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Created January 18, 2024 18:23
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Led wall grid generator
// LEDWallGrid - This script will create a grid of squares for an LED wall.
// Flip Phillips
// Darren Alexander (from FidoLED)
// Winter 2024
// (c) Darren Alexander 2015
// (c) Flip Phillips 2024 but released under the MIT license
#target photoshop
$.localize = true;
// try {
// }
// catch (e) {
// }
// the things to set
var canvasWidth = 1920;
var canvasHeight = 1080;
var ModuleW = 5;
var ModuleH = 4;
var ColumnOffset = 0;
var pixelpitchwide = 88;
var pixelpitchhigh = 88;
var guides = false;
var randomColors = true;
var numbering = true;
// the things we compute
var width = ModuleW * pixelpitchwide;
var height = ModuleH * pixelpitchhigh;
var defaultRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits; preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
var doc = documents.add(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, 72, "LED Grids", NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.TRANSPARENT, 1.0);
// make guides
function makeGuide(pixelOffSet, orientation) {
var id8 = charIDToTypeID("Mk ");
var desc4 = new ActionDescriptor();
var id9 = charIDToTypeID("Nw ");
var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor();
var id10 = charIDToTypeID("Pstn");
var id11 = charIDToTypeID("#Rlt");
desc5.putUnitDouble(id10, id11, pixelOffSet); // integer
var id12 = charIDToTypeID("Ornt");
var id13 = charIDToTypeID("Ornt");
var id14 = charIDToTypeID(orientation);
desc5.putEnumerated(id12, id13, id14);
var id15 = charIDToTypeID("Gd ");
desc4.putObject(id9, id15, desc5);
executeAction(id8, desc4, DialogModes.NO);
if (guides) {
for (i = 0; i <= ModuleW; i++) {
makeGuide(pixelpitchwide * i, "Vrtc");
for (i = 0; i <= ModuleH; i++) {
makeGuide(pixelpitchhigh * i, "Hrzn");
// make boxes
// row colum globals?
var c = 0;
var r = 0;
var colourcycle = 0;
function makegrids(ppitch, colourcycle) {
for (s = 0; s <= ModuleH - 1; s++) { // this loop created a filled in column - now I need to move over 1 module and do more!
var Colour1 = new SolidColor;
var Colour2 = new SolidColor;
if (randomColors) { = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
else { = 255; = 68; = 34; = 0; = 170; = 238;
var X1 = Number(ppitch) //Number((z*ModuleW)*pixelpitchwide) // point 1 of the selection
var Y1 = Number(r * pixelpitchhigh) //Number((z*ModuleH)*pixelpitchhigh) // point 1 of the selection
var X2 = Number(X1 + pixelpitchwide) // point 2 of the selection
var Y2 = Number(r * pixelpitchhigh) //Number((z*ModuleH)*pixelpitchhigh) // point 2 of the selection
var X3 = Number(X1 + pixelpitchwide) // point 3 of the selection
var Y3 = Number(Y1 + pixelpitchhigh) // Point 3 of the selection
var X4 = Number(ppitch) //Number((z*ModuleW)*pixelpitchwide) // point 4 of the selection
var Y4 = Number(Y1 + pixelpitchhigh) // Point 4 of the selection
var selectionBounds = [[X1, Y1], [X2, Y2], [X3, Y3], [X4, Y4]];, SelectionType.REPLACE, 0, false);
if (colourcycle == 0) {
var colourcycle = 1;
else {
var colourcycle = 0;
r = r + 1;
var curDoc = activeDocument;
var newLayer = curDoc.artLayers.add(); = "TheGrids";
for (t = 0; t <= ModuleW - 1; t++) { //this is the loop for doing the column
var ppitch = (t * pixelpitchwide);
makegrids(ppitch, colourcycle);
r = 0;
if (colourcycle == 0) { // I need to flip the colours over at the start of a new column
var colourcycle = 1;
else {
var colourcycle = 0;
// numbering
var textpitchx = 0;
var textpitchy = 0;
function addtext(columnnumber) {
// suppress all dialogs
app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
var AD = activeDocument;
var TextLayer = AD.artLayers.add();
TextLayer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
var txtRef = TextLayer.textItem;
txtRef.color = new SolidColor(255, 255, 255); // Set text color to white
txtRef.strokeColor = new SolidColor(0, 0, 0); // Set stroke color to black
txtRef.strokeWidth = 1; // Set stroke width
txtRef.createOutline(); // Create outline of the text
txtRef.font = "Trebuchet MS";
txtRef.antiAliasMethod = AntiAlias.SHARP;
txtRef.justification = Justification.CENTER;
//txtRef.anchorposition = AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER;
txtRef.position = Array((textpitchx + (pixelpitchwide / 2)), (textpitchy + (pixelpitchhigh / 1.4))); //20,46
txtRef.size = (pixelpitchwide / 2.0);
txtRef.contents = columnnumber + 1;
var nn = 0;
for (a = 1; a <= ModuleH; a++) {
for (q = 0; q <= ModuleW - 1; q++) {
addtext(nn + ColumnOffset);
textpitchx = ((q + 1) * pixelpitchwide); //this moves thetext along the columns
nn = nn + 1;
textpitchx = 0;
textpitchy = ((a) * pixelpitchhigh);
q = 0;
// ok here I want to hide the background layer and the grid layer and flatten the text layers
curDoc.activeLayer = curDoc.layers.TheGrids;
curDoc.activeLayer.visible = 0;
curDoc.activeLayer = curDoc.layers[curDoc.layers.length - 3]; // this makes the 3rd Layer active
curDoc.activeLayer = curDoc.layers.TheGrids;
curDoc.activeLayer.visible = 1;
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