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Created August 4, 2014 08:28
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Waldo by Angus Croll
var traverse = function(util, searchTerm, options) {
var options = options || {};
var obj = options.obj || window;
var path = options.path || ((obj==window) ? "window" : "");
var props = Object.keys(obj);
props.forEach(function(prop) {
if ((tests[util] || util)(searchTerm, obj, prop)){
console.log([path, ".", prop].join(""), "->",["(", typeof obj[prop], ")"].join(""), obj[prop]);
if([prop])=="[object Object]" &&
(obj[prop] != obj) && path.split(".").indexOf(prop) == -1) {
traverse(util, searchTerm, {obj: obj[prop], path: [path,prop].join(".")});
var dealWithIt = function(util, expected, searchTerm, options) {
(!expected || typeof searchTerm == expected) ?
traverse(util, searchTerm, options) :
console.error([searchTerm, 'must be', expected].join(' '));
var tests = {
'name': function(searchTerm, obj, prop) {return searchTerm == prop},
'nameContains': function(searchTerm, obj, prop) {return prop.indexOf(searchTerm)>-1},
'type': function(searchTerm, obj, prop) {return obj[prop] instanceof searchTerm},
'value': function(searchTerm, obj, prop) {return obj[prop] === searchTerm},
'valueCoerced': function(searchTerm, obj, prop) {return obj[prop] == searchTerm}
byName: function(searchTerm, options) {dealWithIt('name', 'string', searchTerm, options);},
byNameContains: function(searchTerm, options) {dealWithIt('nameContains', 'string', searchTerm, options);},
byType: function(searchTerm, options) {dealWithIt('type', 'function', searchTerm, options);},
byValue: function(searchTerm, options) {dealWithIt('value', null, searchTerm, options);},
byValueCoerced: function(searchTerm, options) {dealWithIt('valueCoerced', null, searchTerm, options);},
custom: function(fn, options) {traverse(fn, null, options);}
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