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Created January 14, 2020 01:47
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Taskpaper 3 Monokai Theme
// UI Scale
@base-font-size: 14;
@user-font-size: $USER_FONT_SIZE;
@ui-scale: @user-font-size / @base-font-size;
// Monokai colors (
@black: #272822;
@pink: #F92672;
@blue: #66D9EF;
@green: #A6E22E;
@orange: #FD971F;
// UI Colors
@background-color: @black;
@tint-color: @blue;
@interface-color: @tint-color;
@selection-color: mix(@tint-color, @background-color, 30%);
@invisibles-color: mix(@tint-color, @background-color, 70%);
// Base text
@text-color: white;
@project-color: @green;
@note-color: @orange;
@done-color: @pink;
@done-text-color: mix(@done-color, @background-color, 60%);
@font-family: "Proxima Nova", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica;
@mono-font-family: Monaco;
@line-height-multiple: 1.3;
editor {
color: @text-color;
font-size: @user-font-size;
font-family: @font-family;
background-color: @background-color;
line-height-multiple: @line-height-multiple;
item-indent: 15px * @ui-scale;
caret-width: 2px;
caret-color: @blue;
handle-color: @tint-color;
drop-indicator-color: @tint-color;
invisibles-color: @invisibles-color;
selection-background-color: @selection-color;
guide-line-color: mix(@tint-color, @background-color, 15%);
message-color: mix(@text-color, @background-color, 50%);
item[data-type="note"] {
color: @note-color;
// font-style: italic;
item[data-type="task"] {
font-family: @mono-font-family;
font-style: normal;
item[data-type="project"] {
color: @project-color;
font-size: @user-font-size * 1.2;
font-weight: normal;
item[data-done] {
color: @done-text-color;
> run[display] {
text-strikethrough: NSUnderlineStyleSingle;
text-strikethrough-color: @done-color;
run[link] {
cursor: pointer;
color: @interface-color;
run[link^="button"] {
color: @text-color;
run[link^="filter"] {
color: @text-color;
run[tag] {
font-size: @user-font-size;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
color: mix(@text-color, @background-color, 50%);
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