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Created October 14, 2016 09:47
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Thunderbird list.json verification
#! /usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import glob
import json
import os
import sys
import urllib2
def diff(a, b):
b = set(b)
return [aa for aa in a if aa not in b]
def analyze_differences(supported_locales, search_locales):
''' Analyze searchplugin differences between the two lists '''
missing_locales = diff(supported_locales, search_locales)
print '\nLocales available in supported locales but not in list.json:',
if missing_locales:
print ', '.join(missing_locales)
print '(none)'
added_locales = diff(search_locales, supported_locales)
print '\nLocales available in list.json but not in supported locales:',
if added_locales:
print ', '.join(added_locales)
print '(none)'
def main():
# Parse command line options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('search_file', help='Path to .json file')
args = parser.parse_args()
search_file = os.path.abspath(args.search_file)
# Path to JSON file with p12n settings. You can point to a local file if you
# plan to run this script often (file is over 2 MB)
# e.g. p12n_json_url = 'file://{0}'.format(os.path.abspath('./searchplugins.json'))
p12n_json_url = ''
p12n_json = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(p12n_json_url))
except Exception as e:
print 'Error reading {0}:'.format(p12n_json_url), e
# Read full JSON data
with open(search_file) as data_file:
search_json_data = json.load(data_file)
search_json_locales = search_json_data['locales'].keys()
# Get list of supported locales From
url = ''
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
supported_locales = ['en-US']
for locale in response:
supported_locales.append(locale.replace('\n', ''))
except Exception as e:
print 'Error reading {0}:'.format(url), e
# Analyze differences
analyze_differences(supported_locales, search_json_locales)
# Create a list of locales to analyze (elements in common), exclude en-US
common_locales = list(set(supported_locales).intersection(search_json_locales))
for locale in common_locales:
# Map searchplugin names to filenames
if 'aurora' in p12n_json['locales'][locale]['mail']:
p12n_searchplugins = p12n_json['locales'][locale]['mail']['aurora']['searchplugins'];
print '{0} is not available for Thunderbird Aurora'.format(locale)
name_mapping = {}
for sp_filename, sp_data in p12n_searchplugins.iteritems():
name_mapping[sp_data['name']] = sp_filename
# Get searchplugins explicitly set in search_order
search_order = p12n_json['locales'][locale]['mail']['aurora']['p12n']['searchorder'];
ordered_searchplugins = []
for x in range(1,10):
search_index = str(x)
if search_index in search_order:
if search_order[search_index] != '':
other_searchplugins = []
for sp_filename, sp_data in p12n_searchplugins.iteritems():
if sp_data['name'] not in ordered_searchplugins:
# Case insensitive sort
other_searchplugins = sorted(other_searchplugins, key=lambda s: s.lower())
# Map shortNames to file names
all_searchplugins = []
errors = []
for sp in ordered_searchplugins + other_searchplugins:
except Exception as e:
errors.append('* can\'t find name for {0} (set in search.order, but not shipping)'.format(sp))
search_json_searchplugins = search_json_data['locales'][locale]['default']['visibleDefaultEngines']
if search_json_searchplugins != all_searchplugins:
print '\nLocale: {0}'.format(locale)
print 'There are differences.'
print 'list.json: ', ', '.join(search_json_searchplugins)
print 'expected settings:', ', '.join(all_searchplugins)
if errors:
print '\nERRORS:'
print '\n'.join(errors)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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