $f.tag; tt = $; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; x$1 = $f.x$1; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
jsTag = [jsTag];
prop = [prop];
s = [s];
typ = [typ];
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(25);
tt = v.typ.kindType;
if (i < 0 || i >= tt.fields.$length) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Field index out of range"));
prop[0] = $internalize(jsType(v.typ).fields[i].prop, $String);
field = (x = tt.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
typ[0] = field.typ;
fl = (v.flag & 224) >>> 0;
if (!(field.pkgPath === ptrType$6.nil)) {
fl = (fl | (32)) >>> 0;
fl = (fl | ((typ[0].Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0;
tag = (x$1 = tt.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i])).tag;
/* */ if (!(tag === ptrType$6.nil) && !((i === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!(tag === ptrType$6.nil) && !((i === 0))) { */ case 1:
jsTag[0] = getJsTag(tag.$get());
/* */ if (!(jsTag[0] === "")) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (!(jsTag[0] === "")) { */ case 3:
/* while (true) { */ case 5:
o = [o];
_r = v.Field(0); /* map[0xc82100ca40:true 0xc82100c940:true 0xc82100c200:true 0xc82100ca80:true 0xc8200dbcb0:true 0xc82100c8c0:true 0xc82100d180:true 0xc820474ba0:true 0xc820783820:true 0xc82100cb00:true 0xc82100c980:true 0xc82100c180:true 0xc8200dbbf0:true 0xc8200dbd40:true 0xc8200db3e0:true 0xc82100c9c0:true 0xc8200dba10:true 0xc82100d400:true 0xc820474d20:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
v = _r;
/* */ if (v.typ === jsObjectPtr) { $s = 8; continue; }
/* */ $s = 9; continue;
/* if (v.typ === jsObjectPtr) { */ case 8:
o[0] = v.object().object;
return new Value.ptr(typ[0], new (jsType(PtrTo(typ[0])))((function(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ) { return function() {
var $ptr;
return $internalize(o[0][$externalize(jsTag[0], $String)], jsType(typ[0]));
}; })(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ), (function(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ) { return function(x$2) {
var $ptr, x$2;
o[0][$externalize(jsTag[0], $String)] = $externalize(x$2, jsType(typ[0]));
}; })(jsTag, o, prop, s, typ)), fl);
/* } */ case 9:
/* */ if (v.typ.Kind() === 22) { $s = 10; continue; }
/* */ $s = 11; continue;
/* if (v.typ.Kind() === 22) { */ case 10:
_r$1 = v.Elem(); /* map[0xc82100c200:true 0xc82100ca80:true 0xc82100ca40:true 0xc82100c940:true 0xc82100d180:true 0xc820474ba0:true 0xc820783820:true 0xc82100cb00:true 0xc8200dbcb0:true 0xc82100c8c0:true 0xc8200dbbf0:true 0xc82100c980:true 0xc82100c180:true 0xc82100c9c0:true 0xc8200dba10:true 0xc82100d400:true 0xc820474d20:true 0xc8200dbd40:true 0xc8200db3e0:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
v = _r$1;
/* } */ case 11:
/* } */ $s = 5; continue; case 6:
/* } */ case 4:
/* } */ case 2:
s[0] = v.ptr;
/* */ if (!((((fl & 64) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { $s = 13; continue; }
/* */ $s = 14; continue;
/* if (!((((fl & 64) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { */ case 13:
return new Value.ptr(typ[0], new (jsType(PtrTo(typ[0])))((function(jsTag, prop, s, typ) { return function() {
var $ptr;
return wrapJsObject(typ[0], s[0][$externalize(prop[0], $String)]);
}; })(jsTag, prop, s, typ), (function(jsTag, prop, s, typ) { return function(x$2) {
var $ptr, x$2;
s[0][$externalize(prop[0], $String)] = unwrapJsObject(typ[0], x$2);
}; })(jsTag, prop, s, typ)), fl);
/* } */ case 14:
_r$2 = makeValue(typ[0], wrapJsObject(typ[0], s[0][$externalize(prop[0], $String)]), fl); /* map[0xc82100c9c0:true 0xc8200dba10:true 0xc82100d400:true 0xc820474d20:true 0xc8200dbd40:true 0xc8200db3e0:true 0xc82100c200:true 0xc82100ca80:true 0xc82100ca40:true 0xc82100c940:true 0xc82100d180:true 0xc820474ba0:true 0xc820783820:true 0xc82100cb00:true 0xc8200dbcb0:true 0xc82100c8c0:true 0xc8200dbbf0:true 0xc82100c980:true 0xc82100c180:true] */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 16; case 16:
return _r$2;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=19) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Field }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f.field = field; $f.fl = fl; $f.i = i; $f.jsTag = jsTag; $f.o = o; $f.prop = prop; $f.s = s; $f.tag = tag; $ = tt; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.x$1 = x$1; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Field = function(i) { return this.$val.Field(i); };
getJsTag = function(tag) {
var $ptr, _tuple, i, name, qvalue, tag, value;
while (true) {
if (!(!(tag === ""))) { break; }
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < tag.length && (tag.charCodeAt(i) === 32))) { break; }
i = i + (1) >> 0;
tag = tag.substring(i);
if (tag === "") {
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < tag.length && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 32)) && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 58)) && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 34)))) { break; }
i = i + (1) >> 0;
if ((i + 1 >> 0) >= tag.length || !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 58)) || !((tag.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 34))) {
name = tag.substring(0, i);
tag = tag.substring((i + 1 >> 0));
i = 1;
while (true) {
if (!(i < tag.length && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 34)))) { break; }
if (tag.charCodeAt(i) === 92) {
i = i + (1) >> 0;
i = i + (1) >> 0;
if (i >= tag.length) {
qvalue = tag.substring(0, (i + 1 >> 0));
tag = tag.substring((i + 1 >> 0));
if (name === "js") {
_tuple = strconv.Unquote(qvalue);
value = _tuple[0];
return value;
return "";
Value.ptr.prototype.Index = function(i) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _ref, a, a$1, c, fl, fl$1, fl$2, i, k, s, str, tt, tt$1, typ, typ$1, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _ref = $f._ref; a = $f.a; a$1 = $f.a$1; c = $f.c; fl = $f.fl; fl$1 = $f.fl$1; fl$2 = $f.fl$2; i = $f.i; k = $f.k; s = $f.s; str = $f.str; tt = $; tt$1 = $$1; typ = $f.typ; typ$1 = $f.typ$1; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
a = [a];
a$1 = [a$1];
c = [c];
i = [i];
typ = [typ];
typ$1 = [typ$1];
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
/* */ if (_ref === 17) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 23) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 24) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (_ref === 17) { */ case 1:
tt = v.typ.kindType;
if (i[0] < 0 || i[0] > (tt.len >> 0)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: array index out of range"));
typ[0] = tt.elem;
fl = (v.flag & 224) >>> 0;
fl = (fl | ((typ[0].Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0;
a$1[0] = v.ptr;
/* */ if (!((((fl & 64) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ $s = 7; continue;
/* if (!((((fl & 64) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ[0].Kind() === 25))) { */ case 6:
return new Value.ptr(typ[0], new (jsType(PtrTo(typ[0])))((function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function() {
var $ptr;
return wrapJsObject(typ[0], a$1[0][i[0]]);
}; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1), (function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function(x) {
var $ptr, x;
a$1[0][i[0]] = unwrapJsObject(typ[0], x);
}; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1)), fl);
/* } */ case 7:
_r = makeValue(typ[0], wrapJsObject(typ[0], a$1[0][i[0]]), fl); /* map[0xc8207ab600:true 0xc82014d950:true 0xc82014d8c0:true 0xc82014c000:true 0xc82014d050:true 0xc8215497a0:true 0xc8207ab640:true 0xc8207ab4c0:true 0xc82014d860:true 0xc8207aa9c0:true 0xc8207aa880:true 0xc821559d00:true 0xc8207aa980:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 9; case 9:
return _r;
/* } else if (_ref === 23) { */ case 2:
s = v.object();
if (i[0] < 0 || i[0] >= ($parseInt(s.$length) >> 0)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: slice index out of range"));
tt$1 = v.typ.kindType;
typ$1[0] = tt$1.elem;
fl$1 = (192 | ((v.flag & 32) >>> 0)) >>> 0;
fl$1 = (fl$1 | ((typ$1[0].Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0;
i[0] = i[0] + (($parseInt(s.$offset) >> 0)) >> 0;
a[0] = s.$array;
/* */ if (!((((fl$1 & 64) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 25))) { $s = 10; continue; }
/* */ $s = 11; continue;
/* if (!((((fl$1 & 64) >>> 0) === 0)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 17)) && !((typ$1[0].Kind() === 25))) { */ case 10:
return new Value.ptr(typ$1[0], new (jsType(PtrTo(typ$1[0])))((function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function() {
var $ptr;
return wrapJsObject(typ$1[0], a[0][i[0]]);
}; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1), (function(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1) { return function(x) {
var $ptr, x;
a[0][i[0]] = unwrapJsObject(typ$1[0], x);
}; })(a, a$1, c, i, typ, typ$1)), fl$1);
/* } */ case 11:
_r$1 = makeValue(typ$1[0], wrapJsObject(typ$1[0], a[0][i[0]]), fl$1); /* map[0xc82014d050:true 0xc8215497a0:true 0xc8207ab600:true 0xc82014d950:true 0xc82014d8c0:true 0xc82014c000:true 0xc821559d00:true 0xc8207aa980:true 0xc8207ab640:true 0xc8207ab4c0:true 0xc82014d860:true 0xc8207aa9c0:true 0xc8207aa880:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 13; case 13:
return _r$1;
/* } else if (_ref === 24) { */ case 3:
str = v.ptr.$get();
if (i[0] < 0 || i[0] >= str.length) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: string index out of range"));
fl$2 = (((v.flag & 32) >>> 0) | 8) >>> 0;
c[0] = str.charCodeAt(i[0]);
return new Value.ptr(uint8Type, (c.$ptr || (c.$ptr = new ptrType$5(function() { return this.$target[0]; }, function($v) { this.$target[0] = $v; }, c))), (fl$2 | 64) >>> 0);
/* } else { */ case 4:
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Index", k));
/* } */ case 5:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=13) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Index }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._ref = _ref; $f.a = a; $f.a$1 = a$1; $f.c = c; $f.fl = fl; $f.fl$1 = fl$1; $f.fl$2 = fl$2; $f.i = i; $f.k = k; $f.s = s; $f.str = str; $ = tt; $$1 = tt$1; $f.typ = typ; $f.typ$1 = typ$1; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Index = function(i) { return this.$val.Index(i); };
Value.ptr.prototype.InterfaceData = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
$panic(errors.New("InterfaceData is not supported by GopherJS"));
Value.prototype.InterfaceData = function() { return this.$val.InterfaceData(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.IsNil = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 22 || _ref === 23) {
return v.object() === jsType(v.typ).nil;
} else if (_ref === 18) {
return v.object() === $chanNil;
} else if (_ref === 19) {
return v.object() === $throwNilPointerError;
} else if (_ref === 21) {
return v.object() === false;
} else if (_ref === 20) {
return v.object() === $ifaceNil;
} else {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.IsNil", k));
Value.prototype.IsNil = function() { return this.$val.IsNil(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Len = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 17 || _ref === 24) {
return $parseInt(v.object().length);
} else if (_ref === 23) {
return $parseInt(v.object().$length) >> 0;
} else if (_ref === 18) {
return $parseInt(v.object().$buffer.length) >> 0;
} else if (_ref === 21) {
return $parseInt($keys(v.object()).length);
} else {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Len", k));
Value.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Pointer = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 18 || _ref === 21 || _ref === 22 || _ref === 26) {
if (v.IsNil()) {
return 0;
return v.object();
} else if (_ref === 19) {
if (v.IsNil()) {
return 0;
return 1;
} else if (_ref === 23) {
if (v.IsNil()) {
return 0;
return v.object().$array;
} else {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Pointer", k));
Value.prototype.Pointer = function() { return this.$val.Pointer(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Set = function(x) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _ref, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _ref = $f._ref; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
x = x;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
new flag(x.flag).mustBeExported();
_r = x.assignTo("reflect.Set", v.typ, 0); /* map[0xc820df56e0:true 0xc820a57440:true 0xc820a57400:true 0xc820a573c0:true 0xc820a57100:true 0xc8200ce180:true 0xc8200ce0c0:true 0xc8200ce000:true 0xc820a57480:true 0xc820a57140:true 0xc8200ce1b0:true 0xc820a57780:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
x = _r;
/* */ if (!((((v.flag & 64) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (!((((v.flag & 64) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 2:
_ref = v.typ.Kind();
/* */ if (_ref === 17) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 20) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 25) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ $s = 7; continue;
/* if (_ref === 17) { */ case 4:
$copy(v.ptr, x.ptr, jsType(v.typ));
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 20) { */ case 5:
_r$1 = valueInterface(x, false); /* map[0xc820df56e0:true 0xc820a57440:true 0xc820a57400:true 0xc820a573c0:true 0xc820a57100:true 0xc8200ce180:true 0xc8200ce0c0:true 0xc8200ce000:true 0xc820a57480:true 0xc820a57140:true 0xc8200ce1b0:true 0xc820a57780:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 25) { */ case 6:
copyStruct(v.ptr, x.ptr, v.typ);
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else { */ case 7:
/* } */ case 8:
/* } */ case 3:
v.ptr = x.ptr;
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=12) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Set }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._ref = _ref; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Set = function(x) { return this.$val.Set(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetCap = function(n) {
var $ptr, n, newSlice, s, v;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23);
s = v.ptr.$get();
if (n < ($parseInt(s.$length) >> 0) || n > ($parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: slice capacity out of range in SetCap"));
newSlice = new (jsType(v.typ))(s.$array);
newSlice.$offset = s.$offset;
newSlice.$length = s.$length;
newSlice.$capacity = n;
Value.prototype.SetCap = function(n) { return this.$val.SetCap(n); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetLen = function(n) {
var $ptr, n, newSlice, s, v;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23);
s = v.ptr.$get();
if (n < 0 || n > ($parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: slice length out of range in SetLen"));
newSlice = new (jsType(v.typ))(s.$array);
newSlice.$offset = s.$offset;
newSlice.$length = n;
newSlice.$capacity = s.$capacity;
Value.prototype.SetLen = function(n) { return this.$val.SetLen(n); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Slice = function(i, j) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _ref, cap, i, j, kind, s, str, tt, typ, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _ref = $f._ref; cap = $f.cap; i = $f.i; j = $f.j; kind = $f.kind; s = $f.s; str = $f.str; tt = $; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
cap = 0;
typ = $ifaceNil;
s = null;
kind = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = kind;
/* */ if (_ref === 17) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 23) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 24) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (_ref === 17) { */ case 1:
if (((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array"));
tt = v.typ.kindType;
cap = (tt.len >> 0);
typ = SliceOf(tt.elem);
s = new (jsType(typ))(v.object());
$s = 5; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 23) { */ case 2:
typ = v.typ;
s = v.object();
cap = $parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0;
$s = 5; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 24) { */ case 3:
str = v.ptr.$get();
if (i < 0 || j < i || j > str.length) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: string slice index out of bounds"));
_r = ValueOf(new $String(str.substring(i, j))); /* map[0xc8204ecb40:true 0xc820ac7380:true 0xc821086ac0:true 0xc820ac7300:true 0xc820af6c20:true 0xc820ac7640:true 0xc8204ed110:true 0xc8204ecba0:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 7; case 7:
return _r;
/* } else { */ case 4:
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Slice", kind));
/* } */ case 5:
if (i < 0 || j < i || j > cap) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice index out of bounds"));
_r$1 = makeValue(typ, $subslice(s, i, j), (v.flag & 32) >>> 0); /* map[0xc820ac7380:true 0xc821086ac0:true 0xc820ac7300:true 0xc820af6c20:true 0xc820ac7640:true 0xc8204ed110:true 0xc8204ecba0:true 0xc8204ecb40:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 9; case 9:
return _r$1;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=8) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Slice }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._ref = _ref; $f.cap = cap; $f.i = i; $f.j = j; $f.kind = kind; $f.s = s; $f.str = str; $ = tt; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Slice = function(i, j) { return this.$val.Slice(i, j); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Slice3 = function(i, j, k) {
var $ptr, _r, _ref, cap, i, j, k, kind, s, tt, typ, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _ref = $f._ref; cap = $f.cap; i = $f.i; j = $f.j; k = $f.k; kind = $f.kind; s = $f.s; tt = $; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
cap = 0;
typ = $ifaceNil;
s = null;
kind = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = kind;
if (_ref === 17) {
if (((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice: slice of unaddressable array"));
tt = v.typ.kindType;
cap = (tt.len >> 0);
typ = SliceOf(tt.elem);
s = new (jsType(typ))(v.object());
} else if (_ref === 23) {
typ = v.typ;
s = v.object();
cap = $parseInt(s.$capacity) >> 0;
} else {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Slice3", kind));
if (i < 0 || j < i || k < j || k > cap) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Slice3: slice index out of bounds"));
_r = makeValue(typ, $subslice(s, i, j, k), (v.flag & 32) >>> 0); /* map[0xc820886280:true 0xc8204edfb0:true 0xc821514000:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Slice3 }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._ref = _ref; $f.cap = cap; $f.i = i; $f.j = j; $f.k = k; $f.kind = kind; $f.s = s; $ = tt; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Slice3 = function(i, j, k) { return this.$val.Slice3(i, j, k); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Close = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18);
new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported();
Value.prototype.Close = function() { return this.$val.Close(); };
chanrecv = function(t, ch, nb, val) {
var $ptr, _r, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, ch, comms, nb, received, recvRes, selectRes, selected, t, val, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _tmp = $f._tmp; _tmp$1 = $f._tmp$1; _tmp$2 = $f._tmp$2; _tmp$3 = $f._tmp$3; ch = $; comms = $f.comms; nb = $f.nb; received = $f.received; recvRes = $f.recvRes; selectRes = $f.selectRes; selected = $f.selected; t = $f.t; val = $f.val; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
selected = false;
received = false;
comms = new sliceType$9([new sliceType$2([new $jsObjectPtr(ch)])]);
if (nb) {
comms = $append(comms, new sliceType$2([]));
_r = selectHelper(new sliceType$2([comms])); /* map[0xc8204c1980:true 0xc820886940:true 0xc8208868c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
selectRes = _r;
if (nb && (($parseInt(selectRes[0]) >> 0) === 1)) {
_tmp = false;
_tmp$1 = false;
selected = _tmp;
received = _tmp$1;
return [selected, received];
recvRes = selectRes[1];
_tmp$2 = true;
_tmp$3 = !!(recvRes[1]);
selected = _tmp$2;
received = _tmp$3;
return [selected, received];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: chanrecv }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._tmp = _tmp; $f._tmp$1 = _tmp$1; $f._tmp$2 = _tmp$2; $f._tmp$3 = _tmp$3; $ = ch; $f.comms = comms; $f.nb = nb; $f.received = received; $f.recvRes = recvRes; $f.selectRes = selectRes; $f.selected = selected; $f.t = t; $f.val = val; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
chansend = function(t, ch, val, nb) {
var $ptr, _r, ch, comms, nb, selectRes, t, val, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; ch = $; comms = $f.comms; nb = $f.nb; selectRes = $f.selectRes; t = $f.t; val = $f.val; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
comms = new sliceType$9([new sliceType$2([new $jsObjectPtr(ch), new $jsObjectPtr(val.$get())])]);
if (nb) {
comms = $append(comms, new sliceType$2([]));
_r = selectHelper(new sliceType$2([comms])); /* map[0xc820887080:true 0xc8204886c0:true 0xc8208870c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
selectRes = _r;
if (nb && (($parseInt(selectRes[0]) >> 0) === 1)) {
return false;
return true;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: chansend }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $ = ch; $f.comms = comms; $f.nb = nb; $f.selectRes = selectRes; $f.t = t; $f.val = val; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Kind.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, k;
k = this.$val;
if ((k >> 0) < kindNames.$length) {
return ((k < 0 || k >= kindNames.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : kindNames.$array[kindNames.$offset + k]);
return "kind" + strconv.Itoa((k >> 0));
$ptrType(Kind).prototype.String = function() { return new Kind(this.$get()).String(); };
uncommonType.ptr.prototype.uncommon = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return t;
uncommonType.prototype.uncommon = function() { return this.$val.uncommon(); };
uncommonType.ptr.prototype.PkgPath = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
if (t === ptrType$7.nil || t.pkgPath === ptrType$6.nil) {
return "";
return t.pkgPath.$get();
uncommonType.prototype.PkgPath = function() { return this.$val.PkgPath(); };
uncommonType.ptr.prototype.Name = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
if (t === ptrType$7.nil || === ptrType$6.nil) {
return "";
uncommonType.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return t.string.$get();
rtype.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Size = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return t.size;
rtype.prototype.Size = function() { return this.$val.Size(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Bits = function() {
var $ptr, k, t;
t = this;
if (t === ptrType$1.nil) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Bits of nil Type"));
k = t.Kind();
if (k < 2 || k > 16) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Bits of non-arithmetic Type " + t.String()));
return $imul((t.size >> 0), 8);
rtype.prototype.Bits = function() { return this.$val.Bits(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Align = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return (t.align >> 0);
rtype.prototype.Align = function() { return this.$val.Align(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldAlign = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return (t.fieldAlign >> 0);
rtype.prototype.FieldAlign = function() { return this.$val.FieldAlign(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Kind = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return (((t.kind & 31) >>> 0) >>> 0);
rtype.prototype.Kind = function() { return this.$val.Kind(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.common = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return t;
rtype.prototype.common = function() { return this.$val.common(); };
uncommonType.ptr.prototype.NumMethod = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
if (t === ptrType$7.nil) {
return 0;
return t.methods.$length;
uncommonType.prototype.NumMethod = function() { return this.$val.NumMethod(); };
uncommonType.ptr.prototype.MethodByName = function(name) {
var $ptr, _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, m, name, ok, p, t, x;
m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0);
ok = false;
t = this;
if (t === ptrType$7.nil) {
return [m, ok];
p = ptrType$10.nil;
_ref = t.methods;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
i = _i;
p = (x = t.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
if (!( === ptrType$6.nil) &&$get() === name) {
_tmp = $clone(t.Method(i), Method);
_tmp$1 = true;
Method.copy(m, _tmp);
ok = _tmp$1;
return [m, ok];
return [m, ok];
uncommonType.prototype.MethodByName = function(name) { return this.$val.MethodByName(name); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.NumMethod = function() {
var $ptr, t, tt;
t = this;
if (t.Kind() === 20) {
tt = t.kindType;
return tt.NumMethod();
return t.uncommonType.NumMethod();
rtype.prototype.NumMethod = function() { return this.$val.NumMethod(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Method = function(i) {
var $ptr, i, m, t, tt;
m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0);
t = this;
if (t.Kind() === 20) {
tt = t.kindType;
Method.copy(m, tt.Method(i));
return m;
Method.copy(m, t.uncommonType.Method(i));
return m;
rtype.prototype.Method = function(i) { return this.$val.Method(i); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.MethodByName = function(name) {
var $ptr, _tuple, _tuple$1, m, name, ok, t, tt;
m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0);
ok = false;
t = this;
if (t.Kind() === 20) {
tt = t.kindType;
_tuple = tt.MethodByName(name);
Method.copy(m, _tuple[0]);
ok = _tuple[1];
return [m, ok];
_tuple$1 = t.uncommonType.MethodByName(name);
Method.copy(m, _tuple$1[0]);
ok = _tuple$1[1];
return [m, ok];
rtype.prototype.MethodByName = function(name) { return this.$val.MethodByName(name); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.PkgPath = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return t.uncommonType.PkgPath();
rtype.prototype.PkgPath = function() { return this.$val.PkgPath(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Name = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return t.uncommonType.Name();
rtype.prototype.Name = function() { return this.$val.Name(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.ChanDir = function() {
var $ptr, t, tt;
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 18))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: ChanDir of non-chan type"));
tt = t.kindType;
return (tt.dir >> 0);
rtype.prototype.ChanDir = function() { return this.$val.ChanDir(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.IsVariadic = function() {
var $ptr, t, tt;
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: IsVariadic of non-func type"));
tt = t.kindType;
return tt.dotdotdot;
rtype.prototype.IsVariadic = function() { return this.$val.IsVariadic(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Elem = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, t, tt, tt$1, tt$2, tt$3, tt$4;
t = this;
_ref = t.Kind();
if (_ref === 17) {
tt = t.kindType;
return toType(tt.elem);
} else if (_ref === 18) {
tt$1 = t.kindType;
return toType(tt$1.elem);
} else if (_ref === 21) {
tt$2 = t.kindType;
return toType(tt$2.elem);
} else if (_ref === 22) {
tt$3 = t.kindType;
return toType(tt$3.elem);
} else if (_ref === 23) {
tt$4 = t.kindType;
return toType(tt$4.elem);
$panic(new $String("reflect: Elem of invalid type"));
rtype.prototype.Elem = function() { return this.$val.Elem(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Field = function(i) {
var $ptr, _r, i, t, tt, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; i = $f.i; t = $f.t; tt = $; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Field of non-struct type"));
tt = t.kindType;
_r = tt.Field(i); /* map[0xc82037be60:true 0xc820647fc0:true 0xc820445640:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.Field }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.i = i; $f.t = t; $ = tt; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
rtype.prototype.Field = function(i) { return this.$val.Field(i); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) {
var $ptr, _r, index, t, tt, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; index = $f.index; t = $f.t; tt = $; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: FieldByIndex of non-struct type"));
tt = t.kindType;
_r = tt.FieldByIndex(index); /* map[0xc820445900:true 0xc8204a0090:true 0xc82062a360:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.index = index; $f.t = t; $ = tt; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
rtype.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) { return this.$val.FieldByIndex(index); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByName = function(name) {
var $ptr, _r, name, t, tt, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; name = $; t = $f.t; tt = $; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: FieldByName of non-struct type"));
tt = t.kindType;
_r = tt.FieldByName(name); /* map[0xc820445c00:true 0xc8204a0fc0:true 0xc82062a740:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByName }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $ = name; $f.t = t; $ = tt; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
rtype.prototype.FieldByName = function(name) { return this.$val.FieldByName(name); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) {
var $ptr, _r, match, t, tt, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; match = $f.match; t = $f.t; tt = $; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: FieldByNameFunc of non-struct type"));
tt = t.kindType;
_r = tt.FieldByNameFunc(match); /* map[0xc8204a1710:true 0xc82062ab60:true 0xc820445f80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.match = match; $f.t = t; $ = tt; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
rtype.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) { return this.$val.FieldByNameFunc(match); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.In = function(i) {
var $ptr, i, t, tt, x;
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: In of non-func type"));
tt = t.kindType;
return toType((x =$2, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i])));
rtype.prototype.In = function(i) { return this.$val.In(i); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Key = function() {
var $ptr, t, tt;
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 21))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Key of non-map type"));
tt = t.kindType;
return toType(tt.key);
rtype.prototype.Key = function() { return this.$val.Key(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Len = function() {
var $ptr, t, tt;
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 17))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Len of non-array type"));
tt = t.kindType;
return (tt.len >> 0);
rtype.prototype.Len = function() { return this.$val.Len(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.NumField = function() {
var $ptr, t, tt;
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 25))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: NumField of non-struct type"));
tt = t.kindType;
return tt.fields.$length;
rtype.prototype.NumField = function() { return this.$val.NumField(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.NumIn = function() {
var $ptr, t, tt;
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: NumIn of non-func type"));
tt = t.kindType;
rtype.prototype.NumIn = function() { return this.$val.NumIn(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.NumOut = function() {
var $ptr, t, tt;
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: NumOut of non-func type"));
tt = t.kindType;
return tt.out.$length;
rtype.prototype.NumOut = function() { return this.$val.NumOut(); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.Out = function(i) {
var $ptr, i, t, tt, x;
t = this;
if (!((t.Kind() === 19))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Out of non-func type"));
tt = t.kindType;
return toType((x = tt.out, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i])));
rtype.prototype.Out = function(i) { return this.$val.Out(i); };
ChanDir.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, d;
d = this.$val;
_ref = d;
if (_ref === 2) {
return "chan<-";
} else if (_ref === 1) {
return "<-chan";
} else if (_ref === 3) {
return "chan";
return "ChanDir" + strconv.Itoa((d >> 0));
$ptrType(ChanDir).prototype.String = function() { return new ChanDir(this.$get()).String(); };
interfaceType.ptr.prototype.Method = function(i) {
var $ptr, i, m, p, t, x;
m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0);
t = this;
if (i < 0 || i >= t.methods.$length) {
return m;
p = (x = t.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
m.Name =$get();
if (!(p.pkgPath === ptrType$6.nil)) {
m.PkgPath = p.pkgPath.$get();
m.Type = toType(p.typ);
m.Index = i;
return m;
interfaceType.prototype.Method = function(i) { return this.$val.Method(i); };
interfaceType.ptr.prototype.NumMethod = function() {
var $ptr, t;
t = this;
return t.methods.$length;
interfaceType.prototype.NumMethod = function() { return this.$val.NumMethod(); };
interfaceType.ptr.prototype.MethodByName = function(name) {
var $ptr, _i, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, i, m, name, ok, p, t, x;
m = new Method.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0), 0);
ok = false;
t = this;
if (t === ptrType$11.nil) {
return [m, ok];
p = ptrType$12.nil;
_ref = t.methods;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; }
i = _i;
p = (x = t.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
if ($get() === name) {
_tmp = $clone(t.Method(i), Method);
_tmp$1 = true;
Method.copy(m, _tmp);
ok = _tmp$1;
return [m, ok];
return [m, ok];
interfaceType.prototype.MethodByName = function(name) { return this.$val.MethodByName(name); };
StructTag.prototype.Get = function(key) {
var $ptr, _tuple, err, i, key, name, qvalue, tag, value;
tag = this.$val;
while (true) {
if (!(!(tag === ""))) { break; }
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < tag.length && (tag.charCodeAt(i) === 32))) { break; }
i = i + (1) >> 0;
tag = tag.substring(i);
if (tag === "") {
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < tag.length && tag.charCodeAt(i) > 32 && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 58)) && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 34)) && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 127)))) { break; }
i = i + (1) >> 0;
if ((i === 0) || (i + 1 >> 0) >= tag.length || !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 58)) || !((tag.charCodeAt((i + 1 >> 0)) === 34))) {
name = tag.substring(0, i);
tag = tag.substring((i + 1 >> 0));
i = 1;
while (true) {
if (!(i < tag.length && !((tag.charCodeAt(i) === 34)))) { break; }
if (tag.charCodeAt(i) === 92) {
i = i + (1) >> 0;
i = i + (1) >> 0;
if (i >= tag.length) {
qvalue = tag.substring(0, (i + 1 >> 0));
tag = tag.substring((i + 1 >> 0));
if (key === name) {
_tuple = strconv.Unquote(qvalue);
value = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) {
return value;
return "";
$ptrType(StructTag).prototype.Get = function(key) { return new StructTag(this.$get()).Get(key); };
structType.ptr.prototype.Field = function(i) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _r$2, f, i, p, t, t$1, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; f = $f.f; i = $f.i; p = $f.p; t = $f.t; t$1 = $f.t$1; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
f = new StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$11.nil, false);
t = this;
if (i < 0 || i >= t.fields.$length) {
return f;
p = (x = t.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
f.Type = toType(p.typ);
/* */ if (!( === ptrType$6.nil)) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!( === ptrType$6.nil)) { */ case 1:
f.Name =$get();
$s = 3; continue;
/* } else { */ case 2:
t$1 = f.Type;
_r = t$1.Kind(); /* map[0xc8204b8720:true 0xc8204b80f0:true 0xc8202d4840:true 0xc8202d4900:true 0xc8204b8240:true 0xc8202d48c0:true 0xc8202d47c0:true 0xc8202d4800:true 0xc8202d4980:true 0xc8204b86f0:true 0xc8202d4a40:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (_r === 22) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ $s = 5; continue;
/* if (_r === 22) { */ case 4:
_r$1 = t$1.Elem(); /* map[0xc8204b8720:true 0xc8204b80f0:true 0xc8202d4840:true 0xc8202d4900:true 0xc8204b8240:true 0xc8202d48c0:true 0xc8202d47c0:true 0xc8202d4800:true 0xc8202d4980:true 0xc8204b86f0:true 0xc8202d4a40:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
t$1 = _r$1;
/* } */ case 5:
_r$2 = t$1.Name(); /* map[0xc8204b86f0:true 0xc8202d4a40:true 0xc8202d47c0:true 0xc8202d4800:true 0xc8202d4980:true 0xc8202d4900:true 0xc8204b8240:true 0xc8202d48c0:true 0xc8204b8720:true 0xc8204b80f0:true 0xc8202d4840:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
f.Name = _r$2;
f.Anonymous = true;
/* } */ case 3:
if (!(p.pkgPath === ptrType$6.nil)) {
f.PkgPath = p.pkgPath.$get();
if (!(p.tag === ptrType$6.nil)) {
f.Tag = p.tag.$get();
f.Offset = p.offset;
f.Index = new sliceType$11([i]);
return f;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=11) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: structType.ptr.prototype.Field }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f.f = f; $f.i = i; $f.p = p; $f.t = t; $f.t$1 = t$1; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
structType.prototype.Field = function(i) { return this.$val.Field(i); };
structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) {
var $ptr, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _ref, _v, f, ft, i, index, t, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _i = $f._i; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _ref = $f._ref; _v = $f._v; f = $f.f; ft = $f.ft; i = $f.i; index = $f.index; t = $f.t; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
f = new StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$11.nil, false);
t = this;
f.Type = toType(t.rtype);
_ref = index;
_i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 1:
/* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; }
i = _i;
x = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]);
/* */ if (i > 0) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (i > 0) { */ case 3:
ft = f.Type;
_r = ft.Kind(); /* map[0xc8204b92f0:true 0xc8202d53c0:true 0xc8204b9530:true 0xc8202d5380:true 0xc8204b9470:true 0xc8202d52c0:true 0xc8204b9290:true 0xc8204b94d0:true 0xc8202d51c0:true 0xc820822940:true 0xc8204b9410:true 0xc8204b9350:true 0xc8202d5180:true 0xc8202d5400:true 0xc820f24b90:true 0xc8202d5140:true 0xc8202d5280:true 0xc8202d5240:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
if (!(_r === 22)) { _v = false; $s = 7; continue s; }
_r$1 = ft.Elem(); /* map[0xc8202d5140:true 0xc8202d5280:true 0xc8202d5240:true 0xc820f24b90:true 0xc8202d5380:true 0xc8204b9470:true 0xc8202d52c0:true 0xc8204b9290:true 0xc8204b92f0:true 0xc8202d53c0:true 0xc8204b9530:true 0xc8202d51c0:true 0xc820822940:true 0xc8204b9410:true 0xc8204b94d0:true 0xc8202d5180:true 0xc8202d5400:true 0xc8204b9350:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$2 = _r$1.Kind(); /* map[0xc8204b9350:true 0xc8202d5180:true 0xc8202d5400:true 0xc8202d5240:true 0xc820f24b90:true 0xc8202d5140:true 0xc8202d5280:true 0xc8202d52c0:true 0xc8204b9290:true 0xc8204b92f0:true 0xc8202d53c0:true 0xc8204b9530:true 0xc8202d5380:true 0xc8204b9470:true 0xc8204b9410:true 0xc8204b94d0:true 0xc8202d51c0:true 0xc820822940:true] */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_v = _r$2 === 25; case 7:
/* */ if (_v) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ $s = 6; continue;
/* if (_v) { */ case 5:
_r$3 = ft.Elem(); /* map[0xc820f24b90:true 0xc8202d5140:true 0xc8202d5280:true 0xc8202d5240:true 0xc8204b9290:true 0xc8204b92f0:true 0xc8202d53c0:true 0xc8204b9530:true 0xc8202d5380:true 0xc8204b9470:true 0xc8202d52c0:true 0xc8204b94d0:true 0xc8202d51c0:true 0xc820822940:true 0xc8204b9410:true 0xc8204b9350:true 0xc8202d5180:true 0xc8202d5400:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
ft = _r$3;
/* } */ case 6:
f.Type = ft;
/* } */ case 4:
_r$4 = f.Type.Field(x); /* map[0xc8202d5180:true 0xc8202d5400:true 0xc8204b9350:true 0xc8202d5140:true 0xc8202d5280:true 0xc8202d5240:true 0xc820f24b90:true 0xc8202d5380:true 0xc8204b9470:true 0xc8202d52c0:true 0xc8204b9290:true 0xc8204b92f0:true 0xc8202d53c0:true 0xc8204b9530:true 0xc8202d51c0:true 0xc820822940:true 0xc8204b9410:true 0xc8204b94d0:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
StructField.copy(f, _r$4);
/* } */ $s = 1; continue; case 2:
return f;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=18) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._i = _i; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._ref = _ref; $f._v = _v; $f.f = f; $f.ft = ft; $f.i = i; $f.index = index; $f.t = t; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
structType.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) { return this.$val.FieldByIndex(index); };
structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) {
var $ptr, _entry, _entry$1, _entry$2, _entry$3, _i, _i$1, _key, _key$1, _key$2, _key$3, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _ref, _ref$1, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, count, current, f, fname, i, index, match, next, nextCount, ntyp, ok, result, scan, styp, t, t$1, visited, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _entry = $f._entry; _entry$1 = $f._entry$1; _entry$2 = $f._entry$2; _entry$3 = $f._entry$3; _i = $f._i; _i$1 = $f._i$1; _key = $f._key; _key$1 = $f._key$1; _key$2 = $f._key$2; _key$3 = $f._key$3; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _ref = $f._ref; _ref$1 = $f._ref$1; _tmp = $f._tmp; _tmp$1 = $f._tmp$1; _tmp$2 = $f._tmp$2; _tmp$3 = $f._tmp$3; count = $f.count; current = $f.current; f = $f.f; fname = $f.fname; i = $f.i; index = $f.index; match = $f.match; next = $; nextCount = $f.nextCount; ntyp = $f.ntyp; ok = $f.ok; result = $f.result; scan = $f.scan; styp = $f.styp; t = $f.t; t$1 = $f.t$1; visited = $f.visited; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
result = new StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$11.nil, false);
ok = false;
t = this;
current = new sliceType$12([]);
next = new sliceType$12([new fieldScan.ptr(t, sliceType$11.nil)]);
nextCount = false;
visited = $makeMap(ptrType$13.keyFor, []);
/* while (true) { */ case 1:
/* if (!(next.$length > 0)) { break; } */ if(!(next.$length > 0)) { $s = 2; continue; }
_tmp = next;
_tmp$1 = $subslice(current, 0, 0);
current = _tmp;
next = _tmp$1;
count = nextCount;
nextCount = false;
_ref = current;
_i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 3:
/* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; }
scan = $clone(((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]), fieldScan);
t$1 = scan.typ;
/* */ if ((_entry = visited[ptrType$13.keyFor(t$1)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false)) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ $s = 6; continue;
/* if ((_entry = visited[ptrType$13.keyFor(t$1)], _entry !== undefined ? _entry.v : false)) { */ case 5:
/* continue; */ $s = 3; continue;
/* } */ case 6:
_key = t$1; (visited || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$13.keyFor(_key)] = { k: _key, v: true };
_ref$1 = t$1.fields;
_i$1 = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 7:
/* if (!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i$1 < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 8; continue; }
i = _i$1;
f = (x = t$1.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
fname = "";
ntyp = ptrType$1.nil;
/* */ if (!( === ptrType$6.nil)) { $s = 9; continue; }
/* */ $s = 10; continue;
/* if (!( === ptrType$6.nil)) { */ case 9:
fname =$get();
$s = 11; continue;
/* } else { */ case 10:
ntyp = f.typ;
/* */ if (ntyp.Kind() === 22) { $s = 12; continue; }
/* */ $s = 13; continue;
/* if (ntyp.Kind() === 22) { */ case 12:
_r = ntyp.Elem().common(); /* map[0xc820168d00:true 0xc820696c80:true 0xc820224540:true 0xc820168140:true 0xc820224870:true 0xc820225680:true 0xc820696cd0:true 0xc8201682c0:true 0xc8201681c0:true 0xc820168180:true 0xc820168300:true 0xc820168400:true 0xc820225620:true 0xc8202d5d40:true 0xc820225350:true 0xc820225290:true 0xc8202245a0:true 0xc8201686c0:true 0xc820168440:true] */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
ntyp = _r;
/* } */ case 13:
fname = ntyp.Name();
/* } */ case 11:
_r$1 = match(fname); /* map[0xc8202d5d40:true 0xc820225620:true 0xc820225290:true 0xc8202245a0:true 0xc8201686c0:true 0xc820168440:true 0xc820225350:true 0xc820696c80:true 0xc820224540:true 0xc820168140:true 0xc820224870:true 0xc820168d00:true 0xc820696cd0:true 0xc8201682c0:true 0xc8201681c0:true 0xc820168180:true 0xc820168300:true 0xc820168400:true 0xc820225680:true] */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (_r$1) { $s = 15; continue; }
/* */ $s = 16; continue;
/* if (_r$1) { */ case 15:
if ((_entry$1 = count[ptrType$13.keyFor(t$1)], _entry$1 !== undefined ? _entry$1.v : 0) > 1 || ok) {
_tmp$2 = new StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$11.nil, false);
_tmp$3 = false;
StructField.copy(result, _tmp$2);
ok = _tmp$3;
return [result, ok];
_r$2 = t$1.Field(i); /* map[0xc820696cd0:true 0xc8201682c0:true 0xc8201681c0:true 0xc820168180:true 0xc820168300:true 0xc820168400:true 0xc820225680:true 0xc8202d5d40:true 0xc820225620:true 0xc820225290:true 0xc8202245a0:true 0xc8201686c0:true 0xc820168440:true 0xc820225350:true 0xc820696c80:true 0xc820224540:true 0xc820168140:true 0xc820224870:true 0xc820168d00:true] */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
StructField.copy(result, _r$2);
result.Index = sliceType$11.nil;
result.Index = $appendSlice(result.Index, scan.index);
result.Index = $append(result.Index, i);
ok = true;
/* continue; */ $s = 7; continue;
/* } */ case 16:
if (ok || ntyp === ptrType$1.nil || !((ntyp.Kind() === 25))) {
/* continue; */ $s = 7; continue;
styp = ntyp.kindType;
if ((_entry$2 = nextCount[ptrType$13.keyFor(styp)], _entry$2 !== undefined ? _entry$2.v : 0) > 0) {
_key$1 = styp; (nextCount || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$13.keyFor(_key$1)] = { k: _key$1, v: 2 };
/* continue; */ $s = 7; continue;
if (nextCount === false) {
nextCount = $makeMap(ptrType$13.keyFor, []);
_key$2 = styp; (nextCount || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$13.keyFor(_key$2)] = { k: _key$2, v: 1 };
if ((_entry$3 = count[ptrType$13.keyFor(t$1)], _entry$3 !== undefined ? _entry$3.v : 0) > 1) {
_key$3 = styp; (nextCount || $throwRuntimeError("assignment to entry in nil map"))[ptrType$13.keyFor(_key$3)] = { k: _key$3, v: 2 };
index = sliceType$11.nil;
index = $appendSlice(index, scan.index);
index = $append(index, i);
next = $append(next, new fieldScan.ptr(styp, index));
/* } */ $s = 7; continue; case 8:
/* } */ $s = 3; continue; case 4:
if (ok) {
/* break; */ $s = 2; continue;
/* } */ $s = 1; continue; case 2:
return [result, ok];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=19) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._entry = _entry; $f._entry$1 = _entry$1; $f._entry$2 = _entry$2; $f._entry$3 = _entry$3; $f._i = _i; $f._i$1 = _i$1; $f._key = _key; $f._key$1 = _key$1; $f._key$2 = _key$2; $f._key$3 = _key$3; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._ref = _ref; $f._ref$1 = _ref$1; $f._tmp = _tmp; $f._tmp$1 = _tmp$1; $f._tmp$2 = _tmp$2; $f._tmp$3 = _tmp$3; $f.count = count; $f.current = current; $f.f = f; $f.fname = fname; $f.i = i; $f.index = index; $f.match = match; $ = next; $f.nextCount = nextCount; $f.ntyp = ntyp; $f.ok = ok; $f.result = result; $f.scan = scan; $f.styp = styp; $f.t = t; $f.t$1 = t$1; $f.visited = visited; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
structType.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) { return this.$val.FieldByNameFunc(match); };
structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByName = function(name) {
var $ptr, _i, _r, _r$1, _ref, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tuple, f, hasAnon, i, name, present, t, tf, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _i = $f._i; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _ref = $f._ref; _tmp = $f._tmp; _tmp$1 = $f._tmp$1; _tuple = $f._tuple; f = $f.f; hasAnon = $f.hasAnon; i = $f.i; name = $; present = $f.present; t = $f.t; tf = $; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
name = [name];
f = new StructField.ptr("", "", $ifaceNil, "", 0, sliceType$11.nil, false);
present = false;
t = this;
hasAnon = false;
/* */ if (!(name[0] === "")) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!(name[0] === "")) { */ case 1:
_ref = t.fields;
_i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 3:
/* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 4; continue; }
i = _i;
tf = (x = t.fields, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
/* */ if ( === ptrType$6.nil) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ $s = 6; continue;
/* if ( === ptrType$6.nil) { */ case 5:
hasAnon = true;
/* continue; */ $s = 3; continue;
/* } */ case 6:
/* */ if ($get() === name[0]) { $s = 7; continue; }
/* */ $s = 8; continue;
/* if ($get() === name[0]) { */ case 7:
_r = t.Field(i); /* map[0xc820169000:true 0xc8201690c0:true 0xc8204be880:true 0xc820169200:true 0xc820225bf0:true 0xc820225bc0:true 0xc820225b90:true 0xc820225e30:true 0xc820696fa0:true 0xc820168fc0:true 0xc820169040:true 0xc8204be680:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tmp = $clone(_r, StructField);
_tmp$1 = true;
StructField.copy(f, _tmp);
present = _tmp$1;
/* */ $s = 10; case 10:
return [f, present];
/* } */ case 8:
/* } */ $s = 3; continue; case 4:
/* } */ case 2:
if (!hasAnon) {
return [f, present];
_r$1 = t.FieldByNameFunc((function(name) { return function(s) {
var $ptr, s;
return s === name[0];
}; })(name)); /* map[0xc820225e30:true 0xc820696fa0:true 0xc820168fc0:true 0xc820169040:true 0xc8204be680:true 0xc8201690c0:true 0xc8204be880:true 0xc820169200:true 0xc820225bf0:true 0xc820225bc0:true 0xc820225b90:true 0xc820169000:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple = _r$1;
StructField.copy(f, _tuple[0]);
present = _tuple[1];
/* */ $s = 12; case 12:
return [f, present];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=12) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: structType.ptr.prototype.FieldByName }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._i = _i; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._ref = _ref; $f._tmp = _tmp; $f._tmp$1 = _tmp$1; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.f = f; $f.hasAnon = hasAnon; $f.i = i; $ = name; $f.present = present; $f.t = t; $ = tf; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
structType.prototype.FieldByName = function(name) { return this.$val.FieldByName(name); };
PtrTo = function(t) {
var $ptr, t;
return $assertType(t, ptrType$1).ptrTo();
$pkg.PtrTo = PtrTo;
rtype.ptr.prototype.Implements = function(u) {
var $ptr, _r, t, u, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; u = $f.u; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = this;
if ($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.Implements"));
_r = u.Kind(); /* map[0xc820233530:true 0xc820454840:true 0xc820233140:true 0xc820454780:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (!((_r === 20))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!((_r === 20))) { */ case 1:
$panic(new $String("reflect: non-interface type passed to Type.Implements"));
/* } */ case 2:
return implements$1($assertType(u, ptrType$1), t);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.Implements }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.u = u; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
rtype.prototype.Implements = function(u) { return this.$val.Implements(u); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.AssignableTo = function(u) {
var $ptr, t, u, uu;
t = this;
if ($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.AssignableTo"));
uu = $assertType(u, ptrType$1);
return directlyAssignable(uu, t) || implements$1(uu, t);
rtype.prototype.AssignableTo = function(u) { return this.$val.AssignableTo(u); };
rtype.ptr.prototype.ConvertibleTo = function(u) {
var $ptr, _r, t, u, uu, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; u = $f.u; uu = $f.uu; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
t = this;
if ($interfaceIsEqual(u, $ifaceNil)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: nil type passed to Type.ConvertibleTo"));
uu = $assertType(u, ptrType$1);
_r = convertOp(uu, t); /* map[0xc820233ef0:true 0xc82048b680:true 0xc820233ec0:true 0xc820454cc0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return !(_r === $throwNilPointerError);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: rtype.ptr.prototype.ConvertibleTo }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.u = u; $f.uu = uu; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
rtype.prototype.ConvertibleTo = function(u) { return this.$val.ConvertibleTo(u); };
implements$1 = function(T, V) {
var $ptr, T, V, i, i$1, j, j$1, t, tm, tm$1, v, v$1, vm, vm$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3;
if (!((T.Kind() === 20))) {
return false;
t = T.kindType;
if (t.methods.$length === 0) {
return true;
if (V.Kind() === 20) {
v = V.kindType;
i = 0;
j = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(j < v.methods.$length)) { break; }
tm = (x = t.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
vm = (x$1 = v.methods, ((j < 0 || j >= x$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + j]));
if ($get() ===$get() && vm.pkgPath === tm.pkgPath && vm.typ === tm.typ) {
i = i + (1) >> 0;
if (i >= t.methods.$length) {
return true;
j = j + (1) >> 0;
return false;
v$1 = V.uncommonType.uncommon();
if (v$1 === ptrType$7.nil) {
return false;
i$1 = 0;
j$1 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(j$1 < v$1.methods.$length)) { break; }
tm$1 = (x$2 = t.methods, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$2.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$1]));
vm$1 = (x$3 = v$1.methods, ((j$1 < 0 || j$1 >= x$3.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + j$1]));
if (vm$$get() === tm$$get() && vm$1.pkgPath === tm$1.pkgPath && vm$1.mtyp === tm$1.typ) {
i$1 = i$1 + (1) >> 0;
if (i$1 >= t.methods.$length) {
return true;
j$1 = j$1 + (1) >> 0;
return false;
directlyAssignable = function(T, V) {
var $ptr, T, V;
if (T === V) {
return true;
if (!(T.Name() === "") && !(V.Name() === "") || !((T.Kind() === V.Kind()))) {
return false;
return haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(T, V);
haveIdenticalUnderlyingType = function(T, V) {
var $ptr, T, V, _i, _i$1, _i$2, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, i, i$1, i$2, kind, t, t$1, t$2, tf, typ, typ$1, v, v$1, v$2, vf, x, x$1, x$2, x$3;
if (T === V) {
return true;
kind = T.Kind();
if (!((kind === V.Kind()))) {
return false;
if (1 <= kind && kind <= 16 || (kind === 24) || (kind === 26)) {
return true;
_ref = kind;
if (_ref === 17) {
return $interfaceIsEqual(T.Elem(), V.Elem()) && (T.Len() === V.Len());
} else if (_ref === 18) {
if ((V.ChanDir() === 3) && $interfaceIsEqual(T.Elem(), V.Elem())) {
return true;
return (V.ChanDir() === T.ChanDir()) && $interfaceIsEqual(T.Elem(), V.Elem());
} else if (_ref === 19) {
t = T.kindType;
v = V.kindType;
if (!(t.dotdotdot === v.dotdotdot) || !(($2.$length ===$2.$length)) || !((t.out.$length === v.out.$length))) {
return false;
_ref$1 =$2;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; }
i = _i;
typ = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]);
if (!(typ === (x =$2, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i])))) {
return false;
_ref$2 = t.out;
_i$1 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i$1 < _ref$2.$length)) { break; }
i$1 = _i$1;
typ$1 = ((_i$1 < 0 || _i$1 >= _ref$2.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref$2.$array[_ref$2.$offset + _i$1]);
if (!(typ$1 === (x$1 = v.out, ((i$1 < 0 || i$1 >= x$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i$1])))) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (_ref === 20) {
t$1 = T.kindType;
v$1 = V.kindType;
if ((t$1.methods.$length === 0) && (v$1.methods.$length === 0)) {
return true;
return false;
} else if (_ref === 21) {
return $interfaceIsEqual(T.Key(), V.Key()) && $interfaceIsEqual(T.Elem(), V.Elem());
} else if (_ref === 22 || _ref === 23) {
return $interfaceIsEqual(T.Elem(), V.Elem());
} else if (_ref === 25) {
t$2 = T.kindType;
v$2 = V.kindType;
if (!((t$2.fields.$length === v$2.fields.$length))) {
return false;
_ref$3 = t$2.fields;
_i$2 = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i$2 < _ref$3.$length)) { break; }
i$2 = _i$2;
tf = (x$2 = t$2.fields, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$2.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$2.$array[x$2.$offset + i$2]));
vf = (x$3 = v$2.fields, ((i$2 < 0 || i$2 >= x$3.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$3.$array[x$3.$offset + i$2]));
if (!( === && ( === ptrType$6.nil || === ptrType$6.nil || !($get() ===$get()))) {
return false;
if (!(tf.pkgPath === vf.pkgPath) && (tf.pkgPath === ptrType$6.nil || vf.pkgPath === ptrType$6.nil || !(tf.pkgPath.$get() === vf.pkgPath.$get()))) {
return false;
if (!(tf.typ === vf.typ)) {
return false;
if (!(tf.tag === vf.tag) && (tf.tag === ptrType$6.nil || vf.tag === ptrType$6.nil || !(tf.tag.$get() === vf.tag.$get()))) {
return false;
if (!((tf.offset === vf.offset))) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
toType = function(t) {
var $ptr, t;
if (t === ptrType$1.nil) {
return $ifaceNil;
return t;
ifaceIndir = function(t) {
var $ptr, t;
return ((t.kind & 32) >>> 0) === 0;
flag.prototype.kind = function() {
var $ptr, f;
f = this.$val;
return (((f & 31) >>> 0) >>> 0);
$ptrType(flag).prototype.kind = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).kind(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.pointer = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
if (!((v.typ.size === 4)) || !v.typ.pointers()) {
$panic(new $String("can't call pointer on a non-pointer Value"));
if (!((((v.flag & 64) >>> 0) === 0))) {
return v.ptr.$get();
return v.ptr;
Value.prototype.pointer = function() { return this.$val.pointer(); };
ValueError.ptr.prototype.Error = function() {
var $ptr, e;
e = this;
if (e.Kind === 0) {
return "reflect: call of " + e.Method + " on zero Value";
return "reflect: call of " + e.Method + " on " + new Kind(e.Kind).String() + " Value";
ValueError.prototype.Error = function() { return this.$val.Error(); };
flag.prototype.mustBe = function(expected) {
var $ptr, expected, f;
f = this.$val;
if (!((new flag(f).kind() === expected))) {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr(methodName(), new flag(f).kind()));
$ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBe = function(expected) { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBe(expected); };
flag.prototype.mustBeExported = function() {
var $ptr, f;
f = this.$val;
if (f === 0) {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr(methodName(), 0));
if (!((((f & 32) >>> 0) === 0))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: " + methodName() + " using value obtained using unexported field"));
$ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBeExported = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBeExported(); };
flag.prototype.mustBeAssignable = function() {
var $ptr, f;
f = this.$val;
if (f === 0) {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr(methodName(), 0));
if (!((((f & 32) >>> 0) === 0))) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: " + methodName() + " using value obtained using unexported field"));
if (((f & 128) >>> 0) === 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: " + methodName() + " using unaddressable value"));
$ptrType(flag).prototype.mustBeAssignable = function() { return new flag(this.$get()).mustBeAssignable(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Addr = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
if (((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Addr of unaddressable value"));
return new Value.ptr(v.typ.ptrTo(), v.ptr, ((((v.flag & 32) >>> 0)) | 22) >>> 0);
Value.prototype.Addr = function() { return this.$val.Addr(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Bool = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(1);
return v.ptr.$get();
Value.prototype.Bool = function() { return this.$val.Bool(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Bytes = function() {
var $ptr, _r, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23);
_r = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* map[0xc8201811d0:true 0xc8203a3340:true 0xc820181080:true 0xc8203a3240:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (!((_r === 8))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!((_r === 8))) { */ case 1:
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Bytes of non-byte slice"));
/* } */ case 2:
return v.ptr.$get();
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Bytes }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Bytes = function() { return this.$val.Bytes(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.runes = function() {
var $ptr, _r, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23);
_r = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* map[0xc8201815f0:true 0xc8203a3600:true 0xc8201813b0:true 0xc8203a3540:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (!((_r === 5))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!((_r === 5))) { */ case 1:
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Bytes of non-rune slice"));
/* } */ case 2:
return v.ptr.$get();
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.runes }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.runes = function() { return this.$val.runes(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.CanAddr = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
return !((((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0));
Value.prototype.CanAddr = function() { return this.$val.CanAddr(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.CanSet = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
return ((v.flag & 160) >>> 0) === 128;
Value.prototype.CanSet = function() { return this.$val.CanSet(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Call = function(in$1) {
var $ptr, _r, in$1, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; in$1 = $$1; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(19);
new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported();
_r ="Call", in$1); /* map[0xc820181ec0:true 0xc8203492c0:true 0xc8203a3c00:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Call }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $$1 = in$1; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Call = function(in$1) { return this.$val.Call(in$1); };
Value.ptr.prototype.CallSlice = function(in$1) {
var $ptr, _r, in$1, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; in$1 = $$1; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(19);
new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported();
_r ="CallSlice", in$1); /* map[0xc8204d8180:true 0xc820349a20:true 0xc8203a3e80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.CallSlice }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $$1 = in$1; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.CallSlice = function(in$1) { return this.$val.CallSlice(in$1); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Complex = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v, x;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 15) {
return (x = v.ptr.$get(), new $Complex128(x.$real, x.$imag));
} else if (_ref === 16) {
return v.ptr.$get();
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Complex", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.Complex = function() { return this.$val.Complex(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) {
var $ptr, _i, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _v, i, index, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _i = $f._i; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _ref = $f._ref; _v = $f._v; i = $f.i; index = $f.index; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
/* */ if (index.$length === 1) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (index.$length === 1) { */ case 1:
_r = v.Field((0 >= index.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : index.$array[index.$offset + 0])); /* map[0xc8203145c0:true 0xc8201196b0:true 0xc8204610e0:true 0xc820314640:true 0xc820314700:true 0xc820119620:true 0xc820119650:true 0xc820314340:true 0xc8207c43a0:true 0xc8203146c0:true 0xc820119680:true 0xc820314680:true 0xc820119500:true 0xc820314480:true 0xc820119530:true 0xc820119380:true 0xc820314300:true 0xc820314600:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 4; case 4:
return _r;
/* } */ case 2:
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(25);
_ref = index;
_i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 5:
/* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 6; continue; }
i = _i;
x = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]);
/* */ if (i > 0) { $s = 7; continue; }
/* */ $s = 8; continue;
/* if (i > 0) { */ case 7:
if (!(v.Kind() === 22)) { _v = false; $s = 11; continue s; }
_r$1 = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* map[0xc820119650:true 0xc820314340:true 0xc8207c43a0:true 0xc8203146c0:true 0xc820119680:true 0xc820314680:true 0xc820119500:true 0xc820314480:true 0xc820119530:true 0xc820119380:true 0xc820314300:true 0xc820314600:true 0xc820119620:true 0xc8203145c0:true 0xc8201196b0:true 0xc8204610e0:true 0xc820314640:true 0xc820314700:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_v = _r$1 === 25; case 11:
/* */ if (_v) { $s = 9; continue; }
/* */ $s = 10; continue;
/* if (_v) { */ case 9:
if (v.IsNil()) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: indirection through nil pointer to embedded struct"));
_r$2 = v.Elem(); /* map[0xc820314700:true 0xc820119620:true 0xc8203145c0:true 0xc8201196b0:true 0xc8204610e0:true 0xc820314640:true 0xc8203146c0:true 0xc820119650:true 0xc820314340:true 0xc8207c43a0:true 0xc820314480:true 0xc820119680:true 0xc820314680:true 0xc820119500:true 0xc820314600:true 0xc820119530:true 0xc820119380:true 0xc820314300:true] */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
v = _r$2;
/* } */ case 10:
/* } */ case 8:
_r$3 = v.Field(x); /* map[0xc820119680:true 0xc820314680:true 0xc820119500:true 0xc820314480:true 0xc820119530:true 0xc820119380:true 0xc820314300:true 0xc820314600:true 0xc820119620:true 0xc8203145c0:true 0xc8201196b0:true 0xc8204610e0:true 0xc820314640:true 0xc820314700:true 0xc820119650:true 0xc820314340:true 0xc8207c43a0:true 0xc8203146c0:true] */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
v = _r$3;
/* } */ $s = 5; continue; case 6:
return v;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=18) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByIndex }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._i = _i; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._ref = _ref; $f._v = _v; $f.i = i; $f.index = index; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.FieldByIndex = function(index) { return this.$val.FieldByIndex(index); };
Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByName = function(name) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _tuple, f, name, ok, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple = $f._tuple; f = $f.f; name = $; ok = $f.ok; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(25);
_r = v.typ.FieldByName(name); /* map[0xc820314a00:true 0xc8203149c0:true 0xc820314900:true 0xc8201198c0:true 0xc820314ac0:true 0xc820119890:true 0xc8207c4d80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple = _r;
f = $clone(_tuple[0], StructField);
ok = _tuple[1];
/* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (ok) { */ case 2:
_r$1 = v.FieldByIndex(f.Index); /* map[0xc8201198c0:true 0xc820314ac0:true 0xc820119890:true 0xc8207c4d80:true 0xc820314a00:true 0xc8203149c0:true 0xc820314900:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 5; case 5:
return _r$1;
/* } */ case 3:
return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByName }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.f = f; $ = name; $f.ok = ok; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.FieldByName = function(name) { return this.$val.FieldByName(name); };
Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _tuple, f, match, ok, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _tuple = $f._tuple; f = $f.f; match = $f.match; ok = $f.ok; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
_r = v.typ.FieldByNameFunc(match); /* map[0xc8207c51e0:true 0xc820314e00:true 0xc820119b90:true 0xc820314e40:true 0xc820314dc0:true 0xc820314d80:true 0xc820119b60:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple = _r;
f = $clone(_tuple[0], StructField);
ok = _tuple[1];
/* */ if (ok) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (ok) { */ case 2:
_r$1 = v.FieldByIndex(f.Index); /* map[0xc8207c51e0:true 0xc820314e00:true 0xc820119b90:true 0xc820314e40:true 0xc820314dc0:true 0xc820314d80:true 0xc820119b60:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 5; case 5:
return _r$1;
/* } */ case 3:
return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.FieldByNameFunc }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.f = f; $f.match = match; $f.ok = ok; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.FieldByNameFunc = function(match) { return this.$val.FieldByNameFunc(match); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Float = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 13) {
return v.ptr.$get();
} else if (_ref === 14) {
return v.ptr.$get();
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Float", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.Float = function() { return this.$val.Float(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Int = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, k, p, v;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
p = v.ptr;
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 2) {
return new $Int64(0, p.$get());
} else if (_ref === 3) {
return new $Int64(0, p.$get());
} else if (_ref === 4) {
return new $Int64(0, p.$get());
} else if (_ref === 5) {
return new $Int64(0, p.$get());
} else if (_ref === 6) {
return p.$get();
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Int", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.Int = function() { return this.$val.Int(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.CanInterface = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
if (v.flag === 0) {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.CanInterface", 0));
return ((v.flag & 32) >>> 0) === 0;
Value.prototype.CanInterface = function() { return this.$val.CanInterface(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Interface = function() {
var $ptr, _r, i, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; i = $f.i; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
i = $ifaceNil;
v = this;
_r = valueInterface(v, true); /* map[0xc820480480:true 0xc82102c080:true 0xc8202870c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
i = _r;
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return i;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Interface }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.i = i; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Interface = function() { return this.$val.Interface(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.IsValid = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
return !((v.flag === 0));
Value.prototype.IsValid = function() { return this.$val.IsValid(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Kind = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
return new flag(v.flag).kind();
Value.prototype.Kind = function() { return this.$val.Kind(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.MapIndex = function(key) {
var $ptr, _r, c, e, fl, k, key, tt, typ, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; c = $f.c; e = $f.e; fl = $f.fl; k = $f.k; key = $f.key; tt = $; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
key = key;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(21);
tt = v.typ.kindType;
_r = key.assignTo("reflect.Value.MapIndex", tt.key, 0); /* map[0xc820560a40:true 0xc820481e30:true 0xc820560a80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
key = _r;
k = 0;
if (!((((key.flag & 64) >>> 0) === 0))) {
k = key.ptr;
} else {
k = (key.$ptr_ptr || (key.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, key)));
e = mapaccess(v.typ, v.pointer(), k);
if (e === 0) {
return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
typ = tt.elem;
fl = ((((v.flag | key.flag) >>> 0)) & 32) >>> 0;
fl = (fl | ((typ.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0;
if (ifaceIndir(typ)) {
c = unsafe_New(typ);
typedmemmove(typ, c, e);
return new Value.ptr(typ, c, (fl | 64) >>> 0);
} else {
return new Value.ptr(typ, e.$get(), fl);
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.MapIndex }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.c = c; $f.e = e; $f.fl = fl; $f.k = k; $f.key = key; $ = tt; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.MapIndex = function(key) { return this.$val.MapIndex(key); };
Value.ptr.prototype.MapKeys = function() {
var $ptr, _r, a, c, fl, i, it, key, keyType, m, mlen, tt, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; a = $f.a; c = $f.c; fl = $f.fl; i = $f.i; it = $; key = $f.key; keyType = $f.keyType; m = $f.m; mlen = $f.mlen; tt = $; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(21);
tt = v.typ.kindType;
keyType = tt.key;
fl = (((v.flag & 32) >>> 0) | (keyType.Kind() >>> 0)) >>> 0;
m = v.pointer();
mlen = 0;
if (!(m === 0)) {
mlen = maplen(m);
it = mapiterinit(v.typ, m);
a = $makeSlice(sliceType$8, mlen);
i = 0;
i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 1:
/* if (!(i < a.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(i < a.$length)) { $s = 2; continue; }
_r = mapiterkey(it); /* map[0xc820561c40:true 0xc820561bc0:true 0xc820247e60:true 0xc820456b80:true 0xc820247e30:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
key = _r;
if (key === 0) {
/* break; */ $s = 2; continue;
if (ifaceIndir(keyType)) {
c = unsafe_New(keyType);
typedmemmove(keyType, c, key);
((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = new Value.ptr(keyType, c, (fl | 64) >>> 0));
} else {
((i < 0 || i >= a.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : a.$array[a.$offset + i] = new Value.ptr(keyType, key.$get(), fl));
i = i + (1) >> 0;
/* } */ $s = 1; continue; case 2:
return $subslice(a, 0, i);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.MapKeys }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.a = a; $f.c = c; $f.fl = fl; $f.i = i; $ = it; $f.key = key; $f.keyType = keyType; $f.m = m; $f.mlen = mlen; $ = tt; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.MapKeys = function() { return this.$val.MapKeys(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Method = function(i) {
var $ptr, fl, i, v;
v = this;
if (v.typ === ptrType$1.nil) {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Method", 0));
if (!((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0)) || (i >>> 0) >= (v.typ.NumMethod() >>> 0)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Method index out of range"));
if ((v.typ.Kind() === 20) && v.IsNil()) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: Method on nil interface value"));
fl = (v.flag & 96) >>> 0;
fl = (fl | (19)) >>> 0;
fl = (fl | (((((i >>> 0) << 9 >>> 0) | 256) >>> 0))) >>> 0;
return new Value.ptr(v.typ, v.ptr, fl);
Value.prototype.Method = function(i) { return this.$val.Method(i); };
Value.ptr.prototype.NumMethod = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
if (v.typ === ptrType$1.nil) {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.NumMethod", 0));
if (!((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0))) {
return 0;
return v.typ.NumMethod();
Value.prototype.NumMethod = function() { return this.$val.NumMethod(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.MethodByName = function(name) {
var $ptr, _tuple, m, name, ok, v;
v = this;
if (v.typ === ptrType$1.nil) {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.MethodByName", 0));
if (!((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0))) {
return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
_tuple = v.typ.MethodByName(name);
m = $clone(_tuple[0], Method);
ok = _tuple[1];
if (!ok) {
return new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
return v.Method(m.Index);
Value.prototype.MethodByName = function(name) { return this.$val.MethodByName(name); };
Value.ptr.prototype.NumField = function() {
var $ptr, tt, v;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(25);
tt = v.typ.kindType;
return tt.fields.$length;
Value.prototype.NumField = function() { return this.$val.NumField(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.OverflowComplex = function(x) {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v, x;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 15) {
return overflowFloat32(x.$real) || overflowFloat32(x.$imag);
} else if (_ref === 16) {
return false;
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowComplex", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.OverflowComplex = function(x) { return this.$val.OverflowComplex(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.OverflowFloat = function(x) {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v, x;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 13) {
return overflowFloat32(x);
} else if (_ref === 14) {
return false;
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowFloat", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.OverflowFloat = function(x) { return this.$val.OverflowFloat(x); };
overflowFloat32 = function(x) {
var $ptr, x;
if (x < 0) {
x = -x;
return 3.4028234663852886e+38 < x && x <= 1.7976931348623157e+308;
Value.ptr.prototype.OverflowInt = function(x) {
var $ptr, _ref, bitSize, k, trunc, v, x;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 2 || _ref === 3 || _ref === 4 || _ref === 5 || _ref === 6) {
bitSize = $imul(v.typ.size, 8) >>> 0;
trunc = $shiftRightInt64(($shiftLeft64(x, ((64 - bitSize >>> 0)))), ((64 - bitSize >>> 0)));
return !((x.$high === trunc.$high && x.$low === trunc.$low));
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowInt", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.OverflowInt = function(x) { return this.$val.OverflowInt(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.OverflowUint = function(x) {
var $ptr, _ref, bitSize, k, trunc, v, x;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 7 || _ref === 12 || _ref === 8 || _ref === 9 || _ref === 10 || _ref === 11) {
bitSize = $imul(v.typ.size, 8) >>> 0;
trunc = $shiftRightUint64(($shiftLeft64(x, ((64 - bitSize >>> 0)))), ((64 - bitSize >>> 0)));
return !((x.$high === trunc.$high && x.$low === trunc.$low));
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.OverflowUint", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.OverflowUint = function(x) { return this.$val.OverflowUint(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Recv = function() {
var $ptr, _r, _tuple, ok, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _tuple = $f._tuple; ok = $f.ok; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
x = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
ok = false;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18);
new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported();
_r = v.recv(false); /* map[0xc821a47230:true 0xc82113cc20:true 0xc8201a2b00:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple = _r;
x = _tuple[0];
ok = _tuple[1];
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return [x, ok];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Recv }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.ok = ok; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Recv = function() { return this.$val.Recv(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.recv = function(nb) {
var $ptr, _r, _tuple, nb, ok, p, selected, t, tt, v, val, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _tuple = $f._tuple; nb = $f.nb; ok = $f.ok; p = $f.p; selected = $f.selected; t = $f.t; tt = $; v = $f.v; val = $f.val; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
val = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
ok = false;
v = this;
tt = v.typ.kindType;
if (((tt.dir >> 0) & 1) === 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: recv on send-only channel"));
t = tt.elem;
val = new Value.ptr(t, 0, (t.Kind() >>> 0));
p = 0;
if (ifaceIndir(t)) {
p = unsafe_New(t);
val.ptr = p;
val.flag = (val.flag | (64)) >>> 0;
} else {
p = (val.$ptr_ptr || (val.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, val)));
_r = chanrecv(v.typ, v.pointer(), nb, p); /* map[0xc821a47650:true 0xc8201a3600:true 0xc8201a35c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple = _r;
selected = _tuple[0];
ok = _tuple[1];
if (!selected) {
val = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
return [val, ok];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.recv }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.nb = nb; $f.ok = ok; $f.p = p; $f.selected = selected; $f.t = t; $ = tt; $f.v = v; $f.val = val; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.recv = function(nb) { return this.$val.recv(nb); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Send = function(x) {
var $ptr, _r, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
x = x;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18);
new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported();
_r = v.send(x, false); /* map[0xc821a477a0:true 0xc820a30430:true 0xc8201a3880:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Send }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Send = function(x) { return this.$val.Send(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.send = function(x, nb) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, nb, p, selected, tt, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; nb = $f.nb; p = $f.p; selected = $f.selected; tt = $; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
selected = false;
x = x;
v = this;
tt = v.typ.kindType;
if (((tt.dir >> 0) & 2) === 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: send on recv-only channel"));
new flag(x.flag).mustBeExported();
_r = x.assignTo("reflect.Value.Send", tt.elem, 0); /* map[0xc821a47b90:true 0xc821078560:true 0xc820176200:true 0xc8201a3d80:true 0xc8201a3d40:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
x = _r;
p = 0;
if (!((((x.flag & 64) >>> 0) === 0))) {
p = x.ptr;
} else {
p = (x.$ptr_ptr || (x.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, x)));
_r$1 = chansend(v.typ, v.pointer(), p, nb); /* map[0xc821a47b90:true 0xc821078560:true 0xc820176200:true 0xc8201a3d80:true 0xc8201a3d40:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
selected = _r$1;
/* */ $s = 3; case 3:
return selected;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.send }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.nb = nb; $f.p = p; $f.selected = selected; $ = tt; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.send = function(x, nb) { return this.$val.send(x, nb); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetBool = function(x) {
var $ptr, v, x;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(1);
Value.prototype.SetBool = function(x) { return this.$val.SetBool(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) {
var $ptr, _r, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23);
_r = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* map[0xc8206f4300:true 0xc820176540:true 0xc8206f4210:true 0xc8201764c0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (!((_r === 8))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!((_r === 8))) { */ case 1:
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.SetBytes of non-byte slice"));
/* } */ case 2:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.SetBytes }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.SetBytes = function(x) { return this.$val.SetBytes(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.setRunes = function(x) {
var $ptr, _r, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(23);
_r = v.typ.Elem().Kind(); /* map[0xc8206f45a0:true 0xc820176900:true 0xc8206f44b0:true 0xc820176840:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (!((_r === 5))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!((_r === 5))) { */ case 1:
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.setRunes of non-rune slice"));
/* } */ case 2:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.setRunes }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.setRunes = function(x) { return this.$val.setRunes(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetComplex = function(x) {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v, x;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 15) {
v.ptr.$set(new $Complex64(x.$real, x.$imag));
} else if (_ref === 16) {
} else {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.SetComplex", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.SetComplex = function(x) { return this.$val.SetComplex(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetFloat = function(x) {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v, x;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 13) {
} else if (_ref === 14) {
} else {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.SetFloat", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.SetFloat = function(x) { return this.$val.SetFloat(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetInt = function(x) {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v, x;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 2) {
v.ptr.$set(((x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0));
} else if (_ref === 3) {
v.ptr.$set(((x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) << 24 >> 24));
} else if (_ref === 4) {
v.ptr.$set(((x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) << 16 >> 16));
} else if (_ref === 5) {
v.ptr.$set(((x.$low + ((x.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0));
} else if (_ref === 6) {
} else {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.SetInt", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.SetInt = function(x) { return this.$val.SetInt(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetMapIndex = function(key, val) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, e, k, key, tt, v, val, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; e = $f.e; k = $f.k; key = $f.key; tt = $; v = $f.v; val = $f.val; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
val = val;
key = key;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(21);
new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported();
new flag(key.flag).mustBeExported();
tt = v.typ.kindType;
_r = key.assignTo("reflect.Value.SetMapIndex", tt.key, 0); /* map[0xc820200900:true 0xc820200880:true 0xc820200c40:true 0xc820200c00:true 0xc8206f57d0:true 0xc820a33e40:true 0xc820200e80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
key = _r;
k = 0;
if (!((((key.flag & 64) >>> 0) === 0))) {
k = key.ptr;
} else {
k = (key.$ptr_ptr || (key.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, key)));
if (val.typ === ptrType$1.nil) {
mapdelete(v.typ, v.pointer(), k);
new flag(val.flag).mustBeExported();
_r$1 = val.assignTo("reflect.Value.SetMapIndex", tt.elem, 0); /* map[0xc820200c00:true 0xc8206f57d0:true 0xc820a33e40:true 0xc820200e80:true 0xc820200900:true 0xc820200880:true 0xc820200c40:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
val = _r$1;
e = 0;
if (!((((val.flag & 64) >>> 0) === 0))) {
e = val.ptr;
} else {
e = (val.$ptr_ptr || (val.$ptr_ptr = new ptrType$18(function() { return this.$target.ptr; }, function($v) { this.$target.ptr = $v; }, val)));
$r = mapassign(v.typ, v.pointer(), k, e); /* map[0xc820200880:true 0xc820200c40:true 0xc820200c00:true 0xc8206f57d0:true 0xc820a33e40:true 0xc820200e80:true 0xc820200900:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.SetMapIndex }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.e = e; $f.k = k; $f.key = key; $ = tt; $f.v = v; $f.val = val; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.SetMapIndex = function(key, val) { return this.$val.SetMapIndex(key, val); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetUint = function(x) {
var $ptr, _ref, k, v, x;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 7) {
v.ptr.$set((x.$low >>> 0));
} else if (_ref === 8) {
v.ptr.$set((x.$low << 24 >>> 24));
} else if (_ref === 9) {
v.ptr.$set((x.$low << 16 >>> 16));
} else if (_ref === 10) {
v.ptr.$set((x.$low >>> 0));
} else if (_ref === 11) {
} else if (_ref === 12) {
v.ptr.$set((x.$low >>> 0));
} else {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.SetUint", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.SetUint = function(x) { return this.$val.SetUint(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetPointer = function(x) {
var $ptr, v, x;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(26);
Value.prototype.SetPointer = function(x) { return this.$val.SetPointer(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.SetString = function(x) {
var $ptr, v, x;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBeAssignable();
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(24);
Value.prototype.SetString = function(x) { return this.$val.SetString(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.String = function() {
var $ptr, _r, _ref, k, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _ref = $f._ref; k = $f.k; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 0) {
return "<invalid Value>";
} else if (_ref === 24) {
return v.ptr.$get();
_r = v.Type().String(); /* map[0xc820a9b350:true 0xc820a2edc0:true 0xc820a9b320:true 0xc820a9b2f0:true 0xc8201c0140:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return "<" + _r + " Value>";
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.String }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._ref = _ref; $f.k = k; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.String = function() { return this.$val.String(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.TryRecv = function() {
var $ptr, _r, _tuple, ok, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _tuple = $f._tuple; ok = $f.ok; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
x = new Value.ptr(ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0);
ok = false;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18);
new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported();
_r = v.recv(true); /* map[0xc820a9b4d0:true 0xc820a2f160:true 0xc8201c0300:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_tuple = _r;
x = _tuple[0];
ok = _tuple[1];
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return [x, ok];
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.TryRecv }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f.ok = ok; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.TryRecv = function() { return this.$val.TryRecv(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.TrySend = function(x) {
var $ptr, _r, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
x = x;
v = this;
new flag(v.flag).mustBe(18);
new flag(v.flag).mustBeExported();
_r = v.send(x, true); /* map[0xc820a2f540:true 0xc8201c04c0:true 0xc820a9b680:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.TrySend }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.TrySend = function(x) { return this.$val.TrySend(x); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Type = function() {
var $ptr, f, i, m, m$1, tt, ut, v, x, x$1;
v = this;
f = v.flag;
if (f === 0) {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Type", 0));
if (((f & 256) >>> 0) === 0) {
return v.typ;
i = (v.flag >> 0) >> 9 >> 0;
if (v.typ.Kind() === 20) {
tt = v.typ.kindType;
if ((i >>> 0) >= (tt.methods.$length >>> 0)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index"));
m = (x = tt.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x.$array[x.$offset + i]));
return m.typ;
ut = v.typ.uncommonType.uncommon();
if (ut === ptrType$7.nil || (i >>> 0) >= (ut.methods.$length >>> 0)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: internal error: invalid method index"));
m$1 = (x$1 = ut.methods, ((i < 0 || i >= x$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : x$1.$array[x$1.$offset + i]));
return m$1.mtyp;
Value.prototype.Type = function() { return this.$val.Type(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Uint = function() {
var $ptr, _ref, k, p, v, x;
v = this;
k = new flag(v.flag).kind();
p = v.ptr;
_ref = k;
if (_ref === 7) {
return new $Uint64(0, p.$get());
} else if (_ref === 8) {
return new $Uint64(0, p.$get());
} else if (_ref === 9) {
return new $Uint64(0, p.$get());
} else if (_ref === 10) {
return new $Uint64(0, p.$get());
} else if (_ref === 11) {
return p.$get();
} else if (_ref === 12) {
return (x = p.$get(), new $Uint64(0, x.constructor === Number ? x : 1));
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.Uint", new flag(v.flag).kind()));
Value.prototype.Uint = function() { return this.$val.Uint(); };
Value.ptr.prototype.UnsafeAddr = function() {
var $ptr, v;
v = this;
if (v.typ === ptrType$1.nil) {
$panic(new ValueError.ptr("reflect.Value.UnsafeAddr", 0));
if (((v.flag & 128) >>> 0) === 0) {
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.UnsafeAddr of unaddressable value"));
return v.ptr;
Value.prototype.UnsafeAddr = function() { return this.$val.UnsafeAddr(); };
New = function(typ) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, fl, ptr, typ, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; fl = $f.fl; ptr = $f.ptr; typ = $f.typ; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, $ifaceNil)) {
$panic(new $String("reflect: New(nil)"));
ptr = unsafe_New($assertType(typ, ptrType$1));
fl = 22;
_r = typ.common(); /* map[0xc8202b8b00:true 0xc82151e120:true 0xc8202b8940:true 0xc820642240:true 0xc82151e1a0:true 0xc8202b9b40:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$1 = _r.ptrTo(); /* map[0xc820642240:true 0xc82151e1a0:true 0xc8202b9b40:true 0xc8202b8b00:true 0xc82151e120:true 0xc8202b8940:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 3; case 3:
return new Value.ptr(_r$1, ptr, fl);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: New }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.fl = fl; $f.ptr = ptr; $f.typ = typ; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.New = New;
Value.ptr.prototype.assignTo = function(context, dst, target) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, context, dst, fl, target, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; context = $f.context; dst = $f.dst; fl = $f.fl; target = $; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
/* */ if (!((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 1:
_r = makeMethodValue(context, v); /* map[0xc820642a20:true 0xc8202b8d00:true 0xc8206425d0:true 0xc8202b8500:true 0xc8202b8540:true 0xc8206429f0:true 0xc8202b90c0:true 0xc8202b8d40:true 0xc820642b10:true 0xc8202b8680:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
v = _r;
/* } */ case 2:
/* */ if (directlyAssignable(dst, v.typ)) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ if (implements$1(dst, v.typ)) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ $s = 6; continue;
/* if (directlyAssignable(dst, v.typ)) { */ case 4:
v.typ = dst;
fl = (v.flag & 224) >>> 0;
fl = (fl | ((dst.Kind() >>> 0))) >>> 0;
return new Value.ptr(dst, v.ptr, fl);
/* } else if (implements$1(dst, v.typ)) { */ case 5:
if (target === 0) {
target = unsafe_New(dst);
_r$1 = valueInterface(v, false); /* map[0xc8206429f0:true 0xc8202b90c0:true 0xc8202b8d40:true 0xc820642b10:true 0xc8202b8680:true 0xc8202b8540:true 0xc8202b8d00:true 0xc8206425d0:true 0xc8202b8500:true 0xc820642a20:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
x = _r$1;
if (dst.NumMethod() === 0) {
} else {
ifaceE2I(dst, x, target);
return new Value.ptr(dst, target, 84);
/* } */ case 6:
$panic(new $String(context + ": value of type " + v.typ.String() + " is not assignable to type " + dst.String()));
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=10) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.assignTo }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.context = context; $f.dst = dst; $f.fl = fl; $ = target; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.assignTo = function(context, dst, target) { return this.$val.assignTo(context, dst, target); };
Value.ptr.prototype.Convert = function(t) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, op, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; op = $f.op; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = this;
/* */ if (!((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!((((v.flag & 256) >>> 0) === 0))) { */ case 1:
_r = makeMethodValue("Convert", v); /* map[0xc8202b9440:true 0xc8202b9580:true 0xc820642ea0:true 0xc8202b9480:true 0xc820642ed0:true 0xc820a66330:true 0xc82151fbc0:true 0xc8202b93c0:true 0xc820642f00:true 0xc8202b9540:true 0xc8202b9600:true 0xc8202b9400:true 0xc8202b9500:true 0xc820642d50:true 0xc8202b9380:true 0xc8202b9340:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
v = _r;
/* } */ case 2:
_r$1 = t.common(); /* map[0xc8202b9480:true 0xc820642ed0:true 0xc820a66330:true 0xc82151fbc0:true 0xc8202b93c0:true 0xc820642f00:true 0xc8202b9540:true 0xc8202b9600:true 0xc8202b9400:true 0xc8202b9500:true 0xc820642d50:true 0xc8202b9380:true 0xc8202b9340:true 0xc8202b9440:true 0xc8202b9580:true 0xc820642ea0:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$2 = convertOp(_r$1, v.typ); /* map[0xc8202b9400:true 0xc8202b9500:true 0xc820642d50:true 0xc8202b9380:true 0xc8202b9340:true 0xc8202b9440:true 0xc8202b9580:true 0xc820642ea0:true 0xc8202b9480:true 0xc820642ed0:true 0xc820a66330:true 0xc82151fbc0:true 0xc8202b93c0:true 0xc820642f00:true 0xc8202b9540:true 0xc8202b9600:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
op = _r$2;
/* */ if (op === $throwNilPointerError) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ $s = 7; continue;
/* if (op === $throwNilPointerError) { */ case 6:
_r$3 = t.String(); /* map[0xc8202b9440:true 0xc8202b9580:true 0xc820642ea0:true 0xc8202b93c0:true 0xc8202b9480:true 0xc820642ed0:true 0xc820a66330:true 0xc82151fbc0:true 0xc820642f00:true 0xc8202b9540:true 0xc8202b9600:true 0xc8202b9340:true 0xc8202b9400:true 0xc8202b9500:true 0xc820642d50:true 0xc8202b9380:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$panic(new $String("reflect.Value.Convert: value of type " + v.typ.String() + " cannot be converted to type " + _r$3));
/* } */ case 7:
_r$4 = op(v, t); /* map[0xc8202b9540:true 0xc8202b9600:true 0xc820642f00:true 0xc8202b9500:true 0xc820642d50:true 0xc8202b9380:true 0xc8202b9340:true 0xc8202b9400:true 0xc8202b9580:true 0xc820642ea0:true 0xc8202b9440:true 0xc820642ed0:true 0xc820a66330:true 0xc82151fbc0:true 0xc8202b93c0:true 0xc8202b9480:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 10; case 10:
return _r$4;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=16) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: Value.ptr.prototype.Convert }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f.op = op; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Value.prototype.Convert = function(t) { return this.$val.Convert(t); };
convertOp = function(dst, src) {
var $ptr, _arg, _arg$1, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _ref$4, _ref$5, _ref$6, _v, _v$1, _v$2, dst, src, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _arg = $f._arg; _arg$1 = $f._arg$1; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _ref = $f._ref; _ref$1 = $f._ref$1; _ref$2 = $f._ref$2; _ref$3 = $f._ref$3; _ref$4 = $f._ref$4; _ref$5 = $f._ref$5; _ref$6 = $f._ref$6; _v = $f._v; _v$1 = $f._v$1; _v$2 = $f._v$2; dst = $f.dst; src = $f.src; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_ref = src.Kind();
/* */ if (_ref === 2 || _ref === 3 || _ref === 4 || _ref === 5 || _ref === 6) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 7 || _ref === 8 || _ref === 9 || _ref === 10 || _ref === 11 || _ref === 12) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 13 || _ref === 14) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 15 || _ref === 16) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 24) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 23) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ $s = 7; continue;
/* if (_ref === 2 || _ref === 3 || _ref === 4 || _ref === 5 || _ref === 6) { */ case 1:
_ref$1 = dst.Kind();
if (_ref$1 === 2 || _ref$1 === 3 || _ref$1 === 4 || _ref$1 === 5 || _ref$1 === 6 || _ref$1 === 7 || _ref$1 === 8 || _ref$1 === 9 || _ref$1 === 10 || _ref$1 === 11 || _ref$1 === 12) {
return cvtInt;
} else if (_ref$1 === 13 || _ref$1 === 14) {
return cvtIntFloat;
} else if (_ref$1 === 24) {
return cvtIntString;
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 7 || _ref === 8 || _ref === 9 || _ref === 10 || _ref === 11 || _ref === 12) { */ case 2:
_ref$2 = dst.Kind();
if (_ref$2 === 2 || _ref$2 === 3 || _ref$2 === 4 || _ref$2 === 5 || _ref$2 === 6 || _ref$2 === 7 || _ref$2 === 8 || _ref$2 === 9 || _ref$2 === 10 || _ref$2 === 11 || _ref$2 === 12) {
return cvtUint;
} else if (_ref$2 === 13 || _ref$2 === 14) {
return cvtUintFloat;
} else if (_ref$2 === 24) {
return cvtUintString;
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 13 || _ref === 14) { */ case 3:
_ref$3 = dst.Kind();
if (_ref$3 === 2 || _ref$3 === 3 || _ref$3 === 4 || _ref$3 === 5 || _ref$3 === 6) {
return cvtFloatInt;
} else if (_ref$3 === 7 || _ref$3 === 8 || _ref$3 === 9 || _ref$3 === 10 || _ref$3 === 11 || _ref$3 === 12) {
return cvtFloatUint;
} else if (_ref$3 === 13 || _ref$3 === 14) {
return cvtFloat;
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 15 || _ref === 16) { */ case 4:
_ref$4 = dst.Kind();
if (_ref$4 === 15 || _ref$4 === 16) {
return cvtComplex;
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 24) { */ case 5:
if (!(dst.Kind() === 23)) { _v = false; $s = 10; continue s; }
_r = dst.Elem().PkgPath(); /* map[0xc82012a280:true 0xc82012a6c0:true 0xc82012a1c0:true 0xc820643650:true 0xc8206437a0:true 0xc820643890:true 0xc820643a10:true 0xc820643ce0:true 0xc82012a600:true 0xc820643680:true 0xc82012a000:true 0xc82012a3c0:true 0xc82012a400:true 0xc82012a300:true 0xc82012a700:true 0xc820643ec0:true 0xc820643a70:true 0xc8206437d0:true 0xc8206438c0:true 0xc8206439e0:true 0xc82012a780:true 0xc820643aa0:true 0xc82012a180:true 0xc82012ab40:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_v = _r === ""; case 10:
/* */ if (_v) { $s = 8; continue; }
/* */ $s = 9; continue;
/* if (_v) { */ case 8:
_r$1 = dst.Elem().Kind(); /* map[0xc820643aa0:true 0xc82012a180:true 0xc82012ab40:true 0xc8206438c0:true 0xc8206439e0:true 0xc82012a780:true 0xc82012a1c0:true 0xc820643650:true 0xc8206437a0:true 0xc82012a280:true 0xc82012a6c0:true 0xc820643680:true 0xc82012a000:true 0xc82012a3c0:true 0xc820643890:true 0xc820643a10:true 0xc820643ce0:true 0xc82012a600:true 0xc820643ec0:true 0xc820643a70:true 0xc8206437d0:true 0xc82012a400:true 0xc82012a300:true 0xc82012a700:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_ref$5 = _r$1;
/* */ if (_ref$5 === 8) { $s = 13; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref$5 === 5) { $s = 14; continue; }
/* */ $s = 15; continue;
/* if (_ref$5 === 8) { */ case 13:
return cvtStringBytes;
/* } else if (_ref$5 === 5) { */ case 14:
return cvtStringRunes;
/* } */ case 15:
/* } */ case 9:
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 23) { */ case 6:
if (!(dst.Kind() === 24)) { _v$1 = false; $s = 18; continue s; }
_r$2 = src.Elem().PkgPath(); /* map[0xc820643680:true 0xc82012a000:true 0xc82012a3c0:true 0xc820643890:true 0xc820643a10:true 0xc820643ce0:true 0xc82012a600:true 0xc820643ec0:true 0xc820643a70:true 0xc8206437d0:true 0xc82012a400:true 0xc82012a300:true 0xc82012a700:true 0xc820643aa0:true 0xc82012a180:true 0xc82012ab40:true 0xc8206438c0:true 0xc8206439e0:true 0xc82012a780:true 0xc82012a1c0:true 0xc820643650:true 0xc8206437a0:true 0xc82012a280:true 0xc82012a6c0:true] */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_v$1 = _r$2 === ""; case 18:
/* */ if (_v$1) { $s = 16; continue; }
/* */ $s = 17; continue;
/* if (_v$1) { */ case 16:
_r$3 = src.Elem().Kind(); /* map[0xc82012a1c0:true 0xc820643650:true 0xc8206437a0:true 0xc82012a280:true 0xc82012a6c0:true 0xc820643ce0:true 0xc82012a600:true 0xc820643680:true 0xc82012a000:true 0xc82012a3c0:true 0xc820643890:true 0xc820643a10:true 0xc82012a700:true 0xc820643ec0:true 0xc820643a70:true 0xc8206437d0:true 0xc82012a400:true 0xc82012a300:true 0xc82012a780:true 0xc820643aa0:true 0xc82012a180:true 0xc82012ab40:true 0xc8206438c0:true 0xc8206439e0:true] */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_ref$6 = _r$3;
/* */ if (_ref$6 === 8) { $s = 21; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref$6 === 5) { $s = 22; continue; }
/* */ $s = 23; continue;
/* if (_ref$6 === 8) { */ case 21:
return cvtBytesString;
/* } else if (_ref$6 === 5) { */ case 22:
return cvtRunesString;
/* } */ case 23:
/* } */ case 17:
/* } */ case 7:
if (haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(dst, src)) {
return cvtDirect;
if (!((dst.Kind() === 22) && dst.Name() === "" && (src.Kind() === 22) && src.Name() === "")) { _v$2 = false; $s = 26; continue s; }
_r$4 = dst.Elem().common(); /* map[0xc8206438c0:true 0xc8206439e0:true 0xc82012a780:true 0xc820643aa0:true 0xc82012a180:true 0xc82012ab40:true 0xc82012a280:true 0xc82012a6c0:true 0xc82012a1c0:true 0xc820643650:true 0xc8206437a0:true 0xc820643890:true 0xc820643a10:true 0xc820643ce0:true 0xc82012a600:true 0xc820643680:true 0xc82012a000:true 0xc82012a3c0:true 0xc82012a400:true 0xc82012a300:true 0xc82012a700:true 0xc820643ec0:true 0xc820643a70:true 0xc8206437d0:true] */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_arg = _r$4;
_r$5 = src.Elem().common(); /* map[0xc82012a6c0:true 0xc82012a1c0:true 0xc820643650:true 0xc8206437a0:true 0xc82012a280:true 0xc820643a10:true 0xc820643ce0:true 0xc82012a600:true 0xc820643680:true 0xc82012a000:true 0xc82012a3c0:true 0xc820643890:true 0xc82012a300:true 0xc82012a700:true 0xc820643ec0:true 0xc820643a70:true 0xc8206437d0:true 0xc82012a400:true 0xc8206439e0:true 0xc82012a780:true 0xc820643aa0:true 0xc82012a180:true 0xc82012ab40:true 0xc8206438c0:true] */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_arg$1 = _r$5;
_r$6 = haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(_arg, _arg$1); /* map[0xc8206437d0:true 0xc82012a400:true 0xc82012a300:true 0xc82012a700:true 0xc820643ec0:true 0xc820643a70:true 0xc82012ab40:true 0xc8206438c0:true 0xc8206439e0:true 0xc82012a780:true 0xc820643aa0:true 0xc82012a180:true 0xc8206437a0:true 0xc82012a280:true 0xc82012a6c0:true 0xc82012a1c0:true 0xc820643650:true 0xc82012a3c0:true 0xc820643890:true 0xc820643a10:true 0xc820643ce0:true 0xc82012a600:true 0xc820643680:true 0xc82012a000:true] */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_v$2 = _r$6; case 26:
/* */ if (_v$2) { $s = 24; continue; }
/* */ $s = 25; continue;
/* if (_v$2) { */ case 24:
return cvtDirect;
/* } */ case 25:
if (implements$1(dst, src)) {
if (src.Kind() === 20) {
return cvtI2I;
return cvtT2I;
return $throwNilPointerError;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=24) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: convertOp }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._arg = _arg; $f._arg$1 = _arg$1; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._r$6 = _r$6; $f._ref = _ref; $f._ref$1 = _ref$1; $f._ref$2 = _ref$2; $f._ref$3 = _ref$3; $f._ref$4 = _ref$4; $f._ref$5 = _ref$5; $f._ref$6 = _ref$6; $f._v = _v; $f._v$1 = _v$1; $f._v$2 = _v$2; $f.dst = dst; $f.src = src; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
makeFloat = function(f, v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, _ref, f, ptr, t, typ, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _ref = $f._ref; f = $f.f; ptr = $f.ptr; t = $f.t; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r = t.common(); /* map[0xc8200e6480:true 0xc82012b340:true 0xc82012b300:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
typ = _r;
ptr = unsafe_New(typ);
_ref = typ.size;
if (_ref === 4) {
} else if (_ref === 8) {
return new Value.ptr(typ, ptr, (((f | 64) >>> 0) | (typ.Kind() >>> 0)) >>> 0);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: makeFloat }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._ref = _ref; $f.f = f; $f.ptr = ptr; $f.t = t; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
makeComplex = function(f, v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, _ref, f, ptr, t, typ, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _ref = $f._ref; f = $f.f; ptr = $f.ptr; t = $f.t; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r = t.common(); /* map[0xc8200e6720:true 0xc82012b900:true 0xc82012b8c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
typ = _r;
ptr = unsafe_New(typ);
_ref = typ.size;
if (_ref === 8) {
ptr.$set(new $Complex64(v.$real, v.$imag));
} else if (_ref === 16) {
return new Value.ptr(typ, ptr, (((f | 64) >>> 0) | (typ.Kind() >>> 0)) >>> 0);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: makeComplex }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._ref = _ref; $f.f = f; $f.ptr = ptr; $f.t = t; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
makeString = function(f, v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, f, ret, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; f = $f.f; ret = $f.ret; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r = New(t); /* map[0xc82011bcc0:true 0xc820793560:true 0xc82011bc00:true 0xc8200e68a0:true 0xc82011a140:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$1 = _r.Elem(); /* map[0xc82011bc00:true 0xc8200e68a0:true 0xc82011a140:true 0xc82011bcc0:true 0xc820793560:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
ret = _r$1;
ret.flag = (((ret.flag & ~128) >>> 0) | f) >>> 0;
return ret;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: makeString }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.f = f; $f.ret = ret; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
makeBytes = function(f, v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, f, ret, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; f = $f.f; ret = $f.ret; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r = New(t); /* map[0xc82011a7c0:true 0xc820a50e90:true 0xc82011a8c0:true 0xc8200e6a50:true 0xc82011a840:true 0xc82011a800:true 0xc820793920:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$1 = _r.Elem(); /* map[0xc8200e6a50:true 0xc82011a840:true 0xc82011a800:true 0xc820793920:true 0xc82011a7c0:true 0xc820a50e90:true 0xc82011a8c0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
ret = _r$1;
$r = ret.SetBytes(v); /* map[0xc82011a8c0:true 0xc8200e6a50:true 0xc82011a840:true 0xc82011a800:true 0xc820793920:true 0xc82011a7c0:true 0xc820a50e90:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
ret.flag = (((ret.flag & ~128) >>> 0) | f) >>> 0;
return ret;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: makeBytes }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.f = f; $f.ret = ret; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
makeRunes = function(f, v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, f, ret, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; f = $f.f; ret = $f.ret; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r = New(t); /* map[0xc82011ab80:true 0xc82011ab00:true 0xc820793d40:true 0xc82011aac0:true 0xc820a510f0:true 0xc82011abc0:true 0xc8200e6c00:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$1 = _r.Elem(); /* map[0xc820a510f0:true 0xc82011abc0:true 0xc8200e6c00:true 0xc82011ab80:true 0xc82011ab00:true 0xc820793d40:true 0xc82011aac0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
ret = _r$1;
$r = ret.setRunes(v); /* map[0xc820a510f0:true 0xc82011abc0:true 0xc8200e6c00:true 0xc82011ab80:true 0xc82011ab00:true 0xc820793d40:true 0xc82011aac0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
ret.flag = (((ret.flag & ~128) >>> 0) | f) >>> 0;
return ret;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: makeRunes }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.f = f; $f.ret = ret; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtInt = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, t, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = makeInt((v.flag & 32) >>> 0, (x = v.Int(), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)), t); /* map[0xc8200e6d50:true 0xc8207a62a0:true 0xc82011ae80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtInt }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtUint = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = makeInt((v.flag & 32) >>> 0, v.Uint(), t); /* map[0xc8200e6ea0:true 0xc8207a65a0:true 0xc82011b000:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtUint }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtFloatInt = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, t, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = makeInt((v.flag & 32) >>> 0, (x = new $Int64(0, v.Float()), new $Uint64(x.$high, x.$low)), t); /* map[0xc82011b240:true 0xc8200e6ff0:true 0xc8207a68a0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtFloatInt }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtFloatUint = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = makeInt((v.flag & 32) >>> 0, new $Uint64(0, v.Float()), t); /* map[0xc8200e7140:true 0xc8207a6ba0:true 0xc82011b400:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtFloatUint }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtIntFloat = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = makeFloat((v.flag & 32) >>> 0, $flatten64(v.Int()), t); /* map[0xc82011b5c0:true 0xc8200e7290:true 0xc8207a6e60:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtIntFloat }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtUintFloat = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = makeFloat((v.flag & 32) >>> 0, $flatten64(v.Uint()), t); /* map[0xc8200e73e0:true 0xc8207a7180:true 0xc82011b7c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtUintFloat }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtFloat = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = makeFloat((v.flag & 32) >>> 0, v.Float(), t); /* map[0xc8200e7530:true 0xc8207a7420:true 0xc82011b940:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtFloat }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtComplex = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = makeComplex((v.flag & 32) >>> 0, v.Complex(), t); /* map[0xc8207a76a0:true 0xc82011bb00:true 0xc8200e76b0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtComplex }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtIntString = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = makeString((v.flag & 32) >>> 0, $encodeRune(v.Int().$low), t); /* map[0xc8200e7800:true 0xc8207a7960:true 0xc82011bd40:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtIntString }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtUintString = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _r, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = makeString((v.flag & 32) >>> 0, $encodeRune(v.Uint().$low), t); /* map[0xc820014400:true 0xc8200e7950:true 0xc8207a7c80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 2; case 2:
return _r;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtUintString }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtBytesString = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _arg = $f._arg; _arg$1 = $f._arg$1; _arg$2 = $f._arg$2; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_arg = (v.flag & 32) >>> 0;
_r = v.Bytes(); /* map[0xc8200e7aa0:true 0xc8207a7f40:true 0xc8200148c0:true 0xc820014700:true 0xc820014640:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_arg$1 = $bytesToString(_r);
_arg$2 = t;
_r$1 = makeString(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* map[0xc8200e7aa0:true 0xc8207a7f40:true 0xc8200148c0:true 0xc820014700:true 0xc820014640:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 3; case 3:
return _r$1;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtBytesString }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._arg = _arg; $f._arg$1 = _arg$1; $f._arg$2 = _arg$2; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtStringBytes = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _arg = $f._arg; _arg$1 = $f._arg$1; _arg$2 = $f._arg$2; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_arg = (v.flag & 32) >>> 0;
_r = v.String(); /* map[0xc820015bc0:true 0xc820015b80:true 0xc8200e7c20:true 0xc820576200:true 0xc820015f80:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_arg$1 = new sliceType$13($stringToBytes(_r));
_arg$2 = t;
_r$1 = makeBytes(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* map[0xc8200e7c20:true 0xc820576200:true 0xc820015f80:true 0xc820015bc0:true 0xc820015b80:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 3; case 3:
return _r$1;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtStringBytes }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._arg = _arg; $f._arg$1 = _arg$1; $f._arg$2 = _arg$2; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtRunesString = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _arg = $f._arg; _arg$1 = $f._arg$1; _arg$2 = $f._arg$2; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_arg = (v.flag & 32) >>> 0;
_r = v.runes(); /* map[0xc8200e7d70:true 0xc8205764c0:true 0xc820014900:true 0xc8200146c0:true 0xc820014680:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_arg$1 = $runesToString(_r);
_arg$2 = t;
_r$1 = makeString(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* map[0xc820014680:true 0xc8200e7d70:true 0xc8205764c0:true 0xc820014900:true 0xc8200146c0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 3; case 3:
return _r$1;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtRunesString }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._arg = _arg; $f._arg$1 = _arg$1; $f._arg$2 = _arg$2; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtStringRunes = function(v, t) {
var $ptr, _arg, _arg$1, _arg$2, _r, _r$1, t, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _arg = $f._arg; _arg$1 = $f._arg$1; _arg$2 = $f._arg$2; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; t = $f.t; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_arg = (v.flag & 32) >>> 0;
_r = v.String(); /* map[0xc8200e7ef0:true 0xc820576780:true 0xc820b02000:true 0xc820015e40:true 0xc820015c40:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_arg$1 = new sliceType$15($stringToRunes(_r));
_arg$2 = t;
_r$1 = makeRunes(_arg, _arg$1, _arg$2); /* map[0xc820576780:true 0xc820b02000:true 0xc820015e40:true 0xc820015c40:true 0xc8200e7ef0:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 3; case 3:
return _r$1;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=5) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtStringRunes }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._arg = _arg; $f._arg$1 = _arg$1; $f._arg$2 = _arg$2; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f.t = t; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtT2I = function(v, typ) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, target, typ, v, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; target = $; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r = typ.common(); /* map[0xc820b02a80:true 0xc820577cc0:true 0xc820840540:true 0xc820b029c0:true 0xc820b02980:true 0xc820840330:true 0xc820b02a40:true 0xc820b02a00:true 0xc820b02940:true 0xc820b021c0:true 0xc820b02440:true 0xc820b022c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$1 = unsafe_New(_r); /* map[0xc820b021c0:true 0xc820b02440:true 0xc820b022c0:true 0xc820b02a40:true 0xc820b02a00:true 0xc820b02940:true 0xc820b029c0:true 0xc820b02980:true 0xc820840330:true 0xc820b02a80:true 0xc820577cc0:true 0xc820840540:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
target = _r$1;
_r$2 = valueInterface(v, false); /* map[0xc820b02440:true 0xc820b022c0:true 0xc820b02a40:true 0xc820b02a00:true 0xc820b02940:true 0xc820b021c0:true 0xc820b02980:true 0xc820840330:true 0xc820b02a80:true 0xc820577cc0:true 0xc820840540:true 0xc820b029c0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
x = _r$2;
_r$3 = typ.NumMethod(); /* map[0xc820840330:true 0xc820b02a80:true 0xc820577cc0:true 0xc820840540:true 0xc820b029c0:true 0xc820b02980:true 0xc820b022c0:true 0xc820b02a40:true 0xc820b02a00:true 0xc820b02940:true 0xc820b021c0:true 0xc820b02440:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (_r$3 === 0) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ $s = 5; continue;
/* if (_r$3 === 0) { */ case 4:
$s = 6; continue;
/* } else { */ case 5:
ifaceE2I($assertType(typ, ptrType$1), x, target);
/* } */ case 6:
_r$4 = typ.common(); /* map[0xc820b02940:true 0xc820b021c0:true 0xc820b02440:true 0xc820b022c0:true 0xc820b02a40:true 0xc820b02a00:true 0xc820840540:true 0xc820b029c0:true 0xc820b02980:true 0xc820840330:true 0xc820b02a80:true 0xc820577cc0:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 9; case 9:
return new Value.ptr(_r$4, target, (((((v.flag & 32) >>> 0) | 64) >>> 0) | 20) >>> 0);
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=12) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtT2I }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $ = target; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.x = x; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
cvtI2I = function(v, typ) {
var $ptr, _r, _r$1, _r$2, ret, typ, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r = $f._r; _r$1 = $f._r$1; _r$2 = $f._r$2; ret = $f.ret; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
/* */ if (v.IsNil()) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (v.IsNil()) { */ case 1:
_r = Zero(typ); /* map[0xc820b028c0:true 0xc820b02700:true 0xc8205700c0:true 0xc820b02c00:true 0xc820b02bc0:true 0xc820840750:true 0xc820b02b80:true 0xc820840720:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r = _r.$blk(); } if (_r && _r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
ret = _r;
ret.flag = (ret.flag | (((v.flag & 32) >>> 0))) >>> 0;
return ret;
/* } */ case 2:
_r$1 = v.Elem(); /* map[0xc820b02c00:true 0xc820b02bc0:true 0xc820840750:true 0xc820b02b80:true 0xc820840720:true 0xc820b028c0:true 0xc820b02700:true 0xc8205700c0:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$1 = _r$1.$blk(); } if (_r$1 && _r$1.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$2 = cvtT2I(_r$1, typ); /* map[0xc820b02700:true 0xc8205700c0:true 0xc820b02c00:true 0xc820b02bc0:true 0xc820840750:true 0xc820b02b80:true 0xc820840720:true 0xc820b028c0:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ $s = 6; case 6:
return _r$2;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=8) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: cvtI2I }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r = _r; $f._r$1 = _r$1; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f.ret = ret; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
Kind.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
ptrType$1.methods = [{prop: "ptrTo", name: "ptrTo", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "pointers", name: "pointers", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Comparable", name: "Comparable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "Bits", name: "Bits", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Align", name: "Align", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "FieldAlign", name: "FieldAlign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "common", name: "common", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Method], false)}, {prop: "MethodByName", name: "MethodByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Method, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "ChanDir", name: "ChanDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ChanDir], false)}, {prop: "IsVariadic", name: "IsVariadic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Field", name: "Field", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldByIndex", name: "FieldByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$11], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldByName", name: "FieldByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [StructField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "FieldByNameFunc", name: "FieldByNameFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [StructField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "In", name: "In", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Key", name: "Key", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumField", name: "NumField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumIn", name: "NumIn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumOut", name: "NumOut", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Out", name: "Out", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Implements", name: "Implements", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "AssignableTo", name: "AssignableTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ConvertibleTo", name: "ConvertibleTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}];
ptrType$7.methods = [{prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Method], false)}, {prop: "uncommon", name: "uncommon", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$7], false)}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "MethodByName", name: "MethodByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Method, $Bool], false)}];
ChanDir.methods = [{prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
ptrType$11.methods = [{prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Method], false)}, {prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "MethodByName", name: "MethodByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Method, $Bool], false)}];
ptrType$13.methods = [{prop: "Field", name: "Field", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldByIndex", name: "FieldByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$11], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldByNameFunc", name: "FieldByNameFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [StructField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "FieldByName", name: "FieldByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [StructField, $Bool], false)}];
StructTag.methods = [{prop: "Get", name: "Get", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [$String], false)}];
Value.methods = [{prop: "object", name: "object", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$3], false)}, {prop: "call", name: "call", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([$String, sliceType$8], [sliceType$8], false)}, {prop: "Cap", name: "Cap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Field", name: "Field", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "InterfaceData", name: "InterfaceData", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [arrayType$3], false)}, {prop: "IsNil", name: "IsNil", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Pointer", name: "Pointer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "Set", name: "Set", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [], false)}, {prop: "SetCap", name: "SetCap", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "SetLen", name: "SetLen", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [], false)}, {prop: "Slice", name: "Slice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Slice3", name: "Slice3", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int, $Int, $Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Close", name: "Close", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "pointer", name: "pointer", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [$UnsafePointer], false)}, {prop: "Addr", name: "Addr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Bool", name: "Bool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Bytes", name: "Bytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$13], false)}, {prop: "runes", name: "runes", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$15], false)}, {prop: "CanAddr", name: "CanAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "CanSet", name: "CanSet", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Call", name: "Call", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$8], [sliceType$8], false)}, {prop: "CallSlice", name: "CallSlice", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$8], [sliceType$8], false)}, {prop: "Complex", name: "Complex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Complex128], false)}, {prop: "FieldByIndex", name: "FieldByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$11], [Value], false)}, {prop: "FieldByName", name: "FieldByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Value], false)}, {prop: "FieldByNameFunc", name: "FieldByNameFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Float", name: "Float", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Float64], false)}, {prop: "Int", name: "Int", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int64], false)}, {prop: "CanInterface", name: "CanInterface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Interface", name: "Interface", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$emptyInterface], false)}, {prop: "IsValid", name: "IsValid", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "MapIndex", name: "MapIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [Value], false)}, {prop: "MapKeys", name: "MapKeys", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [sliceType$8], false)}, {prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Value], false)}, {prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "MethodByName", name: "MethodByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Value], false)}, {prop: "NumField", name: "NumField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "OverflowComplex", name: "OverflowComplex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex128], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "OverflowFloat", name: "OverflowFloat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "OverflowInt", name: "OverflowInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "OverflowUint", name: "OverflowUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Recv", name: "Recv", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "recv", name: "recv", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [Value, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Send", name: "Send", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [], false)}, {prop: "send", name: "send", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([Value, $Bool], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "SetBool", name: "SetBool", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Bool], [], false)}, {prop: "SetBytes", name: "SetBytes", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$13], [], false)}, {prop: "setRunes", name: "setRunes", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([sliceType$15], [], false)}, {prop: "SetComplex", name: "SetComplex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Complex128], [], false)}, {prop: "SetFloat", name: "SetFloat", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Float64], [], false)}, {prop: "SetInt", name: "SetInt", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int64], [], false)}, {prop: "SetMapIndex", name: "SetMapIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value, Value], [], false)}, {prop: "SetUint", name: "SetUint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Uint64], [], false)}, {prop: "SetPointer", name: "SetPointer", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$UnsafePointer], [], false)}, {prop: "SetString", name: "SetString", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "TryRecv", name: "TryRecv", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Value, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "TrySend", name: "TrySend", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Value], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Uint", name: "Uint", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uint64], false)}, {prop: "UnsafeAddr", name: "UnsafeAddr", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "assignTo", name: "assignTo", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([$String, ptrType$1, $UnsafePointer], [Value], false)}, {prop: "Convert", name: "Convert", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [Value], false)}];
flag.methods = [{prop: "kind", name: "kind", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "mustBe", name: "mustBe", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([Kind], [], false)}, {prop: "mustBeExported", name: "mustBeExported", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}, {prop: "mustBeAssignable", name: "mustBeAssignable", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [], false)}];
ptrType$20.methods = [{prop: "Error", name: "Error", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}];
mapIter.init([{prop: "t", name: "t", pkg: "reflect", typ: Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "m", name: "m", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "keys", name: "keys", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$3, tag: ""}, {prop: "i", name: "i", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Int, tag: ""}]);
Type.init([{prop: "Align", name: "Align", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "AssignableTo", name: "AssignableTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Bits", name: "Bits", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "ChanDir", name: "ChanDir", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [ChanDir], false)}, {prop: "Comparable", name: "Comparable", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "ConvertibleTo", name: "ConvertibleTo", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Elem", name: "Elem", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Field", name: "Field", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldAlign", name: "FieldAlign", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "FieldByIndex", name: "FieldByIndex", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([sliceType$11], [StructField], false)}, {prop: "FieldByName", name: "FieldByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [StructField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "FieldByNameFunc", name: "FieldByNameFunc", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([funcType$3], [StructField, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Implements", name: "Implements", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([Type], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "In", name: "In", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Type], false)}, {prop: "IsVariadic", name: "IsVariadic", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Bool], false)}, {prop: "Key", name: "Key", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Type], false)}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [Kind], false)}, {prop: "Len", name: "Len", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Method], false)}, {prop: "MethodByName", name: "MethodByName", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$String], [Method, $Bool], false)}, {prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "NumField", name: "NumField", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumIn", name: "NumIn", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumMethod", name: "NumMethod", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "NumOut", name: "NumOut", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Int], false)}, {prop: "Out", name: "Out", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([$Int], [Type], false)}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "Size", name: "Size", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$Uintptr], false)}, {prop: "String", name: "String", pkg: "", typ: $funcType([], [$String], false)}, {prop: "common", name: "common", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$1], false)}, {prop: "uncommon", name: "uncommon", pkg: "reflect", typ: $funcType([], [ptrType$7], false)}]);
rtype.init([{prop: "size", name: "size", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptrdata", name: "ptrdata", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "hash", name: "hash", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uint32, tag: ""}, {prop: "_$3", name: "_", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "align", name: "align", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "fieldAlign", name: "fieldAlign", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "kind", name: "kind", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "alg", name: "alg", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "gcdata", name: "gcdata", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$5, tag: ""}, {prop: "string", name: "string", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "uncommonType", name: "", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$7, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptrToThis", name: "ptrToThis", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "zero", name: "zero", pkg: "reflect", typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}]);
typeAlg.init([{prop: "hash", name: "hash", pkg: "reflect", typ: funcType$4, tag: ""}, {prop: "equal", name: "equal", pkg: "reflect", typ: funcType$5, tag: ""}]);
method.init([{prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "mtyp", name: "mtyp", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "ifn", name: "ifn", pkg: "reflect", typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "tfn", name: "tfn", pkg: "reflect", typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}]);
uncommonType.init([{prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "methods", name: "methods", pkg: "reflect", typ: sliceType$4, tag: ""}]);
arrayType.init([{prop: "rtype", name: "", pkg: "reflect", typ: rtype, tag: "reflect:\"array\""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "slice", name: "slice", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "len", name: "len", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}]);
chanType.init([{prop: "rtype", name: "", pkg: "reflect", typ: rtype, tag: "reflect:\"chan\""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "dir", name: "dir", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}]);
funcType.init([{prop: "rtype", name: "", pkg: "reflect", typ: rtype, tag: "reflect:\"func\""}, {prop: "dotdotdot", name: "dotdotdot", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}, {prop: "in$2", name: "in", pkg: "reflect", typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "out", name: "out", pkg: "reflect", typ: sliceType$1, tag: ""}]);
imethod.init([{prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]);
interfaceType.init([{prop: "rtype", name: "", pkg: "reflect", typ: rtype, tag: "reflect:\"interface\""}, {prop: "methods", name: "methods", pkg: "reflect", typ: sliceType$5, tag: ""}]);
mapType.init([{prop: "rtype", name: "", pkg: "reflect", typ: rtype, tag: "reflect:\"map\""}, {prop: "key", name: "key", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "bucket", name: "bucket", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "hmap", name: "hmap", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "keysize", name: "keysize", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "indirectkey", name: "indirectkey", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "valuesize", name: "valuesize", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "indirectvalue", name: "indirectvalue", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uint8, tag: ""}, {prop: "bucketsize", name: "bucketsize", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uint16, tag: ""}, {prop: "reflexivekey", name: "reflexivekey", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]);
ptrType.init([{prop: "rtype", name: "", pkg: "reflect", typ: rtype, tag: "reflect:\"ptr\""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]);
sliceType.init([{prop: "rtype", name: "", pkg: "reflect", typ: rtype, tag: "reflect:\"slice\""}, {prop: "elem", name: "elem", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}]);
structField.init([{prop: "name", name: "name", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "pkgPath", name: "pkgPath", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "typ", name: "typ", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "tag", name: "tag", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$6, tag: ""}, {prop: "offset", name: "offset", pkg: "reflect", typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}]);
structType.init([{prop: "rtype", name: "", pkg: "reflect", typ: rtype, tag: "reflect:\"struct\""}, {prop: "fields", name: "fields", pkg: "reflect", typ: sliceType$6, tag: ""}]);
Method.init([{prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "Func", name: "Func", pkg: "", typ: Value, tag: ""}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: $Int, tag: ""}]);
StructField.init([{prop: "Name", name: "Name", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "PkgPath", name: "PkgPath", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Type", name: "Type", pkg: "", typ: Type, tag: ""}, {prop: "Tag", name: "Tag", pkg: "", typ: StructTag, tag: ""}, {prop: "Offset", name: "Offset", pkg: "", typ: $Uintptr, tag: ""}, {prop: "Index", name: "Index", pkg: "", typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}, {prop: "Anonymous", name: "Anonymous", pkg: "", typ: $Bool, tag: ""}]);
fieldScan.init([{prop: "typ", name: "typ", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$13, tag: ""}, {prop: "index", name: "index", pkg: "reflect", typ: sliceType$11, tag: ""}]);
Value.init([{prop: "typ", name: "typ", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$1, tag: ""}, {prop: "ptr", name: "ptr", pkg: "reflect", typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}, {prop: "flag", name: "", pkg: "reflect", typ: flag, tag: ""}]);
ValueError.init([{prop: "Method", name: "Method", pkg: "", typ: $String, tag: ""}, {prop: "Kind", name: "Kind", pkg: "", typ: Kind, tag: ""}]);
nonEmptyInterface.init([{prop: "itab", name: "itab", pkg: "reflect", typ: ptrType$9, tag: ""}, {prop: "word", name: "word", pkg: "reflect", typ: $UnsafePointer, tag: ""}]);
$init = function() {
$pkg.$init = function() {};
/* */ var $f, $c = false, $s = 0, $r; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
$r = errors.$init(); /* map[0xc820bf1e00:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = js.$init(); /* map[0xc820bf1e00:true 0xc820bf1e80:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = math.$init(); /* map[0xc820bf1e00:true 0xc820bf1e80:true 0xc820bf1f40:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = runtime.$init(); /* map[0xc820bf1e00:true 0xc820bf1e80:true 0xc820bf1f40:true 0xc820bf1f80:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = strconv.$init(); /* map[0xc820bf1e00:true 0xc820bf1e80:true 0xc820bf1f40:true 0xc820bf1f80:true 0xc820bf1fc0:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = sync.$init(); /* map[0xc820bf1e00:true 0xc820bf1e80:true 0xc820bf1f40:true 0xc820bf1f80:true 0xc820bf1fc0:true 0xc820fdc040:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
initialized = false;
stringPtrMap = {};
callHelper = $assertType($internalize($call, $emptyInterface), funcType$1);
selectHelper = $assertType($internalize($select, $emptyInterface), funcType$1);
kindNames = new sliceType$3(["invalid", "bool", "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "uintptr", "float32", "float64", "complex64", "complex128", "array", "chan", "func", "interface", "map", "ptr", "slice", "string", "struct", "unsafe.Pointer"]);
jsObjectPtr = reflectType($jsObjectPtr);
uint8Type = $assertType(TypeOf(new $Uint8(0)), ptrType$1);
$r = init(); /* map[0xc820bf1e80:true 0xc820bf1f40:true 0xc820bf1f80:true 0xc820bf1fc0:true 0xc820fdc040:true 0xc820fdcf00:true 0xc820bf1e00:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ } return; } if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: $init }; } $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
$pkg.$init = $init;
return $pkg;
$packages["fmt"] = (function() {
var $pkg = {}, $init, errors, io, math, os, reflect, strconv, sync, utf8, fmtFlags, fmt, State, Formatter, Stringer, GoStringer, buffer, pp, runeUnreader, scanError, ss, ssave, sliceType, sliceType$1, ptrType, arrayType, arrayType$1, ptrType$1, arrayType$2, sliceType$2, ptrType$2, ptrType$5, ptrType$25, funcType, padZeroBytes, padSpaceBytes, trueBytes, falseBytes, commaSpaceBytes, nilAngleBytes, nilParenBytes, nilBytes, mapBytes, percentBangBytes, missingBytes, badIndexBytes, panicBytes, extraBytes, irparenBytes, bytesBytes, badWidthBytes, badPrecBytes, noVerbBytes, ppFree, intBits, uintptrBits, byteType, space, ssFree, complexError, boolError, _r, _r$1, init, doPrec, newPrinter, Fprintf, Printf, getField, tooLarge, parsenum, intFromArg, parseArgNumber, isSpace, notSpace, indexRune;
errors = $packages["errors"];
io = $packages["io"];
math = $packages["math"];
os = $packages["os"];
reflect = $packages["reflect"];
strconv = $packages["strconv"];
sync = $packages["sync"];
utf8 = $packages["unicode/utf8"];
fmtFlags = $pkg.fmtFlags = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.fmtFlags", "fmtFlags", "fmt", function(widPresent_, precPresent_, minus_, plus_, sharp_, space_, unicode_, uniQuote_, zero_, plusV_, sharpV_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.widPresent = false;
this.precPresent = false;
this.minus = false; = false; = false; = false;
this.unicode = false;
this.uniQuote = false; = false;
this.plusV = false;
this.sharpV = false;
this.widPresent = widPresent_;
this.precPresent = precPresent_;
this.minus = minus_; = plus_; = sharp_; = space_;
this.unicode = unicode_;
this.uniQuote = uniQuote_; = zero_;
this.plusV = plusV_;
this.sharpV = sharpV_;
fmt = $pkg.fmt = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.fmt", "fmt", "fmt", function(intbuf_, buf_, wid_, prec_, fmtFlags_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.intbuf = arrayType$;
this.buf = ptrType$1.nil;
this.wid = 0;
this.prec = 0;
this.fmtFlags = new fmtFlags.ptr(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
this.intbuf = intbuf_;
this.buf = buf_;
this.wid = wid_;
this.prec = prec_;
this.fmtFlags = fmtFlags_;
State = $pkg.State = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fmt.State", "State", "fmt", null);
Formatter = $pkg.Formatter = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fmt.Formatter", "Formatter", "fmt", null);
Stringer = $pkg.Stringer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fmt.Stringer", "Stringer", "fmt", null);
GoStringer = $pkg.GoStringer = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fmt.GoStringer", "GoStringer", "fmt", null);
buffer = $pkg.buffer = $newType(12, $kindSlice, "fmt.buffer", "buffer", "fmt", null);
pp = $pkg.pp = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.pp", "pp", "fmt", function(n_, panicking_, erroring_, buf_, arg_, value_, reordered_, goodArgNum_, runeBuf_, fmt_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.n = 0;
this.panicking = false;
this.erroring = false;
this.buf = buffer.nil;
this.arg = $ifaceNil;
this.value = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType.nil, 0, 0);
this.reordered = false;
this.goodArgNum = false;
this.runeBuf =;
this.fmt = new fmt.ptr(arrayType$, ptrType$1.nil, 0, 0, new fmtFlags.ptr(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false));
this.n = n_;
this.panicking = panicking_;
this.erroring = erroring_;
this.buf = buf_;
this.arg = arg_;
this.value = value_;
this.reordered = reordered_;
this.goodArgNum = goodArgNum_;
this.runeBuf = runeBuf_;
this.fmt = fmt_;
runeUnreader = $pkg.runeUnreader = $newType(8, $kindInterface, "fmt.runeUnreader", "runeUnreader", "fmt", null);
scanError = $pkg.scanError = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.scanError", "scanError", "fmt", function(err_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.err = $ifaceNil;
this.err = err_;
ss = $ = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "", "ss", "fmt", function(rr_, buf_, peekRune_, prevRune_, count_, atEOF_, ssave_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.rr = $ifaceNil;
this.buf = buffer.nil;
this.peekRune = 0;
this.prevRune = 0;
this.count = 0;
this.atEOF = false;
this.ssave = new ssave.ptr(false, false, false, 0, 0, 0);
this.rr = rr_;
this.buf = buf_;
this.peekRune = peekRune_;
this.prevRune = prevRune_;
this.count = count_;
this.atEOF = atEOF_;
this.ssave = ssave_;
ssave = $pkg.ssave = $newType(0, $kindStruct, "fmt.ssave", "ssave", "fmt", function(validSave_, nlIsEnd_, nlIsSpace_, argLimit_, limit_, maxWid_) {
this.$val = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.validSave = false;
this.nlIsEnd = false;
this.nlIsSpace = false;
this.argLimit = 0;
this.limit = 0;
this.maxWid = 0;
this.validSave = validSave_;
this.nlIsEnd = nlIsEnd_;
this.nlIsSpace = nlIsSpace_;
this.argLimit = argLimit_;
this.limit = limit_;
this.maxWid = maxWid_;
sliceType = $sliceType($Uint8);
sliceType$1 = $sliceType($emptyInterface);
ptrType = $ptrType(reflect.rtype);
arrayType = $arrayType($Uint8, 4);
arrayType$1 = $arrayType($Uint8, 65);
ptrType$1 = $ptrType(buffer);
arrayType$2 = $arrayType($Uint16, 2);
sliceType$2 = $sliceType(arrayType$2);
ptrType$2 = $ptrType(pp);
ptrType$5 = $ptrType(ss);
ptrType$25 = $ptrType(fmt);
funcType = $funcType([$Int32], [$Bool], false);
init = function() {
var $ptr, i;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < 65)) { break; }
((i < 0 || i >= padZeroBytes.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : padZeroBytes.$array[padZeroBytes.$offset + i] = 48);
((i < 0 || i >= padSpaceBytes.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : padSpaceBytes.$array[padSpaceBytes.$offset + i] = 32);
i = i + (1) >> 0;
fmt.ptr.prototype.clearflags = function() {
var $ptr, f;
f = this;
fmtFlags.copy(f.fmtFlags, new fmtFlags.ptr(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false));
fmt.prototype.clearflags = function() { return this.$val.clearflags(); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.init = function(buf) {
var $ptr, buf, f;
f = this;
f.buf = buf;
fmt.prototype.init = function(buf) { return this.$val.init(buf); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.computePadding = function(width) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, _tmp$6, _tmp$7, _tmp$8, f, left, leftWidth, padding, rightWidth, w, width;
padding = sliceType.nil;
leftWidth = 0;
rightWidth = 0;
f = this;
left = !f.fmtFlags.minus;
w = f.wid;
if (w < 0) {
left = false;
w = -w;
w = w - (width) >> 0;
if (w > 0) {
if (left && {
_tmp = padZeroBytes;
_tmp$1 = w;
_tmp$2 = 0;
padding = _tmp;
leftWidth = _tmp$1;
rightWidth = _tmp$2;
return [padding, leftWidth, rightWidth];
if (left) {
_tmp$3 = padSpaceBytes;
_tmp$4 = w;
_tmp$5 = 0;
padding = _tmp$3;
leftWidth = _tmp$4;
rightWidth = _tmp$5;
return [padding, leftWidth, rightWidth];
} else {
_tmp$6 = padSpaceBytes;
_tmp$7 = 0;
_tmp$8 = w;
padding = _tmp$6;
leftWidth = _tmp$7;
rightWidth = _tmp$8;
return [padding, leftWidth, rightWidth];
return [padding, leftWidth, rightWidth];
fmt.prototype.computePadding = function(width) { return this.$val.computePadding(width); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.writePadding = function(n, padding) {
var $ptr, f, m, n, padding;
f = this;
while (true) {
if (!(n > 0)) { break; }
m = n;
if (m > 65) {
m = 65;
f.buf.Write($subslice(padding, 0, m));
n = n - (m) >> 0;
fmt.prototype.writePadding = function(n, padding) { return this.$val.writePadding(n, padding); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.pad = function(b) {
var $ptr, _tuple, b, f, left, padding, right;
f = this;
if (!f.fmtFlags.widPresent || (f.wid === 0)) {
_tuple = f.computePadding(utf8.RuneCount(b));
padding = _tuple[0];
left = _tuple[1];
right = _tuple[2];
if (left > 0) {
f.writePadding(left, padding);
if (right > 0) {
f.writePadding(right, padding);
fmt.prototype.pad = function(b) { return this.$val.pad(b); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.padString = function(s) {
var $ptr, _tuple, f, left, padding, right, s;
f = this;
if (!f.fmtFlags.widPresent || (f.wid === 0)) {
_tuple = f.computePadding(utf8.RuneCountInString(s));
padding = _tuple[0];
left = _tuple[1];
right = _tuple[2];
if (left > 0) {
f.writePadding(left, padding);
if (right > 0) {
f.writePadding(right, padding);
fmt.prototype.padString = function(s) { return this.$val.padString(s); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_boolean = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
if (v) {
} else {
fmt.prototype.fmt_boolean = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_boolean(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.integer = function(a, base, signedness, digits) {
var $ptr, _ref, _ref$1, a, base, buf, digits, f, i, j, negative, next, prec, runeWidth, signedness, ua, width, width$1, x, x$1, x$2, x$3;
f = this;
if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent && (f.prec === 0) && (a.$high === 0 && a.$low === 0)) {
negative = signedness && (a.$high < 0 || (a.$high === 0 && a.$low < 0));
if (negative) {
a = new $Int64(-a.$high, -a.$low);
buf = $subslice(new sliceType(f.intbuf), 0);
if (f.fmtFlags.widPresent || f.fmtFlags.precPresent || || {
width = f.wid + f.prec >> 0;
if ((base.$high === 0 && base.$low === 16) && {
width = width + (2) >> 0;
if (f.fmtFlags.unicode) {
width = width + (2) >> 0;
if (f.fmtFlags.uniQuote) {
width = width + (7) >> 0;
if (negative || || {
width = width + (1) >> 0;
if (width > 65) {
buf = $makeSlice(sliceType, width);
prec = 0;
if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent) {
prec = f.prec; = false;
} else if ( && f.fmtFlags.widPresent && !f.fmtFlags.minus && f.wid > 0) {
prec = f.wid;
if (negative || || {
prec = prec - (1) >> 0;
i = buf.$length;
ua = new $Uint64(a.$high, a.$low);
_ref = base;
if ((_ref.$high === 0 && _ref.$low === 10)) {
while (true) {
if (!((ua.$high > 0 || (ua.$high === 0 && ua.$low >= 10)))) { break; }
i = i - (1) >> 0;
next = $div64(ua, new $Uint64(0, 10), false);
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = ((x = new $Uint64(0 + ua.$high, 48 + ua.$low), x$1 = $mul64(next, new $Uint64(0, 10)), new $Uint64(x.$high - x$1.$high, x.$low - x$1.$low)).$low << 24 >>> 24));
ua = next;
} else if ((_ref.$high === 0 && _ref.$low === 16)) {
while (true) {
if (!((ua.$high > 0 || (ua.$high === 0 && ua.$low >= 16)))) { break; }
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = digits.charCodeAt($flatten64(new $Uint64(ua.$high & 0, (ua.$low & 15) >>> 0))));
ua = $shiftRightUint64(ua, (4));
} else if ((_ref.$high === 0 && _ref.$low === 8)) {
while (true) {
if (!((ua.$high > 0 || (ua.$high === 0 && ua.$low >= 8)))) { break; }
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = ((x$2 = new $Uint64(ua.$high & 0, (ua.$low & 7) >>> 0), new $Uint64(0 + x$2.$high, 48 + x$2.$low)).$low << 24 >>> 24));
ua = $shiftRightUint64(ua, (3));
} else if ((_ref.$high === 0 && _ref.$low === 2)) {
while (true) {
if (!((ua.$high > 0 || (ua.$high === 0 && ua.$low >= 2)))) { break; }
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = ((x$3 = new $Uint64(ua.$high & 0, (ua.$low & 1) >>> 0), new $Uint64(0 + x$3.$high, 48 + x$3.$low)).$low << 24 >>> 24));
ua = $shiftRightUint64(ua, (1));
} else {
$panic(new $String("fmt: unknown base; can't happen"));
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = digits.charCodeAt($flatten64(ua)));
while (true) {
if (!(i > 0 && prec > (buf.$length - i >> 0))) { break; }
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 48);
if ( {
_ref$1 = base;
if ((_ref$1.$high === 0 && _ref$1.$low === 8)) {
if (!((((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i]) === 48))) {
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 48);
} else if ((_ref$1.$high === 0 && _ref$1.$low === 16)) {
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = ((120 + digits.charCodeAt(10) << 24 >>> 24) - 97 << 24 >>> 24));
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 48);
if (f.fmtFlags.unicode) {
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 43);
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 85);
if (negative) {
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 45);
} else if ( {
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 43);
} else if ( {
i = i - (1) >> 0;
((i < 0 || i >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + i] = 32);
if (f.fmtFlags.unicode && f.fmtFlags.uniQuote && (a.$high > 0 || (a.$high === 0 && a.$low >= 0)) && (a.$high < 0 || (a.$high === 0 && a.$low <= 1114111)) && strconv.IsPrint(((a.$low + ((a.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0))) {
runeWidth = utf8.RuneLen(((a.$low + ((a.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0));
width$1 = (2 + runeWidth >> 0) + 1 >> 0;
$copySlice($subslice(buf, (i - width$1 >> 0)), $subslice(buf, i));
i = i - (width$1) >> 0;
j = buf.$length - width$1 >> 0;
((j < 0 || j >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + j] = 32);
j = j + (1) >> 0;
((j < 0 || j >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + j] = 39);
j = j + (1) >> 0;
utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(buf, j), ((a.$low + ((a.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0));
j = j + (runeWidth) >> 0;
((j < 0 || j >= buf.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : buf.$array[buf.$offset + j] = 39);
f.pad($subslice(buf, i));
fmt.prototype.integer = function(a, base, signedness, digits) { return this.$val.integer(a, base, signedness, digits); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.truncate = function(s) {
var $ptr, _i, _ref, _rune, f, i, n, s;
f = this;
if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent && f.prec < utf8.RuneCountInString(s)) {
n = f.prec;
_ref = s;
_i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(_i < _ref.length)) { break; }
_rune = $decodeRune(_ref, _i);
i = _i;
if (n === 0) {
s = s.substring(0, i);
n = n - (1) >> 0;
_i += _rune[1];
return s;
fmt.prototype.truncate = function(s) { return this.$val.truncate(s); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_s = function(s) {
var $ptr, f, s;
f = this;
s = f.truncate(s);
fmt.prototype.fmt_s = function(s) { return this.$val.fmt_s(s); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_sbx = function(s, b, digits) {
var $ptr, b, buf, c, digits, f, i, n, s, x;
f = this;
n = b.$length;
if (b === sliceType.nil) {
n = s.length;
x = (digits.charCodeAt(10) - 97 << 24 >>> 24) + 120 << 24 >>> 24;
buf = sliceType.nil;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(i < n)) { break; }
if (i > 0 && {
buf = $append(buf, 32);
if ( && ( || (i === 0))) {
buf = $append(buf, 48, x);
c = 0;
if (b === sliceType.nil) {
c = s.charCodeAt(i);
} else {
c = ((i < 0 || i >= b.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : b.$array[b.$offset + i]);
buf = $append(buf, digits.charCodeAt((c >>> 4 << 24 >>> 24)), digits.charCodeAt(((c & 15) >>> 0)));
i = i + (1) >> 0;
fmt.prototype.fmt_sbx = function(s, b, digits) { return this.$val.fmt_sbx(s, b, digits); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_sx = function(s, digits) {
var $ptr, digits, f, s;
f = this;
if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent && f.prec < s.length) {
s = s.substring(0, f.prec);
f.fmt_sbx(s, sliceType.nil, digits);
fmt.prototype.fmt_sx = function(s, digits) { return this.$val.fmt_sx(s, digits); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_bx = function(b, digits) {
var $ptr, b, digits, f;
f = this;
if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent && f.prec < b.$length) {
b = $subslice(b, 0, f.prec);
f.fmt_sbx("", b, digits);
fmt.prototype.fmt_bx = function(b, digits) { return this.$val.fmt_bx(b, digits); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_q = function(s) {
var $ptr, f, quoted, s;
f = this;
s = f.truncate(s);
quoted = "";
if ( && strconv.CanBackquote(s)) {
quoted = "`" + s + "`";
} else {
if ( {
quoted = strconv.QuoteToASCII(s);
} else {
quoted = strconv.Quote(s);
fmt.prototype.fmt_q = function(s) { return this.$val.fmt_q(s); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_qc = function(c) {
var $ptr, c, f, quoted;
f = this;
quoted = sliceType.nil;
if ( {
quoted = strconv.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII($subslice(new sliceType(f.intbuf), 0, 0), ((c.$low + ((c.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0));
} else {
quoted = strconv.AppendQuoteRune($subslice(new sliceType(f.intbuf), 0, 0), ((c.$low + ((c.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0));
fmt.prototype.fmt_qc = function(c) { return this.$val.fmt_qc(c); };
doPrec = function(f, def) {
var $ptr, def, f;
if (f.fmtFlags.precPresent) {
return f.prec;
return def;
fmt.ptr.prototype.formatFloat = function(v, verb, prec, n) {
var $ptr, f, n, num, prec, v, verb, $deferred;
/* */ var $err = null; try { $deferred = []; $deferred.index = $curGoroutine.deferStack.length; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);
f = this;
num = strconv.AppendFloat($subslice(new sliceType(f.intbuf), 0, 1), v, verb, prec, n);
if (((1 >= num.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : num.$array[num.$offset + 1]) === 45) || ((1 >= num.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : num.$array[num.$offset + 1]) === 43)) {
num = $subslice(num, 1);
} else {
(0 >= num.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : num.$array[num.$offset + 0] = 43);
if (math.IsInf(v, 0)) {
if ( {
$deferred.push([(function() {
var $ptr; = true;
}), []]); = false;
if ( && f.fmtFlags.widPresent && f.wid > num.$length) {
if ( && v >= 0) {
f.wid = f.wid - (1) >> 0;
} else if ( || v < 0) {
f.buf.WriteByte((0 >= num.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : num.$array[num.$offset + 0]));
f.wid = f.wid - (1) >> 0;
f.pad($subslice(num, 1));
if ( && ((0 >= num.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : num.$array[num.$offset + 0]) === 43)) {
(0 >= num.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : num.$array[num.$offset + 0] = 32);
if ( || ((0 >= num.$length ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : num.$array[num.$offset + 0]) === 45) || math.IsInf(v, 0)) {
f.pad($subslice(num, 1));
/* */ } catch(err) { $err = err; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); }
fmt.prototype.formatFloat = function(v, verb, prec, n) { return this.$val.formatFloat(v, verb, prec, n); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_e64 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 101, doPrec(f, 6), 64);
fmt.prototype.fmt_e64 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_e64(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_E64 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 69, doPrec(f, 6), 64);
fmt.prototype.fmt_E64 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_E64(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_f64 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 102, doPrec(f, 6), 64);
fmt.prototype.fmt_f64 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_f64(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_g64 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 103, doPrec(f, -1), 64);
fmt.prototype.fmt_g64 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_g64(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_G64 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 71, doPrec(f, -1), 64);
fmt.prototype.fmt_G64 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_G64(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_fb64 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 98, 0, 64);
fmt.prototype.fmt_fb64 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_fb64(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_e32 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 101, doPrec(f, 6), 32);
fmt.prototype.fmt_e32 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_e32(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_E32 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 69, doPrec(f, 6), 32);
fmt.prototype.fmt_E32 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_E32(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_f32 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 102, doPrec(f, 6), 32);
fmt.prototype.fmt_f32 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_f32(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_g32 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 103, doPrec(f, -1), 32);
fmt.prototype.fmt_g32 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_g32(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_G32 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 71, doPrec(f, -1), 32);
fmt.prototype.fmt_G32 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_G32(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_fb32 = function(v) {
var $ptr, f, v;
f = this;
f.formatFloat(v, 98, 0, 32);
fmt.prototype.fmt_fb32 = function(v) { return this.$val.fmt_fb32(v); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_c64 = function(v, verb) {
var $ptr, f, v, verb;
f = this;
f.fmt_complex(v.$real, v.$imag, 32, verb);
fmt.prototype.fmt_c64 = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmt_c64(v, verb); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_c128 = function(v, verb) {
var $ptr, f, v, verb;
f = this;
f.fmt_complex(v.$real, v.$imag, 64, verb);
fmt.prototype.fmt_c128 = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmt_c128(v, verb); };
fmt.ptr.prototype.fmt_complex = function(r, j, size, verb) {
var $ptr, _ref, f, i, j, oldPlus, oldSpace, oldWid, r, size, verb;
f = this;
oldPlus =;
oldSpace =;
oldWid = f.wid;
i = 0;
while (true) {
_ref = verb;
if (_ref === 98) {
f.formatFloat(r, 98, 0, size);
} else if (_ref === 101) {
f.formatFloat(r, 101, doPrec(f, 6), size);
} else if (_ref === 69) {
f.formatFloat(r, 69, doPrec(f, 6), size);
} else if (_ref === 102 || _ref === 70) {
f.formatFloat(r, 102, doPrec(f, 6), size);
} else if (_ref === 103) {
f.formatFloat(r, 103, doPrec(f, -1), size);
} else if (_ref === 71) {
f.formatFloat(r, 71, doPrec(f, -1), size);
if (!((i === 0))) {
} = true; = false;
f.wid = oldWid;
r = j;
i = i + (1) >> 0;
} = oldSpace; = oldPlus;
f.wid = oldWid;
fmt.prototype.fmt_complex = function(r, j, size, verb) { return this.$val.fmt_complex(r, j, size, verb); };
$ptrType(buffer).prototype.Write = function(p) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, err, n, p;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
b = this;
b.$set($appendSlice(b.$get(), p));
_tmp = p.$length;
_tmp$1 = $ifaceNil;
n = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [n, err];
$ptrType(buffer).prototype.WriteString = function(s) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, b, err, n, s;
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
b = this;
b.$set($appendSlice(b.$get(), s));
_tmp = s.length;
_tmp$1 = $ifaceNil;
n = _tmp;
err = _tmp$1;
return [n, err];
$ptrType(buffer).prototype.WriteByte = function(c) {
var $ptr, b, c;
b = this;
b.$set($append(b.$get(), c));
return $ifaceNil;
$ptrType(buffer).prototype.WriteRune = function(r) {
var $ptr, b, bp, n, r, w, x;
bp = this;
if (r < 128) {
bp.$set($append(bp.$get(), (r << 24 >>> 24)));
return $ifaceNil;
b = bp.$get();
n = b.$length;
while (true) {
if (!((n + 4 >> 0) > b.$capacity)) { break; }
b = $append(b, 0);
w = utf8.EncodeRune((x = $subslice(b, n, (n + 4 >> 0)), $subslice(new sliceType(x.$array), x.$offset, x.$offset + x.$length)), r);
bp.$set($subslice(b, 0, (n + w >> 0)));
return $ifaceNil;
newPrinter = function() {
var $ptr, _r$2, p, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$2 = $f._r$2; p = $f.p; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
_r$2 = ppFree.Get(); /* map[0xc820b0b470:true 0xc821612440:true 0xc820b0b3b0:true 0xc821612400:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
p = $assertType(_r$2, ptrType$2);
p.panicking = false;
p.erroring = false;
p.fmt.init((p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))));
return p;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: newPrinter }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f.p = p; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
}; = function() {
var $ptr, p;
p = this;
if (p.buf.$capacity > 1024) {
p.buf = $subslice(p.buf, 0, 0);
p.arg = $ifaceNil;
p.value = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType.nil, 0, 0);
}; = function() { return this.$; };
pp.ptr.prototype.Width = function() {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, ok, p, wid;
wid = 0;
ok = false;
p = this;
_tmp = p.fmt.wid;
_tmp$1 = p.fmt.fmtFlags.widPresent;
wid = _tmp;
ok = _tmp$1;
return [wid, ok];
pp.prototype.Width = function() { return this.$val.Width(); };
pp.ptr.prototype.Precision = function() {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, ok, p, prec;
prec = 0;
ok = false;
p = this;
_tmp = p.fmt.prec;
_tmp$1 = p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent;
prec = _tmp;
ok = _tmp$1;
return [prec, ok];
pp.prototype.Precision = function() { return this.$val.Precision(); };
pp.ptr.prototype.Flag = function(b) {
var $ptr, _ref, b, p;
p = this;
_ref = b;
if (_ref === 45) {
return p.fmt.fmtFlags.minus;
} else if (_ref === 43) {
} else if (_ref === 35) {
} else if (_ref === 32) {
} else if (_ref === 48) {
return false;
pp.prototype.Flag = function(b) { return this.$val.Flag(b); };
pp.ptr.prototype.add = function(c) {
var $ptr, c, p;
p = this;
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteRune(c);
pp.prototype.add = function(c) { return this.$val.add(c); };
pp.ptr.prototype.Write = function(b) {
var $ptr, _tuple, b, err, p, ret;
ret = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
p = this;
_tuple = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(b);
ret = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
return [ret, err];
pp.prototype.Write = function(b) { return this.$val.Write(b); };
Fprintf = function(w, format, a) {
var $ptr, _r$2, _r$3, _tuple, a, err, format, n, p, w, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false;
if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) {
console.log("Fprintf conditional");
$f = this;
$c = true;
$ptr = $f.$ptr;
_r$2 = $f._r$2;
_r$3 = $f._r$3;
_tuple = $f._tuple;
a = $f.a;
err = $f.err;
format = $f.format;
n = $f.n;
p = $f.p;
w = $f.w;
x = $f.x;
$s = $f.$s;
$r = $f.$r;
s: while (true) {
switch ($s) {
case 0:
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_r$2 = newPrinter(); /* map[0xc821613000:true 0xc821612f80:true 0xc821612f40:true 0xc82107b5d0:true 0xc821612fc0:true 0xc8205ea630:true 0xc821613040:true] */
$s = 1;
case 1:
if($c) {
$c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk();
if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) {
break s;
p = _r$2;
$r = p.doPrintf(format, a); /* map[0xc821612f40:true 0xc82107b5d0:true 0xc821612fc0:true 0xc8205ea630:true 0xc821613040:true 0xc821613000:true 0xc821612f80:true] */
$s = 2;
case 2:
if($c) {
$c = false; $r = $r.$blk();
if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) {
break s;
_r$3 = w.Write((x = p.buf, $subslice(new sliceType(x.$array), x.$offset, x.$offset + x.$length))); /* map[0xc8205ea630:true 0xc821613040:true 0xc821613000:true 0xc821612f80:true 0xc821612f40:true 0xc82107b5d0:true 0xc821612fc0:true] */
$s = 3;
case 3:
if($c) {
$c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk();
if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) {
break s;
_tuple = _r$3;
n = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];;
return [n, err];
/* */
}/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */
console.log("Fprintf: %s",$f);
if ($f === undefined) {
$f = { $blk: Fprintf };
$f.$ptr = $ptr;
$f._r$2 = _r$2;
$f._r$3 = _r$3;
$f._tuple = _tuple;
$f.a = a;
$f.err = err;
$f.format = format;
$f.n = n;
$f.p = p;
$f.w = w;
$f.x = x;
$f.$s = $s;
$f.$r = $r;
return $f;
$pkg.Fprintf = Fprintf;
Printf = function(format, a) {
var $ptr, _r$2, _tuple, a, err, format, n, $s, $r;
/* */
$s = 0;
var $f, $c = false;
if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) {
console.log("Printf conditional");
console.log("this.$blk = %v", this.$blk);
$f = this;
$c = true;
$ptr = $f.$ptr;
_r$2 = $f._r$2;
_tuple = $f._tuple;
a = $f.a;
err = $f.err;
format = $f.format;
n = $f.n;
$s = $f.$s;
$r = $f.$r;
s: while (true) {
switch ($s) {
case 0:
console.log("Printf case 0");
n = 0;
err = $ifaceNil;
_r$2 = Fprintf(os.Stdout, format, a);
/* map[0xc8205ea7b0:true 0xc8209ec180:true 0xc821613240:true] */
$s = 1;
case 1:
console.log("Printf case 1");
if($c) {
console.log("\$c is true");
$c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk();
if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) {
console.log("Case 1 break");
break s;
_tuple = _r$2;
n = _tuple[0];
err = _tuple[1];
/* */
$s = 2;
case 2:
console.log("Printf case 2");
return [n, err];
/* */
} return;
}/* FOO: %!s(int=3) */
console.log("Printf: %s",$f);
if ($f === undefined) {
$f = { $blk: Printf };
$f.$ptr = $ptr;
$f._r$2 = _r$2;
$f._tuple = _tuple;
$f.a = a;
$f.err = err;
$f.format = format;
$f.n = n;
$f.$s = $s;
$f.$r = $r;
return $f;
$pkg.Printf = Printf;
getField = function(v, i) {
var $ptr, _r$2, _r$3, i, v, val, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; i = $f.i; v = $f.v; val = $f.val; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
_r$2 = v.Field(i); /* map[0xc82092c780:true 0xc82092c900:true 0xc8205ebb00:true 0xc82092c8c0:true 0xc82092c880:true 0xc8205ebb60:true 0xc82092c7c0:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
val = _r$2;
/* */ if ((val.Kind() === 20) && !val.IsNil()) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if ((val.Kind() === 20) && !val.IsNil()) { */ case 2:
_r$3 = val.Elem(); /* map[0xc8205ebb00:true 0xc82092c8c0:true 0xc82092c880:true 0xc8205ebb60:true 0xc82092c7c0:true 0xc82092c780:true 0xc82092c900:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
val = _r$3;
/* } */ case 3:
return val;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=7) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: getField }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f.i = i; $f.v = v; $f.val = val; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
tooLarge = function(x) {
var $ptr, x;
return x > 1000000 || x < -1000000;
parsenum = function(s, start, end) {
var $ptr, _tmp, _tmp$1, _tmp$2, _tmp$3, _tmp$4, _tmp$5, end, isnum, newi, num, s, start;
num = 0;
isnum = false;
newi = 0;
if (start >= end) {
_tmp = 0;
_tmp$1 = false;
_tmp$2 = end;
num = _tmp;
isnum = _tmp$1;
newi = _tmp$2;
return [num, isnum, newi];
newi = start;
while (true) {
if (!(newi < end && 48 <= s.charCodeAt(newi) && s.charCodeAt(newi) <= 57)) { break; }
if (tooLarge(num)) {
_tmp$3 = 0;
_tmp$4 = false;
_tmp$5 = end;
num = _tmp$3;
isnum = _tmp$4;
newi = _tmp$5;
return [num, isnum, newi];
num = ($imul(num, 10)) + ((s.charCodeAt(newi) - 48 << 24 >>> 24) >> 0) >> 0;
isnum = true;
newi = newi + (1) >> 0;
return [num, isnum, newi];
pp.ptr.prototype.unknownType = function(v) {
var $ptr, _r$2, _r$3, p, v, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; p = $f.p; v = $f.v; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
v = v;
p = this;
if (!v.IsValid()) {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(nilAngleBytes);
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(63);
_r$2 = v.Type().String(); /* map[0xc8209506c0:true 0xc82152d220:true 0xc82092d180:true 0xc82092d140:true] */ $s = 1; case 1: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$3 = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString(_r$2); /* map[0xc82092d140:true 0xc8209506c0:true 0xc82152d220:true 0xc82092d180:true] */ $s = 2; case 2: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(63);
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=4) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.unknownType }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f.p = p; $f.v = v; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.unknownType = function(v) { return this.$val.unknownType(v); };
pp.ptr.prototype.badVerb = function(verb) {
var $ptr, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, p, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _r$7 = $f._r$7; p = $f.p; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
p.erroring = true;
/* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.arg, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (p.value.IsValid()) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(p.arg, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1:
_r$2 = reflect.TypeOf(p.arg).String(); /* map[0xc820950ab0:true 0xc8209509f0:true 0xc82092d600:true 0xc82092d4c0:true 0xc82152d910:true 0xc82092d7c0:true 0xc82152d770:true 0xc82092d840:true 0xc82152da50:true 0xc82092d700:true 0xc82152db70:true 0xc820950b10:true 0xc82092d480:true 0xc82092d6c0:true 0xc82092d580:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$3 = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString(_r$2); /* map[0xc82092d580:true 0xc820950b10:true 0xc82092d480:true 0xc82092d6c0:true 0xc820950ab0:true 0xc8209509f0:true 0xc82092d600:true 0xc82092d4c0:true 0xc82152d910:true 0xc82092d7c0:true 0xc82092d700:true 0xc82152db70:true 0xc82152d770:true 0xc82092d840:true 0xc82152da50:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$4 = p.printArg(p.arg, 118, 0); /* map[0xc82092d4c0:true 0xc82152d910:true 0xc82092d7c0:true 0xc82152d770:true 0xc82092d840:true 0xc82152da50:true 0xc82092d700:true 0xc82152db70:true 0xc820950b10:true 0xc82092d480:true 0xc82092d6c0:true 0xc82092d580:true 0xc820950ab0:true 0xc8209509f0:true 0xc82092d600:true] */ $s = 7; case 7: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 4; continue;
/* } else if (p.value.IsValid()) { */ case 2:
_r$5 = p.value.Type().String(); /* map[0xc820950ab0:true 0xc8209509f0:true 0xc82092d600:true 0xc82092d4c0:true 0xc82152d910:true 0xc82092d7c0:true 0xc82152d770:true 0xc82092d840:true 0xc82152da50:true 0xc82092d700:true 0xc82152db70:true 0xc820950b10:true 0xc82092d480:true 0xc82092d6c0:true 0xc82092d580:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$6 = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString(_r$5); /* map[0xc82152d770:true 0xc82092d840:true 0xc82152da50:true 0xc82092d700:true 0xc82152db70:true 0xc820950b10:true 0xc82092d480:true 0xc82092d6c0:true 0xc82092d580:true 0xc820950ab0:true 0xc8209509f0:true 0xc82092d600:true 0xc82092d4c0:true 0xc82152d910:true 0xc82092d7c0:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$7 = p.printValue(p.value, 118, 0); /* map[0xc82092d700:true 0xc82152db70:true 0xc82152d770:true 0xc82092d840:true 0xc82152da50:true 0xc82092d580:true 0xc820950b10:true 0xc82092d480:true 0xc82092d6c0:true 0xc820950ab0:true 0xc8209509f0:true 0xc82092d600:true 0xc82092d4c0:true 0xc82152d910:true 0xc82092d7c0:true] */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 4; continue;
/* } else { */ case 3:
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(nilAngleBytes);
/* } */ case 4:
p.erroring = false;
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=15) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.badVerb }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._r$6 = _r$6; $f._r$7 = _r$7; $f.p = p; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.badVerb = function(verb) { return this.$val.badVerb(verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtBool = function(v, verb) {
var $ptr, _ref, p, v, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _ref = $f._ref; p = $f.p; v = $f.v; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 116 || _ref === 118) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (_ref === 116 || _ref === 118) { */ case 1:
$s = 3; continue;
/* } else { */ case 2:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc82092db40:true 0xc820950f00:true 0xc820950ed0:true 0xc820950ea0:true 0xc82092db80:true 0xc820a30150:true] */ $s = 4; case 4: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 3:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtBool }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._ref = _ref; $f.p = p; $f.v = v; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.fmtBool = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmtBool(v, verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtC = function(c) {
var $ptr, c, p, r, w, x;
p = this;
r = ((c.$low + ((c.$high >> 31) * 4294967296)) >> 0);
if (!((x = new $Int64(0, r), (x.$high === c.$high && x.$low === c.$low)))) {
r = 65533;
w = utf8.EncodeRune($subslice(new sliceType(p.runeBuf), 0, 4), r);
p.fmt.pad($subslice(new sliceType(p.runeBuf), 0, w));
pp.prototype.fmtC = function(c) { return this.$val.fmtC(c); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtInt64 = function(v, verb) {
var $ptr, _ref, p, v, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _ref = $f._ref; p = $f.p; v = $f.v; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 98) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 99) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 100 || _ref === 118) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 111) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 113) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 120) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 85) { $s = 7; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 88) { $s = 8; continue; }
/* */ $s = 9; continue;
/* if (_ref === 98) { */ case 1:
p.fmt.integer(v, new $Uint64(0, 2), true, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 10; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 99) { */ case 2:
$s = 10; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 100 || _ref === 118) { */ case 3:
p.fmt.integer(v, new $Uint64(0, 10), true, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 10; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 111) { */ case 4:
p.fmt.integer(v, new $Uint64(0, 8), true, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 10; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 113) { */ case 5:
/* */ if ((0 < v.$high || (0 === v.$high && 0 <= v.$low)) && (v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low <= 1114111))) { $s = 11; continue; }
/* */ $s = 12; continue;
/* if ((0 < v.$high || (0 === v.$high && 0 <= v.$low)) && (v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low <= 1114111))) { */ case 11:
$s = 13; continue;
/* } else { */ case 12:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc820faa150:true 0xc820faa0c0:true 0xc820dd9f00:true 0xc820951b60:true 0xc820a32230:true 0xc820dd9880:true 0xc8208d4280:true 0xc820faa120:true 0xc820dd9f80:true 0xc820a32ea0:true 0xc8208d4240:true] */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 13:
$s = 10; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 120) { */ case 6:
p.fmt.integer(v, new $Uint64(0, 16), true, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 10; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 85) { */ case 7:
$s = 10; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 88) { */ case 8:
p.fmt.integer(v, new $Uint64(0, 16), true, "0123456789ABCDEF");
$s = 10; continue;
/* } else { */ case 9:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc820faa150:true 0xc820faa0c0:true 0xc820dd9f00:true 0xc820951b60:true 0xc820a32230:true 0xc820dd9880:true 0xc8208d4280:true 0xc820faa120:true 0xc820dd9f80:true 0xc820a32ea0:true 0xc8208d4240:true] */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 10:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=11) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtInt64 }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._ref = _ref; $f.p = p; $f.v = v; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.fmtInt64 = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmtInt64(v, verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmt0x64 = function(v, leading0x) {
var $ptr, leading0x, p, sharp, v;
p = this;
sharp =; = leading0x;
p.fmt.integer(new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low), new $Uint64(0, 16), false, "0123456789abcdef"); = sharp;
pp.prototype.fmt0x64 = function(v, leading0x) { return this.$val.fmt0x64(v, leading0x); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtUnicode = function(v) {
var $ptr, p, prec, precPresent, sharp, v;
p = this;
precPresent = p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent;
sharp =; = false;
prec = p.fmt.prec;
if (!precPresent) {
p.fmt.prec = 4;
p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent = true;
p.fmt.fmtFlags.unicode = true;
p.fmt.fmtFlags.uniQuote = sharp;
p.fmt.integer(v, new $Uint64(0, 16), false, "0123456789ABCDEF");
p.fmt.fmtFlags.unicode = false;
p.fmt.fmtFlags.uniQuote = false;
p.fmt.prec = prec;
p.fmt.fmtFlags.precPresent = precPresent; = sharp;
pp.prototype.fmtUnicode = function(v) { return this.$val.fmtUnicode(v); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtUint64 = function(v, verb) {
var $ptr, _ref, p, v, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _ref = $f._ref; p = $f.p; v = $f.v; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 98) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 99) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 100) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 118) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 111) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 113) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 120) { $s = 7; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 88) { $s = 8; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 85) { $s = 9; continue; }
/* */ $s = 10; continue;
/* if (_ref === 98) { */ case 1:
p.fmt.integer(new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low), new $Uint64(0, 2), false, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 11; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 99) { */ case 2:
p.fmtC(new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low));
$s = 11; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 100) { */ case 3:
p.fmt.integer(new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low), new $Uint64(0, 10), false, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 11; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 118) { */ case 4:
if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) {
p.fmt0x64(v, true);
} else {
p.fmt.integer(new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low), new $Uint64(0, 10), false, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 11; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 111) { */ case 5:
p.fmt.integer(new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low), new $Uint64(0, 8), false, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 11; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 113) { */ case 6:
/* */ if ((0 < v.$high || (0 === v.$high && 0 <= v.$low)) && (v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low <= 1114111))) { $s = 12; continue; }
/* */ $s = 13; continue;
/* if ((0 < v.$high || (0 === v.$high && 0 <= v.$low)) && (v.$high < 0 || (v.$high === 0 && v.$low <= 1114111))) { */ case 12:
p.fmt.fmt_qc(new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low));
$s = 14; continue;
/* } else { */ case 13:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc8208d5280:true 0xc8210106b0:true 0xc8208d5600:true 0xc820faacf0:true 0xc820faac30:true 0xc8208d52c0:true 0xc820faab10:true 0xc8208d5240:true 0xc8208d5640:true 0xc821011010:true 0xc820faac90:true] */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 14:
$s = 11; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 120) { */ case 7:
p.fmt.integer(new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low), new $Uint64(0, 16), false, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 11; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 88) { */ case 8:
p.fmt.integer(new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low), new $Uint64(0, 16), false, "0123456789ABCDEF");
$s = 11; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 85) { */ case 9:
p.fmtUnicode(new $Int64(v.$high, v.$low));
$s = 11; continue;
/* } else { */ case 10:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc8210106b0:true 0xc8208d5600:true 0xc820faacf0:true 0xc8208d5280:true 0xc8208d52c0:true 0xc820faab10:true 0xc8208d5240:true 0xc8208d5640:true 0xc821011010:true 0xc820faac90:true 0xc820faac30:true] */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 11:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=11) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtUint64 }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._ref = _ref; $f.p = p; $f.v = v; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.fmtUint64 = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmtUint64(v, verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtFloat32 = function(v, verb) {
var $ptr, _ref, p, v, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _ref = $f._ref; p = $f.p; v = $f.v; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 98) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 101) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 69) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 102 || _ref === 70) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 103 || _ref === 118) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 71) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ $s = 7; continue;
/* if (_ref === 98) { */ case 1:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 101) { */ case 2:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 69) { */ case 3:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 102 || _ref === 70) { */ case 4:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 103 || _ref === 118) { */ case 5:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 71) { */ case 6:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else { */ case 7:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc820faaff0:true 0xc820faaf90:true 0xc8208d5b00:true 0xc8210085a0:true 0xc8208d5ac0:true 0xc820fab050:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 8:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtFloat32 }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._ref = _ref; $f.p = p; $f.v = v; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.fmtFloat32 = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmtFloat32(v, verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtFloat64 = function(v, verb) {
var $ptr, _ref, p, v, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _ref = $f._ref; p = $f.p; v = $f.v; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 98) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 101) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 69) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 102 || _ref === 70) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 103 || _ref === 118) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 71) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ $s = 7; continue;
/* if (_ref === 98) { */ case 1:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 101) { */ case 2:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 69) { */ case 3:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 102 || _ref === 70) { */ case 4:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 103 || _ref === 118) { */ case 5:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 71) { */ case 6:
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else { */ case 7:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc821009aa0:true 0xc820e42080:true 0xc820fab380:true 0xc820fab320:true 0xc820fab2f0:true 0xc820e420c0:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 8:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtFloat64 }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._ref = _ref; $f.p = p; $f.v = v; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.fmtFloat64 = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmtFloat64(v, verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtComplex64 = function(v, verb) {
var $ptr, _ref, p, v, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _ref = $f._ref; p = $f.p; v = $f.v; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 98 || _ref === 101 || _ref === 69 || _ref === 102 || _ref === 70 || _ref === 103 || _ref === 71) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 118) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (_ref === 98 || _ref === 101 || _ref === 69 || _ref === 102 || _ref === 70 || _ref === 103 || _ref === 71) { */ case 1:
p.fmt.fmt_c64(v, verb);
$s = 4; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 118) { */ case 2:
p.fmt.fmt_c64(v, 103);
$s = 4; continue;
/* } else { */ case 3:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc820fab830:true 0xc820fab7d0:true 0xc820fab7a0:true 0xc820e423c0:true 0xc82077a9e0:true 0xc820e42380:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 4:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtComplex64 }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._ref = _ref; $f.p = p; $f.v = v; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.fmtComplex64 = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmtComplex64(v, verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtComplex128 = function(v, verb) {
var $ptr, _ref, p, v, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _ref = $f._ref; p = $f.p; v = $f.v; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 98 || _ref === 101 || _ref === 69 || _ref === 102 || _ref === 70 || _ref === 103 || _ref === 71) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 118) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (_ref === 98 || _ref === 101 || _ref === 69 || _ref === 102 || _ref === 70 || _ref === 103 || _ref === 71) { */ case 1:
p.fmt.fmt_c128(v, verb);
$s = 4; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 118) { */ case 2:
p.fmt.fmt_c128(v, 103);
$s = 4; continue;
/* } else { */ case 3:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc820e42780:true 0xc82077b5e0:true 0xc820e42740:true 0xc820fabad0:true 0xc820fabaa0:true 0xc820faba70:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 4:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtComplex128 }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._ref = _ref; $f.p = p; $f.v = v; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.fmtComplex128 = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmtComplex128(v, verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtString = function(v, verb) {
var $ptr, _ref, p, v, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _ref = $f._ref; p = $f.p; v = $f.v; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 118) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 115) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 120) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 88) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 113) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ $s = 6; continue;
/* if (_ref === 118) { */ case 1:
if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) {
} else {
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 115) { */ case 2:
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 120) { */ case 3:
p.fmt.fmt_sx(v, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 88) { */ case 4:
p.fmt.fmt_sx(v, "0123456789ABCDEF");
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 113) { */ case 5:
$s = 7; continue;
/* } else { */ case 6:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc820788320:true 0xc820e42c40:true 0xc8207de000:true 0xc820fabfb0:true 0xc820fabf80:true 0xc820e42c80:true] */ $s = 8; case 8: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 7:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=6) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtString }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._ref = _ref; $f.p = p; $f.v = v; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.fmtString = function(v, verb) { return this.$val.fmtString(v, verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtBytes = function(v, verb, typ, depth) {
var $ptr, _i, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _ref$1, c, depth, i, p, typ, v, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _i = $f._i; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _ref = $f._ref; _ref$1 = $f._ref$1; c = $f.c; depth = $f.depth; i = $f.i; p = $f.p; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
/* */ if ((verb === 118) || (verb === 100)) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if ((verb === 118) || (verb === 100)) { */ case 1:
/* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 3:
/* */ if (v === sliceType.nil) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ $s = 7; continue;
/* if (v === sliceType.nil) { */ case 6:
/* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 8; continue; }
/* */ $s = 9; continue;
/* if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 8:
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString("[]byte(nil)");
$s = 10; continue;
/* } else { */ case 9:
_r$2 = typ.String(); /* map[0xc8207889c0:true 0xc820e43100:true 0xc8207dec90:true 0xc820788e70:true 0xc820e43500:true 0xc8207de6c0:true 0xc820e42fc0:true 0xc820e43200:true 0xc820e42e80:true 0xc820e43880:true 0xc8207de510:true 0xc820788780:true 0xc820e42ec0:true 0xc820e43180:true 0xc8207dec60:true 0xc8207decc0:true 0xc8207de540:true 0xc820e42f80:true 0xc820e43840:true 0xc8207de9c0:true 0xc820e433c0:true 0xc820789500:true 0xc820ccd6d0:true 0xc8207deb10:true 0xc8207de690:true 0xc820e430c0:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$3 = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString(_r$2); /* map[0xc820788780:true 0xc820e42ec0:true 0xc820e43180:true 0xc8207dec60:true 0xc8207decc0:true 0xc8207de540:true 0xc820e42f80:true 0xc8207de510:true 0xc820e43840:true 0xc8207de9c0:true 0xc820e433c0:true 0xc820ccd6d0:true 0xc8207deb10:true 0xc8207de690:true 0xc820e430c0:true 0xc820789500:true 0xc820e43100:true 0xc8207dec90:true 0xc820788e70:true 0xc820e43500:true 0xc8207de6c0:true 0xc820e42fc0:true 0xc8207889c0:true 0xc820e43200:true 0xc820e42e80:true 0xc820e43880:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(nilParenBytes);
/* } */ case 10:
/* } */ case 7:
/* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 13; continue; }
/* */ $s = 14; continue;
/* if ($interfaceIsEqual(typ, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 13:
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(bytesBytes);
$s = 15; continue;
/* } else { */ case 14:
_r$4 = typ.String(); /* map[0xc8207de510:true 0xc820788780:true 0xc820e42ec0:true 0xc820e43180:true 0xc8207dec60:true 0xc8207decc0:true 0xc8207de540:true 0xc820e42f80:true 0xc820e43840:true 0xc8207de9c0:true 0xc820e433c0:true 0xc820789500:true 0xc820ccd6d0:true 0xc8207deb10:true 0xc8207de690:true 0xc820e430c0:true 0xc8207889c0:true 0xc820e43100:true 0xc8207dec90:true 0xc820788e70:true 0xc820e43500:true 0xc8207de6c0:true 0xc820e42fc0:true 0xc820e43200:true 0xc820e42e80:true 0xc820e43880:true] */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$5 = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString(_r$4); /* map[0xc8207deb10:true 0xc8207de690:true 0xc820e430c0:true 0xc820789500:true 0xc820ccd6d0:true 0xc820788e70:true 0xc820e43500:true 0xc8207de6c0:true 0xc820e42fc0:true 0xc8207889c0:true 0xc820e43100:true 0xc8207dec90:true 0xc820e43200:true 0xc820e42e80:true 0xc820e43880:true 0xc820e43180:true 0xc8207dec60:true 0xc8207decc0:true 0xc8207de540:true 0xc820e42f80:true 0xc8207de510:true 0xc820788780:true 0xc820e42ec0:true 0xc820e43840:true 0xc8207de9c0:true 0xc820e433c0:true] */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(123);
/* } */ case 15:
$s = 5; continue;
/* } else { */ case 4:
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(91);
/* } */ case 5:
_ref = v;
_i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 18:
/* if (!(_i < _ref.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref.$length)) { $s = 19; continue; }
i = _i;
c = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref.$array[_ref.$offset + _i]);
if (i > 0) {
if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(commaSpaceBytes);
} else {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(32);
_r$6 = p.printArg(new $Uint8(c), 118, depth + 1 >> 0); /* map[0xc8207deb10:true 0xc8207de690:true 0xc820e430c0:true 0xc820789500:true 0xc820ccd6d0:true 0xc820e43500:true 0xc8207de6c0:true 0xc820e42fc0:true 0xc8207889c0:true 0xc820e43100:true 0xc8207dec90:true 0xc820788e70:true 0xc820e43200:true 0xc820e42e80:true 0xc820e43880:true 0xc8207dec60:true 0xc8207decc0:true 0xc8207de540:true 0xc820e42f80:true 0xc8207de510:true 0xc820788780:true 0xc820e42ec0:true 0xc820e43180:true 0xc820e43840:true 0xc8207de9c0:true 0xc820e433c0:true] */ $s = 20; case 20: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ $s = 18; continue; case 19:
if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(125);
} else {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(93);
/* } */ case 2:
_ref$1 = verb;
/* */ if (_ref$1 === 115) { $s = 21; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref$1 === 120) { $s = 22; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref$1 === 88) { $s = 23; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref$1 === 113) { $s = 24; continue; }
/* */ $s = 25; continue;
/* if (_ref$1 === 115) { */ case 21:
$s = 26; continue;
/* } else if (_ref$1 === 120) { */ case 22:
p.fmt.fmt_bx(v, "0123456789abcdef");
$s = 26; continue;
/* } else if (_ref$1 === 88) { */ case 23:
p.fmt.fmt_bx(v, "0123456789ABCDEF");
$s = 26; continue;
/* } else if (_ref$1 === 113) { */ case 24:
$s = 26; continue;
/* } else { */ case 25:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc820e43200:true 0xc820e42e80:true 0xc820e43880:true 0xc8207dec60:true 0xc8207decc0:true 0xc8207de540:true 0xc820e42f80:true 0xc8207de510:true 0xc820788780:true 0xc820e42ec0:true 0xc820e43180:true 0xc820e43840:true 0xc8207de9c0:true 0xc820e433c0:true 0xc8207deb10:true 0xc8207de690:true 0xc820e430c0:true 0xc820789500:true 0xc820ccd6d0:true 0xc820e43500:true 0xc8207de6c0:true 0xc820e42fc0:true 0xc8207889c0:true 0xc820e43100:true 0xc8207dec90:true 0xc820788e70:true] */ $s = 27; case 27: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 26:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=26) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtBytes }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._i = _i; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._r$6 = _r$6; $f._ref = _ref; $f._ref$1 = _ref$1; $f.c = c; $f.depth = depth; $f.i = i; $f.p = p; $f.typ = typ; $f.v = v; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.fmtBytes = function(v, verb, typ, depth) { return this.$val.fmtBytes(v, verb, typ, depth); };
pp.ptr.prototype.fmtPointer = function(value, verb) {
var $ptr, _r$2, _r$3, _ref, _ref$1, p, u, use0x64, value, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _ref = $f._ref; _ref$1 = $f._ref$1; p = $f.p; u = $f.u; use0x64 = $f.use0x64; value = $f.value; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
value = value;
p = this;
use0x64 = true;
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 112 || _ref === 118) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 98 || _ref === 100 || _ref === 111 || _ref === 120 || _ref === 88) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ $s = 3; continue;
/* if (_ref === 112 || _ref === 118) { */ case 1:
$s = 4; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 98 || _ref === 100 || _ref === 111 || _ref === 120 || _ref === 88) { */ case 2:
use0x64 = false;
$s = 4; continue;
/* } else { */ case 3:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc820fdc700:true 0xc820a66930:true 0xc820fdc6c0:true 0xc820fdc840:true 0xc820e43b80:true 0xc820e43b40:true 0xc8207df110:true 0xc820789d60:true 0xc820fdc0c0:true 0xc8207df1a0:true 0xc820789b20:true 0xc820fdc800:true 0xc8207df620:true 0xc8207df650:true 0xc820fdc080:true 0xc820789860:true 0xc820e43f40:true 0xc8207df5f0:true 0xc8207df3b0:true 0xc8207def90:true 0xc8207def60:true 0xc820e43e40:true] */ $s = 5; case 5: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 4:
u = 0;
_ref$1 = value.Kind();
/* */ if (_ref$1 === 18 || _ref$1 === 19 || _ref$1 === 21 || _ref$1 === 22 || _ref$1 === 23 || _ref$1 === 26) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ $s = 7; continue;
/* if (_ref$1 === 18 || _ref$1 === 19 || _ref$1 === 21 || _ref$1 === 22 || _ref$1 === 23 || _ref$1 === 26) { */ case 6:
u = value.Pointer();
$s = 8; continue;
/* } else { */ case 7:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc8207df1a0:true 0xc820789b20:true 0xc820789d60:true 0xc820fdc0c0:true 0xc820789860:true 0xc820e43f40:true 0xc820fdc800:true 0xc8207df620:true 0xc8207df650:true 0xc820fdc080:true 0xc8207def60:true 0xc820e43e40:true 0xc8207df5f0:true 0xc8207df3b0:true 0xc8207def90:true 0xc820e43b40:true 0xc8207df110:true 0xc820fdc700:true 0xc820a66930:true 0xc820fdc6c0:true 0xc820fdc840:true 0xc820e43b80:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 8:
/* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 10; continue; }
/* */ if ((verb === 118) && (u === 0)) { $s = 11; continue; }
/* */ $s = 12; continue;
/* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 10:
_r$2 = value.Type().String(); /* map[0xc8207df3b0:true 0xc8207def90:true 0xc8207def60:true 0xc820e43e40:true 0xc8207df5f0:true 0xc820fdc6c0:true 0xc820fdc840:true 0xc820e43b80:true 0xc820e43b40:true 0xc8207df110:true 0xc820fdc700:true 0xc820a66930:true 0xc820789d60:true 0xc820fdc0c0:true 0xc8207df1a0:true 0xc820789b20:true 0xc8207df650:true 0xc820fdc080:true 0xc820789860:true 0xc820e43f40:true 0xc820fdc800:true 0xc8207df620:true] */ $s = 14; case 14: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$3 = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString(_r$2); /* map[0xc820fdc700:true 0xc820a66930:true 0xc820fdc6c0:true 0xc820fdc840:true 0xc820e43b80:true 0xc820e43b40:true 0xc8207df110:true 0xc820789d60:true 0xc820fdc0c0:true 0xc8207df1a0:true 0xc820789b20:true 0xc820fdc800:true 0xc8207df620:true 0xc8207df650:true 0xc820fdc080:true 0xc820789860:true 0xc820e43f40:true 0xc8207df5f0:true 0xc8207df3b0:true 0xc8207def90:true 0xc8207def60:true 0xc820e43e40:true] */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
if (u === 0) {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(nilBytes);
} else {
p.fmt0x64(new $Uint64(0, u.constructor === Number ? u : 1), true);
$s = 13; continue;
/* } else if ((verb === 118) && (u === 0)) { */ case 11:
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(nilAngleBytes);
$s = 13; continue;
/* } else { */ case 12:
/* */ if (use0x64) { $s = 16; continue; }
/* */ $s = 17; continue;
/* if (use0x64) { */ case 16:
p.fmt0x64(new $Uint64(0, u.constructor === Number ? u : 1), !;
$s = 18; continue;
/* } else { */ case 17:
$r = p.fmtUint64(new $Uint64(0, u.constructor === Number ? u : 1), verb); /* map[0xc8207df1a0:true 0xc820789b20:true 0xc820789d60:true 0xc820fdc0c0:true 0xc820789860:true 0xc820e43f40:true 0xc820fdc800:true 0xc8207df620:true 0xc8207df650:true 0xc820fdc080:true 0xc8207def60:true 0xc820e43e40:true 0xc8207df5f0:true 0xc8207df3b0:true 0xc8207def90:true 0xc820e43b40:true 0xc8207df110:true 0xc820fdc700:true 0xc820a66930:true 0xc820fdc6c0:true 0xc820fdc840:true 0xc820e43b80:true] */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 18:
/* } */ case 13:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=22) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.fmtPointer }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._ref = _ref; $f._ref$1 = _ref$1; $f.p = p; $f.u = u; $f.use0x64 = use0x64; $f.value = value; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.fmtPointer = function(value, verb) { return this.$val.fmtPointer(value, verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.catchPanic = function(arg, verb) {
var $ptr, _r$2, _r$3, arg, err, p, v, verb, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; arg = $f.arg; err = $f.err; p = $f.p; v = $f.v; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
p = this;
err = $recover();
/* */ if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!($interfaceIsEqual(err, $ifaceNil))) { */ case 1:
_r$2 = reflect.ValueOf(arg); /* map[0xc820fdcc40:true 0xc820a67bd0:true 0xc820fdd480:true 0xc8207dfc50:true 0xc820fdd580:true 0xc8207dfbc0:true 0xc820fdce40:true 0xc820fdcc80:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
v = _r$2;
/* */ if ((v.Kind() === 22) && v.IsNil()) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ $s = 5; continue;
/* if ((v.Kind() === 22) && v.IsNil()) { */ case 4:
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(nilAngleBytes);
/* } */ case 5:
if (p.panicking) {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(percentBangBytes);
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(panicBytes);
p.panicking = true;
_r$3 = p.printArg(err, 118, 0); /* map[0xc8207dfbc0:true 0xc820fdce40:true 0xc820fdcc80:true 0xc820fdcc40:true 0xc820a67bd0:true 0xc820fdd480:true 0xc8207dfc50:true 0xc820fdd580:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
p.panicking = false;
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(41);
/* } */ case 2:
/* */ $s = -1; case -1: } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=8) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.catchPanic }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f.arg = arg; $f.err = err; $f.p = p; $f.v = v; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.catchPanic = function(arg, verb) { return this.$val.catchPanic(arg, verb); };
pp.ptr.prototype.clearSpecialFlags = function() {
var $ptr, p, plusV, sharpV;
plusV = false;
sharpV = false;
p = this;
plusV = p.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV;
if (plusV) { = true;
p.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV = false;
sharpV = p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV;
if (sharpV) { = true;
p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV = false;
return [plusV, sharpV];
pp.prototype.clearSpecialFlags = function() { return this.$val.clearSpecialFlags(); };
pp.ptr.prototype.restoreSpecialFlags = function(plusV, sharpV) {
var $ptr, p, plusV, sharpV;
p = this;
if (plusV) { = false;
p.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV = true;
if (sharpV) { = false;
p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV = true;
pp.prototype.restoreSpecialFlags = function(plusV, sharpV) { return this.$val.restoreSpecialFlags(plusV, sharpV); };
pp.ptr.prototype.handleMethods = function(verb, depth) {
var $ptr, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, _ref$1, _tuple, _tuple$1, _tuple$2, depth, formatter, handled, ok, ok$1, p, stringer, v, v$1, verb, $s, $deferred, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _ref = $f._ref; _ref$1 = $f._ref$1; _tuple = $f._tuple; _tuple$1 = $f._tuple$1; _tuple$2 = $f._tuple$2; depth = $f.depth; formatter = $f.formatter; handled = $f.handled; ok = $f.ok; ok$1 = $f.ok$1; p = $f.p; stringer = $f.stringer; v = $f.v; v$1 = $f.v$1; verb = $f.verb; $s = $f.$s; $deferred = $f.$deferred; $r = $f.$r; } var $err = null; try { s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0: $deferred = []; $deferred.index = $curGoroutine.deferStack.length; $curGoroutine.deferStack.push($deferred);
handled = false;
p = this;
if (p.erroring) {
return handled;
_tuple = $assertType(p.arg, Formatter, true);
formatter = _tuple[0];
ok = _tuple[1];
/* */ if (ok) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (ok) { */ case 1:
handled = true;
_tuple$1 = p.clearSpecialFlags();
$deferred.push([$methodVal(p, "restoreSpecialFlags"), [_tuple$1[0], _tuple$1[1]]]);
$deferred.push([$methodVal(p, "catchPanic"), [p.arg, verb]]);
$r = formatter.Format(p, verb); /* map[0xc820bfc080:true 0xc820bfc540:true 0xc8218c0de0:true 0xc820fddf80:true 0xc820fddf40:true 0xc820bfc6c0:true 0xc820bfc680:true 0xc820bfc380:true 0xc820bfc640:true 0xc820a927a0:true 0xc820a42fe0:true 0xc8218c0d80:true 0xc8218c0d20:true 0xc820bfc480:true 0xc820bfc5c0:true 0xc820a921a0:true 0xc820bfc340:true 0xc8218c0750:true 0xc8218c0c90:true 0xc820a926b0:true 0xc8218c0e70:true 0xc8218c09c0:true 0xc820a43870:true 0xc820bfc0c0:true 0xc8218c0cc0:true 0xc820a42f20:true 0xc820a436e0:true 0xc820bfc180:true 0xc820bfc100:true 0xc820a92390:true 0xc820bfc400:true 0xc820fddec0:true 0xc820bfc500:true 0xc8218c09f0:true] */ $s = 3; case 3: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
return handled;
/* } */ case 2:
/* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ $s = 5; continue;
/* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 4:
_tuple$2 = $assertType(p.arg, GoStringer, true);
stringer = _tuple$2[0];
ok$1 = _tuple$2[1];
/* */ if (ok$1) { $s = 7; continue; }
/* */ $s = 8; continue;
/* if (ok$1) { */ case 7:
handled = true;
$deferred.push([$methodVal(p, "catchPanic"), [p.arg, verb]]);
_r$2 = stringer.GoString(); /* map[0xc820bfc680:true 0xc820bfc380:true 0xc820bfc640:true 0xc820a927a0:true 0xc820a42fe0:true 0xc820bfc6c0:true 0xc8218c0d20:true 0xc820bfc480:true 0xc820bfc5c0:true 0xc820a921a0:true 0xc820bfc340:true 0xc8218c0750:true 0xc8218c0d80:true 0xc820a926b0:true 0xc8218c0e70:true 0xc8218c0c90:true 0xc820a43870:true 0xc820bfc0c0:true 0xc8218c0cc0:true 0xc820a42f20:true 0xc820a436e0:true 0xc820bfc180:true 0xc8218c09c0:true 0xc820a92390:true 0xc820bfc400:true 0xc820fddec0:true 0xc820bfc500:true 0xc8218c09f0:true 0xc820bfc100:true 0xc820bfc540:true 0xc820bfc080:true 0xc820fddf80:true 0xc8218c0de0:true 0xc820fddf40:true] */ $s = 9; case 9: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = p.fmt.fmt_s(_r$2); /* map[0xc820bfc540:true 0xc820bfc080:true 0xc820fddf80:true 0xc8218c0de0:true 0xc820fddf40:true 0xc820a42fe0:true 0xc820bfc6c0:true 0xc820bfc680:true 0xc820bfc380:true 0xc820bfc640:true 0xc820a927a0:true 0xc8218c0750:true 0xc8218c0d80:true 0xc8218c0d20:true 0xc820bfc480:true 0xc820bfc5c0:true 0xc820a921a0:true 0xc820bfc340:true 0xc8218c0e70:true 0xc8218c0c90:true 0xc820a926b0:true 0xc820bfc180:true 0xc8218c09c0:true 0xc820a43870:true 0xc820bfc0c0:true 0xc8218c0cc0:true 0xc820a42f20:true 0xc820a436e0:true 0xc8218c09f0:true 0xc820bfc100:true 0xc820a92390:true 0xc820bfc400:true 0xc820fddec0:true 0xc820bfc500:true] */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
return handled;
/* } */ case 8:
$s = 6; continue;
/* } else { */ case 5:
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 118 || _ref === 115 || _ref === 120 || _ref === 88 || _ref === 113) { $s = 11; continue; }
/* */ $s = 12; continue;
/* if (_ref === 118 || _ref === 115 || _ref === 120 || _ref === 88 || _ref === 113) { */ case 11:
_ref$1 = p.arg;
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $error, true)[1]) { $s = 13; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, Stringer, true)[1]) { $s = 14; continue; }
/* */ $s = 15; continue;
/* if ($assertType(_ref$1, $error, true)[1]) { */ case 13:
v = _ref$1;
handled = true;
$deferred.push([$methodVal(p, "catchPanic"), [p.arg, verb]]);
_r$3 = v.Error(); /* map[0xc820a42f20:true 0xc820a436e0:true 0xc820bfc180:true 0xc8218c09c0:true 0xc820a43870:true 0xc820bfc0c0:true 0xc8218c0cc0:true 0xc820bfc500:true 0xc8218c09f0:true 0xc820bfc100:true 0xc820a92390:true 0xc820bfc400:true 0xc820fddec0:true 0xc820bfc540:true 0xc820bfc080:true 0xc820fddf80:true 0xc8218c0de0:true 0xc820fddf40:true 0xc820a927a0:true 0xc820a42fe0:true 0xc820bfc6c0:true 0xc820bfc680:true 0xc820bfc380:true 0xc820bfc640:true 0xc820a921a0:true 0xc820bfc340:true 0xc8218c0750:true 0xc8218c0d80:true 0xc8218c0d20:true 0xc820bfc480:true 0xc820bfc5c0:true 0xc8218c0e70:true 0xc8218c0c90:true 0xc820a926b0:true] */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$4 = p.printArg(new $String(_r$3), verb, depth); /* map[0xc820a92390:true 0xc820bfc400:true 0xc820fddec0:true 0xc820bfc500:true 0xc8218c09f0:true 0xc820bfc100:true 0xc820bfc540:true 0xc820bfc080:true 0xc820fddf80:true 0xc8218c0de0:true 0xc820fddf40:true 0xc820bfc680:true 0xc820bfc380:true 0xc820bfc640:true 0xc820a927a0:true 0xc820a42fe0:true 0xc820bfc6c0:true 0xc8218c0d20:true 0xc820bfc480:true 0xc820bfc5c0:true 0xc820a921a0:true 0xc820bfc340:true 0xc8218c0750:true 0xc8218c0d80:true 0xc820a926b0:true 0xc8218c0e70:true 0xc8218c0c90:true 0xc820a43870:true 0xc820bfc0c0:true 0xc8218c0cc0:true 0xc820a42f20:true 0xc820a436e0:true 0xc820bfc180:true 0xc8218c09c0:true] */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
return handled;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, Stringer, true)[1]) { */ case 14:
v$1 = _ref$1;
handled = true;
$deferred.push([$methodVal(p, "catchPanic"), [p.arg, verb]]);
_r$5 = v$1.String(); /* map[0xc820fddf80:true 0xc8218c0de0:true 0xc820fddf40:true 0xc820bfc640:true 0xc820a927a0:true 0xc820a42fe0:true 0xc820bfc6c0:true 0xc820bfc680:true 0xc820bfc380:true 0xc820bfc5c0:true 0xc820a921a0:true 0xc820bfc340:true 0xc8218c0750:true 0xc8218c0d80:true 0xc8218c0d20:true 0xc820bfc480:true 0xc8218c0e70:true 0xc8218c0c90:true 0xc820a926b0:true 0xc8218c0cc0:true 0xc820a42f20:true 0xc820a436e0:true 0xc820bfc180:true 0xc8218c09c0:true 0xc820a43870:true 0xc820bfc0c0:true 0xc820fddec0:true 0xc820bfc500:true 0xc8218c09f0:true 0xc820bfc100:true 0xc820a92390:true 0xc820bfc400:true 0xc820bfc540:true 0xc820bfc080:true] */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$6 = p.printArg(new $String(_r$5), verb, depth); /* map[0xc8218c0c90:true 0xc820a926b0:true 0xc8218c0e70:true 0xc8218c09c0:true 0xc820a43870:true 0xc820bfc0c0:true 0xc8218c0cc0:true 0xc820a42f20:true 0xc820a436e0:true 0xc820bfc180:true 0xc820bfc100:true 0xc820a92390:true 0xc820bfc400:true 0xc820fddec0:true 0xc820bfc500:true 0xc8218c09f0:true 0xc820bfc080:true 0xc820bfc540:true 0xc8218c0de0:true 0xc820fddf80:true 0xc820fddf40:true 0xc820bfc6c0:true 0xc820bfc680:true 0xc820bfc380:true 0xc820bfc640:true 0xc820a927a0:true 0xc820a42fe0:true 0xc8218c0d80:true 0xc8218c0d20:true 0xc820bfc480:true 0xc820bfc5c0:true 0xc820a921a0:true 0xc820bfc340:true 0xc8218c0750:true] */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
return handled;
/* } */ case 15:
/* } */ case 12:
/* } */ case 6:
handled = false;
return handled;
/* */ } return; } } catch(err) { $err = err; $s = -1; } finally { $callDeferred($deferred, $err); if (!$curGoroutine.asleep) { return handled; } if($curGoroutine.asleep) {/* FOO: %!s(int=34) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.handleMethods }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._r$6 = _r$6; $f._ref = _ref; $f._ref$1 = _ref$1; $f._tuple = _tuple; $f._tuple$1 = _tuple$1; $f._tuple$2 = _tuple$2; $f.depth = depth; $f.formatter = formatter; $f.handled = handled; $f.ok = ok; $f.ok$1 = ok$1; $f.p = p; $f.stringer = stringer; $f.v = v; $f.v$1 = v$1; $f.verb = verb; $f.$s = $s; $f.$deferred = $deferred; $f.$r = $r; return $f; } }
pp.prototype.handleMethods = function(verb, depth) { return this.$val.handleMethods(verb, depth); };
pp.ptr.prototype.printArg = function(arg, verb, depth) {
var $ptr, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _ref, _ref$1, arg, depth, f, f$1, f$10, f$11, f$12, f$13, f$14, f$15, f$16, f$17, f$18, f$19, f$2, f$3, f$4, f$5, f$6, f$7, f$8, f$9, handled, p, verb, wasString, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _r$7 = $f._r$7; _r$8 = $f._r$8; _ref = $f._ref; _ref$1 = $f._ref$1; arg = $f.arg; depth = $f.depth; f = $f.f; f$1 = $f.f$1; f$10 = $f.f$10; f$11 = $f.f$11; f$12 = $f.f$12; f$13 = $f.f$13; f$14 = $f.f$14; f$15 = $f.f$15; f$16 = $f.f$16; f$17 = $f.f$17; f$18 = $f.f$18; f$19 = $f.f$19; f$2 = $f.f$2; f$3 = $f.f$3; f$4 = $f.f$4; f$5 = $f.f$5; f$6 = $f.f$6; f$7 = $f.f$7; f$8 = $f.f$8; f$9 = $f.f$9; handled = $f.handled; p = $f.p; verb = $f.verb; wasString = $f.wasString; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
wasString = false;
p = this;
p.arg = arg;
p.value = new reflect.Value.ptr(ptrType.nil, 0, 0);
/* */ if ($interfaceIsEqual(arg, $ifaceNil)) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if ($interfaceIsEqual(arg, $ifaceNil)) { */ case 1:
/* */ if ((verb === 84) || (verb === 118)) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if ((verb === 84) || (verb === 118)) { */ case 3:
$s = 5; continue;
/* } else { */ case 4:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 5:
wasString = false;
return wasString;
/* } */ case 2:
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 84) { $s = 7; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 112) { $s = 8; continue; }
/* */ $s = 9; continue;
/* if (_ref === 84) { */ case 7:
_r$2 = reflect.TypeOf(arg).String(); /* map[0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true] */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$3 = p.printArg(new $String(_r$2), 115, 0); /* map[0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
wasString = false;
return wasString;
/* } else if (_ref === 112) { */ case 8:
_r$4 = reflect.ValueOf(arg); /* map[0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfcd00:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = p.fmtPointer(_r$4, verb); /* map[0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true] */ $s = 13; case 13: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
wasString = false;
return wasString;
/* } */ case 9:
_ref$1 = arg;
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Bool, true)[1]) { $s = 14; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Float32, true)[1]) { $s = 15; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Float64, true)[1]) { $s = 16; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Complex64, true)[1]) { $s = 17; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Complex128, true)[1]) { $s = 18; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Int, true)[1]) { $s = 19; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Int8, true)[1]) { $s = 20; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Int16, true)[1]) { $s = 21; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Int32, true)[1]) { $s = 22; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Int64, true)[1]) { $s = 23; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uint, true)[1]) { $s = 24; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uint8, true)[1]) { $s = 25; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uint16, true)[1]) { $s = 26; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uint32, true)[1]) { $s = 27; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uint64, true)[1]) { $s = 28; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uintptr, true)[1]) { $s = 29; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, $String, true)[1]) { $s = 30; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, sliceType, true)[1]) { $s = 31; continue; }
/* */ if ($assertType(_ref$1, reflect.Value, true)[1]) { $s = 32; continue; }
/* */ $s = 33; continue;
/* if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Bool, true)[1]) { */ case 14:
f = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtBool(f, verb); /* map[0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true] */ $s = 35; case 35: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Float32, true)[1]) { */ case 15:
f$1 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtFloat32(f$1, verb); /* map[0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true] */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Float64, true)[1]) { */ case 16:
f$2 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtFloat64(f$2, verb); /* map[0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true] */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Complex64, true)[1]) { */ case 17:
f$3 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtComplex64(f$3, verb); /* map[0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true] */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Complex128, true)[1]) { */ case 18:
f$4 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtComplex128(f$4, verb); /* map[0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true] */ $s = 39; case 39: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Int, true)[1]) { */ case 19:
f$5 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtInt64(new $Int64(0, f$5), verb); /* map[0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820a83890:true] */ $s = 40; case 40: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Int8, true)[1]) { */ case 20:
f$6 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtInt64(new $Int64(0, f$6), verb); /* map[0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true] */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Int16, true)[1]) { */ case 21:
f$7 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtInt64(new $Int64(0, f$7), verb); /* map[0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true] */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Int32, true)[1]) { */ case 22:
f$8 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtInt64(new $Int64(0, f$8), verb); /* map[0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true] */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Int64, true)[1]) { */ case 23:
f$9 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtInt64(f$9, verb); /* map[0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true] */ $s = 44; case 44: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uint, true)[1]) { */ case 24:
f$10 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtUint64(new $Uint64(0, f$10), verb); /* map[0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true] */ $s = 45; case 45: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uint8, true)[1]) { */ case 25:
f$11 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtUint64(new $Uint64(0, f$11), verb); /* map[0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true] */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uint16, true)[1]) { */ case 26:
f$12 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtUint64(new $Uint64(0, f$12), verb); /* map[0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true] */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uint32, true)[1]) { */ case 27:
f$13 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtUint64(new $Uint64(0, f$13), verb); /* map[0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true] */ $s = 48; case 48: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uint64, true)[1]) { */ case 28:
f$14 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtUint64(f$14, verb); /* map[0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true] */ $s = 49; case 49: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $Uintptr, true)[1]) { */ case 29:
f$15 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtUint64(new $Uint64(0, f$15.constructor === Number ? f$15 : 1), verb); /* map[0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true] */ $s = 50; case 50: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, $String, true)[1]) { */ case 30:
f$16 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtString(f$16, verb); /* map[0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true] */ $s = 51; case 51: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
wasString = (verb === 115) || (verb === 118);
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, sliceType, true)[1]) { */ case 31:
f$17 = _ref$1.$val;
$r = p.fmtBytes(f$17, verb, $ifaceNil, depth); /* map[0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true] */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
wasString = verb === 115;
$s = 34; continue;
/* } else if ($assertType(_ref$1, reflect.Value, true)[1]) { */ case 32:
f$18 = _ref$1.$val;
_r$5 = p.printReflectValue(f$18, verb, depth); /* map[0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true] */ $s = 53; case 53: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
wasString = _r$5;
/* */ $s = 54; case 54:
return wasString;
/* } else { */ case 33:
f$19 = _ref$1;
_r$6 = p.handleMethods(verb, depth); /* map[0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfd040:true] */ $s = 55; case 55: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
handled = _r$6;
/* */ if (handled) { $s = 56; continue; }
/* */ $s = 57; continue;
/* if (handled) { */ case 56:
wasString = false;
return wasString;
/* } */ case 57:
_r$7 = reflect.ValueOf(arg); /* map[0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true 0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820a83890:true] */ $s = 58; case 58: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$8 = p.printReflectValue(_r$7, verb, depth); /* map[0xc820bfd900:true 0xc820bfcd00:true 0xc820bfd780:true 0xc820bfd8c0:true 0xc820bfdc00:true 0xc820bfd340:true 0xc820bfd500:true 0xc820bfde00:true 0xc820bfdd80:true 0xc820bfdb00:true 0xc820bfd080:true 0xc820a828e0:true 0xc820bfd7c0:true 0xc820bfcc40:true 0xc820bfcd80:true 0xc820a83890:true 0xc820bfcec0:true 0xc820bfd480:true 0xc820a83640:true 0xc820bfca00:true 0xc820a935f0:true 0xc820bfd240:true 0xc820bfd880:true 0xc820bfd980:true 0xc820bfccc0:true 0xc820a931b0:true 0xc820bfd140:true 0xc820bfd700:true 0xc820a82a50:true 0xc820bfcac0:true 0xc820bfce40:true 0xc820bfd000:true 0xc820bfce00:true 0xc820a837d0:true 0xc820bfda80:true 0xc8218c1590:true 0xc820e4a150:true 0xc820a822e0:true 0xc820bfd640:true 0xc820bfde40:true 0xc820bfce80:true 0xc820bfd380:true 0xc820a82490:true 0xc820a93dc0:true 0xc820bfcbc0:true 0xc820bfca80:true 0xc820a82760:true 0xc820a93bd0:true 0xc820bfd200:true 0xc8218c13b0:true 0xc820a83ad0:true 0xc820a93b10:true 0xc820bfcf40:true 0xc820bfd6c0:true 0xc820a92fd0:true 0xc8209691e0:true 0xc820bfcf80:true 0xc820bfd0c0:true 0xc8218c13e0:true 0xc820bfd180:true 0xc820a92de0:true 0xc820a93820:true 0xc820bfd400:true 0xc820bfd840:true 0xc820bfdc40:true 0xc820bfcd40:true 0xc820e4a120:true 0xc820bfdcc0:true 0xc820bfd600:true 0xc8218c15c0:true 0xc820a820b0:true 0xc820bfd4c0:true 0xc820bfdd40:true 0xc820bfdd00:true 0xc820a83000:true 0xc820a834f0:true 0xc820968e80:true 0xc820e4a180:true 0xc820bfdb80:true 0xc820bfd9c0:true 0xc820bfda00:true 0xc820bfd040:true 0xc820a82650:true] */ $s = 59; case 59: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
wasString = _r$8;
/* */ $s = 60; case 60:
return wasString;
/* } */ case 34:
p.arg = $ifaceNil;
return wasString;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=83) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.printArg }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._r$6 = _r$6; $f._r$7 = _r$7; $f._r$8 = _r$8; $f._ref = _ref; $f._ref$1 = _ref$1; $f.arg = arg; $f.depth = depth; $f.f = f; $f.f$1 = f$1; $f.f$10 = f$10; $f.f$11 = f$11; $f.f$12 = f$12; $f.f$13 = f$13; $f.f$14 = f$14; $f.f$15 = f$15; $f.f$16 = f$16; $f.f$17 = f$17; $f.f$18 = f$18; $f.f$19 = f$19; $f.f$2 = f$2; $f.f$3 = f$3; $f.f$4 = f$4; $f.f$5 = f$5; $f.f$6 = f$6; $f.f$7 = f$7; $f.f$8 = f$8; $f.f$9 = f$9; $f.handled = handled; $f.p = p; $f.verb = verb; $f.wasString = wasString; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.printArg = function(arg, verb, depth) { return this.$val.printArg(arg, verb, depth); };
pp.ptr.prototype.printValue = function(value, verb, depth) {
var $ptr, _r$2, _r$3, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _ref, depth, handled, p, value, verb, wasString, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _ref = $f._ref; depth = $f.depth; handled = $f.handled; p = $f.p; value = $f.value; verb = $f.verb; wasString = $f.wasString; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
wasString = false;
value = value;
p = this;
/* */ if (!value.IsValid()) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ $s = 2; continue;
/* if (!value.IsValid()) { */ case 1:
/* */ if ((verb === 84) || (verb === 118)) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ $s = 4; continue;
/* if ((verb === 84) || (verb === 118)) { */ case 3:
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(nilAngleBytes);
$s = 5; continue;
/* } else { */ case 4:
$r = p.badVerb(verb); /* map[0xc82154fa00:true 0xc820a7ab80:true 0xc82154f480:true 0xc8209900c0:true 0xc82154f3c0:true 0xc82154ee00:true 0xc820e4a960:true 0xc82154ea40:true 0xc82154fb00:true 0xc820e4a780:true 0xc82154fa40:true 0xc820e4a5a0:true 0xc82154eb00:true 0xc820a7a7e0:true 0xc82154f780:true 0xc82154fb80:true 0xc820e4a750:true 0xc820a7aa80:true 0xc82154ec00:true 0xc820e4a570:true 0xc82154fac0:true 0xc82154fa80:true 0xc820e4aa80:true 0xc82154f200:true 0xc82154f9c0:true] */ $s = 6; case 6: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 5:
wasString = false;
return wasString;
/* } */ case 2:
_ref = verb;
/* */ if (_ref === 84) { $s = 7; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 112) { $s = 8; continue; }
/* */ $s = 9; continue;
/* if (_ref === 84) { */ case 7:
_r$2 = value.Type().String(); /* map[0xc820e4aa80:true 0xc82154f200:true 0xc82154f9c0:true 0xc820e4a570:true 0xc82154fac0:true 0xc82154fa80:true 0xc82154f3c0:true 0xc82154ee00:true 0xc820e4a960:true 0xc82154fa00:true 0xc820a7ab80:true 0xc82154f480:true 0xc8209900c0:true 0xc820e4a780:true 0xc82154fa40:true 0xc820e4a5a0:true 0xc82154ea40:true 0xc82154fb00:true 0xc820e4a750:true 0xc820a7aa80:true 0xc82154ec00:true 0xc82154eb00:true 0xc820a7a7e0:true 0xc82154f780:true 0xc82154fb80:true] */ $s = 10; case 10: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$3 = p.printArg(new $String(_r$2), 115, 0); /* map[0xc820a7ab80:true 0xc82154f480:true 0xc8209900c0:true 0xc82154f3c0:true 0xc82154ee00:true 0xc820e4a960:true 0xc82154fa00:true 0xc82154fb00:true 0xc820e4a780:true 0xc82154fa40:true 0xc820e4a5a0:true 0xc82154ea40:true 0xc820a7a7e0:true 0xc82154f780:true 0xc82154fb80:true 0xc820e4a750:true 0xc820a7aa80:true 0xc82154ec00:true 0xc82154eb00:true 0xc82154fac0:true 0xc82154fa80:true 0xc820e4aa80:true 0xc82154f200:true 0xc82154f9c0:true 0xc820e4a570:true] */ $s = 11; case 11: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
wasString = false;
return wasString;
/* } else if (_ref === 112) { */ case 8:
$r = p.fmtPointer(value, verb); /* map[0xc82154f200:true 0xc82154f9c0:true 0xc820e4a570:true 0xc82154fac0:true 0xc82154fa80:true 0xc820e4aa80:true 0xc82154ee00:true 0xc820e4a960:true 0xc82154fa00:true 0xc820a7ab80:true 0xc82154f480:true 0xc8209900c0:true 0xc82154f3c0:true 0xc82154fa40:true 0xc820e4a5a0:true 0xc82154ea40:true 0xc82154fb00:true 0xc820e4a780:true 0xc820a7aa80:true 0xc82154ec00:true 0xc82154eb00:true 0xc820a7a7e0:true 0xc82154f780:true 0xc82154fb80:true 0xc820e4a750:true] */ $s = 12; case 12: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
wasString = false;
return wasString;
/* } */ case 9:
p.arg = $ifaceNil;
/* */ if (value.CanInterface()) { $s = 13; continue; }
/* */ $s = 14; continue;
/* if (value.CanInterface()) { */ case 13:
_r$4 = value.Interface(); /* map[0xc82154f3c0:true 0xc82154ee00:true 0xc820e4a960:true 0xc82154fa00:true 0xc820a7ab80:true 0xc82154f480:true 0xc8209900c0:true 0xc820e4a780:true 0xc82154fa40:true 0xc820e4a5a0:true 0xc82154ea40:true 0xc82154fb00:true 0xc820e4a750:true 0xc820a7aa80:true 0xc82154ec00:true 0xc82154eb00:true 0xc820a7a7e0:true 0xc82154f780:true 0xc82154fb80:true 0xc820e4aa80:true 0xc82154f200:true 0xc82154f9c0:true 0xc820e4a570:true 0xc82154fac0:true 0xc82154fa80:true] */ $s = 15; case 15: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
p.arg = _r$4;
/* } */ case 14:
_r$5 = p.handleMethods(verb, depth); /* map[0xc82154f200:true 0xc82154f9c0:true 0xc820e4a570:true 0xc82154fac0:true 0xc82154fa80:true 0xc820e4aa80:true 0xc82154ee00:true 0xc820e4a960:true 0xc82154fa00:true 0xc820a7ab80:true 0xc82154f480:true 0xc8209900c0:true 0xc82154f3c0:true 0xc82154fa40:true 0xc820e4a5a0:true 0xc82154ea40:true 0xc82154fb00:true 0xc820e4a780:true 0xc820a7aa80:true 0xc82154ec00:true 0xc82154eb00:true 0xc820a7a7e0:true 0xc82154f780:true 0xc82154fb80:true 0xc820e4a750:true] */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
handled = _r$5;
/* */ if (handled) { $s = 17; continue; }
/* */ $s = 18; continue;
/* if (handled) { */ case 17:
wasString = false;
return wasString;
/* } */ case 18:
_r$6 = p.printReflectValue(value, verb, depth); /* map[0xc82154ea40:true 0xc82154fb00:true 0xc820e4a780:true 0xc82154fa40:true 0xc820e4a5a0:true 0xc82154eb00:true 0xc820a7a7e0:true 0xc82154f780:true 0xc82154fb80:true 0xc820e4a750:true 0xc820a7aa80:true 0xc82154ec00:true 0xc820e4a570:true 0xc82154fac0:true 0xc82154fa80:true 0xc820e4aa80:true 0xc82154f200:true 0xc82154f9c0:true 0xc82154fa00:true 0xc820a7ab80:true 0xc82154f480:true 0xc8209900c0:true 0xc82154f3c0:true 0xc82154ee00:true 0xc820e4a960:true] */ $s = 19; case 19: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
wasString = _r$6;
/* */ $s = 20; case 20:
return wasString;
/* */ } return; }/* FOO: %!s(int=25) */ if ($f === undefined) { $f = { $blk: pp.ptr.prototype.printValue }; } $f.$ptr = $ptr; $f._r$2 = _r$2; $f._r$3 = _r$3; $f._r$4 = _r$4; $f._r$5 = _r$5; $f._r$6 = _r$6; $f._ref = _ref; $f.depth = depth; $f.handled = handled; $f.p = p; $f.value = value; $f.verb = verb; $f.wasString = wasString; $f.$s = $s; $f.$r = $r; return $f;
pp.prototype.printValue = function(value, verb, depth) { return this.$val.printValue(value, verb, depth); };
pp.ptr.prototype.printReflectValue = function(value, verb, depth) {
var $ptr, _i, _i$1, _r$10, _r$11, _r$12, _r$13, _r$14, _r$15, _r$16, _r$17, _r$18, _r$19, _r$2, _r$20, _r$21, _r$22, _r$23, _r$24, _r$25, _r$26, _r$27, _r$28, _r$29, _r$3, _r$30, _r$31, _r$32, _r$33, _r$34, _r$35, _r$4, _r$5, _r$6, _r$7, _r$8, _r$9, _ref, _ref$1, _ref$2, _ref$3, _v, a, bytes, depth, f, f$1, i, i$1, i$2, i$3, key, keys, oldValue, p, t, typ, v, v$1, value, value$1, verb, wasString, x, $s, $r;
/* */ $s = 0; var $f, $c = false; if (this !== undefined && this.$blk !== undefined) { $f = this; $c = true; $ptr = $f.$ptr; _i = $f._i; _i$1 = $f._i$1; _r$10 = $f._r$10; _r$11 = $f._r$11; _r$12 = $f._r$12; _r$13 = $f._r$13; _r$14 = $f._r$14; _r$15 = $f._r$15; _r$16 = $f._r$16; _r$17 = $f._r$17; _r$18 = $f._r$18; _r$19 = $f._r$19; _r$2 = $f._r$2; _r$20 = $f._r$20; _r$21 = $f._r$21; _r$22 = $f._r$22; _r$23 = $f._r$23; _r$24 = $f._r$24; _r$25 = $f._r$25; _r$26 = $f._r$26; _r$27 = $f._r$27; _r$28 = $f._r$28; _r$29 = $f._r$29; _r$3 = $f._r$3; _r$30 = $f._r$30; _r$31 = $f._r$31; _r$32 = $f._r$32; _r$33 = $f._r$33; _r$34 = $f._r$34; _r$35 = $f._r$35; _r$4 = $f._r$4; _r$5 = $f._r$5; _r$6 = $f._r$6; _r$7 = $f._r$7; _r$8 = $f._r$8; _r$9 = $f._r$9; _ref = $f._ref; _ref$1 = $f._ref$1; _ref$2 = $f._ref$2; _ref$3 = $f._ref$3; _v = $f._v; a = $f.a; bytes = $f.bytes; depth = $f.depth; f = $f.f; f$1 = $f.f$1; i = $f.i; i$1 = $f.i$1; i$2 = $f.i$2; i$3 = $f.i$3; key = $f.key; keys = $f.keys; oldValue = $f.oldValue; p = $f.p; t = $f.t; typ = $f.typ; v = $f.v; v$1 = $f.v$1; value = $f.value; value$1 = $f.value$1; verb = $f.verb; wasString = $f.wasString; x = $f.x; $s = $f.$s; $r = $f.$r; } s: while (true) { switch ($s) { case 0:
wasString = false;
value = value;
p = this;
oldValue = p.value;
p.value = value;
f = value;
_ref = f.Kind();
/* */ if (_ref === 0) { $s = 1; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 1) { $s = 2; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 2 || _ref === 3 || _ref === 4 || _ref === 5 || _ref === 6) { $s = 3; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 7 || _ref === 8 || _ref === 9 || _ref === 10 || _ref === 11 || _ref === 12) { $s = 4; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 13 || _ref === 14) { $s = 5; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 15 || _ref === 16) { $s = 6; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 24) { $s = 7; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 21) { $s = 8; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 25) { $s = 9; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 20) { $s = 10; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 17 || _ref === 23) { $s = 11; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 22) { $s = 12; continue; }
/* */ if (_ref === 18 || _ref === 19 || _ref === 26) { $s = 13; continue; }
/* */ $s = 14; continue;
/* switch (0) { default: if (_ref === 0) { */ case 1:
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString("<invalid reflect.Value>");
$s = 15; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 1) { */ case 2:
$r = p.fmtBool(f.Bool(), verb); /* map[0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true] */ $s = 16; case 16: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 15; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 2 || _ref === 3 || _ref === 4 || _ref === 5 || _ref === 6) { */ case 3:
$r = p.fmtInt64(f.Int(), verb); /* map[0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true] */ $s = 17; case 17: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 15; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 7 || _ref === 8 || _ref === 9 || _ref === 10 || _ref === 11 || _ref === 12) { */ case 4:
$r = p.fmtUint64(f.Uint(), verb); /* map[0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true] */ $s = 18; case 18: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 15; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 13 || _ref === 14) { */ case 5:
_r$2 = f.Type().Size(); /* map[0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true] */ $s = 22; case 22: if($c) { $c = false; _r$2 = _r$2.$blk(); } if (_r$2 && _r$2.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (_r$2 === 4) { $s = 19; continue; }
/* */ $s = 20; continue;
/* if (_r$2 === 4) { */ case 19:
$r = p.fmtFloat32($fround(f.Float()), verb); /* map[0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true] */ $s = 23; case 23: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 21; continue;
/* } else { */ case 20:
$r = p.fmtFloat64(f.Float(), verb); /* map[0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true] */ $s = 24; case 24: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 21:
$s = 15; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 15 || _ref === 16) { */ case 6:
_r$3 = f.Type().Size(); /* map[0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true] */ $s = 28; case 28: if($c) { $c = false; _r$3 = _r$3.$blk(); } if (_r$3 && _r$3.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* */ if (_r$3 === 8) { $s = 25; continue; }
/* */ $s = 26; continue;
/* if (_r$3 === 8) { */ case 25:
$r = p.fmtComplex64((x = f.Complex(), new $Complex64(x.$real, x.$imag)), verb); /* map[0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true] */ $s = 29; case 29: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 27; continue;
/* } else { */ case 26:
$r = p.fmtComplex128(f.Complex(), verb); /* map[0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true] */ $s = 30; case 30: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 27:
$s = 15; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 24) { */ case 7:
_r$4 = f.String(); /* map[0xc820a21000:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true] */ $s = 31; case 31: if($c) { $c = false; _r$4 = _r$4.$blk(); } if (_r$4 && _r$4.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$r = p.fmtString(_r$4, verb); /* map[0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true] */ $s = 32; case 32: if($c) { $c = false; $r = $r.$blk(); } if ($r && $r.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
$s = 15; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 21) { */ case 8:
/* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 33; continue; }
/* */ $s = 34; continue;
/* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 33:
_r$5 = f.Type().String(); /* map[0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true] */ $s = 36; case 36: if($c) { $c = false; _r$5 = _r$5.$blk(); } if (_r$5 && _r$5.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$6 = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString(_r$5); /* map[0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true] */ $s = 37; case 37: if($c) { $c = false; _r$6 = _r$6.$blk(); } if (_r$6 && _r$6.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
if (f.IsNil()) {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString("(nil)");
/* break; */ $s = 15; continue;
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(123);
$s = 35; continue;
/* } else { */ case 34:
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(mapBytes);
/* } */ case 35:
_r$7 = f.MapKeys(); /* map[0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true] */ $s = 38; case 38: if($c) { $c = false; _r$7 = _r$7.$blk(); } if (_r$7 && _r$7.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
keys = _r$7;
_ref$1 = keys;
_i = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 39:
/* if (!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { break; } */ if(!(_i < _ref$1.$length)) { $s = 40; continue; }
i = _i;
key = ((_i < 0 || _i >= _ref$1.$length) ? $throwRuntimeError("index out of range") : _ref$1.$array[_ref$1.$offset + _i]);
if (i > 0) {
if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(commaSpaceBytes);
} else {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(32);
_r$8 = p.printValue(key, verb, depth + 1 >> 0); /* map[0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true] */ $s = 41; case 41: if($c) { $c = false; _r$8 = _r$8.$blk(); } if (_r$8 && _r$8.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(58);
_r$9 = f.MapIndex(key); /* map[0xc82074df80:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true] */ $s = 42; case 42: if($c) { $c = false; _r$9 = _r$9.$blk(); } if (_r$9 && _r$9.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$10 = p.printValue(_r$9, verb, depth + 1 >> 0); /* map[0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc82074d040:true] */ $s = 43; case 43: if($c) { $c = false; _r$10 = _r$10.$blk(); } if (_r$10 && _r$10.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ $s = 39; continue; case 40:
if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(125);
} else {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(93);
$s = 15; continue;
/* } else if (_ref === 25) { */ case 9:
/* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 44; continue; }
/* */ $s = 45; continue;
/* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 44:
_r$11 = value.Type().String(); /* map[0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true] */ $s = 46; case 46: if($c) { $c = false; _r$11 = _r$11.$blk(); } if (_r$11 && _r$11.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
_r$12 = (p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString(_r$11); /* map[0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true] */ $s = 47; case 47: if($c) { $c = false; _r$12 = _r$12.$blk(); } if (_r$12 && _r$12.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
/* } */ case 45:
v = f;
t = v.Type();
i$1 = 0;
/* while (true) { */ case 48:
/* if (!(i$1 < v.NumField())) { break; } */ if(!(i$1 < v.NumField())) { $s = 49; continue; }
if (i$1 > 0) {
if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).Write(commaSpaceBytes);
} else {
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(32);
/* */ if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV || p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { $s = 50; continue; }
/* */ $s = 51; continue;
/* if (p.fmt.fmtFlags.plusV || p.fmt.fmtFlags.sharpV) { */ case 50:
_r$13 = t.Field(i$1); /* map[0xc82074d680:true 0xc8208aa1e0:true 0xc82074cb00:true 0xc8201658a0:true 0xc820a16600:true 0xc82074dfc0:true 0xc820a20fc0:true 0xc820164320:true 0xc8201652d0:true 0xc82074c500:true 0xc820e4b560:true 0xc820a20a40:true 0xc82074d040:true 0xc820a200c0:true 0xc820164430:true 0xc820e4b290:true 0xc820e4b110:true 0xc82074c580:true 0xc8205f0780:true 0xc820a202c0:true 0xc820892a10:true 0xc820892540:true 0xc82074d9c0:true 0xc82074dbc0:true 0xc820a20dc0:true 0xc82102fa70:true 0xc820a206c0:true 0xc820164a00:true 0xc82102f230:true 0xc82074c140:true 0xc820a7bd80:true 0xc82074ccc0:true 0xc820cbd0e0:true 0xc820a173b0:true 0xc8205f01a0:true 0xc820a20040:true 0xc8208abed0:true 0xc820e4aff0:true 0xc820e4bd70:true 0xc820a16060:true 0xc820a172f0:true 0xc820a20000:true 0xc82074d640:true 0xc82074dcc0:true 0xc82074ddc0:true 0xc820a20bc0:true 0xc82074db80:true 0xc820a16c30:true 0xc82074d540:true 0xc82074c300:true 0xc820165400:true 0xc820a20140:true 0xc82074d940:true 0xc82074c040:true 0xc820a20280:true 0xc820a207c0:true 0xc82074de00:true 0xc82074ce00:true 0xc820a20900:true 0xc820a20c80:true 0xc82102fad0:true 0xc820a20780:true 0xc82074cf40:true 0xc820a21000:true 0xc820e4af60:true 0xc820164890:true 0xc820a204c0:true 0xc82074c280:true 0xc820a7bfe0:true 0xc8208926d0:true 0xc82074c000:true 0xc82102fb00:true 0xc82095aaa0:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208928c0:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc82074c8c0:true 0xc820a16b40:true 0xc820a17320:true 0xc82102f620:true 0xc82074c640:true 0xc82074c740:true 0xc82074c780:true] */ $s = 52; case 52: if($c) { $c = false; _r$13 = _r$13.$blk(); } if (_r$13 && _r$13.$blk !== undefined) { break s; }
f$1 = $clone(_r$13, reflect.StructField);
/* */ if (!(f$1.Name === "")) { $s = 53; continue; }
/* */ $s = 54; continue;
/* if (!(f$1.Name === "")) { */ case 53:
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteString(f$1.Name);
(p.$ptr_buf || (p.$ptr_buf = new ptrType$1(function() { return this.$target.buf; }, function($v) { this.$target.buf = $v; }, p))).WriteByte(58);
/* } */ case 54:
/* } */ case 51:
_r$14 = getField(v, i$1); /* map[0xc82074de40:true 0xc820a20e40:true 0xc820a21080:true 0xc820a21040:true 0xc82074d440:true 0xc82074dc00:true 0xc820a16fc0:true 0xc82074c3c0:true 0xc820a20b40:true 0xc820a16690:true 0xc82074dd00:true 0xc820a17650:true 0xc820e4b080:true 0xc82074cfc0:true 0xc82074d7c0:true 0xc820a170b0:true 0xc82074c4c0:true 0xc820a16930:true 0xc820a20080:true 0xc8205f03e0:true 0xc82074c480:true 0xc82074d4c0:true 0xc820164760:true 0xc820892aa0:true 0xc82074df80:true 0xc82074ca80:true 0xc82074c880:true 0xc8205f0ae0:true 0xc82074d880:true 0xc820a168a0:true 0xc820a16de0:true 0xc820a16bd0:true 0xc82102f950:true 0xc82074d5c0:true 0xc82074d380:true 0xc82074da00:true 0xc82074d980:true 0xc8201646a0:true 0xc820a16cc0:true 0xc82074c240:true 0xc820a169f0:true 0xc820a20d00:true 0xc820a7bac0:true 0xc82074cac0:true 0xc82074cd80:true 0xc82074d000:true 0xc82074c6c0:true 0xc82074c700:true 0xc82074d480:true 0xc82074d6c0:true 0xc820a17a70:true 0xc820a20a00:true 0xc82074c100:true 0xc82074c7c0:true 0xc82074d780:true 0xc820cbd540:true 0xc820a20ec0:true 0xc82074d340:true 0xc820a20200:true 0xc8208ab690:true 0xc82074c800:true 0xc8208aa580:true 0xc8208ab480:true 0xc820e4b1a0:true 0xc820a16db0:true 0xc820a20f40:true 0xc82089
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