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Created February 4, 2023 01:54
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This smart contract allows users to farm a fungible token on MoltenChain during a specific period.
-- Fungible Token Farming Smart Contract for MoltenChain
-- Define the name and symbol of the fungible token
local tokenName = "Your Token"
local tokenSymbol = "YURT"
-- Define the total supply of the fungible token
local totalSupply = 100000000
-- Define the farming rate, in this case, 1 token per block
local farmingRate = 1
-- Define the farming start and end block
local farmingStartBlock = 1
local farmingEndBlock = 1000000
-- Create a mapping to store the balance of each address
local balances = {}
-- Create a function to initialize the smart contract
function init()
-- Set the total supply of the token to the address of the contract
balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply
-- Create a function to farm the fungible token
function farm()
-- Check if the current block height is within the farming period
if block.height >= farmingStartBlock and block.height <= farmingEndBlock then
-- Check if the msg.sender has enough space in their balance to receive the farming rate
if balances[msg.sender] + farmingRate <= 2^256-1 then
-- Add the farming rate to the msg.sender's balance
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender] + farmingRate
-- If the msg.sender's balance is full, send an error message
error("The address's balance is full. Cannot farm more tokens.")
-- If the current block height is not within the farming period, send an error message
error("Farming period has ended.")
-- Create a function to transfer the fungible token
function transfer(to, value)
-- Check if the msg.sender has enough balance to transfer
if balances[msg.sender] >= value then
-- Check if the recipient's balance will not overflow
if balances[to] + value <= 2^256-1 then
-- Subtract the value from the msg.sender's balance
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender] - value
-- Add the value to the recipient's balance
balances[to] = balances[to] + value
-- If the recipient's balance will overflow, send an error message
error("Recipient's balance will overflow. Cannot transfer tokens.")
-- If the msg.sender does not have enough balance, send an error message
error("The address does not have enough balance to transfer.")
-- Create a function to check the balance of an address
function balanceOf(address)
-- Return the balance of the specified address
return balances[address]
-- Create a function to check the name of the token
function name()
-- Return the name of the token
return tokenName
-- Create a function to check the symbol of the token
function symbol()
-- Return the symbol of the token
return tokenSymbol
-- Create a function to check the total supply of the token
function totalSupply()
-- Return the total supply of the token
return totalSupply
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