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  • Save floere/6227cc59b721dfe51130 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save floere/6227cc59b721dfe51130 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Analytics Top Not Found Events 20150903-20151003
Event Label Event Action Total Events Unique Events Event Value Avg. Value
gog not found 101 66 0 0.00
* not found 72 33 0 0.00
Alamofire-SwiftyJSON not found 65 27 0 0.00
lang:swift zip not found 60 40 0 0.00
lang:objc MantleXMLAdapter not found 55 1 0 0.00
coca not found 54 37 0 0.00
swiftjson not found 54 26 0 0.00
almofire not found 53 24 0 0.00
alamor not found 49 30 0 0.00
tvos not found 45 29 0 0.00
lang:swift * not found 42 9 0 0.00
lang:swift sql not found 40 23 0 0.00
sdim not found 40 24 0 0.00
googe not found 38 27 0 0.00
sqlite. not found 38 26 0 0.00
sqlite.swift not found 38 15 0 0.00
PFFacebookUtils not found 37 13 0 0.00
gogo not found 36 31 0 0.00
IJReachability not found 36 12 0 0.00
Gba4 not found 35 17 0 0.00
parala not found 35 20 0 0.00
facebok not found 32 26 0 0.00
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Gba4io not found 30 13 0 0.00
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bbTask-sn not found 29 1 0 0.00
LNNotificationsUI not found 29 10 0 0.00
paralax not found 29 16 0 0.00
SQLite.swift not found 29 14 0 0.00
YouTube-Player-iOS-Helper not found 29 17 0 0.00
afneto not found 28 20 0 0.00
alom not found 28 19 0 0.00
swify not found 28 15 0 0.00
, not found 26 16 0 0.00
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lodash not found 26 2 0 0.00
rtsp not found 26 15 0 0.00
YouTube-Player not found 26 8 0 0.00
Gba4i not found 25 10 0 0.00
Gba4ios not found 25 14 0 0.00
sdimage not found 25 15 0 0.00
afnetwr not found 24 15 0 0.00
calender not found 24 18 0 0.00
gcda not found 24 15 0 0.00
lang:swift mqtt not found 24 11 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios scenek not found 24 1 0 0.00
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googlr not found 23 16 0 0.00
UIImageViewAligned not found 23 11 0 0.00
BWWalkthrough not found 22 9 0 0.00
calende not found 22 16 0 0.00 not found 22 13 0 0.00
sudo gem install cocoapods not found 22 10 0 0.00
wkweb not found 22 12 0 0.00
afnetwok not found 21 13 0 0.00
card. not found 21 13 0 0.00
fbcore not found 21 14 0 0.00
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lang:swift on:ios sql not found 19 9 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios svprogre not found 19 1 0 0.00
Pod ins not found 19 13 0 0.00
rech not found 19 12 0 0.00
swiftj not found 19 16 0 0.00
TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView not found 19 9 0 0.00
adbmobile not found 18 6 0 0.00
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FFSideMenu not found 18 2 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios * not found 18 6 0 0.00
on:osx on:ios TwilioSDK not found 18 3 0 0.00
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swiftjs not found 18 15 0 0.00
uiimagepi not found 18 8 0 0.00
UIKit+AFNetworking not found 18 9 0 0.00
vlckit not found 18 12 0 0.00
xcode 7 not found 18 10 0 0.00
accordian not found 17 8 0 0.00
anali not found 17 10 0 0.00
Artsy not found 17 6 0 0.00
DGRunkeeper not found 17 1 0 0.00
facebb not found 17 10 0 0.00
lang:objc on:ios dulib not found 17 3 0 0.00
on:ios prore not found 17 1 0 0.00
pffacebook not found 17 9 0 0.00
Pod inst not found 17 11 0 0.00
Pod insta not found 17 12 0 0.00
sqlite.swi not found 17 11 0 0.00
\ not found 16 14 0 0.00
3dcell not found 16 1 0 0.00
avpla not found 16 12 0 0.00
BBTask-sn not found 16 3 0 0.00
dependen not found 16 7 0 0.00
fbc not found 16 14 0 0.00
gcdas not found 16 13 0 0.00
gstreamer not found 16 8 0 0.00
jum not found 16 10 0 0.00
lang:swift FBSDKCoreKit not found 16 11 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios zip not found 16 9 0 0.00
markdown not found 16 1 0 0.00
MessageComposerView not found 16 6 0 0.00
pincode not found 16 7 0 0.00
Pokemon not found 16 8 0 0.00
SDImage not found 16 6 0 0.00
sketch not found 16 5 0 0.00
songtree not found 16 2 0 0.00
swiftrss not found 16 1 0 0.00
tvo not found 16 12 0 0.00
vlck not found 16 9 0 0.00
; not found 15 7 0 0.00
= not found 15 11 0 0.00
~> not found 15 6 0 0.00
a'l not found 15 10 0 0.00
AFNetworkReachabilityManager not found 15 5 0 0.00
afnetwro not found 15 12 0 0.00
afnt not found 15 12 0 0.00
alamfire not found 15 4 0 0.00
alamofire- not found 15 12 0 0.00
almofir not found 15 8 0 0.00
BBTask not found 15 4 0 0.00
chromec not found 15 9 0 0.00
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facebool not found 15 9 0 0.00
Flurry-iOS-SDK not found 15 8 0 0.00
flury not found 15 9 0 0.00
gogl not found 15 12 0 0.00
googla not found 15 10 0 0.00
google-ana not found 15 10 0 0.00
google-api-objectivec-client not found 15 6 0 0.00
google-ios not found 15 13 0 0.00
imgae not found 15 3 0 0.00
lang:swift http clinet not found 15 1 0 0.00
lang:swift kxmovie not found 15 1 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios ios-sdk-pod not found 15 1 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios Moscapsule not found 15 2 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios rss not found 15 2 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios tag: not found 15 2 0 0.00
lAVTagTextView not found 15 1 0 0.00
LNPopupController not found 15 5 0 0.00
notificaiton not found 15 7 0 0.00
on:osx TwilioSDK not found 15 4 0 0.00
Pod install not found 15 9 0 0.00
webm not found 15 7 0 0.00
alet not found 14 7 0 0.00
crashlit not found 14 11 0 0.00
galery not found 14 7 0 0.00
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gba4ios not found 14 7 0 0.00
gcdasync not found 14 9 0 0.00
gifu not found 14 7 0 0.00
hdwebview not found 14 1 0 0.00
heart not found 14 6 0 0.00
lang:objc drop down lis not found 14 1 0 0.00
lang:objc Graph realtime not found 14 1 0 0.00
lang:swift j2objc not found 14 1 0 0.00
linphone not found 14 7 0 0.00
LNNotifications not found 14 6 0 0.00
mansory not found 14 4 0 0.00
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ohtt not found 14 6 0 0.00
openfire not found 14 1 0 0.00 not found 14 10 0 0.00
pffa not found 14 10 0 0.00
PFTwitterUtils not found 14 7 0 0.00
pod 'google-plus-ios-sdk', '~> 1.7' not found 14 1 0 0.00
pod insta not found 14 9 0 0.00
Pod instal not found 14 6 0 0.00
popoverme not found 14 1 0 0.00
recha not found 14 9 0 0.00
rts not found 14 10 0 0.00
shino not found 14 7 0 0.00
socket.IO-objc not found 14 6 0 0.00
swfi not found 14 9 0 0.00
swiftjso not found 14 11 0 0.00
ttatt not found 14 8 0 0.00
typeahead not found 14 5 0 0.00
uiapearance not found 14 2 0 0.00
ZZArchive not found 14 7 0 0.00
с not found 14 11 0 0.00
🔒 not found 13 1 0 0.00
Coremeta not found 13 1 0 0.00
crashlt not found 13 9 0 0.00
facebp not found 13 10 0 0.00
fae not found 13 12 0 0.00
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google login not found 13 5 0 0.00
ijreach not found 13 9 0 0.00
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KAKAO not found 13 1 0 0.00
lang:swift pdf not found 13 8 0 0.00
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on:ios gem install cocoapods --pre not found 13 1 0 0.00
on:ios UIImageViewAligned not found 13 1 0 0.00
on:ios update pod not found 13 2 0 0.00
Pokemo not found 13 8 0 0.00
SDAVAssetExportSession not found 13 7 0 0.00
signup not found 13 6 0 0.00
sodiu not found 13 8 0 0.00
sqlite.s not found 13 10 0 0.00
sugarre not found 13 11 0 0.00
swfit not found 13 9 0 0.00
SwiftEventBus not found 13 5 0 0.00
swiftykey not found 13 1 0 0.00
twiter not found 13 8 0 0.00
yozio not found 13 8 0 0.00
afnewt not found 12 8 0 0.00
alamofiresw not found 12 10 0 0.00
armchair not found 12 5 0 0.00
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bstab not found 12 2 0 0.00
chrome cast not found 12 4 0 0.00
DDMath not found 12 1 0 0.00
dominantcolor not found 12 2 0 0.00
fbk not found 12 5 0 0.00
fbsha not found 12 7 0 0.00
gale not found 12 9 0 0.00
Gog not found 12 9 0 0.00
Google+ not found 12 5 0 0.00
googlemaps not found 12 2 0 0.00
gracenote not found 12 4 0 0.00
in-app not found 12 5 0 0.00
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lang:objc on:ios AnyWall not found 12 1 0 0.00
lang:swift faceb not found 12 10 0 0.00
lang:swift linkedin not found 12 7 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios gravity not found 12 2 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios mailcore not found 12 2 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios swiftjson not found 12 5 0 0.00
lang:swift restkit not found 12 10 0 0.00
lang:swift TPKeyboardAvoiding not found 12 6 0 0.00
libpo not found 12 6 0 0.00
LZF not found 12 1 0 0.00
magicre not found 12 8 0 0.00
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mipush not found 12 2 0 0.00
on:ios SCREEN ROCK not found 12 2 0 0.00
on:ios torrnet not found 12 1 0 0.00
pageflip not found 12 2 0 0.00
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postgre not found 12 7 0 0.00
songtr not found 12 3 0 0.00
uipage not found 12 8 0 0.00
uiscrollview+i not found 12 2 0 0.00
vertical slider not found 12 5 0 0.00
wsdl not found 12 8 0 0.00
not found 12 9 0 0.00
' not found 11 6 0 0.00
` not found 11 9 0 0.00
$ sudo gem install cocoapods not found 11 7 0 0.00
aerogearioshttpstub not found 11 1 0 0.00
afnetow not found 11 10 0 0.00
alama not found 11 9 0 0.00
anota not found 11 9 0 0.00
avp not found 11 8 0 0.00
background fetch not found 11 3 0 0.00
blockkit not found 11 9 0 0.00
bstable not found 11 2 0 0.00
buble not found 11 5 0 0.00
bullet not found 11 2 0 0.00
businesscard not found 11 1 0 0.00
chamelo not found 11 8 0 0.00
Clippee not found 11 2 0 0.00
CommonBanner not found 11 1 0 0.00
core- not found 11 5 0 0.00
facbook not found 11 6 0 0.00
fastlane not found 11 6 0 0.00
FluentJ not found 11 1 0 0.00
galer not found 11 7 0 0.00
Gamble not found 11 1 0 0.00
GAnalytics not found 11 2 0 0.00
gimbal not found 11 3 0 0.00
how to install not found 11 4 0 0.00
imagecropview not found 11 2 0 0.00
lang:objc top alert not found 11 2 0 0.00
lang:swift faceboo not found 11 9 0 0.00
lang:swift groot not found 11 1 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios faceb not found 11 9 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios scenekit not found 11 1 0 0.00
lang:swift sqli not found 11 10 0 0.00
lang:swift tcp not found 11 5 0 0.00
lang:swift TwilioSDK not found 11 7 0 0.00
latex not found 11 4 0 0.00
libpod not found 11 7 0 0.00
mark down not found 11 1 0 0.00
MHFacebookImageViewer not found 11 8 0 0.00
neto not found 11 8 0 0.00
notificatin not found 11 5 0 0.00
openea not found 11 7 0 0.00
payer not found 11 1 0 0.00
payu not found 11 6 0 0.00
pffac not found 11 8 0 0.00
phoo not found 11 6 0 0.00
PinterestSDK not found 11 7 0 0.00
pintr not found 11 6 0 0.00
pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK not found 11 2 0 0.00
sdwev not found 11 6 0 0.00
siwft not found 11 4 0 0.00
songt not found 11 3 0 0.00
sqllite not found 11 9 0 0.00
sugarrecord not found 11 4 0 0.00
svn not found 11 5 0 0.00
swfitjson not found 11 3 0 0.00
torrent not found 11 7 0 0.00
twite not found 11 7 0 0.00
uidate not found 11 7 0 0.00
use_ not found 11 7 0 0.00
use_frameworks not found 11 7 0 0.00
wikitude not found 11 6 0 0.00
xlsx not found 11 4 0 0.00
not found 11 6 0 0.00
activela not found 10 5 0 0.00
aerogear-ios-httpstub not found 10 1 0 0.00
AFNew not found 10 7 0 0.00
agenda not found 10 5 0 0.00
air-watch not found 10 1 0 0.00
alamofil not found 10 7 0 0.00
Alamofire- not found 10 7 0 0.00
alamofire-s not found 10 6 0 0.00
Alamor not found 10 5 0 0.00
alamore not found 10 7 0 0.00
alao not found 10 9 0 0.00
AppearanceStyleKIT not found 10 1 0 0.00
appfl not found 10 7 0 0.00
applink not found 10 4 0 0.00
avass not found 10 5 0 0.00
awssd not found 10 5 0 0.00
bitcode not found 10 6 0 0.00
caled not found 10 6 0 0.00
caps not found 10 5 0 0.00
cd Anypic-iOS not found 10 3 0 0.00
cd Anypic-iOS pod install not found 10 5 0 0.00
chromecas not found 10 8 0 0.00
cleanroom not found 10 6 0 0.00
cocao not found 10 6 0 0.00
core-plot not found 10 6 0 0.00
CoreModel not found 10 2 0 0.00
crasg not found 10 8 0 0.00
crasha not found 10 7 0 0.00
deployd not found 10 3 0 0.00
ECSLIDER not found 10 1 0 0.00
ekg not found 10 1 0 0.00
facb not found 10 6 0 0.00
facebook-sdk not found 10 3 0 0.00
FBC not found 10 4 0 0.00
fblog not found 10 9 0 0.00
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gool not found 10 7 0 0.00
hana not found 10 5 0 0.00
HDNotificationView not found 10 6 0 0.00
hockez not found 10 2 0 0.00
iamge not found 10 7 0 0.00
jstoken not found 10 3 0 0.00
lang:objc Rubik's Cube not found 10 1 0 0.00
lang:swift DGSnackba not found 10 1 0 0.00
lang:swift lumber not found 10 4 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios alerview not found 10 1 0 0.00
lang:swift on:ios SQL not found 10 3 0 0.00
lang:swift opencv not found 10 5 0 0.00
lang:swift SUMMARY BADGE not found 10 1 0 0.00
lang:swift SWRevealViewController not found 10 6 0 0.00
lang:swift typhoon not found 10 3 0 0.00
loopback not found 10 5 0 0.00
Moscapsule not found 10 5 0 0.00
notii not found 10 5 0 0.00
NSLocale+ISO not found 10 1 0 0.00
NSOutputStream not found 10 1 0 0.00
nuk not found 10 2 0 0.00
ohttp not found 10 4 0 0.00
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SalesS not found 10 1 0 0.00
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SLPopupViewController not found 10 4 0 0.00
soket not found 10 4 0 0.00
strongloop not found 10 4 0 0.00
SwiftYson not found 10 1 0 0.00
swity not found 10 6 0 0.00
Tabbar badge not found 10 1 0 0.00
TCProgressBarNode not found 10 1 0 0.00
textfil not found 10 7 0 0.00
TFHpple not found 10 4 0 0.00
toolbar menu not found 10 1 0 0.00
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UIImage+ImageEffects not found 10 4 0 0.00
uiswi not found 10 6 0 0.00
uitableviewce not found 10 7 0 0.00
uitextbox not found 10 4 0 0.00
use_framework not found 10 5 0 0.00
vlcki not found 10 7 0 0.00
vorbis not found 10 5 0 0.00
Voyager not found 10 1 0 0.00
wkw not found 10 8 0 0.00
wkwe not found 10 8 0 0.00
xcodeproj not found 10 4 0 0.00
ZDChat not found 10 1 0 0.00
аф not found 10 7 0 0.00
acordian not found 9 1 0 0.00
ActionSheetStringPicker not found 9 5 0 0.00
adbmo not found 9 5 0 0.00
adress book not found 9 3 0 0.00
adressbook not found 9 4 0 0.00
ala, not found 9 7 0 0.00
alamofireSwi not found 9 1 0 0.00
app Fler not found 9 1 0 0.00
appsl not found 9 6 0 0.00
apsalar not found 9 4 0 0.00
asdf not found 9 7 0 0.00
bww not found 9 4 0 0.00
Bypass not found 9 1 0 0.00
coverfl not found 9 4 0 0.00
crashlu not found 9 6 0 0.00
default font not found 9 2 0 0.00
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dnz not found 9 3 0 0.00
download image to file not found 9 1 0 0.00
el capitan not found 9 5 0 0.00
facebookpop not found 9 5 0 0.00
facev not found 9 7 0 0.00
fastpdf not found 9 3 0 0.00
FATokenInputView not found 9 1 0 0.00
FB Shimm not found 9 1 0 0.00
FBCo not found 9 3 0 0.00
fbcor not found 9 7 0 0.00
fbsh not found 9 9 0 0.00
fbskd not found 9 3 0 0.00
ffme not found 9 5 0 0.00
flowl not found 9 8 0 0.00
FMDatabase not found 9 3 0 0.00
G8MaterialKitTextField not found 9 3 0 0.00
gcdasyn not found 9 7 0 0.00
googleanali not found 9 6 0 0.00
hocky not found 9 5 0 0.00
ijre not found 9 7 0 0.00
ijreachability not found 9 3 0 0.00
image selec not found 9 5 0 0.00
Image-Crop-View not found 9 3 0 0.00
in-app purchase not found 9 1 0 0.00
kcj not found 9 1 0 0.00
keybaord not found 9 6 0 0.00
kht not found 9 2 0 0.00
lang:objc bactrack not found 9 1 0 0.00
lang:swift button hilgh not found 9 1 0 0.00
lang:swift fmdb not found 9 8 0 0.00
lang:swift healthkit not found 9 5 0 0.00
lang:swift picture not found 9 3 0 0.00
lang:swift RTMP not found 9 1 0 0.00
lang:swift Shimmer not found 9 1 0 0.00
linph not found 9 6 0 0.00
list dialog not found 9 2 0 0.00
LNNotification not found 9 4 0 0.00
login socialFirst Last Name <> not found 9 1 0 0.00
mante not found 9 5 0 0.00
Matle not found 9 2 0 0.00
MBProgressHUD.h not found 9 5 0 0.00
megi not found 9 4 0 0.00
mention not found 9 3 0 0.00
moscapsule not found 9 5 0 0.00
MPGTextField not found 9 6 0 0.00
oath not found 9 7 0 0.00
on:ios a* b not found 9 7 0 0.00
on:ios pintr not found 9 6 0 0.00
on:osx aws not found 9 1 0 0.00
91,801 62,420 0 0.00
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